#26th Tokyo Motor Show
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 Nissan EV Guide-II Concept, 1985. A second electric guide vehicle, presented at the 26th Tokyo Motor Show. The open roof EV Guide-II was used for transporting royalty and other state guests on VIP factory visits.
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Looking forward and back
There are many ways to describe how 2020 went.
Unpredictable is certainly a good description when it came to the calendar and events scheduling. And, 2021 is likely to have some of the same challenges.
Today we look at a tentative schedule and some notable anniversaries that are coming up in 2021.
AHEAD IN 2021:
(Note, much of this is subject to change)
Jan. 18: Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Jan. 20: Inauguration Day
Feb. 7: Super Bowl
March 9-23: World Baseball Classic in Japan, Taiwan and the U.S.
March 28: Palm Sunday
March 28: Passover (first day)
April 4: Easter
April 8-11: Masters Augusta, Georgia, USA
April 13: Ramadan starts
April 29: NFL draft starts
May 1: Kentucky Derby
May 30: Indianapolis 500
June: Stanley Cup finals
June: NBA Finals
June 17-20: U.S. Open Torrey Pines Golf Course
June: FIFA Club World Cup, China
July 23-Aug 8: Summer Olympics in Tokyo, Japan
Sept. 7: Rosh Hashana
Sept. 16: Yom Kippur
October: Baseball World Series TBA
Nov. 25: Thanksgiving Day
Nov. 29: Cyber Monday
Dec 7: Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day (80th anniversary)
Dec 25: Christmas Day will be on a Saturday.
Dec. 31: New Year’s Eve will be on a Friday.
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100 years ago, 1921:
March 4, 1921: Warren G. Harding is sworn in as the 29th president of the U.S. He died of a heart attack in San Francisco in 1923.
March 4, 1921: The founding of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The United States Congress approves the burial of an unidentified soldier from World War I at Arlington National Cemetery. The inscription on the tomb reads “Here rests in honored glory an American soldier known but to God.”
May 19: The Emergency Quota Act is passed into law.
May 31-June 1: Tulsa race riots happen when mobs of White residents, many of them deputized and given weapons by city officials, attacked Black residents and businesses of the Greenwood District in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
June:  The Yankees’ Babe Ruth hits his 138th home run. Ruth broke the career home run record that had been held by Roger Connor for 23 years. Ruth would extend his record to a total of 714.
Adolf Hitler becomes chairman of the Nazi Party in his rise to power and prominence in Germany.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, at 39 years old, contracts polio.
 Ellis Island is placed under quarantine on May 18 due to a typhus outbreak.
The Chicago White Sox are accused of throwing the World Series.
More tests and advancements are being made that will later provide the basis for TV.
Boeing obtains orders for aircraft and abandons furniture-making.
Albert Einstein receives the Nobel Prize in physics.
Irving Berlin’s song “All By Myself” becomes popular.
The silent film, “The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse” is the biggest box office success.
Top hit recording: “Wang Wang Blues” by Paul Whiteman’s Orchestra
75 years ago, 1946:
Average cost of new house: $5,600.
Average wages per year: $2,500.
Gallon of gas: 15 cents
Bikinis go on sale July 5 in Paris
The first Cannes Film Festival takes place in France.
Tupperware sold in department and hardware stores.
The U.S. starts atomic tests on Bikini Atoll.
AT&T announce first car phones.
Piaggio produces the Vespa, the first successful motor scooter.
The Mensa society is created, the only qualification for membership being a high IQ in the top 98th percentile.
The Atomic Energy Act of 1946, also known as the McMahon Act, was signed into law by President Harry Truman during August. The act created the civilian-controlled United States Atomic Energy Commission.
The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) is created during December . The organization was created by the General Assembly of the U.N. after World War II in an effort to provide help and services to children living in war-torn or trouble countries.
50 years ago, 1971:
Average cost of new house: $25,250
Average income per year: $10,600
Average monthly rent: $150
Gallon of gas: 40 cents
The microprocessor was invented.
The Voting age in the United States is lowered to 18 years old. The 26th Amendment was adopted July 1, 1971.
Walt Disney World officially opened on Oct. 1.
NASA’s Apollo 14 mission to the moon was launched Jan. 31. This was the third successful manned mission to the Moon.
The New York Times begins to publish sections of the Pentagon Papers starting on June 13.
A Harris public opinion poll claims that 60% of Americans are against the war in Vietnam
Federal Express is started by Fred Smith
Popular films in 1971 were:
“The Last Picture Show”
“Diamonds Are Forever”
“The French Connection”
“Fiddler on the Roof”
“Dirty Harry”
25 years ago, 1996:
Average cost of new house: $118,200.
Average income per year: $36,300.
Average monthly rent: $554
Gallon of gas: $1.22
On March 19, in L.A., Lyle and Erik Menendez are found guilty of first-degree murder for the shotgun killing of their parents.
30 Black churches in Mississippi are burned to the ground the previous 18 months.
A nail bomb exploded July 27 in Centennial Olympic Park, Atlanta killing two and injuring 111.
The Fox News Channel is launched Oct. 7 on U.S. cable systems.
Bill Clinton (D) Defeats Bob Dole (R) and Ross Perot (Reform)
DVDs are  launched in Japan
In 12 months, the number of internet host computers goes from 1 million to 10 million.
Sources: History.com, The Associated Press, thepeoplehistory.com, topendsports.com
-on December 31, 2020 at 10:02AM by Kurt Snibbe
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kekabumi · 7 years
Gulab Jamun
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Gulab Jamun is a popular dessert in the Indian subcontinent and our personalities are just as sweet and lovable as the dessert.
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In conjunction with the Festival of Lights, Kekabumi presents: Gulab Jamun, a photo journal of 4 very different gulabos*, each with their own unique twist and flavour as we explore their take on being a Malaysian Indian.
*term of endearment
GULABO #1: ANJALI NIJJAR VENUGOPAL, 22 Artist, Actor, Poet, Freelance Publicist
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“Is your name inspired from Kuch Kuch Hota Hai?” I threw the first question to break the ice.
“No,” she replied with a sweet smile. “I was born before that!” 
Anjali, despite being young is a quadruple-threat. She’s an artist, actor, poet and a freelance publicist. Her artwork have been exhibited in Tokyo and she is as passionate as one can be. She also recently competed in SHORT+SWEET staged at Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre (KLPAC) if she’s not performing at poetry gigs like ‘If Walls Could Talk’.
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“I’ve always liked the stage,” she admits. 
Born and bred in Sabah, Anjali pursued her tertiary education in Film & TV. Her favourite film is Scott Pilgrim vs The World and she described her style as a fine line between pastel goth and sporty.
As a theater actor, Anjali said that she has to open up and be vulnerable when she is on stage in order to put on a good show. The intense training she had during Theatre for Young People (T4YP) had allow her to do just that.
“I’ve become much, much, braver.” she added.
A lot of people would never guess that she’s actually a Sikh because to her, there is not enough Sikh representation in Malaysia even though there are a few Gurdwaras in KL itself.
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“It’s also unfortunate that the Vaisakhi (a major religious celebration in Sikhism) is not given Public Holiday here. Sometimes I had to choose between classes or work and going to temple. I wish that wasn’t the case.”
Anjali, whose dream home would be a studio apartment where she can turn into a creative space wasn’t afraid to speak up about the struggles she had growing too.
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“I used to not like my name because people was making fun of it when I was a kid. They made me feel like I’m horrible and ugly for being Indian.”
“It was not until I see the representation (of POC) in the western media that I thought to myself wow, I could actually look good in that (outfit).”
Anjali’s play “TIGA” will be staged at Five Arts Centre from 23rd – 26th November. Make sure you don’t miss it!
Instagram/Twitter: @pertatos​ Website: http://pertatos.blogspot.my/
GULABO #2: AZAAD, 25 Videographer
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Azaad was 30 minutes late to our shoot but his personality is so bright we couldn't be upset about it. Our conversation started when we went to 7Eleven together to get some drinks and snacks. He told me that one day, he wants to prank the 7E guy too. Throughout our 15-minute walk, we talked about a lot of random things - from car drifting, to parkour, to suicide.
"Every day I wake up to be a better person than I was yesterday," he told me. "That's what keeps me going.”
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Born in an Indian-Muslim family from Penang, the Media Technology graduate from SAE International emphasized on the importance of family by saying that there will never be a place like home.
“Growing up, my friends are 60% Chinese, 30% Indians and only 10% Malays but I have never experienced racial clashing. I see it happening around, but never to me.”
When asked about his thoughts on the minority in Malaysia – Indians especially, Azaad said that he wish the Indians realised how important they are as the people here in Malaysia and that they should never feel sideline. Azaad speaks fervently of his dissatisfaction with the IT and Medicine stereotype often imposed onto Indian individuals as he hope to see more Indians in the creative line of work.
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While digging deeper into his own heritage, Azaad also enlightened us about what it means to be an Indian Muslim in Malaysia.
“I think the Indian culture is amazing. The heritage is really something to be proud of and celebrated. And the colours are just so beautiful” said Azaad. “However, one of two things people often ask when they find out that I’m Indian-Muslim is either: Which one of your parents is malay? Or are you a convert?”
As Azaad explains about the Indian Muslim community within Malaysia, we learnt that it is a small minority that often get mixed up with Mamaks, who are individuals of mixed Indian-Malay heritage. Azaad laments on the interchangeability of the Malay and Muslim identity, which gives way to a form of ignorance towards others that don’t fall under the same label. 
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Azaad notices that Indian Muslims are at risk of losing their unique culture due to the pressure of trying to fit into modern Malaysian society, but they may also be at risk of losing a part of their identity as well if they do not. As Azaad mentions, “If you can’t beat the rest, join the rest but of course there are those who still stay true to their roots.”
The enthusiastic 25 year-old who loves his current job told me that if not a videographer, he’d probably be in aviation as a fighter pilot or a professional motor sport driver if he ever runs out of creative juice. Well, I guess we have to wait and see what’s in store for this Penangite creative.
Instagram: @ahmedazaad
GULABO #3: VARSHA, 20 Musician, lawyer-to-be
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When I first arrived at the studio, I noticed a girl with sharp face feature doing her make-up and I thought “Woah, she’s beautiful.” It took me awhile to approach her because not only she was doing her make-up, she also has this stern look that made me feel a little scared. But as the hour pass by and everyone was all warmed up, Varsha turned out to be a very pleasant person to have conversations with. And quite chatty too!
So when I had her to tell me a bit about herself, it was very surprising to know that this 20 year-old is currently pursuing her degree in law despite having a pure-science A-level qualification. So why the drastic change?
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“Well, I’ve been learning science since I was 16 and the thought of having to spend the rest in my life in the lab is just not something I am quite comfortable with. I mean, I really, really, love Biology and all but maybe not as a professional.” she told me as we were hanging out at the balcony.
Three fun facts about Varsha that I learnt:
When she was 10, she had a skateboarding phase but never really got into it because she was just stoked to have Spiderman design on her skateboard instead of the actual thing.
When she was 13, her guilty pleasure show to watch is Keeping Up With The Kardashians (KUWTK)
She was obsessed with High School Musical (HSM) so much that she had posters all over her room that she has not yet taken down.
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Varsha who views John Mayer as one of her sources of inspiration recently released two songs on her Spotify – ‘Real’ and ‘Fool for You’. But her achievements to this date definitely didn’t come easy.
“I feel like no matter how good I am, I will always have to push a bit extra in everything I do. For example, I did great in my SPM but not great enough to land me a scholarship because of the race quota. I totally understand that the majority should have more seats but yeah.” she explained.
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To Varsha, Malaysia is a country where you have to conform to the majority. You are forced to follow the flow but if you are a salmon who swims upstream, that wouldn’t be too easy.
“Honestly, I don’t think coerce is good for you spiritually or mentally. I wish people can just be their own person regardless their preferences,” Varsha added. Well, we agree with you on that, girl.
Instagram & Twitter: @thatssovarsha Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2X1RsyKi5IRhAPyKAa8o3m
GULABO #4: KEITH NOEL RAJ, 22 Musician
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“Passionate. Rational. Naïve.”
Those were the words that came out of Keith’s when I asked him to describe himself in three words. Started playing music since he was 13, he told me he never learned how to read notes despite being able to play instruments well.
Throughout the photoshoot, Keith wasn’t the loudest person in the room but he exuberates this calm aura that made it easy to approach him. Young and talented, Keith believes that if you put in a lot of effort, time and details in what you do, you will be great at it.
Speaking of great, he will be releasing his EP really soon and we wish him nothing but the best!
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“So what do you think about the Indians in Malaysia?” curious, I asked. “I do think that our representation in this country is a concern especially with all the stereotypes that people have on Indians.”
“But a way to rise above that than getting proper education. Those who are financially stable are lucky, but what about those who are not? They need to get out of the cycle and see the world.”
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To Keith, the inability to see life in a bigger picture will restrict your reality. Which is why if he had to write a letter to his future self he would ask if the older Keith is okay and hope he is not having a stagnant life at that point of his life.
“Hopefully you don’t have a wife and kids too!” he added. 
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This young musician who would like to visit Japan one day told us that there’s just something about the way Japanese do things that he loves. Contrary to the Western world, Japanese people don’t have problem with routine and he think it’s very interesting how they live life there.
Twitter/Instagram: @keithhateskids
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We hope you enjoy this feature as much as we do. We had a really good time working with the personalities and super glad that we get to share their stories with all of you!
Love, Kekabumi.
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numberplates4u-blog · 6 years
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Mitsubishi is Bringing the EVO Nameplate Back
Mitsubishi is bringing the iconic Evo nameplate back on an EV crossover concept that will debut at this year’s Tokyo Motor Show.  The concept, called the e-Evolution Concept, will “blend Mitsubishi Motors’ signature 4WD and electric powertrain know-how with advanced Artificial Intelligence technology under a low slung aerodynamic SUV Coupe shape,” the automaker says. The concept will also usher in a new era of “long term growth and sustainable development,” for Mitsubishi – possibly indication the automaker has more EVs in the works. SEE ALSO: Mitsubishi Rightfully Kills Off the i-MiEV in the US This won’t be the first time Mitsubishi has slapped an Evo badge on a tiny utility vehicle. The Japanese brand built the Pajero Evolution from 1997 to 1999 – a homologation special that allowed Mitsubishi to race the Pajero in the Dakar Rally. But whereas that vehicle was an upright, boxy SUV with a 276 horsepower 3.5-liter V6, this will be a coupe-like, aerodynamic EV. Mitsubishi says the “very high-performance automobile” will debut during Tokyo Motor Show press days, which will be held on October 25th and 26th. Stay tuned for more information as it becomes available. Discuss this story on our Mitsubishi forum.   The post Mitsubishi is Bringing the EVO Nameplate Back appeared first on AutoGuide.com News.
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itsworn · 7 years
26th Annual Yokohama Hot Rod Custom Show
The biggest and best custom car and motorcycle show in all of Asia recently returned to the Pacifico Yokohama Convention Center just south of Tokyo, Japan.
For the past 26 years, Mooneyes has organized a spectacular collection of roughly 250 vehicles, 600 motorcycles, and 280 vendor booths into a large hall that draws more than 15,000 people through the doors for a one-day-only show.
It’s an amazing feat, with set-up on Saturday and the event on Sunday along with multiple bands playing inside on stage throughout the day. Mooneyes also invites a select group of customizers from the United States to bring their cars and bikes to the show, and this year the legendary Gene Winfield was one of the guest builders. It’s an honor that has been bestowed upon him a handful of times in the past (with good reason) as he continues to build custom cars just as he has for the past 70-plus years.
This group of invited guests also participate with their cars or bikes in a show-opening parade into the building, and spectators are 10-deep along the path just to see them all motor by.
Each year the Yokohama event also has a main theme (different for each year) as well as different groupings highlighted in separate areas, such as celebrating the ’32 Ford with another showcasing all years of the El Camino.
Being based in Japan, you might be surprised how many American cars are featured in the event but, over the years, enough of them found their way into the country and have subsequently been picked up by hot rodders and custom car fanatics.
Also, the lowrider scene has always been popular in Japan (even more than the traditional hot rods a few years ago), but both types of cars are equally popular and prevalent in the show.
And you can’t forget about the 600 or so motorcycles on display, nearly all of them powered by vintage Harley motors including Panheads and Knuckleheads. The Japanese really go for traditional styling, so many of the bikes have a simplistic vintage look, but their detailing is always over the top.
In fact, the detail-oriented paint jobs found not only on the bikes, but on everything else, too (from cars, vans, skateboards, helmets, toilet seats, and carb air cleaners), would make any painter’s heads spin!
Then throw in vehicles that are local to Japan (and never seen in the United States) into the mix and any car customizer would have to recognize how the Japanese have not only keenly adopted American hot rodding, customizing, and painting methods, but expanded each into their own fantastic genre of their own, and the Mooneyes Yokohama show is the best place to see all of it all on display.
The post 26th Annual Yokohama Hot Rod Custom Show appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
from Hot Rod Network http://www.hotrod.com/articles/26th-annual-yokohama-hot-rod-custom-show/ via IFTTT
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zonamya-blog · 7 years
2017 tokyo motor show
2017 tokyo motor show
2017 tokyo motor show By Mike Costello 26th Oct 2017 Nissan’s chief planning officer, Philipe Klein, h… Thank for watching, Please Like Share And … Courtesy Youtube
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carsthatnevermadeitetc · 10 months
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Subaru ACX-II Concept, 1985. presented at the 26th Tokyo Motor Show, the ACX-II was powered by a 2.7 litre flat-6 engine driving all 4 wheels. It went on sale in 1987 as the Alcyone VX
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Nissan CUE-X Concept, 1985. Presented at the 26th Tokyo Motor Show, a prototype for a high-end/high-tech saloon that was powered by a 300hp turbocharged 3 litre 24v V6 driving all 4 wheels. Features included LED side and taillights, flush glass and door handles, an early navigation system and active aerodynamics. Equipment that is commonplace now but was cutting edge 40 years ago. It previewed the first generation Infiniti Q45 though that car lacked some of the Cue-X's more advanced features and was powered by a normally aspirated V8 driving the rear wheels
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Be-1 concept, 1985. The first of Nissan’s retro-style “Pike” cars, the Be-1 did not carry Nissan badges. The car was based on the first generation March/Micra K10. After being presented at the 26th Tokyo Motor Show it was produced in 1987 and 1988, with around 10,000 cars were made for the Japanese market only. Demand was such that a lottery was held for the chance to purchase one. 
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Mitsubishi MP-90X, 1985. A highly aerodynamic concept with advanced (for the time) navigation and telecommunications systems. Presented at the 26th Tokyo Motor Show whose theme was "The New Generation of Vehicles" the MP-90X was supposed to preview the cars of the 1990s
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Subaru SOL-21N, 1985. Presented at the 26th Tokyo Motor Show, a concept for a Subaru from the 21st century that had a mid-mounted boxer engine driving all 4 wheels and a cabin enclosed by a glass dome
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