#AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA i love this i absolutely love this i adore this idea
beanghostprincess · 4 months
this is in response to the anon who said pudding should join the buggy pirates. This is a really cute idea and I love both of them so ofc they should be allies.
maybe after she's saved by sanji from BB pirates she's too overwhelmed/embarrassed to stay so she runs away and runs into crossguild who give her sanctuary after she tells them she can read poneglyphs? Because why would she go back to her family after they didnt even come for her? If mama is dead this a perfect chance to be free.
Croc would for sure be interested and Buggy would be one again awestruck at his luck for failing upwards bcus now an extremely useful ally falls into his lap?? Plus her 3rd eye is really flashy and if he just gave her a makeover she could be a main attraction in his circus hehehe
So real and true. In fact, you know why would she be a main attraction in his circus? Not because she has a third eye and people demonize her about it, but because everybody would find her extremely gorgeous. I would love something like that. Buggy seeing her third eye and loving it but also realizing she looks like the prettiest princess he's ever seen. She wouldn't like the idea of being exposed like that after hiding for so long. She's always been marginalized and laughed at for her third eye... Of course, she is rightfully scared of doing what Buggy says. But he keeps saying the circus is exactly for that. For outcasts that amaze people with their beauty and extraordinary traits. She could cook for them and also show up with him, not as an attraction, really, but as his star. She could even host the whole thing some nights if he's busy with Cross Guild stuff. And everyone finds her beautiful. Gorgeous. Perfect. Everybody loves her there and they're captivated by her. It's the first time people see her this way (second time. She kind of misses Sanji, but every time she mentions the strawhats Buggy gets irrationally emotional so she doesn't say anything). She isn't really a part of the Cross Guild, at least not officially. But she goes to most meetings and she's the one helping them out when it comes to history and poneglyphs. She ends up joining them more often because Mihawk and Crocodile grow fond of her. She's cute, but feral. She doesn't hesitate to make cruel plans and smart moves. She is actually really helpful and has good taste in music and wine, so those two end up taking care of her too. Imagine Pudding as their princess. She's like their daughter, more or less. They protect her to a worrisome extent. A lot of men come in there to ask her for her hand, and they, uh, never usually go back home in one piece. Buggy and her talk shit about Shanks and Sanji, but it's obvious they're still in love and never really over them. It's a sweet bond, really, the one she has with these three. Buggy makes people build her a whole, giant kitchen on the island only for her and she always makes the sweetest and most perfect of dishes ever. They adore her and she actually ends up loving them back a lot!
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halluuu i don't have any requests but i just wanted you to know i absolutely adored your ptn hcs 💗💗 they're so adorable and lovely and sweet and i love your writing sm 💗
Me, waking up to this message and your tags from reblogging my posts:
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This means. The absolute world to me. You have no idea how happy you have made me, new friend!
You're more than welcome to send me asks and requests anytime you think of them, or message me if you'd like to scream about the characters!
Honestly though, feedback like this is my biggest inspiration to keep writing, thank you so very much for your kind words!!!
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For the ship bingo, anxceit dukeceit and prinxiety!!
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@lost-in-thought-20 @gothkazuha ty for the asks!!! ohoHOHOHOHOHO *rubs hands together gleefully* i am. so happy abt these asks yall dont even KNOW. 
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BELOVEDS. there is so much angst in this ship. they are SO important to each other and they understand each other so deeply and nothing can change that (and sometimes they hate that nothing can change that). loving each other is just a part of who they are. even when they wish it wasn’t.
it's also very fun to like, yknow, just let them be cute and fluffy and in love and not have angst. that's also good. but the angst is just SO delicious with these two. ohhhhh i love them sm 10/10 delightful i have alllll the emotions.
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(the "i need this to be canon" square is a joke. kind of. like, i very strongly don't want any ships to be canon in sanders sides and am glad that it will never happen. that happening would be, um, awful, and i think the fallout of it would make the fandom experience much less enjoyable for almost everyone. that being said. dukeceit are the only ship i would be something close to okay with them happening in canon, bc i think their canon dynamic lends itself really easily to a relationship. but like in actuality still no.) aNYWAY
*deep inhale* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA i adore them so much. so much i tell you. they are PERFECTION ITSELF. they love each other sm <3333 strong strong gomez and morticia vibes. they love the things about each other that everyone else thinks are annoying. they care abt each other unconditionally. they are so good they deserve everything they adore each other with everything in them. they have my entire heart. 10000000000/10
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see, i'm fine with prinxiety itself. i don't love it love it, i ship them both more with other characters, but it's cute and i like it. but. people usually include logic/ality when they write prinxiety, and that is the only ship that i actually dislike in the entire fandom. so i avoid a lot of prinxiety fics bc of that. but when i can find fics that don't have that other ship, i do usually like prinxiety by themselves. and fwsa was absolutely great lol. i have a very delightful idea for a oneshot with them that was inspired by fwsa actually. 6/10
[ask me what i think of any sanders sides ship]
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garrettsthings · 6 years
My Reaction to the 9-13-2018 Nintendo Direct
Like I did with the E3 presentation, I plan on going through each individual game showcased here and posting my thoughts on each. Then I’ll summarize with my thoughts about the entire thing. So without further ado:
Luigi’s Mansion 3: Back from the dead, Luigi has sworn to destroy the monsters that were briefly his brothers. In all seriousness though, this game was completely unexpected and I think it looks great. I like the fact that it seems to be hotel setting this time.
Kirby’s Extra Epic Yarn: I did not own the original game, though I did play it and I loved how stress-free and charming it was. I might even get this one.
Mario and Luigi Bowser’s Inside Story: I’m a little salty they skipped Partners in Time. That one was one of my favorite Mario and Luigi games. This one looks good though, and I like the idea of a Bowser Jr. focused mode.
Luigi’s Mansion 3DS: I actually can’t wait for this one. I only very briefly played the original one, but I loved its creepy atmosphere and sometimes legitimately scary moments. I’m absolutely getting this version.
Yo-Kai Watch Blasters Moon Rabbit Crew: I actually got this game a little while ago on a whim, and while it hasn’t wowed me yet I also haven’t gotten super far. I’m still not 100% sure what Moon Rabbit Crew even IS yet, but if its a free update there’s no harm in getting it.
Splatoon 2 Ver. 4: I don’t play Splatoon anymore, so this trailer didn’t really mean anything to me, but I loved how they went full anime with it, and I absolutely adore the effort and creativity that Nintendo is putting into this franchise.
Mega Man 11: I’ll admit that I was never a fan of old-school Mega Man due to its difficulty (yes, I know. I’m the worst), but this was my first time seeing any footage of Mega Man 11 and I liked what I saw. I might need to try out the demo.
Mario Tennis Aces Ver. 2: I didn’t wind up getting this game, but I’m happy it’s getting tons of post-launch content. I just hope the Switch eventually gets a Mario Golf game with the same treatment.
Capcom Beat ‘Em Up Bundle: This is probably one of the highlights of this Direct for me. I did not grow up near an Arcade so I never played any of these games, but I was aware of a few of them. So this bundle will be my first time playing any of them and for $20 that’s a steal. I just hope there’s a physical release.
New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe: I might skip this one since I prefer modern Mario games to the classic side scrollers (I know. I’m the worst.).
Katamri Damacy Reroll: Oh boy! I have never played a Katamari game, though I have always been aware of how delightfully bizarre they are. And now you’re telling me I get to play the original? Oh you better believe I am getting this.
Nintendo Switch Online: I’ve seen a lot of people upset by this and I get why, but this isn’t something Nintendo just sprung on us. They’ve made it very clear before the Switch even launched that a paid online service was coming just like what Xbox and Playstation have. So while it does suck that we have to pay for something that has been free for over a year now, the jaw-droppingly low price of $20 a year (I’m an unemployed student and even I can afford that!) and bonus NES games are enough to make me be alright with it.
Pokemon Let’s Go: Already got my copy pre-ordered (Amazon had a price error so I got it for $20 less), so Nintendo doesn’t need to sell me on this game, but I’m still excited for it. I don’t care how kiddy or easy it looks, the game looks absolutely charming and I love it! I do hope those Pikachu and Eevee Joycons are sold separately though, because I want them.
Diablo III Eternal Edition: I’m not a huge Diablo fan, so I don’t know if I’ll get this game, but I just want to bring everyone’s attention to the upbeat Nintendo Announcer saying “The Burning Hells”.
Super Mario Party: I’m getting this. I am making my friends play it with me. We will never speak again. It will be glorious.
Town: To quote the best character in Monster Prom: YAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSS!!! I am a huge Pokemon fan, so Game Freak has my loyalty 100%. Especially after how addicting Pocket Card Jockey was. This trailer only showed us a little bit about the game, but I am already all in.
Cities Skylines: This game isn’t really the kind of game I usually go for but I’m happy for people who enjoy city simulators.
Daemon X Machina: This clip didn’t give us any info we didn’t already know from E3, but the game still looks great and I have every intention of getting it.
Yoshi’s Crafted World: I don’t know what Nintendo’s obsession with handicrafts is, but if it keeps resulting in charming, clever looking games like this, I hope it never stops.
Asmodee Digital Board Games: I’m all for digital board games, especially since they’ll likely be more affordable and less reliant on human deck-shuffling than regular board games. I would love to play Pandemic, but since that would probably work best online and since I refuse to use voice chat when playing online (see my above comments regarding my being the worst), I doubt that’ll work out well for me since Pandemic kind of requires a lot of coordination and strategy between players. That Munchkin Dungeon Crawler sounds great though!
Civilization VI: The only Civ game I played was Civ Revolution and I was absolutely enamored by it. I would love to play Civ VI on my Switch, since my PC is not even close to Civilization capable.
Starlink: I don’t know if I’ll get this game, but I do like the Star Fox content. I especially love Wolf’s voice in this trailer. It reminds me of Beast Wars’ Megatron.
The World Ends With You and Xenoblade DLC: My excitement for TWEWY dwindled considerably when I found out the game relies on touch and motion controls, but I still kind of want to get it. And the Xenoblade DLC looks great, but I need to get back in to Xenoblade.
Normies Showcase: Out of the third party games shown here, the only ones I feel like I NEED to get (and definitely on Switch) are Team Sonic Racing and LEGO DC Villains.
SO MANY FINAL FANTASIES: GOOD LORD. I’m not going to go through every single game shown here but... damn. Way to justify putting Cloud in Smash. And yes, I am very tempted to get all of them. Especially Crystal Chronicles.
So in conclusion, I was very, very happy with today’s Direct. There were so many games that I wanted that I can hear my bank account actively weeping right now. If I have one complaint though, it would be the lack of information about Fire Emblem Three Houses. Nintendo has been so quiet about that game since announcing it that I’m beginning to think that all of us collectively imagined it at E3.
Jokes aside, I’m sure they’ll reveal more information soon, and we have plenty to tide us over until then! Now, to play Luigi’s Mansion Dark Moon until the 3DS version of the original comes out.
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