#* headcanons | jun manjoume
aberooski · 3 months
Fuck it.
Random Yu-Gi-Oh GX headcanon dump part 2!
Part 1
Once again in no particular order, just the order they pop out of my brain.
Most of my headcanons are upsetting so we'll see what gets released from the vault this time 👀
Atticus takes care of anyone and everyone but himself, to an almost self-destructive degree at times.
The J-Squad kept in touch with Chumley after he left
Atticus is 100% a theater kid
Of the Primary Color Trio(tm), Syrus is the only one they trust to cook. As we've established, Jaden will burn down the kitchen if he tries, and Hassleberry isn't a bad cook, but he's the kinda guy who will have something really good and then walk away and accidentally wreck it.
Hassleberry has never measured ingredients in his life. He doesn't know what tea/tablespoons or measuring cups are.
Bastion's top artist on Spotify is Frank Sinatra
After graduation Atticus and Alexis made Chazz write down a list of things/experiences he's never done or had because of how restrictively he was brought up and they make it their mission to make sure he can cross off everything on the list.
Alexis has painted Chazz's nails for him more than once because she does a cleaner job than he does. 💅
Alexis also taught Chazz how to do eye liner
Jim tells people Shirley is his seeing eye croc when they ask why he has her
After graduation, every single one of them eventually starts going to therapy
Jesse was the one who finally convinced Jaden to at least try therapy after he repeatedly insisted to everyone that he didn't need it. He did
This is kinda canon actually, but Hassleberry doesn't remember what happens when he goes dinosaur berserk mode. The headcanon part is that it's not just like fuzzy memories or anything, there are just straight up holes in his memory. And it really bothers him.
Yuki is Jaden's mom's last name. She's Japanese but his dad is American and when they got married, he took her name.
Eventually, Bastion does return from the other dimension with Tania. Everyone is happy to see him. No one ever forgot him.
Aster carries Echo's memory with him until the day he dies. Just like his father, he'll always remember the poor girl who was murdered for a card. The girl he couldn’t save.
Crowler's the teacher everybody added on Facebook and all that after graduation because they're not his students anymore so they're allowed to be friends with him on social media 🤭
Syrus really does love his brother a lot, bit therapy really opens his eyes to how so many of his personal issues and fears and anxieties and inhibitions stem from Zane and how badly he treated him and how badly it stifled him as a person and is able to bring himself to hold Zane accountable for it all so he can actually find a way to heal from it all and they can truly mend their relationship.
Jaden regrets not holding Zane accountable for how he treated Syrus past their duel in episode 8 where the subsequently drops the issue because of Zane's dueling skills.
Bastion can play the piano
Chazz is the most bisexual little man on the planet 💖💙💜 pretty sure we all agree on this one
Atticus is pan 💖💛💙
Jaden and Jesse have gone as Jed and Octavius for Halloween at least once
One year Atticus used the fact that Halloween is his birthday as an excuse to convince Chazz be Snow White for Halloween so they could go as Snow White and Prince Florian.
By the time they're grown up and he and Atticus are living together/married the only family member of his that Chazz still keeps any contact with is his mom
Aster has intense trust issues after learning the truth about The D and his father's death
Hassleberry tilts his head like a dog when he's confused
Syrus actually gets sick a lot. 🤒
Zane giving kids cards to stop them from bullying Syrus was a common occurrence when they were little kids
Before Zane went off to train at Sheppard's dojo and before he started abusing Syrus in his own ways they were actually decently close considering Zane's inherent emotional distance
Slade and Jagger hated Chazz from day one.
Alexis has nightmares about Atticus being taken away again after he comes back. If they're bad enough, she'll go to his dorm in the middle of the night to check on him and make sure that he's safe, and often ends up sleeping on his couch for the rest of the night.
Chazz knows his family is homophobic so after he cuts his ties with his dad and his brothers, he comes out to Crowler because he's the closest thing to a genuine father figure he's really ever had
Crowler officiates Chazz and Atticus's wedding 💍
Inspired by Yusei, Jaden got a motorcycle post Bonds Beyond Time. He thought it would impress Jesse. It did.
Jesse is the first one to get their driver's license
Axel is the only one who has never crashed their car
Axel will always come whenever anyone needs help. No matter who, and no matter how far away they are.
While working on Chazz's experiences list Atticus and Alexis took him to the mall. She left them unsupervised for a few minutes to go to the bathroom. When she came back, they were gone, and when she found them again, Chazz had his ears pierced. Atticus had taken him to Claire's. She will never leave them unsupervised again. 🤦‍♀️
I think I'll call this one here for now!
Maybe next year I'll come back with part 3 🤭
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chibi-taylormoon · 1 year
Judai is a loving and touchy person when he and Manjoume start dating. Judai LOVES to hold Manjoume's hand, or he'll hug Manjoume...really he just wants to touch or hold Manjoume in some way.
ALSO kisses! Judai will get excited when he sees Manjoume after a long day, he runs to Manjoume and throws himself into his arms and kisses his cheek. Judai has to make the loud exaggerated kissing noise too like in the cartoons because he knows it gets Manjoume all flustered and red.
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no because i LOVE the transgender jun headcanon. first off i’m trans so same!! second off it’s so funny to think that if he is trans he passes extraordinarily well. not that passing is what defines transness but like. shoji and chosaku probably helped him get top surgery/bottom surgery/HRT/the works.
like “yeah we’ll be absolute bastards and emotionally manipulate and abuse you for years but you’re a boy and we support you and you have full permission to duel someone to the death if they say otherwise we’ll cover it up and yes we’ll get you a binder don’t you dare let us down”
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yugiohlesbians · 2 years
my other manjoume headcanon is that his birth name was also jun and he just changed the kanji to 準
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radicalcosmiccrow · 2 years
Yugioh GX headcannons no one asked for but imma share anyway
-Diagnosed with ADHD
-he and Manjoume/Chazz are actually really really close friends and they often study together even though Judai/Jaden falls asleep halfway through
-He tried cooking something for Sho/Syrus and Kenzan/Hassleberry once but accidentally used cat food instead of canned meat.
-he and Yubel actually goof off in his mind a lot as Yubel tells Judai/Jaden about their past lives
-when he gets stressed out or overwhelmed he’ll go straight to Johan/Jesse and they’ll just cuddle, not saying a word yet it’s very comforting to both.
-he will set up little play dates for Winged Kuriboh and Ruby Carbuncle
-he loves horror movies and always makes his roommate, Sho/Syrus, watch them with him because he wants to show Sho/Syrus how cool they are despite Sho/Syrus getting scared very easily
-Trans male
-gay and has a crush on Judai/Jaden
-He sometimes forgets that the crystal beasts are Duel Spirits and buys REAL pet food for them
-is very cuddly
-He really enjoys hiking and camping
-is lowkey jealous of Judai/Jaden’s dueling skills to the point where he asks Judai/Jaden to spar with him so he can examine his deck and try to think of new strategies to use against him
-he once mistook Kenzan/Hassleberry for a Duel spirit
-he dresses Pharaoh the cat up like Ruby Carbuncle every now and then because he thinks it’s cute and it makes Judai/Jaden smile
-isn’t actually a narcissist and is only acting as that’s how his brothers raised him
-he has a good relationship with his mother but not his dad or brothers
-he is actually rather fond of the Ojamas despite trying to throw them away every chance he gets
-he would spoil his lover with gifts and expensive dates
-he actually really enjoys when people visit his dorm so much so that he’ll always have tea prepared but he’ll act like he never does
That’s all for now :3 will post more if I think of more
This was kinda just a place to dump my headcannons as I had no one to talk to lol enjoy~
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pridewhatpride · 3 years
Ficlet for you because I saw a prompt on my dash and thought of them
"What's with you, Aster?" Chazz finally asks.
"What's with what?"
"Don't play dumb! You've been looking at me, looking down at that notebook, and then looking back before scribbling for a while, rinse and repeat!"
Aster starts laughing, which makes Chazz mad.
"Let me see that!"
Chazz tries to take the notebook but it gets moved out of his reach at the last second.
"I'm trying to draw you, mr. self esteem."
"What? Why?!"
"Because I want to? Geez."
"Are you serious? That's so lame."
"Maybe I think you're pretty enough to draw? Ever think of that, wise guy?"
That shut Chazz up...and brought a pink dust to his cheeks...
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lemonandtheart · 3 years
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@gxmonth Day 5 - Dramatic Rescue!! My most dear headcaon lmao! I made an animatic like, half a month ago about it too but I didn't publish it cause idk if my family follow me on Youtube. I put it on unlisted so I can share it with you guys without them seeing just to be sure lol.
The link to the animatic is here~!
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insomnia-arts · 4 years
Head canon 6:
Fubuki has duel spirits, he just can't see them. He hears them though. They're sheep tokens. He hears they're quiet humming and gentle snores.
He didn't know what it was at first but when he heard winged kuriboh and the ojamas interacting with Juudai and Manjoume, he asked Manjoume about it. The younger duelist told him about the four different colored puffballs following him around and Fubuki found it adorable.
Now even if he can't see them, he knows he can rely on them for simple tasks. When he wants to talk to Manjoume he usually asks them to go find him. Like wise, when Manjoume wants something from Fubuki, he has the Ojamas go annoy his senpai.
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fairknights · 4 years
Hey hey hey can I ask for Manjoume, Edo and Judai headcanons with an s/o who had a dark traumatic past but is trying to atone for their sins?
Hey hey hey yourself. This sounds like an interesting ask. I guess they dueled them and friendshipped them into turning their life around ahaha 
Yu-Gi-Oh GX:
Yuki Judai:
Judai is probably the first one to offer a hand of friendship to someone like this. Pre-season 3-4 Judai would just have a friendly, casual, ‘we’re all friends now’ attitude. He probably thinks about it a bit more than he lets on, though. He’s not sure how to approach any underlying issues so he just plays it off casually.
I would say that post-GX Judai is a lot more understanding of his s/o. I mean, he’s in the same boat after all. Once he admits that to himself and his s/o, he’s the most supportive person his s/o could have.
If his s/o needs space to figure things out, he’ll be happy to give it to them. But at the same time, if he feels like they need him to intervene, he will. He wants his s/o to know that they are not alone, and that he understands them.
They’ll probably both work on atonement together, saving as many people as they can post-duel academy.
He tells his s/o that it’s okay to deal with their trauma in any way they need to, as long as it’s not hurting anyone and as long as it’s not bad for them either. They need to cry? Take their mind off it with a fun day out, a theme park or other kind of adrenaline rush? They just need peace and quiet and a friend to listen to them? Any combination of those things? Whatever they need, he’ll be there.
Manjoume Jun:
He thinks his s/o has a lot of strength and resolve, to decide to atone for their past. Because of that, he admires their willpower and wants to see them succeed. He’s aggressively supportive when he wants to be, and will let everyone know he is too.
Anyone who has a problem with his s/o because of their past will have to answer to him. He’s very protective of them, and will not let anyone say a bad word about them ever. If anyone so much as looks at his s/o the wrong way, he’ll shoot them a ‘what are you looking at?’ (yeah, that’s what I thought!)
He wants to make his s/o happy, and if they’re struggling because of their past it pains him. He tries everything he can think of to try and cheer them up and it’s honestly very sweet. Sometimes it’s cliché things he’s read online, like flowers and such. Other times, he shows up at their door and just wants to go for a walk with them, just talking about whatever. He often drops his s/o a text during the day just so they know he’s thinking about them.
Thinks his s/o is worth more than they probably think they do. Tells them that they are not their past trauma, and while it will almost certainly always be a part of them, he knows that they’re able to do much more, able to be much more. Honestly he’s their #1 supporter really.
Edo Phoenix:
Out of everyone in the GX cast, Edo would probably take the longest to warm up to the future s/o. It’s not that he holds anything against them, and he’s all for helping people redeem themselves, but he’s not the most trusting person around, due to his own past trauma.
He watches them, letting other people warm to them first, and when he sees them make a genuine effort to redeem themselves, he’ll thaw a bit himself and start interacting with them more. He probably understands them quite a bit more than some of the others, to be honest. Though his past and theirs were not the same by any means, some of his past experiences would probably help him relate to theirs.
By the time they become his s/o, he’ll be endlessly supportive. Can’t sleep? Had a nightmare? He’s a night owl too, come sit with him and talk about whatever you need to. Or not, he won’t push his s/o to talk about anything, and they can just talk about whatever they like if the s/o isn’t ready to tell him.
He leads a busy life, but he will make time for his s/o. Always. Anything they need, they can call on him. He knows that they need someone to help them with their traumatic past. Knows that they need someone who can reach their hand out to help them. He’s seen it before, with Saiou, who is still his close friend. More than that, though, he’s been there with traumas himself. So he tries to do what Judai did for him for his s/o, but in his own way.
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ireallylikejonouchi · 3 years
Manjoume Jun is a trans girl and we're so proud of her
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the-evil-authoress · 4 years
GX Month Day 5: “Pass The Salt”
No story is perfect. So what is something you wish you could have seen in the story of GX?
Season 4. Season 4 and I have issues. So here is a condensed version of the things that should have happened between the trauma of Dark World and the bullshit of the Darkness plot.
I have a vast headcanon for this series and these prompts are only the tip of the iceberg.
Jaden avoids them after he finally returns from the shitshow of Dark World. They try to reach out, but he straight up disappears to parts unknown. Somehow, Jesse can always find him but even he stops looking after a while. It’s not that they aren’t worried, they are, but they have school and their own trauma to deal with and it’s hard to help someone who doesn’t want to be helped.
Jaden falls through the cracks.
Jesse definitely tells North Academy to ‘faen ta deg’ - whatever that means - when the other schools start a ruckus and demand the exchange students be returned to their own campuses. Axel and Jim follow suit and eventually the other schools back off.
Of course Chancellor Shepard tries to put them all in therapy, but how are any of them supposed to even begin explaining what they went through? And who would actually believe them?
It’s Jim’s idea to start the group talks, to give themselves a safe space to just talk about shit and deal with the fallout. They only have one rule: everyone has to share something. It can be big or small, or completely unrelated to Dark World, but they all have to share one thing that’s been bothering them. Even if they end up screaming at each other or crying, that’s okay because the whole point is to express themselves. Even on days where bottled emotions explode, they still come away feeling better or just relieved by the release of a burden.
Jaden continues to avoid them. When the tension between him and Christina finally snaps, Jesse intervenes and Jaden starts crashing in his room. Which is fine, despite ill concealed jealousy; with his newfound ability, Jesse’s gained an appreciation for the absurdly large room - Amber Mammoth can fit comfortably.
Jaden still refuses to talk about Yubel, but it’s not like Jesse can fault the guy when he still hasn’t said anything about the scars on his back.
Slowly, Jaden starts to open up again.
It’s a surprise when Jim shows up to the group talk with Jaden in tow. Honestly, it was bound to happen eventually; Christina just figured it would have been her or Jesse or maybe Syrus doing the dragging. Jaden, for his part, sits with his knees folded against his chest, looking very much like he just wants to leave, but he’s sandwiched between Jim and Axel who aren’t letting him go anywhere.
Good, Christina thinks, trying to curb the lingering bitterness from when Jaden tried to ditch the Academy a couple weeks ago.
Today’s pretty low key, mostly grievances about classwork and graduation. Most of them have aired their dirty laundry from Dark World by now. So when silence falls around the group, more than one pair of eyes linger on Jaden, still hugging his knees, and hasn’t said a word yet.
“I’ve been meaning to apologize.” Alexis breaks the silence, staring somberly at the floor. “Back in that other dimension, I said some horrible things.”
Jaden jerks but no one else is actually looking at him now, too distracted by their confusion. Christina almost missed it, but years of hanging out with the same single person can attune you to even the smallest shift in their demeanor.
“At the time, I was so hurt and confused, but that’s not how I always feel. That resentment was only fleeting.” Alexis looks up, and Jaden stiffens under her gaze. Wait just a damn second- “I’m sorry, Jaden. I didn’t mean any of it.”
“You still believed it...” Christina murmurs in the blissful few seconds of silence before half their circle erupts at what should have been the most obvious epiphany of all time.
“Sarge!” Hassleberry's hands hit the floor with enough force to shake it as he rocks forward in a frantic fervor. “I didn’t mean it either! I don’t hate you! I swear!”
“Yeah, no! It’s like Lexi said, our emotions were all jumbled!” Atticus jumps in, probably half a step away from trying to hug all the bad feelings out of Jaden. “That’s not how we really feel! Come, Chazz, tell him.”
“What? Why do I have to--”
Chazz flinches under the ire of the other guilty four, curling in on himself with a scowl, and mutters, “Yeah, okay, I’m sorry too. Wasn’t your fault.”
Jaden’s shoulders shake, his face in his knees. Gently, Jim places a hand against his back.
He slowly peeks up from his knee at the soft call of his name, and just that action alone must have been one hell of a feat for him. Prior to recent events, Christina hasn’t seen Jaden cry in years. Now, his tears are on display for everyone.
“Oh, Jaden.” Alexis is the first to bridge the gap while the others reel over the revelation. “I’m so sorry.”
He shudders with a quiet sob but doesn’t resist as she gently wraps him in her arms. Syrus and Hassleberry immediately scramble to latch onto either side of their ‘big bro’, and Atticus drags a reluctant Chazz into the group hug.
“There, there, slacker, let it out.” Chazz winces and awkwardly pats when Jaden finally lets out a particularly loud wail.
“We all love you, Sarge. Ya gotta remember that.”
“You don’t have to be our leader, or smile all the time. Just be you.”
It’s heartbreaking, watching as all of Jaden’s walls crumble and the fragile boy beneath shatter; but all of them are here to help him pick up the pieces.
“So what happened?” Jesse whispers, eyes shining with confusion even as they move forward to join their friends.
“I’m an idiot.” Christina swipes the tears out of her own eyes, mad at herself for not realizing sooner. Jesse even said Jaden seemed like he was afraid of something. All the times he demanded to know what happened after his disappearance and Christina still managed to gloss over a crucial detail that kickstarted this spiral.
“Well, it all worked out in the end,” Jesse murmurs.
“Thanks to you.”
“H-hold on. I’m the reason this mess started in the first place.”
Shaking her head, Christina leans into him as much as her other friends. She’s had enough of the blame game. She knows without a doubt that Jesse played a pivotal role in all of this and will continue to do so for better or worse.
The connections between them are tangled as fuck after all.
"Faen ta deg" - literally "devil take you", basically the same as "go to hell" with the vulgarity of a "fuck you". Day 4 of little to no sleep, Jaden was still missing, and Jesse was straight up DONE with the bullshit. Foster/Ichinose laughed his ass off.
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aberooski · 2 months
Stormshipping Headcanon: Chazz calls Atticus "Atti" while Atticus calls Chazz "ChaCha".
I accept this as canon hehehe :3
I bet Chazz picked Atty up from Alexis since that's her nickname for him, but I imagine she gave Chazz permission to use it too eventually because he's ass at coming up with nicknames and as his future sister-in-law, she's like "hey, if you want to, you can use my nickname for him." And it's kinda a big deal because nobody is allowed to call him Atty except her. But she is their number 1 supporter, 100% on board with their relationship and come on, they're her favorite people! Her boys! Her brothers! I don't call Alexis the Stormshipping Chaperone for nothing!
And we know Atticus canonically calls Chazz "Chazzy" which I love and I think it's adorable and I often find myself calling them both Atty and Chazzy more often than not in conversation lol. But Atticus being Atticus, I think he has like a billion little nicknames and pet names for him so I could totally see him calling him that sometimes 🤭
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chibi-taylormoon · 1 year
Manjoume headcanons where he's a dork about things
1. Manjoume has boxers with Ojama print on it
2. Manjoume has a matching friendship bracelet with Judai. He denied wanting it, but still wears it
3. Manjoume rants about his day to all the duel spirits. He uses them as his therapists
4. He hates the food in the red dorms so much, he pays obelisk blue students to bring him better food. He refuses to share too lol
5. Manjoume writes his and Asuka's name in his journal and puts a heart around it.
6. Manjoume is always arguing with the Ojama's even post graduation when he's out in public. He pretty much looks like an insane dork
7. His "manjoume thunder" chant is his own ring tone
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what’s that? nobody gives a fuck? i give no fucks about no-one giving a fuck here are my headcanons
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alexanderstarhero · 4 years
Day 05: “Pass the Salt”
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Dear Journal
As you know, I knew some pro duelist personally... well morel ike we know them cause they visited us a lot. Or more like, they tried to find Mister Judai on their days off, when they heard he was staying.
It happened often enough that we saw them thrice a year at the very least. Mister Andersen and Mister Judai also tell us some stories about them, so we know a few embarrassing facts about them.
One of them came up to mind this weekend, when Ebon dueled a girl using an Ojama deck.
During the third year of “The Thunder”, a name he insisted all us call him, he tried to take a shortcut through pro dueling as a meme duelist.
There are some meme duelist still around that are quite good, but the whole thing back then is that they loosed on purpose to make a fool of themselves and the game.
During that time he was forced to use an Ojama deck which had spirits.
It was very awkward for him since he didn’t tolerate them at all, he gave up soon after. Although not because of the spirits, but because he didn’t like soiling his pride as a duelist, he even won the match with the Ojama.
But he came back soon after with his iconic dragon deck.
Decoy teased him for days and Armed was very happy to be back in business with Chazz.
I personally don’t like the Ojamas design. and while I haven’t personally met the spirits, the way The Thunder described them doesn’t sound pleasing.
Oh also, Ebon lost, so he doesn’t like the cards either XD
Gonna go to sleep now, thanks for listening.
Signing out.
Okay Let’s begin with the headcanons and changes to the original plot.
Get rid of the Ojamas and change it to other spirits for Manjoume He didn’t even liked them from the start, and they don’t contribute with the plot over all. Their whole gimmick was that they were gross, but it wasn’t even funny once. I propose giving him Decoy Dragon and Armed Dragon LV 3 as his main spirits.
Draw or Win for Manjoume during the duel when he comes back from as representative of North Academy I know Judai is the main guy, but I think it would have been a better character development if he had refused to follow his brothers plan even after he had a draw or better yet, a win. Even defending the Duel Academy from their comment or something. We do have a follow up but it doesn’t count for me.
Let Judai move dorms or give us a good reason to keep him Red SO maybe some of you might not aggro on the first option, but he stayed as a Slifer for 4 seasons? I don’t believe it. Even if his writing part were bad, at that point he is the strongest duelist on the island, he should be Ra Yellow at least for the skills alone. Unless he losed more times during the first and second season I don’t believe it.
Let everyone else duel and don’t relay solely on Judai I think the battle of Zane against Camula proves it the best, sure he didn’t have any way to save Syrus, but either way, it seems like the show didn’t let anyone else shine or take the spotlight over Judai. Heck, during the last season, when Asuka, Jun, Fubuki and Asuka lackies are the last one in the academy, you know what they said? WE SHOULD WAIT AND HOLD ON FOR JUDAI TO COME AND SOLVE THE PROBLEM!!! The hell? Chazz can see spirits, you have someone capable and you can just say no to the duel or use violence, I would have done it.
Some unfinished plots... Johan has the Trapper, but it seems his problem was solved very quickly, also what was the deal with him, he lost the connection? How did that happen? Did he wanted to use the spirits for energy? If he lost the connection, shouldn’t he be unable to interact with the spirits at all? What about Atticus girlfriend? you know, the Gravekeeper Assassin, who apparently Judai got a crush on. She was there because of Darkness as far as I understood, but why wasn’t she in the Dark World like Fujiwara, or why she doesn’t appear ever again or mentioned? So much potential and yet...
Fate of Zane Trusdale So, I have seen several videos about GX and his story telling, but something that probably would have done good, even if the possibility broke my heart, was for Zane to actually die from heart attack, rather than being revived along side the others, and that the Cyber Dark deck was the responsable. It would have made for an emotional episode when the Jinzo user came after Zane and later Syrus.
I think that’s all, I’m very tired now, but I’ll be back with more.
Thanks for reading
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pestilenced · 4 years
one random useless headcanon coming up!
if taken to a petting zoo, Chazz/Jun would undoubtedly try to pet the geese, thinking they’re part of the experience. Jaden/Judai would follow too, telling him, “no, you’ve got to do it like this; they need to know you’re friendly-” and they would both subsequently get chased, Jesse/Johan filming the entire time and trying not to laugh.
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