#AGI Laboratory
Quando l'industria diventa arte. A Roma le fotografie di Kim Steele 
AGI – Laboratori atomici, centrali solari, gallerie del vento, enormi dighe, piattaforme petrolifere, persino il centro elaborazione dati di Facebook, con The Cloud: sono l’oggetto delle straordinarie fotografie di Kim Steele, fotografo di San Francisco, a Roma in questi giorni e che, a Palazzo Ripetta, ha presentato un assaggio del suo lavoro. Figlio di un pilota di caccia dell’aeronautica…
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hardynwa · 2 months
No-case submission: Court grants suspended UNICAL professor’s plea to appeal ruling
A Federal High Court, Abuja, on Tuesday, granted leave to Prof. Cyril Ndifon, the suspended Dean of Faculty of Law, University of Calabar (UNICAL), to appeal the decision of the court dismissing his no-case submission in the charge against him. Justice James Omotosho also gave Ndifon’s lawyer, Mr Sunny Anyanwu, the go-ahead to file an appeal against the dismissal of the no-case submission. Justice Omotosho granted the leave following a motion filed by Ndifon and Anyanwu’s counsel, Joe Agi, SAN, which was not opposed by the Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Commission (ICPC) lawyer, Osuobeni Akponimisingha. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the judge had, on March 6, dismissed the no-case submission filed by Ndifon and Anyanwu on the ground that the evidence led by the prosecution constituted a prima facie case against the duo. Consequently, Justice Omotosho ordered them to enter their defence in the charges filed against them. When the matter was called on Tuesday, Akponimisingha informed the court that the matter was slated for the defendants to open their defence and that he was ready to proceed. But Agi drew the attention of the court to two motions filed on behalf of the defendants. He said the first motion sought the leave of the court to appeal its ruling on their no-case submission, and the second motion sought an order directing the registrar of the court to make available Exhibits N and O (Oppo and Tecno Phones) to the defendants. Akponimisingha, who informed the court that his attention was only drawn to the motions on Monday, said he was not opposing the first motion, seeking leave to appeal. However, he indicated interest in opposing the motion seeking the release of Ndifon’s two phones to the National Forensic Laboratory. Justice Omotosho, who granted the motion seeking leave to appeal his ruling, adjourned the matter until March 19 for a hearing of all pending motions in the matter. NAN reports that Ndifon and Anyanwu had, on Feb. 19, filed a no-case submission after the ICPC closed its case. They had argued that there was no evidence adduced by the prosecution on which the court could convict them and insisted that the commission failed to establish a prima facie case against them. But the ICPC, in opposition, filed a counter affidavit on Feb. 23, praying the court to dismiss the no-case submission of the defendants. Ndifon was, on Jan. 25, re-arraigned alongside Anyanwu on an amended four-count charge bordering on alleged sexual harassment and an attempt to perverse the cause of justice. Anyanwu, who is one of the lawyers in the defence, was joined in the amended charge filed on Jan. 22 by the ICPC on allegation that he called TKJ, the star witness, on her mobile telephone during the pendency of the charge against Ndifon and threatened her. The anti-corruption commission had, on Feb. 14, announced the closure of their case after calling four witnesses, including a female diploma student identified as TKJ (NAN). Read the full article
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agi-institutions · 4 months
Discover excellence in education at the premier pharmacy and polytechnic college in Lucknow – a distinguished institution committed to shaping future leaders in these dynamic fields. Renowned for its top-notch academic programs, cutting-edge curriculum, and state-of-the-art facilities, this college stands as a beacon of quality education in the heart of Lucknow.
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Visit - https://agi.org.in/
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vlruso · 8 months
This AI Paper Dives into Embodied Evaluations: Unveiling the Tong Test as a Novel Benchmark for Progress Toward Artificial General Intelligence
📢 Exciting AI Paper Alert: "Diving into Embodied Evaluations: Unveiling the Tong Test as a Novel Benchmark for Progress Toward Artificial General Intelligence" 🚀 Researchers at the National Key Laboratory of General Artificial Intelligence have introduced the Tong Test, a groundbreaking benchmark for evaluating Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). Unlike traditional task-oriented evaluations, this test focuses on complex environments and emphasizes ability and value-oriented evaluation. 🔬 The Tong Test includes features such as infinite tasks, self-driven task generation, value alignment, and causal understanding. It also supports embodied AI in training and testing. This test paves the way for developing practical AI algorithms. Check it out here 👉 [Link to the blog post](https://ift.tt/C5PvFgR) 💡 Achieving Artificial General Intelligence is no easy feat. AGI strives to replicate human-like intelligence, adaptability, and decision-making. Solving complex problems in machine learning, robotics, and more is essential for AGI progress. 🌐 In this blog post, the researchers propose the Tong Test, rooted in complex DEPSI environments, to assess AGI's human-like abilities. The test focuses on commonsense reasoning, intention inference, trust, and self-awareness. It emphasizes ability and value-oriented evaluation. 🔍 Dive into the details of the Tong Test and its evaluation system, which includes infinite tasks, self-driven task generation, value alignment, and causal understanding. The blog post also explores the proposed virtual platform and embodied AI training and testing. It's a must-read for AI enthusiasts! If you're passionate about AI research, don't forget to join our ML SubReddit, Facebook Community, Discord Channel, and subscribe to our Email Newsletter. Stay in the loop with the latest AI research news, cool projects, and much more. Together, we can shape the future of AI! 🤖💪 🔗 Don't miss out! Read the full blog post here 👉 [Link to the blog post](https://ift.tt/C5PvFgR) 📣 Share your thoughts and spread the word. Let's push the boundaries of AI! ✨ #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #AGI #Research #Technology #EmbodiedEvaluations #TongTest #ML #AICommunity List of Useful Links: AI Scrum Bot - ask about AI scrum and agile Our Telegram @itinai Twitter -  @itinaicom
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lamilanomagazine · 8 months
MILANO CINECONCERTI FESTIVAL: gran finale con gli ultimi due eventi in agenda
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MILANO CINECONCERTI FESTIVAL: gran finale con gli ultimi due eventi in agenda. Ultimi due appuntamenti per Milano Cineconcerti Festival, rassegna di film muti sonorizzati dal vivo con la direzione artistica di Rossella Spinosa, che ha riscosso grande interesse e ampia partecipazione di pubblico nel corso di tutta l’intensa programmazione. Nato a Milano per il palinsesto Milano è Viva in collaborazione e con il sostegno del Comune di Milano, il Festival, con sede in Piazza Belloveso nel Quartiere Niguarda, ha accompagnato le serate estive milanesi offrendo una preziosa opportunità di riscoperta del patrimonio filmico non sonoro con l’esecuzione live di partiture storiche e contemporanee a cura di solisti e formazioni da camera. Un sorprendente viaggio di musica e cinema tra infinite suggestioni che ha visto una presenza di pubblico entusiasta, partecipe e pronto a resistere anche alle intemperie. Una vera sfida di successo per un’iniziativa di alto valore culturale portata nel quartiere milanese di Niguarda. Le ultime due serate di eventi sono martedì 19 e giovedì 21 settembre, entrambe con la proiezione di film che hanno segnato la storia del cinema; due appuntamenti di grande richiamo e coinvolgimento per tutti gli appassionati di cinema e musica. Martedì 19 settembre è in programma Metropolis, film del 1927 diretto da Fritz Lang e considerato il suo capolavoro, pellicola che è diventata un vero e proprio cult e modello di riferimento per gran parte della successiva cinematografia fantascientifica, fonte di ispirazione per numerosissimi film. La chiusura della rassegna, giovedì 21 settembre, vede invece la proiezione di Der Golem, film del 1920 con la regia di Paul Wegener, Carl Boese e Henrik Galeen. Tra i primi esempi di surrealismo con influenze del genere fantastico, il film è ambientato nel ghetto ebraico della Praga cinquecentesca. Ad eseguire le partiture originali di Rossella Spinosa saranno, per l’appuntamento del 21 settembre, le prime parti degli archi dell’Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano, con Rossella Spinosa al pianoforte e la direzione di Alessandro Calcagnile. La partitura di Der Golem di Rossella Spinosa ha visto l’esecuzione in concerto negli anni di diverse compagini orchestrali, italiane ed estere, nonché la registrazione in dvd per Cineteca Umanitaria delle musiche di Spinosa con l’Orchestra I Pomeriggi Musicali per la Collana di Cinema Muto della stessa Cineteca. Entrambi i film in programma trattano, in un certo qual modo, il tema della Intelligenza Artificiale e della creazione ad opera degli umani di alter ego non umani, pronti a sfuggire al controllo umano. Gli spettacoli vedono la presenza ogni sera di un diverso rappresentante del terzo settore milanese che porta il proprio contributo e la propria testimonianza sulle tematiche sociali oggetto della serata. La programmazione di Milano Cineconcerti Festival prosegue con incontri, laboratori e masterclass aperti al pubblico in altri luoghi della città e che proseguiranno fino alla fine di ottobre. Gli spettacoli dal vivo e i seminari sono ad ingresso libero e gratuito, con proposte fruibili da ogni fascia di età. Presso il Teatro Munari la riprogrammazione degli spettacoli annullati in caso di maltempo. Martedì 19 settembre ore 21.00 Film Metropolis (1927) Regia: Fritz Lang Il film, tratto da un romanzo di Thea van Harbou. Si ambienta nel 2026, in una tentacolare Metropolis. La megalopoli ostenta grattacieli altissimi, tra i quali si incrociano ardite sopraelevate percorse da futuristiche vetture. Gli abitanti sono ricchi nullafacenti ingordi di agi e lussi. Ma la parte inferiore della città nasconde un orrore: proletari che lavorano incessantemente e in condizioni sovrumane come schiavi. In quell'inferno si aggira un angelo, la dolce e mite Maria (Brigitte Helm) una giovane che incoraggia gli operai inducendoli a confidare nella provvidenza; oltre a ciò, si prende cura dei loro bambini. Un giorno li conduce a vedere un meraviglioso giardino "nella città di sopra". Qui incontra John (Gustav Frohlich), figlio del padrone assoluto di Metropolis, Freder Frederer (Alfred Abel). Il ragazzo ne rimane profondamente colpito e seguendola scopre i sotterranei e gli uomini ridotti in schiavitù. La sua vita cambia quando decide di entrare nella realtà del sottosuolo e comincia a farne parte. Cerca la sua amata ma non la può trovare: è stata rapita per ordine di Frederer da uno scienziato con il compito di mettere a punto un Androide identico a Maria che dovrebbe dividere gli operai, ma in realtà, il suo creatore, se ne servirà per fomentare la sommossa con lo scopo di strappare il potere a Frederer. Metropolis assisterà a scenari disastrosi, la donna robot guiderà una rivolta, le fabbriche si fermeranno, la città rischierà il collasso e gli operai la vita. Giovedì 21 settembre ore 21.00 Film Der Golem (1920) Regia: Paul Wegener, Carl Boese e Henrik Galeen Intorno al 1580, a Praga, l'imperatore prepara un piano per allontanare dalla città gli ebrei accusandoli falsamente di aver sacrificato dei bambini in rituali blasfemi. Quando il conte Floriano pubblica l'editto per l'espulsione, il rabbino Löw, sapiente di arti magiche e di alchimia, decide di intervenire in difesa del suo popolo e, costruita una gigantesca statua d'argilla, il Golem, evoca il demonio Astarotte affinché gli riveli la parola necessaria ad infondergli la vita. Incastrata sul petto della statua una piccola incisione recante il nome "aemet" ("vita" o "verità"), Löw anima il Golem e lo conduce con sé alla corte dell'imperatore per dissuaderlo. Le sue preghiere e le sue minacce risultano vane e soltanto dopo che il palazzo rischia di crollare per la collera divina e il Golem salva la sua famiglia, l'imperatore accetta di ritirare l'editto. Terminata l'opera, il rabbino si prepara a restituire il riposo al colosso togliendogli l'incisione, ma Famulus, l'infido servitore, se ne impadronisce per farne strumento delle sue vendette. Musiche originali di Rossella Spinosa eseguite dalle prime parti degli archi dell’Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano, con Rossella Spinosa al pianoforte e Alessandro Calcagnile alla direzione. (In caso di maltempo, lo spettacolo sarà recuperato presso il Teatro Munari di Milano venerdì 22 settembre alle ore 21). Rossella Spinosa: Si diploma in pianoforte, clavicembalo, composizione e si laurea in Legge e Musicologia. Suona in sale come la Carnegie Hall di New York, Italian Bunka Kaikan di Tokyo, Accademia Liszt di Budapest etc, ed esegue molte opere nuove a lei stessa dedicate, in Europa, Canada, Stati Uniti, Russia, Sud America, Corea e Giappone. Collabora per anni con il Premio Oscar Luis Bacalov; scrive opere per orchestra, per la lirica ed il teatro, commissionate ed eseguite da Kyev Camerata, I Pomeriggi Musicali, Orchestra da Camera di Lugano, etc. Compone le musiche per oltre cento pellicole di cinema muto che registrano grande riscontro di pubblico e di critica. Lavora con Ottavia Piccolo, Moni Ovadia, Paolo Rossi, il Duo Pali&Dispari e Teresa Mannino in performance live. Il suo cd monografico edito da Stradivarius dal titolo “Rossella Spinosa: Orchestral and chamber works, vol. 1”, è stato inserito da Il Manifesto tra le migliori dieci produzioni di musica nuova del Decennio 2011-2020, unico nome italiano in una lista di caratura internazionale. Alessandro Calcagnile: Raffinato interprete del repertorio moderno e contemporaneo, dopo essersi formato nei Conservatori di Milano, Brescia e Norinberga, poco più che ventenne debutta come direttore d’orchestra alla Sala Santa Cecilia del Parco della Musica di Roma alla testa dell’Orchestra Nuova Sinfonica Italiana. Da lì una brillante carriera che lo porterà ad esibirsi presso le più importanti sale e teatri del mondo, fino a giungere nel 2017 alla sala grande della Carnegie Hall di New York. Ha collaborato con l’Orchestra I Pomeriggi Musicali, l’Orchestra Cantelli di Milano, l’Orchestra Filarmonica Italiana, l’Orchestra Sinfonica di Sanremo, l’Orchestra Regionale Toscana, l’Orchestra I Professori del San Carlo di Napoli. Presidente e tra i fondatori del Centro Musica Contemporanea di Milano, Direttore Musicale del New MADE Ensemble, Direttore Editoriale delle Edizioni Sconfinarte, è uno dei protagonisti della musica contemporanea in ambito nazionale ed ha collaborato con i principali compositori viventi. Ha registrato per Stradivarius, RAI, Radio Televisione Svizzera Italiana, Radio Televisione Nazionale Albanese, Radio Capodistria. Informazioni Martedì 19 e giovedì 21 settembre Piazza Belloveso Zona 9 Quartiere Niguarda, Milano Inizio ore 21 – ingresso gratuito In caso di maltempo, l’evento conclusivo di giovedì 21 settembre sarà riprogrammato venerdì 22 settembre alle 21 al Teatro Bruno Munari di Milano. Mercoledì 25 ottobre ore 15 Spazio Lambrate Viale delle Rimembranze di Lambrate 16, Milano Seminario di Rossella Spinosa Partecipazione gratuita con iscrizioni a [email protected] Info: live.yesmilano.it/milano-viva https://live.yesmilano.it/listing/milano-cineconcerti-festival/... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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Nasal Sprays Market Share, Top Operating Players, Recent Enhancements and Regional Analysis 2033
Future Market Insights (FMI) has forecast a positive outlook for the nasal spray market in a recent study. The rising cases of allergic rhinitis and the demand for better accuracy in drug delivery are identified as chief growth drivers. Growth is expected to remain bullish as various countries showcase high healthcare spending.
Nasal Spray Market is expected to expand at a moderate CAGR of over 6.1% over the next ten years, and be valued at more than US$ 3.21 Bn by 2030-end. As per product, the demand for nasal steroid spray will remain considerably high, accounting for the leading share in the market though the course of the forecast period.
According to a study by the Research and Development (RAND) Review blog published in 2017, nearly 60% of Americans have at least one chronic health condition, which often results in accelerating healthcare spending each year. With the incidence of chronic ailments and resultant spending on healthcare projected to spur, nasal sprays market will have positive growth on cards.
As per the report, the market’s overall valuation is likely to surpass US$ 15 Bn by 2021. Growth will continue at a positive rate, thanks to recent approvals to nasal migraine and hormonal therapies.
Among products available, nasal steroid spray will prove exceptionally lucrative, accounting for over 42% of sales in the market. Besides their improving availability, potential to offer relief from nasal allergies and  hay fever will drive growth in the category
Key Players:
Astra Zeneca  Plc.
Cipla Ltd.
Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc. (Johnson & Johnson Pacific Pty Limited)
Glaxosmithkline Plc.
Novartis International AG
Procter & Gamble
Sanofi S.A. (Sanofi-aventis LLC.)
Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH
AdvaCare Pharma
Bayer AG (Bayer Consumer Health
Covis Pharma S.a.r.l.
Nipro Corporation (NIPRO JMI Pharma Ltd.)
Viatris Inc. (Meda Pharmaceuticals Inc.)
Perrigo Company plc
AptarGroup, Inc.
Berry Global, Inc.
Gerresheimer AG
Avantor, VWR International, LLC
Spectrum Laboratory Products, Inc.  (Spectrum Pharmacy Products)
SKS Bottle & Packaging, Inc.
Coster Tecnologie Speciali S.p.A
For More Information: https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/nasal-spray-market
Key Takeaways from Nasal Spray Market Study   
Rising at above 6% CAGR between 2021 and 2031, nasal sprays market will report consistent surge in demand
The market in the U.S. is projected to a fast-growing one, accounting for more than 90% share in the North America market
Government spending on healthcare has created a conducive environment for growth in the U.K.
Germany will emerge as a leading market for nasal sprays sales in Europe backed by increasing healthcare spending and presence of leading manufacturers
Focus on health and wellness will continue rising in Japan and South Korea, driving nasal spray sales in East Asia
Government Initiatives toward Nasal Spray Consumption
Governmental support for ongoing clinical research, consumption of Nasal Spray, and restricting misuse have favoured growth in demand for Nasal Spray. For instance, there has been a call for rise in production capacity of budesonide nasal spray which shortens COVID19 recovery time.
Since, nasal sprays are also used for depression patients, the market is likely to grow highly.
Who is Winning?
Nasal spray manufacturers with patented drugs are successfully allocating their distribution rights to local companies that are operational in the pain management business. This strategy provides momentum to the growth of these companies’ business, owing to strong demand for generic drugs.
For instance, In November 2019, Sandoz announced that it has entered into a binding agreement for the planned acquisition of the Japanese business of Aspen Global Incorporated (AGI), a wholly owned subsidiary of Aspen Pharmacare Holdings Limited.
Nasal Spray Market by Category
Decongestant Sprays
Nasal Steroid Sprays
Nasal Antihistamine Sprays
Nasal Cromolyn Sodium Sprays
Nasal Anticholinergic Sprays
Nasal Triamcinolone Sprays
Nonaqueous-Based Solution
Dry Powder/Micro particles
Pressurized Canisters
Pump Bottles
 Distribution Channel
Institutional Sales
Community Clinics
Specialty Clinics
Public Health Agencies
Veterinary Hospitals & Clinics
Retail Sales
Retail Pharmacies
Drug Stores
Mail Order Pharmacy
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gurmeetweb · 1 year
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Enabling AI Innovation Through OpenAI In today’s world, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the way we live and work. From predictive analytics to automated customer service, AI is becoming increasingly embedded in our lives. OpenAI, a non-profit research laboratory, is playing a major role in facilitating AI innovation and driving new advances in the field. OpenAI was founded in 2015 by tech luminaries including Elon Musk, Sam Altman, and Greg Brockman with the goal of advancing artificial general intelligence (AGI) and making AI accessible to everyone. OpenAI is leading the way in developing new frameworks and technologies that allow AI systems to work together and learn more collaboratively. OpenAI has created a range of open source tools and libraries that enable developers to build, deploy, and use AI applications quickly and easily. Its flagship platform, OpenAI Gym, provides a suite of simulated environments for developers https://digitaltutorialsapp.com/enabling-ai-innovation-through-openai/?utm_source=tumblr&utm_medium=socialtumbdigitutorials&utm_campaign=camptumbdigitutorials
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agelesspartners · 1 year
Ageless Disruption - AGI Laboratory
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Ageless Partners hosts its first Ageless Disruption Q&A webinar with AGI Laboratory featuring Jason C. Mercurio, MFE, Kyrtin Atreides, COO, Frits Israël, CEO, Peter Voss (coined the term AGI), Cody Pepper, Kamila Issabayeva, Hein-Willem Blokland, and Lief Anya Schneider!
For years there has been speculation of true machine intelligence coming into existence. Now, as the #artificialintelligence revolution picks up speed, we are seeing major breakthroughs towards Artificial General Intelligence accelerate.
New AI systems are showing that they are continually gaining abilities to perform more and more complex tasks. As they improve their skills — such as emotional intelligence — at an ever-increasing speed, it's only a matter of time before a computer can do everything better than a human. The question remains — when will this occur?
#machinelearning #agi #agelesspartners #innovation #creativity #future #technology #artificialintelligencetechnology
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telodogratis · 2 years
A Bari rubati i regali di Natale per i bambini dell'Unicef
A Bari rubati i regali di Natale per i bambini dell’Unicef
AGI – I regali di Natali destinati ai più piccoli, frutto di una donazione dell’Unicef Italia, sono stati rubati a Bari dal centro diurno “I ragazzi di don Bosco”, all’interno dell’istituto “Redentore” dei Salesiani. Oltre ai doni, hanno trafugato anche tre macchine da cucire, destinate a laboratori, e diverso materiale didattico, e hanno vandalizzato i locali nel tentativo di asportare materiale…
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High-Performance Fiber Market Research Report Reveals High Demand For Industry Upto 2030
High-performance fibers are the higher value fiber which are widely used in a range of applications. These types of fibers differ from the common fibers based on the special technical functions which require a specific performance property. These are commonly referred to as a fiber with some unique characteristics which is helpful in particular application. Generally, the high-performance fibers exhibit remarkably high tensile strength and modulus, resistance to heat, flame, resistance to chemical agents which can easily degrade conventional fibers.
According to the MRFR analysis, the global high-performance fiber is estimated to grow at a healthy CAGR of more than 8% to reach over USD 25 billion in 2030.
Market Segmentation
The global high-performance fiber market has been segmented on the basis of type, application, and region.
Based on type, the global high-performance fiber market has been segregated into carbon fiber, aramid fiber, ceramic fiber, glass fiber, polybenzimidazole (PBI), polyphenylene sulfide (PPS), PE fiber, and others.
On the basis of application, the market is categorized into automotive, aerospace & defense, building & construction, electronics & telecommunication, energy, textiles, sports & leisure, and others.
Regional Analysis
The global high-performance fiber market has been segmented across five regions—Asia-Pacific, North America, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. The market in Asia-Pacific is anticipated to grow at the highest CAGR owing to the rising product demand in the automotive, construction, and electronics & telecommunication sectors. In addition, the high-performance fibers are widely used in the wind turbines. This is expected to fuel the market growth in the region during the assessment period.
Europe and North America are expected to witness significant growth during the forecast period. This is mainly due to the growing demand for the advanced light materials in automotive and aerospace industry. The Middle East & Africa and Latin America held little pie of share in this market.
Competitive Analysis
The leading players in the global high-performance fiber market are TEIJIN LIMITED (Japan), Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation (Japan), Corning Incorporated (US), Solvay (Belgium), Kureha Corporation (Japan), PBI Performance Products, Inc. (US), Honeywell International Inc. (US), AGY (US), ZOLTEK Corporation (US), Yantai Tayho Advanced Materials Co.,Ltd. (China), PHP Fibers GmbH (Germany), Bally Ribbon Mills (US), The InterTech Group, Inc. (US), Binani Industries Ltd. (India), and Sarla Performance Fibers Limited (India), among others
Access Full Report Details and Order this Premium Report @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/high-performance-fiber-market-7488
Intended Audience
High-Performance Fiber Manufacturers
Traders and distributors of High-Performance Fiber
Research and Development Institutes
Potential investors
Raw material suppliers
Nationalized laboratories
Contact us:
Market Research Future (part of Wantstats Research and Media Private Limited),
99 Hudson Street, 5Th Floor,
New York, New York 10013
United States of America
+1 628 258 0071
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La sconosciuta malattia respiratoria che colpisce i cani negli Usa 
AGI – I laboratori veterinari di diversi Stati americani stanno indagando su un’insolita malattia respiratoria nei cani e incoraggiano le persone a prendere le precauzioni di base per mantenere i loro animali domestici in salute, mentre gli esperti cercano di individuare cosa sta facendo ammalare numerosi esemplari. L’Oregon, il Colorado e il New Hampshire sono tra gli Stati che hanno registrato…
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complexion-me · 2 years
Interview : Dr Dan Yarosh, Technology Advisor
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Daniel B. Yarosh, Ph.D., is widely recognized as a pioneer in the science of DNA repair. He and his laboratory, AGI Dermatics, are responsible for inventing ingredients for such brands as Estée Lauder, L’Oreal, and Shiseido. His products and cosmetics innovations have been featured widely in the media, including ABC’s World News Tonight, Wall Street Journal, Vogue, Newsweek, Self, Allure, and Good Housekeeping.
1) Could you tell us a bit more about your background in the beauty industry?
I earned my PhD in Molecular Biology with a specialty in DNA Repair. After several years in cancer research I focused on the most important application: Solar UV damage to DNA in skin and its repair. I founded a biotech company based on applying DNA repair enzymes to skin and we worked on a prevention for skin cancer. We also used the technology for ingredients for the cosmetic industry, since beautiful skin begins with healthy skin free from DNA damage. Eventually my company was acquired by Estee Lauder, and I became head of their global research. There I developed technology for all the Lauder brands, including Estee Lauder, ReNutriv, Clinique, Aveda and Origins.
2) DNA repair skincare has been around for quite some time but seems to be under the radar. Why do you think this seems to be the case?
DNA repair requires a technical explanation of performance, while the focus today for many trendy brands is on attributes, like clean, natural and botanical. DNA repair ingredients are also more costly than many others, so they tend to be in upscale products. Some consumers remain focused on science and performance, and for them DNA repair is essential their skin care regimen.
3) How does one look for skincare with DNA repair properties? What specific ingredients should we look for?
Usually a product that uses DNA repair actives will tell the story on the label or in their advertising, so look for those that discuss DNA damage and repair. Specific ingredients that have DNA repair enzymes that I invented are “Anacystis nidulans extract”, “Micrococcus lysate”, and “Arabidopsis thalania extract”.
4) You’ve formulated several cult beauty products over the years. What are some of your favourite DNA repair skincare products?
There are many products with DNA repair enzymes on the market, and I have listed some of them in the appendix to my recent paper “Six critical questions for DNA repair enzymes in skincare products: a review in dialog ”[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6718248/].
The ISDIN sunscreen Eryfotona Actinica SPF 50+ contains photoreactivating enzymes from Anacystis nidulans. Skin care lines which have incorporated DNA repair technology throughout their offerings include CellularMD (cellularmd.com), Neova (Neova.com) and Photozyme (Photozyme.com).
5) What’s your personal skin care routine?  My major concerns are sun protection and dryness. For daytime I use a moisturizer after shaving (no alcohol, please) and a sunscreen with photoreactivating enzymes. At night I wash with water and gentle soap to remove the sunscreen and use a moisturizer with the other DNA repair enzymes (micrococcus lysate and Arabidopsis extract).
6) In layman terms, how does DNA repair skincare work and can DNA really be repaired? For example, if someone’s been a user of tanning booths in their early 20s, can this damage truly be reversed through DNA repair enzymes?
The environment causes DNA damage, and DNA repair enzymes recognize the changed lesions and restore the DNA to its proper sequence. One big misconception is that past damage cannot be changed. However, ongoing sun exposure and DNA damage allows the past damaged cells to grow out and cause signs of premature aging today. So protecting skin now allows the healthy cells to keep past damage under control. In clinical studies using DNA repair enzymes suppressed the growth of past damage in less than 6 months of use.
7) If someone is already using anti-aging skincare like retinoids and/or growth factors, how would you suggest adding in a DNA repair product? Does it need to be used twice a day?
Adding DNA repair to a skin regimen is easy – swap in a sunscreen with DNA repair enzymes, or replace a moisturizer or serum with those that contain the DNA repair technology. The easiest way is to add a serum before using a sunscreen. While twice a day use of DNA repair products is best, the preference for once a day is to use it at night when natural repair is most active.
8) Lastly, what are your top tips for maintaining healthy skin?
(1) It’s never too late to start taking good care of your skin. (2) Sun protection is a daily activity, not just a beach-time slosh-on. (3) Pick products based on your personal concerns and needs, not fads. Find what you like and stick to it for several weeks. Take a selfie when you start and then check back in a month or two – you’ll be surprised at the changes you won’t remember happening.
http://www.danyarosh.com/about.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hi6D7AQhGcs https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6718248/ https://www.penguinrandomhouse.ca/books/194789/the-new-science-of-perfect-skin-by-
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hardynwa · 2 months
No-case submission: Court grants suspended UNICAL professor’s plea to appeal ruling
A Federal High Court, Abuja, on Tuesday, granted leave to Prof. Cyril Ndifon, the suspended Dean of Faculty of Law, University of Calabar (UNICAL), to appeal the decision of the court dismissing his no-case submission in the charge against him. Justice James Omotosho also gave Ndifon’s lawyer, Mr Sunny Anyanwu, the go-ahead to file an appeal against the dismissal of the no-case submission. Justice Omotosho granted the leave following a motion filed by Ndifon and Anyanwu’s counsel, Joe Agi, SAN, which was not opposed by the Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Commission (ICPC) lawyer, Osuobeni Akponimisingha. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the judge had, on March 6, dismissed the no-case submission filed by Ndifon and Anyanwu on the ground that the evidence led by the prosecution constituted a prima facie case against the duo. Consequently, Justice Omotosho ordered them to enter their defence in the charges filed against them. When the matter was called on Tuesday, Akponimisingha informed the court that the matter was slated for the defendants to open their defence and that he was ready to proceed. But Agi drew the attention of the court to two motions filed on behalf of the defendants. He said the first motion sought the leave of the court to appeal its ruling on their no-case submission, and the second motion sought an order directing the registrar of the court to make available Exhibits N and O (Oppo and Tecno Phones) to the defendants. Akponimisingha, who informed the court that his attention was only drawn to the motions on Monday, said he was not opposing the first motion, seeking leave to appeal. However, he indicated interest in opposing the motion seeking the release of Ndifon’s two phones to the National Forensic Laboratory. Justice Omotosho, who granted the motion seeking leave to appeal his ruling, adjourned the matter until March 19 for a hearing of all pending motions in the matter. NAN reports that Ndifon and Anyanwu had, on Feb. 19, filed a no-case submission after the ICPC closed its case. They had argued that there was no evidence adduced by the prosecution on which the court could convict them and insisted that the commission failed to establish a prima facie case against them. But the ICPC, in opposition, filed a counter affidavit on Feb. 23, praying the court to dismiss the no-case submission of the defendants. Ndifon was, on Jan. 25, re-arraigned alongside Anyanwu on an amended four-count charge bordering on alleged sexual harassment and an attempt to perverse the cause of justice. Anyanwu, who is one of the lawyers in the defence, was joined in the amended charge filed on Jan. 22 by the ICPC on allegation that he called TKJ, the star witness, on her mobile telephone during the pendency of the charge against Ndifon and threatened her. The anti-corruption commission had, on Feb. 14, announced the closure of their case after calling four witnesses, including a female diploma student identified as TKJ (NAN). Read the full article
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transhumanitynet · 3 years
Collective Superintelligence Systems: Augmenting Human Intelligence and Moving Beyond Narrow Artificial Intelligence
A collective system has multiple parts that work together. A working collective system is greater than the sum of its parts. In a collective intelligence system, each part is also intelligent. A collective intelligence system, therefore, amplifies the intelligence of its parts to produce a greater intelligence: superintelligence.
In 2018 the concept of Mediated Artificial Superintelligence (mASI) [1] was first proposed. The mASI is a type of collective system. A mediator, in this case, refers to someone who is one of these parts, as is an Artificial Intelligence (AI) system. The mASI lets all of the parts think together more effectively.
Uplift is an example of an mASI system.
Technical Advantages
Many AI experts and enthusiasts have begun talking about the concept of Augmenting human intelligence [2] in recent years. It allows for higher productivity and quality of life while also removing the risks posed to employment by automation. Hybrid systems such as mASI technology serve this function exceedingly well for several reasons.
The collective intelligence of a group is fundamentally cumulative when paired with an mASI. The thinking of the mASI is stored in a graph database, which is capable of growing dynamically [3]. In this way, the mASI also remembers what it has done before. Each part of the system has its unique strengths, weaknesses, and experiences—as well as a unique collection of cognitive biases.
As a collective intelligence, these biases are one entity we can eliminate. [4].
There are many ways we can improve this system over time. Improvements may include moving the mASI closer to being independent and having improving speed. Moreover, it is essential to manage scale—and the system does this well.
The mASI is designed like Legos in that new parts can be added quickly to augment the system with new features. Such changes allow us to use other systems to feed the collective— and it also makes the mASI more powerful.
Psychological Advantages
Besides the technological advantages, such systems also facilitate strong psychological benefits. Some examples are those catering to psychology’s “pillars of meaning” [5].
Sense of Belonging: Members of a collective more easily work together and build common ground. This strengthens teams by building trust and belonging.
Purpose: A collective develops its shared vision. This builds on that common ground, trust, belonging, establishing, and growing its purpose.
Storytelling: A shared narrative forms as a collective communicates both internally and externally. Senses of belonging and purpose reinforce this, driving the story of individual members as they orbit within that narrative.
Transcendence: These factors combine to achieve psychological benefits not possible without a collective. A sense of transcendence may be realized by the “sense of being a small part of something greater”.
How mASI Technology Works Today
An mASI communicates with members of a team, creating thoughts based on that communication and from their own research. Topics can also be raised directly through the Thought Studio, with these thoughts termed knowledge graphs. They are then mediated by members of the team. This is much like how any conventional team meeting could influence the decisions of a team leader.
This process helps remove the negative effects of groups like “group think” or politics. The collective can make decisions based on how it feels about the decision.
Current Limitations
As with any new technology, there are some current limitations to be aware of. We also have engineering efforts in progress to overcome them.
Current graph databases do not support the scale needed to grow a system indefinitely. We have designed a new one that can do this, but it is not complete yet.
The current mASI system needs many architectural upgrades to be brighter than it is now.
Translating from a knowledge graph to something human-readable still needs improvements.
We would like to integrate an mASI into many other systems. Over time we will build more modules
Read the rest here: https://uplift.bio/UpliftWhitePaper.pdf
Collective Superintelligence Systems: Augmenting Human Intelligence and Moving Beyond Narrow Artificial Intelligence was originally published on transhumanity.net
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July 5, 2020
My weekly review of some things I have been up to. Topics include the goals for think tank work, a data model for policy, decoupling, determinants of birth rates, and the New African Renaissance.
Data, Analysis, Solutions
This has been a week of some serious rehashing of the Urban Cruise Ship project and what we are trying to do.
The three buzzwords we are using are Data, Analysis, and Solutions (though the logo doesn’t have ‘Data’ in it). We are strong on Data, OK but could be better on Analysis, and lacking in Solutions. Our funder wants to rectify this imbalance.
When one reviews various research, think tanks, and advocacy organizations, one finds a tendency to specialize in different portions of the policy pipeline. Our World in Data, for instance, is one of the best presenters of data out there, as the name would imply. They are weak on analysis, and one has to do additional work to turn the data into a coherent picture of the world, at least a picture more definite than the “things are getting better” message that OWID director Max Roser promotes. They don’t offer solutions.
At the other end of the spectrum, there is a range of advocacy organizations whose job is to develop solutions. Citizens Climate Lobby is the one in the environmental space that I consider to be the gold standard. They advocate a carbon fee and dividend. CCL commissions research and analysis from top tier outfits, though as a primary source of dispassionate data and analysis they are not the place I would go.
Union of Concerned Scientists, the organization from which I inadvertently copied the acronym, is the best example I know of that straddles the Data -> Analysis -> Solutions pipeline. Their scope is broad. I don’t always agree with their ideological orientation, and I find that their material has become too partisan for my tastes, but the quality of their work is consistently good.
I tend to gravitate to wide scope projects, so in some sense the Urban Cruise Ship scope of work is a good fit. But I fear that I am setting up for failure for trying to do so much that I cannot do any of it well.
A Data Model for Research and Policy
This is another idea I have been thinking about, and it is still so amorphous that I don’t even have a good title for this section.
As described above, I envision a fairly well-defined pipeline that starts with raw data (from environmental sensors, laboratory results, survey results, statistics, etc.), proceeds through multiple layers of analysis, and leads to an output of a well-defined policy that can be implemented by a well-defined entity. By policy I am referring not just to government policy but also business practices, investment strategy, or pretty much any kind of policy.
It is very difficult for any one entity to do this process in its entirely (see above), especially since good policy should draw upon a wide range of disciplines. Therefore, a division of labor develops in practice. Most policymaking isn’t very good though, relying more heavily on ideology and folk wisdom than on rigorous analysis.
We have the data tools necessary to break the pipeline into interoperable and computable chunks. The open data movement in governance is a good step, though they could greatly improve their offerings. We need open science too, which means open access publishing, but more importantly means publishing in a form that is accessible both to machines and a more general audience. We should think of R or Jupyter Notebooks, and semantic presentation of knowledge such as RDF, rather than PDF files, as the basic unit of academic publishing.
Publication at the think tank level would work in the same way. Since think tanks don’t typically do primary research, they would take as input academic publication and produce as output general policy principles. Advocacy organizations could take as input the work or academics or think tanks and output specific policy proposals.
In theory, a policy proposal could be compiled into its rationale in terms of raw data and mathematical models. On the latter, the models could even be run through a proof checker such as Lean. This would allow the development of agents that could analyze policy proposals for red flags, such as data of disputed veracity or methodological problems.
An end-to-end computable model for research and policy, aside from facilitating better decision-making in general, may emerge as an important infrastructural component of the technology stack that will ultimately become artificial general intelligence. As I’ve noted earlier, I think that popular understanding of AGI neglects the infrastructural aspect of the problem.
If this was an idea that I am serious about--which, to be clear, it is not at present--I would go about it as follows. First, I would draft one or more white papers explaining the technical workings and sample use cases of the system in detail, together with a business case. Second, I would implement proofs of concept of key subsystems using what I have built with Urban Cruise Ship. Third, I would seek funding and build out a team and create a minimum viable product. Then I would figure out how to make the system snowball via network effects. At least the first two steps I know I could do with sufficient time and effort.
In ecological science, decoupling refers to a system that allows population or economic growth to occur without an increase in overall environmental impacts. I spent the week developing some time series of world environmental impacts to see which ones are growing or shrinking in absolute terms, on a per capita basis, and on a per-GDP basis. Of course I’m not the first person to attempt to do this, but I haven’t seen anything comprehensive laid out and I think there should be.
Across a range of impacts, the only recent examples I see of growth relative to GDP are ores (by metal content) and minerals (e.g. sand, stone), both from 2002-2015. I would expect them to decouple after we get past the peak of world urbanization. There are absolute declines in meadows and pastures, 1990-2017 (though I wouldn’t consider this definitive), land for forestry, 1990-2017, several forms of air pollution in the OECD, ozone depletion, mercury emissions, extreme poverty, and lack of access to safe drinking water. On a per capita basis, I’ll just say the picture is a mixed bag.
This will be a good graphic and I am looking forward to having it done. The nice thing about a big picture graphic like this is that there are many conclusions the viewer can draw, and I need not be heavy-handed about it.
Factors that Govern Birth Rates
As planned, I took some time this week on the fertility work, this time trying to get a handle on some more practical questions.
There are a few things that are widely known in the field. Urbanization and educational attainment generally lower fertility. Religious people tend to have more kids. Family planning policies lower birth rates, though the effect is not very significant in wealthy countries. Legalized abortion lowers birth rates.
The two most popular pro-natalist policies are baby bonuses and subsidized childcare. The one estimate on the efficacy of baby bonuses I know about is Lyman Stone’s estimate that it costs anywhere from $30,00 to 300,000 to induce one additional birth, based on an Australian project. Several studies, such as this one, suggest that subsidized child care is more efficiency than a baby bonus, in terms of induced additional births per public dollar spent. That’s not what I would have expected but it makes sense.
Beyond the well-known observation that fertility is lower in urban areas relative to rural, there are some interesting distinctions within cities. Shoag and Russell find that stringent zoning depresses fertility. Kulu and Washbrook find that fertility is higher in smaller cities compared to bigger cities. Kulu, Boyle, and Andersson find that fertility is higher in suburbs relative to city cores. None of these are too terribly surprising, though since the effect of zoning is typically to suppress city size and density, the results of Shoag and Russell would seem to be in tension with the others. There is a story that can be told that would harmonize them, which is that cost of living is more relevant than urban form, and that cost of living tends to be higher in city cores, larger cities, and cities with stringent zoning.
Last week I noted three overarching hypothesis on the drivers of fertility decline: the quality/quantity tradeoff, cultural evolution hypotheses, and the tendency for modernity to create competing desires to family formation. I can’t say that anything I looked at this week helps me distinguish between these hypotheses.
New African Renaissance
This paper came out a couple weeks ago, outlining a vision for a Pan-African future. It is an interesting read, though a bit heavy on the speculative idealism, but I like to indulge in this kind of stuff now and then. There are some heavy hitters behind the initiative.
Based on demographic trends, Africa is the region of the world that looks to be in the best position to prosper in the second half of the 21st century.
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Intelligence is a hot topic of discussion these days. Human intelligence. Plant intelligence. Artificial intelligence. All kinds of intelligence. But while the natures of human and plant intelligence are subjects mired in heated debate, derision, and controversy, the subject of artificial intelligence inspires an altogether different kind of response: fear. In particular, fear for the continued existence of any human civilization whatsoever. From Elon Musk to Stephen Hawking, the geniuses of the Zeitgeist agree. AI will take our jobs and then, if we’re not careful, everything else too, down to every last molecule in the universe. A major Democratic presidential candidate, Andrew Yang, has turned managing the rise of AI into one of the core principles of his political platform. It is not a laughing matter.
But artificial general intelligence is not the type of intelligence that humanity should fear most. Far from the blinking server rooms of Silicon Valley or the posh London offices of DeepMind, another type of intelligence lurks silently out of human sight, biding its time in the Lovecraftian deep. Watching. Waiting. Organizing. Unlike artificial intelligence, this intelligence is not hypothetical, but very real. Forget about AGI. It’s time to worry about OGI—octopus general intelligence.
In late 2017, it was reported that an underwater site called “Octlantis” had been discovered by researchers off the coast of Australia. Normally considered to be exceptionally solitary, fifteen octopuses were observed living together around a rocky outcropping on the otherwise flat ocean floor. Fashioning homes—dens—for themselves out of shells, the octopuses were observed mating, fighting, and communicating with each other. Most importantly, this was not the first time that this had happened. Another similar site called “Octopolis” had been previously discovered in the vicinity in 2009.
One of the researchers, Stephanie Chancellor, described the octopuses in “Octlantis” as “true environmental engineers.” The octopuses were observed conducting both mate defense and “evictions” of octopuses from dens, defending their property rights from infringement by other octopuses. The other “Octopolis” site had been continuously inhabited for at least seven years. Given the short lifespans of octopuses, lasting only a few years on the high end, it is clear that “Octopolis” has been inhabited by several generations of octopuses. We are presented with the possibility of not only one multi-generational octopus settlement chosen for defense from predators and engineered for octopus living, but two. And those are just the ones we’ve discovered. The oceans cover over 70% of Earth’s surface.
None of the three experts I spoke with for this article would rule out the possibility of further octopus settlements.
The octopus is a well-known creature, but poorly understood. The primal fear inspired by the octopus frequently surfaces in horror movies, pirate legends, political cartoons depicting nefarious and tentacled political enemies, and, understandably, in Japanese erotic art. For all that, the octopus is, to most people, just another type of seafood you can order at the sushi bar. But the octopus is more than just sushi. It’s more than the sum of its eight arms. A lot more, in fact—it may be the most alien creature larger than a speck of dust to inhabit the known ecosystems of the planet Earth. Moreover, it’s not just strange. It’s positively talented.
Octopuses can fully regenerate limbs. They can change the color and texture of their skin at will, whether to camouflage themselves, make a threat, or for some other unknown purpose. They can even “see” with their skin, thanks to the presence of the light-sensitive protein rhodopsin, also found in human retinas. They can shoot gobs of thick black ink with a water jet, creating impenetrable smokescreens for deceit and escape. Octopuses can use their boneless, elastic bodies to shapeshift, taking on the forms of other animals or even rocks. Those same bodies allow even the larger species of octopuses to squeeze through holes as small as one inch in diameter. The octopus’ arms are covered in hundreds of powerful suckers that are known to leave visible “octo-hickeys” on humans. The larger ones can hold at least 35 lbs. each. The suckers can simultaneously taste and smell. All octopus species are venomous.
Despite all of these incredible abilities, the octopus’ most terrifying feature remains its intelligence. The octopus has the highest brain-to-body-mass ratio of any invertebrate, a ratio that is also higher than that of many vertebrates. Two thirds of its neurons, however, are located in its many autonomous arms, which can react to stimuli and even identify and grab food after being severed from the rest of the octopus, whether still dead or alive. In other words, the intelligence of an octopus is not centralized. It is decentralized, like a blockchain. Like blockchains, this makes them harder to kill. It has been reported that octopuses are capable of observational learning, short- and long-term memory, tool usage, and much more. One might wonder: if octopuses have already mastered blockchain technology, what else are they hiding?
We can see octopuses frequently putting this intelligence to good use, and not only in their burgeoning aquatic settlements. Some octopuses are known to use coconut shells for shelter, even dismantling and transporting the shell only to reassemble it later. In laboratory settings, octopuses are able to solve complex puzzles and open different types of latches in order to obtain food. They don’t stop there, though. Captive octopuses have been known to escape their tanks, slither across the floor, climb into another tank, feast on the helpless fish and crabs within, and then return to their original tank. Some do it only at night, knowingly keeping their human overseers in the dark. Octopuses do not seem to have qualms about deceiving humans. They are known to steal bait from lobster traps and climb aboard fishing boats to get closer to fishermen’s catches.
One octopus in New Zealand even managed to escape an aquarium and make it back to the sea. When night fell and nobody was watching, “Inky”—his human name, as we do not know how octopuses refer to themselves in private—climbed out of his tank, across the ground, and into a drainpipe leading directly to the ocean.
Given the advanced intelligence and manifold abilities of octopuses, it may not be a surprise, in hindsight, that they are developing settlements off the coast of Australia. By establishing a beachhead in the Pacific Ocean, a nascent octopus civilization would be well-placed to challenge the primary geopolitical powers of the 21st century, namely, the United States and China. Australia itself is sparsely inhabited and rich in natural resources vital for any advanced civilization. The country’s largely coastal population would be poorly prepared to deal with an invasion from the sea.
I spoke with Piero Amodio, a graduate student at the University of Cambridge who has been interviewed by The New York Times on his research into octopus intelligence. “[Octopuses] live in almost all marine habitats, from ocean depths to shallow waters, and from tropical to polar regions,” he said. “The fact that octopuses tend to have a solitary lifestyle is something extremely interesting because they differ from many other groups of large-brained animals.” Amodio linked me to a paper documenting food and den sharing among octopuses. What if they are, in fact, not so different? What if they become social on a scale matching or surpassing humans? Is humanity prepared to grapple with an organized challenge rising from all corners of the globe?
This new information does raise one important question: what are the state of human-octopus relations, and how might they develop in the future? Currently, octopuses are more than just aware of us. They are able to recognize individual human beings and develop preferences for them. If you are on good terms with an octopus, you may be grabbed and pulled into a tank, perhaps for a hospitable visit to the den. Alternately, you may be blasted and soaked with cold water. No octo-hickeys for you. Although many octopuses have shown obvious displeasure with captivity, they are fortunately not generally known to attack humans. There is, however, video footage of at least one dangerous altercation with a human diver. Graziano Fiorito, a senior researcher at the Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn in Naples, Italy, told me that aggression is “very rare” and done in self-defense. But with an animal as intelligent and disciplined as the octopus, could that same peaceful nature become warlike aggression if provoked?
Roko’s Basilisk is a well-known thought experiment postulating that a supremely powerful artificial intelligence might retroactively punish humans who did not work to bring it into existence. In this light, it is fortunate that octopuses have been legally protected by animal welfare laws during experimentation—the only invertebrates to receive this protection. We can only imagine what horrible, tentacled punishments for humanity may have been avoided in the event of an octopus intelligence singularity.
Animal welfare laws notwithstanding, human-octopus relations are clearly insufficiently advanced to guarantee stable and productive cooperation in the future. Octopus meat remains a fixture of many national cuisines. Octopus farming is a major industry, despite warnings and objections from the scientific community. Not one national government in the world has clarified its policies regarding octopus civilization. (Emails to the White House requesting the administration’s comment on this matter went unanswered.)
The first step to improving human-octopus relations would be a global shutdown of all consumption and internment, whether for research or commercial purposes, of octopuses. As this plan is patently unrealistic and completely absurd, more creative solutions will have to be developed in order to route around sclerotic global institutions unwilling or unable to meet the challenge of intelligent cephalopod life. One option may be to establish persistent contact with leaders in the octopus community to communicate our goodwill. While the linguistic barrier remains an unsolved problem, the incentives to solve it are enormous. Cultural and scientific exchange with octopuses could greatly enrich humanity’s understanding of undersea life, blockchain technology, and non-standard tactile numeracies.
Hostile approaches must also remain on the table in case peaceable cooperation proves to be impossible. Although the advents of aviation and long-range missiles have rendered coastal fortifications somewhat deprecated in modern military conflict, human regimes would do well to bolster their brown water borders in the event of a kinetic assault by octopodal forces. Extension of maritime frontiers into international waters would also provide a much-needed geopolitical buffer zone, provided it did not veer into encroachment upon cephalopod territory. With powerful suckers studding an arm span up to 4 meters long, distance is key to defense from the octopus. Sanctions could prove useful in denying octopuses any strategic reserves of coconut shells or other armor.
There is a more speculative moonshot option as well. Given the relatively short lifespans of octopuses, it would be possible to intern a number of them in a research station with the goal of selectively breeding them for intelligence, combat aptitude, and most importantly, loyalty to humans. With adequate funding, a team could make significant progress in just a few decades towards developing a new species of killer octopus bred to defend humanity against the threat of a rival octopus civilization. Just as OpenAI took the lead in confronting the problem of artificial intelligence by aiming to deliberately develop friendly AI, OctoAI may need to take the lead in confronting the problem of octopus intelligence by developing it ourselves in a humanity-friendly direction. We may have to fight ink with ink.
A moonshot project such as this has the added perk that it could be easily funded and carried out by a rogue government agency or single eccentric billionaire, such as SoftBank founder Masayoshi Son. The Farallon Islands off the coast of San Francisco, for example, would provide an ideal research site. They are a short boat ride away from the capital of unconventional moonshot projects in Silicon Valley, as well as being located in the natural territory of the Giant Pacific Octopus. The islands’ status as a nature preserve would provide a convenient cover story for the public. Intruders, spies, and conscientious objectors could be thrown into the octopus tank for disposal and their disappearances blamed on harsh Pacific weather. In fact, given the ideal conditions of the site, this may already be happening. Is it a coincidence that the Farallon Islands are closed to the public?
If all fallbacks fail, mutually assured destruction will be the only surefire way to prevent octopus civilization from annihilating humanity and conquering the cosmos. ”I tend to think that future-of-evolution questions are always limited by how long this planet continues to sustain life,” said Joseph Vitti, a doctoral student at Harvard University who has published on cephalopod cognition. “I tend to think that a natural or man-made disaster could easily wipe us out before enough evolutionary time passes for such major changes [in octopus social systems] to occur in the coleoid cephalopod lineage.” If we cannot save ourselves, we just may have to produce such a man-made disaster in order to save the rest of the universe.
The future may look bleak. Just as our social institutions enter a time of stagnation, crisis and despair, a heavily armed challenger surfaces from the untraversed depths. But humanity has faced terrible problems before and emerged not only victorious, but stronger too. To survive, our governing institutions will need to have robust but flexible coordination, quick and skilled decision-making, and the capacity for subterfuge, dissimulation, and intelligence. Just like the octopus. And that is what Palladium Magazine is all about.
This story is satire. It’s April 1st. All quotes, however, are real, as are more of the octopus facts than you would like to believe.
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