#5.0 speculation
Splatoon 3 Version 5.0 Patch Notes Breakdown
Nintendo dropped the patch notes for patch 5.0 just about an hour ago, so let's do what we do and take a look at the changes, which won't take long, because there's not a lot of them this time around.
Starting with the Main Weapon section, three weapons are seeing changes:
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Splat Brella and Undercover Brella are getting the same change, a one second/half a second decrease to shield recharge time. A lot of things can tear through Brella shield quite fast in this game, so this lets you get back into the action faster. I don't think it was the first change anyone would have asked for, but it's good all the same.
I also wanna mention that Splat Brella is getting a pretty significant bugfix in this patch, further down in the patch notes:
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This change should make the shield more reliable, and couple that with the new buff, and the fantastic new kit, and I think Brella players have a lot to look forward to this patch.
Meanwhile, REEF-LUX's spread has been tightened when tap-firing and at one level of charge. I've seen some people speculate this might be a nerf because it'll reduce its paint, but I doubt it'll change much considering how much of a machine this thing is in the ink department, and I think the fact that it's able to splat more reliably without fully charging is going to be very positive for it.
Moving onto Specials:
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Killer Wail is being changed to be more reliable, as it'll do more of the aiming for you, meaning you won't have to keep looking at your targets.
Zipcaster can now attach closer to you than it did previously, and the explosion damage and radius when you land has been increased. This means you'll be able to use it in close-quarters combat almost like a Burst Bomb, and Zipcaster actually has pretty good damage already, so it'll combo a lot more reliably with all of the Main weapons that have it like Stamper and Luna. Keep an eye out on this Special once the patch drops, because it might be kinda scary now.
Finally, Tacticooler is getting a nerf, having the period between when you use it to being able to charge your Special again increased by 2.5 seconds. After all of its buffs, Tacticooler has become a staple of the meta game, and this will reduce the frequency with which its most prominent users, most notably N-Zap and Snipewriter, are able to output them.
On that note, let's take a look at Points For Special changes next:
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And hey, would you look at that! N-Zap gets hit with another 10p for its Tacticooler. If you've not been keeping up with competitive play, I think some important context is that N-Zap is almost completely ubiquitous at the moment, because it gets Tacticooler so fast that it can have the buff basically permanently if it doesn't die. This is a very deserved nerf, because frankly it shouldn't ever have been 180p to begin with.
The only other change is the Annaki Nova, which also gets an additional 10p, and I think this one is deserved as well, albeit for different reasons. The Annaki Nova is hardly a competitive allstar, but it's range and ink efficiency means that it can very often just spend entire matches farming Inkjets. Weapons that do nothing but paint the ground and spam Specials are not healthy for the game, they're dull to play and even less fun to play against, and I am happy to see that this seems to be Nintendo's opinion as well.
And that moves us onto the final balance changes, the Abilities:
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Tenacity will now charge your Special gauge faster when its active. While we can't tell how much faster it is, it's still an uncomplicated positive change. Tenacity is currently very niche, only really seeing frequent use alongside the Hydra, but now more weapons might gravitate towards it.
And finally, Last-Ditch Effort's maximum effect has been reduced from being equivalent to 8 sub slots of Ink Saver Main, Ink Saver Sub and Ink Recovery (that's 8 for each!!! 24 sub slots total on a single main slot!!!!) to 6. This is one of the most explicitly competitive play-targeted changes they've done in the history of the series, because LDE is incredibly popular for its ability to sustain extended fights over the object. One particular thing worth mentioning is that this change means LDE will no longer be enough to give you two Fizzy Bombs on a full tank (though it'll still do that if you have 1 sub slot of Ink Saver Sub, but don't tell anyone I said that). LDE will still be incredibly good, but this will mean it won't be as much of an uncontested obvious pick for your headgear slot any more.
And that's all of the balance changes! This is a small patch, but while I think they could have done more to buff the weaker main and sub weapons, I still think it's a very good patch. The current meta is actually very healthy and diverse, more than its ever been, so some cautious buffs and a couple of nerfs aimed with laser-like precision are all very good!
But let's go over some cool miscellaneous stuff in the patch notes, as well. It's not just all balances changes, after all.
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The Grizzco Dualies have been official confirmed! Additionally, random weapon rotations can now have multiple different Grizzco weapons, and not just the same one each time.
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Three new songs are being added, separately from the new Deep Cut banger they revealed last week. These are presumably all tracks by that new band we heard in the reveal trailer, H2Whoa.
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If I'm interpreting things correctly, the two Splatfest queues will now have different stages available?
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Matchmaking is looking like it'll be a bit more reliable!
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Not content with dropping 80 banners and 400 titles on us, we are also getting 160 decorations and 140 stickers! That's a lot of stuff!
And that's all of the fun and/or noteworthy stuff in the patch notes. I think. I bet a lot of people will see this patch as disappointing, thinking it should have changed more things. But change for change's sake is not necessarily a good thing, and when the top-level meta is so healthy and diverse, the last thing you wanna do is violently destabilize it. Nintendo chose to approach the patch with a scalpel, and I'd rather that than a hammer.
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keepofkandrakar · 3 months
i made another genshin oc lol
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This is Esperanza, Esper for short. She's a 4-star Dendro polearm from Natlan, a curious girl full of wonder and questions for the world beyond what she's known. She would act as the Traveler's initial guide to Natlan from Sumeru, as she was given the opportunity to study at the Akademiya for her innate curiosity.
Of course, we know practically nothing about Natlan, so everything about Natlan and its story arc is purely speculation, but from what the wikifandom says, Natlan is divide by tribes - and as a nation of War, it's safe to assume that these divide tribes are on the verge of fighting each other. There would probably be some sort of intertribal tournament for the Pyro Archon's amusement or something in 5.0 but again, all speculation.
However, if this is a little bit true, then Esper has some strong feelings on it. She doesn't like all the division and fighting between the tribes - if the tribes of Natlan continue to fight each other unnecessarily, there will be no victors and the volcanic sands would turn red. She's had a chance to see what practically no one else in Natlan has seen: people united and at peace with one another. It's a refreshing sight.
Esper knows that War will inevitably reign supreme in Natlan, she's not stupid. But she also knows that peace is just as important, something the rest of Natlan seems to ignore.
When she's not spewing random facts about niche subjects and asking the Traveler an impossible number of questions, she's a loving older sister to her younger siblings and an amateur flamenco-dancer-equivalent. Bc I made her after meeting and falling for Gaming. And she would be in complete awe of his Woshou dancing if she ever got the chance to see it in Liyue.
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wisismydumpstat · 10 months
Tell us everything you feel about Ascians and Shadowbringers, do! You only get to do this for the first time once after all, and we're all dying to know what you think is going on, what you are pretty sure is going on, what you are positive is NOT going on and every speculation and heart palpitation you got so we can all bask in the confusion and hand flapping by proxy.
Sorry about the late reply, this week has been A Week!
I was kinda waiting until I was a bit closer to the end of 5.0 before doing this, but it sounds fun and I think it's funnier if I do this now and then I keep updating all the things I was wrong about as I get closer and closer to the reveals!
So! I am currently on quest Return to Eulmore, 24 quests left to reach the end of Patch 5.0, and those are my opinions and feels about... stuff!
Spoiler-filled text dump incoming!
Ascians Ascians are cool! :D I'm a sucker for immortals of any kind, I do like their possession gimmick, I like that they're way too intense no matter what they're saying. I don't particularly sympathize with their revealed backstory so far, and I'm glad the game brought up the whole "Cool motive, still murder" aspect of it. And that's just assuming I actually trust Emet-Selch, which would be a stretch.
An Emet-Stretch.
Please laugh.
2. Shadowbringers
I am really enjoying this expansion. I don't think it's a surprise to anyone at this point that I greatly enjoy drama and emotional pain, and this expansion is giving a lot of both in a very realistic way. I like the WoL's dialogue prompts getting angrier and snarkier as they get fed up with everything, I like people getting tired of all the secret-keeping and the moral ambiguity (Great for a plot, bad for a team), I like how hot Urianger is now, I love Alisaie having a well deserved turn on the spotlight, I like how hot Urianger is now, I like the whole "Ardbert and the WoL are friends now thanks to their mutual existential crisis" arc, I freaking love that Thancred is a dad now, and HAVE YOU SEEN URIANGER THIS EXPANSION??
3. Random speculation and thoughts!
I would like to punch Emet-Selch on the face. Amazing voice actor tho.
The whole absorbing-light-thingie is clearly bad. I would love to have something like an inner soul battle or something to destroy your corruption. Very Kingdom Hearts.
I... don't know what to think about the whole "Vauthry controls Sin Eaters" thing, but the way this expansion is going I fully expect to get into Eulmore and discover he has a disgusting one chained in a dungeon or something. Either that or Eulmore itself is a sin eater somehow. That'd be cool.
I don't trust the Crystal Exarch. At all. I would also like to punch him on the face, once I'm done with Emet-Selch. Which, admittedly, will take a while. This game has taught me that people with hoods and/or any way to cover their face are evil. Privacy bad.
Hydaelyn being a Primal makes So. Much. Sense. I was suspecting something was afoot since I realized every other deity and figure of legend was just a primal, but somehow I never made the connection.
Does that make the Echo just a very polite way of tempering?? Are the random flashbacks actually a "Go do my will" tactic instead of just a convenient plot artifact??
Someday I'll get Titania's theme out of my head.
It isn't gonna be today.
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quibbs126 · 8 months
You know if the next update is Golden Cheese like I’ve been seeing some people speculate (no leaks for the next update yet, but I think it has to do with the next update being the 5.0 update (I think?), and City of Wizards was 4.0, and Odyssey was 3.0, so this one might also be a big deal. Or at least I’m guessing that’s why some people are speculating it specifically now. Maybe it’s just people wanting to speculate for the next high tier Cookie), I’m less excited for Golden Cheese and more interested in who the Epic releasing alongside her would be. Since you know, Cookies presumably don’t really live in her Kingdom
Well I suppose this thought doesn’t have to apply to if this is the next update or not, but it’s what got me thinking it
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amarisrosalette · 10 months
What if Natlan took inspiration from the Aztec death whistles? (GENSHIN RAMBLE)
08.05.2023 | Note by me: Okay guys, I know Fontaine’s 4.0 trailer just came out and it’s far too early to be talking about Natlan that is going to be released in 5.0, BUT I just came across a fact called the “death whistles” from Ancient Mexico and I ran straight here to share with you guys :) So enjoy the read, fellow Natlan enthusiasts! Please note that this is just a ramble about Natlan’s speculation and their soon to be revealed lore, this post is not indicative of Hoyoverse’s final product.
And since I am going to be talking about things heavily related to cultural references, if you are familiar with/apart of the cultures that is being mentioned, please do correct me if I had made a mistake and feel free to add your thoughts in asks or in the tags below! I will add credits to the websites from which I have found this information from in the bottom of this post. Reblogs and credits are very much appreciated. ^^
(CW: Few swear words below the cut!)
So there is this unique part of Aztec culture called the “death whistle” that originated from ancient Mexico. It’s a kind of whistle shaped into a seemingly humanoid carving with an opening to blow into that creates a bone-chilling sound reminiscent of human screams, animal calls, and howling winds. These whistles come in various shapes and produce different variations of sounds. Here are some pictures I found in Google, so this is what they look like:
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As you may know, Natlan is speculated to be inspired from Pre-Columbian or Indigenous America, alongside influence from Spanish and West African cultures. Either way, it can mean that Natlan may also be inspired from Aztec or early Mexcian cultures and folklore, so it’d make sense that they would add inspiration of the whistles. To list some references of Natlan that we see so far, the nation’s name could be a reference to the language of Nahuatl, meaning “place near where there is abundance [of] Na”. Secondly, the Aztecs worshipped many gods of wars, and Mexico is well-known for its volcanoes, much like Natlan is, and so much more.
Going back, I would conclude that it would be a very interesting and most likely addition if Natlan would include the death whistle which is deeply connected to Aztec and Mexican folklore.
In the immemorial past, these whistles were found in temples that worshipped the wind god Ehecatl (E-he-kah-tl). These whistles were also associated with the Aztec god of death who ruled over the land of the dead from what they call Mictlan, named Mictlāntēcutli (Muhkt-laan-tuh-koot-lee). These instruments were called “whistles of death” because historians believed that they were used to help guide sacrificial victims on their journey to the afterlife. Not only that, but I have also derived information that they were used for religious practices, such as ritual sacrifice, or for something related to battle and war. This fact stood out to me considering Natlan is the Nation of War, and to have these featured in the game’s story would be undoubtedly amazing! And even a good addition to the overall cultural feel and character of Natlan’s dedication to combat. I feel it would enhance the tone of the nation’s lore and even give us a tiny glimpse to the more deeper and darker parts of Genshin lore.
Here is a YouTube link for the sound of the death whistle.
Also, fun fact! Because the whistle is related to the god Ehecatl, the whistles were required to simulate the sounds of the wind because a strong wind cannot be summoned whenever the occasion requires. Interesting isn’t it?
Now, time for my opinions and speculations!
Ever notice how Barbatos and the wind is always vaguely mentioned in the lore of the nations we go through outside of Mondstadt, such as where Barabtos’s seal is strikingly similar to one of the adeptal abodes we visited, or that one letter we found in the Chasm with the Abyss, how Barbatos was vaguely mentioned to be helping Dvorjak to help him in Liyue? Or how the wind god of time, Istaroth, was mentioned in Ei’s Story Quest and the Cecilia flower making appearances in one of the cutscenes in Inazuma? Or maybe you’ve heard of the crazy theories of Irminsul being related to Venti? How about those Anemo vision weilders saving us in each nation we visit? Hahaha, I think I'm going crazy. But.
What if I am not?
Suspiciously enough, from what we’ve learned, these whistles were found in a temple that worships a wind god. You know who else is a god of the wind and has a temple to worship him/her? And the fact that it is also mentioned that a strong wind cannot be summoned in certain occasions, and you know a place in Genshin where the wind does not blow? Yes. Mare Jivari. And surprise, it is also located in Natlan.
I wonder if Venti will be vaguely mentioned once again, but in Natlan. Of all places, he keeps getting mentioned in other nation’s lore. If this is the case, and Venti’s motifs (Wind, song, poetry, cecilias, etc. You get the gist.) OR his god status as Barbatos. If this continues in Fontaine and this happens to be true in Natlan, or even throughout the story in Snezhnaya, then this cannot be a coincidence. After all, we’ve gotten information about Barbatos’s connection with the Tsaritsa, their fallout, and how she is jealous of his power.
Moving on.
I think it would be scary and cool at the same time if we hear that the whistles could even be used in war in Natlan. Perhaps to drive, scare, and even torment their enemies? If Hoyoverse’s writing team would be so bold and even take a step further to amplify Natlan’s culture surrounding war and battle, and even show us as the audience that these people are far more fearsome than they seem, then the death whistle would be such a kickass addition. Who among the people could have discovered it? Their Archon?
Come on, Hoyoverse, don’t be shy. You’ve given us psychological horror from Sumeru’s samsara, Dottore’s experiments, an execution surrounding the God of Eternity’s extra-special technique, now give us some feral fire-bending tribes who could go absolutely apeshit and don’t hesitate to fuck around their enemies like they wanted. Let them do it in honor of war. In honor of the Lady of Fire. Show us that they are tribes that belong to the art of combat. That they are true tribesmen and women that shall serve War at any cost.
Anyway, that is all that I have to share, thank you for reading! And here are the links to the websites from which I got the info!
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cloud-ya · 2 years
Adding on to the conversation about ER is its purpose and addition to the ongoing story and lore of Honkai Impact as a whole.
We're getting information on the Previous Era, yes. We're getting literal history lessons as we learn how PE tech like MANTIS, Divine Keys, and whatnot came to be, yes. And even stories about how the PE Herrschers came and gone, example being Ice, Earth, Dominance, Binding, etc... But consider, besides knowing who the 13th Herrscher is, what else about it do we actually know? Nothing, that's what. Nothing about its title, we only have speculations unless CN Chapter 31 and/or Chapter 30 Part 3 has revealed something I don't know. We know nothing about its powers. We started ER (Patch 5.0, post Chapter 25) with no knowledge on the 13th Herrscher and here we are, Patch 5.8 and Chapter 30 with no new information. And no, the identity of the Herrscher doesn't count. And when people bring up the Flamechasers, you have to remember that four of the members were already existing characters. Kevin, Su, Sakura, Hua. They added on seven new characters that took our attention away from the question(s) that Mei and us players had entered the Elysian Realm with. What is the Will of Honkai. But nope, instead we get set on a wild goose chase but worse, because Durandal might actually stop if she realizes you're getting fed up with chasing after her needlessly.
I want to rant about the Flamechasers, but I'm not sure if you'll accept that on your blog.
rant all you want I'm not fond of elysian realm stuff either. I have a feeling it would work way better as its own mode instead of being shoved out of nowhere into the main story.
like is there even any explanation of what happens after mei entered the portal for those who go straight away to the next chapters? from what I've seen elysian realm is captain-level-gatekept which kinda sucks because you can reach that certain level but not the moment in main story yet. it should have that mechanism arknights has that unlocks features after clearing a certain stage in certain chapter
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pyrrhesia · 2 years
FFXIVWrite Compilation (2021/22)
Every FF14Write post I made for 2021/22, compiled and ordered.
Art credit: @nerdlordholocron
Ysabet Sable (Mrdja Camoa) An elementalist far from home, determined to see the far corners of the world and write down her tales for posterity. While she can come across as callous, she desires meaningful connections. Treasures her airs of dignity and poise.
2.0 Lovely, Dark and Deep 2.0 Heady 2.55 Adroit 4.0 Destruct 5.0 Vainglory 5.0 Baleful 5.0 Aberrant 5.0 Avatar 5.0 Oneirophrenia 5.4 Soul 5.4 Miss the Boat 6.0 Onerous 6.0 Row 6.0 Promises to Keep 6.0 Warden Post-FF14 Cross Post-FF14 Bolt Post-FF14 Novel Post-FF14 Turn a Blind Eye Post-FF14 Pitch Post-FF14 Before I Sleep
Cwenthryth Sadler An Ala Mhigan immigrant on the streets of Ul’dah, Cwen says little and seems at times disconnected from the world. While initially her moral flexibility lent herself to work as gang muscle, she has found genuine meaning fighting for a cause beyond her next meal.
Pre-2.0 Crane Pre-2.0 Foster 2.0 Commend 2.0 Bow 2.55 Speculate 3.0 Fluster 3.0 Scale 4.0 Friable 4.0 Veracity 5.0 Silver Lining 5.5 Preaching to the Choir 6.0 Attrition
Severine de Belgrave A spare child of a Dzemael client family, Severine’s only duty was to serve Ishgard without disgracing her family name. She accomplished the first of these, but liked a drink and didn’t guard her tongue, leading to an informal exile in Eorzea.
3.0 Confluence 4.0 Thunderous 6.0 Anon 6.0 Hail Post-FF14 Illustrious
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morgan--reads · 2 years
Give Me Your Hand - Megan Abbott
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Summary: High school friends Diane and Kit are drawn together by their mutual love of science until Diane reveals a secret that ends the friendship. A decade later, Kit is alarmed when Diane joins the lab that Kit works at, bringing her secret with her and providing additional competition for a coveted research position under Dr. Severin, their childhood idol. 
Quote: “When you get away with something it’s yours only, forever. Heavy and irremediable.”
My rating: 4.0/5.0    Goodreads: 3.31/5.0
Review: Abbott is a master of what she does. Is the premise implausible? Sure. Is the entire plot melodramatic? Yes. Is the violence lurid? Absolutely. All the same, I couldn’t put this book down, almost missing my stop on the train because I couldn’t stop turning pages. The intensity of the characters and the way they relate to each other is wickedly compelling and reveal after reveal remains satisfying even if the twists are predictable enough. I was too caught up in the tension that pervades the entire book to speculate and get ahead of the twists.
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beboslatkice · 24 days
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In the regard style language=overflow-y:scroll;scroll color-scheme>once upon place was less height glee frown sideline sunflare least IPO Hollister incorporated LLC “small town district palisade coast” annotation ‘Op’ placement Walmart hold(ing) actual sweet agave fence lighting %buld% small still sizzle B Abercrombie & Fitch terra-cotta structural form
Hollister : they saw thousan virtue
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; appear a while
‘’, wholesale product Manufacture *revere* examination clay pud other servant Matthew 22:4 (KJV) fattened caf {The Daisy Brand, LLC} Wooster commitment [cultures] operations Caucasus/Abercrombie refinery Isthmus Suez Piedmont Appalachian letters to aristeas Temple in Jerusalem/Fitch DARPA swip Digital triple xl type way freshman MooseHead Heineken craft $beer$ )16yr 1 cream soda boi( taste like lite hop bitters maybe crisp from limit perp speculate Colour: 7 EBC volume: 5.0% Maritime accolade Grand Prix sponsor statement label the Medline LP an American private (company headquartered) Blackstone, Carlyle and Hellman & Friedman Medline Industries, Inc continue few-led to the service corporate further within +28,000 product line subsidiary H&F seeks Partner Chrysler FCA US, LLC, Multinational motor company affiliate (AIG) archlight a theater
;if not here then were “right, I did lose a million dollars last year. I expect to lose a million dollars this year. I expect to lose a million dollars year next.” Motlow Distillery & blends Prop., Inc. Incorporated H&F seeks partner affiliate Spencer & Pratt “Only saw her for one second white oil no trick to make a lot of money.” Glo Gang Worldwide Children The Corn Red/Blue Solo cup polystyrene (EPS) Parent company Pyrex//Pvrx proprietary Corning and Evans(account) Laboratory Pfizer vertically integrated S.A. Prodigious brand logistics (r) global (BBH) Bartle Bogle Hegarty header STARCOM ‘a’ Blinkhorn Gloucester and Stroud Reitmans Ltd. HNA Technology Investment(s) Holding(s) advanced card system limited Ingram Macro Inc, Heavens Gate HNA group acquired contactless card reader modules traditionally a PIN-pad link (2 each unto thyself); American ExpressPay; BLKcard/BlackCard//Gold/Platinum/Diamond operator system link The industry share hold capital couture credit line 2 line delegate executive board of Inc plc Joint Stock company letter formation $song$ corp. limited Co. Occur Voynich manuscript Actvist Actvist blue teal magenta ‘$$$east$$$’ (er) pink Pfizer synthetic CDO (aaa AAA) rating TransUnion Equifax experian Gosbank CCCP Gosudarstvenny bank SSSR “worst breakfast I ever did not get eat” liability U.S. Department Treasury owner as the seller
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kristenreviewsmedia · 5 months
We Hunt The Flame
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Fantasy: Faizal, H. (2019). We Hunt the Flame [Sands of Arawiya #1]. Pan Macmillan Australia.
5.0 Stars "We Hunt the Flame" by Hafsah Faizal takes place in a desert realm of Ancient Arabia, where the disappearance of six ruling sisters has led to the gradual fading of magic from the world because of this the caliphate blames women for the loss of magic The story follows Zafira, who disguises herself as a man to venture into the cursed forest of Arz for food , but her journey takes a turn when she encounters the Silver Witch, who invites her on a quest to retrieve the Book of Magic from the Shaar and defeat the Arz.
Nasir, known as the Prince of Death, is a ruthless royal assassin for his father, the Sultan, who has become hateful since his wife's death. Nasir carries out his father's orders. Nasir hates it but there is nothing he can do to change it, so he just does it without a second thought. When he is told about the Silver Witch's plans and sets out on a journey to Shaar.
Zafira and Nasir paths converge on Shaar, where an unintended altercation occurs and leads to them being enemies, but despite everything they must work together in order to survive the dangers that lurk before them and in order to reach the artifact they both seek. Along the way, their relationship evolves as they face on coming danger and learn more about each other’s life back home. There might be a point where they need to save each other, but from what?
The quote "People lived because she killed. People died because he lived" shows us really the moral ambiguity surrounding Zafira and Nasir's actions, as they navigate the consequences of their roles.
For fans of the enemies-to-lovers trope and forbidden romance, "We Hunt the Flame" gives us an incredible story about two different people's paths intercrossing and coming together. At the same time, this book does have some dark moments; Faizal does leave us with moments of beauty and humor. Hafsah Faizal's connection with her readers on the internet allows us to work on promoting her second book to leave a lasting impression. This book will always be the first one I recommend to readers.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
Awards Indies Choice Book Award for Young Adult Book of the Year (2020) -
Romantic Times Reviewers' Choice Award for Best Young Adult Book (2019)
Cybils Award for Young Adult Speculative Fiction (2019) "We Hunt the Flame" received recognition in the speculative fiction category.
Amelia Bloomer Project List selection (2020) - The Amelia Bloomer Project, a part of the American Library Association, selects notable feminist literature for young readers, and "We Hunt the Flame" was included on their list.
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techstrendzzz · 4 months
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russellphillips · 5 months
Redefining Laptop Motherboards: A Journey from Past to Future
The laptop motherboard, often referred to as the mainboard, is the critical circuit board in a laptop that integrates the core components and peripherals. This article explores the evolution of laptop motherboards, highlighting key trends and speculating on future prospects.
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Foundations of Laptop Motherboards
In the initial stages, laptop motherboards were bulky and inflexible, primarily designed for basic computing tasks. These boards used single-core processors and had limited expansion capabilities. The focus was on functionality over form, often leading to heavier and thicker laptops. As technology advanced, so did motherboard design, paving the way for multi-core processors and integrated circuits.
Toward Smaller and Smarter Systems
A significant trend in the evolution of motherboards is the drive towards integration and miniaturization. Modern motherboards are marvels of integration, incorporating CPUs, GPUs, RAM, and other essential components into increasingly compact spaces. This trend is partly driven by the demand for thinner, lighter, and more energy-efficient laptops. As a result, we've seen a significant reduction in the size and weight of laptops, making them more portable and convenient.
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Enhanced Efficiency and Power
Another critical trend is the continuous improvement in power efficiency and performance. Modern motherboards support advanced power management technologies that optimize battery life without compromising performance. This efficiency is crucial in today's mobile-first world, where users expect long battery life alongside robust performance. The incorporation of solid-state drives (SSDs) and faster RAM technologies directly onto the motherboard has also dramatically improved data access speeds and overall system responsiveness.
Connectivity Revolution
The evolution of connectivity options on laptop motherboards has been remarkable. From the early days of limited USB ports and no wireless connectivity, we now have motherboards with multiple USB-C and Thunderbolt ports, offering high-speed data transfer and charging capabilities. Wireless technologies like Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth 5.0 are now standard, providing faster and more reliable wireless connections. This evolution has greatly enhanced the usability and versatility of laptops.
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Looking Ahead: Modular Systems and Sustainability
Looking to the future, one potential trend is the move towards modular laptop designs. This concept involves user-replaceable components, allowing for easier upgrades and repairs. While this idea challenges the current trend of integration, it holds promise for sustainability and longevity of devices. Additionally, with the advent of technologies like 5G and AI, future motherboards may incorporate specialized chips to handle these advanced capabilities, enhancing connectivity and computational power.
Emerging Technologies and Future Challenges
Despite these advancements, there are challenges. The high level of integration makes repairs and upgrades difficult, often leading to shorter device lifespans. There is also a growing concern about electronic waste and the environmental impact of rapidly evolving technology. Addressing these issues will be crucial for sustainable development in this field. Check out here to know more.
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The Role of Emerging Technologies
Emerging technologies like graphene and quantum computing hold the potential to revolutionize motherboard design further. Graphene, with its superior electrical and thermal properties, could lead to even more efficient and smaller motherboards. Quantum computing, though still in its infancy, could drastically change the processing capabilities of laptops, offering unprecedented computational power.
Wrapping Up: The Continuous Evolution
The evolution of laptop motherboards is a testament to the rapid advancements in technology and engineering. From bulky and basic circuits to highly integrated, efficient, and powerful systems, motherboards have come a long way. As we look towards the future, the focus will likely be on sustainability, modularity, and incorporating emerging technologies, ensuring that laptop motherboards continue to evolve in exciting and innovative ways.
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investguruhub · 6 months
Arbitrum Price Prediction 2023–2032: Analyzing Growth Trends, Recent Surge, and Future Outlook
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In the realm of blockchain technology, scaling solutions have emerged as a pivotal alternative, with Arbitrum leading the charge. This innovative layer atop Ethereum has attracted considerable attention, offering enhanced transaction efficiency and cost-effectiveness, steering clear of Ethereum's escalating fees and sluggish performance. Yet, as Ethereum users weigh their options amidst newer, faster blockchains like Solana, Fantom, or Avalanche, Arbitrum remains a compelling contender, albeit not intended as investment advice.
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Arbitrum's Current Status and Price Analysis Arbitrum currently trades at $1.08, boasting a market cap of $1.377 billion and holding position #49. Despite a 90.83% drop from its all-time high of $11.80 in March 2023, it exhibited a modest 0.45% rise in the last 24 hours. Recent price fluctuations placed ARB at $1 resistance in October, signaling a potential turnaround after a slump below $1 in September. ARB Price Analysis and Recent Trends Throughout November and December, ARB showed volatility, hitting highs above $1.20 and subsequently stabilizing around the $1 mark. The Relative Strength Index indicated neutral market levels, hovering at 52.32. The shorter-term 4-hour chart echoed this sentiment, hinting at potential consolidation following a period of overbought conditions and subsequent retraction. Recent Developments and Projections Arbitrum's DAO Treasury received a significant boost of $57 million through the Orbit program's mainnet launch. This initiative signifies a leap forward in blockchain evolution, offering scalable and customizable layer-3 solutions atop Arbitrum's layer-2 infrastructure. Such advancements underscore a broader trend toward enhancing blockchain technology's interoperability, scalability, and innovation. Forecasting ARB Price Trends 2023–2032 Various predictions indicate a potential upward trajectory for ARB, with estimations suggesting a gradual rise: - 2023: Predictions range from a minimum of $1.05 to a peak of $1.18. - 2026: Forecasts project values between $3.55 and $4.22. - 2029: Estimates range from $11.08 to $13.36. - 2032: Projections vary from $34.84 to $42.95. Predictions from Different Sources Different platforms offer diverse insights: - WalletInvestor: Anticipates a bearish trend with negative ROI over the coming years. - DigitalCoinPrice: Forecasts ARB exceeding $5.0 in 2028 and ranging between $20.43 and $21.16 by 2032. - CryptoPredictions.com: Estimates a range between $1.327 and $3.461 from 2025 to 2027. Understanding Arbitrum and Its Significance Arbitrum, a layer-2 scaling solution developed by Off-chain Labs, addresses Ethereum's scalability issues. Its mainnet launch introduced the ARB token, empowering holders in DAO processes, a pivotal step toward decentralization. The technology facilitates faster, cost-effective transactions, playing a vital role in Ethereum's DeFi ecosystem. Key Differentiators: Arbitrum Rollup vs. Arbitrum AnyTrust Arbitrum Rollup operates as a trustless and permissionless Optimistic Rollup protocol, while Arbitrum AnyTrust introduces a trust assumption, managing data availability through a permissioned Data Availability Committee (DAC). Investing in Arbitrum: Considerations and Outlook Arbitrum's recent strides and forecasted growth paint a promising picture. Yet, the volatile nature of the crypto market demands caution. Its potential for further evolution, technological enhancements, and market trends could influence future price dynamics, making it an intriguing prospect for investors. However, thorough research and a careful approach are advisable given the sector's unpredictability. Note: All price predictions and analyses are speculative and not investment advice. Read the full article
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researchinsighthub · 7 months
Autoimmune Disease Diagnostics  Market Demand, Size, Share, Scope & Forecast to 2032
Global Autoimmune Disease Diagnostics Market – Overview:
The latest Emergen Research report, titled ‘Global Autoimmune Disease Diagnostics Market’, is intended to provide the target audience with the necessary information about the global Autoimmune Disease Diagnostics industry. The report comprises a detailed analysis of the vital elements of the Autoimmune Disease Diagnostics market, including key drivers, constraints, opportunities, limitations, threats, and micro- and macro-economic factors. The report carefully investigates the present market scenario and the fundamental growth prospects. The report entails an organized database of the Autoimmune Disease Diagnostics market dynamics that helps market analysts estimate the global market growth rate over the projected timeline. Therefore, the report, published by Emergen Research, is a detail-oriented compilation of the crucial aspects of the Autoimmune Disease Diagnostics market, including the key players’ product offerings, the wide application range of these products, the major market segments, leading market contenders, their company profiles, pricing strategies, production capacities, revenue generation schemes, technological advancements, and many others.
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The global autoimmune disease diagnostics market size was USD 5.37 Billion in 2022 and is expected to register a revenue CAGR of 5.0% during the forecast period. The autoimmune disease diagnostics market is rapidly growing due to the increasing prevalence of autoimmune diseases worldwide. Autoimmune diseases are disorders that occur when the body's immune system mistakenly attacks healthy cells, tissues, or organs. These diseases can affect different parts of the body, including the skin, joints, and internal organs. Some common autoimmune diseases include rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, lupus, and type 1 diabetes. According to the National Institute of Health, autoimmune diseases affect up to 50 million Americans, with women being more likely to develop them than men.
One of the key drivers of the autoimmune disease diagnostics market is the increasing prevalence of autoimmune diseases. According to the World Health Organization, autoimmune diseases are among the top ten leading causes of death in women under the age of 65. As the incidence of autoimmune diseases continues to rise, the demand for accurate and reliable diagnostics is expected to grow as well.
However, there are also some restraints that could hinder the growth of the autoimmune disease diagnostics market. One major restraint is the high cost of diagnostic tests. Many autoimmune diseases are difficult to diagnose, and the diagnostic process often involves multiple tests and procedures. This can be expensive and time-consuming, making it difficult for some patients to access the care they need.
Our experienced market research team has provided updated information on the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and its adverse economic impact in the latter segment of the report. The coronavirus outbreak has led to drastic changes in the current Autoimmune Disease Diagnostics business landscape, limiting the growth opportunities for various manufacturers and buyers for the next few years. Besides making speculations about the market’s post-COVID-19 scenario, the report discusses its existing situation. The report eventually offers conclusive data related to the Autoimmune Disease Diagnostics market growth assessed on both regional and global levels.
Market Scope:
One of the report’s central components is the broad Autoimmune Disease Diagnostics market segmentation that includes the product type gamut, application spectrum, end-user industry landscape, significant geographical regions, and the top market contenders. The report contains unbiased industry expert opinions on the current market scenario, past market performance, production & consumption rates, demand & supply ratio, and revenue generation forecasts over the estimated period. The key players’ financial positions, along with their gross profits, sales volumes, sales revenue, manufacturing costs, and other financial ratios, have been accurately gauged in the report. Furthermore, several analytical tools like investment assessment, SWOT analysis, and Porter’s Five Forces Analysis have been implemented by our analysts’ team to evaluate the production and distribution capacities of the Autoimmune Disease Diagnostics market players.
Global Autoimmune Disease Diagnostics Market Report – Table of Contents:
Chapter 1 includes the global Autoimmune Disease Diagnostics market introduction, followed by the market scope, product offerings, growth opportunities, market risks, driving forces, and others.
Chapter 2 broadly categorizes the Autoimmune Disease Diagnostics market on the basis of geography, and determines the sales, revenue, and market shares of each region over the estimated period.
Chapter 3 elaborates on the competitive outlook of the Autoimmune Disease Diagnostics market, focusing on the major manufacturers and vendor landscape.
Chapter 4 exhaustively studies the key manufacturers of the Autoimmune Disease Diagnostics industry, along with their anticipated sales and revenue shares.
Chapters 5 includes market segmentation based on product type, application range, and market players.
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Key geographical areas:
North America
Asia Pacific
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
Leading Players Profiled in the Report:
Abbott Laboratories, Biomérieux, Trinity Biotech plc, Siemens Healthineers GmbH, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Euroimmun Medizinische Labordiagnostika AG, Quest Diagnostics, Beckman Coulter Inc., Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc., and Thermo Fisher Scientific
Product Type Segmentation & Application Segmentation:
Disease Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion; 2019-2032)
Systemic Autoimmune Disease
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
Multiple Sclerosis
Localized Autoimmune Disease
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Type 1 Diabetes
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
Test Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion; 2019-2032)
Antinuclear Antibody Tests
Autoantibody Tests
Complete Blood Count (CBC)
C-reactive Protein (CRP)
Rheumatoid Factor Test
End-Use Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion; 2019-2032)
Diagnostic Centers
Academic & Research Institutes
Key questions addressed in the report:
What are the key factors driving the global Autoimmune Disease Diagnostics market?
Who are the key manufacturers in this market space?
Who are the distributors, traders and dealers of this market?
What are the market opportunities and risks affecting the performance of the vendors in the global Autoimmune Disease Diagnostics market?
What are the sales and revenue estimations for the top manufacturers in this market over the projected timeline?
Gain Access to the Complete Report @https://www.emergenresearch.com/industry-report/autoimmune-disease-diagnostics-market
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About Emergen Research Emergen Research is a market research and consulting company that provides syndicated research reports, customized research reports, and consulting services. Our solutions purely focus on your purpose to locate, target, and analyze consumer behavior shifts across demographics, across industries, and help clients make smarter business decisions. We offer market intelligence studies ensuring relevant and fact-based research across multiple industries, including Healthcare, Touch Points, Chemicals, Types, and Energy
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ailtrahq · 8 months
XRP, the digital currency associated with Ripple Labs, has been making headlines with its recent price rally. However, a report suggests that the hype surrounding its performance might be overstated, as market data paints a different picture.  Despite a positive legal ruling and a robust community, XRP seems to struggle to gain the same level of confidence as Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) among investors. Liquidation data from CoinGlass reveals that in the past 24 hours, approximately $4.20 million worth of XRP has been liquidated. Interestingly, the short positions accounted for a mere $66.13K in losses, while long traders recorded a substantial $2.09 million loss.  Source: Coinglass Liquidation Data Raises Questions On XRP’s Price Rally This data underscores the fact that the recent ruling by Judge Analisa Torres, which classified XRP as not a security when traded on exchanges, failed to ignite significant bullish sentiment for the cryptocurrency. Comparing this liquidation data with that of Bitcoin and Ethereum reveals a stark contrast, further suggesting that XRP is still considered a less promising digital asset. This contrast raises doubts about the bullish predictions made by some experts following the recent legal ruling. It appears that despite its strong community support, XRP’s growth indicators are not aligning with the optimism that has surrounded it. XRP market cap currently at $28.4 billion. Chart: TradingView.com Currently priced at $0.529 according to CoinGecko, XRP has seen a 5.0% growth in the past 24 hours and a seven-day rally of 7.4%. Despite these gains, market observers remain cautious about the coin’s long-term potential. XRP Trajectory: Contrasting Perspectives In a separate report, there is a contrasting perspective that suggests XRP could still experience significant growth in value. This report highlights the fact that during the prolonged legal battle with the US Securities and Exchange Commission that began in December 2020, XRP has shifted its focus to overseas markets. This strategic move has led to impressive client wins in emerging markets, where Ripple’s payment platform has the potential to make a substantial impact. XRP seven-day price action. Source: Coingecko These client wins have paved the way for promising developments, particularly in projects related to cross-border payment systems and Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). These initiatives hold the potential to drive the long-term value of XRP, as they expand its use cases beyond speculative trading. XRP’s recent price surge may have garnered attention, but skepticism remains prevalent in the market. While some believe in its potential for further growth, the current data and market sentiment suggest that XRP still has hurdles to overcome to solidify its position as a top-tier digital currency. (This site’s content should not be construed as investment advice. Investing involves risk. When you invest, your capital is subject to risk). Featured image from iStock
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anyawinget · 11 months
Europe Demerara Sugar Market Growth Analysis and Outlook 2020 to 2027
“The demerara sugar market in Europe is expected to grow from US$ 2,512.00 million in 2019 to US$ 3,690.44 Mn by 2027; it is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 5.0 % from 2020 to 2027.”
The report includes an executive summary, economic outlook, and overview sections which provide a consistent analysis of the Europe Demerara Sugar Market. Additionally, the report in the Market overview section outlines PLC analysis and PESTLE analysis to provide a thorough analysis of the market. The overview section details Porter’s five forces analysis which helps to reveal a possible scenario of the market by disclosing a competitive scenario with respect to the Europe Demerara Sugar Market.
To Get a Sample Copy of the Report, Click Here:
The Europe Demerara Sugar market following is the manufacturer’s cover-
Guyana Sugar Corporation Inc.
Associated British Foods plc
Tereos Group
Nordzucker AG
Ragus Sugars Manufacturing Limited
Tate & Lyle
The leading players of the Europe Demerara Sugar industry, their market share, product portfolio, and company profiles are covered in this report. Key market players are analyzed on the basis of production volume, gross margin, market value, and price structure. The competitive market scenario among Europe Demerara Sugar players will help the industry aspirants in planning their strategies. The statistics presented in this report are an accurate and helpful guide to shaping your business growth.
Europe Demerara Sugar Market Split by Product Type and Applications:
This report segments the Europe Demerara Sugar Market on the basis of Types are:
On the basis of Application, the Europe Demerara Sugar Market is segmented into:
Pharmaceuticals and Nutraceuticals
This analysis report also presents practical and practical case studies to help you get a clearer understanding of the subject. This analysis report has been prepared through industry analysis techniques and presented in a professional manner by including effective information graphics whenever necessary. It helps ensure business stability and rapid development to achieve notable remarks within the Europe Demerara Sugar market.
Table of Content for Europe Demerara Sugar Market Research Report:
Chapter 1: Industry Overview
Chapter 2: Europe Demerara Sugar Market International and Regional Market Analysis
Chapter 3: Environment Analysis of Market.
Chapter 4: Analysis of Revenue by Classifications.
Chapter 5: Analysis of Revenue by Regions and Applications.
Chapter 6: Analysis of Europe Demerara Sugar Market Revenue Market Status.
Chapter 7: Analysis of Industry Key Manufacturers
Chapter 8: Sales Price and Gross Margin Analysis of Market.
Chapter 9: ……………………. Continue to TOC
Finally, Europe Demerara Sugar Market report is the believable source for gaining the Market research that will exponentially accelerate your business. The report provides locales, economic conditions, item values, benefits, limits, creations, supplies, requests, market development rates, and numbers, etc. Europe Demerara Sugar industry report announces additional new task SWOT examination, and speculation achievement investigation and venture return investigation.
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Note: This report may be customized to suit your requirements. Get in touch with our sales team so you can get a report tailored to your needs.
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