kmonarrez · 2 years
Hank Aaron Once Said....
“You may not think that you’re going to make it. You may want to quit. But if you keep your eye on the ball, you can accomplish anything.” - Henry (Hammerin’ Hank) Aaron
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kmonarrez · 2 years
“We the People...”
           I’ve never really been the kind of person to sit and converse about certain topics; the election, gender equality, education. But there’s always been one thing that I would gladly argue about all day, and it’s about Generation Z. Not only does this generation provide more racial diversity, but we also fight for more racial, ethnic, and gender equality. We are one of the most upcoming generations in the world.
           Not only are we the largest generation in the United States, but we also are the most technologically advanced generation (other than generation Alpha, being born after 2012). We grew up around technology, making us the most technologically educated. Most Millennials handed us our first phone at the sweet age of 12, giving us lots of time to discover our role throughout life and how we can change the world.
           We started the Black Lives Matter movement, the normality to be LGBTQ+, and even the All Lives Matter movement. We saw through a crisis that we’ve been facing since the beginning of America, and we began to sought conclusions in order to fight discrimination.
           But I can’t sit there and tell you that everything we do is creating a positive change. We still face political discrimination, and it’s only getting worse the older we get. If you’re a republican, you’re a conservative. If you’re a democrat, you’re a liberal. We face arguments at school and even in public, just because of how prejudice our thoughts become over the next upcoming election.
           What I’m saying is that for a generation made for change, this is the next step that we must take in order to conserve our “land of the free”. Change is good, and our views on political leadership shouldn’t become an obstacle to how we view each other. For a country that endures our freedom of speech and our rights to vote for whom we favor more in the election, our communities struggle to accept each other’s opinions.
           Acceptance is one of the few traits we struggle to comprehend, but if we were to work through our differences and create a better community for us all, we can create a unified nation once again.
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kmonarrez · 2 years
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* You have the right to forgive yourself, even if no one else will. * You have the right to give yourself the same care, grace, love, and compassion you extend to other people. * You have the right to take a break, rest, and recharge. * You have the right to dodge the Drama Draft. * You have the right to prioritize what's important to you. * You have the right to enjoy delicious food, guilt-free. * You have the right to decide you aren't ready for this right now. * You have the right to forgive them (or not) on your own terms. * You have the right to choose your own path in life, even if other people don't approve. * You have the right to feel and process your feelings. * You have the right to step back from social media. * You have the right to turn off the news. * You have the right to privacy, and to share only what you want to share, when and if you want to share it, and only with people you want to share it with. * You have the right to be safe, and to make your safety and well-being a priority. * You have the right to let go of people, things, and situations that no longer serve you, or that are more harmful than helpful. * You have the right to choose when, whether, and with whom you engage in sex. * You have the right to heal. * You have the right to start over. * You have the right to let other people be responsible for their own feelings, their own messes, their own lives, their own mistakes, etc. * You have the right to pursue your hobbies, fandoms, and interests. * You have the right to play and have fun. * You have the right to dress in clothes that make you happy. * You have the right to be happy, and to make your happiness a priority. * You have the right to set boundaries with the people in your life. * You have the right to be your authentic self. * You have the right to go low-contact or no-contact with toxic family members. * You have the right to cancel plans. * You have the right to disappoint people. * You have the right to balance work and leisure. * You have the right to put yourself first. * You have the right to ask questions. * You have the right to choose a different life than the one your parents mapped out for you at birth. * You have the right to say no to some things, so that you can say yes to what really matters to you. * You have the right to let them act like clowns, and decide not to be a part of their circus act. * You have the right to let yourself off the hook. * You have the right to let it be what it is. * You have the right to make bad choices. * You have the right to decide that it's not your job to educate or enlighten people. * You have the right to not fit the mold. * You have the right to not apologize for being you. * You have the right to just be. * You have the right to do nothing more than exist. * You have the right to have a bad day. * You have the right to not be okay. * You have the right to do the bare minimum. * You have the right to give yourself credit where it's due. * You have the right to not smile. * You have the right to let go of that which is not your responsibility. * You have the right to do your best, not someone else's.
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kmonarrez · 3 years
The new mentality every one should stick with❤️
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kmonarrez · 3 years
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