kalbinnefhasi · 2 months
Okula go
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iamringo · 2 years
おやすみ。 Good night…
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sickkies · 6 months
Grey’s Anatomy 07.19 - Alex
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gravia-idols · 2 years
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Manga Action, 2020.02.18 07.19
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nightafternightpod · 8 months
07.19: That's Entertainment
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New podcast time! And it's a toe-tapping musical to boot!
Carmine sings the latest Tom Jones hit to Frank, who becomes aghast at the state of popular music. As Frank and Carmine fight about whether music was better in the good old days or if rock music rules the roost, the cast acts out a series of musical skits. Highlights include a boffo Eddie and Penny dance number, Leslie Easterbrook singing her heart out, one of the best Lenny and the Squigtones numbers ever, and a full-on operetta. Can Frank and Carmine settle their differences?
On-Pod we express our love for almost everything going on here!
YT: https://youtu.be/axphzl81jHc Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/thats-entertainment-s7e19/id1511414778?i=1000631185832 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/667wFq0XtpLTzYvz8J6UAq?si=nOhMvMqxSAirynEi7q-byw Amazon: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/f8beec7e-ad15-4c65-bd9e-a959373b61cf/episodes/b4f4a05f-367a-4fa2-9464-07143d024f29/night-after-night-that's-entertainment-s7e19
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jaguarmen99 · 1 year
36: ベガ(茸) [US] 2023/06/08(木) 10:41:40.41 ID:dkha2FLP0 この前韓国人に殴られた奴と一緒? 38: ハッブル・ディープ・フィールド(東京都) [US] 2023/06/08(木) 10:42:57.18 ID:S5Sy/3G50 waiwaiとかいう毎日新聞の英文コラムのせいだろ 63: ミラ(茸) [CN] 2023/06/08(木) 11:12:07.19 ID:57YZN5qB0 >>38 毎日新聞waiwai事件は絶対に許さない 反省もしてないし 朝日のKY事件だけは許してもいいかなと最近思い始めてる
痛いニュース(ノ∀`) : 【動画あり】黒人さん 京成電車内で女子高生の後をつけながらエロアニメの音声を大音量で流す - ライブドアブログ
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kennak · 1 year
502 名前:可愛い奥様:2021/04/13(火) 10:26:50.50 転勤で博多に引っ越してきたんだけど九州の人って基本おとなしくて 真面目なのかしら 大阪(北摂だから治安は悪くなかったわ)と雰囲気が全然違うのよ PTA会長が男性なのにまず驚いたわ 上の子から15年間の小中学校生活でPTA会長が男性って初めてなのよ 子どもの学校関係でしてはいけないことをやらかしそうで怖くて ドキドキしてるわ 524 名前:可愛い奥様:2021/04/13(火) 10:28:24.54 >>502 大阪が明るすぎるのかもよ 557 名前:可愛い奥様:2021/04/13(火) 10:32:15.75 >>524 ほんそれよ 先生も説明会ですら笑いとりに来るし 566 名前:可愛い奥様:2021/04/13(火) 10:33:25.34 >>557 確かに大阪の日常だわ 他の地域は違うのね 541 名前:可愛い奥様:2021/04/13(火) 10:30:25.92 >>502 大阪は10代でも中身おばちゃんだもの 556 名前:可愛い奥様[] 投稿日:2021/04/13(火) 10:32:06.89 >>502 全国的にみると女性のPTA会長の方が珍しい気がするけど そうでもないのかな 567 名前:可愛い奥様:2021/04/13(火) 10:33:33.28 >>556 大阪結構自営が多いんだと思うわ 商店街のおっちゃんとかPTA会長に祭り上げられがち 607 名前:可愛い奥様:2021/04/13(火) 10:37:26.31 >>502 北摂でも他都道府県からみたら十分賑やかよ 大阪で感染者多いのは大きい声でよく喋るのも一因だと思うわ 615 名前:可愛い奥様:2021/04/13(火) 10:38:07.19 >>607 中国人み 637 名前:可愛い奥様:2021/04/13(火) 10:39:42.68 >>607 それ思うわ 小学生男児とかただでさえ超うるさいけど 大阪はそれを超えるうるささよ 653 名前:可愛い奥様:2021/04/13(火) 10:40:58.23 >>607 中国人みたいよね 661 名前:可愛い奥様:2021/04/13(火) 10:41:42.05 >>653 上海語と関西弁はイントネーションとか音が似てるらしいわよ 654 名前:可愛い奥様:2021/04/13(火) 10:41:06.48 >>607 場が沈黙なの耐えれないわ 819 名前:502:2021/04/13(火) 10:53:28.74 大阪が明るすぎるのね 確かに今までは進学指導の学年保護者会でも先生が必ず 笑いを取りにきて保護者爆笑で終わるとかだったわ 話にはネタと落ちを求める生粋の関西人のうちの子が学校で 浮いてしまわないかだけが心配よ 胃が痛くなってきたわ 828 名前:可愛い奥様:2021/04/13(火) 10:54:01.95 >>819 そのうち慣れるわよ 842 名前:可愛い奥様:2021/04/13(火) 10:54:50.43 >>819 多分うちの県だと教員から不真面目と思われそうだわ 844 名前:可愛い奥様:2021/04/13(火) 10:54:59.79 >>819 大阪ワロタwww 857 名前:可愛い奥様:2021/04/13(火) 10:56:20.85 >>819 痛切に感じるわ 能面のようにPTA会合しているわ 愛知は会の後で先生と一部の仲良しさんたちがわちゃわちゃしていたわ 860 名前:可愛い奥様:2021/04/13(火) 10:56:27.90 >>819 人気者よ大丈夫よあなたの方がやらかさないようにね 867 名前:可愛い奥様:2021/04/13(火) 10:57:06.89 >>819 大阪から転校してきた子がツッコミ激しすぎて女子のママから 苦情出てたの思い出したわw うち男子だから面白くて毎日喜んでたのに
大阪から転勤で博多に引っ越してきたんだけど九州の人って雰囲気が全然違う : 育児板拾い読み
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nopanpanpan · 2 years
Jum'at 25/11/2022 07.19
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chrisryanspeaks · 2 months
Cola's 'The Gloss': A Sophomore Album Filled with Wit, Energy, and Musical Evolution + Tour Dates
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We are excited to share Cola’s latest project with you. Originating in Montreal, Cola was established by former Ought members Tim Darcy and Ben Stidworthy. They were joined by Evan Cartwright, a sought-after session musician from Toronto known for his work in the city’s thriving jazz and experimental music scenes with groups like U.S. Girls and The Weather Station, immediately following their initial rehearsal in 2019. Their first album, Deep In View, was launched in 2022 under Fire Talk Records and garnered acclaim from prestigious music publications. Rolling Stone highlighted them as an Artist You Need To Know, praising their debut as one of the year’s most exciting rock releases and marking it as a standout debut. Currently, the group is excited to reveal their second album, titled The Gloss, set to release on Fire Talk Records on June 14th. Coinciding with this announcement, they are introducing a new single, “Pallor Tricks.” Since the beginning, Cola has built upon the DIY spirit reminiscent of the Dischord and SST record labels, crafting powerful music using a simple set-up of drums, bass, and guitar. Their lyrics, filled with clever quips and reflections on society, invite listeners to search for deeper meanings. The album draws inspiration from various sources, including David Berman’s poetic approach and the playful aspects of early UK New Wave and the Dunedin sound, delivering a mix of sparse poetry and catchy hooks. It playfully navigates through themes with a mix of humor and insightful commentary, showcasing the band’s dynamic energy and creativity. Since their debut album, Cola has released singles like “Keys Down If You Stay” and “Bitter Melon” from their upcoming LP, demonstrating a more relaxed and exploratory sound. “Pallor Tricks” accelerates the pace, showcasing the band at their most intense, with restless rhythms and varying distortions striving for balance. Tour Dates 05.08 - Hanover, DE @ Cafe Glocksee 05.09 - Rotterdam, NL @ Vessell 11 05.10 - Eindhoven, NL @ Altstadt 05.11 - Luxembourg @ Out of the Crowd Festival 05.13 - Ramsgate, UK @ Ramsgate Music Hall 05.14 - Birkenhead, UK @ Future Yard 05.15 - Cardiff, UK @ Clwb Ifor Bach 05.17 - London, UK @ The George Tavern 05.18 - London, UK @ The George Tavern 07.05 - Toronto, ON @ The Garrison 07.06 - Cleveland, OH @ Mahall's 07.07 - Detroit, MI @ Lager House 07.08 - Chicago, IL @ Empty Bottle 07.11 - Nashville, TN @ Third Man Records 07.12 - Atlanta, GA @ 529 07.13 - Asheville, NC @ Eulogy 07.15 - Washington, DC @ Songbyrd + 07.16 - Philadelphia, PA @ Johnny Brenda's + 07.17 - New York, NY @ Bowery Ballroom + 07.18 - Troy, NY @ No Fun + 07.19 - Boston, MA @ The Rockwell + 07.20 - Montreal, QC @ Theatre Fairmount + 10.10 - San Diego, CA @ Soda Bar * 10.11 - Los Angeles, CA @ Zebulon * 10.12 - San Francisco, CA @ Bottom of the Hill * 10.14 - Portland, OR @ Mississippi Studios * 10.16 - Vancouver, BC @ Wise Hall 10.17 - Seattle, WA @ Madame Lou's * + = w/ Mhaol * = w/ Mind Shrine Read the full article
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iamringo · 2 years
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audiofuzz · 2 months
Cola's 'The Gloss': A Sophomore Album Filled with Wit, Energy, and Musical Evolution + Tour Dates
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We are excited to share Cola’s latest project with you. Originating in Montreal, Cola was established by former Ought members Tim Darcy and Ben Stidworthy. They were joined by Evan Cartwright, a sought-after session musician from Toronto known for his work in the city’s thriving jazz and experimental music scenes with groups like U.S. Girls and The Weather Station, immediately following their initial rehearsal in 2019. Their first album, Deep In View, was launched in 2022 under Fire Talk Records and garnered acclaim from prestigious music publications. Rolling Stone highlighted them as an Artist You Need To Know, praising their debut as one of the year’s most exciting rock releases and marking it as a standout debut. Currently, the group is excited to reveal their second album, titled The Gloss, set to release on Fire Talk Records on June 14th. Coinciding with this announcement, they are introducing a new single, “Pallor Tricks.” Since the beginning, Cola has built upon the DIY spirit reminiscent of the Dischord and SST record labels, crafting powerful music using a simple set-up of drums, bass, and guitar. Their lyrics, filled with clever quips and reflections on society, invite listeners to search for deeper meanings. The album draws inspiration from various sources, including David Berman’s poetic approach and the playful aspects of early UK New Wave and the Dunedin sound, delivering a mix of sparse poetry and catchy hooks. It playfully navigates through themes with a mix of humor and insightful commentary, showcasing the band’s dynamic energy and creativity. Since their debut album, Cola has released singles like “Keys Down If You Stay” and “Bitter Melon” from their upcoming LP, demonstrating a more relaxed and exploratory sound. “Pallor Tricks” accelerates the pace, showcasing the band at their most intense, with restless rhythms and varying distortions striving for balance. Tour Dates 05.08 - Hanover, DE @ Cafe Glocksee 05.09 - Rotterdam, NL @ Vessell 11 05.10 - Eindhoven, NL @ Altstadt 05.11 - Luxembourg @ Out of the Crowd Festival 05.13 - Ramsgate, UK @ Ramsgate Music Hall 05.14 - Birkenhead, UK @ Future Yard 05.15 - Cardiff, UK @ Clwb Ifor Bach 05.17 - London, UK @ The George Tavern 05.18 - London, UK @ The George Tavern 07.05 - Toronto, ON @ The Garrison 07.06 - Cleveland, OH @ Mahall's 07.07 - Detroit, MI @ Lager House 07.08 - Chicago, IL @ Empty Bottle 07.11 - Nashville, TN @ Third Man Records 07.12 - Atlanta, GA @ 529 07.13 - Asheville, NC @ Eulogy 07.15 - Washington, DC @ Songbyrd + 07.16 - Philadelphia, PA @ Johnny Brenda's + 07.17 - New York, NY @ Bowery Ballroom + 07.18 - Troy, NY @ No Fun + 07.19 - Boston, MA @ The Rockwell + 07.20 - Montreal, QC @ Theatre Fairmount + 10.10 - San Diego, CA @ Soda Bar * 10.11 - Los Angeles, CA @ Zebulon * 10.12 - San Francisco, CA @ Bottom of the Hill * 10.14 - Portland, OR @ Mississippi Studios * 10.16 - Vancouver, BC @ Wise Hall 10.17 - Seattle, WA @ Madame Lou's * + = w/ Mhaol * = w/ Mind Shrine Read the full article
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raccoon-pizza · 5 months
933:底名無し沼さん (ワッチョイ 1785-cinP):2023/12/15(金) 09:22:35.60 ID:vEZkqndc0
946:底名無し沼さん (ワッチョイ 779d-uPlI):[sage]:2023/12/15(金) 22:45:40.59 ID:wgkqEZOD0
948:底名無し沼さん (ワッチョイ 1eb8-tmGi):[sage]:2023/12/16(土) 03:05:42.19 ID:1XUwQ9Be0
934:底名無し沼さん (ワッチョイ 5730-yk82):[sage]:2023/12/15(金) 09:53:57.35 ID:1PP4kvDc0
944:底名無し沼さん (ワッチョイ 977b-Q3qa):[sage]:2023/12/15(金) 13:52:51.53 ID:WrRor+UB0
947:底名無し沼さん (ワッチョイ 1675-tMpn):[sage]:2023/12/16(土) 00:32:53.57 ID:o/HmOzT90
949:933 (ワッチョイ 5f85-ssJ6):2023/12/16(土) 10:54:43.33 ID:jcxocDID0
950:底名無し沼さん (ワッチョイ f3a8-hdpN):[age]:2023/12/16(土) 11:19:07.19 ID:r3SDzZ8Q0
963:底名無し沼さん (ワッチョイ 3788-wbaD):[sage]:2023/12/16(土) 16:34:19.63 ID:d5vgi0p60
964:底名無し沼さん (ワッチョイ 72ab-F22q):[sage]:2023/12/16(土) 17:42:54.03 ID:NxkT+Xsv0
968:底名無し沼さん (ワッチョイ 1eb8-tmGi):[sage]:2023/12/17(日) 00:11:16.92 ID:y88EytKx0
955:底名無し沼さん (ワッチョイ ebb7-sdve):[sage]:2023/12/16(土) 12:41:49.54 ID:oscnrNgX0
957:底名無し沼さん (スッップ Sd32-eDCM):[sage]:2023/12/16(土) 12:56:54.17 ID:Apl1ihfQd
958:底名無し沼さん (ワッチョイ 7236-FuJ6):2023/12/16(土) 13:10:25.36 ID:24Je/0/30
967:底名無し沼さん (ワッチョイ 1eb8-tmGi):[sage]:2023/12/17(日) 00:09:36.84 ID:y88EytKx0
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mntyfrsh · 11 months
29/52 — 2023 07.19 — Preparing tracks for an upcoming DJ set
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Panasonic Lumix G9 + Leica DG Summilux 15mm f/1.7 lens
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jaguarmen99 · 3 months
3: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2024/03/09(土) 19:07:24.86 ID:8yMzSdnQ0 2ちゃんねる?ほぅすげーサイトだ( ´・ω・`) 4: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2024/03/09(土) 19:08:07.19 ID:4OJoyTE50 相続税が高いから親族が売る可能性はあるけどね
痛いニュース(ノ∀`) : 鳥山明氏の「私は絶対に、パチンコに作品を売ったりしません」発言は根拠不明。訃報後、SNSで拡散される - ライブドアブログ
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blogynews · 8 months
"Unforgettable Feats Await: Asian Games 2023 Qualifiers Revealed - Swimmers Advait Page and Sajan Prakash Head to Epic Finals!"
Indian swimmers Advait Page and Sajan Prakash have successfully qualified for the finals of their respective events at the ongoing Asian Games in Hangzhou. Advait Page achieved his new personal best with a time of 2:03.01 in the men’s 200m backstroke, securing seventh place and a spot in the final. Srihari, however, finished 14th with a time of 2:07.19, which was not enough to secure a place in…
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blogynewz · 8 months
"Unforgettable Feats Await: Asian Games 2023 Qualifiers Revealed - Swimmers Advait Page and Sajan Prakash Head to Epic Finals!"
Indian swimmers Advait Page and Sajan Prakash have successfully qualified for the finals of their respective events at the ongoing Asian Games in Hangzhou. Advait Page achieved his new personal best with a time of 2:03.01 in the men’s 200m backstroke, securing seventh place and a spot in the final. Srihari, however, finished 14th with a time of 2:07.19, which was not enough to secure a place in…
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