#AWS partners Australia
woso-dreamzzz · 7 months
Arsenal Women x Teen!Reader
Summary: You join Arsenal Women at age sixteen
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Moving to England hadn't exactly been your plan when you started to play football.
To be honest, there hadn't been a plan at all, seeing as you were four when your parents first signed you up for your local academy in Sweden. It was just an excuse to keep you out of the house, so your parents didn't have to take time off work to look after you when school finished.
It helped that your school was partnered with the academy so a representative would come and walk all the academy students there and back.
Football may have been a convenience but it was clear to everyone that you were somewhat of a prodigy. Linköping Fc signed you as soon as they could, forcing you to make the move from your tiny town to the city.
Your parents were more than happy to finance the move - the kind of parents that happily parent from a distance but brag to all of their friends about how smart, how talented their daughter was.
You were happy to be rid of them.
You were even happier to get the callup for the National Team for the World Cup.
Your chest thudded in your throat when you received the call. You hadn't thought you would get the call-up, not when you were so young, so you had been at a café with some of your school friends when your phone rang.
You had picked it up absentmindedly and almost passed out from shock when Peter revealed he wanted you on the team.
The World Cup came and went and the bronze medal you won stayed with you. You had flat-out refused to give it over to your parents, who wanted to put it in the trophy cabinet in a house you no longer lived in.
The high of the World Cup bled into the high of getting a call to sign for Arsenal.
You hadn't even really thought about it.
You just accepted.
Which was how you had gotten here, rocking back and forth on the balls of your feet as you waited for Stina to lock her car and walk in with you.
You couldn't help but look at your jersey in awe. Your number combined with your last name on the back of an Arsenal jersey felt like a dream come true.
"There she is," Amanda said when you finally wandered into the meeting room, free from media duty. She pushed out a chair that was clearly meant for you at the table she was sitting at.
You sat in the seat awkwardly, suddenly feeling shy and awkward.
"This is y/n," Amanda said to the others, presenting you to them like you were someone really exciting.
"Hi, y/n. I'm Jen."
You didn't tell her that you already knew who she was, who they all were. You just sat there and let everyone introduce themselves to you because that was the polite thing to do.
"You're young, aren't you?" Asked Kim, even though you knew that she probably already knew that.
You nodded though. "Yeah." Your voice was barely above a whisper. "I'm sixteen."
"But she's a superstar." It was nice of Amanda to butt in. It saved you from having to speak.
"I think we know that," McCabe said with an eye roll," I think we all saw that match-winning goal against Australia."
You winced slightly as you snuck a glance to McCabe's other side where Catley sat, the very defender that you megged before scoring your goal.
Your eyes widened in horror when she made eye contact. "Sorry." You looked down at your lap, hiding your shaking hands under the table.
"Don't sweat it, kid," Catley replied with an easy grin," No hard feelings. It was a good call." She smirked at you. "Though, the deer in headlights look you had after it went in was pretty funny."
Laughter rang out through the group and you relaxed marginally, groaning at the reminder. Everyone you knew had sent that picture to you and you knew for a fact that it was still circulating the internet as a meme.
It was easy to settle into life at Arsenal.
You were still shy and awkward off the pitch but you fit in well with the other girls and Lina, Stina and Amanda were always ready to sweep you away when they noticed you getting too overwhelmed.
Somewhere along the way Catley became Steph and McCabe became Katie.
You weren't really sure when that happened but it was a welcome change from when you first joined.
"Come on, kid. You've been studying too much," Katie said as an arm dragged you away from your laptop to where the others were playing FIFA.
You were dumped between Less and Vic while Lina laughed.
"She's always studying."
You rolled your eyes. "Just because you don't have to go to school anymore, doesn't mean that I don't."
"Online school isn't really school," Cloe said before swearing when Gio scored another goal," It's like...school without the deadlines."
"Except the deadline is before Christmas," You replied with a huff," I have essays to write, Katie! Let me go!"
"Don't let her go, girls," Katie said from where she was curled up with Caitlin.
Alessia mockingly saluted as she bracketed you in her arms while Vic pinned down your legs.
"Less! Vic!" You squawked as you tried to wiggle away from them.
Their holds were unrelenting and made even worse when Kyra popped up out of nowhere, digging her fingers into your side and tickling you like you had personally offended her or something.
"Stop! Stop!" You laughed, tears running down your face as Kyra remained unrelenting. "Cait-Caitlin! Caitlin, help!"
Caitlin looked at you thoughtfully, humming to herself before giving you a faux look of sympathy. "Sorry, y/n, I can't. You see, I'm still holding a grudge against you for grabbing that bronze medal." She winked to let you know she was joking.
"Oh, come on!"
It took you nearly two weeks of being in London to meet the ACL squad and it was only because Kathrine slid in for a tackle at the wrong time and hit your ankle.
You hadn't even been on the ground for that long but it was enough that Jonas sent Gio to take you to the physios to get it taped up with an extremely apologetic Kathrine following after you.
"I'm so sorry," She was saying when Gio shepherded you into the room," I'll make up for it. How does one of those big jelly baby packs sound?"
"I'm not allowed to eat them," You replied," Stina said that they'll rot my teeth."
"Fine, fine, I'll think of something. How about dinner? I'll buy you dinner for your cheat day. Just tell me when."
You rolled your eyes, having no intention of doing so but still nodded.
"What's up with all this commotion?"
You had to admit, seeing Leah Williamson in person made you feel a little starstruck and you immediately retreated into yourself.
Gio jerked her thumb at Kathrine. "Kuhl hurt the kid and seeing as we need the kid, Jonas wants her ankle taped."
"My ankle's fine," You said stubbornly but allowed a physio to usher you onto the bed between Goldie and Wienriother. You gave them both one of your trademark awkward smiles as you let the physio pull off your boot and socks.
You didn't want to look at your ankle, already knowing it was bruised by the way that you saw Goldie wince sympathetically at you while the physio moved away to grab some ice.
"That looks nasty," She said," Does it hurt?"
"Not too bad."
"I'm Teyah, by the way."
"I know." She smiled at you. "It's nice that there's someone younger than me and Naomi now."
You looked down bashfully. "Happy to be of service."
Next to you, Weinriother laughed. "Don't mind Teyah, she's just glad no one will call her kid anymore. I'm Laura, by the way."
"And I'm Beth!" She leaned over Laura to shake your hand before indicating to where her girlfriend was being worked on. "That's Viv, she's a little prickly sometimes but if you ever need some peace and quiet, I'm sure she wouldn't mind you sitting with her."
You nodded, still feeling a little awkward even though the tension had disappeared.
"You're living with Stina, right?" Leah asked," How's that going?"
"Good," You replied, focussed on the way that the physio was moving your ankle," She lets me play music on the speakers while I study."
Leah laughed. "I live right round the corner. If you ever need a break, feel free to pop in. I reckon I'm more fun than Stina anyway."
You hated asking for help.
You hated it even more when you had to ask for help on schoolwork.
You were smart. You knew you were smart. If there were two things that a lack of parents in your life gave you, it was excellent football skills and the ability to solve your own problems.
But this maths section in your textbook was causing you more pain than a Katie tackle in training ever could.
You glanced around the room. The media room was almost always empty at this time of day - the two and a half hour window between morning training and the gym session.
Almost everyone lived close so headed back home to rest before coming back. Stina had asked if you wanted to head back home with her but you decided not to, needing to finish your maths homework.
Lina had asked if you wanted her to drop you off on her way to her own place as well but you didn't relent.
You hunkered down in the media room with your textbook and, after just over an hour, your eyes stung like you hadn't slept in three days.
You glanced around again and finally swallowed your pride.
"Frida?" You asked the least intimidating person in the room," Can you help me?"
She looked up from her phone. "What is it?" She dragged your textbook towards her. "Oh! I can help!"
Despite her optimism, within a few seconds, it became clear that Frida could absolutely not help you. The more she read through your problems, the deeper her frown got until she was holding a pencil between her fingers and mouthing the question to herself as if that would help her understand.
She looked positively ill when she looked up at you before she cleared her throat. "Lia? Do you know how to do fancy algebra?"
Lia, from across the room, sighed as she approached. "I used to be quite good at algebra," She boasted," What's the problem?"
"Algebra," You deadpanned, shoving the textbook and your notepad at her," Help."
To her credit, she got further than Frida did, jotting down her working out before falling at the last hurdle - just like you did. She frowned. "Give me a second."
She rewrote all of her work but still ended up stumped at the same place as before.
"Kim? Jen? How were you at maths in school?"
Kim and Jen tried to help as well but it was like the blind leading the blind. You were going around in circles.
"When are you going to need this in life?" Kim said, drawing a line through her most reason equation and sighing.
"Unless you want to be an engineer, never." Jen sighed and flipped the book shut. "You don't want to be an engineer, do you, kid?"
"I'm happy playing football."
If you weren't doing schoolwork at every spare moment, it was safe to say that you napping.
Back at National Camp, it wasn't uncommon to find you curled up in bed or with your head in Frido's lap while everyone watched a movie.
It seemed that your need to nap every moment you weren't occupied had carried over to England.
It got a little embarrassing the first few times you had been caught napping in the communal space. It was even worse when you woke up to Viv staring down at you with an unreadable look on her face, taking in your form curled up under your travel blanket.
You had smiled nervously as she stood in front of you, unmoving.
When Beth appeared through the door a moment later, Viv shushed her sternly and tucked your blanket up over your shoulders again, taking a seat nearby with a book.
Beth, it seemed, hadn't been able to keep her mouth shut about it so your constant naps had just become an expected thing and, after Leah had accidentally woken you up and gotten yelled at by Viv for it, the team tended to just leave you alone.
You were slightly delirious and warm when you woke up from your nap, eyes fluttering open and then shut again.
The low murmur of chatter let you know that contrary to when you started your nap, you were now no longer alone.
You were still quite confused, brain still thick with sleep, but you could recognise Sabrina's Canadian-accented English so you gathered that the keepers had finished their morning practice and had found you asleep in the media room.
You also recognised that your head was now slightly elevated so one of them must have moved your head into their lap while you slept. That was nice. Sometimes you would wake up with a crook in your neck from sleeping on the beat-up sofa that Leah swore she was one bad back away from replacing herself.
Your eyes fluttered open again, blearily blinking.
Across from you, Naomi laughed. "The kid's awake."
"I'm not a kid," You said stubbornly even though you were," You're not that much older than me."
"Still older," Naomi replied.
Next to her, Sabrina laughed.
That meant that Manu was sitting with you, your head in her lap. She laughed as well, jolting you slightly as you clutched your travel blanket tighter around your body.
You yawned.
"How long until gym?"
"Hour and a bit," Came Manu's answer.
You hummed and yawned a second time.
"Don't tell me you're going back to sleep," Sabrina said.
"Fine. I won't tell you."
You spent the first few matches stuck on the bench.
You were young and not as experienced as your teammates so it made sense that you would be stuck there for the time being. Besides, it made you feel a little bit better that Kyra was stuck on the bench as well so you had someone who acted younger than you to muck around with.
"Chin up," Laia said with a grin, an arm thrown over your shoulder as she walked onto the pitch with you for warmups," You're starting today. Aren't you excited?"
"You look more excited than me," You replied a little sourly," I...I feel a little sick if I'm honest."
"You'll do great."
"So long as you tie your boots correctly and don't trip," Noelle said in way of greeting.
Your cheeks lit up in flames instantly at the reminder of training a few days ago when Beth had snuck up behind you and made a stupid sound in your ear. You had jumped into the air in shock and your laces weren't tied correctly so you tripped over your own feet and went tumbling to the ground in a way that made you look clumsier than Alessia.
"Don't be mean," Lotte chastised as the four of you passed a ball around," y/n knows how to properly tie her laces." She sent you a teasing smile and a shrug. "Besides, I'm sure she'll have some of the older girls lining up to make sure they're done properly."
You huffed as you kicked the ball back to her. You spun on your heel. "You're all mean," You declared," I'm gonna warm up with Vic and Less."
The ninety minutes of your debut match were gruelling.
The ball went back and forth between the teams. Every shot that went in was equalised quickly. Everyone was growing tired, especially when five minutes of extra time was awarded and Katie was one dirty tackle away from earning herself a yellow card.
You took a moment to catch your breath, pulling up your socks before breaking into a sprint.
The opposing team's defence was in shambles and you could see their goalkeeper getting antsy.
A long ball from Katie fell neatly into Alessia's feet and she began her run.
You followed after her quickly as the opposing defence broke their line. It was carnage for a moment as you both approached the box.
The goalkeeper came off her line ever so slightly as the defence mobbed Alessia, who passed quickly to you.
Your foot moved automatically as you chipped the ball over the goalkeeper's head and into the back of the net.
Your instincts got you the goal so when your brain finally caught up, you were sporting the same look on your face as the one you had when you won against Australia.
The final whistle rang out as you stood there in shock.
Half a moment later, the team crashed into you.
Less made it to you first, pulling you in for a tight hug before everyone else converged on you.
You felt a bit like a dog, with the amount of head pats you were receiving but the blinding smile on your face more than made up for it - especially when Viv meandered over and gave you a hug and congratulations.
"Come on, l/n!" Katie cheered as she dragged you through the victory lap. "Party tonight! I'll pay for the drinks!"
"She's sixteen," Lina reminded her.
"I didn't say we had to go out to a pub! It's legal for sixteen-year-olds to drink at home! What do you say, kid?"
You laughed. "Good luck getting Stina to agree."
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z0mbiefrank · 1 year
MCR5 Theory: Secretary Gerard is a character called The Widow
I'm unsure if everyone is thinking along the same lines, but I have yet to see anyone talk about it, so I've put together this post with evidence and links. (this will expand on the 9/11 theory. also special shout out to @autistme who made a spreadsheet with all the aus eagles lyrics) MCR performed Eagles at all six Australia shows this tour. At five of them, Gerard was dressed in a grey suit and skirt, commonly referred to as the secretary or office lady by fans.
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(📷 Dough Peters) Here's a quick reference table for the things I will be talking about here. (Not necessary to read, I will explain it all)
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At Brisbane, the drumheads read "everything under control" followed by "here comes the airplane". The planes have yet to hit the towers, but disaster is imminent. Eagles has evolved a lot over the tour but the Aus dates heard a new consistent change in the first verse.
All along the river bends All along with all my friends Yes, all around the river bends All together with my friends
There is minimal change for Brisbane 2. Notice how gerard is dressed as the secretary and says "my friends".
Next comes Melbourne 1. The drumhead reads "TErrOR". The plane has hit and there is a dramatic change to the first verse.
All night long the widow sends Valentines to bitter friends Yes, all night long the widow sends Valentines to all my friends
This character with friends now has a title, and it is The Widow. She has lost her husband in the attack. Her friends survived and she is sending them letters of love during this terrible time.
Melbourne 2, Gerard breaks the outfit chain. He is wearing jeans and a t-shirt, there is no hint of office wear, he is no longer playing the widow, he is playing himself. The drumhead also seems unrelated to 9/11 "BARK BARK BARK". They sing the same first verse as the previous night with minimal change, except for the last line
Valentines to all her friends
This is the only instance where Gerard does not refer to the friends as "my friends" at all during aus eagles, and it is because they weren't in the skirt suit that night, they were not the widow.
Next comes Sydney. The Widow is back and she's covered in blood! Something awful has happened to her, she's dying. But the drumhead reads "UNKILLAbLe". (This was written by Frank, an extremely powerful thing for him to do considering his accident in Sydney and PTSD. MCR has always used concept albums as a vessel to speak of things the band has been through.) The widow continues to write her letters during eagles despite the blood on her face.
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(📷 Jess Gleeson) Sydney 2. The Widow again. She is in the exact same outfit, down to her boots (sports mode), but this time she is not only covered in blood but her eyes are WHITE. She is dead! The drumhead now reads "Unkillables", this is no longer specifically just one, but multiple people. It could be mcr as a band, mcr as individuals, or mcr fans themselves. In the context of a concept album, unkillables can take on a whole new meaning. It brings to mind the supernatural, ghouls, vampires, werewolves. How is it that the widow is dead, yet she is walking on stage right in front of us? Staring at us with blank eyes on the big screen? Is she a ghost, a zombie? I'm not sure. But she is still the widow. Even in death, she is searching for her husband.
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(📷 ashymcr , expiiredglitter)
Which leads me to Summertime. The piece of evidence that drove me to write this long-ass post. As we know, it is a love song about Gerard's marital partner. Before they played, Gerard spoke in a breathy and musically haunting voice "I'll find you. I'll find you. come find me." Definitely something a lost and ghostly widow would say. They also bring out a white handkerchief, they do not have it in any other songs. Throughout the performance, Gerard clutched it to their chest repeatedly and held it lovingly in both hands.
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In the third picture, he is looking down sadly at the handkerchief singing the line "If you stay, I would even wait all night." (video)
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This is very clearly The Widow. She is mourning her husband, she is dead, lost and searching for him. Perhaps the handkerchief is all she has left of him, or it is simply to dry her tears, but she is clearly in mourning for her marital partner.
And finally, Eagles at Sydney 2. The first verse stays the same except for the third line. "Yes, all night long the widow sends" becomes
Yes, all day long the widow sends
She is writing night and day. She does not rest. Her outfits in Sydney are exactly the same. Every single other secretary's outfit is subtlely different, but now she is dead, she is stuck in the same clothing like a ghost. The Widow also makes an appearance later in the song.
We found the widow And hit her with a baseball bat
I have less ideas of what this could be about, but I think if some dead lady was walking about being unkillable, people would get freaked and attack her with a baseball bat. The concept of "unkillables" is something I could write a whole other post about but I'll spare you for now.
To conclude, I think The Widow as a concept album character would fit right in with MCR. They are no strangers to lovers separated by death. Others on here have spoken on how the feminine outfits Gerard has chosen this tour have often been of women scorned or living in the shadows of powerful men. I believe The Widow would fit right in. Even after her husband has died, she is only talked about in reference to him. She is The Widow, something that tells us more about her husband than herself.
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
Part of what makes identifying racism so difficult is that people from different cultures have different ideas about what constitutes racism.
To take the most simple example, that of a potential racist slur in a person's username, I as a moderator had to do some research. I discovered that this word is:
* an ethnic slur in British English, American English, and Dutch
* an informal neutral term in Hong Kong, Singapore, and Australia
* a reclaimed slur among at least some Japanese people
Moreover, the FULL word that the person used as their username ($possible slur+style) appears to be a neutral to positive term associated with Japanese motorcycles, to distinguish them from other types of motorbike.
Is the person's username racist? It depends on who you ask.
And this is ONE word.
If it isn't even possible to be certain if one word is racist, how can we be certain if the average "racist" fic is racist?
Believe me, I'm mixed-race myself and I would like nothing more than to end racism. But other than the most egregious examples, how can we be certain that a fic is genuinely racist?
If we censor or remove anything that MIGHT BE racist, that's going to cover an awful lot of fics - including my own. I know that I've written lines comparing the light skin tone of one partner to the darker skin tone of another, because it's something that I find fascinating in real life. There's nothing sexier than two bodies lying together and seeing that contrast in their skin tones.
The fact that the darker person is usually myself and that I'm writing about characters with that canon difference won't stop well-meaning "anti-racists" of accusing me of being racist.
Will I have to start supplying a photo of myself along with my fic to "prove" that I'm "allowed" to write it?
Trying to prove identity is always a trap too, of course, because they'll just No True Scotsman you.
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internetscenarios · 2 days
Isaac with a total fashionista partner? Like no specific style whatsoever just wearing whatever they want and it’s always a banger fit, one day fully goth, next they’re like mcbling, street wear or smth 😭😭
this is real i lauv this
isaac ᥫ᭡
definitely surprised by the drastic change in appearance but loves it 🙏
he never knows what too buy u clothes wise so he has to bring u with him everytime he goes shopping incase u spot anything u likee
u send him fit checks and hes in awe
also why the fuck are tgc in australia i just saw on twt 😭
anyway but HE LOVES when u ask him to help u choose an outfit
since ur clothes vary he will try to make it as creative as possible!!
tries to match ur vibe, like if ur wearing a patterned shirt or smthn he will find a patterned shirt of his to match
u both have certain matching stuff tho like jeans or smthn🙏
he will show u outfits he sees on insta and tell u to recreate it
hai guys i hope u are all well im gonna try writing as much as i can i know ive been pretty inactive lately but living in britian is not easy (thats a lie)
i will try my best to get more stuff out 💓
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fiveredlights · 4 months
I need to know the process of max and daniel telling people in glitter. I mean, obviously there were 80 billion people who found out based on everyone being at their wedding, them casually mentioning it at f1 shoots, obviously the teams knowing, etc, but the key first reveals? Who knew, how they told them, how they took, etc, I want to know all! Also, I want all the insight of them in 2022 that you’re up for sharing with how they navigated the emotional minefield there, because the snippet you shared about the two shows such a interesting glimpse into max being in the peak of his career while his boyfriend is falling and suffering and barely eating and forcing smiles when he’s never had to before. Sorry, two very broad questions in one ask, but since we as outsiders don’t have the details, I definitely have some curiosities around these bigger topics.
Final, actually more specific question: how is Daniel with the cats?
yes, i will say that this socmed format def has one downfall and it's not being able to share the deeper details but i am very happy to just dump all of this here, hope this satisfies some of your curiosities anon!
how max and daniel tell everyone:
charles is absolutely the first person max and daniel tell, and that's just because he was the first person to catch an inkling that they may want to be more than friends. that's done with a facetime with max and daniel (which is in ch 3, charles' post). he was basically the driving force to getting maxiel together-- they got together after daniel invited max to stay in his house in perth during COVID, there’s a kookaburra called gary that taunts max to make the first move, it’s a whole thing--charles basically forced daniel to invite him over. but also, there are definitely drivers who thought they were already dating, here's a snippet from the new year's day fic, a conversation between daniel and nico hulkenburg during singapore, 2019.
Are you two okay?  We’re fine I know you don’t like talking about him but you’re okay right?  It’s awful when you fight with your partner, but I guess it’s worse for you cause you have to race him the next day.  Nico What We’re not dating Oh Did you think I was dating Max this whole time?! Does Max know that 
i don’t think they tell the rest of the drivers, probably just the ones they’re close with. if charles knows, pierre knows. when max told alex he was going to stay in australia, he laughed really loudly, gave a pat on the back to max and said “charles told me you two were always weird about each other” and walks away. so make of that what you will. they don’t tell george, he finds out from someone and feels instantly betrayed as leader of the daniel ricciardo fanclub but gets over it quickly. no one tells sebastian but they both get a “Congratulations. — Sebastian” text one random day.
max’s sister instantly finds out when he doesn’t come back to europe for lockdown. daniel doesn’t tell his mum till max has left to go back to the UK before the season starts again, but she already knew (he wore a red bull shirt with 33 on it whilst they socially distanced exchanged food with each other).
the red bull team find out during a meeting where daniel walks through the living room with a basket of laundry. they don't say anything there, but daniel receives a vague message from a number he doesn't recognise basically being like treat him right etc etc (it's GP.) the renault team were under the impression that they were dating the whole time, so no shock from them.
but i think for the first two years (2020-2022) they try and keep it as much as a secret as they can, especially because of how turbulent their careers were at that time. when daniel has his pseudo 6 month sabbatical and is back with red bull, that’s when they slowly start to talk about their relationship around everyone more. (with the help of some very strong NDAs i imagine to stop stuff from leaking. but people probably respect them enough to not leak. it’s a fictional universe, people are nicer here.)
2022 is a real turning point for them. as you put very nicely, max is at the peak of his career, daniel has never been lower. i think for both of them it's a do or die point of their relationship--i think they were kind of stuck in this honeymoon period during the first year of the relationship, but daniel going through a depressive period snaps them both out of it. obviously, i can only speak for my own fictionalised daniel ricciardo and my own experiences, but i think he just slowly stops trying. like here's what i wrote, and i think it just encapsulates what daniel feel internally throughout the year:
“Sometimes I think you are not angry enough about it. You used to fight back everything you did not like at Red Bull and now Lando says you just sit there in meetings and accept all the bad things they’ve thrown at you.”
he’s tried being nice about it, he’s tried being angry about it and none of it works, so why try anymore? but also this is when max realises that daniel needs something tangible for him to realise that max is in it for the long run, which is how the tattoo is born. it doesn’t fix all their problems, time will help, but it’s a nice thing. he doesn’t tell max but max getting a no.3 tattoo is basically a marriage proposal in his eyes and frankly it is—if someone came up to me and was like hey i got a tattoo of your racing number 3 next to where you always place your hand on me and when they’re together it reads 33 which is my racing number, i would’ve dragged their ass to the nearest government office and got married right there, but that’s just me—the actual proposal is probably in early 2023, and it’s max who proposes whilst they go on a bushwalk, he knew that daniel has bought a ring recently and wanted to catch him off guard. (proposal pic is daniel’s post on august 5th in ch3)
daniel and the cats:
the cats definitely hate him at first (i have genuinely never heard a nice, calm story from jimmy and sassy). they destroy his shoes by playing with the shoelaces, only sit on daniel’s clean laundry, sleep on his side of the bed (cats are vindictive like that) but after a couple weeks of this behaviour they probably realise that daniel’s not going anywhere. they like him more when he buys some super duper expensive cat treat and max comes to the conclusion his boyfriend has stolen the hearts of his cats.
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lovealwaysmichael · 1 month
Nosey press (Micheal Clifford x reader)
Cw: mentions of ed, sh, depression.
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disclaimer: my first language is not English, I’m Vietnamese living in Australia so although I’m fluent, I still make mistakes!
“So, a fan tweeted something.. ‘obscure’ about you.” The interviewer poked at you with his words; commenting on something he shouldn’t have even brought up.
You blanked him. Your stare glared daggers into his soul, unfortunately letting him run his mouth a little further. “Do you have any comments on your disgraceful actions?”
“Which actions?” Genuinely you had little clue. Multiple posts were spread recently; all of which could be painted as disgraceful with the wrong interpretation.
He shook his head “The colourful scene plastered about between you and Michael Clifford?” He spoke as if it was obvious, yet still as if you yourself had no recollection of the events.
Though you did. - in fact it felt like it had only happened yesterday, so stuck into your mind you doubted you could ever forget it.
Michael frowned, taking your hand in his. “You don’t have to do that to be beautiful, baby.” He sighed; his eyes weren’t full of what peoples typically where. No pity, just love. Love and empathy. “You’re beautiful no matter what.”
“I wish I could believe that.. but I don’t see what you do Mike.” You huffed out a breath, cold night air leaving you able to view your own breath.
He intertwined your fingers, lightly swaying your arms between you. His gentle touch was all you needed in that moment. Yet you felt bad, you just told the boy about your relapse.
The awful escape you’d used all those years back had finally had a reason to bring you back to it. Hate was getting too much and it felt like you were your helpless highschool self being bullied all over again.
back then Michael had saved you from that dark space, your only friend. He’d kissed the scars on your skin, not putting pressure on you to stop, no ‘stop for me please’ no gross grimace, just a simple ‘I’m always here for you, I hope you know that.’
He was what pulled you out of your eating disorder, the thing that taught you it was okay to eat again.
You wished you hadn’t relied on him so much, but he did the same to you, it felt balanced, yet also so very unbalanced. “But it’s not just me, honey. So many people see that you’re beautiful, there are healthier ways to deal with this- talk to me, please.” He stopped in his tracks, just outside the target closest to your house. “I don’t want to risk losing you again.”
Luke had let you know a while back Michael’s thoughts when you’d been hospitalised due to your self-harming, when you’d lost so much blood he had to hold a towel to your wrists as he waited for the ambulance to come, watching his whole world slip in and out of consciousness.
Luke said he’d never seen the boy so distraught, that Michael simply sat in the corner of the waiting room, asking Luke why he wasn’t enough, why he hadn’t realised what was going on.
It broke you, it did. Even now, thinking about Michael’s thoughts on this subject hurt you, but you couldn’t change it. “You won’t.”
“but I could.” He placed a hand on your cheek, letting go of the grip he had on your hand. “And I don’t want that.”
You didn’t want to talk anymore, not on this subject anyway. So you pressed your lips against his. He kissed back straight away, backing you up into the wall, turning his head to deepen the kiss
This was what the paparazzi had caught. An innocent moment (barely even a make out) between two partners after a sad talk.
Photos taken and used out of context to make you both look bad. Being famous was hard. Of course not in a ‘oh woe always me’ kind of way, but more a ‘lack of privacy’ kind of way.
Not being able to do anything at all without somebody making you look like an awful person really sucked.
“How about we talk about the album instead?” You smiled fakely, letting the interviewer’s face drop. “You know, the thing this interview is meant to be about?”
“So that’s it? You won’t apologise to your fans for what you did? You’re evil, everyone knows you are. You-“
-Were leaving, that’s what you were. You pushed up off the chair and made your way across the room; the interviewer still yelled despite you not being in the room.
”you handled that better than I would’ve.” Michael smiled, greeting you as you entered the room he was in. He kissed you softly.
“I do try.” You grinned “god though. I really wanted to punch that guy.” He laughed, that was his partner. The person he fell in love with.
“yeah, I could tell.”
taglist: @thefearedfallen @cass1opi4
(if you want to be added to my tag list, please ask.)
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iiibxtrflyy · 1 year
Come Inside Of My Heart
Australia was hot in February. 
Strange compared to places such as Korea which were frigid in the early months, but because Australia lay in the Southern Hemisphere - it was a lot hotter than other countries in the months beginning the year.
You started to regret coming to the cafe by St. Kilda Beach. The beach was crowded, the weather pleasant enough for hordes of people to travel from around Melbourne and the surrounding areas to relax by the sea side. Paying no one attention, you dutifully started at the Mint Chocolate ice cream, melting slowly in the tub in front of you.
Everything reminded you of her.  
One of your closest friends leaving you made you heart clench almost painfully. You had started to burry yourself in work, hoping to distract your mind from her. It was all in vain, memories of her resurfaced forcefully.
Right now, the memory of her forcing you to try Hawaiian pizza made you chuckle. You still hated it, but maybe a little less - since she enjoyed it. Then, the memory of walking around Melbourne on an evening just like this, pinkies linked. She told you so awful jokes, which made you cringe and laugh. She would complain about the warm weather, while you basked in the sun’s rays, laughing at her pout.
She was passionate about music, for as long you could remember. She always carried around her ukulele, becoming obsessed with playing it after learning how to do so during music class in Elementary school. She serenaded you with your favourite songs, her melodious voice sounding sweet in your ears. Her gift for music inspired you to become interested, taking up the guitar in your early teenage years. Many hours were spent together, singing to One Direction and playing on your guitar and ukulele respectively.
When she departed to Korea, she told you to keep playing the guitar, and to never forget her.
How could you ever forget her?
She was you first everything.
First friend.
First person you attended a concert with.
First music partner.
First crush.
You hated yourself slightly. How disgusting that you liked your friend. She was just being polite, but when she held your hand and hugged you - your stupid little heart always jumped. You were stubborn, finding confessing feelings hard - so you decided to create the perfect song to act as a love letter. In her absence, she would probably never see it. She resided eleven hours and fifty seven minutes away, with a two hour difference of time zone. Churning out lyrics, guitar tunes and beat mash ups, you worked tirelessly. Till the perfect song was produced.
Titled; ‘Come Inside Of My Heart’.
Lamenting your feelings of attraction, but narrating how your personality kept your true thoughts and feelings away from her. Begging her to forgive you for your walls built around your mind in an act to protect yourself, which hurt her on many occasions. You invited her into your heart, the key to your innermost fears and emotions.
It was a place only she could see. 
Your song was extremely popular on social media, many people your age relating to your conflicting emotions about someone you loved a lot, but found difficult to confess your overwhelming feelings too.
It was just your luck when you were casted by a major company. Deserving a much needed break from school and music, you and your family travelled to Korea. While shopping, you were approached by a woman, who handed you a business card. It read Big - Hit Entertainment. You stared, puzzled that you knew that company name before. It then hit you. The Big Hit Global Audition in October 2019. She passed it and then moved to Korea in the New Year. 
Would you be reunited with her? It was a stretch, but worth trying. 
You wanted to see Hanni again. 
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softistdom · 5 months
Hi~ I've been following your blog for a while and I LOVE it 😊💖
Sooo, asking you 3 things I'd like to know about you:
1. What do you like more: sweet, spicy or salty (speaking about food)
2. What countries would you like to visit?
3. Can you dance?
Aw thank you sm.
1. I like sweets but they're not my favorite. I would say spicy food? I love wasabi on my sushi, or hot sauce on my tacos, and i'm also indian so basically any of our dishes lol
2. Very few countries I don't want to visit, mainly "Israel"; also some countries just curently have unwelcoming regimes.
I think the ones I want to visit the most atm are Japan (for the culture and food, tech, nara deer, maglev trains, hot springs) and Australia (mainly for the unique animals :3)
3. Everyone can dance. But I do not think I dance well LOL, well I think I could do an alright partnered dance bc I'm decent at footwork and having someone to dance with just feels easier to me
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dragcnlxrd · 5 months
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So in like 6 hours here it will be the blessed end of 2023. And while I doubt my new year will be anything thrilling I have learned a lot during this year. I've learned that it's super easy to detach myself from giving a shit about the person that incubated me, I've learned that when push comes to shove I'm the only person in my house that will step up and take care of my elderly father, provide food on the table at the cost of my own needs, and tolerate the abuse hurled at me both physical and verbally daily by the woman that incubated me.
I've learned that you can be negative in your bank account for a bit before your bills get rejected. I've learned that while you're recovering from a broken ankle and a stroke your job and coworkers don't give a shit that you've been gone for more than 6 months because you truly don't matter to the world. I've also learned that state temporary disability will NOT pay you enough to live off of at all thus constantly in the negative funds, nor is it reliant.
But aside from all of that I also learned I can find solace in a video game, that interacting with these fictional cgi characters would fill me with some semblance of joy and what it's like to feel loved. So my first appreciation will be to Baldur's Gate 3 and to my Tav Ashtara because I've learned to be happy through her.
THAT'S not only what I want to say, I want to also say how much I've learned about myself here writing with my tiny handful of partners! You guys that continue to give me the time of day and spare a few moments to reply to my stuff have made me happy but there are a few of you that earn special places.
@ravusnightblossom is first and foremost forever going to be my number one. Fox has quickly become my bestest friend and I'm so very thankful that she flew me across the country to hang out with her for a week. It was the best week of my life and I miss being a potato on her couch. But not only that Fox has been a lifesaver for me for everything and I don't think I could ever imagine my life with out her. Ravus has become a major part of Lysander's life and I honestly think this blog basically revolves around their ship half the time! Love you!
@xx--ofmanythoughts--xx Raevon!!! Okay so I can not express how much I love you! How much I love your blog and your writing! You truly have a gift. I love that we can both scream about an unpopular opinion and agree with it! I love our HC and when we get to world build! I'm so happy we write together and I hope we bust out more in the next year.
@thescaledqueen YOU ARE SO PRECIOUS TO ME! I hope you know that! You were the only person in the GoT RPC that gave me a true chance and I am forever grateful for that! I love your Shireen to bits! And I am sorry I've not been as active with these two lately but I am hoping that this new year gives me more motivation to continue dumping love upon you and your blog!
@mystiic listen I already sent you love and answered love but I LOVE YOU OKAY! I love your muse and I'm so looking forward to the new year and building more world with you and Amari and UGH!!! yeah...
@brideofcdragons YOU! I love you! Okay?! I love your blog and I love your writing and I love your Dany and I'm always so excited when you pop on my dash and we get to write something together and I'm always just so happy to see you back to writing! You have a true gift and I cherish you so much!
@call-2-arms LISTEN! I love you okay! And no one is going to tell me you're not Jamie Fookin Lannista! Haha I also cherish the fact that you're always there to answer my silly questions or translate something from Australia! I mean BIN CHICKENS! Who would even know what that was!! You're also super fuckin talented with your writing and I am always in awe of your replies!
@untilthcyrot CHRISTINA!!! Thought I forgot about you?! I think NOT! You've been with me since my Norse Loki blog... You've continued to follow me and talk to me and write with me for so long! You're a talented and beautiful person and I love whenever we get to chat with each other! I love your blogs and I love you muchos!
This is getting to be super long and word vomity but I honestly do love and appreciate all of my mutuals! You guys just writing with me make my day. I hope the new year brings everyone happiness and joy and that we continue to write together! Please remember even if I didn't mention you here you still mean a lot to me! I cherish you!
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accountingforprincess · 7 months
Wow smn else from Australia im shocked.. n now really turned on. All the bad things I post, I want smn to find me n use me how I should be used. Taking all their stress out on me n I’d take it cos I’m a good girl, I could be ur good girl ✨
I’m 5’6, 171cm would you consider me as tall?
What would you recommend for a girl who’s been celibate for a couple years? I have several vibrators n a dildo that’s probably too big for me rn. It has suction cup too so I can prop it up on a wall n such.
Also do u have any tips on finding daddy’s/doms who are like minded irl? I’ve always been way freakier than my old partners n it makes me so insecure cos if I want freaky I have to direct them n a girl like me shouldn’t be giving orders, I should be taking them..
Anyways hope u have a lovely week ahead,
- 💜🩷
Colour me shocked, another one of us upside-down degenerates has been found in the wild! I can't deny how intriguing that idea is, to find you, use you, break you and turn you into my good girl.
171cm feels rather average to me, but looking it up and seeing its 10cm taller than the actual national average has me realising my perspective might be a bit skewed haha. Either way, I'd have fun using all the same techniques I would on a tall girl on you.
For a girl like you, I'd recommend you start getting yourself nice and stretched out again. I'm sure that dildo is feeling awful lonely without you making a slut of yourself and fucking yourself upon it. It'd be no good if my good girl wasn't able to take my cock, too.
As far as finding people irl... that's tough. The best way is to simply hang around the places you enjoy, find people who enjoy the same things you do and make friends. Chances are if they're like-minded in some ways they might be like-minded in kinky ways - or have friends who are.
Alternatively, find the local board game place. I swear to god the kinkiest people I've met are ttrpg nerds (beware that you will have to sort through the bevy of non-kinky nerds there too).
Thanks for the well wishes, and I hope you have a great week too.
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oliviax727 · 2 months
Where have I been?
So I assume that there's still people following my account, waiting for the next update on languages or physics Friday. And obviously I have taken much more than a "month's break".
Where I have been is that I have been both recovering from severe trauma, and have been dealing with my honours year.
This post is to keep a public record of what has been happening, and also to just not leave the small amount of people who are interested in what I say.
Part 1 - Bad shit happened
CW: Suicide, Emotional Abuse, Online Sexual Violence, Physical Stress Disorders
Between May 2023 - January 2024 I was coerced into an abusive relationship with my now ex. How was I coerced?
You see, over October 2022 - May 2023, I was in a friend group that was severely abusive and cowardly. I was bullied to the point that I ended up in hospital after I tried to end my life - and then left for dead because someone I trusted had manipulated all of my friends into leaving me.
But there was one person who didn't leave me for dead. And he took advantage of me. Of course, I was extremely vulnerable. I was in a state of severe depression, unable to stand up for myself, feeling desperately alone.
He stayed with me, and threatened to leave me if I decided to enter into any romantic or sexual relationship with someone else.
Of course, this relationship wasn't healthy. We were not compatible with eachother. And if I had more willpower I would've been able to leave after recognising it.
Being forced into a relationship, coerced into sexual interaction, forced to look after this man who had more insecurities than words in the bible.
It led me to being frustrated, and obviously lashing out in small, yet continuous ways.
Eventually I found out that he had been lying about his age. He told me he was 26. I was 20. He was actually 17. The moment I heard about it I dumped him. I had enough. He had crossed a red line that I could not accept.
Legally speaking, I am in the right. The age of consent in Australia is 16. If he were to try and prosecute me, he would be in prison, because he would have legally sexually assaulted me.
That's the important point. After a few months of contemplation, I had realised that what he had done is sexually assaulted me. I was not only coerced, but I "consented" under false pretences. He had violated both the "informed" and "consent" parts of informed consent.
Morally speaking, I'm fine. Really, I don't think anyone with half a brain could see the problem, especially if I was lied to. And really, 17/20 is so much better than other age disparities.
Regardless, the news hurt me greatly. I personally would've never consented to a relationship if he was under the age of 19. I felt disgusted. I spent a week shitting blood, vomiting, and watching my hair fall out.
I had asked him, quite explicitly, to not talk about anything sexual from now on. And to delete any inappropriate images to me unless I report him.
Do you know what he did next? He tried to coerce me back into a relationship. He threatened to stop being friends with me if I tried getting another partner. He talked about some of the most sexually inappropriate stuff to me.
In effect, he sexually harassed me. I was extremely uncomfortable talking to him in that manner. But he continued to threaten me and tried to convince me that what he did was not that bad and if I were to re-date him it would be "not that bad" - it was awful.
I decided to stop talking to him, for two weeks. Just so I could get a break from him. At this point in time, I hadn't gotten to the point that I wanted to leave him, just to be friends.
I came back after two weeks. Suddenly, he now had a new boyfriend. Which I believe was some pathetic attempt to get back at me for not wanting to be in a relationship with him.
He then tried to turn things around on me. He said that my constant frustrated outburst hurt him, and he used that as the excuse to bully me.
So I decided to stop talking to him again, for a few months this time. During this time, I tried working on getting better, so that eventually I could leave him.
I am posting this now, because I have just sent a last "go fuck yourself"-type message to him and blocked him.
The reason why I haven't posted anything here is simply because he followed me. He would've seen anything I wrote. And I wanted to block him all in one go when I felt confident enough.
Of course, you can obviously see why I would want to keep a public record of this. This person is extremely manipulative and duplicitous. And he could very easily misconstrue the facts to the point that I appear as if I'm in the wrong.
Unfortunately for him, I have a lot of evidence to back up my side, in the form of a full DM transcript. I hope I never have to use that evidence. But I will if I have to.
Think of this situation as a Pyrocynical/Kwite type situation (except I am much less famous than them and probably will never be as famous as them). From what I understand, they were accused of [child "liking"] by someone who was lying about the truth.
Honours year
This is more good news than bad news. I've just been incredibly busy as well. I started my honours year. And honestly, while it's very cognitively exhausting, it's also a great cure from all of the trauma and depression I have.
Unfortunately, it's extremely difficult doing that, and any other side projects, on top of rebuilding my life from a year and a half of abuse.
So for now, I'm going to just stop with the Physics Friday and Language updates. I may drop some random ones here or there, but they'll be on the frequency of once per like two months.
At the same time ... I just kinda don't like tumblr. It's extremely toxic. So much more than compared to reddit. And that's really saying something.
I've left a lot of queer spaces online because of how toxic and unwelcoming a lot of them have become to people who, say, don't like seeing homophobic slurs.
It's so simple and yet so mind-boggling. But I can't handle the emotional pain of that to be honest.
So that's it. I'd like you to not talk to my abuser(s). I want nothing to do with him. I don't want to interact with him at all. I don't want to be reminded of how I was mistreated.
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idsb · 5 months
Like the other anon said, it's not my place so feel free to tell me to stfu but as someone who has gone through a similar struggle in the recent past, I agree with them that this decision should be purely about you, not your partner. Like I understand that he is going through a rough time at the moment, but I'll be real with you, I think as is you've already done him a massive favour paying 25% rent for a place you're not living in and more broadly, this is your life you're talking about. I've been following you for half a decade now and in that time, a huge dream of yours has always been living in Australia, and even now, when you had the most god awful (but ironically/affectionately enough I'd argue also the most Australian) start in Australia, you've said you feel like you found the place you belong and somewhere that feels so easy to be. That's rare, especially for people who have strained relationships with their family (something I relate to you with and was a big factor that people didn't often consider in my decision. not saying it is for you, but it could be) and I think it's worth holding onto, when the alternative is 'going back home for one thing [him]'.
In saying that, is there any chance that long term (I understand him not wanting to come now given his friends' condition) he would be willing to move to Australia? Because, and I recognise that this may be unfair given we get your side and not his on here, it feels like every choice about the both of yours future (getting back together, whether to stay in Australia etc) has been on your shoulders/your burden to carry. Like you either have to choose one or the other while he gets everything with no compromise if you go back. Like I know my partner at the time was not up for it, but eventually came around when he realised that it's what I needed, so if that is an option at all, that could also be worth exploring. Anyway I feel like I'm ranting now but yeah, whatever you choose, just make sure it's for your benefit not his because it's your life.
Hmmm since we share the apartment and only just moved in together before I bought the plane tickets, idrk if me not dumping the whole rent on him is a favor - if feels like he’s doing ME a favor by us keeping it, me having a home to go back to, etc, when he really can’t afford to pay that much. It feels like it’d be really mean of me to just leave and say “you pay for this I’m not even here” but idk.
It makes me so 🥺🥺 to think about you following me for half a decade and how LONG that is, thanks for saying that. I have always found the “found family” concept really beautiful and have absolutely never ever had it until I met the housemates I have now, so you’re sooooo right about that point.
I agree with you that a lot has been on me, but unfortunately he’s not interested in moving here. Which, it sucks because he’s not particularly passionate about a reason why, just general making it clear he would never want that and isn’t interested. Probably because he actually likes his family and has a lot of friends (unrelatable fshhdjdjkek) so like most normal people wouldn’t want to leave that. And his career - which to be fair, until I got here and was pushed to the breaking point with it this year, I also was like I couldn’t!1!1!!1 my career!!1!1!!! I’m really happy for you and it’s really inspiring that your partner wound up feeling that way.
Thanks for being here bestie and thank you so very much for this message and taking the time to send it. This was really helpful to read and sort out my thoughts a little more 🥺🥺🥺
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When in Bali...
Summary: You were supposed to go to Bali with your partner for your one-year anniversary. Instead, you’re there alone, heartbroken. Will reuniting with a friend you know from a summer vacation in elementary school be able to fix it?
Beginning Notes: I was thinking about @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie’s fic challenge when I came up with this, but Bali sadly wasn’t on the prompt list. Still hoping that this'll do as good as Sandcastles.
Tagged: @bragisrunes @demon-of-the-ancient-world @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie @punkrocknpearls @alicedopey @batmandallyboy (hmu to be added to any taglist!)
Masterlist | requests are OPEN!
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This summer holiday has been nothing short of awful. First, you catch your partner cheating on you two weeks before you’re supposed to fly, then you find out you can’t get your money back, and then, a wheel broke off of your suitcase. It’s a wonder you even made it to your resort alive.
Now, you’re at the pool, nursing a Mojito in hopes of soothing your heartbreak. There aren’t many people around. Most of them are probably going out. An elderly couple is suntanning across from the pool, there’s two kids throwing a ball in the shallow area and a guy at the bar that looks weirdly familiar. He’s practically devouring his chicken wings and you swear you know him.
The second you start looking away, the two of you make eye contact, and he gives you a bright smile, before returning to his wings.
It happens a few more times in the following days. Each time you see him, there’s this feeling you know him. But from where?
On your fifth day there, you eat dinner at the hotel’s buffet. You haven’t gone out once, either moping at the pool or your room. What’s the point without any company?
You grab this and that off the buffet, only avoiding the shrimps that look a little gray and the chocolate you’re saving for later. At your table, you’re completely alone, and you feel like you’re back in high school.
The stranger walks in, which confuses you, because you’ve seen him leave this hotel with a blond man a bunch of times while you were still lying at the pool. He hasn’t eaten here while you were there, not once.
Every table around you is deserted, and he still makes a beeline for yours. You send a silent curse to any god there might be but put on a friendly smile.
“Hey.” He says. “Saw you sitting all alone, and I thought I’d join you.”
“Hi.” You reply.
“I’m Hvitserk, by the way.” He tells you, holding out his hand. You pause. Hvitserk isn’t a common name, and you’ve only heard it once in your entire life.
You’re sitting on the beach near your parents, trying to save this sad sandcastle when you hear a shriek. Turning around, you see a blond girl your age throwing a crab into the sand after picking it off her leg, before running after a tall boy who’s laughing with sibling-appropriate malice.
“Hvitserk!” she screams. Behind her, a boy with dark hair cackles loudly, before the boy next to him elbows him.
The boy that is being chased runs up to you.
“You have to hide me!” he says, sitting behind you. “My sister is crazy!”
The blond girl that was chasing him isn’t impressed, crossing her arms to show that she can still see him, before she stalks off. You spent the rest of the afternoon ‘hiding’ Hvitserk and building more sandcastles. At some point, the darkhaired boy that was his younger brother crawled over, critizing your castle.
Third-grade you was crushed and immediately entered a sandcastle building contest with him, with Hvitserk as judge. For the rest of your stay in Spain, you and Hvitserk were inseparable.
Quickly, you shake it. “Y/N.” you reply. “Are you from Norway?”
“Yeah, I am actually.” Hvitserk says.
“That’s pretty far.” You comment.
“What about you?” Hvitserk asks.
“I’m studying in Australia, so Bali isn’t too far.”
“You’re really familiar.” Hvitserk blurts out suddenly. You laugh dryly.
“Does that line usually work for you?”
“No, I’m serious.” He insists. “Were you in Spain for summer vacation? Like in elementary school?”
“No fucking way.” You say. “You’re Hvitserk Lothbrok?”
He nods, and your mouth falls open. “Oh my god. I thought I’d never see you again!”
“Fate works in mysterious ways.” He says, making his voice a little too deep to be serious.
“How are Ubbe and Ivar? And Brynhildr and Aslaug?”
“They’re all good.” Hvitserk says. “But Brynhildr is actually called Sigurd. He’s trans.”
“Oh so he’s the blond guy I thought was your boyfriend.” You reply. Hvitserk grimaces.
“Ew, no! He’s my brother.” Then, he smirks. “Wait, have you been stalking me?”
“No.” you protest. “Well, maybe a little bit.”
“Are you saying I’m goodlooking?” Hvitserk asks, casually taking a fry from your plate.
“I’m saying that I’m heartbroken and bored. And yes, you are semi-attractive.”
Hvitserk makes an insulted noise. “All these years of friendship and you call me semi-attractive.”
You laugh, sliding your plate to him, which he happily accepts.
“Fine. Hvitserk, you are so hot and sexy that you’re making me forget why I ever dated my ex in the first place.”
“Good.” Hvitserk says. “What are you doing in Bali anyway?”
“Non-refundable one year anniversary trip.” You grimace.
“Ouch.” Hvitserk nods sympathetically.
“What about you?” you ask. It’s nice catching up with Hvitserk. He’s exactly like you remember. Well, maybe a bit more flirtatious.
“Yearly Aslaugssons trip. Except that Ubbe has a kid on the way and doesn’t want to miss his daughter’s birth.”
“I haven’t seen Ivar around.” You comment.
“He’s kind of turned into an edgelord so he refuses to leave his room to tan. Sigurd’s out with his fiancé today, and I wanted to cheer you up.”
“Did I look that sad?” you ask. After a pause, Hvitserk nods, before you both burst into laughter.
“You should come with us tomorrow. I’ve convinced Ivar to come along for drinks and tacos, and he’s taking his girlfriend. Sigurd’s taking his partner. Why don’t you come as my date, so I’m not alone?”
“I don’t know.” You say. “I don’t want to intrude.”
“Ivar and Freydís will be very preoccupied, but Sigurd’s partner is a treasure. They’ll love you; I promise.”
You think about it for a second. It could be fun, and your ex cheated. It’s okay to go as a platonic date for Hvitserk three weeks post-breakup.
“Please?” Hvitserk asks, making puppy eyes at you.
“Fine. But only because you let me win against Ivar when my sandcastle was falling over.”
Why are you feeling so nervous? It’s only a night out with an old friend of sorts. You’ve put on the dress that was meant for your anniversary dinner, a long bodycon dress that makes you feel pretty even now, when you’re feeling out of sorts.
You kept your makeup simple because Hvitserk casually forgot to tell you the dresscode, but it doesn’t matter because you managed to tan enough that it made you look just a little bit refreshed.
Hvitserk knocks at your door right on time – which surprises you. You’d think that Ivar would be perfectly punctual, and Hvitserk ten minutes late at the very least, but he’s there, and he’s smiling brightly, just like he did when he was still a kid.
“Hi.” You say, grabbing your purse off the desk and closing the door behind you. “How’s your day?”
“Getting better and better.” Hvitserk jokes, and you rolled your eyes.
“I’m serious, you’re looking good.” He insists.
“I better. Spent at least an hour overthinking this dress when I bought it.”
“Yeah. Would be a pity if the dress went to waste.” Hvitserk murmurs, before he lets you out of the room and leads you to the entrance of the resort. There, Ivar and Freydís are already waiting.
“I thought Hvitserk was talking shit when he said that the Y/N was also in Bali.” Ivar greets you. He’s standing upright now, supported by legbraces and crutches.
“Still salty about my sandcastle being better than yours?” you ask, and he rolls his eyes.
“Mine was clearly better. I’d say the judge was only a bit partial.”
“Freydís.” His girlfriend introduces herself.
“Y/N.” you answer. “Where’s Sigurd?”
“Him and Gale are already there. They said they wanted to enjoy the music a bit before Hvitserk begins ordering the entire menu.” Ivar replies. Hvitserk snorts, absentmindedly grabbing your hand as the four of you start walking. You blush furiously, but don’t let go. Not quite yet.
The restaurant is right at the beach, and a stranger comes bounding up as soon as you cross the threshold.
“You guys are just on time.” They announce. “Sigurd wanted to start ordering appetizers, even though that’s clearly Hvitserk’s assigned job.”
They go around hugging everybody and hug you too. “You must be Y/N.” they say.
“Yeah.” You reply.
“Sigurd told me you gave him your dessert once after Hvitserk ate his while he was in the restroom.”
“That was only because he braided her hair so nicely.” Ivar says sarcastically. So Sigurd and Ivar are still always fighting. You think.
Gale leads you to the table, where Sigurd is talking to a waiter. He hands Hvitserk the menu blindly, whose eyes immediately lights up. Ivar was right – Hvitserk orders six out of the eight appetizers on the menu.
“How are you going to eat all that?” you ask.
“My stomach knows no bounds.” Hvitserk replies. You all sit down, and Sigurd hands you a drink.
“It’s good to see you.” Sigurd greets. “I ordered a Mojito for you. Hvitserk mentioned you were obsessed.”
“Good to see you too.” You reply, before you turn to Hvitserk. “I am not THAT obsessed with Mojitos.”
“Yeah, you only had them each time you ordered from the poolbar.”
“Who’s the stalker now?” you fire back.
Appetizers come and go, as well as the main course, and Hvitserk keeps true to his promise, devouring everything that comes near his plate. At some point, Gale decide that they are full, and Hvitserk happily accepts their plate.
You catch up with Sigurd, since Ivar is making hearteyes at Freydís, who is talking to Gale and Hvitserk. He tells you all about the things you missed since Spain. From Ivar’s braces and his transition to Ubbe and Bjorn setting the BBQ on fire during a family reunion.
At the end of dinner, everyone except Hvitserk is stuffed, and getting ready to head back to the hotel.
“You and Y/N should stay, have dessert and catch up some more.” Freydís suggests, throwing Ivar one of those looks that only your longterm partners or siblings can understand. However, Ivar’s mouth not-so-subtly tugs into a smirk.
Before you can protest, all four of them are gone, Ivar handing Hvitserk some money for the check, who happily accepts while reading through his dessert options.
“Let’s share.” He suggests
“Share food? With you?” you say, only half-joking.
“We shared your fries.” He reminds.
“That wasn’t really decided by me.” You laugh. He hands you the menu, pointing out both options. In the end, you go for lava cake with vanilla ice cream, and Hvitserk scoots closer as the waiter brings a last round of drinks, courtesy of Ivar.
“I’m actually getting hungry for dessert.” You tell Hvitserk. What you don’t tell him is that all those drinks have made you slightly tipsy and Hvitserk is starting to look even better than before.
“And my stomach knows no bounds?” Hvitserk asks. You groan, leaning back against him.
“I think eating even more is a shit idea, but I really love lava cake.” You admit. Hvitserk puts an arm around you, and you don’t mind at all.
“Did you know I had a crush on you in Spain?” Hvitserk suddenly blurts out. You sit back up, staring at him.
“What?” you ask.
“It’s true!” he insists. “Honestly, I can understand younger me perfectly.”
You laugh, but you feel yourself growing nervous – in a good way. For a moment, you think back to your ex, but honestly, the feelings for them haven’t been very strong for a few months already.
“So you’re saying you have a crush on me now?” you ask. Before Hvitserk can answer, the waiter sets down the dessert. You both dig in, and holy fuck – it’s good.
“I take it back, eating this is a great idea.” You say between bites.
“I might have a crush on you now.” Hvitserk says after swallowing his first bite. Surprised, you cough, some of the cake getting stuck in your throat. Hvitserk smacks your back, until you can breathe again.
“Couldn’t that wait until I had swallowed?” you ask, your eyes teary.
“Oh yeah. Sorry about that. Want me to kiss it better?”
You had forgotten how forward Hvitserk was.
“Uhh...” you mumble. “Sure?”
He leans forward, softly kissing you. You almost protest when he pulls back. You finish the dessert in comfortable silence, and on the way home, Hvitserk holds your hand again.
Dutifully, he drops you off at your hotel room, but before he can go, you pull him down to kiss him. After a few seconds, Hvitserk deepens the kiss, and holy fuck, he was an amazing kisser. Out of breath, you break apart.
“I’ll see you at the pool tomorrow?” you ask.
“Yeah.” He says. “I guess I should go to Bali more often, if it turns out like this.”
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Just saw that Olivia Rodrigo has partnered with the National Network of Abortion Funds to share a part of ticket proceeds from her NA tour with them. It doesn’t say how big a share, but I applaud her for doing this and for having been outspoken about abortion rights.
That's fantastic - funding travel for abortion is incredibly important.
I don't know how much I've told this story on here - but in 1977 New Zealand past what was then the most restrictive legislation in OECD, which closed all abortion clinics days before Christmas. Within a week the first organised, supported flights went to Australia - they were called SOS - Sisters Overseas Service. There was massive fundraising and support to ensure as many women as possible were able to access abortion - despite the complete and utter fuckwits in parliament and government. That work was incredibly important and it mattered so much - and I'm in absolute awe of the many different things people did in those years. I'm furious that that work needs to be done in the US now in this way.
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sweetdreamsjeff · 1 year
Jeff Buckley comes alive at Cinequest
Publication Date: Friday, March 04, 2005
Jeff Buckley comes alive at CinequestLate singer-songwriter inspired two first-time filmmakers
by Susan Tavernetti
A strikingly handsome Jeff Buckley speaks to the camera, "My main musical influence? Hmmmm."
A long, long pause follows -- giving you time to admire his chiseled face, thoughtful reflection and the filmmakers' courage to cherish the moment rather than cave in to frenzied, MTV-style cutting.
"Love, anger, depression, joy and dreams," he continues. "And Zeppelin. Totally."
His voice eases into a haunting cover of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah," completely seducing you. This gifted singer-songwriter died too young. The 30-year-old musician with the four-octave voice took a nighttime dip and tragically drowned in Memphis on May 29, 1997. It was the day his music stopped and his legend began to soar.
"Amazing Grace: Jeff Buckley" pays tribute to this singular artist whose life and work profoundly touched so many people. Menlo Park filmmaker Nyla Adams and Laurie Trombley, her New York-based collaborator, have lovingly crafted a 61-minute documentary that will make its West Coast debut at Cinequest 15 on March 9. The film festival opened March 2 and runs through March 13 in downtown San Jose.
"We made a film about art inspired by Jeff, and the film itself is art inspired by Jeff," Adams said. "We wanted to light people on fire the way he lit us on fire."
Ironically, Adams' first impression of Buckley wasn't so glowing. While living in a Trinity College dorm room in Hartford, Conn., someone handed her a CD of "Grace," Buckley's only full-length, studio-recorded album. The Cold Jam fan listened to the first song and gave back the 1994 Columbia Records release, insisting it was awful. Five years later, she had a different reaction to the same album.
"It just struck me. I cried listening to it, and it inspired me to write poems. And I don't write poetry," she laughed. "I thought if this is happening to me, then it must be happening to others, because I've never been affected that way."
Adams met Trombley in the copy room of A&E Television Networks in Manhattan, where they talked about making a 10-minute short dealing with Buckley's legacy of inspiration. Unlike her partner-to-be, Trombley had immediately connected to Buckley's vocal stylings and Telecaster guitar licks while working as music editor of the College of New Rochelle's newspaper.
"I listened to "Live at Sin-e" over and over again in one day. The songs were so emotional, so raw and so beautiful and haunting that I didn't know what to make of them. They made my head spin around. The album moved me so much that I wrote him a letter stating that I would work for him for free," Trombley said.
To her surprise, Buckley himself called and from 1994 to 1995 Trombley interned at the management firm representing him. She became his fan-relations manager.
"That speaks volumes of who he was as a person. Jeff took chances and was open-hearted."
Because Buckley had handpicked Trombley, his mother agreed to meet with the earnest pair who hoped to moonlight as first-time filmmakers. Although they later learned that Mary Guibert had intended to refuse their request, the women hit it off. Guibert liked their proposal to focus on her son's impact -- not biography -- and to expose American audiences to the remarkable Southern California artist who had emerged in New York's East Village avant-garde scene in the 1990s.
"Jeff was so gifted that he was able to integrate many different styles into his songs. He could sing anything from gospel to hard, head-banging rock 'n' roll," Adams said. "Although he's huge in England and Australia, enormous in France and Japan, and revered in South America, no one in this country knows who he is. Jeff could rock out with the best of them, but he was so emotional and so raw that he didn't fit into the Seattle grunge trend of the time. America just didn't get it."
Guibert gave them her blessing -- and access to letters, journals, photographs and other elements of Buckley's estate.
As luck would have it, Adams' cube mate at A&E overhead her talking about the project and suggested she call her husband, who worked at Sony and was vice president of Buckley's television promotion. Sony had brought Buckley in as a heritage artist, hoping he would be the next Miles Davis, Bob Dylan or Bruce Springsteen. Boxes of Buckley videotapes that no one had seen were sitting in Sony's basement. Adams and Trombley had no funding for their film, but Sony granted them the festival rights to this treasure trove of performance and interview footage.
Six years later, after 40 hours of interviews conducted by Trombley and shot by Adams, and countless editing sessions, "Amazing Grace: Jeff Buckley" was completed in 2004. The accomplished documentary celebrates Buckley in song and spirit, revealing his commitment to his art, his unease with the trappings of the music business and the mystique surrounding his short but significant life.
"The reaction we've been getting from the fans has been phenomenal. That's been the best part, because we made the film for them," Adams said.
Poster girls for a festival that honors mavericks and the digital technology that enables creativity, Adams and Trombley will join other local filmmakers at Cinequest. Woodside resident Kari Nevil ("Your Guardian") will see her film, "Planting Melvin," projected on the big screen. Davina Pardo, Christina Herring and Lila Place -- graduate students in Stanford's Documentary Film and Video program -- will have shorts shown, as well as the animation team of David Pace and Victor Bellomo.
Stanford alumna Christine Nubile's "Police Blotter" reveals differences between the East Palo Alto and Atherton police entries, and Scott Smith shot part of "Charlie the Ox" in Palo Alto.
Sir Ben Kingsley ("Gandhi," "Schindler's List," "Sexy Beast"), Jon Polito ("Miller's Crossing," "The Big Lebowski," "Charlie the Ox"), Blanchard Ryan ("Super Troopers," "Open Water") and Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah (the subject of "Emmanuel's Gift") will receive Cinequest Maverick Spirit Awards.
Cinequest show times:
Nyla Adams and Laurie Trombley's "Amazing Grace: Jeff Buckley" will screen March 9 at 7:15 p.m. at the Camera 12 and March 12 at 5:15 p.m. at the University Theater on the San Jose State University campus.
Kari Nevil's "Planting Melvin" will screen March 4 at 9:15 p.m. and March 5 at 1:15 p.m., both at the San Jose Repertory Theatre.
Davina Pardo's "Birdlings Two," Christina Herring's "Chickens in the City," Lila Place's "Each One Teach One" and Christine Nubile's "Police Blotter" in "Shorts Program 3: DocuNation" will air March 8 at 7 pm and March 9 at 9:30 p.m., both at the Camera 12.
David Pace and Victor Bellomo's "Spirit of Gravity" in "Shorts Program 4: Animated World" will screen March 5 at 12:30 p.m. and March 7 at 7 p.m., both at Camera 12.
Scott Smith's "Charlie the Ox" will screen March 5 at 5:15 p.m. at the San Jose Repertory Theatre and March 6 at 4 p.m. at the Camera 12.
What: Cinequest San Jose Film Festival 2005
When: The festival runs March 2-13
Where: Screenings will take place at Camera 12 Cinemas (201 S. Second St. in San Jose), California Theatre (345 South First St. in San Jose), San Jose Repertory Theatre (101 Paseo de San Antonio in San Jose), San Jose State University Theater (corner of Fifth and San Fernando Streets) and San Jose State University Hal Todd Theater (adjacent to the University Theater).
Cost: Tickets are $9 general admission; $5 students (with valid ID). Tickets are $10 for the opening or closing-night Gala (premiere Screening only) or $50 (includes party). A ten-pack (10 vouchers to attend 10 regular screenings of choice) is $70. Maverick Spirit Events cost $15-30. A variety of passes are available.
Information: Tickets are available through March 13 by calling (408) 295-FEST (3378), online at www.cinequest.org or at the box offices of the San Jose Repertory Theatre and San Jose State University Theater. In case of a sell-out, rush tickets will go on sale 30 minutes prior to the event, on a cash-only, first-come, first-served basis.
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fandomestloser · 5 months
Rarities, The Voice, Sunshine, 28, Icarus Falls, Dunkirk.
Rarities: What's something your mutuals probably wouldnt suspect about you?
I'm actually significantly better at maths than english. always have been. writing is my passion, but maths is my skill.
The Voice: Who is your favourite artist, and whats your favourite song by them?
One Direction, and Wolves.
What makes you happiest?
My partner <3
28 - What's your lucky number and why?
47. My nanna who passed was born in 1947, its the flip of my lacrosse number, its my favourite (aussie rules) football players number.
Icarus Falls - What's your biggest weakness?
I have a tendency to assume absolutely everything is going to go wrong. Every happy thing I have is marred by this constant fear its all going to fall apart.
Dunkirk - What is your favourite historical era?
The American War of Independence and it's consequences - I'm talking France's independence, convicts sent to Australia, every summarised in Hamilton. A lot of what happened is awful, but it's also extraordinarily interesting.
Thank you for the ask, lovey!!!
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