amanitacurses · 26 days
requesting ravio holding bunny link? 🙏
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This was the first one I did - RavioLink, Ravio-V1, and Sacred from my Lost Woods AU
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And then I realized you probably meant the more popular set-up for the Links with Ravio's Link covering ALttP -> ALBW, so here's a second version with Ravio and Oracle for a different, currently unnamed AU!
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elvisabutler · 2 years
Hey, baby! Love your work!
Can I ask for a Austin x reader where he’s dating a doctor during the wrap of Elvis and she is just tending to him when he gets hospitalised?
physician heal thy boyfriend
summary: your boyfriend is austin butler, star of the hopefully soon to be smash hit elvis. your boyfriend has a habit of pushing himself too far for this role. your boyfriend finds himself in your care while being completely and utterly out of it and sick as a dog. you are- mildly not impressed, but mostly a little worried. fandom: austin butler | elvis ( 2022 ) pairing: austin butler x doctor! reader rating: t word count: 1952 warnings: hospital setting. talk of austin's hospitalization post elvis. talk of austin's injury to his head with the guitar. talk of medication and hallucinations. austin being sick as hell. reader is a doctor. mild implications of a panic attack. imagery of austin being very sick. brief mention of COVID as well. author's note: thank you for this request and the compliment, anon! it always delights me to have people enjoy my writing especially when i know it's not always everyone's cup of tea re: pairings or content. i didn't go super into detail re: the details of austin's hospitalization since- we don't know the exact exact details and i'm not a doctor myself. i hope you enjoy! and apologies for this taking a hot minute, i was trying to focus on kinktober stuff during october and things like this got opened and noticed and worked on- but not posted. also consider this a thanksgiving gift for all the americans who celebrate it. can't bring y'all food from my sil ( who will not let me cook for the family just yet ) but i can provide you fic food. and know that i'm super thankful for all of you.
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It's not as if you didn't think this would be a possibility, you had gotten lucky the last time he injured himself- the time with the guitar that you still give him a good ribbing for- and you had been off and not at the hospital and thankfully stitches weren't necessarily your forte, you saved them for the surgeons. However, nothing in the universe, no amount of logic could have prepared you for seeing your boyfriend groaning on a gurney, looking at you with glassy eyes that mean he's not all there. He's physically there, yes, but his mind is either in a haze of a fever or completely given over to whatever pain is inflicting itself on him in the present moment. There's a part of your heart that stutters at the image, a part of your brain that is overwhelmed with sheer panic at seeing him like this. An actor is supposed to be a safe-ish profession, one where you don't have to worry about your significant other being hurt and showing up in an emergency room or at a hospital unexpectedly. Yet here you were, looking at him being struck down by an illness that came out of nowhere- at least- you're pretty sure it did.
Everyone downstairs had gotten him mostly stable from what you've heard and what you see in front of you. You try and not let your mind wander to what he looked like when he was brought in if this is stable, but the thought pops up nonetheless, making you stop in your tracks for just a moment as you took deep breaths. He was alright, you knew how to do your job, you could help him and stay with him. He could use his- he could use the fact that he has just wrapped Elvis- or something they'd make an exception for you just this once.
His current predicament was more your specialty than his guitar injury. Dealing with what would have been a normal case of appendicitis was easy even despite the now present extra complications. Austin- despite your strong suggestions that he maybe should take better care of himself- didn't take better care of himself, turning what could have been something simple into a much rougher infection and gave him lymph nodes you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy. If you weren't so worried you're pretty sure you'd make a joke about how he really is trying to become Elvis with the hospital stay despite the fact that you know the movie has wrapped. After all you and him had both are gone to the wrap part at Baz's house. There's a part of you that wonders if that party and the sheer amount of people that were at that party might have been what led to this. But you have learned in your few years as a doctor that it's better to not necessarily speculate like that unless you want to drive yourself up the wall. Besides if that was the cause of Austin's predicament right now you're not a hundred percent sure you wouldn't be a bit peeved at Baz. As it stands, you do end up shooting off a text to him asking him what on Earth happened and if he knew Austin wasn't feeling well that morning when they had met up for breakfast.
A groan from Austin's bed knocks you out of your head and reminds you that you have a job to do and you get yourself into gear, making sure he's got the correct tests ordered, the right medication ordered and everything you can think of that will make sure he will be comfortable even as his body tries to fully rebel against him. It's a bit touch and go for the first two days and the few times you think Austin is coherent and realizes that you are there he mutters 'Cilla and Satnin and you try to not take it personally, instead reminding yourself that his medicine has a tendency to have a side effect of at least mild hallucinations and he did just get done pretending to be Elvis for the greater part of almost two years. After that second day and heading into the third, you realize he's seeming more normal, his eyes look a little clearer when you see them open and you chance a proper visit, one where you stay there until he wakes up just to actually check on him properly.
A proper visit where the exhaustion of taking care of all your other patients and him might end up catching up to you and has you passing out with your head in his lap in what is the- most comfortable chair you could use to sleep in- if you had used it normally and not pulled it up next to his bed. The first thing you're aware of as you wake up is a hand on your head and a very rough sounding southern drawl coming from above you.
"What- Y/N, what- why are ya in m'lap, baby?" The confusion is evident in his voice but as you groggily lift your head up and look into his eyes, you can see it written all over there as well.
It takes you a minute or so to wake up, your eyes adjusting to the light and to the movement of Austin shifting in the bed, trying to make himself more comfortable. When you finally do you blink at him and purse your lips. "What's the last thing you remember, Aus?"
You very rarely use that specific nickname with him, saving it only for occasions when you feel he needs to honestly pay attention to you. That alone causes him to sit up as straight as he can and just look at you with an intensity you know he couldn't have managed either of the previous days.
"I was with Baz and-" He pauses, biting his lower lip before wincing. "Pain. A lot of pain and feeling like I was on fire."
The description earns a grim smile from you before you exhale, shaking your head. "That is a pretty good description of what you looked like when I got called down to make sure you weren't going to die or be left permanently incapacitated. Now I know my boyfriend didn't specifically ignore my orders as his doctor girlfriend to actually take care of himself especially now that filming was winding down. And I know he didn't act like a teenager who when I wasn't around to maybe check or was too busy at work just took advantage of that and didn't take care of himself. Because he's a smart guy, isn't he?"
Austin looks like he's about to say the first thing that comes to mind, the first- you imagine- pretty idiotic thing that comes to mind before he sees the look on your face and realizes this is a battle he will not win. "I-" He stops and moves to grab your hand. "I might have continued to push myself because I'm a bit of an idiot who definitely was taking advantage of my long hours and your long hours to hide that. Is that what I need to admit? Or do I need to keep going?"
You can't help but laugh at the question, biting your lip to prevent a full fit of laughter from escaping. "I mean, you can keep going, I'm actually a little curious to see how big of a hole you can dig yourself into, by all means." Your eyes slide up to his IV bag and you frown, grabbing his remote to call a nurse, the alarm hasn't sounded that it's empty and due for a change but- you know how busy it's been lately and you're not in the mood to have Austin wait for too long.
Austin's quiet for a moment as he looks at you, noting how he swears you have some lines on your forehead that you didn't have before. He put those there- he made you worry so much you got new worry lines. It doesn't distract from your beauty, far from it, but still it sens a rush of guilt through him that has him placing his hand on your cheek. Before you realize what you're doing, you nuzzle your cheek against his hand, letting out a breath you didn't realize you were holding. Letting out tension in your shoulders that haven't left since he first was brought in. "I'm- Nothing is going to change what happened, but for what it's worth, I'm sorry baby."
A shaky sort of breath leaves your body before you grab Austin's hand and move to kiss it before you touch his cheek. "I know you are. Because you scared the shit out of me. And Baz, but he wasn't the one taking care of you, who didn't know what exactly was wrong and how you could-" You shut your eyes and rub at them. "You're not allowed to do this to me again, Mr. Butler. I started dating you because you're supposed to be the safe bet, no silly injuries or COVID or sickness like this. And look at you, a guitar to the head, this, you better not make it a trifecta."
He shakes his head, moving his hand that you still have held to brush away tears you have falling. "I wouldn't dream of it." He pauses. "How long am I in here for?"
"A week." You answer quicker than you should. "Might be overkill but you've got your antibiotics via IV and while you live with me and I can change it, I also have to be at work half the time so hospital it is."
Austin flushes and you think for a moment he's going to be sick before you see how he's looking at you- it's a look you know well, one that usually leads to things in the bedroom and you just narrow your eyes as he starts to speak. "So, you're my doctor then. And I'm your patient."
You take a moment to just look up at the ceiling and purse your lips, wondering not for the first time why you ever started dating Austin when he says dumb things like that. It shouldn't be something that's funny, and it really isn't but you've been so worried about him for the past two days that hearing that stupid joke as much as it makes you roll your eyes just makes you laugh. "I am and you are. But as your doctor I cannot in good conscience condone any shenanigans of a sexual sort just yet. Maybe in a few days."
He nods solemnly as he sees a nurse entering a room. He leans over for a moment, knowing fully well you can't stop laughing and won't just yet. "Just show up in only the your coat and we'll know if I'm feeling better. You know I can't resist your sexy doctor look."
If you have to tell the nurse about changing his IV bag through broken off bits of laughter, that's his fault. If you can't help but slap his arm lightly when he tries to grab at your butt- seriously, you really should have remembered the side effects of his medicine and his inhibitions- then that's also his fault. If later on that day you find yourself curled up against him watching some Australian soap opera? Well, despite not being on duty this particular day, you are still his doctor, and a little rest and a lot of cuddles might have been your additional recommendation for the start of an optimal recovery.
And really, who was he to argue?
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crsjunkyard · 2 years
The Waters of March: Part Two
The Sun Also Rises Masterlist
Hehe, oopsies for the wait but it's here!
There is some smutttt, and plenty of tension and feels in this one. Ugh thanks to y'all so much for the love and support for this story, I have so many PLANS for this installment it's ridiculous.
Length: 5.8k
Summary: You and Viktor spend some time with your friends and prepare for the upcoming party. How will you handle having to hide your relationship?
Chapter Two: The Heart of Man
The heart of man is very much like the sea, it has its storms, it has its tides and in its depths it has its pearls too
-Vincent Van Gogh
The evening had turned around rather quickly, half filled glasses dotted the table and the hearty aroma of spiced lamb wafted through the air. Your frustrations melted into easy conversation. It was hard to stay angry for long when you were surrounded by the people you loved. Laughter filled your ears as Jayce recounted his first impressions of Viktor.
“He was kind of an ass, there I was watching my life’s work crumble… and he called me egotistical.”
“You signed every page Jayce, as if anyone else would have been able to decipher your notes at all.”
“Okay, put the claws away boys- it’s time for presents!” Cait clapped excitedly.
You glanced around the room in confusion as everybody proffered their own little gifts of different shapes and sizes, all eyes landing to you.
“For me? You guys really didn’t have to do that,” you looked down shyly.
If you were being honest with yourself, you did love getting presents. Oftentimes when out in the market, you would see something that reminded you of one of your friends and buy it- just because you knew it would make them smile. So when you got a gift, it sent a little roll of warmth through your chest knowing someone else was thinking of you.
“Ah- yes, but we did so you are required to accept them,” Viktor shrugged before heading towards the kitchen with an armful of dirty plates.
You accepted a long rectangular box from Caitlin first- it was expertly wrapped and suspiciously light. As you peeled off the shiny paper, she had the most gleeful look of anticipation on her face.
Nestled in a soft bed of tissue paper sat the most expensive-looking piece of lingerie you’d ever seen. Ethereal pink material held together by delicate straps and cascades of sheer fabric. You were quiet for a moment, trailing your fingers through the soft slip reverently.
“It's beautiful,” you smiled at Cait earnestly. “Thank you.”
“You should probably try it on for me- just to make sure it fits,” she winked playfully.
“We both know that is not necessary, I gave you her measurements,” Viktor interjected, sending Cait a look of exasperation.
“Woah, where did you get that,” Jayce asked with poorly concealed interest- leaning over to peer into the box.
“Textiles district, around the corner from that place with the ties you like.”
“Huh, good to know,” Jayce reached under his chair, offering you a thin square package- haphazardly wrapped in brown paper. “This one’s from me, it’s uh- not as fancy as Cait’s.”
“Don’t say that, it’s perfect,” you admonished, smiling at the large amount of tape covering the parcel.
“You haven’t even opened it yet,” he argued.
“Yeah but it’s from you so I love it already,” your words sent a light flush to Jayce’s cheeks.
Peeling your way through the tape, you felt something smooth and solid beneath your fingertips. Sliding it out of the paper, you were met with the sight of your own eyes smiling back at you. Tucked inside a wooden frame sat a detailed drawing of you and Viktor.
He must have sketched it in the lab one day… Viktor stood over your shoulder, casually leaning into his cane- long fingers pointing out something on the pages as you softly smiled up at him. You were in awe, Jayce had captured every detail with aching perfection.
Setting it carefully on the table, you wrapped Jayce up in a tight hug. “It’s perfect, I love it,” you told him softly.
“S’no big deal,” he shrugged bashfully.
You felt Viktor slide into the wooden bench seat next to you, in one hand a lush bouquet of hydrangeas and in the other… what is that?
“I may have forgone the wrapping,” a small smile played on his lips as you accepted the offering from his hand. A smooth leather bound notebook, filled with thick and sturdy pages- much like the ones he and Jayce used for their research. Much to your amusement, you noticed a single bee embossed on the cover.
Viktor saw your focus was on the small detail. “Er- you know it is because…”
“-Because you’re my honey?” you snorted fondly, loving that little pink tinge dusting his ears.
“He is kind of like a sweet little bee isn’t he,” Jayce snickered from across the table, letting out a huff as Cait threw an elbow into his ribs.
The little scuffle brought a smile to your face, you were lucky. You had a family- they were odd and loud, occasionally argumentative… and wholeheartedly yours.
******* *******
“Remember when we used to tell ourselves we were just friends then slept in the same bed together every night?”
You smiled at the memory, watching steam curl across the water’s surface as you felt Viktor’s chest rumble with a soft laugh.
“I recall the days when my worst concerns were accidentally grinding against you in my sleep,” his voice sounded near your ear, spindly legs bracketing your hips- long arms wrapping around to pull you back against his chest.
“Oh that definitely happened,” you said, turning around slightly to send him a grin
“Eh- I cannot be too embarrassed, it led me here after all.”
You tipped your head back, nudging playfully at his jawline with your nose before scraping your teeth against his neck.
Viktor loved the way you touched him, with a constant undercurrent of playfulness. As if you were excitedly remembering all over again how much he welcomed your affection. Sometimes it was sexual, other times you just needed to feel his skin beneath your own- it was always somewhat… primal. Your body spoke with bites and licks- scratches or nuzzles, so uninhibited by convention it was animalistic.
He loved that about you as well, an animal of his own howling in pleasure. Reveling in the notion that every way you understood how to touch you learned because you touched him- and no one else.
Turning you in the circle of his arms, Viktor nudged your legs- urging them to straddle his own. Your palms dropped to his chest, and he reached up to cup your neck- pulling you down into a bruising kiss.
“We’re gonna get water everywhere,” you muttered against his lips.
“It is fine, we have towels-” he didn’t care about the mess, more focused on delivering sharp nips to the soft skin of your chest, meandering his way towards your pebbled nipples. You held your breath- waiting for that delicious sting of teeth. After a beat too long you looked down, only to find Viktor poised over your pink bud, smirking up at you.
“Were you expecting something?” he let out a low chuckle upon seeing your scowl, warm breath tickling at the sensitive skin surrounding your nipple.
“I hope you’re enjoying this- because once we get out of the tub your ass is mine,” you growled.
“Eh- yes I think you’ve made it abundantly clear who my… ass belongs to,” Viktor pressed his lips together tightly, holding back laughter.
“Unbelievable- you know what?” you sent him an unimpressed stare.
“What?” his grin stretched wider by the second.
“You’re a brat,” you punctuated the word with a harsh flick of water aimed at his face.
Viktor blinked at you in surprise, water dripping from the angles of his nose back into the water below. Then his eyes narrowed, there was a split second in which you admired the playful darkness of his smirk before long arms caged your body in an iron grip- sliding the both of you underwater. He released you immediately and the both of you surfaced with a loud slosh, wincing as you heard a torrent of water splash against the ceramic floor.
Letting out a huff you wiped the stray moisture from your eyes- met with the lovely sight of a carefree Viktor.
He’d been letting his hair grow recently, and now the wild curls were plastered to his head- skirting along the juncture of his neck. You heard his laughter ringing through the air, watched him reach up to brush a few damp tangles from your face.
Maybe it was that warm crinkle in the corner of his eyes, or the light reflecting those stray droplets that saturated his thick lashes- but it was like the first time you’d ever seen him all over again, and it took your breath away.
Surging forward you captured his lips in a soft kiss, a gentle push and pull of your tongues as the water settled around you. You nipped at his bottom lip before sucking it into your mouth, receiving a soft whimper in return.
At some point you’d slipped between his legs, probably when you’d gone underwater, and now you used the leverage to pull him up while sliding yourself back. He came willingly, allowing you to arrange him however you’d like until finally Viktor was settled astride your lap.
Your palms smoothed up and down his sides, thumbs rubbing circles in the divot of his hips- fingers reaching around to grab handfuls of his ass. He let out another pitched whimper, grinding forward to rub his hardened cock against the softness of your stomach.
Leaning forward you worked a trail up the valley of his chest, alternating harsh licks with loud, open mouthed kisses. Upon reaching his throat you began leaving soft nips, suckling a deep bruise onto the protrusion of his clavicle before placing a final bite to his adams apple.
The intermittent twitching of Viktor’s hips had turned into a steady grind, and you could hear the frustrated little grunts sounding through his throat- he was getting desperate.
“Hmm, help me decide,” you looked up at the ceiling- pretending to be deep in thought. “I’m not sure which are my favorite… these,” your hands once again reached around to squeeze at the fleshy globes of his ass. “Or these,” you reached up to cup the flatness of his chest- massaging rhythmically.
Viktor couldn’t help the flush that spread across his cheeks, even now you still managed to do things that made him shy. Looking down, his lidded gaze tracked your every move- seeing your puckered pout hover millimeters from his chest.
“I’m sorry, were you expecting something?” you mocked, purposefully letting out a hot puff of air over his rosy bud.
Before Viktor could come up with a suitable retort to your teeth sunk in, hard.
“A- Ah, again- bite me again,” he demanded.
You obliged, alternating back and forth between each nipple- tugging and gnawing until they were red and puffy and Viktor was practically grimacing at the hot stab of pain that blurred into pleasure.
“Oh, sweetie- looks like I ruined your pretty little nipples,” you started leaving soft licks, blowing soothing streams of cool air. Viktor squirmed, breath catching in his throat as the tingling sensation sent jolts of pleasure down his spine.
“I have an idea, you wanna try something?” you asked.
“Yes- anything,” Viktor whined, wet curls strewn messily over his forehead- leaving steady drips down his face. You leaned over the edge, reaching onto the large ledge for the bottle of sugared lemon bath oil you kept there.
“Uh- I’m fairly certain that is not good for your pH?” he quirked a brow.
“Yeah, you know all about my pH after what happened that time with the honey, aah-” Your words cut short as Viktor’s thumb pushed between your lips, knuckle rubbing across the edges of your teeth.
“Perhaps your mouth may be better occupied, no?” he questioned, a rough edge to his gaze. In lieu of attempting an answer, you sucked the digit further into your mouth- hollowing your cheeks and teasing his nailbed with your tongue.
“Ah, always so good to me- my sweet girl,” Viktor praised, feeling your legs rub together- instinctively searching for relief. “Now, I am going to remove my finger, and you will tell me what it is you’d like to try,” he waited expectantly, eventually removing his thumb after your nod of confirmation.
“Let me show you.”
You slunk further down into the soapy water, urging Viktor to sit higher up- strong hands forcing his full weight down so that he was seated on your stomach.
“Get a pump of oil,” you instructed, leaning up on your shoulders. Viktor did as you asked, mesmerized by the way your breasts breached the water’s surface- their smooth swells bobbing under his gaze.
Reaching up, you took each of his hands in your own- rubbing the slickness between them before moving his palms to cup your breasts under the water.
“I want you to get them nice and slippery, then… I want you to fuck them.”
Viktor’s eyes widened, grasp on your chest tightening. He reveled in the soft glide of his fingers, letting out a low groan of appreciation.
“You would have me use you like this?” his fingers pressed your breasts together- hips sliding forward. You nodded, fluttering your lashes coyly as you batted his hands away, using your own hands to create a channel for his pulsing cock.
“Positively obscene,” he grunted, tentatively thrusting a few times before finding a rhythm. “You are mine, yes? No one will ever have you like this,” his tone grew possessive.
“No one but you,” a low thrumm of pleasure pulsed through your body. “Doesn’t matter what anybody says, what they all think- could never let anyone touch me who wasn’t you.”
“Do you know?” he asked with a rough thrust. “When you talk like that- it makes me want to possess you, to mark you as my own for the entire world to see.” Viktor froze for a moment, gaze locked on your own- too much, too far, she’s going to think I am a lunatic…
Then you grinned at him, something feral and dark. A shiver ran down his spine, with that glint in your eyes and the messy tendrils of wet hair- you appeared as some kind of siren sent to drag him to his doom. I would let her pull me to the bottom of the sea.
“Ah- yes,” he hissed, limbs going weak as your mouth opened widely- tongue sticking out so that with each roll of hips his swollen tip rubbed against the wet muscle.
Viktor’s breaths grew labored, each heaving inhale punctuated by slaps of water hitting the floor below. “I- ah, ah, you may want to s- stop…. Ah- I am-” he moaned weakly.
“Want it on my face,” you bared your teeth at him before lunging down to suckle on the head. Viktor let out a wail, hips speeding up pace- rhythm growing erratic and stuttered as his pleasure peaked.
Opening your mouth, you let Viktor rub against the flat of your tongue- hearing a single pitched whimper before his entire body tensed above you. A salty burst of fluid landed in your throat, the rest painting across your face- sticking in your lashes, spreading along your cheeks.
Viktor landed on top of you with a huff, entire body smothering your own as his hot breath fanned over the crook of your neck. Scooting your way into a sitting position, you cradled him in your lap, soothingly stroking the matted hair at his neck.
“Hmm, you liked that?”
Viktor lifted his head to shoot you an incredulous look. “It would seem so,” he snarked.
“Made a big mess of my face,” you pouted, seeing if he would take the bait.
Knowing what you wanted, Viktor leaned forward- tongue peeking out to slowly lap across your face, cleaning his own release from your skin with gentle kitten licks.
“Satisfied?” he questioned, pulling away with a wry smile. Taking your nod as confirmation, he began to slide from your lap.
“Good, get on the ledge and spread your legs for me…”
******* ******* *******
“Okay, we’re gonna go check out the produce stalls- Mr. Gartens told me some good peaches might be coming in today.”
The early spring air still held a moist chill as the four of you rounded the last corner, reaching the recreation docks. You loved the ocean, especially in the morning- before the sun burned away the fog, when things were still shrouded and quiet.
“Then we’ll just meet you guys back here?” you questioned.
“Sounds good,” Cait agreed, setting her tackle box down on a bench before leaning over the railing to gauge the waves.
“Do not forget the rice flour, remember- you ran out last week,” Viktor reminded you, propping his pole against the wood.
“That’s right, I almost forgot-” you leaned up to press a quick kiss to his cheek. “Okay, bye honey we’ll be back in a bit.”
“Yeah, see you later honey,” Jayce teased.
Viktor smiled fondly as the two of you walked away, watching as Jayce wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pointed towards something, causing your frame to shake with laughter.
Some time ago, Viktor had realized he and Cait shared a similar affection for fishing. Perhaps for him it hadn’t started so much as a hobby but a survival tool. It was an interesting revelation nonetheless, and had served to cultivate their friendship past the stages of tentative amicability.
After those first few awkward outings, Viktor had realized Cait was quite easy to spend time with. Perhaps it was because Cait and himself were so used to the chaotic brightness of you and Jayce. The ever present buzz of energy that clung to the two of you like a second skin. It was nice to just… sit- to spend a bit of restorative time with someone who shared a more reserved energy.
“How did you start fishing anyways?” she asked, casting her line out into the depths below.
“As a boy, I built my own rod from garbage I’d collected in the rivers,” Viktor’s expression tightened. “There aren’t many fish to be caught in the undercity, and the ones you find aren’t usually fit for human consumption- of course that didn’t dissuade most.”
Cait ignored her line in lieu of listening closely to his every word, it wasn’t often that her lanky friend freely offered much information about his childhood.
“I began sneaking to this very dock to fish, oftentimes in the middle of the night. Until one day I was caught.”
“Caught for what? It’s a public dock?” her face twisted in confusion.
“Yes, for the citizens of Piltover, not some street rat with a makeshift fishing rod. That was… my first experience with enforcers,” he trailed off tightly, the whirring reel of his line being pulled enough indication that he was finished speaking.
“My parents are still furious,” she started. “They think I’m rebelling, that I’m only doing this to piss them off.”
“Are you?” he asked, tone more curious than judgmental in nature.
“Hah, no- if I wanted to rebel I’d become a street fighter or something.”
“Eh- you would probably do well,” a smirk ghosted his lips.
“You’re not gonna say some unhelpful shit like, at least you have a family who worries about you,” Cait sighed, blowing a stray strand of hair from her face.
“Ah- no I am not,” he looked at the line thoughtfully, fingers toying with the handle. “I think you are strong and capable of deciding for yourself what you want out of life.”
Cait’s cheeks warmed, it wasn’t often that Viktor extended compliments to others- aside from you of course. It wasn’t as if he were cold, he just wasn’t very practiced in verbalizing his affections.
“You’re holding something back,” she accused, picking up on the tenseness of his posture.
“You wish me to be completely honest?” he asked, a tinge of warning in his tone.
“You know I do,” she responded earnestly, abandoning the rod completely in favor of his carefully blank expression.
“I think… it is easy to romanticize the enforcers when you see them in Piltover. Even more so when you grow up in a house such as your own. Polished and smiling, heroically chasing down criminals, helping the elderly carry heavy bags-” Viktor gave a dry smile.
“But when you know them as I do, you cannot see them as anything short of cruel. Tell me, what did you see of the rebellion? Perhaps heroic tales of enforcers dying in tragedy, young hopefuls who never came home- all to to protect their precious homeland from the undercity scum.”
Of course she berated herself, how could she have not connected the dots before. He was a boy living in the undercity during the riots…
It was times like these that put things into perspective. Viktor was not simply her kind enigmatic scientist friend- who doted over you with aching devotion and bickered with Jayce in the lab all day. He was a man born of struggle, he had probably seen more horrors as a child than she’d experienced in lifetime.
“As a boy on the streets, I saw them as monsters, I feared them. Watched as they killed without reason or mercy- to make a statement they said, a warning against rebellion for future generations. Those who could not fight learned to run, or in my case… hide,” he met her eyes with solemn gaze.
“You must understand, what it truly means- when the day comes that you are asked to restore order. The things your fellow officers will do… they will haunt you, and despite what you may be thinking, you will not be able to stop them all.”
“I- I’m sorry, I didn’t…” her face reddened with shame. She had heard a few rumors, assuming they were one-offs, anomalies. It was an entirely different thing to have Viktor, someone she counted as a dear friend, opening up to her about his experiences. The raw pain in his eyes, the old memories fresh on his tongue.
“I do not say this to be hurtful, I only wish to give you my perspective. Regardless, never forget… you do have a family who will support you, even if it is not your parents,” despite the heavy topics at hand, the smile he sent Cait was warm and encouraging.
“Thanks, for everything” she croaked out, throat feeling unusually dry.
“Of course, eh- I think you may have a bite,” he pointed towards the end of her rod, taunt line causing it to dip towards the sea below.
Viktor had meant what he’d said earlier, she was strong and capable- and he had faith that she would figure out what she wanted for herself. All he wanted was for her to find what she was looking for.
“Hmm” he strolled next to you, looking happily at the blue sky- basking in the warm sunshine that heated his face.
Something had been on your mind, a morbid worry that just would wiggle it’s way from your thoughts.
“If I die, you’ll make sure Viktor’s okay right?”
Jayce stumbled, almost falling flat on the cobblestone- dropping the basket of peaches in the process.
“Ah- careful they’ll bruise!” you darted down to start gathering the ones that had begun to roll away. Frantically plucking peaches from the ground, you’d forgotten all about your impromptu conversation about mortality.
Jayce grabbed at your shoulders, pulling you up from the ground- forcing you to face him.
“I’m sorry, what?” he needed an immediate explanation.
“I said they’ll bruise, peaches are very delicate y’know” you mumbled, unable to meet his eyes.
“No, no, no- I don’t care about the peaches… Why did you say that?” his grip tightened, panic bleeding into his tone. “Are you dying? Y- you’re dying aren’t you?” Jayce yelled, hands raking through his hair- looking more frantic by the moment.
“Shh- no, stop causing a scene I am not dying” you hissed, shaking his shoulders.
“Oh- okay,” he let out a relieved sigh. “What’s wrong with you, why would you casually bring that up on our shopping day,” he pinned you with a glare, feeling a little foolish for completely losing his composure so quickly.
“Oh, er- well I was just thinking the other day, that if something ever happened to me… I would want you to make sure Viktor was okay,” your cheeks flushed and you felt like an idiot. What is wrong with me, he’s right- why would I casually bring this up while we’re out buying fruit.
Jayce’s expression fell flat, eyes glinting with disbelief. “You’re joking?”
“I just mean- y’know, make sure he eats and sleeps and stuff…” your voice was fragile, a nervous tightness pulling around your eyes.
“He’s not a housecat, I couldn’t just leave a trail of cookies and wait for him to come out from under the bed. If you- if something happened to you,” Jayce’s eyes grew dark, face taking on a serious tone you seldom saw. “He would never come back from it. Never.”
And what could you say? There was no arguing with that, if something ever happened to Viktor… you’d never recover either.
You reached up, cupping Jayce’s strong jaw in your hand. “It’s a good thing I’ll never die, huh?” Your joke had its desired effect, watching Jayce’s face soften into a faint smile.
“C’mon, let’s go get some paczki and see if they caught any fish,” he took the basket of peaches from your grip- setting a quick pace towards the docks.
Viktor was still sulking as you fastened the clip of your earrings, watching him through the mirror as he buttoned his dress shirt.
“Honey, you can’t say ‘I learned that from Jayce’ during sex and expect me not to laugh,” you chided, pressing your lips together to stifle the fresh waves of laughter stirring in your throat.
“I was simply giving credit where it is due, it’s the scientific way,” he grumbled- realizing his buttons were done asymmetrically.
“Here, let me-” you brushed his fingers aside, feeling the soft silk slide through your grip.
You’d seen the dress shirt through a shop window, and the deep burgundy had immediately reminded you of Viktor’s favorite sweater. It was lovely, a smooth button down of buttery silk. The shimmery splash of red against his creamy skin was positively mesmerizing- like watching spilled wine trickle across fresh porcelain.
He didn’t really see the appeal, to him it was a shirt- a nice shirt, but simply a shirt. Although he was certainly not complaining when you immediately dropped to your knees after watching him try it on for the first time.
Viktor sent you a grateful smile as you finished, patting his chest gently. He began tucking the shirt in and you hopped up on the ledge- using the time to appraise his lean form.
He looked delicious
The breezy silk tucked into a snug pair of black slacks, making his legs look even more indecently long- highlighting the narrow angles of his waist. You’d intentionally left the topmost button undone- collar parted just enough to let some of his sharp clavicle peek out from beneath. His freshly oiled hair glinting under the dim lights- that soft smile tugging at his plush lips as he realized you were staring.
You wanted to devour him.
Viktor’s skin prickled under your gaze, that familiar swoop of excitement from low in his stomach. He felt almost like… prey, and it was thrilling. Tonight will certainly be memorable.
Once the two of you had gotten together, it didn’t take long for him to realize how much you had been holding yourself back. You loved touching him- all the time.
He pointed it out once when you’d had your arms wrapped around him from behind, just as a fond observation. You’d asked if it bothered him, worried that you might have been too much, too clingy. Of course, he soothed your concerns easily- telling you how much he loved your affection. He simply wasn’t used to being touched so lovingly and so often
Each time you passed him a hand would reach out to nudge his shoulder, card through his hair, the occasional playful squeeze of his ass. As if it physically pained you to go long without physical contact.
It was exactly what he’d needed.
He never worried you were pulling away, never had doubts that you didn’t want him. How could he when no matter if you’d been away working for an entire day or simply went to take a shower alone, you greeted him with a kiss upon returning.
He felt…proud, because every time he reciprocated your affections you practically beamed. Especially in public, as if you were thrilled to show anyone who could see that he was yours, that he belonged to you. You made him feel as if he were something precious, something to be treasured and loved.
“You wanna know something,” you asked casually.
“What?” he regarded you suspiciously.
You beckoned him forward, taking his hand and turning it in your own- thumbs smoothing across the ridges of his knuckles teasingly.
Starting at your inner knee, you placed his palm flat against your skin before sliding it up slowly. Up past the scrunched hem of your dress, up into the sensitive skin of your inner thigh. Detouring outward to finally rest on the bareness of your plush hip- under your dress.
Leaving the hand there, you pulled back with a wicked grin- waiting patiently for that moment of understanding to cross his expression.
“You- you are not wearing…” Viktor threw his head back with a weak groan, grip tightening into your flesh. “Why? Why must you do this to me?”
“Well, I can’t touch you all night, but at least now every time I look at you… you’ll know-” your knuckles grazed across his parted lips lightly. “That there’s not a single thing separating us but this thin little dress.”
“You are cruel,” he accused, fingers trailing down to dip into the wetness of your core.
“Mmmm, wish we had time for that- you’ll have to wait till we get back,” you grasped his wrist- pulling it up. Leaning forward to suck the taste of yourself from his finger, watching as his gaze sharpened with want.
“How am I to attend the party like this?” he exclaimed, gesturing down to the sizeable bulge in his slacks.
“Hmm, not my problem,” you teased.
“Just as I suspected, cruel,” his fingers reached up to trail across your dipping neckline, lips twisting into a fond smile.
“Ah- there is one other thing, before we go,” he exited the bathroom and you hopped off the counter to follow.
“I had meant to give you this last night, however we became somewhat preoccupied.”
You watched him pull a small box from his nightstand, breath catching in your throat as he strode closer- the sweet licorice of his scent washing over you.
It would be a nice addition to your ensemble, he decided. A simple black dress that- now that he thought about it, the silky material was not dissimilar to that of his own shirt. It cut low on your neckline, delicate bows adorning each shoulder, serving as dainty straps- hem grazing your ankles. The shimmering material clung to your body, curves speaking for themselves under the thin covering.
You opened the box with shaky hands, heart squeezing tightly within your chest as you gazed at the contents.
A gleaming pearl, perfectly round and opalescent- set into a smooth, thin chain. You caressed the surface reverently, thinking it was the most perfect piece of jewelry you’d ever seen.
“Zoloste” you whispered thickly. “It’s perfect.”
Viktor beamed with satisfaction- plucking it from the crushed velvet before moving behind you. Frozen in place, you felt the heat of his back- the brush of his fingers swiping stray hairs from your neck. Undoing the clasp, he reached around your neck to settle the necklace, swiftly hooking it into place. His hot breath began murmuring in your ear, voice pouring out sweet and thick- like dark honey.
“Pearls are… the epitome of natural beauty. There is no need to shape them, to change them. They are given to us just as they should be, created perfect by nature- just as they are.”
Viktor laid a brief kiss to the base of your neck before turning you to face him.
“Lovely,” he murmured, eyes drawn to the lustrous pearl nestled neatly into the hollow of your throat. Leaning forward, he left a soft trail of kisses across one clavicle before moving to the other.
“Although we are meant to remain somewhat, eh- inconspicuous tonight. I wished for you to wear this as a reminder, I am yours… always.”
“I love you, always,” you grazed a gentle thumb against his sharp cheekbone.
“It will be the greatest challenge of my life,” he sighed dramatically.
“What?” you chuckled.
“Keeping my hands to myself,” he said, hands smoothing across your curves- reaching back to gently knead at your ass.
“Can I tie you up tonight?” you asked, eyes glinting with desire
“Tie me up?” he asked, head tilting in confusion. Had he misheard you?
“Yes,” you pressed forward into his chest. “Tonight, when we get home- I want to tie you to our bed, and make you cum again and again- until you’re messy and used and crying for me.”
He felt your lips brush against his, gently rubbing a bit of their red lacquer off onto his own- it was as close to marking him as you were going to get. “Over and over until you can’t take any more,” you felt his hardness twitch against your stomach, a thrill of satisfaction running through your veins.
“So, can I?” you asked again, more firmly this time.
“Yes,” he nodded frantically, feeling less than eloquent as his cock reached new levels of hardness in the confines of his slacks.
“Are you sure?” you asked with an air of indifference. “It doesn’t sound like you’re sure?”
“Yes, please- I want it, all of if,” he begged, pupils blown in desperation.
“Okay, I believe you,” you smiled, tugging his hand in your own. “Let’s go, we wouldn’t want to be late,” your voice sing-songed cheerfully, a sharp contrast from what he expected of your attitude before the party.
Might as well make the most of the night, you thought optimistically. Deciding that even if you couldn’t touch Viktor, you were going to tease him for all you were worth.
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nyacat39 · 7 years
Sonic Forces: Tell Me What You See
So I’m really hyped for Sonic Forces... and I got inspired to write a fanfiction for it already. I know it might become pretty dated when Forces comes out but damn it I wanted to write so here I am writing! Anyways hope y'all enjoy!
The City is destroyed, the Freedom Fighters are doing their best to save the innocent lives. As this is going on, Infinite and the Custom Hero have a battle with one big question at the end... Who is Infinite? (One-Shot)
Fire blew through the city, ruble crashed to the ground below destroying the ground and surrounding items. Metallic clangs of robotic feet on the rubble were almost completely covered up by the screams of civilians and car alarms from the chaos playing in the scene. Few were trying to hold the chaos back in order to get the innocent to safety but were slowly losing ground as robots shot them down.
A silver figure with a cyan glow around them floated above the retreating crowd and with a wave of one of their hands caused any approaching robot to halt their approach as the same glow covered them. Soon the glowing bots were lifted and thrown at more approaching bots, destroying both.
A pink figure quickly followed behind with a purple one to take care of the stragglers. Both moved swift and fierce as flames surrounded the purple one as they sped through the bots and set them ablaze. The pink one had a large red and yellow hammer smashing through the bots on their end.
“Eggman’s really upped his arsenal this time, there’s no end to them!” The pink one, a young female hedgehog in a red dress shouted as she threw her hammer through the crowd and quickly pulled a new one out from seemingly nowhere. Her light green eyes filled with a mix of determination and fatigue as sweat dropped from her brow, and her breathing grew heavy.
“Everything ends eventually!” The purple one, a female cat with a regal look to her called back, flames dancing around her and causing the robots closest to them to explode. Despite her calmer demeanor she seemed to be losing steam herself.
“We just need to hold them off till everyone get’s to safety!”  The silver one, a young male hedgehog exclaimed as he charged up a large amount of the cyan energy before unleashing it into a large wave shorting out a large group of robots. However the end result had the hedgehog bring a hand up to his head and for sweat to start forming on his brow.
The incoming mass of robots to replace the destroyed ones didn’t help any of them catch a much needed breather as they all had to prepare for the incoming wave. Many of the others that fought to protect were also wearing down quickly from the incredibly large numbers.
Up above on an over looking bridge stood a dark figure that looked to be a crossbreed of an unknown number of species, a silver mask that exposed only the left eye and the long flowing white locks behind them. Every so often what looked like a glitch effect appeared around them as they watched the chaos sweeping through the ruined city.
“I was wondering when you would arrive,” They spoke, their voice had a distorted quality to it. They stood where they were even as a red wolf stood behind them with a blaster pointed right at their back. The wolf held back his fear as he continued to point the weapon at the black Hybrid, who seemed to not be intimidated by it at all.
“So tell me… when did you leave the blue savior and his counterpart? Was it perhaps when you realized they were falling for my distraction? Or was it when my minions started to overwhelm them?” The black being questioned, slowly turning to the wolf. A sinister yellow eye in a sea of red met determined golden eyes.
“More like when I found your junk dropping them off,” The wolf responded, his free hand holding a glowing red cube within the green gloved hand. Said item slowly dissolved into the same glitch effect that appeared around it’s owner. A menacing chuckle escaped them, their eye never seeming to blink but glowed in amusement.
“Well then… tell me are you here to end this war then?” In a blink of the wolf’s eyes the hybrid was missing from their prior spot and panic shot through him even before he felt the clawed hand at his throat. “Or… Perhaps you wish for a quick death instead.”
In an instant the wolf shot his elbow back as hard as he could to hit the hybrid only to meet air and have to spin around to fire his weapon where the glitching being reappeared. The black and white being sidestepped out of the way.
“You’ve improved your reaction time since our last encounter,” the being pointed out even before firing off a blast of energy from their hand towards the wolf, who rolled out of the way. The wolf kept dodging as the hybrid fired five more shots before letting up and presenting the wolf with an opening.
“More like I’m a quick learner.” The wolf quickly shot two rounds of his own only to have the hybrid dodge and start closing the distance between the two.
“Enlighten me then.” A five red cubes appeared around the glitching being before dropping off one robot each before vanishing again.
“For someone calling themselves ‘Infinite’ you seem to focus on a set fighting style.” Switching the blaster over to a flamethrower, the wolf took care of the robots quickly before quickly performing a roundhouse kick behind them to the hybrid that reappeared there. Infinite moved back quickly from the kick before disappearing in a large glitch and reappearing a good distance from the wolf.
“So I’ve made myself predictable. Allow me to correct that mistake then.” Infinite began to float up about three feet off the ground before summoning more cubes around them. The wolf held his ground but lifted his weapon higher, preparing for incoming hostiles… only to get a surprise as the hybrid sent them straight towards the wolf.
Dodging as many as he could the wolf was slowly getting overwhelmed by the sheer number of cube being thrown at him. He had no idea what would happen if he got hit by one but he really didn’t want to find out. Unfortunately… he was about to find out as one hit him and suddenly everything looked different.
No longer was he in the burning city but now he was in a large strange forest clearing. The tree’s were upright, a pitch black color and pointed to a blood red sky with a black sun. Confusion and fear flowing through him he held his weapon in a ready position as his golden eyes combed the area… only to see something white pulling itself out of the grass that looked drenched in blood.
Out of the blood grass came a pure white hedgehog whose form seemed to be rather familiar to the wolf as he took in the stance, the quills that looked like they were swept back by the wind itself and the glowing green eyes within the sea of black.
“M-Mister Sonic?” The wolf stammered, almost lowering his weapon at the sight of the familiar person… but remained on high alert due to the strange look of the familiar face as well as the unnaturally sinister smile that crossed the white being’s face as it stared at him. Soon more white beings pulled themselves out of the ground, many of them being familiar faces to the wolf along with a few he never saw before… but the most horrifying were the ones that looked like him.
“W-What the-” His sentence was cut off when they suddenly began to attack, all screeching unnatural sounds as they began their attacks.
“Have you ever wondered what would happen if you made a different choice?” Infinite’s voice echoed from everywhere above the screeches of the white beings. The wolf was fighting them off as best he could and even using the grappling hook he had in his gloves to avoid them as best he could.
“A different choice results in different outcomes… different realities. Now tell me… How many of them would be bad choices? Choices that lead to one taking a different path.”
A spin dash attack was barely dodged only to be smacked back by a hammer.
“Breaking someone’s body, or spirit.”
A beam of chaos energy smashed into the wolf’s back causing him to scream in pain, even more when a sharp tipped boot spiraled deep into the wound with great force.
“Or… lead to someone’s end.”
A fist with painful spikes dug deep into the wolf’s gut as he was uppercut into the air only to be electrocuted by a metallic figure, then grabbed by cyan energy and smashed into the ground.
“The answer my young wolf… is an infinite number. There’s no end to these choices or results.”
Fire singed his fur and burned the skin underneath, metal stars hit his back right in the wound caused by chaos energy.
“No world exists where no one ever made choices like those. It is impossible, unattainable and unavoidable.”
Coughing blood and feeling pain all over the wolf looked up and saw some of the figures with blood red tears falling from their darkened eyes. Sadistic smiles practically carved into their faces.
“Look around you. Tell me what you see in each of these figures.”
Wincing from the pain and feeling like he was close to losing consciousness his eyes locked onto that of the twisted Sonic’s. The minute he deep into those green eyes the wolf’s mind flashed images of the blue blur being forced to watch as he went up against a large lizard creature made entirely of water. Watched as he was trapped in the endless sea and slowly choking on the water as he struggled to get to the surface… only to be surrounded by nothing but darkness.
It was just as horrifying when he looked at the others… each of them went out in a horrible way, either due to mistakes or even someone else making a different choice that caused their end. None of them were without pain and the wolf felt every bit of it. The young wolf began to black out from the pain… only to wake up back where he originally was in the burning city.
The pain was still there but much more dull now and the wolf’s eyes locked onto the hybrid, who had their back towards him.
“Now… Tell me wolf. Take all the pain you just saw, all the suffering and ask yourself. What’s worse than all of that?”
The wolf watched as the glitching almost seemed to get worse around the hybrid… but through it all his eyes widened when he saw Infinite’s mask in its owner’s hand. Slowly they turned to the wolf.
“I’ll tell you what…”
The wolf’s eyes widened at what laid underneath the mask of his enemy. Through all the glitches it was much heavier on the scarred up right side of their face, but they saw the deep red still surrounding the blinded eye on that one side. There were more scars but there was something missing from the hybrid’s face aside from eyelids as evidence from them never blinking before.
“Being erased from existence.”
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thewoesofyaoi · 7 years
(1)You've said that men can't sell their stories and that women dominate the field, and while it is certainly true (women dominating the field), you think the reason for this is that women generally write kinky porn for women to enjoy and men do not. Have you taken into consideration the sheer amount of women writing m/m fiction, comparing to man? And that readers of those works are predominantly women? That men are generally not interested in romance genre, which m/m fiction mostly is.
(2)No one is keeping men from writing their stories. They just don't do it much. In the m/m fiction section at least. Or maybe there is some gatekeeping movement going on, where women harass man out of "their field". I have never heard about it, but if it's true than I'll be happy to be proven wrong. Maybe there are some hidden gems written by not women no one's heard about because of that. Can you recommend some?
hi, and thank you for these asks. they pose an interesting question: are men stopped from writing erotica?
i want to say yes. but it might not be the way you think. 
i ran across this thread some weeks ago, and it has stayed with me for quite a while. though i do think the entire thread is important to read, i want to focus on what thebibliosphere is writing:
Oh my gods this. This is everything I try and fail to say when people ask me how to explain fetishization vs storytelling.
Do you know how many books by gay men I edited in my time at the erotica publishing house? One.
Out of literal thousands of manuscripts, there was One gay man writing m/m, the rest were all by women, and I feel safe in saying, the majority of them, not from within the LGBTQA+ community.
And boy howdy did they pitch fits when we turned to them and said “your manuscript does not meet our health and safety requirements please revise” because our house had a strict safe sane consensual rule, along with body positivity, which everyone LOVED when they were writing m/f stories. But when it came to m/m we had so many authors say “ew, but that’s not ~sexy~ :/” to which my reply was often a very politely phrased “literally don’t give a fuck Susan, you know what else isn’t sexy? Bleeding assholes, which coincidentally is what you’re being.”
But y'know, nicer. Because I’m a fucking proffesional.
Anyway. Do you want to know what happened to said singular man writing m/m fiction? He got dropped after a year. Because, and I quote, this is a direct line from our then marketing team, about a gay man writing gay erotica: “that’s not what women want to read”
And if that’s not one of the most precise and fucking infuriating demonstrations of what the fuck is wrong with the “but I write gay slash fic! I can’t be homophobic!” “~allies~” (spoiler: you’re not) in fandom and yes, even in “real” publishing, I dunno what is.
There is a Difference between storytelling and fetishization, and all y'all crying “kinkshaming!” when someone asks you to treat them with respect, need to stop.
emphasis mine
i also found this ask that thebibliosphere got, but i’ll only quote what i found the most important:
Which, there’s nothing wrong with women or people who identify as women, writing m/m stories. But when there’s an entire industry dedicated to gay male suffering aimed as cis straight women, there’s a serious problem. People are not objects, they are not dolls for you to play with. Anyway.
this isn’t some fanfiction, or fanart, or even a free manhwa found online. it’s published books, where the authors get payed for every sold book, and men - man in this case - can’t even get a deal. because women don’t want to read gay stories written by gay men. a respectable erotica house lays off their only male m/m writer, becuase the marketing team doesn’t find that women are interested in it. 
if that isn’t keeping men away from m/m erotica (and romance), i honestly don’t know what else it might be. 
through this blog, i’m also constantly bringing up the fact that non-mlm’s voices are shut down in writing spaces where m/m is prevalent. i’m a fanfic writer myself, writing fanfiction with an mlm audience in mind, and i’ve gotten comments about how my sex scenes are unrealistic (”you don’t need to prepare an asshole that much!”), or boring (”why do you keep adding lube mid sex scene? and condoms?? ugh”), or outright wrong (umm, what?). 
i’ve had non-mlm writing partners tell me that i shouldn’t write for mlm, because i should focus on what women want to read instead. i’ve been told, when i voice my concerns over how the community is treating mlm creators, to “leave the m/m community if you hate it so much”. me, a gay man. leave the m/m community (which entail MY orientation, MY sex life, and MY relationships), becuase some women think their fetishization and objectification of gay men is more important than my comfort
this is why we say that mlm creators of m/m are shut down. and we, as both fans and consumers of published m/m media, needs to change this
to change the subject: i’m constantly looking for good gay books written by men, but it’s a long and hard road. most best-selling m/m books written by gay men are self published, just so you know. 
i don’t have a list i can recommend right now, especially on the happier side. they’re so hard to find that i’m, myself, still looking for more than one or two. a classic lgbt book, though it’s about internalized homophobia which manifests in misogony and abuse, is giovanni’s room (1956) by james baldwin (a gay black man), and it’s a good book to show that mlm should be the ones writing about male-related homophobia, rather than women. 
if anyone wants to add good m/m books written by mlm, send us an ask or reply to this; we’re aiming to keep a list of good representation on our blog in the future
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