#AI Course in Online
schoolforai · 2 years
Best Artificial Intelligence Course and Its Challenges
Artificial Intelligence Course
The term Artificial Intelligence has been conquering the headlines; especially in the past five years. Artificial Intelligence or AI can be defined as the prompt of natural intelligence in machines as reactions to certain words, sounds and/or events. That is, machines are programmed to learn and mimic the actions of humans in response to specific events. For example, a machine or even a system can be instructed to wish “Good Morning” when the clock strikes 6:00 am. Then the machine learns that whenever there is light you wish “Good Morning” and when it is dark, you wish “Good Night. Though this is not the perfect replica; it gives an idea on how Artificial intelligence works.
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This post gives an overview of how AI has impacted working styles in different industries as well as on various enterprises. Certain interesting insights along with forecasts shared by leading research organizations across the globe are:
Utilizing AI in marketing and sales enabled multiple organizations to increase their leads by 50%+. Along with this, they were able to reduce their call time by nearly 70%. Cost reductions came nearly a massive 60%.
AI is predicted to evolve as a $190 billion industry by 2025.
The World Economic Forum’s report predicted that estimated that AI probably could create 97 million new jobs by 2025.
These are just some of the many striking features. Use of Artificial Intelligence has become a major necessity for enterprises across verticals and also in the daily lives of common man. For instance, Gmail makes use of an advanced AI system that helps in detecting and filtering spam mails. Also, popular social networking sites utilize AI to detect & delete fake news. Other instances include instances where businesses use AI-powered chat-bots for better customer support.
This example would perhaps ring a bell. “Do you own a smart-phone? Is there a facial lock/unlock feature in it? That is, can you lock/unlock your phone by scanning the contours of your face?”
That’s AI for you! Also, when you speak of AI- exploration must also be done on two core branches. These are Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR).
Augmented reality (AR) can be defined as combining replicas of digital elements in a real-time environment. That is, imagine bringing objects, people and scenarios from your mobile phone or television to the reality in front of you? Imagine if you could actually be at the side of super heroes such as Spider Man when he fights the imaginary character, Dr. Octopus? Say hello to Augmented Reality.
Virtual Reality is very similar. But the core difference is that you do not add graphics or digital media intro reality; you actually go into them. Let us put that in simpler words. “Imagine you could enter the very scene where the fight between Spider Man and Octopus? That is, you were not just watching; you were part of the fight!” That is Virtual Reality in the simplest words.
Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are two developing areas of technology whose full potential are yet to be expanded into mainstream industries. Combining together VR and AI can provide us with some pretty incredible opportunities. There is a lot of potential on the career front, innovation, research, and even commercial growth. However, we still have a long way to go in nurturing the complete potential of AI. There are quite a few roadblocks and challenges.
Jobs - The rising demand for AI has simply resulted in the generation of new career opportunities in the areas of Machine Learning, Data Science, Deep Learning, and more.  However, the AI industry is facing server shortage of skilled and certified professionals who can handle these challenging job-roles. That is, there is high demand but not enough supply. AI is the future but normal students, professionals and even entrepreneurs in India are not completely prepared to welcome it.
Responsibility - The major interesting aspect about AI & ML algorithms is that they tend to learn and evolve by themselves on how to react to events. Also, reactions of algorithms are unpredictable. To make it short, developers and/or owners of these machines cannot always control what reaction they wish to generate. Hence, this requires complete expertise in AI with a proper understanding of how it works.
Privacy - To make AI powered systems to function in a precise manner, enterprises would be feeding the systems with large volumes of customer data. This may lead to several privacy concerns that need to be addressed.
This was an educational post which gave you a glance into the world of AI, some of its benefits and some of its challenges. Did you find it useful? We would love to hear more from you. SchoolforAI is a modern hybrid learning platform that shares knowledge to students and similar audiences on the different aspects of AI along with data science. We have multiple customized courses to make you subject matter experts. Follow our page for more.
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man someone in the notes of that AI post left a several paragraph long response like “but what if students don’t know how to write well? what if they’re socioeconomically disadvantaged and never got good writing instruction? they should be allowed to use AI” no they fucking should not because that is not going to help them develop their writing or benefit from writing instruction if they’re not fucking doing any writing themselves! a student who does their own work and gets a low grade but still actually practices writing is learning at least ten times more than a student who just plugs the prompt into chatgpt and doesn’t write at all
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anambermusicbox · 2 months
idk how much of a hot take this is but i don’t think mirage is about AI or technology at all—its so much more meaningful than that.
do you remember in the behind the scenes vlog of zhou shen’s thank you concert, in one of the first scenes and the first lines, zhou shen says, “it’s the most obvious in this shot—the moment the concert ends, you’re alone again… it makes you feel even more so like it was all a dream.”
the point of mirage is that nothing lasts. 生命何尝��是 从乌有 到乌有—“life is from nothing to nothing.” no matter what you do, you enter the world with nothing and leave with nothing, so how can any of it be real? so much of our current lives is dominated by societal constructs, things that aren’t actually physically real but we as a society collectively decided to perceive as real (世界如何虚构 “this is how the world is made up”). so what actually is reality?
in this song, zhou shen acknowledges the futile quality inherent in life (“open one door and there are a thousand more”) but says 倘若感动时候 依然有 泪在流, says 这刹那的感受 却足够 算不朽. even if its all a passing dream, the emotions are still real. these moments are enough.
“we spend our whole lives in this mirage, holding nothing to our name—still, we willingly give ourselves to this dream.”
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sidewalk-scrawls · 9 months
At some point I'm going to make a post about why every post on here about AI "stealing" writing and art is overhyped. And then I'm going to explain the *actual* things we should worry about regarding AI. But before I can do that, I need to collect some good sources and also take several deep breaths lmao
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oh-meow-swirls · 28 days
glad i never really cared about completing the medallium tbh. yo-kai watch got so fucking screwed over by online shutting down tbh, i think getting pandanoko and starry noko will still be possible due to netpass existing if you have cfw but that still leaves everyone with only one version's exclusives in 2 and 3 (unless they have another 3ds and physical copies) until pretendo 1) releases and 2) gets yo-kai watch compatibility. also it's impossible to 100% 2 and 3 now even beyond that because of online battling not being a thing anymore. i mean it was already impossible to 100% psychic specters cuz of the music app being broken but still-
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weandthecolor · 5 months
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Content Creation with AI Online Course by Núria Mañé
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multishipper-baby · 3 months
I finally decided to try out character AI and it was honestly such a good decision. Not because of the roleplay aspect, exactly, but to gauge how far AI is when it comes to writing. And I can safely say it's still a while until it can make things on its own.
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awaketake · 4 months
13 ChatGPT Prompts For Eye-Catching Online Course Titles
Watch this video and learn how to use ChatGPT For Online Course Titles. Generate eye-catching headlines that get SALES!
When creating an online course, content is king. But crafting a captivating title is also important!
The title is the first thing a visitor will read on your course landing page.
Without a compelling title, students might not even read the rest of the copy. And that means less course sales!
In this video, I will show you 13 proven ChatGPT prompts to generate engaging titles. Titles that will hook your audience from the start.
I walk you through each prompt, showing you how to adapt them to your specific course topics. I'll also share tips on refining your titles and using headline analysis tools.
Now that you know how to use ChatGPT For Online Course Titles, you can get the ChatGPT Prompts Template below.
Copy and paste the prompts, change the terms and get hundreds of title ideas for your new course.
For more valuable insights on ChatGPT and copywriting, check the recommended videos/ playlists below.
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raffaellopalandri · 4 months
Daily writing promptThe most important invention in your lifetime is…View all responses Picking the “most important” invention is like choosing a favourite child … almost impossible and totally subjective! But between 1969’s moon landing and today’s AI marvels, some contenders deserve a shoutout, in my opinion: The Internet (1969): Launched as a whisper on October 29, 1969, when computers at…
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tipstomakeonlinemoney · 4 months
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schoolforai · 1 year
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In recent years, robotics with AI has emerged as a new field of research, development, and innovation. This field combines two powerful technologies - robotics and artificial intelligence - to create intelligent machines that can perform complex tasks autonomously. Robotics with AI is rapidly transforming various industries, including healthcare, manufacturing, logistics, and more. In this article, we will explore the key concepts, applications, and challenges of robotics with AI.
Applications of Robotics with AI
Robotics is the branch of engineering that deals with the design, construction, and operation of robots. A robot is a machine that is capable of carrying out tasks automatically, either independently or with human supervision. Robotics has been used in various industries for decades, from assembly line manufacturing to space exploration.
On the other hand, artificial intelligence (AI) is the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to perform tasks that would typically require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and more. AI is achieved through machine learning algorithms, which enable the machine to learn from data and improve its performance over time.
When these two technologies are combined, we get robotics with AI, which creates intelligent machines capable of making decisions, adapting to new situations, and performing tasks autonomously. Robotics with AI has the potential to revolutionize various industries, from healthcare to transportation.
Applications of Robotics with AI
Robotics with AI has numerous applications in various industries, including:
Healthcare: Robotics with AI can be used to develop intelligent surgical robots, which can perform precise and complex surgeries with greater accuracy and precision than human surgeons.
Manufacturing: Robotics with AI can be used to develop autonomous manufacturing systems, which can increase efficiency, reduce costs, and improve product quality.
Logistics: Robotics with AI can be used to develop autonomous delivery vehicles, which can deliver packages and goods to customers without human intervention.
Agriculture: Robotics with AI can be used to develop autonomous agricultural robots, which can perform tasks such as planting, harvesting, and monitoring crops with greater precision and efficiency than human workers.
Space exploration: Robotics with AI can be used to develop intelligent robots for space exploration, which can perform tasks such as repairing spacecraft and collecting samples from planets.
Challenges of Robotics with AI
Despite the potential benefits of robotics with AI, there are also several challenges that must be addressed, including:
Ethical concerns: As robots become more intelligent and autonomous, there are concerns about their impact on society, including the potential loss of jobs and the ethical implications of autonomous decision-making.
Safety concerns: Robots with AI can pose safety risks to humans if they malfunction or behave unpredictably. Therefore, safety measures must be put in place to ensure that robots operate safely.
Technical challenges: Developing intelligent robots with AI requires advanced technical skills, including expertise in robotics, AI, and machine learning. Therefore, there is a need for skilled professionals to develop and maintain these systems.
In conclusion, robotics with AI is a rapidly evolving field that has the potential to transform various industries, from healthcare to manufacturing. It creates intelligent machines that can perform complex tasks autonomously, making them ideal for applications that require precision, efficiency, and reliability. However, there are also several challenges that must be addressed, including ethical concerns, safety concerns, and technical challenges. As the field of robotics with AI continues to evolve, it will be essential to address these challenges to ensure that these technologies are used responsibly and safely
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smarterbiznetwork · 7 months
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WELCOME! PLEASE WATCH EPISODE 10: SMART(ER) Academy Business Courses Overview
For Your Reference:
Here are the main links referenced throughout the introduction and overview sessions in this series:
SMARTER BUSINESS ACADEMY: https://smarterbizacademy.com
SMARTER MONTHLY RECRUITING CONTEST: https://smarterbizacademy.com/smarter-academy-ai-staff-recruiting-contest/
SMARTER AFFILIATE REQUEST PAGE/LOGIN PAGE:  https://smarterbizacademy.com/affiliate-area/
SMARTER BUSINESS RESOURCE SHOP (FOR MEMBERS): https://resourceshop.smarterbizacademy.com/
SMARTER BUSINESS COMMUNITY: https://smartbiz.tribeplatform.com
 Now for a word from our fearless leader! : )
“Welcome, SMART(ER) Business Network members! We understand that navigating a vast array of features and resources can be overwhelming.
That’s why we’ve created this series of videos to help you understand what you have access to and how to leverage these powerful tools for your business efforts.
In each episode, we’ll dive deep into specific areas, guiding you through the features step-by-step. And don’t worry, we’ll be continually adding more features to meet your evolving needs.
So, you can always come back and check what’s new and make sure you’re not missing out on any game-changing opportunities.
We know that as a new member, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the wealth of information and possibilities within the network. But fear not!
Our series is designed to address things that overwhelm you and provide you with a clear roadmap to success.
Here you are, visiting the tenth episode of the series, with a total of twenty episodes published so far. And guess what?
We’re always open to adding more as we discover new features and innovative ways to support your growth.
Our goal is to ensure you have a comprehensive guide to follow, empowering you to make the most of your membership.
So, get ready to unlock the full potential of the SMART(ER) Business Network. We’re here to support you every step of the way, offering guidance, feedback, and insights to help you achieve your business goals.
See you inside!”
Session 10: Unleash Your Business Superpowers: Exploring the Wacky World of SMART(ER) Business Models
Listen up, my fellow adventurers! In the realm of business, no two paths are the same. Our circumstances, skills, and quirks make us unique. That’s why it’s always a good idea to explore different business models. Trust me, it’s like diving into a wild and wacky adventure!
Now, hold on to your hats, because even if you’re not a beginner, there’s a good chance your current business could use a little extra pizzazz. Imagine effortlessly adding one or more additional streams of income to your existing empire. Sounds too good to be true? Well, with SMART(ER) Business Network and the academy by your side, it’s totally possible!
Here’s the scoop: we’ve got our sights set on over 20 business models that have proven to be real winners in the marketplace. But don’t worry, we’re not stopping there! We’ve got plans to add another 30 or so mind-boggling models for you to consider. It’s like a buffet of business opportunities, ready for you to feast upon!
Let’s talk about one model that immediately jumps to mind—affiliate marketing. Picture this: no matter what kind of business you’re in, what model you’re using, or even what niche you’re targeting, there will always be curious souls seeking your advice on products or services. That’s where we come in, my friend! If you have any questions about building an affiliate program, we’ve got the training and tools to make your head spin. We’ll dive into all the different approaches and show you the ropes.
And hey, maybe you’re looking to make some quick cash. We’ve got models that can make that happen too! But if you’re interested in something entirely different or just not sure where to start, fear not! Our “getting started” training is here to save the day.
Now, let’s get down to business—literally. Business models are just one piece of the puzzle in our vast array of courses. But boy, oh boy, are they important! Our members have the opportunity to learn, plan, and apply these invaluable lessons, all while receiving feedback to fast-track their journey to success. It’s like having a secret weapon in your entrepreneurial arsenal!
But hold your horses, my eager friends! Selecting a business model is just the tip of the iceberg. We know there’s a lot more to consider when planning and starting a business. That’s why we also cover other aspects, like core competency skills. These are the secret superpowers you need to complete tasks, achieve your goals, and conquer the business world!
And guess what? The adventure doesn’t stop there! In the next episode, we’ll delve even deeper into these core competency skills. Get ready for a wild ride!
But wait, there’s more! Our academy isn’t just about business models and core skills. Oh no, my friend, we’ve got a whole treasure trove of “other subjects” waiting to be explored. Leadership, management, mindset, spirituality, health, fitness, and nutrition—everything you need to create a lifestyle and work condition that aligns with your wildest dreams and aspirations. It’s all within your reach as you embark on this epic coursework!
So, my fellow adventurers, are you ready to unleash your business superpowers and dive headfirst into the wacky world of SMART(ER) Business Models? Get ready to laugh, learn, and conquer as you embark on this thrilling journey!
Episode Wrap Up
To join now, go to the offer pages at https://smarterbizacademy.com under the shop menu tab. There you will see the various offers and can register to get started.
While there on the home page, you will also note the banners on the top and bottom of the page. The top one will take you to the latest sales offer (often the best offer too, by the way!), while the bottom banner will take you to the recruiting contest.
The recruiting contest runs from month to month and the data collection starts new (old data is purged/destroyed except for winners and reward recipient’s information for network use to track membership).
In Case You Missed Them – For Your Reference:
Here are the main links referenced throughout the introduction and overview sessions in this series again:
SMARTER BUSINESS ACADEMY: https://smarterbizacademy.com
SMARTER MONTHLY RECRUITING CONTEST: https://smarterbizacademy.com/smarter-academy-ai-staff-recruiting-contest/
SMARTER AFFILIATE REQUEST PAGE/LOGIN PAGE:  https://smarterbizacademy.com/affiliate-area/
SMARTER BUSINESS RESOURCE SHOP (FOR MEMBERS): https://resourceshop.smarterbizacademy.com/
SMARTER BUSINESS COMMUNITY: https://smartbiz.tribeplatform.com
Again, see you inside! Please view the video and ask any questions in the comment section! We will get back to you ASAP…There are no dumb questions…We are here to help…
Coach Dave
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weandthecolor · 8 months
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Learn to Create Presentations with AI
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rubys-domain · 11 months
it annoys me that akane was made into a potential love interest. now there's this love triangle bs going on. it was grating enough with just kana being down bad. but it was still tolerable. episode 11 was probably the worst episode to end on because the love triangle schtick left such a bad taste in my mouth
#⇢₊˚⊹ 🩷∥ruby∥yo,ide yo !!#oshi no ko spoilers#I was sympathetic towards akane for being a victim of online harassment#why did she have to turn out to be so unlikeable#her perfect imitation of ai's mannerisms creeped me tf out#and even outside of that. why would she fall for aqua. because he kept her from offing herself?#I don't know why but that makes me REALLY uncomfortable#and we already know he has no real romantic interest in her (unless that changes down the line. i hope to god it doesn't tbh)#i feel bad for kana in all of this. she did kind of screw herself over with her attitude when she was a child actress#but she was a kid. of course she wouldn't have known better until after the consequences came to pass#and since then her luck has be just pure shit#and then she got pressured into becoming an idol because she's into aqua and because it's hard for her to say no to things in general#I'm sure there's gonna be a point where she'll be grateful that she got whisked into the whole idol thing. but#as of episode 11 it's only been causing her stress#I hope she gets over aqua honestly. traumatized guy hell-bent on revenge is only going to hurt her in the long run#but if she doesn't. I hope things don't go as roughly for her as I'm fearing they will#/sigh/ the romantic subplot shouldn't annoy me this much#I just want to focus on aqua unraveling the mystery behind ai's killer honestly#the idol stuff is fine too. I'm a retired love live fan after all#I would even be fine with kana getting pressured into doing the idol thing if there was no romantic subplot#because she wouldn't have been pushed towards that direction by a crush. then her growing into the idol thing would have more payoff#at least to me. her being pushed by romantic feelings cheapens that journey imo#I'm also kinda annoyed at how one-dimensional ruby became in the later episodes#she's like every love live mc ever now (except ayumu but nijigaku was a spinoff so that doesn't count)#I guess it'd be hard to call back to her backstory more than they already have. it's just that she's just too genki girl to me#I just wish we could hear her thoughts more. they can't be as ray of sunshine-y as how she acts on the outside right?#but maybe my chronically depressed ass is just projecting and people really are that happy most of the time#all that is to say. I'm not looking forward to future episodes all that much rn. at least not until the stupid akane-kana movie rivalry ends#man i am stating Opinions. i'm gonna be burned at the stake aren't i#i should shut up and go back to complaining about my genshin progression
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autisticmight · 9 months
sorry that vocaloid "hot take" (come on. it's been a ~hot take~ since like 2003. it is lukewarm at this point) is just. so annoying to me. genuinely upsetting. i am also a singer!!! so are a bunch of the people who lend their voices to vocaloid!!! vocal synths are a way to sing when you can't; a voice that you will never yourself have come from your mouth but which still shapes the words that you cannot!!!
dismissing them in such a way just feels disrespectful to all of the humans involved in the vocal synth community, from the producers to artists to animators to the humans who cover those songs, all of whom add a little part of themselves to the songs
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