#AND. and actually finally. manibot
dyketubbo · 1 year
yknow ive been wondering. tag with a specific design hc (or headcanons) that you like for dsmp characters that you dont usually see often but when you see it you go !!. for the sake of comfort nothing cdream related. fictives can also add on if theres something they see that makes them point and go oh shit thats me
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revarova · 3 years
So I just remembered in the jack manifold lore explaining stream, he mentioned the manibot theory. That it wasn’t canon, but he may consider writing something involving it in the future. Specifically, he mentioned the idea of c!jack discovering that he’d been a robot the entire time, or something. Which gave me an idea.
C!jack was created by Sam to be Tommy’s friend. It was supposed to be a birthday present, actually, but it took longer than Sam thought. Engrossed in his project, he was unable to take part in the original L’Manberg war. However after the war, on August 14th, the Android was finished. He was brought to L’Manberg, where it’s citizens were given his ‘backstory’ of tommy and tubbo’s childhood friend, so they could play along with the illusion of him being ‘real’. In order to ensure Jack’s role as Tommy’s friend, he was programmed with a law. A law stating that under no circumstances were Jack to ever hurt Tommy.
And everything was fine. And then November 16th happened. Wilbur attacked Jack, breaking his core and causing him to shut down. Sam later found Jack, putting him back together, however the incident left Jack’s programming unstable. So when Manifoldland was burnt and Jack found tommy to be responsible, the law he was programmed with… wavered. It pushed back of course, and the hatred was re-directed towards Dream and George, but it… happened. And when Jack discovered where Tommy was, the rule kicked in again. He was Tommy’s friend, so he was to visit Tommy. So he did. And then, later that day, Sam fished his melted shell out of a nether lake. Fire did not mix well with Jack’s code, and the law was left even more broken. Jack began to harbour a hatred of tommy, plotting schemes against him, yet never quite planning to hurt him.
On doomsday, a half broken Jack finally collapses on the prime path. He falls off, the slight incline causing his body to roll underneath the path, leaving him unnoticed by the others going to sit at the bench. Later that evening, Niki walks past. She notices a blinking red light through the gaps in the planks, and pulls jack out, bringing him back to her city.
Niki puts jack back together, supplementing her own parts when necessary. When she’s finished he’s almost a completely different person on the outside, yet his core is almost entirely the same. Almost. The law telling him to not hurt tommy is gone. Niki ends up being the one to explain it to jack when he wakes up. That he was an android, that he was created to be Tommy’s friend, and that he was programmed to never hurt him. Jack is pissed. With the law removed he already wanted to kill tommy, but discovering the law hurts him even more. Tommy must have known about it, right? Had he been using it to his advantage? Purposefully treating jack the way he did because he knew jack couldn’t fight back? It’s infuriating.
So he shakes Niki’s hand, throws Sam’s emblem into the flames of the forge, and vows to kill Tommy.
Bonus he fukcin HATES nook. Like nook is essentially what he was supposed to be and he hates it.
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