#265 gtb/4
silhouettehistory · 5 months
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Bella Berlinetta V12 Daytona P SilhouetteHistory Single
Single silhouette of Ferrari 365 GTB/4 Prototipo.
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futurenowua · 1 year
Історія рекордів швидкості на автомобілях (cерійних)
Дізнайтеся якою була історія рекордів швидкості на автомобілях серійного виробництва від 1898 року до наших днів.У 2005 році Bugatti Veyron став найшвидшим серійним автомобілем у світі, побивши рекорд, встановлений McLaren F1 у далекому 1998 році. П'ять років по тому Veyron Super Sport покращив цей показник, піднявши рекорд до 267,8 миль/год (430км/год) - бар'єр, який здавався недосяжним для інших автовиробників. Минуло сім років з того часу, як Veyron Super Sport встановив свій неймовірний рекорд у 2010 році, і, можливо, у нас з'явився новий кандидат на перше місце. Koenigsegg Agera RS розвинув середню швидкість у два боки 277,9 миль/год (447км/год) на закритій дорозі в Неваді, побивши рекорд Bugatti більш ніж на 11 миль/год (17км/год). Хто винайшов перший автомобіль: історичний поглядХоча цей рекорд ще не підтверджений Книгою рекордів Гіннеса станом на листопад 2017 року, він є гарним нагадуванням про те, що автовиробники суперкарів прагнуть довести продуктивність до межі з кожним новим автомобілем.Тут ми дізнаємося якою була Історія рекордів швидкості на автомобілях та розглянемо всі важливі серійні автомобілі, які встановлювали рекорди швидкості в минулому. Ці рекорди фіксуються вже понад 50 років, і це хороший спосіб побачити, як серійні автомобілі ставали дедалі швидшими. Від першого серійного автомобіля, який розвивав лише 12 миль/год(19км/год), і першого офіційного рекорду швидкості, встановленого в 1949 році на позначці 124,6 миль/год (200 км/год), гоночні автомобілі сьогодні здатні розвивати швидкість понад 250 миль/год (402 км/год). Як ми цього досягли? Дізнайтеся нижче.Історія рекордів швидкості на автомобіляхJaguar XK120 - перший у світі автомобіль-рекордсменРекорди швидкості були відомі з моменту створення першого автомобіля, але в той час як рекорди швидкості на суші були задокументовані з 1898 року, перший рекорд для серійних автомобілів датується лише 1949 роком. Його встановив Jaguar XK120, перший спортивний автомобіль компанії після Другої світової війни, який зараз вважається культовою класикою. Представлений у 1948 році, XK120 був протестований на максимальну швидкість 124,6 миль/год (200 км/год) у 1949 році. Історія рекордів швидкості на автомобілях Jaguar XK120 |Photo: https://supercarnostalgia.com/blog/jaguar-xk120-chassis-660986У деяких публікаціях навіть зазначалося, що XK120 зміг розігнатися до 133 миль/год (214 км/год) , але ця максимальна швидкість була досягнута на модифікованому прототипі, тому офіційний рекорд був зафіксований на позначці 124,6 миль/год. Звичайно, ця швидкість далеко не вражаюча в 2017 році, коли її досягають більшість доступних серійних автомобілів, але в кінці 1940-х років вона була дійсно видатною.Досягнення позначки 150 миль/год (241 км/год)На початку 1950-х років, коли автоспорт стрімко розвивався, дорожні автомобілі ставали дедалі швидшими. Рекорд швидкості був оновлений у 1958 році, коли Mercedes-Benz 300SL перевищив позначку в 150 миль/год з рекордом 150,7 миль/год (242 км/год). Це було досягнуто під час пробігу журналу Automobil Revue. Через два роки, у 1961 році, було встановлено новий рекорд - 152 милі на годину (244 км/год), цього разу Aston Martin DB4 GT. Рекорд протримався п'ять років, до 1966 року, коли Iso Grifo розвинув середню швидкість 161 милю/год (259 км/год). Того ж року рекорд переїхав до Америки, коли Shelby Cobra 427 розвинув швидкість 165 миль/год (265 км/год).Історія рекордів швидкості на автомобілях - Lamborghini Miura P400 |Photo: https://robbreport.com/motors/cars/1971-lamborghini-miura-p400-sv-speciale-auction-2948151/Цей рекорд також протримався недовго, оскільки в червні 1967 року Lamborghini Miura P400, нова європейська сенсація суперкарів, був протестований на швидкості 171 миль/год (275 км/год). У 1971 році Ferrari встановила свій перший в історії рекорд швидкості, коли 365 GTB/4 Daytona розвинула максимальну швидкість 174 миль/год (280 км/год). Рекорд повернувся до Lamborghini через три роки, коли Countach LP400 розвинув швидкість 179 миль/год (288 км/год).Транспорт майбутнього. 5 технологій, які змінять сферу транспортуНаближення до позначки 200 миль/год (321 км/год)Стаючи все більш екстремальними у 1980-х роках, суперкари почали наближатися до позначки 200 миль/год (321 км/год). Lamborghini Countach LP500 S був першим, хто перевищив 180 миль/год (289 км/год) з позначки 182 миль/год у 1982 році (292 км/год). Через три роки Ferrari 288 GTO розвинув максимальну швидкість 188 миль/год (302 км/год). Рекорд наблизився до позначки 200 миль/год (321 км/год) у 1987 році, коли Porsche 959 розвинув максимальну швидкість 197 миль/год (317 км/год). Це було досягнуто з базовою моделлю, але версія Sport фактично досягла 198 миль/год (318 км/год). Неофіційно 959 був першим суперкаром, який перевищив 200 миль/год, але покращена версія, яка досягла 211 миль/год (339 км/год) у 1988 році, була побудована в дуже обмеженій кількості. Зокрема, було зроблено лише 29 екземплярів, що за сучасними мірками не дозволяє претендувати на рекорд Гіннеса.200 миль/год (321 км/год): Досягнення розблоковано!Бар'єр у 200 миль/год нарешті було подолано у 1988 році, але не масовим автовиробником. Досягнення було зроблено компанією Ruf, яка випустила у 1987 році сильно модифіковану версію 911 Turbo. Тепер найбільш культовий автомобіль Ruf CTR був протестований на максимальну швидкість 213 миль/год (342 км/год) журналом Auto, Motor und Sport на автодромі Нардо в 1988 році. Історія рекордів швидкості на автомобілях - Ruf CTR |Photo:https://www.ruf-automobile.de/en/modelle/serie/Знадобилося ще п'ять років, щоб побити цей рекорд. У 1992 році Jaguar XJ220 розвинув 217 миль/год (349 км/год) зі знятим обмежувачем обертів на треку Нардо. Незважаючи на те, що на серійну модель встановили двигун V-6 з подвійним турбонаддувом замість масивного двигуна V-12, який використовувався в концепті.McLaren F1 вступає в груПредставлений у 1992 році як найдосконаліший суперкар з коли-небудь побудованих, McLaren F1 був протестований на швидкості понад 220 миль /год (354 км/год). у перші місяці свого існування на ринку. Однак лише в 1998 році McLaren вирішив зняти обмежувач і випробувати автомобіль на максимальній швидкості 240,1 миль/год (386 км/год). McLaren F1 вступає в гру|Photo:https://www.thespeedjournal.com/mclaren-f1-now-valued-at-16-million/Лише через кілька місяців Dauer 962 LeMans, сильно модифікована версія гоночного автомобіля Porsche 962, досягла максимальної швидкості 251,4 миль/год (403 км/год), але обмежена серія Dauer дозволила McLaren утримати рекорд. І хоча цей рекорд був побитий у 2005 році, Формула-1 залишається найшвидшим у світі серійним автомобілем з природним уприскуванням. У 2005 році Koenigsegg CCR розвинув швидкість 242 милі на годину (389км/год), що лише на одну милю швидше, ніж F1, але крім того, що шведський суперкар був оснащений турбонаддувом, він був побудований лише в 14 одиницях, що менше половини, необхідної для встановлення рекорду Гіннеса.Подолання позначки 250 миль/год (402 км/год)Відмітка у 250 миль/год була офіційно подолана серійним автомобілем у 2005 році, коли Бугатті розігнав Veyron до 253,8 миль/год (408 км/год). Bugatti повернулася на трек, щоб оновити рекорд з Veyron Super Sport, посиленою версією суперкара. Побудований в кількості 30 одиниць, якраз достатньо для того, щоб зробити його серійним автомобілем, Super Sport встановив новий рекорд в 2010 році на швидкості 267,8 миль/год (430 км/год). Це було досягнуто шляхом зняття ліміту, що згодом викликало певні суперечки, і Гіннесс ненадовго відібрав цей титул у Bugatti.Зокрема, Bugatti виготовила п'ять Veyrons, названих World Record Edition, з 30 одиниць, які змогли досягти рекордної швидкості. Решта 25 Super Sports мали обмежувачі, які обмежували швидкість до 257,8 миль/год (414 км/год). Рекорд був оскаржений компанією Hennessey, якій було відмовлено у встановленні власного рекорду в 2014 році, Гіннесс вирішив, що Bugatti не відповідає вимогам, оскільки тестовий автомобіль був визнаний модифікованим. За цей час SSC Ultimate Aero став найшвидшим серійним автомобілем у світі з показником 256 миль/год (411 км/год). Однак, після розгляду групою експертів, було вирішено, що видалення обмежувача не є модифікацією, і рекорд було відновлено.Претенденти та новий рекордУ 2014 році Hennessey Venom GT виявився швидшим за Veyron Super Sport під час заїздів на мисі Канаверал, розвинувши 270,4 миль/год (435 км/год). Однак автомобіль був запущений лише в одному напрямку, до того ж техаська фірма випускає лише 12 серійних моделей, тому Гіннесс відмовився затвердити рекорд.сторія рекордів швидкості на автомобілях - Bugatti Veyron Super Sport| Photo: https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a15128628/bugatti-veyron-news-bugatti-veyron-super-sport/Рекорд Veyron Super Sport протримався сім років, незважаючи на заяви про те, що Bugatti Chiron буде швидшим. У 2016 році почали ходити чутки про новий суперкар Hennessey, який остаточно скине з трону Veyron. Він називається Venon F5 і має заявлену максимальну швидкість 301 миль/год (484 км/год). Однак компанія Hennessey ще не випустила автомобіль на ринок, і навряд чи це станеться до 2018 року. Втім, наприкінці 2017 року новий рекорд встановила компанія Koenigisegg. Хоча спочатку компанія заявляла, що хоче встановити новий рекорд за допомогою One:1, зрештою Koenigsegg використала Agera RS для тесту на максимальну швидкість у штаті Невада. Суперкар розвинув середню швидкість у два боки 277,9 км/год (447 км/год), випередивши Veyron ��а 10 миль/год. Рекорд ще не був затверджений Книгою рекордів Гіннеса, і подейкують, що Agera RS може не потрапити до неї через обмежену серію виробництва та відмінності у двигунах між автомобілями.Якщо Гіннес скаже "ні", то Veyron Super Sport продовжить правити цим рекордом, поки його не поб'є Chiron або Hennessey Venom F5. Велике питання полягає в тому, коли серійний автомобіль досягне позначки 300 миль/год? Історія рекордів швидкості на автомобілях продовжується.Джерело: https://www.topspeed.com Read the full article
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privateplates4u · 4 years
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Porsche 718 Cayman S: 2nd Place – 2017 Motor Trend Best Driver’s Car
As the Porsche 911 roars deeper into supercar territory, the 718 Cayman S assumes the mantle of a pure sports car. The latest iteration is a midcycle update so big Porsche gave it a new generational designation. The major change: a turbo flat-four replaces the flat-six Caymans have had since birth. Displacing just 2.5 liters, it pumps out a flat-six-beating 350 hp and 309 lb-ft of torque. Both manual and automatic transmissions are available; we went with the PDK dual-clutch automatic. With it comes a Sport Response button, which unleashes 20 seconds of sharper throttle response. Lift, and the throttle stays open with the fuel off to keep the turbo spinning. In addition to new chassis tuning, the rear suspension is wider, and the steering rack has been lifted from the 911 Turbo. It’s Best Driver’s Car week! Don’t miss the incredible story of how we chose the 2017 Best Driver’s Car right here, and stay tuned for the World’s Greatest Drag Race, coming soon. The Cayman’s boosted four is more than enough to get 3,190 pounds hustling. Zero to 60 mph happens in 3.6 seconds, and the quarter mile passes in 12 seconds flat at 114.9 mph. Braking from 60 mph requires only 99 feet. It’ll rip off a 23.7-second figure-eight lap at 0.89 average g and pulls 1.01 average g on the skidpad. SE We Say “Is this a four-cylinder engine? ‘Cause it sure has a lot of power. Good push from the turbo at the start and great handling in the corners. Those tires stick to the ground, and the 718 feels natural. The body roll feeling is very small. The 718 gave me the confidence to keep going and push for more. The suspension is just what you want to feel in a car like this—stiff, sporty, rigid. You get a very good sense of what is happening on the road. That’s a great sound coming from the engine, as well.” – Miguel Cortina “It’s a fantastic chassis and can use every single horsepower back there. Just the right amount of power. Steering is excellent. Among the best here. Talkative and light, quick enough but not too much. It’s a great sports car, very much in the same vein as the Corvette. It doesn’t set my hair on fire, but then, most people aren’t as jaded to quick cars as I am. I could see this being a real dark horse. Problem: it sounds like someone put a muffler on my garbage disposal.” – Scott Evans Read about other 2017 Best Driver’s Car contenders: Ferrari 488 GTB Porsche 911 Turbo S Chevrolet Camaro ZL1 1LE Lexus LC 500 Mercedes-AMG GT R Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio Chevrolet Corvette Grand Sport Aston Martin DB11 Nissan GT-R NISMO Mazda MX-5 Miata RF McLaren 570GT “There is something really spirited and sweet about this car. It is so well balanced and smooth. It’s so seamless in its power delivery and responsive to the slightest steering input. It handles speed with ease. It is light and nimble, generating a fast, enjoyable, comfortable, and balanced ride. There are those who miss the sound of the old throaty engine, but the tradeoff for a nice wide powerband is worth it. The car was not hurting for power, even going uphill. You just feel good in this car. It makes you feel like you are a better driver than you are.” – Alisa Priddle “The 718 Cayman S feels like one of those cars that needs no introduction. Probably because the chassis is so beautifully balanced, probably because the handling is so predictable, probably because each movement is connected directly to the brain’s synapses. Nothing requires a second thought. The Cayman does everything right, and it never feels like it’s trying too hard. This is a car that’s best explained by simply driving it.” – Derek Powell “I’m blown away with how good this car is to drive. It manages to be approachable and yet so good on the edge. I know the Cayman is helping me out in ways that I can’t even begin to understand, but I don’t care. It’s so good that it lets me focus on driving. It’ll let me know when I screw up or do something wrong, but it doesn’t hold it against me. Even when the car intervenes, like traction control pulling power, it’s so subtle that it makes me think that I did it. It’s an exceptionally balanced car. Driving this car feels like using a broken-in baseball mitt—it just fits. Feels right. Under-braked, though. Real mushy pedal at the end of the downhill run. This car is so fast that I want more brakes from it.” – Christian Seabaugh Randy Says “The car is one of those rare kinds of cars where from the first time I turn the wheel I get a smile on my face. The steering response is relatively quick, and it’s easy, with the polar moment of a mid-engine design, it makes the chassis not work very hard to change direction. That’s part of the advantage of it. The other advantage of the mid-engine design is you get the majority of the weight over the drive wheels, which is really good for traction under acceleration and for braking but without the tricky polar moment of having the engine all the way out in the back. “The advantage of the four cylinder turbo here is the midrange torque. There’s a big punch in the midrange. And I’m not waiting for the revs to build for the power to build. It’s already here now. And the transmission knows it. PDK is just so smart on track. It holds the gear at a relatively low rpm like in the low 5,000s. With the six cylinder, I bet it would have down shifted in those situations, and this car doesn’t. And the shifts are really quick and accurate. “The brakes are really good. They’re not oh-my-God downforce R-compound carbon-ceramic good, but they’re very good. And they didn’t change. There’s a little more pedal travel than I would want in a perfect world. But the braking force was good. The car has a little bit of push. Enter the corner with a little bit of patience. Don’t go to power early. If you go to power early, you can create understeer with the Cayman S because it’s a mid-engine. The front end is light. Keep weight on the nose or even trail-brake it a little to get it to come into the corner. The advantage of that little bit extra understeer is the stability that comes with it. And I found that this is a car that I could drive harder and harder. “The car rewards aggressive driving, for me anyway. And I was never in a position where the power broke the rear tires loose. I don’t slam the gas down, anyway. But it puts power to the ground really, really well. “Marry this car. This is the kind of car you marry because it’s so fun to be around and it’s good-looking and shows you a good time and never tries to stab you in the back. And it might not have the extremes of the 600 horsepower sports car, but it is so rewarding to drive and hang around with and have with you for long periods of time.” 2017 Porsche 718 Cayman S POWERTRAIN/CHASSIS DRIVETRAIN LAYOUT Mid-engine, RWD ENGINE TYPE Turbocharged flat-4, alum block/heads VALVETRAIN DOHC, 4 valves/cyl DISPLACEMENT 152.4 cu in/2,497 cc COMPRESSION RATIO 9.5:1 POWER (SAE NET) 350 hp @ 6,500 rpm TORQUE (SAE NET) 309 lb-ft @ 1,900 rpm REDLINE 7,300 rpm WEIGHT TO POWER 9.1 lb/hp TRANSMISSION 7-speed twin-clutch auto AXLE/FINAL-DRIVE RATIO 3.62:1/2.24:1 SUSPENSION, FRONT; REAR Struts, coil springs, adj shocks, anti-roll bar; struts, coil springs, adj shocks, anti-roll bar STEERING RATIO 12.5:1-15.0:1 TURNS LOCK-TO-LOCK 2.5 BRAKES, F; R 13.0-in vented, drilled disc; 11.8-in vented, drilled disc, ABS WHEELS 8.0 x 20-in; 10.0 x 20-in, forged aluminum TIRES 235/35R20 88Y; 265/35R20 95Y Pirelli P Zero N1 (Tread 220) DIMENSIONS WHEELBASE 97.4 in TRACK, F/R 59.6/60.6 in LENGTH x WIDTH x HEIGHT 172.4 x 70.9 x 51.0 in TURNING CIRCLE 36.0 ft CURB WEIGHT 3,190 lb WEIGHT DIST, F/R 44/56% SEATING CAPACITY 2 HEADROOM, F/R 39.1/— in LEGROOM, F/R 42.2/— in SHOULDER ROOM, F/R 51.3/— in CARGO VOLUME 5.3 (front), 9.7 (rear) cu ft TEST DATA ACCELERATION TO MPH 0-30 1.3 sec 0-40 1.9 0-50 2.7 0-60 3.6 0-70 4.7 0-80 5.9 0-90 7.3 0-100 9.0 0-100-0 12.7 PASSING, 45-65 MPH 1.8 QUARTER MILE 12.0 sec @ 114.9 mph BRAKING, 60-0 MPH 99 ft LATERAL ACCELERATION 1.01 g (avg) MT FIGURE EIGHT 23.7 sec @ 0.89 g (avg) 2.2-MI ROAD COURSE LAP 1:40.05 sec TOP-GEAR REVS @ 60 MPH 1,600 rpm CONSUMER INFO BASE PRICE $67,350 PRICE AS TESTED $95,475 STABILITY/TRACTION CONTROL Yes/Yes AIRBAGS 8: Dual front, fr side, fr head, fr knee BASIC WARRANTY 4 yrs/50,000 miles POWERTRAIN WARRANTY 4 yrs/50,000 miles ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE 4 yrs/50,000 miles FUEL CAPACITY 16.9 gal EPA CITY/HWY/COMB ECON 21/28/24 mpg ENERGY CONS, CITY/HWY 160/120 kW-hrs/100 miles CO2 EMISSIONS, COMB 0.82 lb/mile RECOMMENDED FUEL Unleaded premium The post Porsche 718 Cayman S: 2nd Place – 2017 Motor Trend Best Driver’s Car appeared first on Motor Trend.
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khabaruttarakhandki · 4 years
केजरीवाल सरकार का अहम फैसला- GTB अस्पताल को बनाया जाएगा दिल्ली का दूसरा सबसे बड़ा कोरोना अस्पताल
गुरु तेग बहादुर अस्पताल बनेगा दिल्ली का दूसरा सबसे बड़ा कोरोना अस्पताल
खास बातें
केजरीवाल सरकार का अहम फैसला
GTB अस्पताल बनेगा कोरोना का दूसरा सबसे बड़ा अस्पताल
देश भर में कोरोना का कहर जारी
नई दिल्ली:
पूरे देश में कोरोना का कहर लगातार बढ़ता जा रहा है. स्वास्थ्य मंत्रालय द्वारा जारी आंकड़ों के अनुसार शनिवार सुबह तक देश में अब तक कुल 1,73,763 मरीज सामने आए हैं, जबकि 4971 लोगों की मौत हो चुकी है. 24 घंटे में सबसे ज्यादा नए केस और सबसे ज्यादा मौतें हुई हैं. पिछले 24 घंटे में 7964 नए मामले सामने आए हैं वहीं 265.लोगों की मौत हो चुकी है, हालांकि पिछले 24 घंटों में सबसे ज्यादा मरीज 11,264 रिकवर हुए हैं अब तक 82370 मरीज इस बीमारी को मात देने में सफल भी हुए हैं. देश की राजधानी दिल्ली में भी कोरोना का प्रकोप बढ़ता ही जा रहा है. 
यह भी पढ़ें
राजधानी दिल्ली में बढ़ते कोरोना के मामले को देखते हुए दिल्ली की अरविंद केजरीवाल सरकार ने अहम फैसला लिया है. सरकार ने उत्तर पूर्वी दिल्ली में स्थित गुरु तेग बहादुर अस्पताल को दिल्ली का दूसरे सबसे बड़े कोरोना अस्पताल के रूप में  तैयार करने का फैसला लिया है. इस अस्पताल में 1500 बेड होंगे. लेकिन  अब इस अस्पताल में किसी अन्य बीमारी की इलाज अभी नहीं होंगे. सरकार की तरफ से जारी आदेश के अनुसार 2 जून तक इस अस्पातल को तैयार करने की बात कही गयी है. 
इस अस्पताल में भर्ती दूसरी बीमारियों के मरीजों को पास के दूसरे दिल्ली सरकार के अस्पतालों में भर्ती किया जा सकता है और जिन मरीजों को स्पेशलाइज ट्रीटमेंट की जरूरत है उनको प्राइवेट अस्पतालों में भी भर्ती किया जा सकता है जिसका सारा खर्चा दिल्ली सरकार उठाएगी. दिल्ली के मुख्यमंत्री अरविंद केजरीवाल ने शनिवार दोपहर हुई प्रेस कॉन्फ्रेंस में बताया था कि इस समय दिल्ली में सरकारी और प्राइवेट अस्पताल मिलाकर करीब 6600 बेड का इंतजाम हो गया है सरकार इनको अगले एक हफ़्ते में 9500 कर देगी.
आपको बता दें कि इस समय दिल्ली का लोक नायक अस्पताल 2000 बेड की क्षमता के साथ दिल्ली और देश का सबसे बड़ा कोरोना अस्पताल है, जबकि अब 1500 बेड की क्षमता के साथ गुरु तेग बहादुर अस्पताल दिल्ली का दूसरा सबसे बड़ा कोरोना अस्पताल बन जाएगा.
VIDEO: CM अरविंद केजरीवाल बोले- हमारी सरकार कोरोना से 4 कदम आगे
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pneusnews · 5 years
Goodyear ha presentato sul Circuito Ascari, non lontano da Malaga, la nuova gamma SuperSport, declinata in 3 modelli differenti, tutti per vetture ad altissime prestazioni: Eagle F1 SuperSport, Eagle F1 SuperSport R e Eagle F1 SuperSport RS. Naturalmente questi prodotti si aggiungono all’Eagle F1 Asymmetric 5, il prodotto UHP più recente della casa.
La giornata in pista ha permesso di provare questi pneumatici su vetture ad alte prestazioni, come l’Alpine Renault A110, la Golf R, la Porsche 911 GT3 RS e la Ferrari 488 GTB. Il prodotto “base” della gamma è il modello Eagle F1 SuperSport, il più stradale dei 3. Per lo sviluppo di questo prodotto Goodyear si è concentrata su precisione di sterzo e prestazioni in frenata. Il SuperSport presenta due mescole, per ottimizzare le prestazioni sia su asciutto che su bagnato: le sezioni esterne sono ottimizzate per l’asciutto, mentre i 3 segmenti centrali sono pensati per il bagnato: in questo modo si può spingere più a fondo in curva nelle strade asciutte e al contempo di usufruire di eccezionali prestazioni di frenata sul bagnato.
La reazione ai cambi di direzione è assicurata dalle robuste costolature del battistrada, mentre un disegno chiuso sulla spalla del pneumatico, la cosiddetta tecnologia Power Shoulder, garantisce il controllo nella fase di trasferimento del peso in curva. Un fianco estremamente robusto migliora ulteriormente il comportamento, soprattutto ad alte velocità, senza compromettere il comfort di marcia. Il risultato? L’ Eagle F1 SuperSport, secondo Goodyear, batte il Michelin Pilot Sport 4S in pista.
L’Eagle F1 SuperSport sarà disponibile inizialmente in 25 dimensioni con diametri del cerchio da 18” a 21”, larghezze da 205 a 305mm e rapporto d’aspetto da 45 a 30. Eagle F1 SuperSport è progettato per le berline due volumi veloci come la Volkswagen Golf GTI, le berline ad alte prestazioni come la BMW M3 e la Mercedes-AMG C63 e le supercar adatte all’uso quotidiano come la Porsche 911 Turbo.
L’Eagle F1 SuperSport R è progettato per tutti quegli appassionati che possiedono modelli sportivi come 911 GT3, BMW M4 CS, Golf Club e via dicendo, che utilizzano la loro auto su strada ma che non si fanno mancare qualche trackday domenicale. I livelli di aderenza sono enfatizzati dall’impiego di una mescola a elevato attrito che offre eccezionali livelli di grip su asciutto, mentre l’eccellente stabilità in curva è assicurata da ponti nella scanalatura interna del battistrada. Questa tecnologia è chiamata Bridge Assist e riduce la deformazione dei tasselli quando sono sottoposti a forze laterali estreme. La precisione e la risposta dello sterzo sono massimizzate dall’ottimizzazione dell’impronta a terra che garantisce una distribuzione della pressione più uniforme. L’Eagle F1 SuperSport R sarà disponibile in 10 dimensaioni con diametri del cerchio da 18” a 21”, larghezze da 205 a 305mm e rapporto d’aspetto da 25 a 40.
L’apice della gamma, parlando di prestazioni, è l’Eagle F1 SuperSport RS, un vero e proprio semislick. E’ quindi un prodotto orientato alla pista, pur rimanendo omologato per la strada. La mescola Race Pro deriva direttamente dall’esperienza Goodyear nel motorsport, come Le Mans, ed offre aderenza e prestazioni ai massimi livelli in condizioni di asciutto. Questo prodotto per ora sarà disponibile solo nelle misure 265/35 ZR20 e 325/30 ZR21, quelle delle Porsche 911 GT3 RS e GT2 RS.
Goodyear ha dato la possibilità di testare anche l’Eagle F1 Asymmetric 5, il più recente UHP, che era montato su Golf R e Alpine A110. Questo pneumatico, rispetto al predecessore, vanta un miglioramento del 4% nella frenata su bagnato, grazie soprattutto al battistrada con mescola ottimizzata e alla Active Braking Technology, un’innovazione che permette l’espansione dell’area di contatto con l’asfalto durante la fase di frenata. Anche sull’asciutto le prestazioni migliorano rispetto al vecchio Asymmetric 3: +7% nel comfort e nel grip su asciutto.
Le misure disponibili di SupersìSport, SuperSport R e Supersport RS:
  #gallery-0-5 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-5 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Eagle F1 SuperSport
Eagle F1 SuperSport R
Eagle F1 SuperSport RS
Goodyear presenta la gamma Eagle F1 SuperSport Goodyear ha presentato sul Circuito Ascari, non lontano da Malaga, la nuova gamma SuperSport, declinata in 3 modelli differenti, tutti per vetture ad altissime prestazioni: Eagle F1 SuperSport, Eagle F1 SuperSport R e Eagle F1 SuperSport RS.
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baovietnamnet · 5 years
Nhiều xế hộp cổ được giới yêu xe cho là “vô giá”, được đánh giá không chỉ là phương tiện đi lại mà còn là những tác phẩm nghệ thuật. Những chiếc xe này luôn săn lùng trong các buổi đấu giá và được trả với mức giá cao ngất.
Xe cổ Duesenberg giá triệu đô
Duesenberg là một trong những tên tuổi sáng nhất trong lịch sử xe hơi nước Mỹ. Vào những năm 20 – 30 của thế kỉ trước, Duesenberg là biểu tượng của sự giàu có. Ngày nay, chúng vẫn còn giá trị lớn và trở thành mẫu xe sưu tập hàng đầu của giới chơi xe Mỹ.
Duesenberg Model J là một trong những chiếc xe cổ được đánh giá cao nhất ở thời điểm hiện tại. Mô hình Duesenberg Model J này rất độc đáo vì chỉ có 1 phiên bản duy nhất được tinh chỉnh body kiểu Torpedo Berline do Rollston chế tạo. Model J với động cơ 8 xy lanh công suất 265 mã lực thực sự là chiếc nhanh và mạnh nhất do Mỹ sản xuất trong thời đại đó. Với thiết kế cổ điển, sang trọng và gần như hoàn hảo, chiếc xe là niềm ao ước của rất nhiều người. Duesenberg Model J đã từng qua tay nhiều chủ sở hữu. Và vào tháng 3 tới, mẫu xe này sẽ được bán đấu giá tại sự kiện Pheonix 2019.
Ngoài Model J, SSJ cũng là mẫu xe có giá trị cao trong dòng Duesenberg. Vào tháng 8/2018, một chiếc Duesenberg SSJ đời 1935 đã được bán với giá 22 triệu USD, trở thành chiếc xe Mỹ đắt nhất từng được bán thông qua đấu giá. Trong khi Duesenberg Model J có 481 chiếc được sản xuất, SSJ chỉ có hai chiếc được xuất xưởng nên rất hiếm.
Trước đó, vào tháng 3/2013, mẫu xe cổ Duesenberg Model J Convertible J đời 1935 do J. Herbert Newport thiết kế, được coi là đỉnh cao của phong cách một thời đã được bán với mức giá đáng kinh ngạc trên 4,5 triệu USD tại nhà đấu giá Amelia Island Concours d’Elegance.
Chiếc xe đua cổ đắt hơn cả… vàng
Giá của những mẫu xe cổ Duesenberg khiến nhiều người “choáng váng”, tuy nhiên, so với xe đua cổ Ferrari 250 GTO 1962, cái giá đó chưa là gì.
Được bán đấu giá thành công tại lễ hội xe Monterey (bang California, Mỹ) hồi tháng 8/2018 với giá 48.405.000 USD (khoảng 1.113 tỷ đồng), chiếc xe đua Ferrari 250 GTO 1962 đã trở thành xe đắt nhất thế giới, thậm chí quy đổi theo cân nặng còn đắt hơn cả… vàng.
Ferrari 250 GTO 1962 được sản xuất giới hạn chỉ 33 chiếc, trong đó có nhiều chiếc được sử dụng để đua nên không còn nguyên bản. Vì vậy, những chiếc 250 GTO đã luôn là những chiếc Ferrari hiếm nhất trong lịch sử.
Đây là chiếc xe đua mang nhãn Ferrari cuối cùng có thể lưu hành hợp pháp trên đường phố khiến nó trở thành chiếc xe đắt nhất thế giới.
Trước đó, vào năm 2016, một chiếc Ferrari 250 GTO Berlinetta cũng được đạt kỷ lục đấu giá lên tới 38.115.000 USD. Chiếc Ferrari này được sản xuất ở thế kỷ 19, từng được tay đua nổi tiếng Jo Schlesser sử dụng.
Những mẫu xe cổ có mức giá gây “choáng”
Ngoài những mẫu xe cổ Duesenberg và Ferrari 250 GTO, có nhiều mẫu xe cổ khác cũng từng được bán đấu giá cao ngất ngưởng
Ferrari 335 Sport Scaglietti: Siêu xe này được sản xuất năm 1957, thuộc sở hữu của một nhà sưu tập trong 40 năm, từng gắn bó với hai tay đua Peter Collins và Maurice Trintignant. Giá bán của siêu xe cổ này là 35,7 triệu USD, gấp 9 lần giá của Bugatti Chiron.
Mercedes-Benz W196: Chiếc xe này từng cùng với tay đua Juan Manuel Fangio giành ngôi vô địch giải Grand Prix Đức và Thụy Sĩ năm 1954. Xe được bán đấu giá vào năm 2013 với giá 29,6 triệu USD.
Ferrari 290 MM: Chiếc xe này được sản xuất để tham gia giải đua Mille Miglia năm 1956. Chỉ có bốn 290 chiếc Ferrari 290 MM được sản xuất trên toàn thế giới. Xe có giá bán lên tới 28.050.000 USD.
Ferrari 275 GTB / 4 S NART Spider: Đội đua xe Bắc Mỹ NART là đội đầu tiên sử dụng xe mang thương hiệu “ngựa chồm” với tên gọi Ferrari 4 S NART Spider. Chiếc xe được bán đấu giá là 1 trong 10 chiếc được sản xuất, chiếc xe đặc biệt này chỉ qua một đời chủ sở hữu duy nhất. Chiếc Ferrari 275 GTB này được bán với giá 27,5 triệu USD.
Ferrari 275 GTB / C Speciale: Đây là phiên bản đặc biệt được chế tạo để kỷ niệm thành công vang dội của dòng xe đua lừng danh 275 GTB. Chiếc Ferrari 275 GTB/C Speciale sở hữu bộ khung gầm bằng nhôm, trọng lượng nhẹ hơn và động cơ V12 3.0 lít được điều chỉnh để tăng thêm 70 mã lực. Chiếc xe này được bán đấu giá vào năm 2014 với mức giá 26,4 triệu USD.
Jaguar D-Type: Chiếc xe từng 3 lần giành chiến thắng tại giải đua Le Mans từ năm 1955 đến năm 1957. Với động cơ và bề ngoài vẫn còn nguyên vẹn, chiếc xe có giá cao ngất ngưởng 21,78 triệu USD.
Alfa Romeo 8C 2900B Lungo Spider: Đây là một trong những chiếc xe thể thao mạnh mẽ và danh tiếng nhất ở những năm cuối thập niên 1930. Chỉ có 12 chiếc Alfa Romeo 8C 2900B Lungo Spider được sản xuất, giá trị hiện tại của siêu xe cổ này là 19,8 triệu USD.
Ferrari 250 GT SWB California Spider: Chiếc xe này được Robert Baillon mua lại với ý định trưng bày trong một viện bảo tàng. Khi chủ sở hữu qua đời, chiếc xe này được bán đấu giá vào năm 2015, với mức giá 18,5 triệu USD.
Anh Tuấn(Tổng hợp)   Trân trọng mời bạn đọc gửi tin, bài, ảnh, video cộng tác về chuyên trang qua email: [email protected]. Xin cảm ơn!
Chờ tách làn với ô tô, xe máy phải “tự cứu mình” trước
Chiến lược phân làn riêng ô tô, xe máy đã được Thủ tướng chỉ đạo để đảm bảo an toàn cho người tham gia giao thông, nhưng khâu thực hiện vẫn lộn xộn. Trong khi đó, người đi xe vẫn thiếu kỹ năng lái xe an toàn.
Nguồn bài viết
The post Những mẫu xe cổ được đấu giá đắt nhất thế giới appeared first on Tin tức - Đọc báo tin tức online, tin nhanh 24h.
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robertkstone · 6 years
2019 Jaguar XE SV Project 8 First Drive: The 592-HP Jag Built to Conquer the ‘Ring
That headline is a quote from David Pook that I jotted down during the first-drive event for the 2019 Jaguar XE SV Project 8 in Portugal. Pook is vehicle dynamics manager at Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) Special Vehicles Operations (SVO) in Warwickshire, England. The quote sounded familiar to this American’s ears. Why? The 1964 Pontiac GTO broke all the rules in GM’s book and, in doing so, is widely credited as the first car of the muscle car era. Pete Estes waived a restriction that A-bodies be limited to 330-cubic-inch displacements. Instead, he approved the replacement of the Pontiac Tempest’s 5.3-liter V-8 with the full-sized Catalina/Bonneville 389-cubic-inch (6.4-liter) V-8, creating the Grand Tempest, later dubbed GTO. A star was born. As Paul Harvey used to say, “And now you know the rest of the story.”
If you want to make a legend, you might have to break some rules.
Old Trick, New Car
Until now, the most powerful Jaguar XE, weighing about 3,900 pounds, was powered by a 380-hp supercharged V-6. So the go-fast boffins at SVO decided to apply that Tempest-to-GTO template to the lightweight, aluminum-intensive XE sedan. Start with the smallest car in the XE, XF, XJ lineup, and wedge JLR’s glorious 5.0-liter supercharged V-8 from the XJR575 into the compact sedan. In the XJR575, the engine makes 567 (SAE) horsepower. In the Project 8, it’s pushed to 592 hp and 516 lb-ft of torque. For obvious reasons, all-wheel drive was added to the build sheet. Yet Jaguar didn’t intend to build a mere British muscle car. They had a 12.9-mile, 154-turn goal and the go-ahead from those who control budgets to pursue it with a specially engineered car.
If you want to build a legend, you have to break some rules
Target Identified
The Project 8’s foremost goal was to break the 7:32 “flat” four-door sedan Nürburgring Nordschleife lap record set by the 505-hp Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio, our, ahem, 2018 Car of the Year. If SVO was able to do it, JLR would commit to a limited run of production XE SV cars (SVR-badged cars are series production). Eighteen months from its inception, in a “production-intent” Project 8, Belgian racing and test driver Vincent Radermecker broke the fastest-sedan record in November 2017—and not by a little. His lap of 7:21.23 was nearly 11 seconds quicker. (Note: This 27-pounds-lighter, two-seat package with rollcage, carbon-fiber front seats, and racing harnesses will not be available in North America.) For perspective, the Jag lap time neatly splits a pair from a mid-engine supercar, the Ferrari 488 GTB, our 2017 Best Driver’s Car. Record in hand, the Project 8 was a go for production. I watched the two record laps and couldn’t help but notice a contrast: The Jaguar driver was much more relaxed.
How’d They Do It?
Special Vehicles Operations set out to thoroughly examine and improve every dynamic part and system. In all, just 20 percent of the original sedan remains in each XE SV Project 8. The body-in-white, windshield, front doors, and dashboard are the same as those found in the standard XE. For the Project 8, the hood, a front splitter, front/rear fascia, and rocker panels are hewn from carbon fiber. The aluminum rear doors are specifically stamped to meet the bulging rear fenders, and the wheels are forged aluminum. To provide more rear bias, the center differential was retuned, and the air-to-oil-cooled rear differential is now electronic/active. SVO enlarged the diameter of the torque tube and both halfshafts to cope with the added power. The adaptive exhaust system is made of titanium. Also unique to the Project 8 are the suspension (height-adjustable with motorsport ball joints), the brakes (carbon ceramic, 15.7-inch front/15.6-inch rear), the wheel bearings (silicon nitride ceramic, like in the space shuttle’s main engines), and the aero package. Aerodynamics achieve a 205 percent reduction in lift with the front splitter and rear wing in the most aggressive track mode, delivering almost 270 pounds of downforce at 186 mph. With a limited production of only 300 hand-assembled cars worldwide (on a first come, first served basis), the $188,495 asking price is easy to justify.
Benchmarks Selected
It was a shock to learn that the SVO team, based in England, had even heard of our 2014 Best Driver’s Car winner, much less driven the fire-breathing 7.0-liter 2015 Chevrolet Camaro Z/28, but they had. Indeed, they benchmarked it for its ability to be driven hard and confidently from the first corner to the last, and twice on Sunday. It was as if they copied and pasted right from our BDC story when we wrote, “With the first turn of the wheel, you become confident in the Z/28. With the second, you’re ready to set a hot lap. There is no learning curve.” The SVO team even considered the Z/28’s square tire fitment, with identical 305/30R19 Pirelli P Zero Trofeo tires at all four corners. As SVO agreed, the problem with using tires that wide and aggressive on the front is that, on regular roads, they can affect the steering feel and stability, often nibbling on minute irregularities or tramlining on what appears to be an otherwise smooth surface. Instead, the Project 8 is fitted with 265/35R20 Michelin Pilot Sport Cup 2 front tires and 305/30R20 rear tires. And although the Z/28’s Dynamic Suspension Spool Valve (DSSV) dampers work great pounding pavement into submission, they’re hard to live with every day. Instead, the Project 8 sports multimode Continuously Variable Dampers (CVD) with racy twin-coil springs (regular coils plus helper springs). Steering benchmark? The SVO team selected another industry great: the Porsche 911 GT3. However, the Porsche is a 3,250-pound featherweight (compared to the Jaguar’s estimated 3,950 pounds), plus the Porsche’s engine is in the rear, so its front tires carry just 39 percent of that weight. As such, it would appear that emulating its steering would be an unachievable goal [strokes chin].
There’s a 2.9-mile race track in Portugal called Autódromo Internacional do Algarve, but most people simply call it Portimão, after the town where it resides. It’s a tricky 15-turn roller coaster with blind crests, fast sweepers, a tight hairpin, and a 1-kilometer (0.62-mile) straight. Formula 1 teams use it for testing, and the European Le Mans Series (ELMS) races here. Jaguar chose to showcase its record-breaking sedan here because it’s such a thorough workout for a car. After two laps as a passenger with Pook (a very skilled driver, I will add) at the wheel, my laps began first thing in the morning. Nothing like jumping right in the deep end with the boss.
We swapped seats, and I drove off. Pook made it look easy, and do you know what? Like its Z/28 benchmark, it was easy to get in and just cane it. I now understand why the ’Ring driver was so cool. One of the first things I noticed was how linear the throttle was. Unlike turbocharged engines that tend to have unpredictable pedal input to engine output relations, the supercharged V-8 in the Project 8 gives it to you in precise increments: 4 inches of pedal travel is literally four times more power and torque than 1 inch. It’s very easy to get what you want when you want it. The first time I went for the brake pedal, I expected a carbon-ceramic brick. Instead, the brakes were supple and easy to modulate, with immense stopping power and not a hint of ABS. It was about the best brake pedal feel-to-effectiveness I’ve sampled.
When the first corner arrived, I cranked the wheel. It was light and buttery smooth, and the front tires bit and went. I wasn’t pushing yet, so I went into the next corner with more vigor and got the same obedience and effortless precision. Again and again, no matter the corner, it was always the same. Curbs? Meh. Double-apex right-hander? Got it. The Project 8 felt like—I can’t believe I’m writing this—a Porsche GT3 RS (with some luggage in the frunk). It’s hard to believe, but with the countless hours of EPS tuning, dialing the center and active rear differentials, and the racy suspension, Jaguar nailed it. There’s no muddy sense of all-wheel drive, no binding, and no push. You’d swear it was rear drive by the way it turns in, settles flat as a morning lake, and then erupts like a volcano.
Corner exits are truly a thing of beauty. With power going mostly to the rear wheels, the only time I could sense the front wheels clawing for traction was when I throttled an exit. Just as the Project 8 begins with what should be a lurid slide, it steps out slightly at the back then simply rockets away. “Huh, it must’ve sent some power to the front,” I thought. “Or maybe I’m just a hero. Yeah, that must be it.” It’s the kind of car that shrugs off everything and prods, dares, and begs you, “Go faster next time! Do you even drive, bro?”
In the fast sweeping corners, it was really hard to separate the suspension and tires’ prodigious mechanical grip from aero/downforce, but the car hangs on with the urgency and calm of a rock climber.
On to that half-mile-plus straight: The eight-speed’s upshifts are dispatched in 200 milliseconds with a shove to the back and a satisfying snort from the exhaust pipes each time. The epic roar of the big Jag V-8, now a hallmark for the brand, was even more present in the Project 8. On the first lap, I didn’t dare look. Finally I did: I hit 160 mph before my eyes shot back to the downhill braking zone and I went to the trusty brake pedal. “Aw, I could’ve gone deeper,” I said to myself. The car is stable at speed, under maximum braking, into corners, and out. This is race car–level control and dynamics.
A Road Drive, Too?
Not long after I’d reprogrammed my brain for what a road car—a specifically purpose-built one—could do on a racetrack, our SVO hosts introduced me to the man the other gathered journalists fondly called Scottish Rob, which sounds like something from a Monty Python skit. Nudge-nudge, wink-wink. Rob also works at SVO and was to lead me on a drive through the surrounding area. He drove a Range Rover Sport SVR, and I was in a four-seat Project 8 with the suspension 15mm higher in the street setting. What nobody told me is that Scottish Rob drives as if it’s a special stage in a WRC race. Ptooey! He was off like a shot from the moment we left the parking lot. I frantically looked down for the drive-mode button: “Dynamic, DynaMIC, DYNAMIC!” Rob’s route—well, Portugal in general—reminded me very much of the California roads we drive for car evaluations, surrounded by rolling hills with dry grass and oak trees dotting the landscape. “Yeah, I got this,” I thought, but it was as if Rob was trying to lose me. I wasn’t about to let that happen, and it didn’t. But here’s the thing: I’ve driven a Camaro Z/28 on roads like those, and although that car is capable and exhilarating, it’s also violent and mentally exhausting. The Project 8 is neither of those things. I really put the spurs to it, sticking to Rob’s bumper, but the Project 8 was happy to do it. It was a pussycat in comparison to a Z/28. That same confident, agreeable nature I had experienced on the track translated to the street, as well. Damn, these SVO guys are good. You can break a record at the Nürburgring and drive the same car home in comfort.
Should You Buy One?
Yes, and you’d better do so before they’re all spoken for. Besides, it’ll give you instant bragging rights. With near-certain collectible status, this car is next-level stuff. You can’t compare it to a BMW M5, Mercedes-AMG E 63 S, or Cadillac CTS-V. Not even close. I know it’s all relative, but I’ve driven thousands of cars in more than 20 years of doing this sort of thing. Now, a week after I drove the Jaguar XE SV Project 8, I’m struggling to find a fair comparison to it. A BMW M4 GTS? Subjectively, it’s better than that; objectively, it’s slower, too. Had it “just” been a Nürburgring special that couldn’t be driven on public roads, I’d have said so. But it’s not. It’s a true, everyday four-door supercar. Name me another. I’ll wait.
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khabaruttarakhandki · 4 years
केजरीवाल सरकार का अहम फैसला- GTB अस्पताल को बनाया जाएगा दिल्ली का दूसरा सबसे बड़ा कोरोना अस्पताल
गुरु तेग बहादुर अस्पताल बनेगा दिल्ली का दूसरा सबसे बड़ा कोरोना अस्पताल
खास बातें
केजरीवाल सरकार का अहम फैसला
GTB अस्पताल बनेगा कोरोना का दूसरा सबसे बड़ा अस्पताल
देश भर में कोरोना का कहर जारी
नई दिल्ली:
पूरे देश में कोरोना का कहर लगातार बढ़ता जा रहा है. स्वास्थ्य मंत्रालय द्वारा जारी आंकड़ों के अनुसार शनिवार सुबह तक देश में अब तक कुल 1,73,763 मरीज सामने आए हैं, जबकि 4971 लोगों की मौत हो चुकी है. 24 घंटे में सबसे ज्यादा नए केस और सबसे ज्यादा मौतें हुई हैं. पिछले 24 घंटे में 7964 नए मामले सामने आए हैं वहीं 265.लोगों की मौत हो चुकी है, हालांकि पिछले 24 घंटों में सबसे ज्यादा मरीज 11,264 रिकवर हुए हैं अब तक 82370 मरीज इस बीमारी को मात देने में सफल भी हुए हैं. देश की राजधानी दिल्ली में भी कोरोना का प्रकोप बढ़ता ही जा रहा है. 
यह भी पढ़ें
राजधानी दिल्ली में बढ़ते कोरोना के मामले को देखते हुए दिल्ली की अरविंद केजरीवाल सरकार ने अहम फैसला लिया है. सरकार ने उत्तर पूर्वी दिल्ली में स्थित गुरु तेग बहादुर अस्पताल को दिल्ली का दूसरे सबसे बड़े कोरोना अस्पताल के रूप में  तैयार करने का फैसला लिया है. इस अस्पताल में 1500 बेड होंगे. लेकिन  अब इस अस्पताल में किसी अन्य बीमारी की इलाज अभी नहीं होंगे. सरकार की तरफ से जारी आदेश के अनुसार 2 जून तक इस अस्पातल को तैयार करने की बात कही गयी है. 
इस अस्पताल में भर्ती दूसरी बीमारियों के मरीजों को पास के दूसरे दिल्ली सरकार के अस्पतालों में भर्ती किया जा सकता है और जिन मरीजों को स्पेशलाइज ट्रीटमेंट की जरूरत है उनको प्राइवेट अस्पतालों में भी भर्ती किया जा सकता है जिसका सारा खर्चा दिल्ली सरकार उठाएगी. दिल्ली के मुख्यमंत्री अरविंद केजरीवाल ने शनिवार दोपहर हुई प्रेस कॉन्फ्रेंस में बताया था कि इस समय दिल्ली में सरकारी और प्राइवेट अस्पताल मिलाकर करीब 6600 बेड का इंतजाम हो गया है सरकार इनको अगले एक हफ़्ते में 9500 कर देगी.
आपको बता दें कि इस समय दिल्ली का लोक नायक अस्पताल 2000 बेड की क्षमता के साथ दिल्ली और देश का सबसे बड़ा कोरोना अस्पताल है, जबकि अब 1500 बेड की क्षमता के साथ गुरु तेग बहादुर अस्पताल दिल्ली का दूसरा सबसे बड़ा कोरोना अस्पताल बन जाएगा.
VIDEO: CM अरविंद केजरीवाल बोले- हमारी सरकार कोरोना से 4 कदम आगे
from WordPress https://hindi.khabaruttarakhandki.in/%e0%a4%95%e0%a5%87%e0%a4%9c%e0%a4%b0%e0%a5%80%e0%a4%b5%e0%a4%be%e0%a4%b2-%e0%a4%b8%e0%a4%b0%e0%a4%95%e0%a4%be%e0%a4%b0-%e0%a4%95%e0%a4%be-%e0%a4%85%e0%a4%b9%e0%a4%ae-%e0%a4%ab%e0%a5%88%e0%a4%b8/
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robertkstone · 7 years
Porsche 718 Cayman S: 2nd Place – 2017 Motor Trend Best Driver’s Car
As the Porsche 911 roars deeper into supercar territory, the 718 Cayman S assumes the mantle of a pure sports car. The latest iteration is a midcycle update so big Porsche gave it a new generational designation.
The major change: a turbo flat-four replaces the flat-six Caymans have had since birth. Displacing just 2.5 liters, it pumps out a flat-six-beating 350 hp and 309 lb-ft of torque. Both manual and automatic transmissions are available; we went with the PDK dual-clutch automatic. With it comes a Sport Response button, which unleashes 20 seconds of sharper throttle response. Lift, and the throttle stays open with the fuel off to keep the turbo spinning. In addition to new chassis tuning, the rear suspension is wider, and the steering rack has been lifted from the 911 Turbo.
It’s Best Driver’s Car week! Don’t miss the incredible story of how we chose the 2017 Best Driver’s Car right here, and stay tuned for the World’s Greatest Drag Race, coming soon.
The Cayman’s boosted four is more than enough to get 3,190 pounds hustling. Zero to 60 mph happens in 3.6 seconds, and the quarter mile passes in 12 seconds flat at 114.9 mph. Braking from 60 mph requires only 99 feet. It’ll rip off a 23.7-second figure-eight lap at 0.89 average g and pulls 1.01 average g on the skidpad. SE
We Say
“Is this a four-cylinder engine? ‘Cause it sure has a lot of power. Good push from the turbo at the start and great handling in the corners. Those tires stick to the ground, and the 718 feels natural. The body roll feeling is very small. The 718 gave me the confidence to keep going and push for more. The suspension is just what you want to feel in a car like this—stiff, sporty, rigid. You get a very good sense of what is happening on the road. That’s a great sound coming from the engine, as well.” – Miguel Cortina
“It’s a fantastic chassis and can use every single horsepower back there. Just the right amount of power. Steering is excellent. Among the best here. Talkative and light, quick enough but not too much. It’s a great sports car, very much in the same vein as the Corvette. It doesn’t set my hair on fire, but then, most people aren’t as jaded to quick cars as I am. I could see this being a real dark horse.
Problem: it sounds like someone put a muffler on my garbage disposal.” – Scott Evans
Read about other 2017 Best Driver’s Car contenders:
Ferrari 488 GTB
Porsche 911 Turbo S
Chevrolet Camaro ZL1 1LE
Lexus LC 500
Mercedes-AMG GT R
Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio
Chevrolet Corvette Grand Sport
Aston Martin DB11
Mazda MX-5 Miata RF
McLaren 570GT
“There is something really spirited and sweet about this car. It is so well balanced and smooth. It’s so seamless in its power delivery and responsive to the slightest steering input. It handles speed with ease. It is light and nimble, generating a fast, enjoyable, comfortable, and balanced ride. There are those who miss the sound of the old throaty engine, but the tradeoff for a nice wide powerband is worth it. The car was not hurting for power, even going uphill. You just feel good in this car. It makes you feel like you are a better driver than you are.” – Alisa Priddle
“The 718 Cayman S feels like one of those cars that needs no introduction. Probably because the chassis is so beautifully balanced, probably because the handling is so predictable, probably because each movement is connected directly to the brain’s synapses. Nothing requires a second thought. The Cayman does everything right, and it never feels like it’s trying too hard. This is a car that’s best explained by simply driving it.” – Derek Powell
“I’m blown away with how good this car is to drive. It manages to be approachable and yet so good on the edge. I know the Cayman is helping me out in ways that I can’t even begin to understand, but I don’t care. It’s so good that it lets me focus on driving. It’ll let me know when I screw up or do something wrong, but it doesn’t hold it against me. Even when the car intervenes, like traction control pulling power, it’s so subtle that it makes me think that I did it. It’s an exceptionally balanced car. Driving this car feels like using a broken-in baseball mitt—it just fits. Feels right. Under-braked, though. Real mushy pedal at the end of the downhill run. This car is so fast that I want more brakes from it.” – Christian Seabaugh
Randy Says
“The car is one of those rare kinds of cars where from the first time I turn the wheel I get a smile on my face. The steering response is relatively quick, and it’s easy, with the polar moment of a mid-engine design, it makes the chassis not work very hard to change direction. That’s part of the advantage of it. The other advantage of the mid-engine design is you get the majority of the weight over the drive wheels, which is really good for traction under acceleration and for braking but without the tricky polar moment of having the engine all the way out in the back.
“The advantage of the four cylinder turbo here is the midrange torque. There’s a big punch in the midrange. And I’m not waiting for the revs to build for the power to build. It’s already here now. And the transmission knows it. PDK is just so smart on track. It holds the gear at a relatively low rpm like in the low 5,000s. With the six cylinder, I bet it would have down shifted in those situations, and this car doesn’t. And the shifts are really quick and accurate.
“The brakes are really good. They’re not oh-my-God downforce R-compound carbon-ceramic good, but they’re very good. And they didn’t change. There’s a little more pedal travel than I would want in a perfect world. But the braking force was good. The car has a little bit of push. Enter the corner with a little bit of patience. Don’t go to power early. If you go to power early, you can create understeer with the Cayman S because it’s a mid-engine. The front end is light. Keep weight on the nose or even trail-brake it a little to get it to come into the corner. The advantage of that little bit extra understeer is the stability that comes with it. And I found that this is a car that I could drive harder and harder.
“The car rewards aggressive driving, for me anyway. And I was never in a position where the power broke the rear tires loose. I don’t slam the gas down, anyway. But it puts power to the ground really, really well.
“Marry this car. This is the kind of car you marry because it’s so fun to be around and it’s good-looking and shows you a good time and never tries to stab you in the back. And it might not have the extremes of the 600 horsepower sports car, but it is so rewarding to drive and hang around with and have with you for long periods of time.”
2017 Porsche 718 Cayman S POWERTRAIN/CHASSIS DRIVETRAIN LAYOUT Mid-engine, RWD ENGINE TYPE Turbocharged flat-4, alum block/heads VALVETRAIN DOHC, 4 valves/cyl DISPLACEMENT 152.4 cu in/2,497 cc COMPRESSION RATIO 9.5:1 POWER (SAE NET) 350 hp @ 6,500 rpm TORQUE (SAE NET) 309 lb-ft @ 1,900 rpm REDLINE 7,300 rpm WEIGHT TO POWER 9.1 lb/hp TRANSMISSION 7-speed twin-clutch auto AXLE/FINAL-DRIVE RATIO 3.62:1/2.24:1 SUSPENSION, FRONT; REAR Struts, coil springs, adj shocks, anti-roll bar; struts, coil springs, adj shocks, anti-roll bar STEERING RATIO 12.5:1-15.0:1 TURNS LOCK-TO-LOCK 2.5 BRAKES, F; R 13.0-in vented, drilled disc; 11.8-in vented, drilled disc, ABS WHEELS 8.0 x 20-in; 10.0 x 20-in, forged aluminum TIRES 235/35R20 88Y; 265/35R20 95Y Pirelli P Zero N1 (Tread 220) DIMENSIONS WHEELBASE 97.4 in TRACK, F/R 59.6/60.6 in LENGTH x WIDTH x HEIGHT 172.4 x 70.9 x 51.0 in TURNING CIRCLE 36.0 ft CURB WEIGHT 3,190 lb WEIGHT DIST, F/R 44/56% SEATING CAPACITY 2 HEADROOM, F/R 39.1/— in LEGROOM, F/R 42.2/— in SHOULDER ROOM, F/R 51.3/— in CARGO VOLUME 5.3 (front), 9.7 (rear) cu ft TEST DATA ACCELERATION TO MPH 0-30 1.3 sec 0-40 1.9 0-50 2.7 0-60 3.6 0-70 4.7 0-80 5.9 0-90 7.3 0-100 9.0 0-100-0 12.7 PASSING, 45-65 MPH 1.8 QUARTER MILE 12.0 sec @ 114.9 mph BRAKING, 60-0 MPH 99 ft LATERAL ACCELERATION 1.01 g (avg) MT FIGURE EIGHT 23.7 sec @ 0.89 g (avg) 2.2-MI ROAD COURSE LAP 1:40.05 sec TOP-GEAR REVS @ 60 MPH 1,600 rpm CONSUMER INFO BASE PRICE $67,350 PRICE AS TESTED $95,475 STABILITY/TRACTION CONTROL Yes/Yes from PerformanceJunk WP Feed 3 http://ift.tt/2fimRsm via IFTTT
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