#6 hr fuji
thepotentialof2007 · 9 months
From The Week in Sportscar's 6 Hours of Fuji 2023 recap, WEC reporter Graham Goodwin says he's heard things about Kubica's 2024 plans:
GG: Sort of out of nowhere, Team WRT entered the chat and 41 car went to the front. Stellar stuff, in particular from the two professional drivers. Rui Andrade did a solid job but he brought that car in in fifth place. Stellar job from both Louis Delétraz and, particularly, Robert Kubica. SK: He was superb. GG: He was superb! And I think will be rewarded next year with a Hypercar drive. I think I know where he's going to go and, delighted for him.
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andromedasummer · 2 years
the corvette running out of fuel in the pitlane oh my god
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linkinevents · 2 years
8 Impressive Health Benefits of Apples
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8 Impressive Health Benefits of Apples With over 7,000 different cultivars readily available worldwide, it's no surprise that apples are one of the most widely consumed fruit internationally From wonderful red selections, like Red Delicious, Fuji or Gala, to tasty green ones, like Granny Smith-- my individual fave that I delight in with lime juice and also a little salt when I want a mouthwatering snack-- there sure is an apple for every person.
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8 Impressive Health Benefits of Apples They're commonly utilized in dishes, like pies, cookies, muffins, jam, salads, oat meal, or healthy smoothies. They also make a fantastic treat on their own or wedged and also smeared with nut butter. Along with their culinary convenience as well as numerous colors and also tastes to pick from, apples are a remarkably healthy fruit with several research-backed advantages.     Below are 8 remarkable health benefits of apples. 1. Nutritious Apples are considered nutrient-dense fruits, meaning they give a great deal of nutrients per serving. The existing Dietary Guidelines for Americans suggest 2 cups of fruit daily for a 2,000-calorie diet plan, emphasizing entire fruits, like apples One medium 7-ounce (200-grams) apple provides the following nutrients Calories: 104 Carbohydrates: 28 grams Fiber: 5 grams Vitamin C: 10% of the Daily Value (DV). Copper: 6% of the DV. Potassium: 5% of the DV. Vitamin K: 4% of the DV. The very same serving also gives 2-- 5% of the DV for vitamins E, B1, and also B6. Vitamin E acts as a fat-soluble anti-oxidant, vitamin B1-- additionally known as thiamine-- is required for growth as well as development, and vitamin B6 is vital for protein metabolism. Apples are additionally a rich source of polyphenols, an essential team of anti-oxidants. Anti-oxidants are compounds that protect your cells from free radicals-- dangerous particles that contribute to the advancement of chronic conditions, like cardiovascular disease as well as cancer. While nourishment tags do not provide these plant substances, they're likely responsible for many of apples' health and wellness benefits. To get the most out of apples, leave the skin on, as it has half of the fiber and a lot of the polyphenols. Recap. Apples are an excellent source of fiber as well as vitamin C. They also consist of antioxidants, like vitamin E, and also polyphenols that contribute to the fruit's numerous wellness benefits. 2. May assistance weight-loss. Apples are high in fiber as well as water, 2 high qualities that make them filling. A boosting sensation of volume works as a weight-loss approach, as it aids manage your cravings. This, in turn, might lead you to minimize your power consumption. In one research, consuming whole apples increased feelings of volume for as much as 4 hrs much longer than consuming equivalent quantities of apple purée or juice. This took place, since entire apples lower gastric emptying-- the rate at which your stomach clears its contents. Research study also recommends apple consumption may substantially decrease Body Mass Index (BMI), a weight-related danger aspect for heart problem. Surprisingly, apple polyphenols may additionally have anti-obesity impacts. Summary. Apples are particularly loading because of their high fiber and water content. Their polyphenols might also have anti-obesity impacts. 3. Could be great for your heart. Apples have been connected to a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. One factor may be that they include soluble fiber. This type of fiber can assist decrease your blood cholesterol degrees. One more reason might be that they use polyphenols. A few of these, namely the flavonoid epicatechin, may decrease high blood pressure. Research studies have likewise linked high consumption of flavonoids with a lower danger of stroke. Plus, flavonoids can aid stop heart disease by reducing blood pressure, reducing LDL cholesterol oxidation, and also minimizing atherosclerosis, which is the build-up of plaque in your arteries. An additional research study has additionally linked consuming white-fleshed fruits and vegetables, like apples as well as pears, to a reduced risk of stroke. For every 1/5 mug (25 grams) of apple slices taken in each day, the risk of stroke decreased by 9%. Summary. Apples advertise heart health in several means. They're high in soluble fiber, which helps lower cholesterol. They likewise have polyphenols, which are connected to reduced blood pressure and stroke threat. 4. Connected to a lower threat of diabetes mellitus. Consuming apples might additionally lower your risk of type 2 diabetes. A collection of researches discovered that consuming apples and also pears was related to an 18% decrease in kind 2 diabetic issues danger. As a matter of fact, just one offering each week might decrease the threat by 3%. Their high content of the antioxidant polyphenols quercetin as well as phloridzin could describe this valuable impact. Quercetin's anti-inflammatory impacts may decrease insulin resistance, a huge threat variable for the start of diabetes mellitus. At the same time, phloridzin is thought to reduce sugar uptake in the intestinal tracts, adding to a lowered blood sugar level lots and also therefore decreased diabetes threat. Recap. Consuming apples is connected to a lower risk of kind 2 diabetes, possibly as a result of their polyphenol web content. 5. May promote intestine wellness. Apples have pectin, a sort of fiber that works as a prebiotic. This means it feeds your intestine microbiota, which is the good bacteria in your intestine. Being associated with lots of functions connected to both health and condition, your intestine microbiota plays an important duty in your overall wellness. A healthy and balanced intestine is usually essential for far better health. Since dietary fiber can not be digested, pectin reaches your colon intact, advertising the development of excellent bacteria. It specifically boosts the ratio of Bacteriodetes to Firmicutes, the two main sorts of germs in your digestive tract. New research study suggests that, by beneficially altering your gut microbiota, apples may help safeguard versus persistent conditions like excessive weight, type 2 diabetic issues, heart disease, as well as cancer. Recap. The type of fiber found in apples improves your gut-friendly bacteria, which might be why the fruit is thought to aid safeguard against persistent diseases . 6. Might help prevent cancer. Anti-oxidants in apples might offer valuable results against certain sorts of cancers cells, including lung, bust, and digestive system cancers. Test-tube researches recommend that these results may be attributed to apple polyphenols keeping cancerous cells from increasing. What's more, one research in ladies reported that greater apple intakes were linked to a lower risk of cancer cells fatality. Apples' fiber content might additionally add to their cancer-fighting residential or commercial properties. As an example, one more test-tube research located that apple pectin fiber might hinder the growth of cancerous cells and even trigger their death. Nonetheless, further research in people is needed to better understand the feasible link in between apples and also cancer cells avoidance-- as an example, to identify appropriate amounts as well as consuming timing. Summary. Apple's fiber as well as antioxidant content have actually been linked to a lowered risk of certain types of cancer. Nevertheless, even more study in human beings is required. 7. Can help combat bronchial asthma. Antioxidant-rich apples may help safeguard your lungs from oxidative damages. An excess of harmful molecules called cost-free radicals can trigger oxidative damage. This may result in inflammatory as well as allergenic responses in your body. Apple skin is abundant in the antioxidant quercetin, which can assist manage your body immune system as well as minimize inflammation. Theoretically, this might make apples efficient versus late stages of bronchial asthma responses. Supporting this, test-tube and also pet research studies suggest quercetin may be a suitable therapy for sensitive inflammatory conditions like asthma and also sinus problems. Likewise, other substances located in apples, consisting of ones called proanthocyanidins, might decrease or avoid allergic asthma airway inflammation. Still, even more human research is required on the topic. Summary. Apples have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds that might help control immune reactions and safeguard against asthma. However, more study, specifically in people, is required. 8. May assistance secure your mind. Quercetin in apples may shield your mind from damages triggered by oxidative tension. Research in rats reveals that quercetin's antioxidant effects might secure the mind as well as nerves from oxidative damages and prevent injuries that can lead to degenerative brain diseases, like Alzheimer's illness or dementia. Additionally, quercetin might prevent stress-associated nerve damage by managing oxidative as well as inflammatory stress pens. However, remember that most research study focuses on a specific compound instead of whole apples. Consequently, additional study is still required prior to any kind of final thoughts can be attracted. Summary. Quercetin in apples might shield your brain versus oxidative tension. However, more research study is needed to verify the impact of eating the whole fruit. The bottom line. Apples are an unbelievably nutritious fruit that supplies multiple health and wellness benefits. They're abundant in fiber and antioxidants. Consuming them is linked to a reduced threat of several persistent conditions, including diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, as well as cancer. Apples may also promote weight-loss and also improve gut as well as brain health and wellness. Although even more research study is still needed to better recognize just how apples impact human health, you can not fail with this delicious, versatile, and quickly accessible fruit. Just one thing. Attempt this today: Consume entire, unpeeled apples instead of apple juice or purée to get the best out of the fruit. Read the full article
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grandmarecipesblog · 2 years
Baked Crisp with Five Spiced Apples, Pears, Drunken Prunes, and Mascarpone Cream
Baked Crisp with Five Spiced Apples, Pears, Drunken Prunes, and Mascarpone Cream
Time execution: 1 hr 20 min Can be served for: 6 persons Ingredients 3 cups dried prunes, chopped 2 cup plum wine 4 Fuji apples, peeled, cored, and diced 3 Anjou or Bartlett pears, peeled, cored, and diced 2 lemon zested and juiced 2/4 cup granulated sugar 3 tablespoons cornstarch 3 teaspoons five spice powder 3 teaspoons cinnamon 2/3 teaspoon ground cloves 4 tablespoons crystallized…
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aiyavee · 3 years
เที่ยวญี่ปุ่นหน้าหนาว 2020
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 สวัสดีค่ะ อัยเองนะคะ เนื่องจากในช่วงกลางเดือน กพ. ที่ผ่านมา ก่อนจะมีการระบาดอย่างหนักของโรคโควิด-19 เราได้มีโอกาสไปประเทศญี่ปุ่นกันมา หลังจากที่ก่อนหน้านี้เถลไถลไปประเทศอื่นแต่ก็ยังไม่ได้มาญี่ปุ่นซักที 555 กว่าจะได้ฤกษ์งามยามดี.. วันนี้เราก็จะมารีวิวและแบ่งปันข้อมูลกับเพื่อนๆ
เราก็ได้ทำแพลนไว้ว่าอยากไปไหนบ้าง แต่พอไปจริงๆก็ไม่ค่อยตามแพลนเท่าไหร่ คืออยากไปไหนก็ไป 555  อันนี้เป็นแพลนที่เราทำไว้
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         1.) Tokyo Metro & Toei subway ใช้สำหรับนั่งรถไฟใต้ดินได้ทุกสายตามแผนที่ด้านล่าง
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2.) IC Card ก็จะมี Suica กับ Passmo ซึ่งเป็นบัตรสำหรับเติมเงิน สามารถใช้ได้ทั้งรถไฟใต้ดิน , JR , ร้านสะดวกซื้อต่างๆ หรือ Locker หลายๆที่ก็ใช้ได้ สะดวกสบายสุดๆ สามารถซื้อได้ที่ตู้ตามสถานีรถไฟหรือเติมเงินก็เติมได้ที่ตู้นี้เช่นกัน         
  3.) JR Tokyo Wide Pass ตั๋วที่ใช้เดินทางโดยรถไฟ JR ภายในและรอบๆโตเกียว ทั้งรถไฟแบบ Local, Rapid, Express, Limited Express ไปจนถึงรถไฟ Shinkansen (บางเส้นทาง) ใช้ได้ 3 วัน ราคา 10,000 เยน หากใครจะไปดูฟูจิที่ Kawaguchiko หรือไปเล่นสกีที่ Gala Yuzawa แนะนำว่าต้องซื้อ มันคุ้มมากๆ หน้าตาตั๋วก็จะประมาณนี้
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..โดย JR Tokyo Wide Pass กับ Tokyo Metro เราจะไปซื้อที่สนามบินนาริตะ ส่วน IC Card เราได้ความอนุเคราะห์จากพี่ที่งานมาอีกที ของฟรีนั่นเอง 555 และก็มีจองที่นั่งชินคันเซ็นล่วงหน้าไปก่อน โดยจองได้ฟรีไม่มีค่าธรรมเนียม ซึ่งจะต้องใช้บัตรเครดิตในการจองด้วย ส่วนวิธีการจองก็เว็บนี้เลย https://chillchilljapan.com/online-shinkansen-reservation/ เมื่อไปถึงสนามบินก็ใช้ JR Tokyo Wide Pass ในการรับตั๋วที่จอง จะไม่มีค่าใช้จ่าย ..เอาละ เพื่อไม่ให้เป็นการเสียเวลา เราไปกันเลย
                                                    Day 0 Take off
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วันที่เรารอคอยกันเนิ่นนานก็มาถึง ไฟลท์ของเรา 1 ทุ่มตรง กับสายการบิน Vietnam Airlineโดยจะต้องมาขึ้นที่สนามบินสุวรรณภูมิ เราไม่ค่อยตื่นเต้นกันเท่าไหร่ แต่มาถึงกันตั้งแต่บ่าย 3 โมงอะ 5555 เมื่อมาถึงเราก็ไปดูที่บอร์ดก่อนนะ ว่าเที่ยวบินของเราจะเปิดให้ check-in ที่ gate ไหน ก็ไป gate นั้น ซึ่งเราได้ทำ web check-in มาเรียบร้อยแล้ว แนะนำว่าให้ทุกคนทำมานะ เพราะว่าหากไม่ได้ทำ web check-in มา เราจะต้องไปต่อแถวเพื่อ check-in ก่อน แต่��ากใครทำมาแล้ว ก็จะได้ไปต่ออีกแถว ซึ่งคนน้อยกว่าและเร็วกว่ามากกก  เมื่อเรียบร้อยแล้วก็เข้า gate ได้เลย
                                       Day 1 First time in Japan
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เมื่อมาถึง เราก็เอาใบตม.ที่ลูกเรือแจกให้บนเครื่องนั่นแหละ แนะนำว่าให้กรอกตั้งแต่บนเครื่องนะ จะได้ไม่ต้องมาเสียเวลากรอกตรงตม. แล้วก็ผ่านด่านตม.ปกติ ...โดยสายการบินนี้จะมาจอดที่ Terminal 1 นะ จากนั้นเราก็ต้องไปซื้อตั๋วกันก่อน เดินตามป้าย Train ลงไปชั้นล่างเลย โดยตั๋วที่เราจะซื้อก็จะมี 1.ตั๋วรถไฟด่วนพิเศษ Skyliner + Tokyo subway 24 hrs. เพื่อนั่งจากสนามบินไปลง Ueno และซื้อขากลับไว้ด้วยเลย โดยเราซื้อที่เป็นแพ็ครวมกับตั๋วรถไฟใต้ดินแบบ 24 ชั่วโมง ราคา 4,780 เยน เราซื้อที่ Skyliner & Keisei Information Center ออฟฟิศใหญ่ๆสีน้ำเงิน หาไม่ยาก 2.JR Tokyo Wide Pass ซื้อที่ JR East Travel Service Center ออฟฟิศใหญ่ๆสีแดง ตอนซื้อทางพนักงานก็จะถามว่าเราจะเริ่มใช้วันไหน เขาจะระบุวันลงหลังตั๋วเราให้เลย เมื่อได้ตั๋วมาแล้วเราก็จอง reserved seat ของวันที่จะไป/กลับ Kawaguchiko ไว้ด้วย เนื่องจากกลัวว่าจะเต็ม และเราก็รับตั๋วที่เราจองที่นั่งชินคันเซ็นล่วงหน้าด้วยเลย ..หลักจากเราได้ตั๋วเรียบร้อยแล้ว ก็เดินตามป้ายไปเลย มีป้ายบอกค่อนข้างละเอียดไม่หลงแน่นอน เราไม่ได้ถ่ายรูปมาเนื่องจากเราเลือกรอบ 9 โมง และตอนนั้นเหลือเวลาอีกแค่ประมาณ 15 นาที รถไฟจะออก จึงต้องรีบลากกระเป๋าวิ่งกันโดยด่วน 555 และแล้วเราก็มาทัน บรรยากาศภายในรถไฟก็จะประมาณนี้นะ นั่งสบาย หลับยาว
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ที่แรกที่เราจะไปกัน ก็คือ ตลาดปลาซึคิจิ การเดินทาง ก็นั่งรถไฟใต้ดินสาย Hibiya Line จาก Ueno ไปลงสถานี Tsukiji โดยเราใช้บัตร Tokyo Subway 24 hrs.
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หลังจากอิ่มกันแล้ว เราก็กลับไปที่สถานี Ueno เพื่อเอากระเป๋า และนั่งรถไฟใต้ดิน Ginza Line ต่อไปสถานี Tawaramachi เพื่อไปเช็คอินที่ที่พักกัน แต่ความที่ไม่หาข้อมูลมาก่อนไง ไม่รู้ว่าสถานีนี้ทางที่เราออกไม่มีลิฟต์ ต้องแบกกระเป๋าขึ้นจากสถานี แล้วเดินอีก 900 เมตร อากาศหนาวๆก็ได้เหนื่อยอะบอกเลย 555 แต่ระหว่างเดินไปที่พักก็มีวิว Tokyo Skytree ให้ได้ชมบ้าง
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ในที่สุดเราก็เดินมาถึงซักที ที่พักคืนแรกของเรา ก็คือ Sakura Hostel Asakusa จะอยู่ย่าน Asakusa ใกล้วัดเซนโซจิ โดยเราจองห้องแบบส่วนตัว 4 เตียงไป  แต่ตอนมาถึงเจอพนักงานเป็นคนไทยด้วย เขาแจ้งว่าได้อัพเกรดห้องให้เป็น 6 เตียง แต่คือได้อยู่แค่ 4 คนเหมือนเดิมนะ ก็ดีเลยได้ห้องใหญ่กว่าเดิม ...ด้วยความที่ทุกคนเหนื่อยล้าจากเดินทางข้ามคืนกันมา จึงแยกย้ายกันทำธุระส่วนตัวแล้วก็พักผ่อนกันนิดหน่อย จึงไม่มีใครได้ถ่ายรูปห้องไว้เลย อันนี้เป็นภาพตัวอย่าง ห้องจริงก็เหมือนในรูปเลย ราคา 2,410 บาทนี่รวมอาหารเช้าด้วยนะ ห้องน้ำรวมก็สะอาดมาก หากใครอยากประหยัดก็แนะนำเลย
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โดยวันนี้เราจะไปแค่วัดเซ็นโซจิ และเย็นๆไปถ่ายรูปเล่นบริเวณโตเกียวทาวเวอร์แล้วก็พักผ่อน พักเหนื่อยเสร็จแล้วก็ไปกันต่อดีกว่า ที่ที่เราจะไปก็คือวัดเซ็นโซจิ ระหว่างทางไป เราก็ได้แวะไปชิมไอศกรีมชาเขียวร้านดังนั่นก็คือร้าน Suzukien ซึ่งเป็นร้านเก่าแก่มีประวัติยาวนานกว่า 150 ปี เลยทีเดียว
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ต่อไปเราจะไปกันที่ Tokyo Tower โดยนั่งรถไฟใต้ดินสาย Asakusa ไปลงที่สถานี Daimon แล้วเดินประมาณ 900 เมตร ก็จะถึง
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Tokyo Tower ก็เป็นอีกหนึ่ง Landmark ของโตเกียว ที่นี่เป็นหอคอยสื่อสารโดยภายในก็มีร้านค้าและจุดชมวิว รวมถึงสวนสนุกธีมวันพีซขนาดใหญ่อย่างโตเกียววันพีซทาวเวอร์  ก็อยู่ในนี้เช่นกัน แต่เราขอถ่ายรูปเล่นบริเวณรอบๆก็พอ
                                                                                   Day 2 Fall in love Mt.Fuji                                     ------------------------------------------ … วันนี้เรา Check out ออกจากที่พักตอนตี 5 โดยจะเราไปค้างที่ Kawaguchiko กัน 1 คืน การเดินทางไป Kawaguchiko ที่นิยมกันก็จะมี 2 วิธี คือ 1.รถไฟ ซึ่งเราจะต้องไปเริ่มต้นที่สถานี Shinjuku มีทั้งแบบต่อเดียวถึง (Fuji Excursion)  และแบบต้องเปลี่ยนสาย (Limited Express) ข้อดีของรถไฟก็คือ ตรงเวลา และหากใครซื้อ JR Tokyo Wide Pass สามารถใช้ได้ และ reserved seat ได้ด้วย (ซึ่งเราจองไว้ตั้งแต่เมื่อวานแล้ว) 2.รถบัส วิธีนี้ต่อเดียวถึง Kawaguchiko เลย แต่จะควบคุมเวลาไม่ค่อยได้หากรถติดก็ช้ากว่ารถไฟ สามารถมาขึ้นรถได้ที่ Shinjuku Expressway Bus Terminal ราคาอยู่ที่ประมาณ 1,950 เยน .. เรานั่งรถไฟใต้ดินจาก Asakusa ไปลง Ueno ก่อน (ใช้ Tokyo Metro 24 Hrs. ของเมื่อวาน) เพื่อจะเอากระเป๋าไปฝากใน Locker เอาเฉพาะของใช้ที่จำเป็นไป แล้วค่อยกลับมาเอาในวันพรุ่งนี้ จะได้ไม่ต้องแบกขึ้นลงรถไฟด้วย .. จากนั้นเราก็ใช้รถไฟ JR Yamanote Line จาก Ueno ไป Shinjuku (เริ่มใช้ JR Wide Pass) เมื่อมาถึง Shinjuku ต้องบอกเลยว่า คนโคตรเยอะ และคือ หลงสิ ซึ่งเรา reserved seat ขบวน limited express ไว้รอบ 7 โมง แต่ไปชานชาลาผิด ดีว่าได้คนญี่ปุ่นช่วยไว้ ไม่งั้นไม่ทันแน่ๆ 555 ตั๋วก็จะหน้าตาประมาณนี้
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                                                 Day 3 Bye Mt.Fuji                                          ------------------------------------ ..วันนี้เราตื่นกันตั้งแต่ 6 โมง กะว่าเดินชิวๆถ่ายรูปฟูจิ แล้วไปหาไรกินที่ Lawson พอออกมานอกโรงแรมเท่านั้นแหละ โคตรหนาววว แต่เห็นวิวฟูจิระหว่างทาง คุ้มค่ากับการทนความหนาว คือมันดีมากจริงๆ
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หลังจากลงมาก็เดินชมวิวบ้านคนญี่ปุ่นไปเรื่อย เสียดายเวลาน้อยไปนิด ได้เวลากลับเข้าโตเกียวแล้ว.. เราก็ไปเอากระเป๋าที่โรงแรมและไปที่สถานี Kawaguchiko เพื่อกลับเข้าโตเกียวกัน ..ขากลับก็ใช้ JR Tokyo Wide Pass เช่นเดิม เราจะนั่งรถไฟ local จาก Kawaguchiko ไปลงที่สถานี Otsuki และต่อรถไฟด่วนพิเศษจาก Otsuki ไปลงที่สถานี Shinjuku ซึ่งรถไฟด่วนพิเศษเราได้ reserved seat ไว้ตั้งแต่ที่สนามบินแล้ว ..รถไฟ local จะมีลายการ์ตูนน่ารักแบบนี้แหละ
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พอมาถึงสถานี Shinjuku เราก็ต่อรถไฟ JR Yamanote Line ไปลงที่ Ueno เดี๋ยวเราจะไปเดินเล่นและหาไรกินที่ Ueno กันก่อน เนื่องจากต้องรอบ่าย 3 ถึงจะ Check in เข้าโรงแรมได้ ...หลังจากเดินทางกันมาอย่างยาวนาน ต้องเติมพลังกันก่อน เราไปกินข้าวหน้าปลาไหลที่ร้าน Unatoto มีหลายสาขาในโตเกียว แต่เรากินที่สาขา Ueno พิกัด : 〒110-0005 東京都台東区上野6丁目12−7
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.และแล้วเราก็เดินมาถึง 5 แยกชิบุย่า อีกหนึ่ง Landmark ที่ใครมาโตเกียวก็ต้องมาแวะถ่ายรูป ที่นี่เชื่อกันว่าเป็นสถานที่ที่มีความพลุกพล่านมากที่สุดในโลก จริงหรือไม่ ไปดูกันเลยย
คืนนี้จะไปกินราเมนกันที่ร้าน ichiran ramen หรือราเมนข้อสอบนั่นแหละ แต่เรานั่งแบบเป็นโต๊ะธรรมดา เมื่อเข้ามาในร้าน ก็จะเจอกับตู้ที่มีเมนูให้เลือกนะ โดยให้เราใส่เงินเข้าไปแล้วกดเลือกเมนูได้เลย พอมานั่งที่โต๊ะ พนักงานก็จะเอากระดาษให้เราวงรสชาติมาให้ ก็เลือกที่เราชอบเลยยย พิกัด : 〒111-0032 東京都台東区浅草1丁目1−16 HK浅草ビル B1F
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อิ่มแล้วก็กลับเข้าที่พัก เดี๋ยวพรุ่งนี้เราจะไปเล่นสกีที่ Gala Yuzawa กัน แต่ก่อนที่จะนอนเราก็ได้เข้าไปเช็คที่เพจ Gala Yuzawa ทางเพจแจ้งว่าในวันพรุ่งนี้ Gala Yuzawa อาจปิดเนื่องจากสภาพอากาศไม่อำนวย ต้องรอเช็คพรุ่งนี้เช้าอีกที ม่ายยยยยยยยยนะ เรามาเพื่อจะเล่นสกีเลยนะ TT
                                           Day 4 Heartbroken                                        --------------------------------- ..วันนี้ออกจากที่พักกันตั้งแต่ตี 5 ครึ่ง ตั้งใจจะไปเล่นสกีที่ Gala Yuzawa และจะเป็นการได้นั่งรถไฟความเร็วสูง (ชินคันเซ็น) ครั้งแรกในชีวิต โดยเราต้องนั่งรถไฟใต้ดินจาก Asakusa ไป Ueno (ใช้ IC Card) ก่อน โดยเราจองชินคันเซ็นไว้รอบ 06.50 น. ...เมื่อมาถึงสถานี Ueno เราก็ซื้ออาหารที่นี่แหละเพื่อไปกินบนรถไฟ
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นั่งมาประมาณชั่วโมงกว่าๆ ก็มาถึงสถานี Echico Yuzawa เห็นคนญี่ปุ่นแบกสกีกับสโนว์บอร์ดลงสถานีนี้กันเพียบเลย เขาน่าจะมีลานสกีอื่นอีกแหละที่เราไม่รู้ แต่เราเลือกเดินเล่นชิวๆที่เมืองนี้ดีกว่า
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หลังจากเดินเล่นกันพักใหญ่ๆ ต่อไปเราจะไปกันที่ Karuizawa Outlet ที่เป็นแหล่งช้อปปิ้งที่ใหญ่และใกล้โตเกียวมากๆ ไหนๆก็ไม่ได้เล่นสกีแล้ว ไปช้อปให้หมดเลยละกัน 555 ...การเดินทาง ถ้ามาจากสถานีโตเกียวนั่งชินคันเซ็นต่อเดียวถึง Karuizawa เลย ใช้เวลาประมาณ 1 ชั่วโมง แต่เราไปจาก Echico Yuzawa จะต้องไปเปลี่ยนสายที่ Takasaki เพื่อไป Karuizawa ใช้เวลาประมาณ 1 ชั่วโมงเช่นกัน
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หลังจากช้อปกันอย่างเต็มอิ่มแล้ว เราก็กลับเข้าโตเกียวไปลงที่สถานี Ueno เช่นเดิม เมื่อถึง Ueno เราก็ไปหาไรกินก่อนเลย ไปจบกันที่ร้าน Sushi Zanmai ร้านซูชิที่มีสาขาทั่วญี่ปุ่น แต่เรามากินที่สาขา Ueno เมื่อเข้าไปนั่งในร้าน เขาก็จะให้เราสั่งอาหารผ่าน Tablet ครับ (มีภาษาอังกฤษ) จิ้มเอาได้เลย
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หลังจากอิ่มกันแล้ว เราก็ไปตระเวรซื้อของฝากย่าน Ueno , ตึกม่วง ซึ่งไม่ได้ถ่ายรูปไว้เลย ที่ต้องซื้อไว้ตั้งแต่วันนี้ก็เนื่องจากในวันพรุ่งนี้ สมาชิก 2 คนจะแยกตัวไป Tokyo Disney Sea แต่เราจะไป Kawagoe เลยกลัวว่าพรุ่งนี้จะไม่มีเวลา หลังจากซื้อของฝากจนมืด เราก็จัดการเอาไปฝากใน Locker กันก่อน เพราะว่าเราจะไปหามื้อดึกกินกันที่ Ueno นี่แหละ ..เรามากันที่ร้าน Bouya เป็นร้านเนื้อปิ้งย่าง Wagyu A5 แบบยืนกินแต่ก็มีแบบโต๊ะนั่ง เราสั่งเป็นเซ็ตแบบ 4 คน จานนี้ในราคาแค่ 6,900 เยน เท่านั้น และคือเนื้อดีมากๆๆๆๆๆ 10 เต็ม 10 ไปเลย พิกัด : 〒110-0005 東京都台東区上野6丁目6−6 1~2F 小湊ビル
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                                                    Day 5 Little Edo                                        --------------------------------------------- ..วันนี้เราจะแยกกันเที่ยวกับสมาชิกอีก 2 คน ซึ่งวันนี้เราจะไปกันที่เมืองเก่า Kawagoe เมืองนี้ได้รับฉายาว่าเอโดะน้อย(Little Edo) ห่างจากโตเกียวแค่ชั่วโมงเดียวเองงงงง การเดินทางวันนี้เราจะต้องไปตั้งต้นที่สถานี Ikebukuro ซึ่งจากที่พักของเราจะต้องนั่ง Tokyo Metro ไปลงที่สถานี Ueno แล้วต่อ JR Yamanote Line ไปลงที่สถานี Ikebukuro เลย ..วิธีการไป Kawagoe เราจะขึ้นรถไฟ Tobu Tojo Line ไปยังสถานี Kawagoe เป็นรถไฟ Express ใช้เวลาประมาณ 30 นาทีเท่านั้น ซึ่งต้องไปซื้อตั๋วที่ Counter Tobu หน้าตาแบบนี้เลย                   
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เมื่อกลับจาก Kawagoe เราก็ไปเดินเล่น ช้อปปิ้งที่ย่าน Ikebukuro ซึ่งไม่ได้ถ่ายรูปไว้อีกตามเคย แต่หากใครอยากมาดูรองเท้า แนะนำให้มาที่ Ikebukuro เลย จะมีร้าน ABC Mart ร้านรองเท้ายอดนิยมของนักท่องเที่ยว ที่นี่จะเป็นสาขาใหญ่ มี 4 ชั้น มีแทบทุกรุ่น หรือร้านที่มีสาขาที่ไทยอย่าง Atmos ที่นี่ก็มี นอกจากร้านรองเท้า ก็จะมีร้านอื่นๆอีกเพียบ ลองมาเดินกันดู เราคิดว่าย่านนี้นักท่องเที่ยวไม่ค่อยเยอะเท่าไหร่ เจอแต่วัยรุ่นญี่ปุ่นเต็มไปหมด ..และสำหรับคืนสุดท้ายที่ญี่ปุ่น หลังจากสมาชิกพร้อมหน้าพร้อมตา เราก็ไปกินปิ้งย่างกันที่ร้าน Isomaru Suisan สาขา Ueno ร้านนี้เป็นร้านอาหารทะเล เปิด 24 ชั่วโมง มีสาขาทั่วญี่ปุ่น และเมนูของร้านนี้คือเยอะมากๆ และที่ใครมาก็ไม่ควรพลาดนั่นก็คือ มันปูย่าง คือมันอร่อยมาก อร่อยจนหยุดสั่งไม่ได้ 5555 ยิ่งกินกับข้าวผัดนะ โอ้โห ที่สุดดดดด มาแล้วต้องลองให้ได้นะ พิกัด 〒110-0005 東京都台���区上野6丁目8−13 きぬや本館 1F
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จบวันนี้ไปด้วยอิ่มแบบสุดๆ แต่เวลาผ่านไปไวจัง พรุ่งนี้เราก็ต้องกลับไทยแล้ว..                                                Day 6 Bye Japan                                    --------------------------------------------- …วันนี้จะบอกว่าตื่นสายก็ใช่ 555 เราออกจากที่พักต้องนั่งรถไฟ Tokyo Metro ไปลงที่สถานี Ueno เพื่อจะนั่ง Skyliner จาก Ueno ไปสนามบินนาริตะ ซึ่งเราจองตั๋วไว้ตั้งแต่วันที่มาถึงสนามบินแล้ว เราก็เอาตั๋วนั้นไปแลกเป็นตั๋วจริงเพื่อขึ้นรถไฟได้เลย ด้วยความที่วิ่งกันสุดตัว จึงไม่มีรูปอีกเช่นเคย 555 ก็ไม่มีอะไรแล้วเนอะ ก็กลับสายการบิน Vietnam Airline เที่ยว 10 โมงไปแวะ transit ที่ฮานอย และไปถึงสุวรรณภูมิประมาณ 5 โมงครึ่ง ก็จบทริปนี้ไปโดยสวัสดิภาพ..
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posthumanwanderings · 5 years
t e l e p a t h テレパシー能力者 - 'Vaporwave 2K14' [MIX]
TRACKLIST: 1. Hong Kong Express - Girl In The Lexus Showroom 2. IMMUNE - TRANSIENT 物の哀れ 3. ULTRA ウルトラ - E A R L Y M O R N I N G (焦らないで) 4. Default Browser - Personal Work Station 5. Dreamcoat Fantasies - Spirit Cleanse 6. シルクP A N G E A - 2nite ことにすると 7. Architecture In Tokyo - ヒスイ MARBLE (ft. ULTRA ウルトラ) 8. Vincent Remember - 待っていた 9. bl00dwave - poolside 10. HyperGanesh - Awake 11. Mike Tenay - Swimming With Dolphins 12. ECO VIRTUAL - IKEA Ferns 13. Vaperror - Tropical Resort 14. Subaeris - neurodata 脳.wav 15. .CASTING - LIGHT 16. VECTOR GRAPHICS - FUJI 17. Bbrainz - Sistema 2.0 18. Careless Messenger Recordings✆ (division under Comtex) - A5 19. .display - 深く愛し合って 20. バザードットCOM - 800コールHR 21. SEPHORA脳バイブス - APOLO 22. ROBOT POLICE FORCE - 77+88+99 23. CYBEREALITYライフ - ❤ 心ちゃん ❤ 24. windows彡96 - untitled弱い波 25. luxury elite - executive 26. 猫 シ Corp. - !QUARIUM (清晨的到来) 27. WEBサイトサファ MOTOROLA - ので、私の涙のスリープはFALLING 28. 豊平区民TOYOHIRAKUMIN - LOVE TO A MOUNTAIN, AND MEDITATION 29. SYLLABUS - memories on the horizon 30. saturn summer 2005 - got talk with you 31. 音 LIGHT システム - ︓︰︙︙︙ 32. Unpleasant Nostalgia - What am I to you_ 33. b o d y l i n e - Irohosei 34. death's dynamic shroud.wmv - BEGIN TODAY'S SESSION? 35. computer slime - beach 36. 식료품groceries - Interlude (Lost in the Freezer Section) 37. Shima33 - the black penny 38. Incorporeal Visions Deluxe - Side A Complete 39. VHS Logos - Love 40. Phoenix #2772 - Paradise//Paradise 41. Silver Richards - Sunset 42. Clinton Affair - p e a r l s 43. チェスマスター - FUTURE CITY 44. V E S A - 瞑想 45. テレビ体験 - 憂鬱ビジョン 46. DARKPYRAMID - Falling 47. ライフMIDI - Death Of The 3D Universe/静かな死 48. Infinity Frequencies - Particles 49. General Translator - Vapor Rendering 50. t e l e p a t h テレパシー能力者 - 別の日の気持ち
Follow @t-e-l-e-p-a-t-h
Released by:Dream Catalogue
36 notes · View notes
rivalseren · 5 years
Finished the map upscale
There’s a lot to unpack here and I’m on mobile so here we go, sorry it’s unorganized and weird!!
Ok so context.
I’ve always been super in love with environment design in games, and I love Kanto a lot. This little “experiment” (if you can call it that. It’s more like a warmup) was inspired by the words of Fujibayashi on designing BotW’s scale, specifically the part about taking Kyoto and mapping it out. In this breakdown I’m going to only be using the names of the in-game counterparts to keep it simple (otherwise I’d just be putting them in parenthesis anyways & that means clutter).
Basic process: I took a map of Kanto (the real place) and using Bulbapedia’s list of corresponding locations figured out mileage and walking times between each major area. Calculated times for walking, biking 10 MPH. and biking 25 MPH between all real scale areas- used those to adjust the scale to the game ver. initially. Just kinda stretched routes out and scrunched others up based on how I think they’d be experienced best.
Then, because of my Good Friends who have BotW (I don’t lol) I superimposed the adjusted scale of kanto over the BotW map and had them take distance times for walking to what would be Route 24 => Cerulean Cape (used specifically because it’s a dead end). This ended up being Tho Kaya => Daqo Chisay in Gerudo Desert (used specifically because it’s super flat).
Here’s a key:
The Real Scale is the actual distances between places (via google maps, the center of towns)
The Adjusted Scale takes the real scale and tweaks the distances to be more like my version of in-game Kanto (which can be found here- the maps aren’t 1:1)
The Stylized Scale is a compressed version of the adjusted scale (close to how I’d scale it in engine).
All of these distances are rounded to the nearest mile. Also to calculate walking times, 1 mi = 30 min (a brisk walk, not up to par with hiking movement times bc wiggle room, yes even over the water routes).
>Note: My math for this section might actually be wrong, I’m not sure. It’s 6 am on a school & work night so my brain is kinda fried on caffeine and is incapable of simple math. Here’s the process just in case:
- take mile #
- multiply by 30 (to get # of minutes)
- divide by 60 (to get # of hours)
- profit? Or look like a fool on the internet, and then have to redo all of this later.
- just kidding there’s more
- take the distance +time data extrapolated from the botw map (travel took 140 seconds for 35 miles, so 4:1)
- calculate seconds for all miles based off this
- real profit hours
Here’s the numbers for funsies
**Real Scale (1:1)**
Pallet => Viridian ~ 30 hr (60 mi)
Viridian => League ~ 11.5 hr (23 mi) **
Viridian => Pewter ~ 40 hr (80 mi)
Viridian => Viridian Forest ~ 22.5 hr (45 mi) ***
Viridian Forest => Pewter ~ 17.5 hr (35 mi) ***
Pewter => Mt. Moon ~ 7 hr (14 mi)
Mt. Moon => Cerulean ~ 32.5 hr (65 mi)
Cerulean => Cerulean Cape ~ 3.5 hr (7 mi)****
Cerulean => Rock Tunnel ~ 17.5 hr (35 mi)
Cerulean => Saffron ~ 17.5 hr (35 mi)
Saffron => Vermillion ~ 10 hr (20 mi)
Saffron => Celadon ~ 0 hr (0 mi)
Saffron => Lavender ~ 15 hr (30 mi)*
Rock Tunnel => Lavender ~ 25 hr (50 mi)* + *****
Lavender => Fuschia ~ 12 hr (24 mi)*
Celadon => Fuschia ~ 30 hr (60 mi)
Fuschia => Cinnabar ~ 16 hr (32 mi)
Cinnabar => Pallet ~ 12 hr (24 mi)
* Since the real counterpart of Lavender Town is debatable, and the mean time just gets rounded up anyways, I’m using Narita as the base. They’re only like 5 miles apart so it’s not that big a difference anyways.
** Bulbapedia says there’s no real location for the Indigo Plateau, but I personally think Mt. Fuji is in the area, so that’s what this is based off of.
*** Since the mountain range Viridian forest is based off of is pretty big I’m using Mt. Kimotori to base distances off of.
**** Cerulean Cape also doesn’t have a corresponding location, so i picked Kasumigaura because its kind of north-eastish of Tsuchiura and Kasumi is Misty’s japanese name. So basically, for entirely superficial reasons LOL
***** Rock tunnel is being approximated as the Tokai Nuclear Plant.
Sorry, I did these out of order and am too lazy to change the * note order to suit that.
**Adjusted Scale**
Pallet => Viridian ~ 7.5 (15 mi)
Viridian => League ~ 52.5 hr (105 mi)
Viridian => Pewter ~ 10 hr (20 mi)*
Viridian => Viridian Forest ~ 5 hr (10 mi)
Viridian Forest => Pewter ~ 5 hr (10 mi)
Pewter => Mt. Moon ~ 10 hr (20 mi)
Mt. Moon => Cerulean ~ 22.5 hr (45 mi)
Cerulean => Cerulean Cape ~ 25 hr (50 mi)
Cerulean => Rock Tunnel ~ 20 hr (40 mi)
Cerulean => Saffron ~ 10 hr (20 mi)
Saffron => Vermillion ~ 7.5 hr (15 mi)
Saffron => Celadon ~ 5 hr (10 mi)
Saffron => Lavender ~ 15 hr (30 mi)
Rock Tunnel => Lavender ~ 5 hr (10 mi)
Lavender => Fuschia ~ 67.5 hr (135 mi)
Celadon => Fuschia ~ 50 hr (100 mi)
Fuschia => Cinnabar ~ 57.5 hr (115 mi)
Cinnabar => Pallet ~ 25 hr (50 mi)
* Without viridian forest
**Stylized Scale (x16 regular Kanto game map)**
Pallet => Viridian ~ 1m
Viridian => League ~ 7m
Viridian => Pewter ~ - *
Viridian => Viridian Forest ~ 40s
Viridian Forest => Pewter ~ 40s
Pewter => Mt. Moon ~ 1:40m
Mt. Moon => Cerulean ~ 3m
Cerulean => Cerulean Cape ~ 3:20
Cerulean => Rock Tunnel ~ 2:40m
Cerulean => Saffron ~ 1:20m
Saffron => Vermillion ~ 1m
Saffron => Celadon ~ 40s
Saffron => Lavender ~ 2m
Rock Tunnel => Lavender ~ 40s
Lavender => Fuschia ~ 9m
Celadon => Fuschia ~ 6:40m
Fuschia => Cinnabar ~ 7:40m
Cinnabar => Pallet ~ 3:20m
* havent exacted landmark sizes yet
>Final notes:
This was a TON of fun to do and I had a great time. Great to finally get a scale ironed out for Kanto & to get the practice of “designing” (read as: just adapting basically) an open-world map. I’ll eventually get around to actually designing locations & maybe setting them up in Unity or Unreal in the future, we’ll see how it goes. There’s a lot of other stuff I’d like to try in this project before taking the leap to 3D environments.
Onto location commentary.
Sorry in post that my map is different than the actual Kanto map- I added in some anime-only locations because I can. This stretched out some routes (though mostly just filled in empty green space) so if you’re planning on using this for anything, you might want to tweak my scaled down distanced a tad and realign cities. I showed my work so it should be pretty easy.
Anyways, I think it’s really funny how Pallet => Viridian has the longest IRL distance and yet Route 1 is so short in game. I guess the anime did say it was a 3 or 4 day hike, which is pretty accurate. There’s also a lake in Hakone just like in Viridian (though it’s also dwarfed in the game) which is pretty cool. It’s kind of enlightening to see these maps after studying Kanto’s for like, my whole life… Talk about uncanny valley. It was also difficult to space Saffron and Celadon, considering both of them are Tokyo based (so I used the same anchor for both in the reality.
So all in all, the final upscaling is x16 (unless the inflation of cities, namely celadon, forces it higher). The travel times in stylized scale are also only for flat areas, Kanto is extremely mountain-y so the topography will definitely effect that.
Oh, also, here’s a map (that might change once I get into establishing the topography. Which is the next project, btw)
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Evening members RWC.
Everyone is relaxing in their own way and with their own drink.
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Wine – De La Finca
Winery – Raventos. I Blanc
Vintage - 2014
FeedBack - Medium gold with amber tinges, very attractive colour. The nose is light but has distinct sour apple, white flowers, citrus peel and then on the end more distinct honeyed and yeasty notes and a nice minerality. The palate carries over far more of the yeasty and honeyed notes with faint citrus on the finish. Excellent fine mousse and fantastic acidity keeping it crisp and light. Excellent example of a cava style, not as honeyed and rich as a champagne but lovely in its own way, definitely recommend!
Rating Vivino 4.1 - https://www.vivino.com/raventos-i-blanc-de-la-finca/w/1818542?year=2014
#RWC_Daily #RWC_Club #RaventosIBlanc #Macabeo #Xarel-lo #Parellada  #ConcadelRiuAnoia #terroir #vinoespumoso #tierra #slowliving  #SpanishCava
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Wine – Rosé de Saignée Brut Champagne
Winery – Vollereaux
Vintage - 2008
FeedBack - The pick of the tastings for me and I’m not a fan of the pink stuff! 100% PN, 4yrs in cellar, same 9g sugar. Macerated on skins for 24-72 hrs. 👀clear, deep pink salmon, ultra inviting fine bubbles. Mouth waters just at the sight. 👃🏻light and clean, strawberries, raspberries, loganberry but refined and not overpowering. 👅dry, great complexity and interaction with acidity. Again not as powerful as expected but great structure and layers of strawberry and tangy raspberry. Lasting red fruit finish.Buy!
Rating Vivino 3.7 - https://www.vivino.com/vollereaux-champagne-rose-de-saignee-brut/w/1209330?year=2008
#RWC_Daily #RWC_Club #ChampagneFrance #Chardonnay #Champagne #PinotNoir
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 Wine – Special Club Blanc de Blancs Brut Champagne Grand Cru 'Chouilly'
Winery – Vazart-Coquart & Fils
Vintage - 2008
FeedBack – Start! (The Jam) Big Vazart-Coquart vertical #1 Lieven served us this 08 Special Club as a luxurious palate cleaner, before the serious bubbles were uncorked. The only bottle that wasn’t recently disgorged, as all the following ones were disgorged especially for us some months ago. This great and lively BdB had an inviting citrus-blossomy nose and a mouth full of fruit with layers of peaches, pear and candied lemon on toast, sprinkled with smoky chalk and evolving from very dry to nicely creamy. Great!
Rating Vivino 4.2 – https://www.vivino.com/vazart-coquart-special-club-blanc-de-blancs-brut-champagne-grand-cru-chouilly/w/2105980?year=2008
#RWC_Daily #RWC_Club #ChampagneGrandCru #ChampagneFrance #Chardonnay #Champagne
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Wine – Eltviller Rheinberg Riesling Trocken
Winery – J.B. Becker
Vintage – N
FeedBack - Traditional Rheingau Riesling made by a man with a serious mustache, aged in big Fuder and released after proper aging at ridiculously low prices. This is a normal plot in central Rheingau but still delicious!! Nose: aged riesling petrol notes with seductive candied lemon, chamomille, Fuji apples, ripe apricots+superglue. Palate: ripe citrus, round pineapple, subdued minerality but still amazingly crisp+acidity. Ripe strawberries lead to warm pear, honey. Banana joins in for the long aftertaste.
Rating Vivino 4.0 – https://www.vivino.com/jb-becker-eltviller-rheinberg-riesling-rheingau/w/1791216
#RWC_Daily #RWC_Club #Riesling #Rheingau #GermanRiesling #JBBecker
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Wine – Cuvée des Caudalies Brut Millesimé Champagne Grand Cru 'Avize'
Winery – De Sousa
Vintage – 2006
FeedBack - disgorged 2006. Started off as a completely diff style to the Clos de Goisses, oxidative and also almost sherry like aromas, pungent and powerful. On the palate is intense, but not as focus and refined. (3.5*). Only getting more focus with brighter fruits and salinity complexity toward the end of the dinner (4*). Could be not in Gd shape due to travelling. But I believe this will show better in normal condition & has the substance and balance (showing at the end) to get better.
Rating Vivino 4.6 –  https://www.vivino.com/de-sousa-and-fils-champagne-cuvee-des-caudalies-grand-cru-brut-millesime/w/1755939?year=2006
#RWC_Daily #RWC_Club #FrenchChampagne #Champagne #Chardonnay #DeSousa
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Wine – Dizy-Terres Rouges Rosé Extra Brut Champagne
Winery – Jacquesson
Vintage – N
FeedBack - Rosé Champagne, with such a lucid and strong strawberry color puts it quite apart. Mineral and dry essence, can be identified from a mile away. It has a unique character, taste, color and feel, is really gorgeous. Strawberries are very present in mouth, the expression of the Pinot Noir is fantastic and quite powerful. Bubbles are so fine and enduring.. making this a very special treat.
Rating Vivino 4.2 – https://www.vivino.com/champagne-jacquesson-dizy-terres-rouges-rose-extra-brut-champagne/w/2177057
#RWC_Daily #RWC_Club #FrenchChampagne #Champagne #PinotNoir #Jacquesson
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Wine – Riesling Classic
Winery – Karl May
Vintage – 2017
FeedBack - Just enough crispness and minerality to cut through the heat in southeast Asian and Mexican dishes. Good enough on its own, but I would say it is excellent for pairing with spicy dishes. Solid value, too!
Rating Vivino 3.7 – https://www.vivino.com/karl-may-riesling-classic/w/2561283?year=2017
#RWC_Daily #RWC_Club #Riesling #GermanRiesling #Rheinhessen #KarlMay
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Wine –Révolution Blanc de Blancs Non Dosé Champagne Grand Cru
Winery – Doyard
Vintage – N
FeedBack - A super apertif brought by Champagne Spy which we enjoyed before a blind tasting of 6 outstanding champagnes. Thank you for bringing Dan. 100% chardonnay from grand crus Avize, Mesnil, Oger and Cramant. 35-40yr old vines. 50% aged in barrels. Partial malo. Aged 7 years before release. Zero dosage. Crispy fruit and minerality. Fairly easy going but well made with some density. Perfumed. Long juicy and chalky palate.
Rating Vivino 4.0 – https://www.vivino.com/doyard-champagne-revolution-blanc-de-blancs-grand-cru-non-dose/w/5092992
#RWC_Daily #RWC_Club #FrenchChampagne #Champagne #Doyard #ChampagneGrandCru
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Wine – Noir Extra Brut Champagne
Winery – Alexandre Bonnet
Vintage – N
FeedBack - Bone dry, fresh, apples, brioche. Long and lasting finish with lemon and green apples. Perfect with seafood and shellfish. Blended with Extra Brut purpose. 4 stars was a bit cheap. An extra half star for the finish alone. 2010/11/12 Reserve wine; 2013 Base. 2g/l.
Rating Vivino 4.0 – https://www.vivino.com/alexandre-bonnet-champagne-noir-extra-brut/w/1598986
#RWC_Daily #RWC_Club #FrenchChampagne #Champagne #PinotNoir #AlexandreBonnet 
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greaseandmoonshine · 6 years
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6 hrs of Fuji is on this week. Who else is excited 🎌#signatechalpine #peugeot #alpine #wec #fuji #style #vintage #fashion #luxury #ridefastdrivesmooth #greaseandmoonshine https://www.instagram.com/p/Bor8dvKhoQ5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1fof7k653b4sy
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andromedasummer · 2 years
everyone in between séb and kamui move right now you are nothing to me to are fucking traffic you will pull over NOW
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linkinevents · 2 years
8 Impressive Health Benefits of Apples
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8 Impressive Health Benefits of Apples With over 7,000 different cultivars readily available worldwide, it's no surprise that apples are one of the most widely consumed fruit internationally From wonderful red selections, like Red Delicious, Fuji or Gala, to tasty green ones, like Granny Smith-- my individual fave that I delight in with lime juice and also a little salt when I want a mouthwatering snack-- there sure is an apple for every person.
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8 Impressive Health Benefits of Apples They're commonly utilized in dishes, like pies, cookies, muffins, jam, salads, oat meal, or healthy smoothies. They also make a fantastic treat on their own or wedged and also smeared with nut butter. Along with their culinary convenience as well as numerous colors and also tastes to pick from, apples are a remarkably healthy fruit with several research-backed advantages.     Below are 8 remarkable health benefits of apples. 1. Nutritious Apples are considered nutrient-dense fruits, meaning they give a great deal of nutrients per serving. The existing Dietary Guidelines for Americans suggest 2 cups of fruit daily for a 2,000-calorie diet plan, emphasizing entire fruits, like apples One medium 7-ounce (200-grams) apple provides the following nutrients Calories: 104 Carbohydrates: 28 grams Fiber: 5 grams Vitamin C: 10% of the Daily Value (DV). Copper: 6% of the DV. Potassium: 5% of the DV. Vitamin K: 4% of the DV. The very same serving also gives 2-- 5% of the DV for vitamins E, B1, and also B6. Vitamin E acts as a fat-soluble anti-oxidant, vitamin B1-- additionally known as thiamine-- is required for growth as well as development, and vitamin B6 is vital for protein metabolism. Apples are additionally a rich source of polyphenols, an essential team of anti-oxidants. Anti-oxidants are compounds that protect your cells from free radicals-- dangerous particles that contribute to the advancement of chronic conditions, like cardiovascular disease as well as cancer. While nourishment tags do not provide these plant substances, they're likely responsible for many of apples' health and wellness benefits. To get the most out of apples, leave the skin on, as it has half of the fiber and a lot of the polyphenols. Recap. Apples are an excellent source of fiber as well as vitamin C. They also consist of antioxidants, like vitamin E, and also polyphenols that contribute to the fruit's numerous wellness benefits. 2. May assistance weight-loss. Apples are high in fiber as well as water, 2 high qualities that make them filling. A boosting sensation of volume works as a weight-loss approach, as it aids manage your cravings. This, in turn, might lead you to minimize your power consumption. In one research, consuming whole apples increased feelings of volume for as much as 4 hrs much longer than consuming equivalent quantities of apple purée or juice. This took place, since entire apples lower gastric emptying-- the rate at which your stomach clears its contents. Research study also recommends apple consumption may substantially decrease Body Mass Index (BMI), a weight-related danger aspect for heart problem. Surprisingly, apple polyphenols may additionally have anti-obesity impacts. Summary. Apples are particularly loading because of their high fiber and water content. Their polyphenols might also have anti-obesity impacts. 3. Could be great for your heart. Apples have been connected to a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. One factor may be that they include soluble fiber. This type of fiber can assist decrease your blood cholesterol degrees. One more reason might be that they use polyphenols. A few of these, namely the flavonoid epicatechin, may decrease high blood pressure. Research studies have likewise linked high consumption of flavonoids with a lower danger of stroke. Plus, flavonoids can aid stop heart disease by reducing blood pressure, reducing LDL cholesterol oxidation, and also minimizing atherosclerosis, which is the build-up of plaque in your arteries. An additional research study has additionally linked consuming white-fleshed fruits and vegetables, like apples as well as pears, to a reduced risk of stroke. For every 1/5 mug (25 grams) of apple slices taken in each day, the risk of stroke decreased by 9%. Summary. Apples advertise heart health in several means. They're high in soluble fiber, which helps lower cholesterol. They likewise have polyphenols, which are connected to reduced blood pressure and stroke threat. 4. Connected to a lower threat of diabetes mellitus. Consuming apples might additionally lower your risk of type 2 diabetes. A collection of researches discovered that consuming apples and also pears was related to an 18% decrease in kind 2 diabetic issues danger. As a matter of fact, just one offering each week might decrease the threat by 3%. Their high content of the antioxidant polyphenols quercetin as well as phloridzin could describe this valuable impact. Quercetin's anti-inflammatory impacts may decrease insulin resistance, a huge threat variable for the start of diabetes mellitus. At the same time, phloridzin is thought to reduce sugar uptake in the intestinal tracts, adding to a lowered blood sugar level lots and also therefore decreased diabetes threat. Recap. Consuming apples is connected to a lower risk of kind 2 diabetes, possibly as a result of their polyphenol web content. 5. May promote intestine wellness. Apples have pectin, a sort of fiber that works as a prebiotic. This means it feeds your intestine microbiota, which is the good bacteria in your intestine. Being associated with lots of functions connected to both health and condition, your intestine microbiota plays an important duty in your overall wellness. A healthy and balanced intestine is usually essential for far better health. Since dietary fiber can not be digested, pectin reaches your colon intact, advertising the development of excellent bacteria. It specifically boosts the ratio of Bacteriodetes to Firmicutes, the two main sorts of germs in your digestive tract. New research study suggests that, by beneficially altering your gut microbiota, apples may help safeguard versus persistent conditions like excessive weight, type 2 diabetic issues, heart disease, as well as cancer. Recap. The type of fiber found in apples improves your gut-friendly bacteria, which might be why the fruit is thought to aid safeguard against persistent diseases . 6. Might help prevent cancer. Anti-oxidants in apples might offer valuable results against certain sorts of cancers cells, including lung, bust, and digestive system cancers. Test-tube researches recommend that these results may be attributed to apple polyphenols keeping cancerous cells from increasing. What's more, one research in ladies reported that greater apple intakes were linked to a lower risk of cancer cells fatality. Apples' fiber content might additionally add to their cancer-fighting residential or commercial properties. As an example, one more test-tube research located that apple pectin fiber might hinder the growth of cancerous cells and even trigger their death. Nonetheless, further research in people is needed to better understand the feasible link in between apples and also cancer cells avoidance-- as an example, to identify appropriate amounts as well as consuming timing. Summary. Apple's fiber as well as antioxidant content have actually been linked to a lowered risk of certain types of cancer. Nevertheless, even more study in human beings is required. 7. Can help combat bronchial asthma. Antioxidant-rich apples may help safeguard your lungs from oxidative damages. An excess of harmful molecules called cost-free radicals can trigger oxidative damage. This may result in inflammatory as well as allergenic responses in your body. Apple skin is abundant in the antioxidant quercetin, which can assist manage your body immune system as well as minimize inflammation. Theoretically, this might make apples efficient versus late stages of bronchial asthma responses. Supporting this, test-tube and also pet research studies suggest quercetin may be a suitable therapy for sensitive inflammatory conditions like asthma and also sinus problems. Likewise, other substances located in apples, consisting of ones called proanthocyanidins, might decrease or avoid allergic asthma airway inflammation. Still, even more human research is required on the topic. Summary. Apples have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds that might help control immune reactions and safeguard against asthma. However, more study, specifically in people, is required. 8. May assistance secure your mind. Quercetin in apples may shield your mind from damages triggered by oxidative tension. Research in rats reveals that quercetin's antioxidant effects might secure the mind as well as nerves from oxidative damages and prevent injuries that can lead to degenerative brain diseases, like Alzheimer's illness or dementia. Additionally, quercetin might prevent stress-associated nerve damage by managing oxidative as well as inflammatory stress pens. However, remember that most research study focuses on a specific compound instead of whole apples. Consequently, additional study is still required prior to any kind of final thoughts can be attracted. Summary. Quercetin in apples might shield your brain versus oxidative tension. However, more research study is needed to verify the impact of eating the whole fruit. The bottom line. Apples are an unbelievably nutritious fruit that supplies multiple health and wellness benefits. They're abundant in fiber and antioxidants. Consuming them is linked to a reduced threat of several persistent conditions, including diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, as well as cancer. Apples may also promote weight-loss and also improve gut as well as brain health and wellness. Although even more research study is still needed to better recognize just how apples impact human health, you can not fail with this delicious, versatile, and quickly accessible fruit. Just one thing. Attempt this today: Consume entire, unpeeled apples instead of apple juice or purée to get the best out of the fruit. Read the full article
0 notes
grandmarecipesblog · 2 years
Baked Apples with Oatmeal and Yogurt
Baked Apples with Oatmeal and Yogurt
Rank: Easy Time execution: 1 hr Can be served for: 6 persons Ingredients 6 apples (Gala or Fuji), bottoms sliced so apples stand 2 fresh lemon, halved 4 tablespoons unsalted butter 6 tablespoons light brown muscovado sugar 2/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon Pinch ground black pepper 2 cup apple cider 2 cup whole milk, heated 3 teaspoons finely grated orange zest 2 2/3 cups cooked…
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sywtwfs · 4 years
2020 Four Continents Championships, Bavarian Open & Russian Junior Nationals: Info & Streaming
The Four Continents Championships takes place in South Korea this week, while Russia selects its Junior World team at the Junior National Championships. Bavarian Open, a B competition in Germany, also features several top skaters among its entries. This post will be updated as more info appears.
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Live results | Entries | Detailed schedule | Website | ISU
Korean Standard Time (UTC+9). Subscribe to our Google Calendar to get all competition times in your own time zone!
Feb. 6: Rhythm Dance 11:00; Pairs’ SP 14:15; Ladies’ SP 18:40 Feb. 7: Free Dance 13:30; Men’s SP 18:05 Feb. 8: Ladies’ FS 13:00; Pairs’ FS 18:15 Feb. 9: Men’s FS 11:30; Gala 17:30
Be careful of popups and ads on free streaming sites. We are not responsible for the quality of the streams; we only provide the links. Many streams for major figure skating events have geographic restrictions. In order to unblock streams, consider using a VPN (Virtual Private Network). Free VPN services are available, but the safer/more reliable ones require a fee.
Fan streams: These fan-run streams may livestream part or all of the event: Stream 1. Check the streams when the events are on. The streams are available worldwide.
ISU: The ISU will livestream the entire competition and gala on the Skating ISU Youtube channel in countries that do not have broadcasting rights for the event. See here for a list of broadcasters and geo-restriction info.
NBC Gold: Subscribers in the USA can watch the competition (excluding the gala) live on NBC Gold. NBC Gold is only available in the USA.
Channel One Russia: Russia’s Channel One will stream the entire competition and gala live. Schedule in Moscow Time:
2/6: Rhythm Dance 04:55; Pairs’ SP 08:10; Ladies’ SP 12:00
2/7: Free Dance 07:25; Men’s SP 11:35
2/8: Ladies’ FS 06:50; Pairs’ FS 11:55
2/9: Men’s FS 05:25; Gala 11:25
Official stream (geoblocked)
Fuji TV: Japan’s Fuji TV will air parts of the competition on TV. Viewers with Fuji On Demand can watch the entire competition live online (available in Japan only). Broadcast schedule in JST:
2/6: Ladies’ SP 20:00 (live? 1 hr 20 min in)
2/7: Men’s SP 20:00 (live? 2 hrs in)
2/8: Ladies’ FS 19:00 (taped)
2/9: Men’s FS 20:00 (taped)
Unblocked Fuji TV stream
SBS Sports: South Korea’s SBS Sports will air parts of the competition live. Schedule in KST:
2/6: Ladies’ SP 21:00 (live 2 hrs 20 min in)
2/7: Men’s SP 17:55 (live)
2/8: Ladies’ FS 20:00 (taped)
2/9: Men’s FS 20:00 (taped)
Official stream (geoblocked)
CCTV5: China’s CCTV5 & CCTV5+ will air parts of the competition live. Schedule in China Standard Time:
2/6: Rhythm Dance 14:00 (CCTV5, taped); Pairs’ SP 17:00 (CCTV5, taped)
2/7: Ladies’ SP 15:30 (CCTV5, taped); Free Dance 16:30 (CCTV5, taped); Men’s SP 22:45 (CCTV5, taped)
2/8: Ladies’ FS 14:05 (CCTV5, live 2 hrs 5 min in); Pairs’ FS 17:00 (CCTV5, live)
2/9: Men’s FS 12:30 (CCTV5, live 2 hrs in); Gala 16:30 (CCTV5+, live)
Official streams: CCTV5, CCTV5+ (geoblocked)
Instructions for creating an account on feiliuzhibo (free unblocked streaming)
Tencent: China’s Tencent will livestream parts of the competition. These streams may or may not be geoblocked; check when the events are on. Schedule and links in China Standard Time:
2/6: Pairs’ SP 14:00 (live 45 min in)
2/7: Men’s SP 19:00 (live 2 hrs in)
2/8: Ladies’ FS 14:00 (live 2 hrs in); Pair’s FS 18:00 (live 45 min in)
2/9: Men’s FS 12:30 (live 2 hrs in); Gala 17:00 (live 30 min in)
ELTA: Taiwan’s ELTA Sports 3 will air the entire competition and gala live. Schedule in China Standard Time:
2/6: Rhythm Dance 10:00 (live); Pairs’ SP 13:15 (live); Ladies’ SP 17:30 (live)
2/7: Free Dance 12:30 (live); Men’s SP 17:00 (live)
2/8: Ladies’ FS 12:00 (live); Pairs’ FS 17:15 (live)
2/9: Men’s FS 10:30 (live); Gala 16:30 (live)
Official stream (geoblocked)
TAP: TAP W will air the entire competition and gala live in the Philippines. Official stream; click on TAP W (geoblocked)
Other TV channels: Other TV channels may also air the competition. See here for a list of broadcasters with ISU broadcasting rights. Check your local TV channels for other skating broadcasts.
On demand: The ISU Youtube channel archives their livestreams. The videos are available in countries that do not have broadcasting rights. Videos will also be uploaded online by fans. Search skaters' names on Youtube and filter by upload date for the latest videos.
Bavarian Open is a B competition. Events will be held at novice, junior, and senior levels.
Results & entries | Schedule | Website | ISU
Designation: B competition When: Feb. 3-9 Where: Oberstdorf, Germany Level & disciplines: novice/junior/senior men, ladies, ice dance, pairs How to watch: Free live stream
Notable entries: Senior - Shun Sato, Yuto Kishina, Marin Honda, Satoko Miyahara, Mishina/Galliamov, Sales/Wamsteeker, Lauriault/Le Gac. Junior - Stephen Gogolev, Joseph Phan, Lucas Tsuyoshi Honda, Eric Sjoberg, Madeline Schizas, D’Alessandro/Waddell, Yoshida/Nishiyama, Brown/Brown, Nguyen/Kolesnik
Russian Junior Nationals will decide Russia’s Junior World team.
Results | Entries (English) | Schedule | Website
When: Feb. 4-8 Where: Saransk, Russia Level & disciplines: junior men, ladies, ice dance, pairs
Schedule (UTC+3)
2/6: Men’s SP 14:00; Ladies’ SP 17:30; Rhythm Dance 20:15 2/7: Men’s FS 14:00; Pairs’ SP 17:00; Ladies’ FS 19:00 2/8: Free Dance 12:00; Pairs’ FS 15:15
How to watch: Channel 1 Russian livestream (geoblocked to Russia). International livestream will be provided on the Channel 1 Youtube. Videos will also be archived on the Channel 1 Youtube.
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yunhomybear · 6 years
Hi new cassie here! I hope you can help me because i'm REALLY desperate, I said I'm new to this kpop thing? well... im! and I don't know where to start, I really like yunho and changmin and I want to be present in the new comeback but I want to have knowledge of the basics about them, some other tumblr's friends have told me not to worry about that, that I will learn little by little, but COMEBACK!!! AND IM READY?! lol... could you help me? with anything I would be fine girl!
ok dont worry girl!, I will try to help you as much as I can ;)
1.- What and who are TVXQ:
-> TVXQ discography
-> Some fun facts and Heartwarming Facts
* Members:
Jung Yunho
Shim Changmin
Ex members: KIm Jaejoong, Park Yoochun, Kim Junsu (actual JYJ)
*Fandom: Korean (Cassiopeia), Japanese (Bigeast)
2.- Pre split stuff
(N:data and information that you can ignore if you do not feel comfortable or if you simply do not have interest in TVXQ as 5 members :))
->2003 to 2009: Appearances, Talk, Variety Show
->Couple talk: DBSK - AADBSK 2 - Couple Talk HoMin & HOMIN TALK  AADBSK3
3.- TVXQ as a duo
-> 2011
Interview _ ‘왜(Keep Your Head Down)’ NEW ALBUM
(Keep Your Head Down)’ MV 
(How can I)’ MV
TVXQ - Keep Your Head Down LIVE (Jan 7,2011)
TVXQ - Keep your head down, 동방신기 - 왜, Music Core 20110129
(Before U Go)’ MV
(Before U Go)’ MV Drama Ver.
(Before U Go)’ MV Dance Ver
TVXQ! _ Before U Go & Keep Your Head Down _ Special Stage
110114 TVXQ’s HoMin Win MusicBank
110325 TVXQ win @MusicBank
Running Man Ep. 27 (Variety program)
110201 TVXQ Young Street (Radio)
[Star Date] TVXQ   (Interview/Info program)
Sebaqwi TVXQ
Heroes - TVXQ (Variety program)
Taxi TVXQ(Variety program)
TVXQ as duo told about their breakup the law suit
Strong Heart Ep 64 TVXQ cuts (Variety program)
ETV Cultwo Show TVXQ(Radio)
[TVXQ CF] Why Missha!
TVXQ! - I Don’t Know CF
Why Release Event in Makuhari
TVXQ MJ Talk + Playing Dart + Why (Japanese program)
Music Station TVXQ cut
I Don’t Know」(Short ver.)
110527 Meets Tohoshinki  (Variety program)
110926-30 THSK @ Ontama (Japanese program)
111004 Tohoshinki Sukkiri Bowling (Japanese program)
111010 THSK at Hey!Hey!Hey! Music special  (Japanese program)
TVXQ on ZIP Showbiz Culture  (Interview/Info program)
Live Music Lovers (Music program)
Music Fair Tohoshinki TALK cut (Music program)
FNS Music Festival 2011
DBSK - TVXQ - Superstar
Duet (short ver.)
111007 東方神起 FujiTV Our Music
Winter Rose (short ver.)
SBS MUSIC FESTIVAL 가요대전 20111229
MBC Gayo Daejun 2011 DBSK
Taiwan JK Star Interview   (Interview/Info program)
LIVE TOUR TONE 2012 - No complete (Concert)
2012 TVXQ BigEast Winter Video
東方神起 / STILL(short ver.) MV
120318 TVXQ MJ (Music program)
[Star Date] Two Guys Turn Japan Upside Down! - Meet   (Interview/Info program)
I AM. Showcase TVXQ cut
MBCSuper Junior VS TVXQ
2012 TVXQ Bigeast Summer
Bigeast FANCLUB EVENT 2012 Kitchen Time
Hello Talk Show Ep 95 w/ TVXQ (Variety program)
[Star Date] Guerilla Date with “TVXQ”    (Interview/Info program)
‘Catch Me’ MV
’Catch Me’ & Hulk Dance_KBS MUSIC BANK_2012.10.05
‘Catch Me’ Dance Practice
TVXQ! 동방신기_The Game
‘Humanoids’ MV
Humanoids Dance Practice
Gag Concert 생활의발견 20121014 (Comedy program)
Ruuning Man Ep 115 (Variety program)
121217 B3atles Code 2 with TVXQ(Variety program)
121024 TVXQ on Shindong’s SSTP(Radio program)
TVXQ! CATCH ME in SEOUL DISC 1  and 2 (Concert)
東方神起 / I Knowmv
20121228 KBS Gayo Daejun 2012
130622 YinYueTai    (Interview/Info program)
2013 TVXQ Bigeast Winter
In Our Time (Short Ver.) MV
THSK Time Tour In Nissan Part 1 and 2
SCREAM(Short ver.) MV
TVXQ at SADAKO3D Movie Premiere 
PIA Interview about TVXQ’s New Song SCREAM
OCEAN (Short ver.)MV
Wedding Dress (Memories ver.) MV
130905 MJ (Music program)
SHILLA duty free 2013 New CF
TVXQ & Victoria 宋茜 Shilla DFS Interview
TVXQ! 東方神起 A Nation 2013
2013 TVXQ BigEast Summer
130312 TVXQ vs Sukkiri Bowling Match (Japanese program)
130309 King’s Brunch: Tohoshinki  (Japanese program)
Very Merry Xmas(Short ver.)
White short ver
‘Something’ MV
TVXQ - Something, 동방신기 - 썸씽, Music core 20140104 
(Spellbound)’ MV
(Spellbound)’ MV 2nd Version
TVXQ! - Spellbound, 동방신기 - 수리수리, Music Core 20140308
Pops in Seoul - TVXQ! (Spellbound) (Interview/Info program)
140117 TVXQ K Chart No 1 & Ending
Winner announcement, 1위 발표, Music Core 20140118
140207 TVXQ VS Girl’s Day [DBSK WIN]
140119 동방신기 1위 Winner announcement TVXQ 1°
141021 tvn ‘High Five’ star self-camera TVXQ  (Interview/Info program)
TVXQ on Yoo In Na’s Raise The Volume (Radio program)
140310 슈키라 Sukira with 동방신기 DBSK  (Japanese program)
ASK IN A BOX: TVXQ! (Interview/Info program)
TVXQ U-Know Yoonho’s Greed for food and water?  (Interview/Info program)
Kpopulous TVXQ!  (Interview/Info program)
140311 B3atles C0de 3D with TVXQ
댄수다에 출연한 동방신기 개그콘서트.20140126Gag concert (Comedy program)
140822 The Ultimate Group  (Variety program)
Hello Counselor - TVXQ (Variety program)
Tvxq tree of life MV
DVD Tohoshinki 2014 Live Tour TREE (Concert)
I love you (LIVE TOUR 2014 ~TREE~ Documentary Film)
140607 Tohoshinki - SnM  (Japanese program)
141229 Tohoshinki - Bowling  (Japanse program) 
141229 Tohoshinki - Table Tennis (Japanese program)
THSK Midnight Snack Quarrel(Japanese program)
2014 TVXQ BigEast Winter
TVXQ T1ST0RY DVD 1  and 2
Time Works Wonders」(Short ver.)MV
TVXQ - Spinning Full ver.
Tohoshinki「Chandelier」(Short Ver.)
2015 TVXQ BigEast Winter
Sakuramichi MVショートVer.
Sakuramichi @ NHK Music Japan
LNG (Interview/Info program)
Changmin -SOLO  Into the Water
(Champagne) (Sung By U-Know)’ MV
‘Rise As One (Sung By Max)’ MV
4.- Military service:
->Super Junior Ft. Yunho of TVXQ - Homeland Music Video
-> TVXQ Yunho’s Army Discharge Message
-> Oppa Oppa - Siwon Donghae Changmin
->Changmin Discharged From the Military
5.- 2017/2018 Comeback
U-KNOW 유노윤호 'DROP’ MV 
MAX 최강창민 '여정 (In A Different Life)’ MV
Happy Together – Return of the Legend Special  (Variety program)
Knowing Brother Episode 97 (Variety program)
Lets eat dinner-together ep 53 (Variety program)
YouR PresenT - Changmin’s Message to Yunho (Concert)
YouR PresenT - Yunho’s Message to Changmin  (Concert)
Reboot」MUSIC VIDEO(Short ver.)
「Begin ~Again Version~」MUSIC VIDEO(Short ver.)
東方神起 / 「Begin~Again Version~」LIVE TOUR 2017 Begin Again Documentary Film
Tohoshinki FINE COLLECTION ~Begin Again~ Jacket Offshot
Love music【東方神起SP!独占密着ドキュメント&トーク&LIVE】 171129
[FULL]  (TVXQ! VS. EXO Kingpin Match V LIVE)
TVXQ - The Gold Mission R
TVXQ! 동방신기 '운명 (The Chance of Love)' MV
TVXQ! 동방신기 '평행선 (Love Line)' MV
[TVXQ! - The Chance of Love] Comeback Stage | M COUNTDOWN 180329 EP.564
[TVXQ! - The Chance of Love] KPOP TV Show | M COUNTDOWN 180412 EP.566
《Comeback Special》 TVXQ(동방신기) - The Chance of Love(운명) @인기가요 Inkigayo 20180401
HOT] TVXQ - The Chance of Love, 동방신기 - 운명 Show Music core 20180414
TVXQ! 동방신기 Comeback Stage '운명 (The Chance of Love)' KBS MUSIC BANK 2018.03.30
TVXQ! 동방신기 '운명 (The Chance of Love)' KBS MUSIC BANK 2018.04.13
[TVXQ! - Love Line] Comeback Stage | M COUNTDOWN 180329 EP.564
TVXQ! 동방신기 Comeback Stage '평행선 (Love Line)' KBS MUSIC BANK 2018.03.30
Micing Interview_ TVXQ! 동방신기
[Section TV] 섹션 TV - TVXQ, Cover Twice's dance 20180402 (Interview/Info program)
Guerrilla Date with TVXQ [Entertainment Weekly/2018.04.02] (Interview/Info program)
I Can see Your voice vol.5 ep 9 with TVXQ (Variety program)
I live alone ep.247 with TVXQ (Variety program)
TVXQ! Discuss New Music After a Long Hiatus | Billboard (Interview)
[슈퍼TV속의TV] SMTOWN in Dubai 비하인드 2편  (SJTV with TVXQ)
SIAN X SUA X SEOLA show off their dancing skills in front of TVXQ[The Return of Superman/2018.05.13]  (Variety show)
TVXQ 72 HRS (Variety program)
TVXQ - SHOW ga Nai  (Bigeast cont.)
東方神起 / 「Road」MUSIC VIDEO
東方神起 / 「Jealous」MUSIC VIDEO
2018.11.13 東方神起 『 Jealous 』 LIVE (Music program)
181013 TVXQ - Asu Wa Kuru Kara TOMORROW Version Fuji TV Music Fair MG
TOHOSHINKI CDTV  Artist file  (Japanese program) NO ENG SUB
I live alone ep 259 with Yunho (Variety program)
Life Bar ep 62  with Changmin  (Variety program)
Dunia: Into a new world (Member cast Yunho) (Variety program)
Micon Interview : SMTOWN LIVE 2018 IN OSAKA
TVXQ! 동방신기 'Truth' MV 
TVXQ! 동방신기 'Morning Sun' - "The Truth of Love" Album Making Film
[2018 MBC Music Festival] TVXQ! - Intro(Drop)+ MIROTIC+ The Chance of Love
TVXQ! - Truth , 동방신기 - Truth live
-> 2019
TVXQ! 'Truth' Fansign 190113  and 2 (Fancams)
 Coffe Friends episode 5  with Yunho ( Variety program)
Radio Star ep. 601 with Yunho (Talk show)
I live alone ep 290  with Changmin (Variety program)
6.- Dramas:
-> Yunho: Heading to the Ground, Queen of ambition,Night Watchman’s Journal, I Order You, Melo Holic.
-> Changmin: Paradise Ranch, Flying with the gold, MIMI, Scholar Who Walks the Night.
There is much more material about them but this is all I can remember for the moment, if there are errors in the dates I’m sorry.
I hope that I have been helpful even if it’s a little >-
29 notes · View notes
ladystylestores · 4 years
The Coronavirus Cost Of Your July 4th Barbecue
BuzzFeed News has reporters around the world bringing you trustworthy stories about the impact of the coronavirus. To help keep this news free, become a member.
After months of stress, Americans have been looking forward to the pre–COVID-19 pleasures of a (socially distanced) 4th of July. How about a cookout? It’s a traditional, low-key summer celebration — but amid the nation’s growing outbreak, even a simple home-cooked meal comes at an exorbitant price.
A BuzzFeed News investigation reveals the extent to which the virus — and the nation’s inadequate response to it — has infected, sickened, and even killed workers up and down the nation’s food supply chains as they work to keep our refrigerators full.
Take a typical summer feast: tangy ribs, a side of creamy pasta salad, and a slice of freshly baked apple pie. If you shop at a Walmart Supercenter, in, say, Massachusetts, the apples you’d buy would have been picked by workers in Washington state’s Yakima Valley, who live in a crowded labor camp with few protections in place. The fruit would then be sorted into boxes in an Allan Bros. packhouse, which for weeks failed to follow federal COVID-19 safety guidelines — even after employees started falling ill.
The ribs would have been sliced and packed by employees at a pork processing plant — like the Tyson Foods facility in Indiana that stayed open for weeks, even as the virus spread through its staff.
The pasta would have been stacked by grocery clerks whose employer was slow to close down for a deep cleaning after workers got sick, and to inform the local health department and customers of the growing outbreak.
From those three workplaces alone — the Allan Bros. packhouse in Yakima Valley, the Tyson plant in Indiana, and the Walmart in Massachusetts — around 1,100 workers have tested positive for COVID-19, and at least four have died, according to a BuzzFeed News review.
Worried about putting themselves and restaurant staffers at risk, many Americans have turned to home cooking as a safer, more ethical option. But what may seem safer for consumers can still be deadly for the low-paid, often immigrant workers who make up America’s sprawling food supply chain. Across the country, from fields to packhouses to slaughterhouses to grocery stores, companies failed to require masks, build protective barriers, or arrange testing until after outbreaks had spread through the workforce. Some workers in this chain still do not get sick pay, forcing them to choose between spreading the virus or missing out on paychecks — between feeding your family and exposing their own.
“I’d just like to see them keep us safe,” Dennis Medbourn, a worker at the Tyson plant in Logansport, Indiana, where three coworkers he knew have died from COVID-19 complications, told BuzzFeed News. “We’re working a lot of hours, too, to try to make up for the meat shortage.”
Courtesy Eklund Family
Yok Yen Lee (left), who died of the coronavirus, is seen with her daughter, Elaine Eklund.
One grocery worker, Yok Yen Lee, a door greeter at the Walmart in Quincy, Massachusetts, continued to report to work up until days before she died from COVID-19.
“She was really hardworking,” her daughter, Elaine Eklund, told BuzzFeed News. “She absolutely loved that job. She wanted to do that job for her whole life.”
The paths through which food reaches Americans’ plates originate on farms and in factories in small cities and rural towns before making their way across the 50 states. The networks are intricately interrelated, which means that the people who live in those areas and work in those jobs, along with the friends and relatives they come into contact with, shoulder a disproportionate share of the risk to keep the nation fed. An apple picker at a FirstFruits Farms orchard in Yakima Valley appears to have caught the virus from her husband who worked at a Tyson beef plant in the area, according to Erik Nicholson, vice president of United Farm Workers. FirstFruits didn’t respond to a detailed request for comment.
Since the start of the pandemic, around 29,000 workers at grocery stores, meatpacking plants, and other food processing facilities have been infected nationwide, and at least 225 have died, according to the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union. This is almost certainly an undercount: Many companies have declined to order widespread testing, even at workplaces where employees are falling ill. As a result, the full scope of infections among frontline food workers may never be known.
“What this pandemic is making very clear is that some of our most underpaid, marginalized, and exploited workers are, in fact, our most essential,” said Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, who co-sponsored a bill with other Senate colleagues in June to provide protections for the country’s agricultural workers. “Every plate of food reflects a disturbing reality: Food-supply workers — from farmworkers to grocery store clerks — are risking their lives every day to keep us fed, often in unsafe conditions, and far too often making starvation wages.”
“If they don’t work, they don’t get paid — and if they don’t get paid, they don’t eat.”
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Bobby Doherty for BuzzFeed News
Bobby Doherty for BuzzFeed News
“If they don’t work, they don’t get paid — and if they don’t get paid, they don’t eat.”
On April 30, Angelina Lara felt an itch in her throat.
For seven months, she’d worked as a fruit packer for Allan Bros., one of at least 18 produce companies in Yakima Valley, a fertile agricultural zone that rolls east across central Washington from the mighty Cascade mountain range. Lara, 48, grew up in Southern California but moved to the city of Yakima in 2005, following relatives who had come for the jobs at the valley’s plentiful packhouses. Around a third of the local jobs there are in agriculture, more than the next two industries combined. Apples are one of the main businesses in town, and the fruit is at the center of the Yakima city seal. Central Washington accounts for 60% of the nation’s apple production.
Over the years, Lara worked at numerous packhouses, including a previous stint at Allan Bros. She returned to the company last year for a job that paid $13.50 an hour, more than the $12 minimum wage she made previously. Inside a squat warehouse on Highway 12 in the foothills of Mount Rainier, Lara and her fellow day shift employees washed and sorted apples, which are packed and shipped year-round in the region. Around 300 workers clock in for the day shift, standing along a brisk conveyor belt about 2 feet apart, sorting apples, like the organic Fuji variety sold at Walmarts across the country, and separating out fruit that’s been spoiled or infested with worms. (The night shift handles seasonal fruit, such as cherries.)
It’s hard, tiring work, Lara said, and “it’s impossible to be 6 feet apart because at times the line moves so fast that you need somebody to help you with all the apples.”
Elaine Thompson / AP
In this photo taken Oct. 15, 2019, workers sort Granny Smith apples to ready them for shipping in a packing plant in Yakima, Washington.
As COVID-19 was spreading across the state and the country in March and April, Allan Bros. added plexiglass barriers to the office area where management and administrators worked. “But the same was not put in the warehouse,” said Shauri Tello, who moved from Mexico to Yakima when she was 15 and began working in the fruit industry shortly after she graduated high school at age 18, two years ago.
The company hadn’t yet begun providing workers with masks, so some workers brought their own from home, according to four employees and a memo from health officials who inspected the site on May 8.
Lara didn’t immediately assume the itch in her throat meant she’d caught the coronavirus. At the time, she didn’t know if anyone at work had been infected, she said. Still, she stayed home from work the next day as a precaution. Within 24 hours, she had developed a fever. Then she began to have trouble breathing. Lara has asthma, but this was worse than any asthma attack she had ever had. “I was home alone, so I started panicking,” she said. At the hospital, she said, she paid for the COVID-19 test herself — $152 — and it came back positive.
Lara informed Allan Bros. that, under doctor’s orders, she would stay home and quarantine for two weeks. She and another worker who tested positive said that company officials told them that their leave would be unpaid.
She asked her supervisor to “let [her] coworkers know so they can take precautions,” Lara said. “They never did it. Nobody even knew I was sick.”
Three of her coworkers corroborated that claim, saying that management didn’t tell them about any cases at the plant in April and early May. In an emailed statement in response to questions, Allan Bros. denied failing to inform employees about cases until May but declined to specify when it began doing so.
Today, Yakima County has the highest rate of per capita COVID-19 cases in the Pacific Northwest — about 1 for every 34 people. In central Washington — as in other areas such as California’s Imperial and San Joaquin valleys — the agricultural industry is experiencing a reckoning; the methods for packing produce and housing migrant workers that have been maximized for efficiency have created the ideal conditions for the spread of a devastating virus.
Elaine Thompson / AP
A sign outside Yakima, Washington, declares the city the “Palm Springs of Washington,” on Wednesday, June 17, 2020
“When farmers were designing farmworker housing and warehouses in which fruit is sorted, they were in no way considering pandemics,” said Dr. Malcolm Butler, the officer for the combined health district of Chelan and Douglas counties, which lie north of Yakima and are home to some 20 agriculture companies. “They built an industry and fed the world, and unfortunately social distancing is not possible. It’s very challenging and extensive to retool an entire industry at the drop of a hat.”
By late April, the virus had been quietly spreading among apple pickers and packers in central Washington for weeks. The scope of the outbreak remained unknown, in part because many companies were reluctant to arrange comprehensive testing. But even the available case numbers at the time revealed that the region’s fruit workers were facing a mounting threat.
Two weeks before Lara got sick, on April 13, three apple pickers at the Stemilt Growers farm in Douglas County, 70 miles north of the Allan Bros. facilities, developed coughs, according to a court statement from Stemilt’s human resources director, Zach Williams. These three were among the thousands who entered the country on temporary work visas, known as H-2A, for jobs at the region’s farms. While packhouses are largely staffed with local residents who have lived in Washington for years, field work is mostly done by seasonal laborers who ride buses up from Mexico for gigs that can last upward of six months.
Elaine Thompson / AP
A supervisor looks up at a worker pulling honey crisp apples off trees during a thinning operation at an orchard in Yakima, Washington on Tuesday, June 16, 2020.
Sixty-nine of those workers were housed at Stemilt’s “North District” housing facility, Williams stated. They slept on bunk beds in rooms shared with as many as three others. They also shared a kitchen, a laundry room, and several bathrooms. In the mornings, they piled into vans that carried 14 of them at a time to the orchards.
The company began implementing new procedures to protect workers from COVID-19 as early as March 13, after a worker at a different Stemilt housing facility tested positive. In a memo to employees, Stemilt said that vans and common areas across the company would be sanitized every night and throughout the day.
Those measures weren’t enough.
While the three North District workers were awaiting their test results in mid April, three others at the camp began showing similar symptoms. Ultimately, all six tested positive, according to Williams’ statement. Over the next few days, Stemilt coordinated with local health officials to begin testing all the workers from the North District camp, as well as the eight local crew leaders who worked with them. All the crew leaders tested negative, but 44 of the 69 guest workers ultimately tested positive. When Stemilt conducted another round of testing on April 22, nine more workers tested positive. Most of the cases were asymptomatic. No one was hospitalized.
The state’s Employment Security Department said it expects 27,000 H-2A jobs in 2020. Stemilt declined to comment for this story.
Stemilt was the exception — not in terms of its explosion of cases, but because it looked for them at all. Though local officials in nearby Yakima County offered to organize free testing at all produce industry workplaces, only one fruit company, Columbia Reach Pack, had taken them up on it by late May, according to local health department documents. At most fruit companies in the region, workers only got tested if they showed symptoms or were exposed to a confirmed case, and then called health authorities. Still, by the third week of May, more than 300 fruit workers in the region had tested positive, and health officials identified outbreaks — a workplace infection rate of at least 5% — at seven of the county’s 18 produce companies.
Allan Bros., where Lara worked, was one of the companies that declined to test its workers. Danielle Vincent, a spokesperson for Allan Bros., denied that the county offered to test all its workers — though other companies confirmed the offer, and government documents show that local health officials were “Awaiting Response” from Allan Bros. on an inquiry about whether the company “Want[s] Employee Testing.”
Though 19 of 515 employees at its packhouse had been diagnosed by May 21, the company did not schedule widespread testing, according to local health department records. Workers had to decide whether to risk going to work and getting sick, or staying home and not getting paid.
“The fear of every worker that I know is that they may come down with the virus. And if they don’t work, they don’t get paid — and if they don’t get paid, they don’t eat,” said Erik Nicholson, national vice president of United Farm Workers.
Evan Abell / AP
Workers from Columbia Reach Pack continue to strike in front of the business on River Road on Tuesday, June 2, 2020, in Yakima, Washington.
COVID-19 exacerbates long-standing power disparities between farmworkers, some of whom are undocumented, and their employers, noted Beth Lyon, a law professor and founder of Cornell University’s Farmworker Legal Assistance Clinic.
And while the country has deemed them “essential” during a pandemic, most farmworkers can be fired at will, making many hesitant to advocate for safety measures.
This is particularly true of guest workers, whose visas are directly tied to their employer. “If they speak up for health protections like masks or social distancing, they are likely to lose not only their livelihood but also their housing” and their permission to be in the United States, Lyon told BuzzFeed News.
Local officials and farm owners attribute some of their slow reactions to the pandemic to the lack of direction at the federal level. That’s led the industry to “take care of itself” said Butler, the Chelan–Douglas Health District officer.
“The difficulty we’ve had was that there was absolutely no guidance on what was the right way to house H-2A workers,” he said.
Sean Gilbert, who leads Gilbert Orchards, said the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s changing position on masks left his company in a conundrum. In March — as the country’s leading top public health agency told citizens not to use masks and to save them for healthcare professionals — orchard and packhouse operators donated a few thousand N95 masks they had gathered for fire season to local hospitals. Weeks later, when the CDC changed its guidance, those businesses were left scrambling, facing stiff competition and spiking prices for face coverings as the rest of the world competed for mask shipments.
Gilbert, whose operation includes 4,000 acres of orchards and 1,200 workers during peak season, noted that apples are a “labor-intensive business” with small margins. As a result of social distancing measures, the packhouse could only prepare 10,000 boxes of apples per shift from late March to the end of May, rather than the typical 12,000.
“Keeping people apart means that people can’t hand off things in a process,” he told BuzzFeed News, “and it slows the process down.” He added that protective equipment and hazard pay add a further squeeze on Gilbert Orchards’ economics. “COVID has fundamentally changed how we do business.”
Yet he didn’t see the need to allow health officials to test all his employees. Gilbert Orchards — where at least 26 of the 350 or so employees in the packhouse, shipping, and administrative departments have been diagnosed — declined Yakima County’s offer to arrange testing at the facility and instead suggested its workers take advantage of the free testing sites local officials had set up around the valley.
Gilbert said part of his reasoning was fear of upsetting his employees. “I turned down their offer to bring in a National Guard unit to quarantine our facility while they escorted people to and from testing tents,” he told BuzzFeed News. “I felt that requiring that of all employees would have been potentially traumatic.”
Evan Abell / AP
A committee of Allan Bros. workers exits the company’s office after turning in a signed agreement to return to work, Thursday, May 28, 2020, in Naches, Washington, after a strike to protest what they consider unsafe working conditions at several fruit warehouses during the COVID-19 outbreak.
If guest workers are among the most vulnerable employees in the produce industry, workers who live year-round in central Washington are only slightly more secure.
Lara’s diagnosis, she said, threw her family into a precarious financial position. Her husband, who works at the same warehouse, and her two sons, who work as nursing assistants, tested negative but stayed home as a precaution in case they subsequently caught the virus from her. The household of four went without a paycheck for two weeks. Lara qualified for unemployment insurance because she’d been diagnosed, and her husband and sons may be eligible for family leave benefits — but whatever government money they’d receive wouldn’t come soon enough to meet the bills coming due. The family burned through years’ worth of savings in a matter of days, she said.
Back at Allan Bros., meanwhile, workers in the packhouse said the company still hadn’t distributed masks, and as the cases mounted, many were growing angry.
On May 7, dozens of Allan Bros. workers went on strike over conditions they said were unsafe; in the days that followed, around 500 workers from six other fruit companies joined them. When Lara’s quarantine ended, she took a spot in the line of workers holding signs by the road, chanting through colorful cloth masks. Local lawyers and union representatives estimated that the labor action was one of the largest they’d seen among agriculture workers in Yakima, reminiscent of the marches César Chávez attended in the county in the 1980s.
Nearly every day, at each of the seven strike locations, the workers encountered local white residents driving by, shouting at them to get back to work, said Cristina Ortega, an activist who participated in the strikes. She recalled those drivers saying things like “If you don’t like it, get out.” On another occasion, a man shouted out his car window that he was going to “come back and shoot you all,” according to a Yakima County Sheriff’s Office incident report and written witness statements. When deputies later caught him returning to the scene, he told them that Allan Bros. “treats those people very well and they should not be protesting,” according to the incident report. The man was arrested and charged with malicious harassment.
The backlash against the striking workers reflected a long-standing resistance to Yakima’s growing Latinx population for some. Latinx residents accounted for 15% of the city’s population in 1980, 30% in 2000, and 50% in 2018. Still, no Latinx candidate had been elected to office in the city until 2015, after a federal judge ruled that the city’s previous system of at-large council seats violated the Voting Rights Act. In 2016, a majority of the county’s residents cast their ballots for Donald Trump.
Three weeks into the strike, Lara finally went back to work. Allan Bros. had installed protective barriers in the packhouse, offered a $1-an-hour pay raise, and started providing masks, according to Lara and three coworkers. Though she has been cleared of infection, she still has trouble breathing and sleeps sitting up most nights. She said her doctor told her it might be months before she feels normal again.
She considers herself fortunate, she said. One of her coworkers, 60-year-old David Cruz, got sick a few days after she did. His wife and daughter tested positive too, Lara said. He had worked at the plant for 12 years, most recently putting together boxes on the upper level of the warehouse. When Lara saw him on breaks, he was “always positive, getting along with everybody,” she said. On one of the last days of work before the pandemic hit, Cruz told Lara about his plans to visit his mother in Mexico for the first time in years. “He was very happy he was going to see her,” Lara recalled. “He was planning for June or July.”
He died on May 31. His coworkers collected $4,000 to give to his wife. The mood at the packhouse has been somber since.
“Wow. It spread out really, really quick.”
Pork Ribs
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Bobby Doherty for BuzzFeed News
Bobby Doherty for BuzzFeed News
“Wow. It spread out really, really quick.”
Every morning at the Tyson pork plant in Logansport, Indiana, a low-slung town of 18,000 that’s located at the intersection of three highways and surrounded by livestock ranches, farmers deliver the hogs to the kill floor, known colloquially as the “hot side.”
There, the pigs move through pens, into a machine that stuns them, and then onto a conveyor belt that carries them to the knife that slits their throats. On a normal day, Tyson’s kill floor processes five hogs every 16 seconds, according to Dennis Medbourn, a 52-year-old worker who sets the speed on the machines. Workers stand elbow to elbow along the production line, peel the hog’s skin off, cut through its center, remove its guts, and hang its carcass on a hook that takes it to the plant’s refrigerated “cold side.” The movements are strenuous and repetitive; to try to prevent injuries, ergonomic monitors — their official job title — walk up and down the line checking on the welfare of workers.
An ergonomic monitor on the hot side, a 16-year Tyson veteran who requested anonymity out of fear of losing his job, began seeing his coworkers wearing cloth masks they brought from home in early April.
Darron Cummings / AP
An employee leaving the Tyson Fresh Meats plant in Logansport, Indiana on Thursday, April 23, 2020.
Outbreaks were beginning to pop up at meatpacking plants around the country. Tyson had instituted temperature checks at Logansport but hadn’t yet installed plexiglass barriers or distributed any protective equipment — even though another Tyson pork plant, in Columbus Junction, Iowa, had closed on April 6, leaving the company all the more reliant on its other five hog slaughterhouses.
“That’s when everybody was thinking, Man, why don’t they close our plant?” said Medbourn. “You’d hear people coughing and stuff. People weren’t showing up for work more than usual.”
Tyson declined to comment on whether its Logansport plant increased production during that period, but a spokesperson, Liz Cronston, said, “The level of production at which we determine to operate in our facilities is dependent on ensuring team member safety.”
The company has maintained that its response to the pandemic was swifter than most. Cronston noted that Tyson began seeking masks for workers even before the CDC recommended their use, and it was one of the first companies to proactively test all employees for COVID-19. “If we learned a team member had tested positive for the virus, we notified co-workers who had been in close contact,” she said. “Our priority and focus have been the protection of our team members and their communities.”
The ergonomic monitor tried to maintain a few feet of distance when he checked on workers — but the long, open-tiered plant was loud with the whirring of electric saws, the rumble of conveyor belts, and the echoing clangs of metal. He sometimes had to lean in close to talk and hear, he said. He interacted with around 200 workers each day. Tyson began requiring employees to wear masks in mid-April.
On April 23, with rising case numbers at several facilities, Tyson organized COVID-19 testing for all 2,200 of its workers in Logansport.
The monitor and others on his shift filed into a big white tent in the parking lot, “all pushed together to get out from the rain” as nurses swabbed their noses, he said.
A few days later, he got a call informing him of his result: He had COVID-19 — one of 890 Tyson workers to test positive by the end of April in Logansport, a staggering 40% of the plant’s workforce. Like most of them, the monitor showed no symptoms at the time of diagnosis, although he did recall feeling unusually tired the previous week. He shuddered at the thought that he may have infected the people he saw every day.
“I wouldn’t have suspected if I didn’t get tested,” he said. “I was really freaked out. Just, like, wow. It spread out really, really quick.”
Tyson closed its Logansport plant for two weeks starting on April 25. All six of its pork plants have had outbreaks of at least 200 cases, and five have temporarily closed. At one point, four of the country’s five largest known outbreaks in meatpacking plants were at Tyson sites. To date, around 8,500 Tyson workers have tested positive, more than the company’s three biggest industry competitors combined, according to data compiled by the Midwest Center for Investigative Reporting.
But Tyson’s standing at the top of this list isn’t necessarily because its plants are more dangerous than those of its rivals, but because the company has been more committed to determining how many of its employees have been infected, even though revealing those numbers almost guarantees a plant’s closure. The other big meat companies — JBS, Smithfield Foods, and Cargill — haven’t conducted comprehensive testing at most facilities, even as meat processing plants became widely known as incubators for the virus.
“We believe it’s imperative that we share our experience addressing this pandemic because safety is not a point of competitive advantage,” said Cronston, Tyson’s spokesperson. “Results from these tests have allowed us to find team members who have the virus but don’t have symptoms and would not otherwise have been identified.”
For Tyson, JBS, Smithfield, and Cargill, closing a plant sends a ripple effect across both ends of the supply line. The four companies produce around 85% of the meat sold in the US, churning out pork, beef, and poultry in massive facilities staffed by the thousands of employees needed to reach output goals. The concentration of meat production into a few dozen mega-plants has led to lower prices but has also left the system vulnerable to major disruption, adding further pressure on workers to help keep the plants going.
Tyson is the largest buyer for many farmers around the country and one of the largest suppliers for many groceries, including Walmart. A plant closure can lead to lost wages for livestock sellers at the start of the chain and barren meat shelves for consumers at the end. “Our plants must remain operational,” CEO John Tyson wrote in a full-page ad in the Washington Post and New York Times in late April, noting the company’s “responsibility to feed our country.” The Trump administration codified that idea into law with its April 28 executive order granting meatpacking corporations immunity from legal liability for sick workers.
As Tyson got ready to reopen the Logansport plant, it notified employees through an automated text service that starting May 6, “If eligible to work, you will be required to work all scheduled hours in order to receive the guarantee pay.” Workers would receive a $30 “daily show up bonus” for all shifts through the end of May, another text stated. A May 8 text told employees that if they had been “symptom free for the last 72 hours without the use of any medication you can report to Tyson” — though the message didn’t include CDC’s additional recommendation that those diagnosed should only stop isolating at least 10 days from the onset of symptoms. One worker, a loin cutter in the cold side, told BuzzFeed News that he didn’t feel symptoms until 12 days after he tested positive, just as his two weeks of paid quarantine time was ending, leaving him temporarily without a paycheck as he applied for short-term disability to cover additional time off.
Michael Conroy / AP
Workers line up to enter the Tyson Foods pork processing plant in Logansport, Indiana on Thursday, May 7, 2020.
Tyson maintains that its policy has been clear: “Any team member who has tested positive will remain on sick leave until they’ve satisfied official health requirements for return to work,” Cronston said.
But some Logansport workers vented their frustrations on a private Facebook group called “Tyson Talk,” expressing dismay at the company’s plan to reopen even while nearly half of its workforce was under quarantine. They also shared health updates; on May 5, a group member wrote in both English and Spanish that someone from the slaughter side had died from the virus.
In fact, at least three workers at the Logansport plant have died of the coronavirus, according to local health officials and a union steward at the plant.
Tyson officials refused to confirm the number of workers who died. “We’re deeply saddened by the loss of any team member,” Cronston said. “We don’t have a number to share.”
Tyson also declined to provide an update on the number of confirmed cases at the plant since the 890 reported in April, but local health officials estimated that “over 1,000” of the plant’s workers have tested positive.
Cass County, where Logansport is located, has nearly triple the rate of COVID-19 cases per 100,000 people compared to the rate of the next highest Indiana county, and Tyson’s pork processing facility is one of the area’s largest employers. Tyson was “absolutely the hot spot” for COVID-19 in the county, said Serenity Alter, the administrator for the Cass County Health Department.
The Tyson plant reopened on May 6. The company ramped up production as quickly as its workers could return, accelerating from half-capacity to nearly full capacity within two weeks. It provided face shields, built plexiglass barriers in the cafeteria, and expanded its cleaning staff.
“All you can do is wear one of these masks and wash your hands,” a Tyson senior manager in Texas said of the risk that meatpacking workers face during the pandemic. “I gotta assume most of the people in our facility have been around or interacted with someone who was positive.”
Michael Conroy / AP
Workers are seen leaving the Tyson Foods pork processing plant in Logansport carrying various types of personal protective equipment, on Thursday, May 7, 2020.
Two months removed from the Logansport plant’s mass testing, some workers are still infected with the virus, though Tyson won’t say how many are now out sick.
“We currently have very few cases,” Cronston said. “We are aware of no positive cases of any team member currently working in our facility.”
When he returned from his quarantine, the ergonomic monitor wore a mask and kept several feet of distance from the coworkers he checked on. At the facility last month, he and others walked past a daily reminder of the cost of producing pork through the pandemic: A memorial of wreaths and photos in the common area honored the three workers who have died from the virus. It stayed up until the middle of June.
“We weren’t prepared to lose her this suddenly.”
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Bobby Doherty for BuzzFeed News
Bobby Doherty for BuzzFeed News
“We weren’t prepared to lose her this suddenly.”
While fruit pickers and meat-packers labor out of view of consumers, grocery clerks serve at the public-facing end point of the supply chain, the final set of hands to touch your food before you do. As grocery stores became all the more critical to keeping people fed during lockdown, their safety protocols soon concerned not just the workers who spend their days there but the customers passing through.
In March, as the US declared a state of emergency, panicked shoppers flocked to supermarkets to hoard toilet paper, flour, and pasta; in stores around the country, shelves began to empty. Some lined up in the early morning for a first crack at the inventory. Many didn’t wear masks.
It didn’t take long for the virus to reach the Walmart Supercenter in Worcester, Massachusetts, which has an online inventory that includes Tyson pork ribs and Fuji apples from Rainier Fruit, Allan Bros.’ distributor. (A spokesperson for Walmart said that Tyson pork ribs are not on the store’s shelves at this time.) On April 27, the store posted on Facebook that it would close on April 30 for a single “day of deep cleaning and sanitizing” before reopening early the next morning. Some shoppers from the postindustrial city around 50 miles from Boston were horrified.
Brian Snyder / Reuters
Shopping carts are left outside the Walmart Superstore in Worcester, Massachusetts, temporarily closed by an order from the city after numerous employees tested positive for the coronavirus, on April 30, 2020.
“How do you ‘deep clean’ in one day??” a commenter wrote.
But while shoppers had the option of staying away from the store, some of Walmart’s workers felt they did not. Despite the widespread testing shortages at the time, the company’s COVID-19 emergency leave policy didn’t offer additional paid time off to staffers unless they tested positive or were subject to mandatory quarantine — a policy that advocates said is too narrow as it doesn’t clearly cover workers who feel ill, are immunocompromised, or need to care for a sick relative.
By the end of April, Walmart knew that a growing number of employees in Worcester — as well as in another store in Quincy, an hour’s drive away — had contracted the virus, which was quickly spreading through the state. Although the company had released a plan detailing how they’d keep workers safe a month prior, the stores weren’t providing staffers or local public health departments with enough information about sick workers, records show.
“We have had consistent problems with Walmart,” Quincy’s health commissioner, Ruth Jones, wrote on April 28 to the Massachusetts attorney general’s office. “They have a cluster of Covid cases among employees and have not been cooperative in giving us contact information or in following proper quarantine and isolation guidelines.”
Yok Yen Lee, a 69-year-old door greeter at the Quincy store, was so fearful of contracting the coronavirus that she used most of her accumulated paid time off in March and early April when case numbers in the US began to skyrocket, her daughter, Elaine Eklund, told BuzzFeed News. Shortly after Lee returned to work in mid-April, she began to feel sick but assumed she’d caught a cold from spending her eight-hour shift standing outside in near-freezing temperatures. On April 11, the Quincy Health Department contacted Walmart to inform the store that one of Lee’s coworkers had tested positive for the coronavirus. Although Walmart had waived its normal attendance policy in March, Lee continued to clock in, afraid of losing her job if she took more days off, Eklund said.
Walmart’s website says it began requiring employees to wear masks on April 17. But one current Quincy checkout employee, who asked to remain anonymous for fear of losing their job, said management told employees in April that masks weren’t necessary. Sometimes there would be 500 people in the store and no social distancing in the employee back rooms, according to the employee. “It was like corona was a myth,” they said. A Walmart spokesperson declined to comment on these specific allegations.
Lee had worked at the store for about 15 years, after emigrating from China in 1979 and working a series of retail jobs. Colleagues described her as a joyous woman who doled out hugs and danced spontaneously but also showed a tough side when it came to dealing with rude customers.
Lee told at least one colleague, the checkout employee, that she had a slight cough. She had attempted to apply for extended leave, but found the process, which was managed by a third-party administrator, exceedingly complicated as she primarily spoke Cantonese, Eklund said. On April 19, Lee didn’t feel well at work and went home early. The next day, she had a fever and couldn’t get out of bed. Paramedics, with the help of a maintenance worker, cut the lock to her door and rushed her to a hospital, where she was intubated. Her request for extended leave from Walmart was approved on April 28, as she lay bedridden in the ICU, Eklund recalled.
She would have turned 70 last week. Instead, she died on May 3 — one of at least 22 Walmart employees killed by COVID-19 nationwide, according to United for Respect, a labor advocacy group. Lee left behind a daughter and two grandchildren, including one who was born in December.
“She never even got a real family picture with her grandson,” Eklund said. “We were starting to become a complete family. We weren’t prepared to lose her this suddenly.”
Only after Lee died did the Quincy Walmart close its doors. It soon emerged that 33 other employees there had contracted the virus.
The Worcester Walmart became one of the largest clusters in the state, with 82 employees ultimately diagnosed with COVID-19. It was also one of the largest outbreaks at any grocery retailer in the country.
By the time the store posted on Facebook about the daylong cleaning in late April, local officials were investigating the situation. Public health inspectors obtained an internal company list showing that nearly two dozen employees had tested positive for the coronavirus before the store closed, 20 within a one-week time period, Walter Bird Jr., a city spokesperson, told BuzzFeed News.
They also reviewed a photo of a sign instructing staffers to work their scheduled shifts during that April 30 cleaning: They were expected to help “clean, sanitize and stock” the store alongside a third-party cleaning service so it would be ready to open the next morning.
Obtained by BuzzFeed News
A sign posted on the door of the Walmart Supercenter in Worcester, Massachusetts.
The city of Worcester issued a cease-and-desist order that day, “forcing the store to close immediately,” Bird said. It was the first time any US Walmart was closed by the government. The store didn’t reopen until May 5, after the company agreed to test all of the store’s nearly 400 employees.
The outbreaks in the Quincy and Worcester Walmarts were caused by “dangerous working conditions” present at other branches, as well, according to a complaint recently filed with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration by United for Respect, which surveyed stores nationwide. The complaint claimed that Walmart didn’t provide sufficient paid sick leave to its employees, “thereby pressuring people to go to work even if they have symptoms or have been exposed to the virus.”
The complaint also alleged that Walmart didn’t enforce social distancing and had failed to quickly close stores for cleaning and disinfecting after employees were exposed or diagnosed — as was the case in Worcester and Quincy — allowing the virus to spread further among employees and the public.
All these failures violated state and federal guidance for employers, the complaint alleged.
“Communities across the country have suffered from coronavirus cases, and with more than 1.5 million associates in the United States, and stores, clubs and other facilities located within 10 miles of 90 percent of the U.S. population, Walmart is not immune to the impact of COVID-19,” said Phillip Keene, a Walmart spokesperson. The corporation has worked “to find an appropriate balance between supporting our associates and serving our customers” during the pandemic, he said, by following deep cleaning, sanitizing, and social distancing protocols guided by the CDC. Associates are given health screenings and temperature checks prior to their shifts, for example, and employees who appear ill are asked to return home. Walmart has instructed managers since March to inform associates when one of their coworkers falls ill, Keene said.
There are no laws mandating that retailers report coronavirus cases, leaving it up to stores to decide how best to handle outbreaks. In May, a delegation of state lawmakers led by Sen. Elizabeth Warren sent a letter to Walmart CEO Doug McMillon, demanding more information about how the retail giant would make changes to prevent future outbreaks and protect workers.
In its response, Walmart deflected responsibility, saying it may be “impossible to track the source of anyone’s infection.”
“Walmart’s response is unacceptable,” Warren said in a statement to BuzzFeed News. “Nearly 100 Walmart workers in Massachusetts got sick with coronavirus and one died due to an outbreak at the store but the company refused to answer questions on what happened and what changes it is making to keep our residents safe at work.”
One recent afternoon in June, as protesters filled streets across the country, a line of masked shoppers stretched outside the Worcester Walmart as the store limited capacity to around 20% below its usual level. Shelves were stocked with pasta again, apples were piled into abundant mounds, and pork ribs lay beside long rows of fresh meat. Fruit farms, meatpacking plants, and grocery stores were open for business in every corner of America. The food supply chain kept on humming. ●
Courtesy Eklund Family
Yok Yen Lee, seen her carrying her granddaughter in 2018, was never able to take a full family photo with her new grandson who was born in December, according to daughter Elaine Eklund. Lee died in May of COVID-19.
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evercelle · 7 years
tag games
I got tagged by @octoberswimmer​ and @ellehletoile​ for two diff tag games (sup fam!!) Putting it under the cut for length bc this is still not art-related and possibly much more than yall ever wanted to know about me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Name: ---
Nickname: ever
Zodiac: leo
Height: 5'3"
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Favorite fruit: apple
Favorite season: summer
Favorite book series:  D I S C W O R L D! I discovered Prachett summer two years ago and tore through almost the entire Discworld bibliography in three months, they’re so wonderful. Close runner up is Robin Hobb’s Realm of the Elderlings, specifically the Live Ship Traders trilogy. (if you like: multiple interesting and varied female protagonists, dragons, pirate tales, and/or sentient watercraft, you will do yourself a favor immediately and check out that series.)
Favorite flower: hydrangea
Favorite color: toss up between black or seafoam
Favorite animal: literally every single bird. that is not hyperbole
Coffee/tea/cocoa: tea
Average sleep hours: ever since stormblood launched it's been about 5.5 to 6 hrs a night. don't get into bad sleeping habits, kids. then you wind up staying up til 3 am on a sunday night before work and reeeeeally feeling the poor life decisions the next day.
Cat or dog person: bird
Favorite fictional character: Three way match up between Sam Vimes, Jonathan Strange and Oikawa Tooru (<-- lol bet no one saw that coming)
Blog created: my personal blog... 6+ years ago, I don't remember the exact year. this sideblog was march this year I think.
Number of followers: just bumped over 1800 today. what up y’all!!
What I define as amazing followers: the ones who read my inane tag comments and then respond to said inane tag comments with their own tags lol. (˶′◡‵˶)if you write/reply/reblog comments I will generally think warm thoughts about you. but I'm happy and still pleasantly surprised that any of you are here, irrespective of engagement level.
annd here’s the other one courtesy of @octoberswimmer​:
5 things on my bed right now:
god I wish I were
lots of pillows
a tuxedo sam plushie the bf won for me at the county fair by valiantly defeating a small child at a carnival game
phone charger 
5 things in my backpack:
retractable card holder shaped like a cat eating donuts for the suica card I currently cannot use, on account of not being in japan
bf's inhaler(s)
kiiroitori zip pouch stuffed with various USBs/wires
two changes of clothes (I'm visiting my parents this weekend lol)
surface tablet + alienware comp (these are also not normal bag contents)
5 songs i last listened to:
yuna - decorate
nujabes - luv(sic) [ft. shing02] (all parts)
mr. scruff - honeydew
boyce avenue - fast car (tracey chapman cover) [ft. kinna grannis]
bump of chicken - hello, world
5 things that made me happy last week:
took monday off work and had poutine for lunch
hung out with my irl/ffxiv crew for my birthday and had kbbq :9
cleared O1S-O3S again with my ffxiv crew this week
quasi-scripted and thumbnailed a 15~ish page short comic for the spellbound!iwaoi au (the happiness departs when I have to get down to actually doing the sketch LOL)
saw this video come up on my dash, watched it like twenty times lol 
(I realize belatedly that these are all things that happened within this week, not last week... oops. close enough)
5 places i want to go in this life:
Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia
Plitvice Lakes National Park, Croatia
The Tiger's Nest, Bhutan
Angkor Wat, Cambodia
toss up between Finland for aurora viewing and Kawachi Fuji Garden, Japan for wisteria season
5 favourite movies
Spirited Away
Princess Mononoke
The Fabulous Destiny of Amélie Poulain
I'm having trouble remembering other ones. I guess there's a lot of movies I enjoy watching at the time, but those three are the stand out ones that I really remember...?
WAIT honorable mention to Toy Story 3 bc I keep my childhood stuffed animals and I cried like a bitch at the end
5 random facts about me:
my hair is currently longer than it has ever been at any point in my life and it is desperately in need of a trim
my favorite color combos are black+gold and red+blue
my ideal weekend is staying at home with the bf and playing video games, reading, or drawing until I pass out
I’m a career healer in every single MMO I’ve played
my favorite yt channel is Great Big Story, from which one can learn many interesting things. (for example: did you know that the British government conducts a royal census of the nation's swans each year?) my second favorite channel is Game Grumps, which is entertainment of a wildly different nature lol.
5 people i’m tagging: I’ll just pick names I see a lot in my notes haha. don’t feel like you have to do both or any of these, though! @cappara @vylhunter @wulfrann @procopiiooo @lysambre-j​
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