#5. Canine Good Citizen program
nailscare002 · 3 months
Unleash Your Dog's Potential: The Best Dog Training Courses for a Well-Behaved Companion
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Introduction: Welcoming a furry friend into your home is a joyous occasion, but it also comes with the responsibility of proper training. A well-trained dog not only makes for a happier and more harmonious household but also strengthens the bond between owner and pet. With an abundance of dog training courses available, finding the right one can be overwhelming. In this article, we'll explore some of the best dog training courses that cater to various needs and preferences, ensuring that you and your canine companion embark on a journey of learning and growth together.
Understanding the Importance of Dog Training: Before delving into specific training courses, it's essential to understand the significance of proper dog training. Training provides dogs with the necessary skills and behaviors to thrive in various environments, from basic obedience commands to more advanced tasks. Additionally, training helps address behavioral issues, fosters communication between dog and owner, and enhances the overall quality of life for both parties involved.
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Best Dog Training Courses:
The Online Dog Trainer by Doggy Dan:
Description: Developed by renowned dog trainer Doggy Dan, this comprehensive online course offers a wealth of resources for dog owners of all experience levels. From basic obedience training to addressing specific behavioral issues, Doggy Dan provides practical techniques and insights to help you build a strong foundation with your dog.
Key Features: Video tutorials, personalized training plans, access to a supportive online community, and a range of topics covering obedience, behavior modification, and more.
SEO Keywords: Online dog training, Doggy Dan, comprehensive dog training course.
Zak George's Dog Training Revolution:
Description: Hosted by celebrity dog trainer Zak George, this popular YouTube channel and associated online course offer engaging and informative training content for dog owners worldwide. With a focus on positive reinforcement techniques and understanding canine behavior, Zak George empowers dog owners to cultivate a positive relationship with their pets.
Key Features: Free YouTube tutorials, online courses with structured curriculum, emphasis on positive reinforcement training methods, and practical advice for addressing common training challenges.
SEO Keywords: Zak George, positive reinforcement training, YouTube dog training channel.
Karen Pryor Academy:
Description: Founded by renowned animal behaviorist Karen Pryor, the Karen Pryor Academy offers in-person and online dog training courses designed for aspiring professional trainers and dog enthusiasts alike. With a strong emphasis on science-based, force-free training methods, the academy equips students with the knowledge and skills to excel in the field of dog training.
Key Features: Certification programs, online courses, workshops, and seminars, emphasis on positive reinforcement and clicker training techniques, and opportunities for continuing education and professional development.
SEO Keywords: Karen Pryor Academy, science-based dog training, force-free training methods. you can check this product now 4 Canine Good Citizen (CGC) Program:
Description: Developed by the American Kennel Club (AKC), the Canine Good Citizen program sets a standard for well-behaved dogs and responsible dog ownership. The program covers basic obedience skills such as sit, stay, and come, as well as good manners in various real-life situations. Participating in CGC training and testing can help your dog become a well-rounded companion.
Key Features: Structured curriculum, testing and certification through AKC-approved evaluators, focus on real-life obedience and socialization skills, and recognition as a Canine Good Citizen.
SEO Keywords: Canine Good Citizen program, AKC dog training, obedience certification
Conclusion: Investing in a quality dog training course is an investment in your dog's well-being and your relationship with them. Whether you're a first-time dog owner or looking to refine your training techniques, the options mentioned above cater to a diverse range of needs and preferences. By choosing a training program that aligns with your goals and values, you can set your dog up for success and enjoy a fulfilling partnership built on trust, communication, and mutual respect.
By incorporating SEO keywords strategically throughout the article, you can improve its visibility and reach, ensuring that dog owners searching for reputable training courses find valuable information that meets their needs.
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I love any AUs you write! I love any canon you write! Whenever you write anything I'm so happy :) I know things are busy in life always so I'm waiting patiently and with excitement. Thank you
this is so sweet, here's something a little silly.
summary: "ava is quiet for a while. 'do you think,' she whispers, 'that we know each other in all of them?'
it's late and ava is drunk and you say things you mean, when it's like this. when the rest of the world is asleep and there's ava's perfume and the mountains. you say the truth quietly: 'i can't imagine my universe doesn't have you in it.'"
[or: in every universe, there's a lot of love. 5 small AUs, + 1 canon]
this is the golden age (of something good & right & real)
this i can tell you: when i came to your apartment for the first time, i recognized it. i knew, without knowing how, that i would never leave. these were the bricks you had been laying without knowing it; this was the path my flares had been lighting. it was the beginning of a wobbly and joyful and occasionally gross carrying on, learning to come home to you, marked and myself.
— jordan kissner, 'backward miracle', from thin places
it hurts, to hold death in your hands.
there's blood all over your scrubs and there's nothing you could have done differently; your hands are fast and clever and so is your brain. you've trained for so long for this, practiced for years and years, and still, you can't save everyone.
it's what ava tells you, after you've called time of death and after you have to tell a family that their son is dead, that the damage was too severe even before he was on your operating table, even before you'd cracked open his chest and held his shredded heart; he had died with you saying a silent apology, a prayer, a blessing. it's what ava tells you when she finds you in the attending lounge, tucked into a corner of the couch, your hands stinging.
'wanna hear a horrible platitude, dr. choi?'
you tuck your head into her shoulder, take comfort in the familiarity of her rose perfume and the starchy laundry detergent the hospital uses and the softness of her fleece quarterzip, ava silva, md, phd, facs embroidered on one side, department of neurosurgery smaller beneath. you feel her pulse beneath your lips on her neck, less of a kiss and more of a measure: 74 beats per minute, you count, healthy and normal and real.
'when has me saying no to that ever stopped you, dr. silva?'
she grins. 'someone very wise once told me: you can't save everyone.'
you huff, but it's not with any bite, and you follow along when she puts a finger under your chin and asks, silently, for you to meet her eyes. there are things you need to do, now that you're out of surgery and your shift is, technically, over: pick up your daughter from her tennis lesson; remember to remind ava to grill the zucchini for dinner you both keep forgetting is in the fridge; fold the load of laundry that you'd left in the dryer the night before; take your dog to his weekly canine good citizen class. there are things you need to do but for right now the only important thing is your wife, small and beautiful and brilliant, running her hand through your hair, scratching your scalp lightly, stilling her hand comfortingly there, the back of your skull. she rebuilds spines and you save hearts, or at the very least, you try; her back aches, all the time, and you have more grey in your hair every year.
when you had started your residency program here you had known you would be excellent at surgical innovation, at quick, precise sutures, at research; you hadn't anticipated, at all, how ava silva — brash and loud and deeply caring — had made all of that seem minuscule in the face of listening to a patient carefully, every single time. insignificant compared to the way she loves you, the way she has since before she had been so brave and kissed you one day in the stairwell after you'd saved someone. it's always a miracle: stitching someone's chest up, whole; kissing ava like it's the only thing you've ever wanted.
'i wish i could,' you say, softly, an admission and a hope.
'i know, baby.' ava kisses your temple. 'that's why you're the best in the world. that's why you do save so many people.'
you want to tell her no, it's because you love me. it's because you've given me a life and a home and a beautiful child and endless patience when i can't quite catch up, can't quite love as big or as loud or with the same abandon. you want to tell her so much, all the time, but she just cups your jaw and looks you calmly in the eyes.
'i know,' she tells you softly.
'i love you.'
she smiles, easy and delighted, just like she had the first time you said it, all those years ago, in the middle of a rainstorm in the parking lot after you'd jogged after her at the end of a shift, when you couldn't last another moment without saying it, without her knowing for sure. 'oh, bea,' she says, 'i love you too.'
you don't bother to change out of your new pair of scrubs, and ava seems to decide that's fine for her too. she carefully folds your slacks and sweater and puts them in your duffle, then throws her nice clothes in a messy pile on top. you roll your eyes but just for posterity.
she fishes your wedding bands out from the small zipped pocket on the side and puts hers on, then grins when she runs her thumb along your tender wrist and slips it onto your finger. it's raining again today, too, and you open your umbrella as you leave, make sure ava is completely covered. your shoulder gets a little wet but you don't mind. ava takes your hand in hers, cold and slightly chapped and real — so, so real — and you hold it too, easy: life.
ava silva, you read on the report, and then the details about her arrest. she has no priors and there's a whole slew of cases just like this judge superion continues to dismiss entirely — much to your delight — in the wake of so many protests. your job has been monumentally chaotic lately, but you're glad for it, glad you're able to do something.
you take a deep breath and comb your fingers through your hair with its neat part and clean edges, straighten the lapels on your suit, and set your shoulders: you will win.
when you open the door, ava perks up. she's wearing a t-shirt that says ACAB on it, with a picture of pigs behind, and there's both a small palestinian flag and a small bisexual flag taped on the handles of her chair. her hair, just brushing her chin, is kind of a mess, and she looks exhausted, but, still she smiles.
'you're my lawyer?'
you're a little thrown off by the question: you're young, but so is ava; you'd passed the bar with one of the highest scores in the state a few years ago and have been excellent ever since, offered countless partner track positions at various firms, but instead you've chosen to do work you actually care about; you've been building a rock solid reputation as one of the most gifted attorneys at the aclu for awhile now.
but you nod, offer your hand. 'beatrice, she/her pronouns.'
'sweet. i'm ava — which i guess you already know — any pronouns.'
you nod and make a neat little note on the report.
'okay, before you judge me for what i'm about to say, please know that i haven't slept in 36 hours, and i think i might be getting a pressure sore on my hip because i've had to be in my chair this entire time.'
you frown. 'that's unconstitutional. they're supposed to make sure you have accommodations under the ADA.'
'yeah,' she says, ‘well, if the police state actually cared about disabled people, we probably wouldn’t be in this jail, would we?’
you bite your bottom lip. ‘we wouldn’t.’
she shrugs. ‘anyway. i was just gonna say you’re hot.’
'don't read too much into it,' ava says. 'i'm tired.'
'understandably so. would it be more comfortable for you to move somewhere else? i can probably arrange it quickly.'
'nah,' they say, dismiss the idea with a wave of their hand. 'let's just get this over with, right? i mostly just want to go home.' their shoulders soften. 'thank you, though.'
'of course.'
'you really mean that, don't you?’
you know the weight of it. 'yes, i do.'
ava's smile is bright, tired, easy, especially for all of this. 'do you want to hear my side, or do you already know what you're going to tell the jury?'
'there won't be a jury,' you say, seriously, and then laugh when you realize ava was kidding. 'i suspect, in fact, that judge superion will dismiss all charges immediately.'
'whew,' ava says, 'thank fuck.'
'i do want to know what happened, though. if you feel safe and comfortable telling me. i can pull in mental health support if that would be helpful.'
'oh,' ava says, but then shakes his head. 'that's okay. you're, you know, you seem cool. in addition to being hot.'
'sorry.' she grins and you're already helpless against it. she tells you what happened, and, just like you suspected, ava had done nothing wrong, and, just as you've always come to expect, the cop assaulted her, certainly not the other way around. she also tells you that she runs community outreach programming for a grassroots disability justice organization, that she's a mario kart champion, and that she has a cat named serena williams — not necessary, but endearing nonetheless, and you don't stop her. instead, you take notes carefully and put your pen down when it's clear she's finished.
'well, i feel strongly that your case will be dismissed without any issue, although of course i can't promise for certain.'
'poor form, i guess. makes sense.'
'unfortunately, you should change your shirt before we go into the courtroom.'
'damn,' ava says, shaking her head ruefully, although she laughs. 'can i keep the flags, though?'
you shrug out of your jacket; ava probably doesn't have any spare clothes, and it's easier this way. you want her to get to go home as quickly as possible. 'you can keep the flags,' you say, and hand your jacket to her quietly.
'damn, gucci? i — i can't wear this. like, for real, beatrice.'
'no worries.' she still frowns. 'genuinely. it’s due to be dry-cleaned anyway.'
she squints. your suit jacket is deep green, linen lined with gold silk. it had been the first thing you'd bought yourself when you passed the bar, when you were just settling into your skin: tailored suits and crisp button-downs, comfortable, soft sweaters and loose cotton pants on the weekends. you cannot think of a single other person in the entire world that you would so casually let wear something so special, something that holds a lot of comfort and pride.
ava still looks skeptical but he puts it on, lifting with his arms to tuck it properly around his waist, and then buttons it so that the majority of his shirt is covered. 'thank you, beatrice.'
you nod. 'let's go get everything taken care of, yes?'
and you do: it goes as you'd both hoped and expected, and soon, you're walking with ava out of the courthouse. it's bright; you get your sunglasses out of your briefcase and ava grins up at you.
'well, will you let me take care of your dry-cleaning for your jacket as a thank you, at least?'
'i — it's my job. no need to thank me.'
'you have a dry cleaner you like, huh?'
you grimace. 'i do.'
ava's laugh is bright. 'okay, fine. but, dinner?'
when you hesitate, he reaches to touch your hand, just for a moment.
'i'm trying to ask you out. so, let me? if you want?'
you open your bag and get out a business card, quickly write your personal number on the back, and then hand it to her. 'dinner sounds wonderful, ava.'
you button and unbutton the top clasp on your perfectly pressed collared shirt, then run a hand over your hair that you buzz every week, precise and just how you like it. you’re not supposed to fidget but it’s no use: you set to retying your apron for the fifth time, and then somehow feel regret for the one small, stupid tattoo of a pringle you got, just above your elbow, blackout drunk, on a dare on your twenty-third birthday, even though it's definitely not noticeable among the rest of the tattoos that fill out your sleeve.
lilith scoffs. 'chef,' she says, already a bad start because lilith never calls you that unless it’s at the beginning of an insult. she leans casually against the perfectly clean counter. 'you don't even have hair to mess with, your shirt looks gay, the pringle is admittedly funny, and your apron is as boring and perfect as ever.'
'i have never seen you in the kitchen in anything but a black apron.' it's both incomplete and petulant, unfortunately, and only makes her smile bigger, teeth bared.
'you have a crush.'
'i have never in my life have a crush.’
lilith raises a brow.
‘besides, i don't have time.'
she rolls her eyes. 'that's a shallow excuse. i'm sleeping with no less than three people at any given time.'
you pinch the bridge of your nose; you feel a headache coming on.
'fine,' lilith relents, easier than normal, probably because you both are exhausted; opening a restaurant — even though you'd been the chef de cuisine at superion's before this, with its three michelin stars — is more work than you could've imagined. 'well, i'm going to go do literally anything other than witness you continue to be terrible at flirting, especially with ava. don't do anything i wouldn't do.'
'don't think that crosses too much off the list,' you say, and lilith laughs.
'night, beatrice.'
you wave in her direction as she heads out and check on the stewed lamb you'd been simmering — delicate, full of your favorite spices and scallions and cilantro. it's not fancy, not something you would serve on the menu — not in the same way, at least — but it's comforting. it's cold outside, and you hear the front door bang open and then a shit, fuck, sorry from the woman who is pretty quickly becoming your favorite person in the world.
'i'm in the kitchen,' you call out, which is probably unnecessary.
ava pokes her head in, windblown and red-cheeked, unwrapping her scarf, her hair half-out of its bun — beautiful. 'wouldn't expect you to be anywhere else,' she says, grinning. ‘you do leave sometimes though, right?’
ava doesn’t bother waiting for your answer. he snags a piece of a carrot you'd so painstakingly julienned by hand and pops it into her mouth, still smiling, and then comes to stand beside you while you do your best to not burst out of your skin. he puts his hand on the small of your back and her chin on your shoulder to peek over at the pot. 'hi,' she says, leans into you a little more. 'this smells incredible.'
it takes you a second to find your voice. 'it's the cumin.' you settle yourself. 'this is one of my favorite comfort foods,' you say, not much but, still, not nothing. and, like always, in a measure of grace, ava lights up at the offering.
'i can't wait to try it. thank you,' she says, so sincere, 'for making it for me.'
'i'm sure you have very important chefs making you food all the time.'
you feel her frown against your shoulder. 'well, a tasting menu, maybe. but that's work.'
'this isn't work?'
'is this on your menu?'
you resign yourself. 'no,' you admit.
she stands up straight, triumphant. 'exactly. listen, getting your wine pairings right is really important to me, but i'm not — spending time with you isn't work, to me, chef.'
'you can call me beatrice,' you say. and then, a beat: 'you should. it's not work, to make food for you.'
it's love, you know, but you can't bring yourself to say it, not yet.
ava's smile is soft and she nods, backs up and hoists herself up onto the counter behind you. it's a health and safety violation but you aren't actually open yet so you don't say anything, instead just let her kick her boots back and forth in the air a few times and shake her hair out of its less-than-successful bun. you turn to offer her a spoonful of the stew to try, hold your hand carefully underneath it, and bring it to her lips. she closes her eyes and then moans. 'beatrice,' she says, 'i swear to god, who i believe in now that that's been in my mouth — don't make a joke about that, okay — that is the best thing i've ever tasted in my whole entire life.'
it's so exuberant and genuine you can't do anything but laugh. 'an insult to the rest of my food, then.'
ava laughs too, hops down from the counter. 'no,' she says, 'all of your food is incredible. this is just —' she shakes her head, easy curls around her face.
'warm,' you say. 'it feels warm, right?'
ava tilts her head, eyes bright and soft. 'yeah. yeah, it does.'
you feel untethered, so you turn back to your food: perfect, and perfectly timed — like always, like you've never allowed yourself to stray from. maybe one day you'll be at home with ava, after a sleepy morning when your restaurant is up and running on its own, after you've let her cut your hair for you, after you've said vows in a garden and laughed when you fed each other cake — maybe one day she'll kiss you in the kitchen and you'll burn the eggs.
but for now: 'i brought something.'
she fishes around in her bag. 'okay, we definitely can't put this on the menu, but i brought something i've wanted to open for a long time.'
ava hands you a bottle of wine, deep red and rich, and when you read the label you have to force yourself to not audibly gasp. 'leroy domaine d'auvenay les bonnes-mares grand cru?' you read the entire thing aloud like some sort of prayer, but ava understands.
'the 1993.'
'ava,' you say, 'this is an eight-thousand dollar bottle of wine.'
'sure,' he says, shrugging like it's inconsequential, like it's an offering that she's never second-guessed. '$8716, to be exact. but it was a gift, no worries.'
'i can — should i make something different? i have a beautiful a5 wagyu ribeye —'
'you made me something warm you love.' she smiles gently. 'i don't want anything else.'
'you're sure?'
'a cab is perfect with lamb, you know.'
'i do — yes, i know that.'
ava laughs at how seriously you confirmed. 'plus, i want to share it with you.'
all you can do is smile, really, small and private and into the collar of your shirt. you get down your favorite bowls — you had picked every single one by hand — and then carefully ladle some stew into them. you dress your favorite light fall salad and get out wine glasses and a bottle opener.
'do you want to sit in the restaurant, or just eat back here?'
'my back is solid today,' ava says, 'so let's eat in here. i know you like it, you weirdo.'
you roll your eyes but really you just want to kiss her. she chatters on about her day and very unceremoniously uncorks the wine, your heart skipping a beat because — 'is this going to be the best wine i ever have in my life?'
'i sure hope not,' ava says, grinning at you. 'because that would mean i've really got a very long, very boring career ahead of me if i max out now.'
you grant her a nod: it's how you feel about getting to eat some of the best food in the world.
she pours the wine and then hands you a glass; you watch, mesmerized, as she holds the glass up and looks at the deep, perfect red with a little bit of awe on her face. she brings the glass to her nose and you follow suit.
'the body on this is so beautiful,' she says. 'do you smell the peppercorn?'
you don't, not really, but she's so incredible you just nod.
'alright,' she says, smiling at you, and then raises her glass to toast. you do with a quiet, careful clink. 'to you, and this wonderful place.'
her kindness — constant, gentle, overwhelming, always welcome — fills you up. you both take small sips of the wine, and she swirls it around her mouth and then swallows. her eyes flutter closed and, even though this is definitely the best wine you've ever had in your life, you can't even think about it, can't look away.
she puts her glass down and wipes genuine tears, then laughs. 'okay, on to the lamb, then!'
you let yourself laugh too, let her feel emotional about something she loves without any judgement or recourse; you've cried over food more times than you can count, even lilith's — you're taking that to your grave.
ava takes a large spoonful of the stew and then groans when she swallows, wipes her mouth with a perfectly starched white napkin. 'holy shit, bea.'
the stew is wonderful, although you'd never say that aloud. 'yeah?'
'god, yes.' she lays her hand on top of yours — hers, with its smooth skin, unbroken; yours, scars from years spent in kitchens, one tattoo stretching up from your wrist. 'you're incredible. i hope you know that.'
you look down at your fingers, twine them together. you haven't even kissed her so you swallow down the words — but even that's warm, like the wine and stew, because one day you'll get to say them. you mean them already. 'thank you, ava. it has been — it has been a genuine gift to get to work with you.'
'not many can elevate your food so fantastically, can they?' she says, taking her hand away and pouring you both more wine, groaning again when she takes a bite of her salad.
you scoff but it's with a smile you can't wipe off your face. 'who even gave you this wine?'
'the pope.'
'no way.'
she laughs, loud and bright. 'definitely not, but i bet that threw you for a loop.'
you're sure you're flushed — from the wine, from the food, from ava — but you don't dignify that with a response.
'dominique crenn, actually. i helped with her wedding.'
'no fucking way.'
'better than the pope, huh?'
'way better.'
'don't you know her?'
you do, but — 'still way better.'
ava laughs. 'i think she had a little crush on me. i'm charming, what can i say?'
you roll your eyes. 'do all the chefs have a crush on you?'
ava grins. 'depends.' she leans forward, into your space, and you can't breathe. 'do you?'
you won't admit to having a crush, not aloud. you've worked all over the world in some of the most prestigious, intense kitchens. your hands have always been steady.
they shake now, but it doesn't matter when you bring one to ava's jaw and close your eyes and kiss her. she smiles into your mouth — you can feel it — and you taste the spices in the stew and the peppercorn in the wine and it's warm, everywhere.
'jesus fuck, beatrice,' ava says, her hands tugging on your hair as you settle between her legs. you kiss up her thigh and she squirms. and, like, maybe it's not the most ethical thing, but your clients are in europe and the kitchen ava designed really is beautiful. you'd put in the marble earlier this morning, finally finishing the toughest room of the project, and ahead of schedule at that.
when ava had come to see, you'd already sent the rest of your crew home for the day — admittedly, in a little bit of the hope that ava would, in fact, want to do exactly this — and so when she'd seen you in your cutoff tank and toolbelt slung low on your hips, you'd known exactly what you'd hoped for was, in fact, probably (definitely) going to happen.
'god,' ava says, her fingers in your hair verging on painful, desperate for you to stop teasing. she loves it, though, and so you pull back and shush her.
'be good for me, baby. be patient.'
'you saying that to me is not going to help,' she says, her head thrown back, and you can't help but laugh.
'this house is so gorgeous.'
'yes, yes, i'm a brilliant architect. let's revisit that after my orgasm.'
'you've already come three times.'
'you're my fiancé — don't want you me to come for a fourth?' she relaxes her hands, though, and smooths one through your hair, rests it along your jaw sweetly.
'i do want that,' you say. 'i also know how much you love teasing.'
she groans.
'but, for you, i'll make this concession.'
you redouble your efforts and ava is so sensitive it doesn't take long before she's coming again in your mouth, quiet this time, a release. she tugs you up after a few seconds and then wraps her arms around you; you settle between her legs and she rests her head on your chest.
'we should do that more often.'
you laugh. 'we have sex fairly often.'
'sure, but we're used to our kitchen. this was fun.'
'this was fun,' you say, back up a little so you can brush some hair from her eyes, sweaty strands from her forehead. you soothe a thumb over her cheekbone and lean to kiss her softly.
'can you believe we're going to be wives soon?'
it's been four years of loving her, since the first time you got hired onto one of the houses she'd designed; the first time you worked up the courage to set up a small picnic in a half-finished living room, timbers around and the sunset quiet and orange in the background, it had felt like all the disparate pieces of your world slid into place — ease, and peace, and happiness. you work with your hands all the time, rough with calluses, but you know have always wanted to be gentle. ava's smile lights up the room; it always has.
'yeah,' you say, 'i love you. i can't wait to marry you.'
she kisses your cheek, then your jaw, then your pulse point, and sneaks a hand down your chest, your stomach, to unbutton your work pants. 'i can't wait to marry you either,' she tells you, voice low and full of want, as her fingers brush the waistband of your boxers.
you nod, whisper the most coherent yes you can muster, and then she's touching you just how you love. the room is bathed in light.
you hop the fence easily, landing quietly on the other side and rolling to your feet, shooting ava a thumbs up that she may or may not be able to see in the dark. you set your bag down near the edge of the pool and then hurry to the gate, open it as quietly as you can so ava can come through.
she does, not bothering to be quiet at all, laughing delightedly. when you shush her, she just rolls her eyes. 'don't be such a buzzkill, bea,' she says. 'you, like, superhero scaled that fence. have a little fun.'
'i don't want to get in trouble.'
she looks at you skeptically. 'then why are we doing something illegal?'
'you're a bad influence.'
she scoffs, pushing her chair close to the edge of the community pool. it's the middle of the night, so there's no one around, no guards or security. 'i'm a wonderful influence.' she glances over her shoulder, motions for you to come closer. 'plus, you're, like, perfect. not even mother superion has any grounds to fuck with you.'
it's an unspoken truth, then, maybe: you don't want ava to get in trouble. but she genuinely doesn't seem worried about that. instead, she just takes her shirt off and then lifts herself to take her shorts off too, leaving her in her underwear. she waggles her brows at you and you do your absolute level best to not look at her chest, or the apex of her thighs, the soft skin and dark hair there. but you're only seventeen, and it's really hard not to, so you busy yourself with taking your shirt off too, try to fight down any embarrassment or discomfort you have in your binder.
but ava just smiles and squeezes your hand. 'i know you promised me skinny dipping, but why don't you leave your binder on? it counts.'
you don't want to fucking cry on this intrepid — and definitely mildly illegal — adventure ava had begged you to go on for her birthday, so you just duck your head. 'yeah?'
'definitely,' ava says. 'like, it's who you are, first of all, and anyway, when we're older, and you've had surgery, then you can take your shirt off, you know?'
'we're still gonna be skinny-dipping together then?'
'of course,' ava says with a laugh, as if there could be no other option for the rest of your lives but to spend them with one another, two years from now right after you’d had top surgery; twenty years from that — it doesn’t matter. you're young, and you've been hurt; you had nowhere to go a few months ago, when your parents had kicked you out with one duffel bag of your stuff. you had spent a few nights sleeping at the park but eventually you needed to shower, and you needed food. when you had — with a deep, deep cloud of shame — talked to your school advisor, shannon, who you trust implicitly with everything, she had directed you to this program, a group home for unhoused queer and trans youth. ava's been there a while, getting out of a horrible foster home she'd been in, and mother superion — kind without any pity; stern — had shown you your bed on the side of your shared room. you had smiled because ava had made you a clumsy little sign with your name on it and some stickers. you'd talked all night, and it wasn't hard to notice that she was beautiful, and funny, and really, really smart. it wasn't hard to want to be her friend. it wasn't hard, not at all, to love her.
you nod and steady yourself, take off your jeans without tipping over. 'i'd like that.'
ava grins. 'good,' she says. you help her, quietly and without any fanfare, transfer out of her chair to sit on the edge of the pool; you'd been practicing for weeks. she's had hard days, where her hands are cramping badly, or when her body wasn't regulating its temperature properly, but mother superion had been careful and urgent in making sure ava got everything she needed. ava had asked you one night, after a bad day, if you saw her any differently after it, and it was easy to tell her no, to tell her that she is who she is, and the person you've grown to know and love is whole and complete and annoying and amazing. they were easy words to come by, even if you were a little worried you'd say something wrong: you needed to say them. she needed to know.
the trees around you sway in the warm late spring breeze and the night is dark and full of stars. you spend a lot of time doing nothing with her, and it's fuller than your life has ever been. you watch, mesmerized too much to hide it, as ava unhooks her bra and lets it fall from her shoulders. her eyes are big and inky-dark when she looks up at you, and your heart feels like it's beating out of your chest. you do the only thing you can think of in the moment, which is to canonball into the pool as forcefully as you can, which feels absolutely ridiculous halfway through but when you come up for air, ava is laughing and smiling and beautiful.
'that's your reaction to my boobs?'
'shut up,' you say, ducking under the water in your embarrassment. but when you inevitably have to resurface, ava is looking at you so softly. she holds her hands out and you swim over to her, make sure you're only in the shallow end so you'll be able to hold her up without any problems.
it's too much, when her body is pressed against yours and there's the moon and the way her teeth look. you feel her, everywhere, and you're horrified you might start crying, which you'd never ever live down. but ava can tell, and so she splashes you and then you're splashing each other, leading her over to the steps so she can sit and you can swim a little. eventually, you both tire, and you go through a practiced plan of making sure you can safely get ava out of the pool too. it goes off without a hitch and you dry off and slip your clothes back on, then sit at one of the small rickety tables set up by the pool, grass wet under your feet. you fish out a cupcake from your bag, slightly squished but red velvet, so ava definitely won't care. you get out a 1 and a 6 candle and put them in the top frosting, and then a light them with a match from a matchbox you'd gotten from lilith, which cost you two lunches and bathroom duty for a week but, for this moment, the way ava's face lights up in the small flames, it's worth it. it's so, so worth it.
'make a wish.'
ava closes her eyes, tight, for a few seconds, then blows out the candles. you insist she gives you the smaller half of the cupcake, and then you eat with your fingers, frosting everywhere, ava laughing the whole time.
you sit back and look up at the sky. 'i'm so glad i met you,' you say.
she's quiet. 'thank you, for this.'
i love you, you want to say. i think i'm too young to love you this way but i don't care. i will love you this way forever. thank you for loving me. i want to kiss you so bad i think i might die. 'happy birthday, ava.'
she winds your fingers together and it all smells like chocolate and chlorine. she kisses the top of your hand and then smiles, soft and only for you.
you hear ava from down the street, up the stairs, in the front door, and, finally, poking her head out the window where you're reading on the fire escape. you'll have to work more on your stealth training, you make a mental note.
'why are you up so late?' she asks, squirming out and then pestering enough that you scoot over so she can sit too. you can hear the halo's faint hum from here, which means that ava is probably a little drunk. she's so close and she smiles at you like you're the only person in the whole world.
you can't tell her that you can't sleep when she's not here, that you don't give a fuck about the halo most of the time other than that it's what's keeping her alive, it's what's needs to be kept safe so she can stay that way. you can't tell her that you missed her, even though she drives you crazy all day. you can't tell her any of it.
she doesn't mind, though; she's had too many shots and is also just too fond of you to be upset. she puts her chin on your shoulder. 'what are you reading?'
you flip to the front of the book so she can see the cover.
'oh, space. cool.'
'you can read it after me, if you like.'
'thanks, bea.'
'thought you might not believe in all this stuff, you know.'
'what stuff?'
she shrugs.
'science? space?'
'well, the beliefs you do have to hold are pretty weird. you're a gay nun and i'm like, i don't know, hot bi jesus. and there are demons? anti-angels, or something? wild.'
'i can't not believe in space, ava. that's impossible.'
ava just grins.
you sigh. 'i care to know how things works, and i care to know where harmful systems of people and power have told us otherwise.'
ava puzzles through it for a second. 'this is about you being gay?'
it's said so genuinely you can't do anything other than bark out a laugh, which makes ava dissolve into a fit of giggles and then hold up her hand. 'sorry, sorry. i'm drunk but i really meant, like — i care, you know. it's not a small thing.'
you shake your head a little, will the tears burning your eyes to not fall. you clear your throat and turn to a page you'd read and reread.
'there’s a variation of the ever-popular multiverse idea in which the multiple universes that comprise it are not separate universes entirely, but isolated, non-interacting pockets of space within one continuous fabric of space-time—' you read to her 'like multiple ships at sea, far enough away from one another so that their circular horizons do not intersect. As far as any one ship is concerned (without further data), it’s the only ship on the ocean, yet they all share the same body of water.'
she's quiet for a while. 'do you think,' she whispers, 'that we know each other in all of them?'
it's late and ava is drunk and you say things you mean, when it's like this. when the rest of the world is asleep and there's ava's perfume and the mountains. you say the truth quietly: 'i can't imagine my universe doesn't have you in it.'
she swallows and it's not fair, to love her so clearly. but she soldiers on: 'because i'm so cool and, additionally, hot?'
'something like that.'
'i bet in another universe you're, like, a chef or something.'
it's a shift, and a bright one, pulling light out of nowhere like ava can always do. you think the halo chose her because she's the brightest person you know. surely god knew too. surely god has felt her. 'why? i'm horrible at cooking.'
'yes. you're also horrible at using your imagination.'
you roll your eyes.
'well, honestly, you're good with knives but mostly i think it would be hot. yes, chef, and all that.'
you can't do anything but laugh. 'you're certainly a troublemaker in all of them.'
'yeah, fuck the cops. fuck the state. fuck the man. anarchy forever. god is trans.'
'see?' you say. 'exactly.'
ava grins. 'good trouble, i'm sure of it.'
you feel it: kids and jobs and weddings to stress over and marriages to love, the whole world to learn. you feel her, everywhere. it’s faith and it’s truth: 'i'm glad we have good, exciting lives in the other universes.'
'of course we do.' she leans her head on your shoulder. 'and, right here, i have you, and this horrible little apartment, and all these stars.'
you kiss the top of her head, then clench your jaw. it doesn't work to stop your tears this time, and ava picks up her head and wipes them tenderly with her thumbs, her face close enough you can take in the little scar over her eyebrow, faded, and the perfect bow of her lips.
'ava, i —'
'yeah,' she says. 'i know, bea.'
'maybe someday, in this life. we'll live by the beach and hang out in the sun.'
'hang out?' she says, but she's crying too.
you shrug. 'time, with you. in all of the places i exist, that's all i want. i'm sure of it.'
ava brings her arms around you to wrap you in a hug. 'in this life too, yeah?'
'yes. in this life too.'
ava sits back, her grace evident even now. 'even when i'm using up all the hot water?'
'yes, ava. even then.'
she starts to fade, clearly, and so you help her inside and then quietly get ready for bed together. you climb in, the sheets cool against your skin at first, and then warm. ava has always been braver than you; she turns so that your faces are close. 'time with you is all i want too, by the way.'
you nod, stretch your hand out, palm up — supplication — and she rests hers on top of it. 'goodnight, ava.'
'sleep well, bea.'
you stare at the stars outside the window, infinite. ships in the night. you hold her life in your hand as you fall asleep; you dream:
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dognpooch · 2 months
Transforming Tails: Elevate Your Canine Companion with Dognpooch's Dog Training Classes
Welcoming a new dog into your life is an exhilarating experience, but it also comes with its share of challenges. From basic obedience to addressing behavioral issues, every dog can benefit from professional training. That's where Dognpooch's dog training classes come in. Let's embark on a journey to discover how these classes can transform your furry friend into a well-behaved and confident companion.
1. Tailored Curriculum for Every Pooch
At Dognpooch, we understand that every dog is unique, with their own personality, temperament, and learning style. That's why our dog training classes are tailored to meet the individual needs of each canine participant. Whether you have a rambunctious puppy or an older dog with ingrained habits, our experienced trainers craft personalized training plans to address specific challenges and goals.
2. Positive Reinforcement and Gentle Techniques
Gone are the days of harsh disciplinary methods. Dognpooch's training philosophy revolves around positive reinforcement and gentle, science-based techniques. Through praise, treats, and interactive play, dogs learn to associate desired behaviors with rewards, fostering a positive learning environment and strengthening the bond between owner and pet. From teaching basic commands like sit and stay to addressing more complex issues like leash pulling or aggression, our trainers utilize effective strategies that prioritize your dog's well-being and happiness.
3. Comprehensive Curriculum
Our dog training classes cover a wide range of essential skills and behaviors to help your canine companion thrive in various situations. From obedience training and leash manners to socialization and problem-solving, each class is thoughtfully designed to build a solid foundation for your dog's development. Whether you're aiming for Canine Good Citizen certification or simply want to enhance your dog's manners at home and in public, Dognpooch has a class tailored to your needs.
4. Experienced and Dedicated Trainers
At the heart of Dognpooch's dog training program are our experienced and dedicated trainers. With a passion for canine behavior and years of hands-on experience, our trainers are skilled in reading dogs' cues, understanding their needs, and adapting training techniques accordingly. Whether you're attending group classes or opting for private sessions, our trainers provide guidance, support, and encouragement every step of the way, ensuring a positive and rewarding experience for both you and your dog.
5. Continued Support and Resources
Our commitment to your dog's success doesn't end when the class does. Dognpooch offers continued support and resources to help you maintain and reinforce your dog's training progress at home. From training tips and instructional videos to access to our online community of fellow dog lovers, we're here to support you on your journey to a well-behaved and happy canine companion.
Conclusion: Unleash Your Dog's Potential with Dognpooch
Transforming your dog's behavior and building a strong relationship based on trust and mutual respect is possible with Dognpooch's dog training classes. Whether you're looking to address specific behavioral issues, refine obedience skills, or simply strengthen the bond with your furry friend, our tailored curriculum, positive reinforcement techniques, and experienced trainers are here to guide you every step of the way. Enroll your dog in Dognpooch's training classes today and embark on a journey to unleash their full potential.
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pawpurrfect · 3 months
How To Prepare Your Dog For The Canine Good Citizen Test?
The Canine Good Citizen test is a significant milestone for dogs and dog parents. The certification is globally recognised. It demonstrates that your dog has excellent manners, and social etiquette and is a well-behaved citizen of the society.
The CGC test evaluates 10 skills that your dog must possess. The program provides a structured framework for training your dog.
Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you prepare your dog for the Cannie Good Citizen test.
Tips to Prepare For the CGC Test
1.Greeting a Stranger
In this test, the evaluator walks up to the dog and owner and greets the owner while ignoring the dog. The dog must remain calm and show no signs of resentment. Socializing your dog is the key to effectively training him for this activity.Begin by exposing your dog to known individuals like your neighbours. As your dog becomes more comfortable, expand to unfamiliar faces. Keep motivating your dog to stay calm during these practice encounters. We advise against using treats or toys as they are not permitted while taking the actual CGC test. Practice consistently, consistency is the key to ensuring your dog behaves well in public settings and associates meeting new people with a positive experience.
2.Sitting Politely for Petting
This test demonstrates that the dog will allow a friendly stranger to touch it. The evaluator pets the dog on the head and body. The dog must allow petting and stand in place without showing any signs of aggression.
Start by letting someone familiar with your dog pet him on the head and body. Move on to practice the same with friendly strangers. Allow your dog to sit or stand during these sessions. Motivate your dog during these practice sessions by praising them, smiling and using encouraging words. Gradually practice this task in different locations to ensure your dog stays composed in diverse settings.
3.Accepting Grooming & Examination
In this test, your dog must demonstrate a willingness to be groomed and examined by allowing a veterinarian, groomer, or a friend of the owner to do so. This not only showcases the dog’s temperament but also reflects the owner’s care and sense of responsibility. To prepare your dog, start with gentle handling at home. Gradually introduce tools like combs and brushes, using them in a way that mimics the evaluator’s actions. Encourage your dog to stay calm during these grooming sessions. Reward positive behaviour with verbal praise and motivation. Practice lightly examining ears and lifting front feet, ensuring your dog remains comfortable and cooperative.
4.Walking on a Loose Leash
In this test, the evaluator assesses the dog’s ability to walk politely on a loose leash. The dog should walk close to the handler without pulling or straining. To prepare your dog for this exercise, focus on leash training. Begin in a quiet environment, rewarding your dog for walking calmly beside you. Never reward your dog if he pulls. Use positive reinforcement, such as treats or verbal praise, to encourage loose-leash behaviour. Gradually increase the level of distraction during walks, reinforcing the importance of staying close. Consistency is key; practice regularly in different settings, reinforcing the concept of walking on a loose leash.
5.Walking Politely Through a Crowd
The test evaluates your dog’s ability to stay calm and move politely in pedestrian traffic. To prepare your dog, take him for regular walks in public parks or busier areas where other strangers are passing by. You can even take him on walks around pet-friendly areas, where there are other dogs and cats. Remember, your pooch should not bark, jump on strangers or strain on the leash. With regular practice and exposure to public settings, your dog will stay calm, composed, and well-mannered in crowded places.
6.Sitting & Lying Down on Command or Staying in Place
Basic commands like sit, stay and come form the cornerstone of obedience. Utilize the lure and reward method for sit and down commands. Hold the treat to your dog’s nose. Lift it up and over the head for a sit. Move it down and along the ground for a down. Mark and reward, but gradually transition to empty hand. Introduce a verbal cue aligned with a hand signal, marking and rewarding each successful sit or down.
For the “Stay” command, consider the three Ds – distance, distractions, and duration. Start with short intervals, gradually increasing time. Use a release word like “Free” to signal the end of the stay, rewarding your dog. Gradually extend the duration, incorporating high-value treats during the stay and low-value treats upon release. Introduce distance incrementally, ensuring success at each step before advancing.
7.Coming When Called
In this test, the evaluator will walk 10 feet away from the dog, turn to face the dog and call the dog. Begin in a quiet, controlled setting, calling your dog and rewarding their prompt response with treats and praise. Gradually increase distractions, reinforcing the importance of returning promptly on command. Try this in public parks and crowded places for added challenges.
8.Reacting to Another Dog
This test evaluates your dog’s ability to behave politely around other dogs. While walking, observe your dog’s reaction to other passing dogs. Ideally, your dog should not react to other dogs or only show casual interest.
Begin with controlled interactions and reward calm behaviour. Gradually, expose your dog to other dogs. Consistent, positive reinforcement in various settings ensures your dog can confidently and politely react to other dogs, demonstrating good social behaviour.
9.Reacting to Distraction
This test evaluates your dog’s ability to stay calm and confident amidst the distractions. Distractions may include loud noise, vehicle movement or anything unfamiliar. Commence training in controlled settings, progressively intensifying distractions. Reward your dog for sustained focus and calm behaviour. This prepares them for real-world scenarios.
10.Supervised Separation
In this test, your dog must demonstrate composure when left with a trusted person while you step out of sight for a brief period. Begin by having someone your dog is familiar with, gradually increasing the duration of separation. Reward calm behaviour upon your return. Extend separation in various settings, reinforcing the idea that being temporarily apart is a positive experience.
CGC Training With Paw Purrfect
Paw Purrfect offers full-fledged training to prepare your dog for the Canine Good Citizen test. Our skilled trainers use positive reinforcement methods, covering essential skills from obedience to social behaviour.
Contact us today to start training for your dog.
For More Info Visit: https://pawpurrfect.co/how-to-prepare-your-dog-for-the-canine-good-citizen-test/
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offleash65 · 2 years
Off Leash K9 Phoenix Review
Off Leash K9 Phoenix is a Phoenix-based dog behavior consulting and private lesson company that trains dogs to be 100% obedient. Owners and their dogs will both benefit from the company's dog training methods and the fun you'll have training your pup. They can expect your pup to learn new commands at an impressive rate and achieve the same level of obedience as working police/military dogs. If you're looking for a dog behavior consultant, look no further than Off Leash K9 Phoenix.
Off Leash K9 Phoenix is an excellent choice for training your dog because they offer free consultations and proven results. Their comprehensive board and train program features professional in-house dog trainers and a proven method for getting your dog to respond appropriately to training. Owners have received 5-star reviews about their results. They also have highly trained, experienced in-house trainers, and Off Leash K9 Phoenix is considered to be one of the best dog trainers in the world. Their training services are available in Phoenix.
Off Leash K9 Phoenix is a world-renowned dog behavior consulting and training company. The company has more than 130 locations throughout the United States. The company employs highly trained and experienced dog handlers from various fields, including military, shelters, and the US secret service. Their training methods are guaranteed to get your dog to be 100% obedient and distraction-proof. For added peace of mind, Off Leash K9 Phoenix has partnered with Canine Good Citizen and OLKS Academy. The team also serves as a certified evaluator for Therapy Pets Unlimited.
If you're looking for a dog behavior consultant, Off Leash K9 Phoenix is the best place to start. Their dog training methods are designed to work with your lifestyle and help your dog live a happier and more fulfilling life. They teach your pup how to sit, stay, and heel in different environments. Then, they teach you the basics for distance obedience and extended distance obedience. Once your dog has learned these commands, you can even bring him out with you to an event or meet new friends.
The Off Leash K9 Phoenix dog trainers have extensive experience and are ready to help you train your dog to perform all your household chores and get the most out of your day. They provide e-collar training for dogs of all ages, including puppies. Additionally, they also offer training for aggressive dogs. In addition, you can also choose to take your dog to Off Leash K9 Phoenix for a two-week Board and Train program.
Contact Us
Off Leash K9 Phoenix
Address: Phoenix, Arizona, 85001, US
Phone: 8884130896
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dog-matterz · 3 years
Basic Dog Commands - Training a Puppy
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All things in life need to grow and develop. This applies to our relationships as well. This also applies to our relationships with our dogs. Whether you just got your furry best friend and want to plant the seeds of a harmonious long-term friendship, or you have been living together for a while, and want to take your relationship to the next level, we all need guidance sometimes. And just like you would go to a specialist if you wanted more out of your relationship with your partner, you would go to a... dog training school if you needed to work on your relationship with your dog.
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The question is, how do you find a good specialist? Now, if you were just feeling under the weather, you would probably go to a general practitioner. But what if you had a toothache? I bet you would go to a dentist instead! Same with dog training. First, you need to decide whether you want to work on general obedience, aggression, separation anxiety, or maybe you want to take on therapy dog training or a protection dog training course. And then you got to read on because we created a list of local hidden gems in San Diego area that specialize in exactly the kind of dog training classes you want!
Now, what types of dog training schools are we going to look at exactly?
Dog Obedience Training
Aggressive Dog Training
Protection Dog Training or Guard Dog Training
Behavior Modification Dog Training - Dog Separation Anxiety Training
Therapy Dog Training
Service Dog Training
We will also take a look at such training types as a dog training camp, group classes, in home dog training and online dog training.
All of these gems have 5-star ratings on Yelp, tons of happy clients and they are local, oftentimes family-owned businesses, so you can make great friends among your neighbors while doing some training as well!
First things first, there are plenty of options out there in regards to dog training. How do you know which one is good for you? Here are 6 tips.
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6 Tips For Picking the Right Dog Training School
1. Know That the Dog Training Industry is Unregulated
That means that virtually anyone could call him or herself a trainer, sadly. However, there are certifications and organizations that can help you identify those who actually have the right designations and experience. Always check to see if the trainer has some of the following certifications: The Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT), The Academy for Dog Trainers (ADT), the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers (CPDT KA), the Karen Pryor Academy for Animal Training & Behavior (KPAATB), or the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants. Being the primary educational organization for trainers, APDT has a very useful resource called Trainer Search that allows you to find trainers in your area based on your city or zip code. Great tool! Note that if a trainer is certified by the APDT it does not necessarily imply that he or she uses a specific training method, which brings us to the next tip.
2. Know the Training Methods Used
Now, all trainers have different training methods, but here are a few basic things that would help you swim confidently in the sea of trainer jargon. There are currently 4 basic methods of training that stem from behavioral psychology: positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment and negative punishment. Now, the words positive and negative aren't representing the concept of "good and evil" here, they function more like they would in math, with positive meaning addition and negative meaning subtraction of something. It will become clearer in a second.
Positive Reinforcement
This is the most popular method today, and, sure enough, you are all familiar with it. Positive reinforcement has, at its core, rewarding a dog for desired behavior usually with a treat, a toy or play time, depending on what motivates your dog the most. The trick is to pick the right timing: just as your dog does the desired behavior, reward him or her right away, and supplement the treat with a high-pitched "good dog", to make sure your pet realizes how pleased you are with this behavior. See how a treat is added here? This is the positive part, the addition.
Negative Reinforcement
This technique involves taking something unpleasant away to reinforce the desired behavior. That is how electric fences work, for example. When a dog gets too close to the perimeter, it gets a shock, but the shock disappears the moment the dog moves away from the boundary. This way, the dog learns to stay away from the perimeter. See the subtraction here - the unpleasant sensations are taken away to reinforce a behavior, this is negative reinforcement.
Positive Punishment
With punishment techniques, the trainer is trying to make a particular behavior happen less often. With positive punishment, the trainer adds some unpleasant stimuli to discourage a behavior. With excessive barking, for example, a trainer can add a spray bark collar to the training, so that every time a dog barks, it gets sprayed. The dog will associate nuisance barking with being sprayed, and this will discourage him or her from barking all night long again. Did you see how with this technique a trainer would add (=positive) something to discourage a behavior (=punishment).
Negative Punishment
This technique implies taking something away (=negative) in order to discourage a behavior (=punishment). A good example would be if a trainer turns away from a dog that is jumping on him or other people to get attention. He takes the attention away from the dog to discourage undesired behavior. This method is often used together with positive reinforcement to reduce the unwanted behavior and reinforce the desired behavior.
Ah, that was quite a bit of information, right? Did it become somewhat clearer what the different training methods do? Great. There is still much debate around the best training methods in the trainers' world, but what you choose remains up to you.
Now that you've learnt more about the behavioral psychology, do you start seeing some similarities between how we train dogs and how the government trains us? On to the next tip.
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3. Choose the Training Type
Group Classes, Boot Camps, In House Training or even Skype chats - there is every type of dog training you might need under the sun. Consider the benefits and drawbacks. With in house dog training the obvious advantage is that you will get more personal attention. If your dog has some socialization issues, in home training won't be as effective as group dog training classes, where both you and your fido can learn to be around other dogs and work around so many tempting distractions. If you want your dog to get the experience of a full immersion, then a dog training camp will be the best option. Whereas, if your budget is tight, online dog training might be the solution you are looking for. Deciding on the type of training you need will make the task of finding a good dog training school way easier.
4. Watch a Class Before You Sign Up
Once you picked a class or a training school, take some time to come to one of the training sessions and just observe. Pay attention to the following:
How big is the class size and whether you will be getting enough attention,
If puppies and adult dogs are trained separately,
How many levels do the classes have (basic, intermediate, advanced),
How the trainer interacts with the dogs,
How dogs react to the training,
Whether everyone seems to be having fun and enjoying the process.
If you ticked all the checkboxes here, and are comfortable with the environment, you have found a good candidate.
5. Don't Forget About Vaccinations
Safety first! Make sure your dog is properly vaccinated before you start any dog training and get the green light from your vet. Next, ensure that the training school requires every dog to be vaccinated and is asking for a proof. This way you can rest assured that the safety aspect of your training is covered.
6. Ask About the Follow Up
Now, what happens after you have completed the course? Do you get a lifetime membership and can come any time for future "tune ups", or are follow up visits limited? Maybe there are no follow up visits in case a problem does arise. Make sure to ask the school or the trainer about what happens once you are done with their program.
Great, you are all set for the dog training school of your dreams. Now, we are introducing you to the 10 hidden gem schools with 5-star Yelp ratings that specialize in the type of dog training you are looking for. Go ahead and find the one for you!
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Top 10 Dog Training School Hidden Gems
Let's start with puppy training. The best time to start training is when your pooch is between 3 and 14 weeks old, it doesn't mean that your pup doesn't learn well afterwards, but it is just the juiciest time when he or she absorbs new tricks like a sponge, so take advantage of that if you can! The next stage at which pet owners often need assistance is the 6 months mark, when pups transition into adolescence, and this time is much like the teenage years we've all been through - rough. Puppy training to the rescue!
1. Woofingham Palace - Puppy Training 
Woofingham Palace is our 5-star hidden gem for specialized puppy socialization and puppy training in San Diego. It is a family-owned business run by Samantha & Jon Mears, who both immigrated from London 11 years ago. Hence, the name of their dog training school. Samantha Mears is a certified professional dog trainer, who passed her CPDT KA (Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainlines) exam with distinction. Samantha has worked with dogs every day for over 10 years. She is also a Member of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT) and is a qualified Canine Good Citizen Evaluator and a member of the Pet Professional Guild (PPG).
Woofingham Palace offers plenty of different puppy training options for you and your pooch all held within a fenced training area in the shade of large sails. The classes are small, so you will get that individual attention. This dog training school puts lots of emphasis on puppy socialization, and notes that pups who have been socialized young tend to show less behavior problems in the future than those pups who haven't. The prices for group puppy training classes vary from over $100 to over $300, so you have plenty of options.
2. Total K9 Training - K9 Dog Training/ Dog Obedience Training 
Now, an all 5-star hidden gem for dog obedience training in San Diego is Total K9 Dog Training. Its trainer, Shannon, is a Member of the International Association of Canine Professionals (IACP), member of APDT (Association of Pet Dog Trainers), and is CPDT Certified. She also holds a BA in Psychology and started training animals in 1991 at Sea World. Total K9 Dog Training offers a range of classes, but specializes in dog obedience training, both beginner and advanced.
Total K9 Dog Training teaches the owners how to become good leaders for their dogs without using any intimidation or domination techniques. They focus on building the trust and communication that would allow the dog to follow the owner... even when he or she doesn't have that tasty food handy. Shannon puts a lot of emphasis of training the whole family on how to work with their dog, as this strengthens the bond between all the family members and ensures that everything a dog learns at school will be further reinforced at home. The prices of classes vary, but the general range is between $100 and $165 for group classes.
Total K9 Dog Training serves the areas of San Diego: Escondido, 4S Ranch, Del Sur, Santa Luz, Rancho Bernardo, Poway, Sabre Springs, Rancho Penasquitos, Scripps Ranch.
3. Think Pawsitive Dog Training - Service Dog Training and Therapy Dog Training
Interested in Therapy Dog Training/Service Dog Training? A service or therapy dog certification requires you to take a number of steps along the way. Think Pawsitive dog training school can help you throughout the process. Its founder, Vanessa Melrose, is a member of APDT (Association of Pet Dog Trainers), certified by ABCDT (ABC Dog Trainer) and KPA CTP (Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Partner). She has been working with dogs since 2003.
What Think Pawsitive offers in terms of service dog training and therapy dog training: it offers to help you with the entire process, from basic training to preparing and passing the CGC Certification and Therapy Pet Certification, which you must get in order for your dog to become an official service/therapy dog. To start the program, your dog doesn't need to be a specific size or breed, it needs to have a calm, friendly temperament. You know, a therapy dog - boy, that patience! Therapy Dog Evaluations are $30, and Think Pawsitive offers extended discounts for referrals or recently adopted pets, so you can email Vanessa directly to learn more about the program and the pricing.
4. Behave! - Aggressive Dog Training
Behave! - another hidden gem that specializes in aggressive dog training in San Diego. Its founder, Alexandra Gant, graduated from ACBDT animal behavior college, and since 2012 has been working with "unworkable" or "last chance" dogs who are on the verge of being euthanized or re-homed due to aggression issues. Alex focuses on teaching owners in need of dog aggression training how to train the dog by themselves, without relying on professional help. Behave! trainers are knowledgeable about the different forms of aggression and believe that aggression is a symptom of a much deeper problem, so they focus on fixing the problem, rather than just the symptoms.
Behave! realizes that dog aggression training is a big commitment, so it encourages all owners who work with them to consider packages instead of sessions. The classes are $80-$125 Per Session, and they currently offer a 10% package discount.
5. American Canine Training - Dog Protection Training 
So you were looking for guard dog training in San Diego? We found a hidden gem for that too, all 5 stars - American Canine Training. Chris Moredock is the head trainer, certified by APDT (Association of Pet Dog Trainers) and the Pro-train institute of California.
American Canine Training has a number of different options when it comes to dog protection training. You can choose Security Alert Training, which will teach your dog to watch out for strangers and warn you should they be up to something spooky. It will also teach your dog to stop aggressive responses on your command. Or you could go for a Personal Protection Training (on and off leash), which will teach the dog to protect his or her humans and property, learn "attack" and "release" commands, etc. There you go, you are on your way to getting that cool police-style dog you've always wanted.
6. Legends Dog Training - Behavior Modification Dog Training/Dog Separation Anxiety Training
If your pooch needs some professional behavior modification training, this is your local 5-star professional dog behaviorist - Legends Dog Training School. They specialize in dog separation anxiety training, training for dogs with impulsivity issues, fearful response to other dogs and many other behavioral problems.
Alyssa Rose (Lapinel), the founder of Legends, is a CPDT-KA certified Canine Training and Behavior Specialist with 15 years of experience in the area of behavioral studies. She is also certified by the Council for Professional Dog Trainers, and by Triple Crown Dog Training Academy. Alyssa is an AKC Citizen Evaluator, and a Professional Member of The Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT). She applied her degree in Phycology to work with children and adults diagnosed with serious disorders such as schizophrenia, autism and bipolar disorder, and later used this experience to start working with animals. Alyssa designs behavior modification dog training programs that address the root cause of a behavioral problem and provide a systematic framework for improving communication and strengthening the bond between the dog and his/her owner.
One consultation costs $150, but it is included if you decide to pursue a training package with 5 classes for $575. Mind you, different options are available, so check Legends website and see their contact info below to learn more.
7. Pawtopia - Dog Agility Training 
You have sure enough heard about this dog training school - Pawtopia. But did you know that they had a specialized dog agility training class? Yep, this one also made it to our hidden gems list. Its founder, Colleen Demling, is an accredited trainer with 16 years of experience. She is an AKC Canine Good Citizen Evaluator, is accredited by the CBCC-KA and CPDT-KA, as well as IABBC. Colleen also designed the Temperament Test for the Naval Medical Center's Therapy Dog Program here at San Diego. Colleen is actively involved in many professional organizations, including the International Association of Canine Professionals, the Association of Pet Dog Trainers, and the Animal Behavior Management Alliance.
"Fun with Agility!" is the class Pawtopia offers for dogs of all levels of training, so don't look away if you are not interested in competing - this is dog agility training class for all those who just want to have fun, run through tunnels and jump through hoops, no pressure! The price is $170, and you can learn more on the Pawtopia website.
8. Devotion to Dogs - In Home Dog Training
For those of you looking for in home dog training, Ben of Devotion to Dogs offers just that, and takes a place in our list of hidden San Diego gems. Ben is a graduate of Northridge Animal Behavior College, is AKC certified, and is a member of IACP. Ben has been a dog trainer for 15 years, and trained dogs with a variety of behavioral issues. He also works with local rescues and believes that every dog can be trained and successfully rehabilitated. His specialty is in home dog training: a personal, one on one type of training that allows him to assess the environment and find the right solution. And allows you to save time on commute of course.
Devotion to Dogs offers a variety of packages. The starting package includes a 2-4 hour in home session as well as a 1 hour follow up session, which goes for $500. 
9. Tully's Training - Online Dog Training
If you need some flexibility or are on a budget, Tully's Training offers not only private in home training and group classes, but also basic obedience positive-reinforcement online dog training - via Skype.
Tully's Training team is comprised of trainers with experience in exotic, domestic, and marine mammal training, which allows it to look at animal behavior from different angles. One of their most titled trainers is Meghan McLeod, who reportedly trained with a number of well-recognized behaviorists such as Karen Pryer and Dr. Ian Dunbar. Meghan is also a certified CGC evaluator. Check out Tully's team of trainers with a whole spectrum of different backgrounds here.
According to Tully's, online dog training has been working great for them and their clients, as they are able to get that same individual, one on one session that you would get in person for a fraction of the cost. So, if online dog training suits your needs, this is the school for you. Training packages are highly customizable. 
10. Specialty Dog Training - Dog Training Camp San Diego
Were you looking for a dog training camp in San Diego? Then this is the place for you - Specialty Dog Training. It is a family-owned dog training school founded by Graham Bloem, a professional dog trainer with 17+ years of experience and a recipient of numerous awards, including American Red Cross Real Heroes Award and the Honeywell Life Safety Award presented by Larry King himself. Graham's team consists of a number of seasoned professionals that together have accumulated numerous accreditations, including certificates by IACP, APDT (Association of Pet Dog Trainers), NADOI, ABSCDT and others. Graham and his wife, Kyrie, also actively support nonprofits, shelters and rescue organizations.
Specialty Dog Training focuses on using positive reinforcement and discipline in their training. Their dog training camp, i.e. in-kennel training, dog board and train or a boot camp is a structured environment where your dog will be taught all the obedience basics he or she needs to be a great companion. Being away from the usual environment is a good opportunity for your dog to "reset", while the trainers can work on his/her behavioral issues in a controlled environment.
Specialty Dog Training offers plenty of packages, they also have a Boot Camp Special for the month of March, with 25% off all dog training camps. The price varies between $1575 (with the discount) for a 2-week program with 2 private sessions, to $5400 for an 8-week program with 2 private lessons.
Read this:-
Revealed at last by one of America's top professional dog trainers, a simple training strategy that…Develops your Dog's "Hidden Intelligence" To eliminate bad behavior and Create the obedient, well-behaved pet of your dreams…
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we-fridlyckans · 4 years
Basic Dog Commands - Training a Puppy
Now, an all 5-star hidden gem for dog obedience training in San Diego is Total K9 Dog Training. Its trainer, Shannon, is a Member of the International Association of Canine Professionals (IACP), member of APDT (Association of Pet Dog Trainers), and is CPDT Certified. She also holds a BA in Psychology and started training animals in 1991 at Sea World. Total K9 Dog Training offers a range of classes, but specializes in dog obedience training, both beginner and advanced.
Total K9 Dog Training teaches the owners how to become good leaders for their dogs without using any intimidation or domination techniques. They focus on building the trust and communication that would allow the dog to follow the owner... even when he or she doesn't have that tasty food handy. Shannon puts a lot of emphasis of training the whole family on how to work with their dog, as this strengthens the bond between all the family members and ensures that everything a dog learns at school will be further reinforced at home. The prices of classes vary, but the general range is between $100 and $165 for group classes.
Total K9 Dog Training serves the areas of San Diego: Escondido, 4S Ranch, Del Sur, Santa Luz, Rancho Bernardo, Poway, Sabre Springs, Rancho Penasquitos, Scripps Ranch.
3. Think Pawsitive Dog Training - Service Dog Training and Therapy Dog Training
Interested in Therapy Dog Training/Service Dog Training? A service or therapy dog certification requires you to take a number of steps along the way. Think Pawsitive dog training school can help you throughout the process. Its founder, Vanessa Melrose, is a member of APDT (Association of Pet Dog Trainers), certified by ABCDT (ABC Dog Trainer) and KPA CTP (Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Partner). She has been working with dogs since 2003.
What Think Pawsitive offers in terms of service dog training and therapy dog training: it offers to help you with the entire process, from basic training to preparing and passing the CGC Certification and Therapy Pet Certification, which you must get in order for your dog to become an official service/therapy dog. To start the program, your dog doesn't need to be a specific size or breed, it needs to have a calm, friendly temperament. You know, a therapy dog - boy, that patience! Therapy Dog Evaluations are $30, and Think Pawsitive offers extended discounts for referrals or recently adopted pets, so you can email Vanessa directly to learn more about the program and the pricing.
1273 Crest Dr.
Encinitas, CA 92024
949.533.4756Service area: San Diego + Orange County
4. Behave! - Aggressive Dog Training San Diego
Behave! - another hidden gem that specializes in aggressive dog training in San Diego. Its founder, Alexandra Gant, graduated from ACBDT animal behavior college, and since 2012 has been working with "unworkable" or "last chance" dogs who are on the verge of being euthanized or re-homed due to aggression issues. Alex focuses on teaching owners in need of dog aggression training how to train the dog by themselves, without relying on professional help. Behave! trainers are knowledgeable about the different forms of aggression and believe that aggression is a symptom of a much deeper problem, so they focus on fixing the problem, rather than just the symptoms.
Behave! realizes that dog aggression training is a big commitment, so it encourages all owners who work with them to consider packages instead of sessions. The classes are $80-$125 Per Session, and they currently offer a 10% package discount.
(303) 746-3487
5. American Canine Training - Dog Protection Training San Diego
So you were looking for guard dog training in San Diego? We found a hidden gem for that too, all 5 stars - American Canine Training. Chris Moredock is the head trainer, certified by APDT (Association of Pet Dog Trainers) and the Pro-train institute of California.
American Canine Training has a number of different options when it comes to dog protection training. You can choose Security Alert Training, which will teach your dog to watch out for strangers and warn you should they be up to something spooky. It will also teach your dog to stop aggressive responses on your command. Or you could go for a Personal Protection Training (on and off leash), which will teach the dog to protect his or her humans and property, learn "attack" and "release" commands, etc. There you go, you are on your way to getting that cool police-style dog you've always wanted.
(858) 274-0268
Serving area: the entire San Diego County
6. Legends Dog Training - Behavior Modification Dog Training/Dog Separation Anxiety Training
If your pooch needs some professional behavior modification training, this is your local 5-star professional dog behaviorist - Legends Dog Training School. They specialize in dog separation anxiety training, training for dogs with impulsivity issues, fearful response to other dogs and many other behavioral problems.
Alyssa Rose (Lapinel), the founder of Legends, is a CPDT-KA certified Canine Training and Behavior Specialist with 15 years of experience in the area of behavioral studies. She is also certified by the Council for Professional Dog Trainers, and by Triple Crown Dog Training Academy. Alyssa is an AKC Citizen Evaluator, and a Professional Member of The Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT). She applied her degree in Phycology to work with children and adults diagnosed with serious disorders such as schizophrenia, autism and bipolar disorder, and later used this experience to start working with animals. Alyssa designs behavior modification dog training programs that address the root cause of a behavioral problem and provide a systematic framework for improving communication and strengthening the bond between the dog and his/her owner.
One consultation costs $150, but it is included if you decide to pursue a training package with 5 classes for $575. Mind you, different options are available, so check Legends website and see their contact info below to learn more. fridlyckans
Serving the City of San Diego and San Diego County: Golden Hill, South Park, North Park, Talmadge, Kensington, Mission Hills, Mission Valley, Little Italy, Ocean Beach, Pacific Beach, Escondido, La Jolla, Mission Bay, Mission Beach, La Mesa, Ramona, Poway, El Cajon
7. Pawtopia - Dog Agility Training San Diego
You have sure enough heard about this dog training school - Pawtopia. But did you know that they had a specialized dog agility training class? Yep, this one also made it to our hidden gems list. Its founder, Colleen Demling, is an accredited trainer with 16 years of experience. She is an AKC Canine Good Citizen Evaluator, is accredited by the CBCC-KA and CPDT-KA, as well as IABBC. Colleen also designed the Temperament Test for the Naval Medical Center's Therapy Dog Program here at San Diego. Colleen is actively involved in many professional organizations, including the International Association of Canine Professionals, the Association of Pet Dog Trainers, and the Animal Behavior Management Alliance.
"Fun with Agility!" is the class Pawtopia offers for dogs of all levels of training, so don't look away if you are not interested in competing - this is dog agility training class for all those who just want to have fun, run through tunnels and jump through hoops, no pressure! The price is $170, and you can learn more on the Pawtopia website.
Service areas: South Park, Hillcrest, Mission Hills, North Park, Point Loma, Ocean Beach, Sunset Cliffs, Mission Valley, Pacific Beach, Mission Beach, Mission Bay, Bay Park, Morena, Kearney Mesa, Linda Vista, Clairemont Mesa, Normal Heights,University Heights, Clairemont, Coronado, San Diego, Lemon Grove,, Linda Vista, Serra Mesa, Tierrasanta, Sports Arena, La Jolla, Bird Rock, UTC, Sorrento Valley, Carmel Mountain Ranch, Scripps Ranch, Mira Mesa, Rancho Santa Fe, Crosby, Del Sur, Carmel Valley, Torrey Hills, Del Mar, Del Mar Heights, Solana Beach, Fairbanks Ranch, Cardiff By the Sea, Encinitas, Encinitas Ranch, Bridges at Rancho Santa Fe, Rancho Penasquitos
8. Devotion to Dogs - In Home Dog Training
For those of you looking for in home dog training, Ben of Devotion to Dogs offers just that, and takes a place in our list of hidden San Diego gems. Ben is a graduate of Northridge Animal Behavior College, is AKC certified, and is a member of IACP. Ben has been a dog trainer for 15 years, and trained dogs with a variety of behavioral issues. He also works with local rescues and believes that every dog can be trained and successfully rehabilitated. His specialty is in home dog training: a personal, one on one type of training that allows him to assess the environment and find the right solution. And allows you to save time on commute of course.
Devotion to Dogs offers a variety of packages. The starting package includes a 2-4 hour in home session as well as a 1 hour follow up session, which goes for $500. Call Devotion to Dogs for more information.
Garfield Ave, El Cajon, CA 92020
9. Tully's Training - Online Dog Training
If you need some flexibility or are on a budget, Tully's Training offers not only private in home training and group classes, but also basic obedience positive-reinforcement online dog training - via Skype.
Tully's Training team is comprised of trainers with experience in exotic, domestic, and marine mammal training, which allows it to look at animal behavior from different angles. One of their most titled trainers is Meghan McLeod, who reportedly trained with a number of well-recognized behaviorists such as Karen Pryer and Dr. Ian Dunbar. Meghan is also a certified CGC evaluator. Check out Tully's team of trainers with a whole spectrum of different backgrounds here.
According to Tully's, online dog training has been working great for them and their clients, as they are able to get that same individual, one on one session that you would get in person for a fraction of the cost. So, if online dog training suits your needs, this is the school for you. Training packages are highly customizable, so get in touch with Tully's for more information.http://www.fridlyckans.com/
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Stressed while flying? At one airport, an ‘A-list celebrity’ pig can help.
For the past six years, San Francisco International Airport has partnered with the SF SPCA to create the “Wag Brigade,” a program through which certified therapy animals roam SFO terminals, interacting with passengers to relieve preflight anxieties. Well-behaved and child-friendly, the animals all have bold personalities, said Jennifer Kazarian, guest services manager at the airport. Each goes through extensive training, including a canine good-citizen test.
Except they’re not all canines.
The brigade consists of 22 dogs, yes, but one of the stars is LiLou, a 5-year-old Juliana pig. One look at LiLou’s Instagram is enough to see why: With her captain’s hat, bright-red hoofs and vest that says “Pet Me!,” she’s a favorite among airport guests.
“She’s like an A-list celebrity walking through the airport,” Kazarian said. “She attracts a lot of attention.”
In addition to being hypoallergenic, LiLou can do tricks like her four-pawed companions, including playing a toy piano. The reaction to seeing her, from passengers and some of the dogs, is often bewilderment. Kazarian said some fliers will walk backward on moving walkways to chase LiLou down.
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fridlyckanblog-blog · 4 years
Basic Dog Commands - Training a Puppy
All things in life need to grow and develop. This applies to our relationships as well. This also applies to our relationships with our dogs. Whether you just got your furry best friend and want to plant the seeds of a harmonious long-term friendship, or you have been living together for a while, and want to take your relationship to the next level, we all need guidance sometimes. And just like you would go to a specialist if you wanted more out of your relationship with your partner, you would go to a... dog training school if you needed to work on your relationship with your dog.
The question is, how do you find a good specialist? Now, if you were just feeling under the weather, you would probably go to a general practitioner. But what if you had a toothache? I bet you would go to a dentist instead! Same with dog training. First, you need to decide whether you want to work on general obedience, aggression, separation anxiety, or maybe you want to take on therapy dog training or a protection dog training course. And then you got to read on because we created a list of local hidden gems in San Diego area that specialize in exactly the kind of dog training classes you want!
Now, what types of dog training schools are we going to look at exactly?
Dog Obedience Training
Aggressive Dog Training
Protection Dog Training or Guard Dog Training
Behavior Modification Dog Training - Dog Separation Anxiety Training
Therapy Dog Training
Service Dog Training
We will also take a look at such training types as a dog training camp, group classes, in home dog training and online dog training.
All of these gems have 5-star ratings on Yelp, tons of happy clients and they are local, oftentimes family-owned businesses, so you can make great friends among your neighbors while doing some training as well!
First things first, there are plenty of options out there in regards to dog training. How do you know which one is good for you? Here are 6 tips.
6 Tips For Picking the Right Dog Training School
1. Know That the Dog Training Industry is Unregulated
That means that virtually anyone could call him or herself a trainer, sadly. However, there are certifications and organizations that can help you identify those who actually have the right designations and experience. Always check to see if the trainer has some of the following certifications: The Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT), The Academy for Dog Trainers (ADT), the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers (CPDT KA), the Karen Pryor Academy for Animal Training & Behavior (KPAATB), or the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants. Being the primary educational organization for trainers, APDT has a very useful resource called Trainer Search that allows you to find trainers in your area based on your city or zip code. Great tool! Note that if a trainer is certified by the APDT it does not necessarily imply that he or she uses a specific training method, which brings us to the next tip.
2. Know the Training Methods Used
Now, all trainers have different training methods, but here are a few basic things that would help you swim confidently in the sea of trainer jargon. There are currently 4 basic methods of training that stem from behavioral psychology: positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment and negative punishment. Now, the words positive and negative aren't representing the concept of "good and evil" here, they function more like they would in math, with positive meaning addition and negative meaning subtraction of something. It will become clearer in a second.
Positive Reinforcement
This is the most popular method today, and, sure enough, you are all familiar with it. Positive reinforcement has, at its core, rewarding a dog for desired behavior usually with a treat, a toy or play time, depending on what motivates your dog the most. The trick is to pick the right timing: just as your dog does the desired behavior, reward him or her right away, and supplement the treat with a high-pitched "good dog", to make sure your pet realizes how pleased you are with this behavior. See how a treat is added here? This is the positive part, the addition.
Negative Reinforcement
This technique involves taking something unpleasant away to reinforce the desired behavior. That is how electric fences work, for example. When a dog gets too close to the perimeter, it gets a shock, but the shock disappears the moment the dog moves away from the boundary. This way, the dog learns to stay away from the perimeter. See the subtraction here - the unpleasant sensations are taken away to reinforce a behavior, this is negative reinforcement.
Positive Punishment
With punishment techniques, the trainer is trying to make a particular behavior happen less often. With positive punishment, the trainer adds some unpleasant stimuli to discourage a behavior. With excessive barking, for example, a trainer can add a spray bark collar to the training, so that every time a dog barks, it gets sprayed. The dog will associate nuisance barking with being sprayed, and this will discourage him or her from barking all night long again. Did you see how with this technique a trainer would add (=positive) something to discourage a behavior (=punishment).
Negative Punishment
This technique implies taking something away (=negative) in order to discourage a behavior (=punishment). A good example would be if a trainer turns away from a dog that is jumping on him or other people to get attention. He takes the attention away from the dog to discourage undesired behavior. This method is often used together with positive reinforcement to reduce the unwanted behavior and reinforce the desired behavior.
Ah, that was quite a bit of information, right? Did it become somewhat clearer what the different training methods do? Great. There is still much debate around the best training methods in the trainers' world, but what you choose remains up to you.
Now that you've learnt more about the behavioral psychology, do you start seeing some similarities between how we train dogs and how the government trains us? On to the next tip.
3. Choose the Training Type
Group Classes, Boot Camps, In House Training or even Skype chats - there is every type of dog training you might need under the sun. Consider the benefits and drawbacks. With in house dog training the obvious advantage is that you will get more personal attention. If your dog has some socialization issues, in home training won't be as effective as group dog training classes, where both you and your fido can learn to be around other dogs and work around so many tempting distractions. If you want your dog to get the experience of a full immersion, then a dog training camp will be the best option. Whereas, if your budget is tight, online dog training might be the solution you are looking for. Deciding on the type of training you need will make the task of finding a good dog training school way easier.
4. Watch a Class Before You Sign Up
Once you picked a class or a training school, take some time to come to one of the training sessions and just observe. Pay attention to the following:
How big is the class size and whether you will be getting enough attention,
If puppies and adult dogs are trained separately,
How many levels do the classes have (basic, intermediate, advanced),
How the trainer interacts with the dogs,
How dogs react to the training,
Whether everyone seems to be having fun and enjoying the process.
If you ticked all the checkboxes here, and are comfortable with the environment, you have found a good candidate.
5. Don't Forget About Vaccinations
Safety first! Make sure your dog is properly vaccinated before you start any dog training and get the green light from your vet. Next, ensure that the training school requires every dog to be vaccinated and is asking for a proof. This way you can rest assured that the safety aspect of your training is covered.
6. Ask About the Follow Up
Now, what happens after you have completed the course? Do you get a lifetime membership and can come any time for future "tune ups", or are follow up visits limited? Maybe there are no follow up visits in case a problem does arise. Make sure to ask the school or the trainer about what happens once you are done with their program.
Great, you are all set for the dog training school of your dreams. Now, we are introducing you to the 10 hidden gem schools with 5-star Yelp ratings that specialize in the type of dog training you are looking for. Go ahead and find the one for you!
Top 10 Dog Training School Hidden Gems in San Diego Area
Let's start with puppy training. The best time to start training is when your pooch is between 3 and 14 weeks old, it doesn't mean that your pup doesn't learn well afterwards, but it is just the juiciest time when he or she absorbs new tricks like a sponge, so take advantage of that if you can! The next stage at which pet owners often need assistance is the 6 months mark, when pups transition into adolescence, and this time is much like the teenage years we've all been through - rough. Puppy training to the rescue!
1. Woofingham Palace - Puppy Training San Diego
Woofingham Palace is our 5-star hidden gem for specialized puppy socialization and puppy training in San Diego. It is a family-owned business run by Samantha & Jon Mears, who both immigrated from London 11 years ago. Hence, the name of their dog training school. Samantha Mears is a certified professional dog trainer, who passed her CPDT KA (Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainlines) exam with distinction. Samantha has worked with dogs every day for over 10 years. She is also a Member of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT) and is a qualified Canine Good Citizen Evaluator and a member of the Pet Professional Guild (PPG).
Woofingham Palace offers plenty of different puppy training options for you and your pooch all held within a fenced training area in the shade of large sails. The classes are small, so you will get that individual attention. This dog training school puts lots of emphasis on puppy socialization, and notes that pups who have been socialized young tend to show less behavior problems in the future than those pups who haven't. The prices for group puppy training classes vary from over $100 to over $300, so you have plenty of options.
559 Union Street
Encinitas. CA 92024
P: 760-929-1996
2. Total K9 Training - K9 Dog Training/ Dog Obedience Training San Diego
Now, an all 5-star hidden gem for dog obedience training in San Diego is Total K9 Dog Training. Its trainer, Shannon, is a Member of the International Association of Canine Professionals (IACP), member of APDT (Association of Pet Dog Trainers), and is CPDT Certified. She also holds a BA in Psychology and started training animals in 1991 at Sea World. Total K9 Dog Training offers a range of classes, but specializes in dog obedience training, both beginner and advanced.
Total K9 Dog Training teaches the owners how to become good leaders for their dogs without using any intimidation or domination techniques. They focus on building the trust and communication that would allow the dog to follow the owner... even when he or she doesn't have that tasty food handy. Shannon puts a lot of emphasis of training the whole family on how to work with their dog, as this strengthens the bond between all the family members and ensures that everything a dog learns at school will be further reinforced at home. The prices of classes vary, but the general range is between $100 and $165 for group classes.
Total K9 Dog Training serves the areas of San Diego: Escondido, 4S Ranch, Del Sur, Santa Luz, Rancho Bernardo, Poway, Sabre Springs, Rancho Penasquitos, Scripps Ranch.
3. Think Pawsitive Dog Training - Service Dog Training and Therapy Dog Training
Interested in Therapy Dog Training/Service Dog Training? A service or therapy dog certification requires you to take a number of steps along the way. Think Pawsitive dog training school can help you throughout the process. Its founder, Vanessa Melrose, is a member of APDT (Association of Pet Dog Trainers), certified by ABCDT (ABC Dog Trainer) and KPA CTP (Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Partner). She has been working with dogs since 2003.
What Think Pawsitive offers in terms of service dog training and therapy dog training: it offers to help you with the entire process, from basic training to preparing and passing the CGC Certification and Therapy Pet Certification, which you must get in order for your dog to become an official service/therapy dog. To start the program, your dog doesn't need to be a specific size or breed, it needs to have a calm, friendly temperament. You know, a therapy dog - boy, that patience! Therapy Dog Evaluations are $30, and Think Pawsitive offers extended discounts for referrals or recently adopted pets, so you can email Vanessa directly to learn more about the program and the pricing. http://www.fridlyckans.com/
1273 Crest Dr.
Encinitas, CA 92024
949.533.4756Service area: San Diego + Orange County
4. Behave! - Aggressive Dog Training San Diego
Behave! - another hidden gem that specializes in aggressive dog training in San Diego. Its founder, Alexandra Gant, graduated from ACBDT animal behavior college, and since 2012 has been working with "unworkable" or "last chance" dogs who are on the verge of being euthanized or re-homed due to aggression issues. Alex focuses on teaching owners in need of dog aggression training how to train the dog by themselves, without relying on professional help. Behave! trainers are knowledgeable about the different forms of aggression and believe that aggression is a symptom of a much deeper problem, so they focus on fixing the problem, rather than just the symptoms.
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gofridlyckans-blog · 5 years
Basic Dog Commands - Training a Puppy
All things in life need to grow and develop. This applies to our relationships as well. This also applies to our relationships with our dogs. Whether you just got your furry best friend and want to plant the seeds of a harmonious long-term friendship, or you have been living together for a while, and want to take your relationship to the next level, we all need guidance sometimes. And just like you would go to a specialist if you wanted more out of your relationship with your partner, you would go to a... dog training school if you needed to work on your relationship with your dog.
The question is, how do you find a good specialist? Now, if you were just feeling under the weather, you would probably go to a general practitioner. But what if you had a toothache? I bet you would go to a dentist instead! Same with dog training. First, you need to decide whether you want to work on general obedience, aggression, separation anxiety, or maybe you want to take on therapy dog training or a protection dog training course. And then you got to read on because we created a list of local hidden gems in San Diego area that specialize in exactly the kind of dog training classes you want!
Now, what types of dog training schools are we going to look at exactly?
Dog Obedience Training
Aggressive Dog Training
Protection Dog Training or Guard Dog Training
Behavior Modification Dog Training - Dog Separation Anxiety Training
Therapy Dog Training
Service Dog Training
We will also take a look at such training types as a dog training camp, group classes, in home dog training and online dog training.
All of these gems have 5-star ratings on Yelp, tons of happy clients and they are local, oftentimes family-owned businesses, so you can make great friends among your neighbors while doing some training as well!
First things first, there are plenty of options out there in regards to dog training. How do you know which one is good for you? Here are 6 tips.
6 Tips For Picking the Right Dog Training School
1. Know That the Dog Training Industry is Unregulated
That means that virtually anyone could call him or herself a trainer, sadly. However, there are certifications and organizations that can help you identify those who actually have the right designations and experience. Always check to see if the trainer has some of the following certifications: The Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT), The Academy for Dog Trainers (ADT), the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers (CPDT KA), the Karen Pryor Academy for Animal Training & Behavior (KPAATB), or the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants. Being the primary educational organization for trainers, APDT has a very useful resource called Trainer Search that allows you to find trainers in your area based on your city or zip code. Great tool! Note that if a trainer is certified by the APDT it does not necessarily imply that he or she uses a specific training method, which brings us to the next tip.
2. Know the Training Methods Used
Now, all trainers have different training methods, but here are a few basic things that would help you swim confidently in the sea of trainer jargon. There are currently 4 basic methods of training that stem from behavioral psychology: positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment and negative punishment. Now, the words positive and negative aren't representing the concept of "good and evil" here, they function more like they would in math, with positive meaning addition and negative meaning subtraction of something. It will become clearer in a second.
Positive Reinforcement
This is the most popular method today, and, sure enough, you are all familiar with it. Positive reinforcement has, at its core, rewarding a dog for desired behavior usually with a treat, a toy or play time, depending on what motivates your dog the most. The trick is to pick the right timing: just as your dog does the desired behavior, reward him or her right away, and supplement the treat with a high-pitched "good dog", to make sure your pet realizes how pleased you are with this behavior. See how a treat is added here? This is the positive part, the addition.
Negative Reinforcement
This technique involves taking something unpleasant away to reinforce the desired behavior. That is how electric fences work, for example. When a dog gets too close to the perimeter, it gets a shock, but the shock disappears the moment the dog moves away from the boundary. This way, the dog learns to stay away from the perimeter. See the subtraction here - the unpleasant sensations are taken away to reinforce a behavior, this is negative reinforcement.
Positive Punishment
With punishment techniques, the trainer is trying to make a particular behavior happen less often. With positive punishment, the trainer adds some unpleasant stimuli to discourage a behavior. With excessive barking, for example, a trainer can add a spray bark collar to the training, so that every time a dog barks, it gets sprayed. The dog will associate nuisance barking with being sprayed, and this will discourage him or her from barking all night long again. Did you see how with this technique a trainer would add (=positive) something to discourage a behavior (=punishment).
Negative Punishment
This technique implies taking something away (=negative) in order to discourage a behavior (=punishment). A good example would be if a trainer turns away from a dog that is jumping on him or other people to get attention. He takes the attention away from the dog to discourage undesired behavior. This method is often used together with positive reinforcement to reduce the unwanted behavior and reinforce the desired behavior.
Ah, that was quite a bit of information, right? Did it become somewhat clearer what the different training methods do? Great. There is still much debate around the best training methods in the trainers' world, but what you choose remains up to you.
Now that you've learnt more about the behavioral psychology, do you start seeing some similarities between how we train dogs and how the government trains us? On to the next tip.
3. Choose the Training Type
Group Classes, Boot Camps, In House Training or even Skype chats - there is every type of dog training you might need under the sun. Consider the benefits and drawbacks. With in house dog training the obvious advantage is that you will get more personal attention. If your dog has some socialization issues, in home training won't be as effective as group dog training classes, where both you and your fido can learn to be around other dogs and work around so many tempting distractions. If you want your dog to get the experience of a full immersion, then a dog training camp will be the best option. Whereas, if your budget is tight, online dog training might be the solution you are looking for. Deciding on the type of training you need will make the task of finding a good dog training school way easier.
4. Watch a Class Before You Sign Up
Once you picked a class or a training school, take some time to come to one of the training sessions and just observe. Pay attention to the following:
How big is the class size and whether you will be getting enough attention,
If puppies and adult dogs are trained separately,
How many levels do the classes have (basic, intermediate, advanced),
How the trainer interacts with the dogs,
How dogs react to the training,
Whether everyone seems to be having fun and enjoying the process.
If you ticked all the checkboxes here, and are comfortable with the environment, you have found a good candidate.
5. Don't Forget About Vaccinations
Safety first! Make sure your dog is properly vaccinated before you start any dog training and get the green light from your vet. Next, ensure that the training school requires every dog to be vaccinated and is asking for a proof. This way you can rest assured that the safety aspect of your training is covered.
6. Ask About the Follow Up
Now, what happens after you have completed the course? Do you get a lifetime membership and can come any time for future "tune ups", or are follow up visits limited? Maybe there are no follow up visits in case a problem does arise. Make sure to ask the school or the trainer about what happens once you are done with their program.
Great, you are all set for the dog training school of your dreams. Now, we are introducing you to the 10 hidden gem schools with 5-star Yelp ratings that specialize in the type of dog training you are looking for. Go ahead and find the one for you!
Top 10 Dog Training School Hidden Gems in San Diego Area
Let's start with puppy training. The best time to start training is when your pooch is between 3 and 14 weeks old, it doesn't mean that your pup doesn't learn well afterwards, but it is just the juiciest time when he or she absorbs new tricks like a sponge, so take advantage of that if you can! The next stage at which pet owners often need assistance is the 6 months mark, when pups transition into adolescence, and this time is much like the teenage years we've all been through - rough. Puppy training to the rescue!
1. Woofingham Palace - Puppy Training San Diego
Woofingham Palace is our 5-star hidden gem for specialized puppy socialization and puppy training in San Diego. It is a family-owned business run by Samantha & Jon Mears, who both immigrated from London 11 years ago. Hence, the name of their dog training school. Samantha Mears is a certified professional dog trainer, who passed her CPDT KA (Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainlines) exam with distinction. Samantha has worked with dogs every day for over 10 years. She is also a Member of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT) and is a qualified Canine Good Citizen Evaluator and a member of the Pet Professional Guild (PPG).
Woofingham Palace offers plenty of different puppy training options for you and your pooch all held within a fenced training area in the shade of large sails. The classes are small, so you will get that individual attention. This dog training school puts lots of emphasis on puppy socialization, and notes that pups who have been socialized young tend to show less behavior problems in the future than those pups who haven't. The prices for group puppy training classes vary from over $100 to over $300, so you have plenty of options.
559 Union Street
Encinitas. CA 92024
P: 760-929-1996
2. Total K9 Training - K9 Dog Training/ Dog Obedience Training San Diego
Now, an all 5-star hidden gem for dog obedience training in San Diego is Total K9 Dog Training. Its trainer, Shannon, is a Member of the International Association of Canine Professionals (IACP), member of APDT (Association of Pet Dog Trainers), and is CPDT Certified. She also holds a BA in Psychology and started training animals in 1991 at Sea World. Total K9 Dog Training offers a range of classes, but specializes in dog obedience training, both beginner and advanced.
Total K9 Dog Training teaches the owners how to become good leaders for their dogs without using any intimidation or domination techniques. They focus on building the trust and communication that would allow the dog to follow the owner... even when he or she doesn't have that tasty food handy. Shannon puts a lot of emphasis of training the whole family on how to work with their dog, as this strengthens the bond between all the family members and ensures that everything a dog learns at school will be further reinforced at home. The prices of classes vary, but the general range is between $100 and $165 for group classes.
Total K9 Dog Training serves the areas of San Diego: Escondido, 4S Ranch, Del Sur, Santa Luz, Rancho Bernardo, Poway, Sabre Springs, Rancho Penasquitos, Scripps Ranch.
3. Think Pawsitive Dog Training - Service Dog Training and Therapy Dog Training
Interested in Therapy Dog Training/Service Dog Training? A service or therapy dog certification requires you to take a number of steps along the way. Think Pawsitive dog training school can help you throughout the process. Its founder, Vanessa Melrose, is a member of APDT (Association of Pet Dog Trainers), certified by ABCDT (ABC Dog Trainer) and KPA CTP (Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Partner). She has been working with dogs since 2003.
What Think Pawsitive offers in terms of service dog training and therapy dog training: it offers to help you with the entire process, from basic training to preparing and passing the CGC Certification and Therapy Pet Certification, which you must get in order for your dog to become an official service/therapy dog. To start the program, your dog doesn't need to be a specific size or breed, it needs to have a calm, friendly temperament. You know, a therapy dog - boy, that patience! Therapy Dog Evaluations are $30, and Think Pawsitive offers extended discounts for referrals or recently adopted pets, so you can email Vanessa directly to learn more about the program and the pricing.
1273 Crest Dr.
Encinitas, CA 92024
949.533.4756Service area: San Diego + Orange County
4. Behave! - Aggressive Dog Training San Diego
Behave! - another hidden gem that specializes in aggressive dog training in San Diego. Its founder, Alexandra Gant, graduated from ACBDT animal behavior college, and since 2012 has been working with "unworkable" or "last chance" dogs who are on the verge of being euthanized or re-homed due to aggression issues. Alex focuses on teaching owners in need of dog aggression training how to train the dog by themselves, without relying on professional help. Behave! trainers are knowledgeable about the different forms of aggression and believe that aggression is a symptom of a much deeper problem, so they focus on fixing the problem, rather than just the symptoms.
Behave! realizes that dog aggression training is a big commitment, so it encourages all owners who work with them to consider packages instead of sessions. The classes are $80-$125 Per Session, and they currently offer a 10% package discount.
(303) 746-3487
5. American Canine Training - Dog Protection Training San Diego
So you were looking for guard dog training in San Diego? We found a hidden gem for that too, all 5 stars - American Canine Training. Chris Moredock is the head trainer, certified by APDT (Association of Pet Dog Trainers) and the Pro-train institute of California.
American Canine Training has a number of different options when it comes to dog protection training. You can choose Security Alert Training, which will teach your dog to watch out for strangers and warn you should they be up to something spooky. It will also teach your dog to stop aggressive responses on your command. Or you could go for a Personal Protection Training (on and off leash), which will teach the dog to protect his or her humans and property, learn "attack" and "release" commands, etc. There you go, you are on your way to getting that cool police-style dog you've always wanted.
(858) 274-0268
Serving area: the entire San Diego County
6. Legends Dog Training - Behavior Modification Dog Training/Dog Separation Anxiety Training
If your pooch needs some professional behavior modification training, this is your local 5-star professional dog behaviorist - Legends Dog Training School. They specialize in dog separation anxiety training, training for dogs with impulsivity issues, fearful response to other dogs and many other behavioral problems.
Alyssa Rose (Lapinel), the founder of Legends, is a CPDT-KA certified Canine Training and Behavior Specialist with 15 years of experience in the area of behavioral studies. She is also certified by the Council for Professional Dog Trainers, and by Triple Crown Dog Training Academy. Alyssa is an AKC Citizen Evaluator, and a Professional Member of The Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT). She applied her degree in Phycology to work with children and adults diagnosed with serious disorders such as schizophrenia, autism and bipolar disorder, and later used this experience to start working with animals. Alyssa designs behavior modification dog training programs that address the root cause of a behavioral problem and provide a systematic framework for improving communication and strengthening the bond between the dog and his/her owner.
One consultation costs $150, but it is included if you decide to pursue a training package with 5 classes for $575. Mind you, different options are available, so check Legends website and see their contact info below to learn more.
Serving the City of San Diego and San Diego County: Golden Hill, South Park, North Park, Talmadge, Kensington, Mission Hills, Mission Valley, Little Italy, Ocean Beach, Pacific Beach, Escondido, La Jolla, Mission Bay, Mission Beach, La Mesa, Ramona, Poway, El Cajon
7. Pawtopia - Dog Agility Training San Diego
You have sure enough heard about this dog training school - Pawtopia. But did you know that they had a specialized dog agility training class? Yep, this one also made it to our hidden gems list. Its founder, Colleen Demling, is an accredited trainer with 16 years of experience. She is an AKC Canine Good Citizen Evaluator, is accredited by the CBCC-KA and CPDT-KA, as well as IABBC. Colleen also designed the Temperament Test for the Naval Medical Center's Therapy Dog Program here at San Diego. Colleen is actively involved in many professional organizations, including the International Association of Canine Professionals, the Association of Pet Dog Trainers, and the Animal Behavior Management Alliance.
"Fun with Agility!" is the class Pawtopia offers for dogs of all levels of training, so don't look away if you are not interested in competing - this is dog agility training class for all those who just want to have fun, run through tunnels and jump through hoops, no pressure! The price is $170, and you can learn more on the Pawtopia website.
Service areas: South Park, Hillcrest, Mission Hills, North Park, Point Loma, Ocean Beach, Sunset Cliffs, Mission Valley, Pacific Beach, Mission Beach, Mission Bay, Bay Park, Morena, Kearney Mesa, Linda Vista, Clairemont Mesa, Normal Heights,University Heights, Clairemont, Coronado, San Diego, Lemon Grove,, Linda Vista, Serra Mesa, Tierrasanta, Sports Arena, La Jolla, Bird Rock, UTC, Sorrento Valley, Carmel Mountain Ranch, Scripps Ranch, Mira Mesa, Rancho Santa Fe, Crosby, Del Sur, Carmel Valley, Torrey Hills, Del Mar, Del Mar Heights, Solana Beach, Fairbanks Ranch, Cardiff By the Sea, Encinitas, Encinitas Ranch, Bridges at Rancho Santa Fe, Rancho Penasquitos
8. Devotion to Dogs - In Home Dog Training
For those of you looking for in home dog training, Ben of Devotion to Dogs offers just that, and takes a place in our list of hidden San Diego gems. Ben is a graduate of Northridge Animal Behavior College, is AKC certified, and is a member of IACP. Ben has been a dog trainer for 15 years, and trained dogs with a variety of behavioral issues. He also works with local rescues and believes that every dog can be trained and successfully rehabilitated. His specialty is in home dog training: a personal, one on one type of training that allows him to assess the environment and find the right solution. And allows you to save time on commute of course. Visit
Devotion to Dogs offers a variety of packages. The starting package includes a 2-4 hour in home session as well as a 1 hour follow up session, which goes for $500. Call Devotion to Dogs for more information.
Garfield Ave, El Cajon, CA 92020
9. Tully's Training - Online Dog Training
If you need some flexibility or are on a budget, Tully's Training offers not only private in home training and group classes, but also basic obedience positive-reinforcement online dog training - via Skype.
Tully's Training team is comprised of trainers with experience in exotic, domestic, and marine mammal training, which allows it to look at animal behavior from different angles. One of their most titled trainers is Meghan McLeod, who reportedly trained with a number of well-recognized behaviorists such as Karen Pryer and Dr. Ian Dunbar. Meghan is also a certified CGC evaluator. Check out Tully's team of trainers with a whole spectrum of different backgrounds here. More
According to Tully's, online dog training has been working great for them and their clients, as they are able to get that same individual, one on one session that you would get in person for a fraction of the cost. So, if online dog training suits your needs, this is the school for you. Training packages are highly customizable, so get in touch with Tully's for more information.
Service area: San Diego and Los Angeles
10. Specialty Dog Training - Dog Training Camp San Diego
Were you looking for a dog training camp in San Diego? Then this is the place for you - Specialty Dog Training. It is a family-owned dog training school founded by Graham Bloem, a professional dog trainer with 17+ years of experience and a recipient of numerous awards, including American Red Cross Real Heroes Award and the Honeywell Life Safety Award presented by Larry King himself. Graham's team consists of a number of seasoned professionals that together have accumulated numerous accreditations, including certificates by IACP, APDT (Association of Pet Dog Trainers), NADOI, ABSCDT and others. Graham and his wife, Kyrie, also actively support nonprofits, shelters and rescue organizations. http://www.fridlyckans.com
Specialty Dog Training focuses on using positive reinforcement and discipline in their training. Their dog training camp, i.e. in-kennel training, dog board and train or a boot camp is a structured environment where your dog will be taught all the obedience basics he or she needs to be a great companion. Being away from the usual environment is a good opportunity for your dog to "reset", while the trainers can work on his/her behavioral issues in a controlled environment.
Specialty Dog Training offers plenty of packages, they also have a Boot Camp Special for the month of March, with 25% off all dog training camps. The price varies between $1575 (with the discount) for a 2-week program with 2 private sessions, to $5400 for an 8-week program with 2 private lessons.
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dogtraining1111 · 2 years
How To Become a Dog Trainer in 2022 
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Dog training is a fun and rewarding career that involves correcting animal behavior, easing separation anxiety and acclimating to new home situations. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, animal care and service workers can expect a healthy job outlook  for the next several years.
Interested in becoming a dog trainer? You’ll need plenty of patience and the ability to teach owners with different learning styles along with their canines. In this article, we explain how to become a dog trainer, the necessary qualifications and helpful tips, including answers to common questions about this career.
What does a dog trainer do?
A dog trainer shows owners how to teach their dogs to obey commands. Trainers can also help owners stop unwanted pet behaviors such as jumping on furniture, making noise late at night or urinating in inappropriate places. They often work with dogs that are hyperactive, fearful or anxious when away from their owners. Some dog trainers only work with specific dog breeds, while others only work on obedience versus behavior modification.
Dog trainers’ success can depend on a variety of factors, including how quickly and easily owners learn and practice new training techniques. Dog trainers can also provide instruction for hunting, law enforcement, search and rescue, dog sports, herding livestock, therapy, protection, entertainment and more.
Some dog trainers teach classes to a group of owners and their dogs, while others offer private lessons. These professionals can use a variety of methods, including the Koehler method, dominance-based training, clicker training, relationship-based training and positive reinforcement.
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How to become a dog trainer
The following steps will help you learn the skills you need to become a professional dog trainer, in addition to demonstrating to employers that you work well with dogs and their owners.
1. Learn more about dog training
Dog training requires knowing animal behavior. Learn as much as possible about dog behavior and training methods by reading books, attending seminars and workshops or taking behavior and obedience classes. If you own a dog, work on training them first.
2. Gain experience
Once you have completed your own training, you’ll need to gain experience. Even if you have trained your own dog, you will need experience teaching other owners how to train their dogs. Consider volunteering with a local animal shelter or rescue, or participating in an apprenticeship with a local dog trainer.
Many apprenticeships last from six months to a year and will provide you with hands-on experience. As you learn different methods of training and become more skilled, you can begin to interact more with clients and their pets under limited or no supervision.
3. Acquire a dog training certification
While you don’t need federal or state certifications to become a dog trainer, getting certified by an independent organization can demonstrate your knowledge and skill to employers and clients.
Many training programs offer certification programs to those who want to strengthen their credentials, including the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers (CCPDT), International Association of Canine Professionals (IACP) and the National Association of Dog Obedience Trainers (NADOI). Many dog trainers also are certified in common programs that demonstrate obedience and optimal dog behavior, such as the American Kennel Club’s Canine Good Citizen (CGC) program.
4. Join a professional organization
Joining a reputable dog training organization, such as the Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT), is an ideal way to expand your professional network and learn new skills. Many organizations host seminars and other events where dog trainers can learn new methods for training and share their own knowledge.
5. Write an effective dog trainer resume
When you have completed your training and gained experience training dogs and their owners, you can begin to apply for dog training jobs. If you want to capture the attention of employers and set yourself apart from other candidates, make sure you write an effective resume that demonstrates your knowledge, skills and credentials.
For example, in your objective or summary, you can say: "I am a caring and competent dog trainer with three years of experience. I specialize in training large dogs but can train a variety of breeds. I am also an IACP-certified dog trainer."
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Dog trainer skills and job duties
Some of the essential skills a successful dog trainer should have include:
Excellent communication skills with dogs and people
A calm, nurturing and confident attitude
A strong understanding of dog behavior and human body language
Knowledge of proper dog training methods and techniques
Patience when working with dogs and people who may learn at different paces
The following are some of the daily job expectations of dog trainers:
Creating a training plan for dogs and owners
Teaching commands to dogs and owners
Helping owners teach their dogs to behave well in a variety of situations, including interacting with other animals, going on walks in public places, riding in vehicles and meeting new people
Teaching owners to recognize signs of pain or health problems in their pets
Becoming a dog trainer: FAQs
The following are answers to common questions about becoming a dog trainer:
How long does it take to become a dog trainer?
The time it takes to become a dog trainer varies depending on the type of training and any specialty areas you choose. Some training programs can take a few weeks to a month to complete, while many certification programs require dog trainers to complete a minimum number of hours of training with clients.
How much does it cost to become a dog trainer?
The cost to become a dog trainer can also depend on your training and certification programs. For many dog trainers who choose to enroll in an accredited training program, the in-depth knowledge and skills they obtain are often worth the investment.
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#AlphaDogTraining #dogtrainingsaltlakecity
12 Great Dog Training Tips
Published by Alpha Dog Training
(801) 910-1700
1. Understand that a puppy is an infant dog – not a miniature adult. Adjust your expectations accordingly, considering his physical and mental limitations. Before you know it, he will be grown up!
2. Puppy-proof your house with baby gates, a crate, and/or a pen. Any time the puppy is not directly supervised, he should be in a safe place where he can’t get into trouble. Provide appropriate safe toys for him to chew. Nobody would think of giving a human toddler total freedom in a home, and puppies need the same careful supervision.
Eliminating opportunities for accidents and destructive behavior will get you through the puppy phase with most of your stuff intact! This helps make sure that bad habits never get a chance to take hold.
3. Dogs are not born understanding English. The new puppy you brought home two days ago has no idea what the word “no” means. Instead of expecting him to drop whatever it is he’s doing, show him what you want him to do instead.
4. Learn about dog body language. Your dog may not be able to talk, but he can tell you how he feels. This is a good place to start learning what he’s saying: /content/entertainment/articles/how-to-read-dog-body-language/
5. Train with high-value treats. You will be amazed at how much harder your dog will work for a tiny piece of chicken breast, cheese, or liver, compared to even premium store-bought treats. Those may work in distraction-free settings, but when the job gets more difficult, you need to bring out the good stuff. Training treats should be soft, so you don’t have to wait for Rover to chew before continuing the lesson.
6. Catch your dog being good. It’s easy to get caught up in scolding when your puppy is getting into trouble, but rewarding him out of the blue for being good lets him know he’s doing the right thing.
7. He’s a dog, not a human. It’s their “doggyness,” not what we think of as their similarity to humans, that makes them so lovable. Dogs don’t think like humans. They do not plot acts of revenge; they are just trying to do what makes them feel happy or safe.
8. Dogs do the things that we reinforce. Those behaviors you don’t like? We usually have ourselves to thank. Owners inadvertently reinforce all kinds of undesirable things, from excessive barking at the doorbell to counter surfing. Keep leaving food within reach on the counter, and your dog will learn that it’s worth his while to check.
9. Learn to be quick with treats and praise. If the treat comes more than a few seconds after your pup has done what you’ve asked, he has no idea what he did to earn it, or you may inadvertently reward the wrong behavior. He’s happy to take it, but you failed to reward what you were teaching.
10. Always be happy when your dog comes to you, whether you called him or not. A common owner complaint is that the dog does not come when called. Never punish your dog when he comes to you, no matter what he did before. Call him in a happy, playful tone and reward big when he gets to you, with treats, a toy, or praise.
11. Keep a positive attitude. If you are getting upset, your dog knows it!
12. Provide the right amount of exercise and mental stimulation. Bored dogs get into trouble. For young puppies, mental stimulation is just as tiring as physical exercise and is safer for their growing bodies.
Got the hang of it? If you’re interested in taking your dog training even further, be sure to check out AKC’s Canine Good Citizen Program.
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vjlearntech · 4 years
Basic Dog Commands - Training a Puppy
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All things in life need to grow and develop. This applies to our relationships as well. This also applies to our relationships with our dogs. Whether you just got your furry best friend and want to plant the seeds of a harmonious long-term friendship, or you have been living together for a while, and want to take your relationship to the next level, we all need guidance sometimes. And just like you would go to a specialist if you wanted more out of your relationship with your partner, you would go to a... dog training school if you needed to work on your relationship with your dog.
The question is, how do you find a good specialist? Now, if you were just feeling under the weather, you would probably go to a general practitioner. But what if you had a toothache? I bet you would go to a dentist instead! Same with dog training. First, you need to decide whether you want to work on general obedience, aggression, separation anxiety, or maybe you want to take on therapy dog training or a protection dog training course. And then you got to read on because we created a list of local hidden gems in San Diego area that specialize in exactly the kind of dog training classes you want!
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To learn more 
Now, what types of dog training schools are we going to look at exactly?
Dog Obedience Training
Aggressive Dog Training
Protection Dog Training or Guard Dog Training
Behavior Modification Dog Training - Dog Separation Anxiety Training
Therapy Dog Training
Service Dog Training
We will also take a look at such training types as a dog training camp, group classes, in home dog training and online dog training.
All of these gems have 5-star ratings on Yelp, tons of happy clients and they are local, oftentimes family-owned businesses, so you can make great friends among your neighbors while doing some training as well!
First things first, there are plenty of options out there in regards to dog training. How do you know which one is good for you? Here are 6 tips.
6 Tips For Picking the Right Dog Training School
1. Know That the Dog Training Industry is Unregulated
That means that virtually anyone could call him or herself a trainer, sadly. However, there are certifications and organizations that can help you identify those who actually have the right designations and experience. Always check to see if the trainer has some of the following certifications: The Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT), The Academy for Dog Trainers (ADT), the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers (CPDT KA), the Karen Pryor Academy for Animal Training & Behavior (KPAATB), or the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants. Being the primary educational organization for trainers, APDT has a very useful resource called Trainer Search that allows you to find trainers in your area based on your city or zip code. Great tool! Note that if a trainer is certified by the APDT it does not necessarily imply that he or she uses a specific training method, which brings us to the next tip.
2. Know the Training Methods Used
Now, all trainers have different training methods, but here are a few basic things that would help you swim confidently in the sea of trainer jargon. There are currently 4 basic methods of training that stem from behavioral psychology: positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment and negative punishment. Now, the words positive and negative aren't representing the concept of "good and evil" here, they function more like they would in math, with positive meaning addition and negative meaning subtraction of something. It will become clearer in a second.
Positive Reinforcement
This is the most popular method today, and, sure enough, you are all familiar with it. Positive reinforcement has, at its core, rewarding a dog for desired behavior usually with a treat, a toy or play time, depending on what motivates your dog the most. The trick is to pick the right timing: just as your dog does the desired behavior, reward him or her right away, and supplement the treat with a high-pitched "good dog", to make sure your pet realizes how pleased you are with this behavior. See how a treat is added here? This is the positive part, the addition.
Negative Reinforcement
This technique involves taking something unpleasant away to reinforce the desired behavior. That is how electric fences work, for example. When a dog gets too close to the perimeter, it gets a shock, but the shock disappears the moment the dog moves away from the boundary. This way, the dog learns to stay away from the perimeter. See the subtraction here - the unpleasant sensations are taken away to reinforce a behavior, this is negative reinforcement.
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Positive Punishment
With punishment techniques, the trainer is trying to make a particular behavior happen less often. With positive punishment, the trainer adds some unpleasant stimuli to discourage a behavior. With excessive barking, for example, a trainer can add a spray bark collar to the training, so that every time a dog barks, it gets sprayed. The dog will associate nuisance barking with being sprayed, and this will discourage him or her from barking all night long again. Did you see how with this technique a trainer would add (=positive) something to discourage a behavior (=punishment).
Negative Punishment
This technique implies taking something away (=negative) in order to discourage a behavior (=punishment). A good example would be if a trainer turns away from a dog that is jumping on him or other people to get attention. He takes the attention away from the dog to discourage undesired behavior. This method is often used together with positive reinforcement to reduce the unwanted behavior and reinforce the desired behavior.
Ah, that was quite a bit of information, right? Did it become somewhat clearer what the different training methods do? Great. There is still much debate around the best training methods in the trainers' world, but what you choose remains up to you.
Now that you've learnt more about the behavioral psychology, do you start seeing some similarities between how we train dogs and how the government trains us? On to the next tip.
3. Choose the Training Type
Group Classes, Boot Camps, In House Training or even Skype chats - there is every type of dog training you might need under the sun. Consider the benefits and drawbacks. With in house dog training the obvious advantage is that you will get more personal attention. If your dog has some socialization issues, in home training won't be as effective as group dog training classes, where both you and your fido can learn to be around other dogs and work around so many tempting distractions. If you want your dog to get the experience of a full immersion, then a dog training camp will be the best option. Whereas, if your budget is tight, online dog training might be the solution you are looking for. Deciding on the type of training you need will make the task of finding a good dog training school way easier.
4. Watch a Class Before You Sign Up
Once you picked a class or a training school, take some time to come to one of the training sessions and just observe. Pay attention to the following:
How big is the class size and whether you will be getting enough attention,
If puppies and adult dogs are trained separately,
How many levels do the classes have (basic, intermediate, advanced),
How the trainer interacts with the dogs,
How dogs react to the training,
Whether everyone seems to be having fun and enjoying the process.
If you ticked all the checkboxes here, and are comfortable with the environment, you have found a good candidate.
5. Don't Forget About Vaccinations
Safety first! Make sure your dog is properly vaccinated before you start any dog training and get the green light from your vet. Next, ensure that the training school requires every dog to be vaccinated and is asking for a proof. This way you can rest assured that the safety aspect of your training is covered.
6. Ask About the Follow Up
Now, what happens after you have completed the course? Do you get a lifetime membership and can come any time for future "tune ups", or are follow up visits limited? Maybe there are no follow up visits in case a problem does arise. Make sure to ask the school or the trainer about what happens once you are done with their program.
Great, you are all set for the dog training school of your dreams. Now, we are introducing you to the 10 hidden gem schools with 5-star Yelp ratings that specialize in the type of dog training you are looking for. Go ahead and find the one for you!
Top 10 Dog Training School Hidden Gems in San Diego Area
Let's start with puppy training. The best time to start training is when your pooch is between 3 and 14 weeks old, it doesn't mean that your pup doesn't learn well afterwards, but it is just the juiciest time when he or she absorbs new tricks like a sponge, so take advantage of that if you can! The next stage at which pet owners often need assistance is the 6 months mark, when pups transition into adolescence, and this time is much like the teenage years we've all been through - rough. Puppy training to the rescue!
1. Woofingham Palace - Puppy Training San Diego
Woofingham Palace is our 5-star hidden gem for specialized puppy socialization and puppy training in San Diego. It is a family-owned business run by Samantha & Jon Mears, who both immigrated from London 11 years ago. Hence, the name of their dog training school. Samantha Mears is a certified professional dog trainer, who passed her CPDT KA (Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainlines) exam with distinction. Samantha has worked with dogs every day for over 10 years. She is also a Member of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT) and is a qualified Canine Good Citizen Evaluator and a member of the Pet Professional Guild (PPG).
Woofingham Palace offers plenty of different puppy training options for you and your pooch all held within a fenced training area in the shade of large sails. The classes are small, so you will get that individual attention. This dog training school puts lots of emphasis on puppy socialization, and notes that pups who have been socialized young tend to show less behavior problems in the future than those pups who haven't. The prices for group puppy training classes vary from over $100 to over $300, so you have plenty of options.
559 Union Street
Encinitas. CA 92024
P: 760-929-1996
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2. Total K9 Training - K9 Dog Training/ Dog Obedience Training San Diego
Now, an all 5-star hidden gem for dog obedience training in San Diego is Total K9 Dog Training. Its trainer, Shannon, is a Member of the International Association of Canine Professionals (IACP), member of APDT (Association of Pet Dog Trainers), and is CPDT Certified. She also holds a BA in Psychology and started training animals in 1991 at Sea World. Total K9 Dog Training offers a range of classes, but specializes in dog obedience training, both beginner and advanced.
Total K9 Dog Training teaches the owners how to become good leaders for their dogs without using any intimidation or domination techniques. They focus on building the trust and communication that would allow the dog to follow the owner... even when he or she doesn't have that tasty food handy. Shannon puts a lot of emphasis of training the whole family on how to work with their dog, as this strengthens the bond between all the family members and ensures that everything a dog learns at school will be further reinforced at home. The prices of classes vary, but the general range is between $100 and $165 for group classes.
Total K9 Dog Training serves the areas of San Diego: Escondido, 4S Ranch, Del Sur, Santa Luz, Rancho Bernardo, Poway, Sabre Springs, Rancho Penasquitos, Scripps Ranch.
3. Think Pawsitive Dog Training - Service Dog Training and Therapy Dog Training
Interested in Therapy Dog Training/Service Dog Training? A service or therapy dog certification requires you to take a number of steps along the way. Think Pawsitive dog training school can help you throughout the process. Its founder, Vanessa Melrose, is a member of APDT (Association of Pet Dog Trainers), certified by ABCDT (ABC Dog Trainer) and KPA CTP (Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Partner). She has been working with dogs since 2003.
What Think Pawsitive offers in terms of service dog training and therapy dog training: it offers to help you with the entire process, from basic training to preparing and passing the CGC Certification and Therapy Pet Certification, which you must get in order for your dog to become an official service/therapy dog. To start the program, your dog doesn't need to be a specific size or breed, it needs to have a calm, friendly temperament. You know, a therapy dog - boy, that patience! Therapy Dog Evaluations are $30, and Think Pawsitive offers extended discounts for referrals or recently adopted pets, so you can email Vanessa directly to learn more about the program and the pricing.
1273 Crest Dr.
Encinitas, CA 92024
949.533.4756Service area: San Diego + Orange County
4. Behave! - Aggressive Dog Training San Diego
Behave! - another hidden gem that specializes in aggressive dog training in San Diego. Its founder, Alexandra Gant, graduated from ACBDT animal behavior college, and since 2012 has been working with "unworkable" or "last chance" dogs who are on the verge of being euthanized or re-homed due to aggression issues. Alex focuses on teaching owners in need of dog aggression training how to train the dog by themselves, without relying on professional help. Behave! trainers are knowledgeable about the different forms of aggression and believe that aggression is a symptom of a much deeper problem, so they focus on fixing the problem, rather than just the symptoms.
Behave! realizes that dog aggression training is a big commitment, so it encourages all owners who work with them to consider packages instead of sessions. The classes are $80-$125 Per Session, and they currently offer a 10% package discount.
(303) 746-3487
5. American Canine Training - Dog Protection Training San Diego
So you were looking for guard dog training in San Diego? We found a hidden gem for that too, all 5 stars - American Canine Training. Chris Moredock is the head trainer, certified by APDT (Association of Pet Dog Trainers) and the Pro-train institute of California.
American Canine Training has a number of different options when it comes to dog protection training. You can choose Security Alert Training, which will teach your dog to watch out for strangers and warn you should they be up to something spooky. It will also teach your dog to stop aggressive responses on your command. Or you could go for a Personal Protection Training (on and off leash), which will teach the dog to protect his or her humans and property, learn "attack" and "release" commands, etc. There you go, you are on your way to getting that cool police-style dog you've always wanted.
(858) 274-0268
Serving area: the entire San Diego County
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6. Legends Dog Training - Behavior Modification Dog Training/Dog Separation Anxiety Training
If your pooch needs some professional behavior modification training, this is your local 5-star professional dog behaviorist - Legends Dog Training School. They specialize in dog separation anxiety training, training for dogs with impulsivity issues, fearful response to other dogs and many other behavioral problems.
Alyssa Rose (Lapinel), the founder of Legends, is a CPDT-KA certified Canine Training and Behavior Specialist with 15 years of experience in the area of behavioral studies. She is also certified by the Council for Professional Dog Trainers, and by Triple Crown Dog Training Academy. Alyssa is an AKC Citizen Evaluator, and a Professional Member of The Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT). She applied her degree in Phycology to work with children and adults diagnosed with serious disorders such as schizophrenia, autism and bipolar disorder, and later used this experience to start working with animals. Alyssa designs behavior modification dog training programs that address the root cause of a behavioral problem and provide a systematic framework for improving communication and strengthening the bond between the dog and his/her owner.
One consultation costs $150, but it is included if you decide to pursue a training package with 5 classes for $575. Mind you, different options are available, so check Legends website and see their contact info below to learn more.
Serving the City of San Diego and San Diego County: Golden Hill, South Park, North Park, Talmadge, Kensington, Mission Hills, Mission Valley, Little Italy, Ocean Beach, Pacific Beach, Escondido, La Jolla, Mission Bay, Mission Beach, La Mesa, Ramona, Poway, El Cajon
7. Pawtopia - Dog Agility Training San Diego
You have sure enough heard about this dog training school - Pawtopia. But did you know that they had a specialized dog agility training class? Yep, this one also made it to our hidden gems list. Its founder, Colleen Demling, is an accredited trainer with 16 years of experience. She is an AKC Canine Good Citizen Evaluator, is accredited by the CBCC-KA and CPDT-KA, as well as IABBC. Colleen also designed the Temperament Test for the Naval Medical Center's Therapy Dog Program here at San Diego. Colleen is actively involved in many professional organizations, including the International Association of Canine Professionals, the Association of Pet Dog Trainers, and the Animal Behavior Management Alliance.
"Fun with Agility!" is the class Pawtopia offers for dogs of all levels of training, so don't look away if you are not interested in competing - this is dog agility training class for all those who just want to have fun, run through tunnels and jump through hoops, no pressure! The price is $170, and you can learn more on the Pawtopia website.
Service areas: South Park, Hillcrest, Mission Hills, North Park, Point Loma, Ocean Beach, Sunset Cliffs, Mission Valley, Pacific Beach, Mission Beach, Mission Bay, Bay Park, Morena, Kearney Mesa, Linda Vista, Clairemont Mesa, Normal Heights,University Heights, Clairemont, Coronado, San Diego, Lemon Grove,, Linda Vista, Serra Mesa, Tierrasanta, Sports Arena, La Jolla, Bird Rock, UTC, Sorrento Valley, Carmel Mountain Ranch, Scripps Ranch, Mira Mesa, Rancho Santa Fe, Crosby, Del Sur, Carmel Valley, Torrey Hills, Del Mar, Del Mar Heights, Solana Beach, Fairbanks Ranch, Cardiff By the Sea, Encinitas, Encinitas Ranch, Bridges at Rancho Santa Fe, Rancho Penasquitos
8. Devotion to Dogs - In Home Dog Training
For those of you looking for in home dog training, Ben of Devotion to Dogs offers just that, and takes a place in our list of hidden San Diego gems. Ben is a graduate of Northridge Animal Behavior College, is AKC certified, and is a member of IACP. Ben has been a dog trainer for 15 years, and trained dogs with a variety of behavioral issues. He also works with local rescues and believes that every dog can be trained and successfully rehabilitated. His specialty is in home dog training: a personal, one on one type of training that allows him to assess the environment and find the right solution. And allows you to save time on commute of course.
Devotion to Dogs offers a variety of packages. The starting package includes a 2-4 hour in home session as well as a 1 hour follow up session, which goes for $500. Call Devotion to Dogs for more information.
Garfield Ave, El Cajon, CA 92020
9. Tully's Training - Online Dog Training
If you need some flexibility or are on a budget, Tully's Training offers not only private in home training and group classes, but also basic obedience positive-reinforcement online dog training - via Skype.
Tully's Training team is comprised of trainers with experience in exotic, domestic, and marine mammal training, which allows it to look at animal behavior from different angles. One of their most titled trainers is Meghan McLeod, who reportedly trained with a number of well-recognized behaviorists such as Karen Pryer and Dr. Ian Dunbar. Meghan is also a certified CGC evaluator. Check out Tully's team of trainers with a whole spectrum of different backgrounds here.
According to Tully's, online dog training has been working great for them and their clients, as they are able to get that same individual, one on one session that you would get in person for a fraction of the cost. So, if online dog training suits your needs, this is the school for you. Training packages are highly customizable, so get in touch with Tully's for more information.
Service area: San Diego and Los Angeles
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10. Specialty Dog Training - Dog Training Camp San Diego
Were you looking for a dog training camp in San Diego? Then this is the place for you - Specialty Dog Training. It is a family-owned dog training school founded by Graham Bloem, a professional dog trainer with 17+ years of experience and a recipient of numerous awards, including American Red Cross Real Heroes Award and the Honeywell Life Safety Award presented by Larry King himself. Graham's team consists of a number of seasoned professionals that together have accumulated numerous accreditations, including certificates by IACP, APDT (Association of Pet Dog Trainers), NADOI, ABSCDT and others. Graham and his wife, Kyrie, also actively support nonprofits, shelters and rescue organizations.
Specialty Dog Training focuses on using positive reinforcement and discipline in their training. Their dog training camp, i.e. in-kennel training, dog board and train or a boot camp is a structured environment where your dog will be taught all the obedience basics he or she needs to be a great companion. Being away from the usual environment is a good opportunity for your dog to "reset", while the trainers can work on his/her behavioral issues in a controlled environment.
Specialty Dog Training offers plenty of packages, they also have a Boot Camp Special for the month of March, with 25% off all dog training camps. The price varies between $1575 (with the discount) for a 2-week program with 2 private sessions, to $5400 for an 8-week program with 2 private lessons.
Pacific Pet Resort, 2909 San Luis Rey Rd Oceanside CA 92058
We hope this helped you find the best dog training school for your needs. And if, after all, you are still looking, you can learn more here
Bets of luck with school hunting!
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fridlyckans123 · 4 years
Basic Dog Commands - Training a Puppy
All things in life need to grow and develop. This applies to our relationships as well. This also applies to our relationships with our dogs. Whether you just got your furry best friend and want to plant the seeds of a harmonious long-term friendship, or you have been living together for a while, and want to take your relationship to the next level, we all need guidance sometimes. And just like you would go to a specialist if you wanted more out of your relationship with your partner, you would go to a... dog training school if you needed to work on your relationship with your dog.
The question is, how do you find a good specialist? Now, if you were just feeling under the weather, you would probably go to a general practitioner. But what if you had a toothache? I bet you would go to a dentist instead! Same with dog training. First, you need to decide whether you want to work on general obedience, aggression, separation anxiety, or maybe you want to take on therapy dog training or a protection dog training course. And then you got to read on because we created a list of local hidden gems in San Diego area that specialize in exactly the kind of dog training classes you want!
Now, what types of dog training schools are we going to look at exactly?
Dog Obedience Training
Aggressive Dog Training
Protection Dog Training or Guard Dog Training
Behavior Modification Dog Training - Dog Separation Anxiety Training
Therapy Dog Training
Service Dog Training
We will also take a look at such training types as a dog training camp, group classes, in home dog training and online dog training.
All of these gems have 5-star ratings on Yelp, tons of happy clients and they are local, oftentimes family-owned businesses, so you can make great friends among your neighbors while doing some training as well!
First things first, there are plenty of options out there in regards to dog training. How do you know which one is good for you? Here are 6 tips.
6 Tips For Picking the Right Dog Training School
1. Know That the Dog Training Industry is Unregulated
That means that virtually anyone could call him or herself a trainer, sadly. However, there are certifications and organizations that can help you identify those who actually have the right designations and experience. Always check to see if the trainer has some of the following certifications: The Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT), The Academy for Dog Trainers (ADT), the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers (CPDT KA), the Karen Pryor Academy for Animal Training & Behavior (KPAATB), or the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants. Being the primary educational organization for trainers, APDT has a very useful resource called Trainer Search that allows you to find trainers in your area based on your city or zip code. Great tool! Note that if a trainer is certified by the APDT it does not necessarily imply that he or she uses a specific training method, which brings us to the next tip.
2. Know the Training Methods Used
Now, all trainers have different training methods, but here are a few basic things that would help you swim confidently in the sea of trainer jargon. There are currently 4 basic methods of training that stem from behavioral psychology: positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment and negative punishment. Now, the words positive and negative aren't representing the concept of "good and evil" here, they function more like they would in math, with positive meaning addition and negative meaning subtraction of something. It will become clearer in a second.
Positive Reinforcement
This is the most popular method today, and, sure enough, you are all familiar with it. Positive reinforcement has, at its core, rewarding a dog for desired behavior usually with a treat, a toy or play time, depending on what motivates your dog the most. The trick is to pick the right timing: just as your dog does the desired behavior, reward him or her right away, and supplement the treat with a high-pitched "good dog", to make sure your pet realizes how pleased you are with this behavior. See how a treat is added here? This is the positive part, the addition. http://www.fridlyckans.com
Negative Reinforcement
This technique involves taking something unpleasant away to reinforce the desired behavior. That is how electric fences work, for example. When a dog gets too close to the perimeter, it gets a shock, but the shock disappears the moment the dog moves away from the boundary. This way, the dog learns to stay away from the perimeter. See the subtraction here - the unpleasant sensations are taken away to reinforce a behavior, this is negative reinforcement.  fridlyckans
Positive Punishment
With punishment techniques, the trainer is trying to make a particular behavior happen less often. With positive punishment, the trainer adds some unpleasant stimuli to discourage a behavior. With excessive barking, for example, a trainer can add a spray bark collar to the training, so that every time a dog barks, it gets sprayed. The dog will associate nuisance barking with being sprayed, and this will discourage him or her from barking all night long again. Did you see how with this technique a trainer would add (=positive) something to discourage a behavior (=punishment).
Negative Punishment
This technique implies taking something away (=negative) in order to discourage a behavior (=punishment). A good example would be if a trainer turns away from a dog that is jumping on him or other people to get attention. He takes the attention away from the dog to discourage undesired behavior. This method is often used together with positive reinforcement to reduce the unwanted behavior and reinforce the desired behavior.
Ah, that was quite a bit of information, right? Did it become somewhat clearer what the different training methods do? Great. There is still much debate around the best training methods in the trainers' world, but what you choose remains up to you.
Now that you've learnt more about the behavioral psychology, do you start seeing some similarities between how we train dogs and how the government trains us? On to the next tip.
3. Choose the Training Type
Group Classes, Boot Camps, In House Training or even Skype chats - there is every type of dog training you might need under the sun. Consider the benefits and drawbacks. With in house dog training the obvious advantage is that you will get more personal attention. If your dog has some socialization issues, in home training won't be as effective as group dog training classes, where both you and your fido can learn to be around other dogs and work around so many tempting distractions. If you want your dog to get the experience of a full immersion, then a dog training camp will be the best option. Whereas, if your budget is tight, online dog training might be the solution you are looking for. Deciding on the type of training you need will make the task of finding a good dog training school way easier.
4. Watch a Class Before You Sign Up
Once you picked a class or a training school, take some time to come to one of the training sessions and just observe. Pay attention to the following:
How big is the class size and whether you will be getting enough attention,
If puppies and adult dogs are trained separately,
How many levels do the classes have (basic, intermediate, advanced),
How the trainer interacts with the dogs,
How dogs react to the training,
Whether everyone seems to be having fun and enjoying the process.
If you ticked all the checkboxes here, and are comfortable with the environment, you have found a good candidate.
5. Don't Forget About Vaccinations
Safety first! Make sure your dog is properly vaccinated before you start any dog training and get the green light from your vet. Next, ensure that the training school requires every dog to be vaccinated and is asking for a proof. This way you can rest assured that the safety aspect of your training is covered.
6. Ask About the Follow Up
Now, what happens after you have completed the course? Do you get a lifetime membership and can come any time for future "tune ups", or are follow up visits limited? Maybe there are no follow up visits in case a problem does arise. Make sure to ask the school or the trainer about what happens once you are done with their program.
Great, you are all set for the dog training school of your dreams. Now, we are introducing you to the 10 hidden gem schools with 5-star Yelp ratings that specialize in the type of dog training you are looking for. Go ahead and find the one for you!
Top 10 Dog Training School Hidden Gems in San Diego Area
Let's start with puppy training. The best time to start training is when your pooch is between 3 and 14 weeks old, it doesn't mean that your pup doesn't learn well afterwards, but it is just the juiciest time when he or she absorbs new tricks like a sponge, so take advantage of that if you can! The next stage at which pet owners often need assistance is the 6 months mark, when pups transition into adolescence, and this time is much like the teenage years we've all been through - rough. Puppy training to the rescue!
1. Woofingham Palace - Puppy Training San Diego
Woofingham Palace is our 5-star hidden gem for specialized puppy socialization and puppy training in San Diego. It is a family-owned business run by Samantha & Jon Mears, who both immigrated from London 11 years ago. Hence, the name of their dog training school. Samantha Mears is a certified professional dog trainer, who passed her CPDT KA (Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainlines) exam with distinction. Samantha has worked with dogs every day for over 10 years. She is also a Member of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT) and is a qualified Canine Good Citizen Evaluator and a member of the Pet Professional Guild (PPG).
Woofingham Palace offers plenty of different puppy training options for you and your pooch all held within a fenced training area in the shade of large sails. The classes are small, so you will get that individual attention. This dog training school puts lots of emphasis on puppy socialization, and notes that pups who have been socialized young tend to show less behavior problems in the future than those pups who haven't. The prices for group puppy training classes vary from over $100 to over $300, so you have plenty of options.
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