drugstoregerard · 2 years
pill-bugs in the forest when you lift up the damp piece of wood that they live underneath:
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bagelrites · 1 year
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Bad. Why did you like this.
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strangerstilinski · 2 months
i’m so high i just thought about steve’s cum and i swaer to god could literally taste it i could feel the viscosity n the weight of it on my tongue
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butchdonne · 1 year
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theindescribable1 · 9 months
hands you an impeccably crafted business card that reads “the bandit” then scampers away
what is this? WAIT COME BACK! ...the.. Bandit?
This was collecting dust in my Inbox I'm sorry! I didn't see it
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daily-ethoslab · 2 years
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I kinda just ran with the ace thing.
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Mod Kennedy...?
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angelbvn · 1 year
getting jump scared by alters is a diff kind of spooky
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amynchan · 10 months
Ok so.
When everything's over and they're back at home, Ed and Al are working on rebuilding and living life and stuff.
And one day, Ed wakes up kinda early? He's been getting less sleep and feeling more rested, and he figures that has to do with Al taking care of his own body now, which is great and what they all wanted, so he wakes up in a really good mood. He looks around for Al because he needs to borrow something, but he can't find him. Not in the kitchen, not in the living room, not outside with Den.
So Ed scratches his head but figures Al went to town. No matter, he can just check Al's room himself.
Thing is that he opens the door and finds Al passed out on his bed, sleeping.
And that's when it really hits Ed. That's his little brother, sleeping safe and sound after so many years. He finally gets to sleep. He finally, finally, finally doesn't have to pass the nights all alone. He's not going to be filling up extra, lonely hours by cooking or playing with Den or going to town. He's sleeping.
Yes, Ed has a moment about it. No, Al doesn't know about it. Because he was asleep.
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whumpasaurus101 · 2 years
Flight g.t.f.o.
Lee actually writing something thats to do with the plot and not actually just small drabbles!??!?!? *gasp*. welp, its true.
As Asher fought in more and more fights, they became more and more serious. This next one was held in England. 
Asher's knee bounced up and down while he fidgeted nervously with his fingers, biting his nails while his eyes darted around the airport. Rodger only looked at him with a smirk, "You're acting like a five year old."
Asher only growled, "OH, well fucking excuse me for being nervous about spending four eight hours in a metal tube floating above the FUCKING CLOUDS!!" He yelled, quickly catching himself, shrinking back and going back to bouncing his leg up and down. 
Rodger only rolled his eyes,"Fuck sake, don't make me regret letting you watch that documentary," He groaned. 
"Oh fuck right off."
"Why don't you?" 
"I fucking will." 
"And yet, you're still here," Rodger smiled innocently, voice dead calm. 
Asher growled, quickly drawing back his fist but Rodger was quick to catch his wrist, his voice calm but warning, "Maybe you would like to go to the bathroom and cool off, hm?" 
Asher growled, looking from Rodger's tight grip on his wrist and back to Rodger's face. He glared but ripped his hand back and stormed off to the bathrooms. 
While Asher splashed water over his face, a man came up beside him."First flight?" 
It took a moment for Asher to realize he was talking to him. "O-oh.. Yeah.. How did… how did you know?" 
The man only chuckled, "I've seen you around the airport, you look seriously pale and you flinch at every sound."
Asher felt his face go slightly red from embarrassment, only making the man chuckle more, resting his hand on Asher’s shoulder, "Nothing to be embarrassed about, buddy!" 
Buddy… that was a new one… he liked it, a smile filling his face. 
Asher practically melted into the touch, chuckling himself, "Heh, thanks… my uh… my…" 
Asher yelped out quietly, spinning around to see Rodger standing at the door, arms crossed. Asher looked to the ground, "Y-yeah…. My uhm… boyfr-boyfriend has b-been so ki-kind to me…" 
Rodger only scoffed silently before walking over to the gentleman, arms still crossed and that fucking smirk that pissed Asher right off, still on his face. 
"I think you've spoken just about enough to me boyfriend, buddy boy, don't you think?" 
The man's eyes widened, "Oh! Ye-yes o-of course!!! Sa-safe flight!" And with that, he quickly scurried off, head hung low. 
Asher gulped. Dead silent. Rodger slowly strolled along the stalls, making sure they were empty before, grabbing Asher by the throat and slamming him hard against the wall, "What is your fucking first rule in public?!?" 
Asher cried out, his hands flying up to Rodger's hand, "I-I'm sorry!!! He st-started the conversation!!!" 
Rodger quickly backhanded Asher across the face, "That's not what I fucking asked you, now is it?" 
Asher cried out but shook his head, not wanting to get Rodger more angry, "N-no, sir… I- 'm not allowed t-to make conversation w'th str-strangers."
"Woooowwwwwww!!!! So you're not as dumb as I truly thought. There really is something in that thick fucking skull of yours," Rodger roughly patted Asher's head, making him flinch. 
"I-I'm sorry.. Pl-please…" 
If they weren't about to get on the plane, Rodger would've made Asher pay for what he did. But he decided the plane journey will be enough torture for Asher. 
He shoved Asher towards the main door, "Get the fuck out before we miss our flight."
Asher hurried out of the bathrooms, hearing Rodger's footsteps behind him as he took a shaky breath. Rodger roughly grabbed him by the shoulder and forced him to the gate. 
Once they boarded the plane, Asher felt nauseous, he turned to Rodger, tears in his eyes, "I-I don't feel well…"  he mumbled. Rodger chuckled, "Relax, you'll feel better once we take off, just close your eyes for a bit."
He reached over and cupped Asher's face, smirking as he felt the other instantly lean into the touch. His thumb gently wiped Asher's tears, “It’s just gonna be a few hours, okay?” More tears spilt down his cheeks as Asher whimpered, Rodger sighed, “Come on, don't pull this shit with me.” 
Asher sniffled before pulling his face away, glaring ahead of him as his leg bobbed up and down. “Oh lighten up, will you? You should be fucking greatful you're on a luxury plane instead of the fucking basement.” 
Asher rolled his eyes, continuing his scowling. “Answer me when I talk to you.” Rodger warned. Asher just sneered, growling as he cracked his knuckles. As Asher moved on to crack his other knuckles, Rodger quickly grabbed his fist, slightly bending back Asher’s wrist, making his eyes instantly meet Rodger’s.
“Fucking cut that out, will you!?!?!” Asher growled, slightly wincing at the tension started building up in his joints. “Je-jesus, i didn't think it affected you tha-that much. I- AGH SHIT-” Asher cried out as Rodger bent it back even more before he slapped his hand over Asher’s mouth, “Keep your voice down, you idiot.”
Asher only whimpered but let out a sigh of relief, slumping slightly. Rodger waited a moment before slowly moving his hand away, “The plane should be taking off soon, I suggest you calm the fuck down and watch your fucking mouth.” Asher’s leg bounced quicker as he tried to contain his anger. He felt the hot anger build in his chest as he glared at Rodger. But then he looked away. He took a deep breath, he thought of how he will get to see Jack once he returns. He could tell Jack all about the fight… although… he might have to leave some details out, Jack was never very good at watching- or even listening about the fights.
Asher’s hand flew to Rodger’s as the plane took off at lightning speed, driving down the runway. He didn't even realize what he was doing, clinging onto Rodger’s hand like a child. Rodger could help but smirk as he brushed his thumb over Asher’s knuckles, “Shhhhhh, shhh, deep breaths, love, this is the worst part.” Asher couldn't help but focus on Rodger’s voice.”
“Sit back, take some niiice deep breaths, alright? It’s okay, you're going to be fine.” 
Once the airplane slowly and eventually straightened in the air, Asher slowly blinked open his eyes. His face went bright red as he saw his hand in Rodger’s. He quickly ripped his hand away and folded his arms in front of himself. Rodger chuckled, opening his newspaper, “You're cute when you get scared like that.” Asher growled and glared out the window, “Oh shut up.”
An eight hour flight. This was going to be hell.
Taglist: @likeit-or-whumpit @milk-carton-whump @yesthisiswhump
@appy-polly-loggies @happy-whumper @myst-in-the-mirror @tears-and-lilies @heathenwhump @whumpkinpie @jadeocean46910 @shywhumpauthor @cursedscribbles (lmk if you wanna be added or removed <3)
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barrymccaulkinem · 1 year
mario sunshine's 20th birthday was last august
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rczc · 2 years
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butchdonne · 10 months
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my notes may be....... less than immaculate but i'll be damned if i dont romanticise the shit out of it anyways <3
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dollfat · 2 years
it really is unfortunate im not dating someone because im really funny and smart and creative and all that personality is mostly sitting around waiting to be harvested by anyone who wants to talk to me
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honeybeekao · 2 years
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m m.maybe..
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raindropssys · 11 days
i think Tumblr is glitching out for me uhhhhh
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