fiendishartist2 · 2 months
i love drawing robin and aria bc its like robin's internal dialogue is "i cant give into this temptation.... no matter how right it feels........" and aria's is "letmeunderyourskinletmeunderyourskinletsmeunderyourskinletmeunderyourskin"
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mysticdragon3md3 · 5 months
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transjerma985 · 1 year
The fact that tomorrow I will have to get up early to paint my face for the con even if it turns out we can’t go,,,,,,, bruh thinking about it is stressing me out fr I might just stay up all night so I don’t end up having to rush it
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awesomeart-83 · 1 month
Decapolice: Opening Prologue
20XX; 10 years ago
A young boy is woken by a odd sound in his home that was coming from outside his bedroom.
“Huh, what was that?” The 10 year old boy said.
There was even more strange noises behind his bedroom door. Then, there was a strange voice that sounded unfamiliar that begin to talked.
The boy couldn’t hear what the person said, but that didn’t sound like anyone he knew in.
Like his teachers, his friends, his neighbors, his………
Believing something that happened to Mom, the boy listened through the closed door to hear any voice. Soon, he heard a few words but not full sentences.
“oh…..don’t worry……..be loved……my little jester……hmmmmm…….who’s next?”
When the odd voice stopped, the boy gets out of the room and noticed 2 candlelights set outside the hallway.
“I didn’t know that we have candlelights in our house.” The boy said and thought to himself, “Better ask Mom tomorrow.”
When the boy went down the hallway and into the kitchen, he discovered something that he couldn’t forget for the rest of his life.
His beloved mother was tied with strange chords attached to her while sitting on a chair and has strange makeup on her.
“Mom! What happened? Please answer me? Mom?! Why are you like this? What did you-”
Then, there was a creak on the floor and the boy turned around with a look of horror and was already crying.
There was a person who he didn’t know, or at least he think he didn’t. The person has an unknown body, wearing a forest green coat, gloves, and has a clown mask with a sinister smile covering his face.
“Who are you and what did you to my mom?” yelled the boy. He tried to sound brave, but his felling tears and quivering voice gave out his true feelings away.
After a few moments of horrific silence, the killer began to speak with a strange and creepy voice.
“Oh, little boy. Don’t worry about her. She is now well.”
“Wh-what do you mean?”
“I fixed her up. She is much better. I drain out all her rotten fluids and so she is much better. You can remove them from the puppet strings I have to place on her.”
“Huh, really? O-okay I-i will.” So, the boy climbed up on his mother’s lap in order to removed the ‘strings’ to free her as the odd person watched.
But when the boy started to move his mom from her supposed strings, the cords began to break open and spilled blood all over the poor boy, freaking him out.
The lady’s arms felled down and slipped down and hit the floor, staining her outfit. When the upset boy tried to move her, he accidentally rubbed the makeup off her, revealing her skin to be quite pale.
As the boy sobbed and begged his mom to move, the man moved away from him quietly and out the door and closed it.
The boy yelled at his mom and tried everything to wake her up. And yet she didn’t move at all.
But no matter what the boy did, the lady didn’t moved or opened her eyes or spoke a little word.
She was dead and wasn’t coming back to life.
While the killer walked to their car, they thought about that little boy who was there. They were surprised that he tried to stand his ground despite it being obvious that he killed his mother.
The boy could have run away and hide from them or called the police to get here or break down and beg them to spare his life.
“The boy must have think that he would have tried to scare me away from him and tired to save his mom.”
They laughed at the thought. “A stupid plan to do to me! As if that would scare me off my spree! Little brat must be scared to his death after this! Oh well, we all have bad days. Like me.”
As they drove off into the night and into the following day, the killer forgot about the boy and his dead mother and saw them as just another murder he did.
However, both of the people didn’t know that they would met again much later. And when they did, the crying, lonely, helpless little boy wasn’t the same person the killer met.
He was a now a young man who on the surface was a normal and calm person but on the inside he was a insane yet intelligent detective who despises criminals with a passion and wanted to destroyed to all of them no matter what their motive was.
His name….
His name was Harvard Marks.
Notes: You know, when I first wrote I totally forgot about this, but after the Level 5 2024 Vision was delayed to this summer, I decided to finish this to have some fun. Hey, I wanted to share my prediction of how the game will opened/how Harvard’s mom died and how Harvard discovered her body and met the Clown.
This fanfic isn’t to spite Level 5 or the game, but as a fun project. I hope it comes out in either October or December of this year
@fermeldahyde @decapolicemoment
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3nergyspirit · 5 months
Bendy and the devil swing
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5000angryspiders · 1 year
can't sleep because head hurt but need head hurt to get rid of the sleep no wait i mean i need sleep to get head hurt of the rid auuuugggggghhhhh
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gh0stgr1nder · 1 year
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i fucking miss buddy so bad i need to kiss him on the mouth auuuugggggghhhhh
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webbyghost · 1 year
im so mad
the external i ordered got here
and it doesnt fucking play blu rays
it was the god damn top result for AN EXTERNAL BLU RAY PLAYER
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