sexysilverstrider · 2 years
Hello, first and foremost I'd like to say that I'm a big fan of your writing - you really helped fill in that empty void that was left behind in my heart after I finished Pokemon Black all those years ago and fell in love with Ferrishwheelshipping. Your stories really lit up my life then.
Secondly, I have a problem and really wanted to ask your advice about it - I recently became invested in Legends: Arceus and somehow came out of it liking the idea of Volo x Akari, for a lot of reasons, but basically because I don't think Volo is entirely as evil as parts of the fanbase make him out to be, I think he has light in his heart and deserves a second chance.
I mean he has not one, not two, but THREE friendship evolutions, all three evolving from baby Pokemon, and during a time when Pokemon and humans were at odds with each other. And has a photo of himself and his egg baby.
(And I read there's a possibility that Giratina might have had some influence on him going totally bonkers)
Anyways, I've been a longtime fan of Pokemon and your work, and I've written several stories before, but this is the first time I've wanted to write a Pokemon fic this badly - a Volokari story (not sure what their shipping name is yet). But I'm worried about receiving backlash because in my story Akari (who is actually Hikari) is an adult when she's whisked away to Hisui, and I don't want to receive hate messages over something that's supposed to be emotional and fun.
But at the same time, I really, REALLY want to write this story sometime, how Arceus not only brought Akari to Hisui to save the land, but also Volo, and how the two hold Cynthia's existence in the future in their hands...
But I'm so sensitive, especially these days, I don't think I'd know what to do if I received hate messages over something I worked so hard on and put all my soul into, especially when those messages are calling me terrible things that make me feel like I should be burned at the stake.
hi hi!
first of all. omg. aaaaa thank u! im happy to u know love my fws esp my fws fics aaaaaaa all the stuff ive written in the past are quite dear to me so its nice to know people enjoy wm
second, regarding your problem, i solely believe in Write For Yourself. make your own food. cook your own feast. make the characters alive through your eyes for YOUR viewing pleasure. i know getting validation from others is great but it also risks the unnecessary backlash from ppl we never asked opinions from. so what i can say is start off by writinf for yourself. trust me. years later im still in a soulsilver n ferriswheel rut n all the fics ive written in the past are for my own benefit. it helps on the long run.
if u hv ao3 u can post on ao3 w proper tags! usually the readers are nicer coz it takes actually googling and filtering to find what one wants. no asshole is tht desperate to do so just to spread hate.
if not u can post here too! if youre still nervous, switch off replies or turn anon off. theyll be some useless bastards once or twice unfortunately but think of it this way: your life is way more vast, way more important and these useless things are barely worth your time or notice.
it might sting to get one. bt trust me, there are SO many people who support n love u. outside and inside the internet.
so i hope youre passionate enough to write vlkr! i knw im still super interested in them n years of doing what i love make me so desensitized by some backlash from people i couldnt care less coz the internet is just a small part of my big big world lol
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