larryshapiro · 16 days
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Used rescue squad in Pitchin, OH served at Ground Zero
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liesmyteachertoldme · 8 months
“At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reaches us, it must spring up amongst us.  It cannot come from abroad.  If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher.”
                                                                             Abraham Lincoln                             
Construction on the WTC buildings 1 and 2 (North and South) was started on Sept. 11th, 1971.  At 1350 feet, they were the two tallest and most famous buildings on earth.  One fact most people don’t know is they were engineered and built like the proverbial “brick out-house”.  These buildings were over-engineered to withstand major storms and hits from large aircraft.  They were built with 47 enormous interior steel core columns, together with 236 large exterior steel columns, that were welded and bolted together with steel plates. In addition, there were steel trusses, which crisscrossed, making a mesh that connected every other exterior column; plus there was diagonal bracing and steel rods connecting the trusses.  There were also corrugated pans with poured concrete on every floor and all this was anchored in a very deep and heavy foundation.  The buildings were architecturally designed to absorb energy and sway in storms.
FACT: No steel structured building in New York, the United States or in the World has ever come down due to fire alone!  In the last hundred years, literally dozens of steel buildings have caught fire and burned for long periods of time and have not come down.  A good example is the Meridian Plaza in Philadelphia; a 38-story office building that in 1991 had a hot fire. It burned on 8-floors for nineteen hours and three fire-fighters died fighting the blaze, but it did not come close to bringing down the building.  In contrast, the WTC North Tower fire lasted 1 hour and 43 minutes and the WTC South Tower fire lasted 56 minutes.  The fires in both towers burned significant proportions of material (sheet rock, carpet, furniture, etc.) producing lots of black smoke, indicating they were burning inefficiently, and were relatively cool fires.
FACT: Steel melts at @2552-2822° degrees Fahrenheit (F).(Pocket Guide to Arson Investigation)
Jet fuel when mixed with air at precise proportions burns at               @1800° degrees F.
Building debris (carpeting, furniture, paper, paneling, etc.) burned at an estimated 1200 to 1300° degrees F. The mass of black smoke indicates a lack of oxygen and a relatively cool fire.
Consider that heating steel is like pouring syrup onto a plate. It just won’t stack up. The heat just flows out to the colder parts of the steel, cooling off the part you are trying to warm up. If you pour it on fast enough it will heat up temporarily but as soon as you stop, it will cool off. According to the photos most of the fuel burned outside of the buildings. So what was left was a relatively cool fire.
According to photographs, people were standing at or near the hole made in the North Tower.  So the heat could not have been that intense as the government claims
In frame by frame pictures, you can see a mushrooming gray cloud envelope the building.  One can then see debris being blown away from the building with extreme force. Then the whole building came straight down in an incredibly fast 10.4 seconds.  A 1350 foot building collapsed in a manner indicative of implosion.
The government’s story is that the building experienced a compression, or pancake demolition caused from weakened trusses and weight from above.  And that’s what it is a story.  The building collapsed from the bottom up, not the top down.  Remember the fire was near the top of the building, not the bottom and the building was over engineered to withstand massive amounts of force from either mother nature or commercial aircraft. Also compression demolition does not have enough energy to crystallize concrete or melt steel. Jet fuel at optimum expands at only 208 feet per second and there is only enough latent energy to crack or break cement in a compression demolition.
On Sept. 16, five days after the attack, NASA flew a plane over the site to take thermal readings to create a thermal map. During this five day interval hundreds of tons of debris had already been carried off and millions of gallons of water had been sprayed on the debris.  The results of these readings showed “hot spots” with temperatures of over 1000 degrees F. One spot had a reading of 1377 degrees F, this after 5 days and millions of gallons of water. 
It has also been reported that the steel columns at the base of the foundation-seventy feet underground-were melted. Which means temperatures had to exceed 2500 degrees F.
Since tons of jet fuel or compression demolition can not achieve, much less, maintained this type of residual heat for this length of time, one would reasonably have to conclude that something else caused these extreme temperatures.
With non-explosive caused collapse there would typically be a pilling up of shattered concrete.  But most of the material in the towers was converted to flour-like powder while the building was falling. If jet fuel could accomplish this it would defy the Laws of Thermodynamics.
Horizontal puffs of smoke, known as squibs, were observed proceeding up  the side of the building, a phenomenon common when pre-positioned explosives are used to demolish buildings.
Steel supports were “partly evaporated” but it would require temperatures  near 5,000 degrees Fahrenheit to evaporate steel. Neither office materials nor jet fuel can generate temperatures that high.
The facts surrounding WTC building 6 are interesting.  Shortly after WTC 2 was hit, there was a huge explosion that appeared to come from the center of WTC 6.  Only some time later did it actually catch fire.  It then burned violently for hours and was finally put out. The question is 3-fold. One, what caused the explosion in the first place. Two, what cause the fire to start sometime after the explosion instead of immediately after.  And Three, after the center of the building had been blown apart and it had experienced a prolonged intense fire, why did this building NOT collapse like buildings 1, 2 and 7?
WTC 7, which was not hit by hijacked planes, collapsed in 6.6 seconds, just 0.6 second longer than it would take an anvil dropped from the roof height to hit the ground. Where is the delay that must be expected due to the conservation of momentum, one of the foundational laws of physics?
There are many more questions to be asked if one is truly interested in knowing what really happen on September 11, 2001.
Almost 40 miles north of the WTC on the Hudson River is by far the deadliest terrorist target in the United States.  Indian Point and its 3 nuclear power plants, two of which were online, have 65 years of accumulated, stockpiled highly radioactive waste. Indian Point is only 24 miles north of New York City.  It is surrounded by the densest concentration of people in the United States.  Why did American Airlines Flight 11 fly directly over the Number 1 terrorist target in the U.S. and not hit it?
The terrorists would have known their best shot at bringing down the strongest country in the world would be to hit them hard and fast.  To bring lasting and terrible destruction in a single blow.  Striking Indian Point would have instantly turned the entire area for miles around into a radioactive wasteland for thousands of years.  Experts have said casualties could have exceed 20 million premature deaths from radioactive poisoning.
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission admits that these planes could have easily penetrated the nuclear reactors since they were not build with this in mind.  And they were just minutes away. So why didn’t they strike?
If the terrorists were targeting the WTC, don’t you think they would have waited until 10:00 or 11:00 am when these buildings would have been full, approx. 50,000 people? And to cause the most death and destruction isn’t it elementary to strike these buildings as low as possible instead of near the top. Why was the Pentagon hit on the so-called ��peaceful” side, which was under construction as opposed to the command center on the opposite side.  Of course we “know” these terrorists are smart. The FBI and the CIA said so.  This attack was said to have taken years to plan, but our intelligence agencies said they knew nothing about it.  The taxpayers spent $40 billion a year on intelligence but let a religious fanatic living in a cave thousands of miles away outsmart what is considered the most advanced and sophisticated intelligence agencies in the world. (And hell froze over when?)
Give this some thought.  On September 11, 2001 the world trade center was destroyed. On October 24, 2001 just over a month later the original Patriot Act was presented to Congress.  The table of contents to this document is 342 pages long. This is just the table of contents.  In just 43 days they wrote a document whose table of contents is longer than many books. Think back to the research papers you did in college and how long it took you just to write a rough draft, let alone the final copy and how many pages was it.  Remember the table of contents is 342 pages long in 43 days. My point is this.  Given the bureaucracy of the federal government, there is no way that document could have been written in that short of time. It had to have been written long before 9/11 occurred and/or in preparation thereof.
On the morning of Sept. 11, 2005, New York City auxiliary fire lieutenant Paul Isaac Jr. asserted that 9-11 was an inside job. “I know 9-11 was an inside job.  The police know it’s an inside job; and the fireman know it too.”  In reference to the federal gag order by the FBI preventing police and fire departments from openly talking about inside information on what really happened, “It’s amazing how many people are afraid to talk for fear of retaliation or losing their jobs.”
For a decade before the 9-11 terrorist attacks, the World Trade Center has been protected by a “no-fly zone” and at least 1000 times pursuit aircraft have intercepted planes that have strayed too close.  In all cases the planes violating the no-fly zone have been intercepted within 4 to 5 minutes.  It was standard operating procedure to launch interceptor planes when air space was violated.  Officials had been on special alert since  the 1993 truck bombing at the world trade center.
Why would the U.S, government allow the terrorist attacks to happen?  There is historical precedent.  Serious scholars no longer debate over the fact that President Franklin Roosevelt had advanced knowledge of Pearl Harbor or that he gave Japan no choice.  Or that Woodrow Wilson used the sinking of the Lusitania to justify entering World War I. The Lusitania was full of illegal arms for Britain in violation of America Neutrality Act.  The German government had warned the ship would be sunk, even buying ads in newspapers to warn Americans when their public announcements were ignored by the press.  It was President Lyndon Johnson’s fabrication about the Gulf of Tonkin incident that prompted Congress to pass a resolution giving him license to go to war in Vietnam.  There never was a “Gulf of Tonkin incident”—as sailors on the ship acknowledged after they were discharged.
There is a common thread: all 3 were “peace” presidents. Wilson was elected because he had “kept the nation out of war”.  Roosevelt promised American mothers “again and again” never to send their sons to fight on foreign battlefields. Johnson promised never to “send American boys to fight a war Asian boys ought to fight for themselves.”
American presidents seem to love war, no doubt because it gives them power, creates “prosperity”  and gratifies the banks and “the military-industrial complex” to quote Dwight Eisenhower.
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ghettobillgates · 1 year
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jtl-fics · 8 months
math nerd!!! preferably with ichirou and riko but I'll take whatever
WIP Wednesday - Closed (9/6/23) | Math Nerd AU
What in the world does someone say to a brother that they had never planned to even speak with? He had been planning on dragging Neil into this most awkward of situations but Minyard looked like he rather set the world on fire than let go of Ichirou's accountant.
Riko Moriyama sat across from Ichirou Moriyama and a part of Ichirou does delight in the idea that his father was probably writhing in his death bed that they were sharing a zip code let alone a car.
Riko was sat perfectly straight in the seat across from him. He was still dressed in the red and black uniform of the Ravens team and looked entirely out of place among the luxurious interior. He thought of some of the lower-end places he could possibly take Riko to in his current dress but found that he had exactly zero desire for anything on those menus.
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bobbydigital407 · 8 months
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22 years ago….Never forget 9/11/2001
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sidonius5 · 8 months
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What if I just don't sleep. What then.
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remembertheplunge · 10 months
Alan Watts (a Buddhist philosopher who died in 1973):
"A Buddha is one who awakens from the illusion and from the thought that there is something to get out of life and that tomorrow will bring it to you."
In the World Trade Center on 9/11/2001, all were equal.
When the Trade Towers were hit by airliners on 9-11, all air travel was halted in the United States. The Skys went silent. 
Regarding this , I wrote the following journal entry on Saturday 9/22/2001:
“Zoe said about 11am today that since 5am, only 5 planes flew over her apartment house in San Diego. She lived about a mile from the San Diego airport run way. The planes flew directly over her  apartment house as they descended to land. 
Before 9/11/2001, a plane flew over her house every 10 to 15 minutes from 5am to 11pm.
So in 2000 on 9/22, before the trade Towers attack,  between 5 am and 11am, 4 to 5 planes an hour would have flown over Zoe’s house. That’s 24-30 planes. Campared with 5 planes during the same time span in 2001 on 9/22.
At our house in Modesto, we also are under the flight path of planes descending in from flights from the East. They are 10,000 feet above us. We can’t hear them, but, we can see them. On 9/22/2001, the skys were silent. Now, in 2023, when I see a plane fly over, I think, for now, we are not under attack.
9/22/2001 was to be the onset of the second wave of terrorist attacks via the mail laced with small pox or anthrax.
Another terrorist attack could come this week. Remain extremely vigilant. Reports of Anthrax in the mail. US Supreme Court is shut down. First time sine it opened in 1935.
War in Afghanistan with a 1 billion a month cost.
There is a terrorism Task Force.
Turlock puts up a yellow mailbox. You can dump in suspicious mail. It will be incinerated. Mail carriers wear gloves and masks. “Highest level of vigilance ever experienced. The 2nd wave!
The Vine radio station questioned listeners who are Not terrified.
I told Jim today that post the 9-11 attack) Modesto looks like a 4th of July parade that broke up and everyone is driving home. (American)  Flags, flags, flags! Ahhhhh. 
Even road side venders now push flags.
November 6, 2001
Today, fear of nuclear attack filters through the TV tube like anthrax filters through the envelopes.
End of this part of these entries
Note: Jim was my gay partner in 2001. 
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breezingby · 8 months
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brehaaorgana · 7 months
when we got out of the last spiderverse movie my friends were like "so what would you say is YOUR canon event?" and without missing a beat, i just was like: "unfortunately, it is actually 9/11."
and then no one else knew what to say to that lmfao.
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lartenascosta · 11 months
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Matt Weber
September 11, 2001
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spence922 · 2 years
This day never gets easier. I miss my friends, my uncle and my fire family that we lost. Katie, we never got to dance at our weddings. Patrick, my youngest son is named for you, I wish he could have met you. Tim, I miss our midnight milkshake runs. I miss the impromptu trips to Coney Island and staying up all night talking about what our lives would be. Most of all, I miss the future you guys never got. I hate that of the four of us, I’m the only one who got to get married and have a family, who got to see 40, who got to live my dreams. Thinking of you today and always. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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awryen · 8 months
I swear, most of these songs have me all
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Like...for real?
They also banned the entire discography for Rage Against the Machine.
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jtl-fics · 6 months
Yay it’s Wednesday again! Smalls au please! *^*
WIP Wednesday: 11-8-23 (Open) | Smalls AU
Janie takes the rest of the day to unpack and then stare up at the ceiling she will need to get used to. She lets herself experience some existential dread in regards to the miserable reality that is the fact that she really does need to figure out how to play the sport she has a scholarship for.
She pulls herself up around dinner time and comes down the stairs to have a very nice meal with Betsy. The chicken fried steak is not something she had ever considered before in her entire life but it is a bit of a revelation.
"This is so good." she compliments Betsy.
"I figured I'd get you a little bit of comfort food. I know this is a lot." Betsy says and honestly comfort food is fried food so she is not wrong even if Janie thinks Pork is a more familiar comfort protein.
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dizzygirlfriday · 8 months
notes of a restless girl.
what's up beautiful sky... ;)
What's up with the clunky shoes this fall? Hey I'm all in. I have to say my sense of style has completely changed after Covid. More casual, more comfortable, but I still can't go out in yoga pants. I don't know, call me old fashion but maybe I am. I can wear yoga pants at home, but when it comes to stepping outside my house, I have to wear a pair of jeans if it's a weekend, or slacks if I'm going to work. But I am all into the cargo look.
Hey anything to buy another pair of shoes, loafer style. And Mary Janes... the clunky ones. and I can't help but buy a pair of ballet flats.
The look this fall, is Diane Keaton. On point. Trousers, jackets, and turtlenecks.
That's my style update, for the fall. Brought to you by Philadelphia cream cheese.
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a-l-kaplan-author · 8 months
NEVER FORGET: 9/11/2001
It’s impossible for me to forget what happened on 9/11/2001, none of us ever should. As I write this post, I’m listening to the soundtrack for Come From Away. If you haven’t had a chance to see this musical, I highly recommend it. NEVER FORGET
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