#000 last year
batterycontainer · 2 years
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tarosucheon · 4 months
ian patrick my king loml if plot armour wasn't a 156 inch structure surrounded solely around Jiwoo im sure you would actually far more than a fighting chance against him.
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myrtaceaae · 4 months
No joke, I someday hope to pay taxes because like. Rounded up I live on $9 600 a year. So the idea of earning $18 201. Wild. That's almost earning per week what I get per fortnight.
Do you know what $758/week would mean to me??? Think about being able to afford a $250/week room. That's $508/week leftover that can go to bills and medication??? Like. Imagine how I could live.
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whirling-fangs · 13 hours
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[[this is business as usual considering how slow I've been these weeks, BUT I can put an official "slow" banner for this week, since I'll be at a racetrack for the most part of it ;w; haven't been able to attend the entire week event in 5 years so I'm excited!!!
I'll try to put things in the queue and maybe finally allow myself to reblog a meme or two. Take care ♥ ]]
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seulgikisser · 29 days
omggg the long chat video is sooo cute shut uppppp
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daddy-socrates · 7 months
doing another gender presentation (ha) at another church that is going to pay me to be transgender for an hour. awesome
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sleepsong · 7 months
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look at my music boy
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tangerinesour · 1 year
we’ve been at this party for an hour and a half and i am feeling good.
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thal-ent · 1 year
Pride of my city tomorrow I cannot wait for it !!!!
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tedbecca · 2 years
i sub at this one school fairly often and last week a kid stopped me in the hallway (i didn’t recognize him so i don’t think i’ve ever taught his class) and said “oh?! i saw you at fanexpo this summer”
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pizzatheif · 2 years
let’s do str.anger things ! hugo things.
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w1cked-w1tch · 11 months
I had an open muscle biopsy back in October and not only were the pathology results not very helpful, but I'm still getting pain in the surgical site. And I have a dent now, which I'm pretty sure isn't supposed to be there. So I got to spend all that money last year on letting a doctor give me more problems.
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queer-geordie-nerd · 3 months
I currently have a lot of Jewish mutuals/people I follow and over the course of the last few months, almost Every. Single. One has talked about their mental health declining, that they’re exhausted and terrified, that they’ve become more closed off and lost their trust in people from outside their communities, due to being gaslit and ignored constantly on a society wide scale. Almost all of them have experienced antisemitic abuse or violence personally or had bomb threats to their synagogues and community centres or had swastikas and slurs graffitied on their properties.
The worst thing about this outrage is that none of them are really surprised by it - frightened, sickened, yes - but not surprised. They and their ancestors have had to deal with this shit for thousands of years. And all of them expect - no they *know* - it’s going to get worse.
It’s beyond fucking shameful. We are failing these people on a massive, society wide scale. Again.
So, I NEVER want to see a single one of my fellow goyim say shit like “Jews are just playing the victim,” “the rise in antisemitism is overblown and not as bad as they say because I haven’t seen it,” “it’s just a few extremists,” because NO, IT ISN’T - it’s systemic. Those who aren’t directly perpetrating it are mostly ignoring it. If you won't believe or listen to Jewish voices (if not, why not?) then the cold statistics cannot be waved away.
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seulgikisser · 7 months
i looked very cute yesterday and nobody commented on it and today i also look cute and bet nobody will comment on it either...
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alloftheangels · 1 year
my university's faculty association (tenured profs, separate from the administration) is on strike and the administration is intentionally spreading misinformation about proposed deals, salaries, what happens to international students during a strike, even down to why the faculty are striking in the first place. they are outright trying to turn the students against the faculty and it makes me sick i hope the administration dissolves completely they can all go fuck themselves
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ikeepseeingghosts · 7 months
Some information about our dear Gävle goat <3
It will be finished on friday and have an inauguration ceremony on sunday
The Goat commitee have decided to build it in the same, new place as last year
This means unfortunately that it has higher surveillance as it's located closer to central Gävle and nearby buildings
BUT it's also located nearby the local bars and in my experience getting drunk = desire to burn goat increases by 300%
It was last burnt down in 2021, so a modern burning is far from impossible
Interestingly many of the last few goat-burners have been from outside of town, the consensus seems to be that Gävle citisens don't want the goat to burn and everyone else in the world want arson
The consequenses of burning the goat have become more and more dire. In 2015 a man was charged and had to pay 80 000 SEK, while 2021 year's perpetrator had to pay 109 000 SEK, but also serve 6 months in prison
I cannot stress enough how much Gävle city begs the community to not burn the goat which makes the continual burning even funnier
And lastly, apparently they burn it anyway in a "secret place" when the goat survives, so in my opinion the city would really cash in on having a public burning of the goat on like new years day or something.
That's all, embrace arson, good bye.
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