#4th dimensional beings are so limited
richerlandtv · 9 months
The TV in RICHERlandTV stands for "TentacuVision."
Is that why nobody has been seeing my plethora of content? I've been very active, you just need to plug your suctioncups into the TentacuPort on your Broadcaster to properly sense my videos.
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mmonsters-vs-aliens · 10 months
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woe, self insert be upon ye; kinda
flagnarb (aka "Julian" or "jules") is a multiversal drifter of sorts, who i swear usually sticks to their own universe and just kinda has a. very interesting fascination with *this one* (mva) which can be boiled down to "I'm SO mad you guys captured me. but also heehee you guys are so silly >:³ you can't get rid of me now"
he's basically a kinda "Q" esque entity, which is moreso due to him being a 4th dimensional entity, while his human body is limited to 3.
His "backstory" is that he picked up link + doc when they accidentally got stuck in "Parnigus" (flag's home universe), and when flag dropped them off at their universe, he stuck around on Doc's recommendation. Only to be put through a lot of invasive tests due to past incidents with aliens and multiversal instances. while the scans showed he was a normal human, he's very much anomalous. there's a lot more but im tired lol
Comic under the cut - CW for eye trauma and missing socket!!
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Can we know more about Asrar?(Sorry it's just that I really like Asrar's Headcannons and stuff-)
Been waiting for someone to ask about him
But due to the sake of something I've started working on after I started to improve my art skills enough to create comics, I can only give so much information out on them.
All the archivists can change their size within a limit, and each limit is different between them. The observer is able to change size within a little limit while the operator has more of a limit of size manipulation. Asrar is second beside the observer in that case
Asrar had multiple changes in his personality due to some events, and is classified as a 4th dimensional being as well, due to his abilities just like his "siblings", though his abbilites are..unique is a way.
The archivists compared to their species are gods, but compared to a being of excellence, they are nothing more than a speck compared to a being higher than 4th dimensions. The average capabilities of their species are much lower than ones of the archivists.
Asrar has never used his abilities seriously.
The operator and the journalist are capable of at least taming solar systems and not much above that (well, besides the fact the journalist somehow managed to tame a neutron star. who knows how he did that? No one knows, but he could never do it again). Asrar, on the other hand, can control much more than just a simple solar system, and there is no actual known limit to his abilities since they have not shown any serious action using them.
The Observer sees asrar as problematic to them and has tried several times to ride them from their bundle (which failed every time because of uneven votes), this caused the journalist and asrar to hate the observer even more.
Asrar does like cats and butterflies for some odd reason, though this only developed much later on after the War.
Asrar is the collector second favorite "sibling" , Asrar is the second youngest
Asrar is well, asrar
Don't worry. You'll be seeing him soon
Asks are open
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mitigatedchaos · 1 year
The Anti-Thought Movement is a philosophical movement which is opposed to most fiction, hypotheticals, and socialization, on the grounds that thoughts which are simulations of beings and people are 'real' (if lower-dimensional) entities, and therefore capable of suffering. The movement first arose in the late pre-War period in China.
Less extreme proponents are generally against fiction and storytelling (as simulating the lives of historical individuals is thought to be less problematic), while more extreme members are known to have ties to the Involuntary Human Extinction Movement and Neurochip Liberation Division T9, though there has been an uptick in independent philosoterrorism, such as the January 4th, 59 AW attack on the biointelligence division of the Tokyo Prediction Exchange.
Some adherents use pre-War AI chatbots to interact with other humans, attempting to reach a "zen-like state" of "thought without thought." Others approach other human beings while dressed head-to-toe in baggy, concealing clothing, and communicate using small type-written cards, in order to keep the model of themselves in others' heads as simple and limited as possible. However, most members of the movement are self-described 'shut-ins' and interact primarily with automated systems.
Some experience paranoia that others are "stealing their minds" by "simulating" them; this was a factor reported in the Dec 7, 48 AW murder of Li Ching, of Guangdong, by a member of the Anti-Thought movement who has since been institutionalized.
The Anti-Thought Movement is banned in the World Union for "promoting one of the Nine False Criticisms of Biosocialism." Particularly, it's considered a bad faith satirical argument on behalf of Criticism 3, "humanity will be reduced to a uniform pool of ooze." The idea that "simple social considerations" constitute "wetware infolife" is considered so absurd on its face that a good-faith reading has been legally deemed impossible.
The Anti-Thought Movement is generally not illegal per se in the League of States, though the behavior of many adherents is considered psychologically disordered, and a number of them have been placed into mental institutions - a recurring fear of Anti-Thought adherents.
However, even in the League of States, Anti-Thought involvement with the Involuntary Human Extinction Front, the militant wing of the Involuntary Human Extinction Movement, remains an ongoing concern, with Anti-Thought adherents often providing material support or even acting on behalf of Human Extinctionists in attacks on citizens. The movement remains heavily surveilled to this day.
"Lotus Cultivators" refers to members of the movement who focus on imagining positive scenarios; this group are the least involved in attacks. The term has become a slang pejorative in certain subcultures.
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What are you holding as true reality SEEING, BEing, PERCEIVING, LIVING in your 4th dimensional mind? What have you been for the last week or so (as an example) as true reality experiencing that your 2d eyes are seeing and accepting as true? ✨You are the blind man. You can only see in your limited 2d eyes what you see in your 4th dimensional world. ✨
You will always be in the shadow of your 4th dimensional self, and your conscious mind accepting as true passing into the subconscious as true, and will always eventually be seeing the shadow of what you see in the 4d and conscious mind with your 2d eyes. Now is the ever present, ever altering of all. Anything that is your now experience is projected and cast out. Now is the shadow of your past self and now is the creation of future self.
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nation-of-bros · 8 months
We are continuing to try to bring you pictures of our world by using our thought focus. You may well be asked in the future ‘How can you receive scenes of a world where there is no physical existence?’ I should like to try to help you to have an understanding of this. When you enter our state, you cannot have a physical body or physical senses. But what you do have, in continuation, is mind. Mind and soul, blended as one. When you daydream or meditate, you can create a scene within your mind. You might see yourself walking through a wonderful natural scene of beauty; a field of poppies, perhaps, such as you have in this land. If you are working well with your mind, you will be able to project yourself into that scene. The better able you are to work with your mind, the more vibrant and real the scene will be to you. When you do not have the physical body to be a vehicle, you still have the mind to project your thoughts and to be a vehicle for your voyage. So you may wonder whether the spiritual world is like a dream state? Well, some may say it is to a certain degree, but to us, you see, it is the true state, it is the real home of the consciousness. When you are in a physical state, part of your mind retains the ability to link with home. It is this part of you with which we can link when you are in the sleep state. Here we can even visit one another. We dwell in a state of consciousness within our world. Our world is more vibrant and real than yours, although it is outside time – it is timeless. Unlike your world, our world does not have limitations. Our world is therefore such a creative place. There are many planes of existence and levels of existence to be with and interact with each other and we are able to create beauty in which to be. For ours is certainly a state of being. We will leave it there. At the moment you do not see much on the films that I can explain. But as things move forward, then it will become clearer.
Generally speaking, most people have a moment of adjustment, a moment of confusion. What has happened to me? As this moment comes, you find yourself in familiar or comfortable surroundings. You are comforted by your loved ones if you wish. This is a very real world to those who dwell in it. There are flowers and fields, etc. We are not able to do it justice in mere language. It is a world of beauty in which you can live for many, many earth years. Time is not a reality, so there is no hurry! Those you love may feel very happy with this existence, but if, for example, you pass over with a greater spiritual understanding, then it may be possible that you help them and together you may explore other areas of existence and go forward. It depends a lot on your needs, the life you have led and your spiritual self.
[Statement from one of the “spirit scientists” during the Scole experiment]
The world is 6-dimensional
Our space-time, the three space coordinates and time as the 4th axis form physical space, our material world in which everything is subject to entropy and thus perishes sooner or later. In addition, there are two other axes that together form the "trans realm": The 5th dimension reflects qualitative properties, ultimately the structures of our reality, while the 6th axis describes the changes in how those patterns of the 5th dimension intertwine and flow to pursue certain maxims; one could view this as evolution in the abstract sense, a kind of purely qualitative timeline.
In the trans realm, neither space nor time as we know it exists, since there is simply no matter that could condition space and time. It is a purely intangible state that nevertheless exists. Religions refer to this as God or Nirvana, the Aborigines as dreamtime, which, by the way, comes closest to the truth; yes, it is amazing that a non-technological primitive people understood reality better than we do! I myself was only able to understand these things through the 6-dimensional model of the world by the German physicist Burkhard Heim, and even this is just a model, a highly simplified representation of reality.
Physics of the Afterlife
Nevertheless, Heim's physics provides many details and even a scientific model of death, how our consciousness detaches itself from the body and "ascends" on the 5th axis in order to continue to exist exclusively in transcendence and, if desired, to reincarnate again. Heim also described possible problems that may arise, and alternative physical spaces where the deceased can stay in order to heal by processing residuals in peace.
Residues are the remnants of one's own personality that are still interwoven with the lower transplanes of the 5th dimension that are linked to space-time and prevent an ascent into transcendence, similar to a block on the leg. This happens especially with particularly unhappy and traumatized or fanatic deceased people, who in some cases cling to living close people, which can have undesirable or even frightening apparitions, but are more likely to be understood as a cry for help.
Personal Goal Setting
For this reason, I am not keen on unnecessarily burdening myself with war and such shit making my ascension more difficult, or even drawing me into an unconscious reincarnation spiral by negative energies that will affect me over and over again to reborn into the same crappy environment.
That's why I don't feel like sugarcoating things here and enduring unnecessary suffering, especially not for this already broken world. I had this thought when I recently saw a report about vaccine victims in the USA, where many women saw their terrible physical suffering as an “experience” in order to “grow from it”. It really seems as if they subconsciously wanted to become ill and chose this fate themselves. I know that's fucked up. This idea of how they also positify their role as victims disgusted me deeply.
I think my consciousness has long since left this self-flagellation phase many lifetimes behinds! My reincarnation is too good for that. No, I'm just an observer who wants to become a creator shaping things according to my own wishes!
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female-malice · 1 year
We are three dimensional beings. But we're living in a 4 dimensional universe. Our perception of the 4th dimension, time, is extremely limited. We'll never understand the impression life leaves across space-time. But sometimes we see a... ghostly outline of that impression.
I reject mind-body dualism. But our material reality is so complicated and mysterious, we'll never fully understand it. We invented spirits and souls to attempt to break through our narrow linear understanding of time. We feel eternity, but we can't perceive it.
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ineffablyendless · 1 year
Been reading a lot of metaphysical and eldritch Dream in Sandman fics lately (Dreamling fics) and i keep reading comparisons of the Endless to gems. Which isn't unreasonable, but it did occur to me that i dont exactly view Endless forms so much as facets of a gem more so a vertical cylinder on a piece of paper, or the elephant and 5 blind men.
A one dimensional being would see a dot, or line. A two dimensional being would see a line, or a circle . A 3 dimensional being would see the vertical cylinder. Its all the same object, all of its facets are true, the difference simply being a limited matter of perspective. Who knows what Dreams looks like 4th dimensionally? 5th? 10th? His dimensions are Endless. Its all the same person.
Similar to the Blind men and an elephant, how the men touching legs assume them to be tree trunks, the man by the ears assuming palm leaves, the one by the tail assumes a short rope. There is no vessel, no falsehoods. Its all part of the same elephant, viewed through a limited perspective
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popusdopus · 2 years
pardon the long post about theoretical physics i think im an elder god
(copy pasted from dms)
so we can move in our 3 dimensional space at any pace we deem fit
we can run, walk, sprint, jog, not move at all (at least on the macro level, our molecules are always moving shit around)
but on the temporal level, theres no ingrained method to move faster or slower than the pace we are currently going at, and there isnt any method seemingly anywhere in our universe of doing it either
so, imagine a being existing in 3 dimensions of time, and 1 dimension of space, for simplicity as the reciprocal for our encounter
they are stedily progressing at a singular pace that they can not slow down nor speed up, thats important
(my friend asked me to dumb that part down and im not going to proofread it because of mistakes that i SEE the red squiggly line for you are just gonna have to get the dumbed down version as well)
my apologies
we can decide how fast we walk, but not how fast we age
space and time are linked, so thats kinda weird? a little bit?
so imagine if it was flopped. a being constantly moving at a set speed that can not slow down nor speed up the speed its moving in space, but can change how fast its aging
6:42 PM
how fast it is OBJECTIVELY, aging, like how we objectively move faster or slower when running and walking. and we'll keep it at 1 time dimension and 1 space dimension for ease
so it is constantly moving to the left on a line, BUT, it is also speeding up or slowing down how fast it ages, which i would need to read more on, but would either be
a.) it actually can move its body by slowing down its aging or speeding up its aging, a paradox.
b.) its perspective can speed up or slow down.
and i think the reason time travel is impossible in our universe is that we have only 1 temporal dimension
a dimension is difined as how many numbers you need to clarify where a point is in space, so 0 dimensions is just a point, you dont need to clarify it because thats all thats there. 1 dimension is a line, think a number line, to locate where you are on the line you just ened 1 number, 1, 2 , 5, 8000, it doesnt matter
a coordinate grid is 2 dimensional, it has an x axis and a y axis
we live in 3 space dimensions. we have x, y, and z. height, width, and depth. so, if we were to time travel, the mechanism would have to exist in MORE time dimensions, because we only get one. the timeLINE
8 billion years ago. thats 1 number. today. 1 number. we dont have enough room to work with in our 1 time dimension to make temporal machines.
just like you cant build something on a line, you need a coordinate grid to draw, you need at least 2 dimensions.
we were cursed by our universe to never graze time
More than 1 time dimension MIGHT be impossible. But that could just be our limited minds talking because we can't really understand how living in a literally infinitely more complex timeline would function
Perhaps space and time are like Mega dimensions?
You define a point in the timeline by saying that time, or a point in space by giving 3 coordinates. If you want to indicate a position of an object at a certain time (quarks), you'd need to use both space and time, and if we had more than 1 time dimension, it could be considered that we'd find a 3rd metric, like super-time, something incredibly complex, so complex it would require the mind of a being existing in at least 1 dimension of it to grasp
A 3rd super dimension so that as things move along time and long space. They also move along super-time, and if we had 2 dimensions of that, it could be said you'd find a 4th higher dimension
is there like a physicist i can talk to to be like "no ur wrong because john paul magnumcock theorized this in 14th century France and we've disproved it 90 times this week"
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empledxi · 1 month
A shadow is a
2nd dimensional body of a
3rd dimensional body of a
4th dimensional body
light makes shadows
God is light.
we existing in Gods shadow.
Humans can sense in the fourth dimension time through of memories to see through time in the past and even predict the future.
making humans partially 4th dimensional.
but the fourth dimensional being are only able to see in the fourth dimension when they have lights.
in other words we 3D human body's can only see memories through time because of the way God's lighting it up.
maybe just like how we need light to see in the 3D reality, you need God's light to see in the 4D time and memories.
the greater the light is the more stable the shadow is.
so when god isn't casting light on the 4D soul beings the 3D body doesn't exist because it's only darkness.
just like 2D shadows for the 3D material body, without light the shadow isn't really there.
or are the soul beings are 5D but they see in 4D and the body is 3D but sees in 2D!
maybe God sees 1D and 0D !
without God's light to illuminate on the 5D soul being it can't perceive the dimension of time.
Maybe that's the vail it's there as some kind of limit for the amount of gods light that hits the 5D being making the 4D shadow more or less, The veil is limiting the 3D being to the present moment.
limiting it's memories to only what it can get using the 3D shadow or body that only senses in 2D at the present moment.
using the 2D of light perception which is always locked at a set speed the speed of light.
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freeze freeze its the panther its coming to get you
pyramids aren't round they're funny triangle shaped squares
Ever seen a crab eat?
crab snacking
Sometimes you just gotta yeet the diddler until you have no more fiddles.
little larva crawling along my arms up the trees and down the grass leaves
no one wants to be mean so we dont rightfully criticize
you should look inside yourself you might see a skeleton or an empty husk because in this economy lets be real the wasps are merciless.
No one ever told me bones weren't supposed to try and escape.
Everyone always says I'm weird and maybe a little strange my expressions don't match my words and I smile too much when I'm angry.
we dance the tango in Ferrari shoes because my Bugatti was colored in camouflage and now I cant fucking find it.
There isn't a right way for things to be because if there was surely we'd all agree on it right?
I will cheat steal and slander but I will never lie and you can believe that because that's the truth.
Cue the evil smile
I don't want to go too hell when I die so maybe I should live a lie
Convince myself God didn't commit genocide.
Slimes are funny little creatures no brains to think no eyes to wink I bet they just sit around thinking puddle thoughts.
Rain makes me happy because I FUCKING HATE THE SUN, it stings my eyes and makes it hard too see roasts my skin and makes it hard to be me.
But rain is cold and wet and nice useful for cooking rice just put on your boots and jacket and pants. the looks don't matter if you're having fun.
Ever seen an ugly guy thought wow that's an ugly guy and then just fucking go on with your day because it doesn't actually really matter how other people look.
I read a lot of books sitting in nooks hoping I'm dead to the world at least until I'm ready for it
Bring me out of that bubble and you better be prepared for my autism stare I'll stare and stare because I just don't care.
It would be nice if God came down to earth and fucking explained himself to me so I wouldn't have to hear Christians say 'well God is incomprehensible so there must be some reason for our suffering that we just cant conceive of'.
Justifying every evil for the greater good feels to demonic and diabolical to be right.
I feel electric like my limbs are machines straining against my seams trying to move past the limiters transferring into the 4th dimension.
I'm thinking meta physical the funny turtle man told me gravity might stop tomorrow that someday we might just find talking kills rainbows and makes shrimp intelligent like people.
We purchasing tickets for the train to hell thinking for ourselves you all describe the devil like my eccentric uncle so I don't think it'll be too bad.
I'm drinking cola by the milliliter sometimes you just need an excuse for sugar.
Square laws tell Godzilla he cant be real but I don't Think Godzilla really gives a fuck about what us silly mortals think.
Minions were a mistake
My armpits feel like spark plugs no one really understands the Danish language.
Some people think me threatening to rail people has something to do with the trolley problem
Walter White was just a paid actor smh my head
No mom being edgy has nothing to do with cliffhangers
My dad is based
I don't like soft pretzels.
I'm surrounded from only 2 sides they forgor I was 3 dimensional
Sometimes I get really angry about people who refuse to think about my objectively funny hypotheticals.
But its chill I'm too autistic to complain.
please don't eat the prion disease.
We get a little silly
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kicksaddictny · 11 months
MLS x WJW and MLS x SOMEWHERE Limited-Edition Collections
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Major League Soccer (MLS)announced today the launch of MLS All-Star inspired capsule collections designed in collaboration with acclaimed locally rooted brands SOMEWHERE®and WJW.
“MLS All-Star is one of the most exciting times during the season, so it only makes sense that we add to the anticipation with these new and creative collaborations,” said Rachel Hoagland, MLS SVP of Consumer Products. “By partnering with locally rooted brands like SOMEWHERE and WJW, we’re engaging new prospective fans and highlighting the unique style and culture of D.C. on a national platform.”
A retail destination born in Washington, D.C. and built for the world, the items designed by SOMEWHEREincludet-shirts, a bucket hat, a tote bag, a boot/travel bag,and a premium 3D woven scarffrom the Dutch textile company, ByBorre.
"Having grown up at 4th & P streetSouth West, literally blocks away from the stadium, this project is a dream come true. It's why we continue to strive as a brand to represent the best of best in the world while continuing to stay grounded here in DC.," said Dominick Adams, co-founder of SOMEWHERE®.
“When Major League Soccer asked us to create a capsule for the MLS All-Star Game, we pushed ourselves to develop something unique as the centerpiece. We collaborated with ByBorreto develop our take on the classic soccer scarf —it’s a bit shorter, a bit wider, and has a three-dimensional appearance. We are grateful MLS trusted us to bring this idea to life andwe look forward to launching our full capsule in the coming days.” –Steve Place, co-founder of SOMEWHERE®
Having started out in Marylandbefore moving to LA to pursue ambitions in streetwear, WJW was created by Korean-American creative director Jung Woo. Items designed by WJW include t-shirts,a hoodie,shorts, sweatpants, socks, a hat and soccer ball keychain.
“Being able to collaborate with MLS is a dream come true for me. As a young kid growing up inthe DMV Area, I was exposed to many different cultures through playing soccer, and I will always be grateful to this sport, said WJW founder, Jung Woo. “My dream was to be a professional soccer player, but now with this collab, I can say I got there, one way or the other. WJW is more than just a clothing brand, it’s a movement, and we never stop moving.
”The limited-edition collections are available for purchase starting July 15 at a special pop-up inside SOMEWHERE’s Navy Yardretail store in Washington, D.C. (1239 First St SE, Washington, D.C. 20003)and available online starting July 16that 11am EST via www.somewhereofficial.com and www.whojungwoo.com.The pop-up will open with a launch event from 4-7pm on Saturday, July 15th and stay open until Friday, July 21st. Select pieces will be available at Audi Field on July 18thand 19thduring the 2023 MLS All-Star Skills Challenge and MLS All-Star Game.
The unveiling of thesecapsule collections kicks off a week of soccer celebrations in the Nation’s Capital leading up to the MLS All-Star Game on Wednesday, July 19th. For a full list of All-Star events,visit mlssoccer.com/all-star. MLS’ All-Star Game featuring Arsenal FC will be available to watchin more than 100 countries and regions in English, Spanish and French on MLS Season Pass on the Apple TV app.
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lewisviveash · 1 year
How does 3D Printing Enhance Sporting Performance? Changing the game forever?
You may associate the term 3D printing with an office job. However, this new technology has much wider practice and benefits in society. How about in sport?
3D printing is the action or process of making a physical object from a three-dimensional digital model, typically by laying down many thin layers of a material in succession and (Oxford Dictionary). It is being increasingly used in the  sports equipment industry which turns over billions of pounds each year. New, exciting innovations are a potential game changer in his ever- increasing industry. Now more available and convenient, 3D printing is on track to allow the sports industry to make incredible changes by:
Enabling creation of more protective safety equipment in many sports
Enhancing performance with techniques to make lighter and more aerodynamic equipment
Improving speed of sports equipment manufacturing
Opening and improving many sporting pathways for disabled athletes
Pros of 3D printing in sport
3D printing allows creation of flexible designs for the manufacturing of more advanced designs compared to older traditional processes and with less restrictions. This means sports equipment is more customized than ever before.
3D printing allows rapid prototyping and the ability to print on demand. Equipment can be created and manufactured within hours, speeding up the prototyping process and allowing each stage to be completed faster. Being able to print on demand is an advantage by reducing requirement for space to stock products unlike traditional manufacturing processes.
3D printing brings with it the ability to readily edit designs to pieces of sports equipment both quickly and easily. This reduces costs and waste if a change is required.
Using 3D printing allows sports companies to now print lighter sports equipment like bikes, vehicles and protective gear - it is especially used with metal parts like bicycle frames; 3D printing has allowed them to give the bicycles the right balance of weight, durability and speed. In the 2012 Paralympic games 3D printed seats were used for the GB wheelchair basketball team and allowed each to be customized to body shape and movement (they finished 4th!).
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3D printing allows sporting equipment to be more aerodynamic and give them a better shape as well as lighter. In the National Football League they now use 3D printing to print safer head gear for the players. Protective equipment is cutomised to optimize protection to players by scanning the precise geometries of a players’ physique (3dprinting.com). With these precise measurements they are able to fill in the exact space between the helmet shell and the head so that there is the maximum amount of cushioning round the player to protect their skull and brain. Further work could revolutionize the sport and make it much safer.
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Cons of 3D printing in sport
3D printing creates useful equipment out of many materials but raw materials will eventually run out. Not all materials used can be recycled and have a finite life. Not all plastics and metals can be temperature controlled to be used for 3D printing and therefore 3D printing  has its limitations.
Currently 3D printers only have small print chambers, which restricts the size of product the printers can print; bigger products need to be printed individually and parts assembled separately. This adds another step in the manufacturing process and will increase both the time and cost to produce larger products.
3D printed products are made by printing layer on layer several times over, and while this works well as layers adhere to each other, layers can delaminate and fall apart under certain circumstances e.g. if the product is put under a lot of stress.
Customized equipment has a relatively short user life. A printed individualized seat as used in the wheelchair basketball will only be useful it that athlete maintains the exact same physique and mobility level.
3D printing is reliant on accessibility and not available for all countries or athletes due to costs and availability of equipment. It may be argued that this brings with it a degree of advantage to those athletes and countries in a position to utilize this transformation.
3D printing is an exciting development and has become embedded in modern day sport. In the future with further developments in technology and engineering, it will only become more popular and more efficient. The impact of scaling up of this transformation is yet to be seen in the sporting world but 3D printing is impacting sport today, tomorrow, and beyond.
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cosmicangel888 · 1 year
Soul Growth & Evolution is the Game, is the Song 5D
Know thyself -
What we offer has been unconditional - with 0 support and 0 donations or monetary receiving; I do what I do, as I am, and what is false will be brought down for this is of the will of higher realms not being misused and abused again- this lifetime is different - corruption will be bathed - I know who I am, and I speak of many worlds and realms - I know who I am - and in such will trigger those acting, behaving, masking, and deceiving - why the triggers are triggers - it is a clue, a cue to go within and get with it - It
All is free will yet those thinking and forcing, and brainwashing their wishes and ache to own me, my mind, or my timeline space you will never - you are you and your consciousness is of your level and as you choose not to heal - you will not ever be of what God is Source is of your potential until you face your choices of all that was, make it centre, in love and in acceptance - then Source will open Into anew version of you -
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Why wish to be another when you are as magical - it is up to each to seek it and be it - as Jesus was, nothing to with religion or sects or separation of rules through dogma; 'I am that I am, as are you'
Heed the wisdoms - and thus is which unconditional and divine for it is a gift - and heed thy name with respect - for I am that I am;
I know who I am and will do, be of all beings, and worlds and realms that I am - I will bring up the waters and I will bring peace to that which is soil - I am free, liberated and will never join of groups of immature taking and selfish non-transparency - learn and heed that which is calling from within - this is the highest self to guide you into new realms-
I am no ones 'person,' I am no ones side piece or 3rd or 4th party, or option - I speak of my own voice and anyone speaking of me does not know me - I am not owned and never have been - I cannot be bought nor surrender to stories of degradation of our divinity and human spirit - for I know of all realms and learning to be more in all ways every day - this is the path of the humble and the discreet -
I know of my path and my purpose and my power - I reclaim it every time the takers come forth and work behind closed doors - my light is my light and owned by none and will any scheme and plan with numbers and bets to me shall forever be brought down in the breath of the Most High - for none shall ever treat a sacred one in disregard again - the meek shall inherit the earth - and so be it  © 
I am Joanna, I am sacred; I will not taken from again and whatever games and ways deem such in sneakily ways - will always fall and falter - Know thyself - for it is only you showing you to new ways of being more pure - it your movie and this is mine.
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- thus then, how to ascend and be of higher thought form is of such - it is all choice - I know who I am - you are not me - be happy in you - you are you and I am me and know now, as the towers fall in truth of my word and vibration, I am that I am - Peace is © 
Your words are from you, your opinions are of you, all said all done is from only within, of thyself; not of what is & can be; Your job is to know you in love or not either way all will return - it is a game and to know of such and remember the sacred child will align you with a far grander reality of health and joy ~
'I work with consciousness of all kinds, levels & dimensions; I work with the oceans, the wind, the populations of galaxies unknown, the 12th dimensional Creator Gods, universes beyond what is known; I know who I am, I inspire you to know you;' ©
I speak the language of love
When you are the alignment of God, Source, you align in all life; I speak, as a conduit, crystal child, hybrid, I speak of the song of Source, all worlds ©
All is God, beyond the beyond, beyond religion and beyond rules of limitation and subjugation - there is higher always -
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The past is done over closed; the cycles are closed and legions of beings protect this of me; there is no 100th chances to do what was written and offered years ago to make right; the way through out of your tower is truth - cannot jump over it and linch to another to not walk through what you create - all must walk through and face what each face - this is mastery and soul growth - love and heal or not all will be shown as your life, your health, and your manifestation -
enough taking & those not in alignment will not be allowed in my circle ~ period - go and heal and do what is right for you, leave me be
What you stop and block, and spell for another is what you do for you - has this lesson be offered enough? Ponder in love and see what occurs...
Blessings for a new earth - truth is and love is - always -
I am here for human - Heavenly service, I see and hear, and know into the human psyche and issues, blocks, disorders, and diseases for the reconnect of spirit and correction of being - all is energy and multi-dimensional - we are higher intelligence and in pure alignment - all is possible - align in darkness and greed, then this is what is achieved for this is the vibration of intention - all is all - you are making it!
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More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life; For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~
Email me at [email protected]
Human - omni- evolution, re-writing all aspects of our co-creative experiences through love, light, harmony of all that is sacred, always been sacred;
World Ascension Healing Classes, Intuitive Sessions, Healing Sessions, Ascension Books, Healing Systems, 5D human-socio-altruistic re-write ~
DONATIONS - see our PayPal link here; paypal.me/JoannaLRoss
Purity of being is truth of self, knowing of thyself -
Heal thyself, Heal thy wounds so they do not become another's ~
Crime and violence is unnecessary - all is possible with the alliance of Light  © 
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DF/DM are all being rebalanced to a natural, inner, honouring of all life spectrum - for this is the way and path of pure intention to change - that is benevolent and loving, kind and true - there are infinite ways and manners - what is before you and how you feel will show you and be your compass on what change is needed - and what help you can seek - all is choice - all is necessary for a new potential - life is eternal and all is purposeful - but never interfere - Law of Free Will and Balance is key -
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contrerasbirk80 · 1 year
iPromoter-BnCNN: a Novel Extended CNN Centered Predictor for Determining and Classifying Sigma Supporters
05) within women that are pregnant with impulsive abortions when compared with controls, recommend anticoagulant exercise. Conclusion. In expecting mothers along with spontaneous abortions in comparison with healthful women that are pregnant a bit good connection involving LAC with aCL antibodies involving the two lessons, and a beneficial connection regarding aCL antibodies together with anti-b2GP1 IgG are present. Alternatively, hemostatic details values advise a great this website anticoagulatnt position within the blood vessels involving pregnant women along with spontaneous abortions.A 4D method for proteins H-1 substance shift forecast ended up being investigated. The actual Independence day sizing will be the molecular flexibility, planned employing molecular character simulations. The chemical work day have been expected using a principal portion style according to atom matches from the databases involving 45 health proteins buildings. When compared to the equivalent non-dynamic (3 dimensional) product, the actual 4th dimensions enhanced idea by simply 6-7%. Your idea method achieved RMS errors regarding Zero.28 as well as 2.55 parts per million with regard to They would leader as well as HN shifts, respectively. Even so, with regard to particular person proteins the particular RMS problems were 2.17-0.Thirty four and also 3.34-0.65 ppm for your H leader and also HN adjustments, correspondingly. X-ray houses presented far better predictions compared to corresponding NMR structures, showing in which chemical substance work day consist of invaluable information regarding local buildings. Your H-1 chemical shift prediction device 4DSPOT is available coming from http://www.uku.fi/kemia/4dspot.Your co-occurrence involving mycotoxins throughout child meals, which include aflatoxin M-1 (AFM(A single)) and also ochratoxin A new (OTA), continues to be noted over the reports, but info on their prospective mixed dangerous consequences continue to be absent. The present perform targeted at (1) validating an in-house multi-mycotoxin powerful liquefied chromatography together with fluorescence diagnosis (HPLC-FLD) means for AFM(One), full aflatoxins (aflatoxin B-1 (AFB(One particular)), aflatoxin B-2 (AFB(2)), aflatoxin H(One particular) (AFG(One)), aflatoxin Grams(Only two) (AFG(Two))) as well as OTA in infant formulae (whole milk powders or shakes) and also breakfast cereal newborn food items (flours), and (2) examining your combined cytotoxic effects of AFM(1) and OTA in an intestine-derived cell collection. The actual HPLC-FLD approach, including a chloroform removing, liquid-liquid removal, immunoaffinity order clean-up as well as fluorescence discovery following post-column derivatisation together with electrochemically created bromine, ended up being satisfactory to the analysis involving baby food items and met the requirements of validation and quality control for your studied functioning amounts. The limits associated with quantification regarding AFM(1), AFB(One), AFB(A couple of), AFG(One), AFG(2) and also OTA were 0.069, 3.032, 0.020, 0.047, 3.020 along with 3.244 mu g/kg, correspondingly. Your indicate healing beliefs ended up 96, 114, 112, 107, Info as well as 87%, respectively. The dose-dependent cytotoxicity has been observed with regard to individual and also mixed AFM(One), and also OTA while using the Caco-2 cellular series, comprising a niche site involving get in touch with involving both mycotoxins in the body, soon after dental publicity.
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hipsterholt · 2 years
Reading Data
Oh hey! We need to start working on the technical implementationt make this bad boy happen. I was thinking the best place to start would be to structure out our classes and start reading data. Once we have the data we can work on doing all the writing we need. Ok, enough introduction, lets talk about what I've worked on! All of the changes specific to today's task are in this branch on github.
File Structures
You'll notice that there are some new files. I've added some untracked files as well. Here's the untracked files/directories:
./dist/ -> simple enough, our distribution build gets plopped here
./node_modules/ -> again, pretty straight forward. No need to track dependencies.
./credentials.json -> this is a file we need to add ourselves. I'll point it out when we go through auth.
./token.json -> this gets created for us by our authentication
./spreadsheetIds.ts -> this has all of the Id's I've hardcoded for the time being
Other than that, you can step through and see what's going on. Let's walk through the files
./src/index.ts -> this is our entry point, it calls auth.ts and makes a new instance of SpreadsheetService
./src/auth.ts -> this handles our google authentication. Auth was a little complicated. But I think that these two quick start guides really helped a lot: google sheets, google drive. If you follow those, you'll notice that my implementation is very similar. I'll probably remove the whole writing token business by the end
./src/constants.ts -> just all of our constants that we'll use
./src/GoogleService.ts -> this holds our auth and interacts with google drive
./src/SpreadsheetService.ts -> this one is a big one and we'll go in depth later
./src/mocks.ts -> I'm using this to limit my request to the google API
./src/types.ts -> type definitions
Pretty straight forward at this point. I don't anticipate our app growing too much, no need to really break things out further IMO.
I mentioned some about it above, but I figured it would be good to go into a little more detail. Following the guides above, you'll see that you need to create a project and enable the proper API's (sheets and drive). I whitelisted only my IP address for now... I don't think that anyone else will be trying to mess with my budget (they would have to log in to my google account anyway).
Reading Data
This was a fun part. Once I had auth wired up, I needed to read all the data from this week's budget spreadsheet. Let's start by taking a look at the constructor for SpreadsheetService.ts.
constructor(auth: Auth.OAuth2Client | JSONClient) { super(auth); // gotta know which Friday we are doing const nextFriday = 5 - this.weekEndingDate.getDay(); this.weekEndingDate.setDate(this.weekEndingDate.getDate() + nextFriday); this.targetDateTitle = this.getTargetTitle(); this.kickItOff(); }
In here, we check auth, then we find which friday we are targeting. Then we use set the weekending date to this date (i.e. if today is Wendesday November 2nd, we would target Friday November 4th). We set the title (would be "Nov 04" in this case... The titles should be saved programmatically). And finally, we start our entry method by calling this.kickItOff()
The first thing the kickItOff method does is set the spreadsheet id. It does this by finding the spreadsheet with that title in the correct directory in google drive. Then it grabs the spreadsheet id from there. We will use that to read data.
When we read the values from the spreadsheet, we get ranges. So those come back as multi dimensional arrays that we need to format. We pass each array into a method that formats it so in the end we have something looking like this:
{ balances: { CK: 2259.69, OSCHECK: -60, SAV: 10000, CASH: 100, CC: -1000, CCPEND: -25 }, expenses: { RU: -2000, GA: -301.56, SHOP: -103.38, RB: -163.16, ENT: 0, TRAV: -45.96, TRANS: -8.25, CELL: 0, SL: 0, MD: 0, MISC: -103 }, income: { WORK: 2500 } }
The formatting step looks complicated and is unique per type of range we are formatting.
And there we have it! We have read all the necessary (for now) data from our weekly spreadsheet. Lets move on and figure out how we can use that data to write to our annual spreadsheet!
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