#(then walking away feeling heartbroken and ready to surrender - but still believing in and reassuring each other they can be good parents)
nachosncheeze · 2 years
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Blindspot Parallels - Insult to Injury (2x05/3x11)
What happened to me while we were apart hurt... but so does what you did. (And this was a really shitty time to find out.)
Bonus: Feelings can wait; now there's a job to do (She is yours and I will fight for her)
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(And this set follows)
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tuancore · 3 years
Purple Hearts || {Part 1} :
Starring- Jinyoung x reader
Genre- Angst | Non-Idol AU, Disorder AU
Summary- I will continue to love you for as long as I'm breathing, but I won't let my love come in between your happiness.
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*GIF not mine, credits to the owner*
Holding a bouquet of flowers you ran around the streets bumping into a few people, the bouquet so huge that you couldn't even properly see the road in front of you.
"I'm sorry!", You shouted after bumping into the fifth person, thankfully the sun has set otherwise all those people might form a communion and beat you in the middle of the road, taking a final turn, you ran even faster towards the venue.
"What took you so long?!" Someone called you from behind, siding the bouquet slightly you saw the person's face, a sarcastic smile adorning your face, "Ahh... Jackson Wang...Do you want me to slam these flowers on your head?".
"Of course not! Those flowers are looking perfect exactly where they are", He surrendered raising his hands, he examined your dress from head to toe, "You were running in a floor length dress?".
"I'm just gonna kill that Mushroom head!", You growled shoving the bouquet in Jackson's hands, "Woah, it's actually heavy, how did you even manage to carry it and run around", he praised you.
"Don't be so flattered, I've bumped into five people on my way, almost got hit by a pole three times, and even stumbled multiple times due to my heels", You huffed in annoyance.
"Life is hard I guess, I thought Yugyeom went to take the flowers?", He questioned.
"He backed off to flirt with girls, He's dead meat for sure once I find him", You said roaming your eyes in hopes for finding your good for nothing brother.
"I think I saw him around the drinks section—" That's what you needed to hear, lifting up your dress a little you walked away, "Jackson please take those flowers to my stupid friend I've to see my beloved brother, thank you...".
Standing a metre away from Yugyeom, you saw him standing in the centre with two girls surrounding him, one with blonde hair seemed to be too much immersed into the conversation or maybe into Yugyeom, she ran her well manicured nails on the fabric of his shirt. Another brunette had her arms linked with him.
A pure wave of disgust hitting you seeing your brother's not very well flirting skills, it was so clear from the body language of those girls that they wanted nothing but to get into your brother's pants.
You strode towards Yugyeom shoving the two girls, holding onto his collar harshly, "How dare you?! How dare you do this to me? To us?", You sniffed loudly, gladly the party had some loud music and busy people who weren't really paying any attention to your tantrums.
"W—What?" He stammered shocked to see you crying. The girls glared at you ready to claw your eyes out, but you faced them tears brimming in your eyes, they seemed to be taken back.
"Please don't get lured by him and his sugar coated words", You glared at him, "We dated for two years, even after being in a relationship with me he cheated on me with multiple other girls and when I told him that I was pregnant, he left me....", You sobbed hugging the blonde, "Please don't trust him, he's a player, top notch....".
"What the fuck are you saying n—", He yelled.
"See now he's mad at me because I revealed his true face....".
"Yugyeom, I'll see you later I think my mother is looking for me!", The blonde said, walking away while the brunette advised, "You shouldn't do that to a girl, she's so pretty why don't you just accept her and your baby".
"Wait!" He yelled but none of them turned back, "The fuck would you say something like that Noona!".
Wiping away your tears you scoffed, "I have every rights to do what I did I'm your elder sister, plus that's what you get for sending me to bring those flowers!".
"What?! Now because of your little revenge, I've lost the chances of actually being with someone", he grimaced staring at the girls from back. Smacking his head, you frowned, "I can't believe that you're my brother, your standard is so low. If nothing you want to date playgirls, eww Kim Yugyeom!".
"One orange juice please", Turning around you asked the bartender.
"So now we are talking about standards hm? Atleast I have guts to confess while on the other hand you don't even have the guts to confess to—", You hushed him pressing your palm to his lips, slowly shaking your head.
"Don't...Not today atleast...hm...", Your gaze turning utter soft. He nodded with a defeated sigh.
This party was thrown for no one else but your bestfriend to celebrate his success for starting his own company, and you didn't want anything to go wrong.
"Noona, Why is Jackson hyung roaming like a lost puppy with those flowers?" Yugyeom asked pointing at Jackson, his words made you choke on your drink.
Great! You forgot to tell Jackson where to actually bring that bouquet. Since those flowers holds a special place in your bestfriend's heart you had to bring it for him especially when today's such a fortunate day for him.
"You idiot those are not just flowers, those are those flowers which I asked you to bring and you ended up here to flirt with bitches", You rebuked glaring at your brother.
"Oopsie", Yugyeom giggled sipping on his cocktail bringing his free hand to catch his ears.
"I'll be back", You rushed towards Jackson grabbing the flowers from him, "Thanks Jackson, you're the best!".
Stepping inside the mansion, you climbed the stairs leading to the terrace in a hurry, You knew his mansion like the back of your hand, how can you not when you grew up playing in this place, "Damn these heels and damn the heaviness of the bouquet".
Panting heavily you managed to push open the door to the terrace, but you forgot to notice a marble piece ahead putting your foot inside you lost your balance, preparing yourself for a hard hit, you closed your eyes.
"Be careful", A pair of arms catching you few feet up from the surface, "You should see and walk, what if you get hurt?".
"Thanks for saving me again my savior", You chuckled picking the flowers from ground handing him, "And here you go with your purple roses".
"Thanks.....actually I want to show you something", He added, putting his hands on your shoulders guiding you towards a small table which was decorated with scented candles and flowers with two chairs, on four corners it had pillars with lightings, rose petals sprawled on the ground.
Your eyes lit up at the arrangement, everything looked so romantic and perfect, walking closely you inspected the entire set up, your eyes landing on a small red velvet box.
"I can't believe it that you did everything on your own, it's so beautiful!" You squealed in excitement, clapping your hands.
"I'm glad you liked it", He said, his hands shoved in his dress pants pockets, "It really took a lot in me to go this far".
Holding the velvety box, he opened it taking off a beautiful diamond ring from it, extending it towards you with a soft smile, eyeing the ring lovingly you declared, "It's so beautiful....".
"I know. Do you think Somi will like it?" He exclaimed with hopeful eyes. Holding his hands gently, you whispered "She'll love it".
"Do you think she'll say yes to me?", He smiled nervously locking eyes with you, searching for some hope.
"She'll say yes to you, trust me", You breathed, squeezing his hands lightly in a reassuring way with a gorgeous smile.
He grinned happily hugging you to his chest with his hand holding your head, your nostrils filling up with his cologne which always managed to drove you into frenzy, for a moment you didn't want him to let you go, his embrace being your safe place.
Gulping an invisible knot in your throat you pulled away from his embrace, "Look it's already 7:50....I must go... Somi might be here any moment, don't screw this up, be a man and get your girl".
You turned to leave but he held your wrist turning you over to face him again, You confusedly glanced where he was holding your hand.
"Thank you for bringing these purple roses, they're very special to me".
"I'm your bestfriend stupid, don't thank me for it".
Still with your wrist in his hands, he leaned over to pluck a purple rose from the bouquet, "Here.... to the most wonderful person in my life", he extended the rose for you to hold.
You could feel your eyes getting glossy as you stared at the rose and then at him, "Thank you", You mumbled taking the flower from his grasp.
"All the best Jinyoung".
Stumbling your way downstairs, you locked yourself inside the library, your tears finally streaming down your face, the purple rose in your hand making you sob harder.
This is it. This is where your heart ends, you finally gave the person whom you have loved all your life, your first friend, your only bestfriend, your first love and maybe the only person you'll ever love in your life, Jinyoung to someone else.
"One of us had to sacrifice and I can't see you getting heartbroken, so instead I'll give up on my love for you.... Jinyoung. Atleast one of us must get their love", You cried bringing the rose to your lips.
Part 2 | Master list |
(A/N :- Hey!! I'm back buds with another Jinyoung FF, I hope you're all gonna like it as well. Thank you so much and I'm quite excited myself! Weeeewoooo!!)
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fruitwoops · 4 years
c. sc // right person, wrong time
light angst, ex-boyfriend!seungcheol 1.6k words
You could still recall that day as though it were yesterday.
Rosy hues had replaced the cyan tones of the sky, and the ivory clouds were now splashes of apricot, allowing the fading daylight to paint the beach a faint glow of honey. The whimsical laughter of children filled the air, mixing in melodically with the soothing movement of low-tide waves, which caressed your bare feet each time they reached the shore.
Seungcheol stood facing you, your silhouettes illuminated in marigold. The backdrop was nothing short of romantic as your boyfriend reached for your hands with a soft smile, running his calloused fingers across your knuckles in the way he usually did when he was nervous. You returned his smile with a fond expression of your own, nodding encouragingly as you weaved your fingers with his. His plush velvet lips parted slightly, trembling as the words spilled out like bullets straight to your heart, “We should break-up.”
“I can’t believe you actually cleared your schedule for this,” Johnny laughed, the ice cubes in his whiskey clinking against the crystal glass as he did so. You rolled your eyes as you took a seat at the table which your friends had occupied.
“What? Can’t I want to catch-up with our high school friends?” You defended, glancing through the menu. Your friends shared a knowing look, waiting for the waiter to leave with your order before resuming their inquisition.
“He’s right though,” Nayeon giggled as she pointed her fork at you. “You’re a total workaholic, sajangnim. Plus, like us, you hated most of them. Why would you make time for them?”
“Not to mention, you’re high-key making us attend too,” Hyejin deadpanned. You stared back at your friends before throwing your hands up in mock surrender.
“Okay, fine, maybe a part of me just wants to see their faces now that we’re all mad successful. Especially after all the crap they gave us throughout high school,” you smirked as you raised your shoulders in a “can’t be helped” gesture, the Patek Philippe timepiece wrapped around your wrist emphasising your point.
“That’s what I’m talking about,” Johnny reached over to high-five you, a devious glint in his eyes at the notion. Hyejin nodded approvingly, her own countenance morphing into nefarious pleasure as she sunk her teeth into the wagyu. Nayeon merely grinned at you, though that should have been a warning sign for the words that left her mouth as her perceptive brown orbs studied your face.
“I heard that Seungcheol’s going to be there.”
You felt your muscles tense at the name, unsure how you should react outwardly. While the break-up itself was far from a happy memory, it ended up being a beautiful one ; a romantic scene in a movie where a young, selfless boy chose to help the girl he loved to achieve her dreams. Your younger self had been naive and stupid, wanting to throw away everything you had worked hard for, for the boy you loved. But Seungcheol knew better, wanted better for the girl he loved. He broke up with you so that you would take the overseas scholarship at your dream college. And you did.
Truth be told, the real reason you chose to attend the reunion was to see him. You believed it was a case of right person, wrong time. And you longed to find out if you both were to meet again, now full grown and dreams in hand, would it be the right time?
It must have shown on your face, because Nayeon snorted and held her palm out to Johnny, who begrudgingly handed her a 10,000 won note. You groaned at their antics, fighting a smile as Hyejin reached over and squeezed your hand.
“We’ll have your back regardless.”
You could feel the stares as you handed the key of your Aston Martin to the hotel valet, basking in the attention that commenced the moment you exited the car. Not that you could forget that behind each awestruck face you laid eyes on were the lingering sneering faces of the classmates who made high school difficult for you.
Yet nothing would beat the collective shock and whispers of recognition and disbelief that rippled through the crowd when Nayeon called out your name, waving to you from where she, Hyejin and Johnny stood by the entrance. She looped her arms with yours once you reached them, whispering into your ear with a cheeky grin. 
“He’s inside with his boys.” 
You glanced into the foyer, catching sight of the male in question. Your heart skipped a beat, excitement and trepidation bubbling inside you instantly. Though that emotion immediately manifested into disgust and doubt when a familiar voice came from behind you.
“Heard he’s married already, or at least engaged.”
You turned your head back, scowl already forming at the sound of her voice. Minah stood before you, her high school posse trailing behind her just like they did in their youth. And just like the old days, they were here to ruin your mood. But unlike your younger self, you were no longer afraid of them or unable to hold your ground.
“It’s been 10 years and you still keep tabs on all of us? Grow up, Minah,” You countered with a scoff, raising an eyebrow at her. Though you could not deny the anxiousness that seeped through your mind at the thought that Seungcheol had already found someone else.
“Besides, how would you know that? I doubt Seungcheol invited you or released any sort of engagement news to you,” Hyejin chimes in. “He didn’t like you one bit.”
Minah looked offended for a second before schooling in her expression to point a finger in Seungcheol’s direction.
“We walked by them earlier and Yura saw a ring on his fourth finger. Go figure.”
Yura nodded fervently, speaking up to back her leader, “Plus, the other boys didn’t seem fazed at all, so their relationship must have been pretty serious for a while now.”
Your heart sank, realising the truth to her words. Of course he had moved on, it had been ten years since you last spoke to each other.
Yet here you were, ten years older, but still very much in love with Choi Seungcheol.
Seungcheol’s eyes found your figure the moment you entered his peripheral, breath hitching at the sight of you. You waltzed in with Nayeon and Hyejin, Johnny trailing behind you three with a laugh. The familiar sight took him back to the days where he would stare at you from across the hallways, heart in his throat as he thought of ways to approach you.
The memories seemed to rush back ten-fold now that you were standing in the same space as he was. The playful laughter, ardent touches, languid kisses, and whispered dreams of the future.
Seungcheol had not expected you to show up to the reunion. Ever since he broke-up with you that one summer evening, you had disappeared overseas and had not returned ever since. He could still see your sobbing face in his mind’s eye, and your heartbroken sobs pounded in his ears, all the memories burned into his memories for eternity.
While he had intended for you to leave the country and pursue your dreams, his younger self had not accounted for the heartbreak the both of you had to go through, both alone. That, and the fact that you never spoke to him ever again.
For a time, a part of him had been bitter that you did not understand his intentions, that you did not understand his love for you. But his older self knew better now; the two of you had not been ready for each other.
He shook the thoughts out of his head, fingers subconsciously prodding at the ring on his fourth finger as he focused on what his friends were saying.
Things were different now. 
You knew you had to face Seungcheol eventually, yet you remained unprepared when you finally stood before him. The amber tones of the chandeliers overhead cast a warm glow on his features, and the familiarity of the sight almost brought tears to your eyes.
“Hi.” You attempted a smile, though it came out slightly forced and awkward.
Time had done him well, his features sharpening over the years to form a more chiselled version of the face you remembered. Despite the early wrinkle lines that had begun to form around his eyes, Seungcheol still proved dashing as he reached out to pull you into a friendly hug.
“Hi, stranger,” he joked, making your lips curve up into a genuine smile. However, the feeling of metal against your back pulled you out of nostalgic reverie, the smile slipping off your face.
As you pulled back from the hug, you felt Johnny rest a hand on your shoulder, his squeeze of comfort indicating that the trio had seen the ring in question. Your heart ached, but you forced the smile back on at the sight of Seungcheol’s confused gaze. Yet nothing could have prepared your heart for the emotions which ran through your veins when you finally allowed your eyes to fall to the ring on his finger.
The cool metal resting on a chain around your neck almost burned at the sight of its counterpart ; a pair of cheap rings sourced from a capsule machine the autumn you both turned seventeen.
“So, is there a Mrs. Choi?” Minah asked in a faux saccharine tone, casting a snide look your way. You failed to notice, gaze fixated on Seungcheol as he chuckled bashfully.  
“No...” his eyes slid to you, the grin you loved so much adorning his face. “...not yet.”
Perhaps, this was the right time for you and me.
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thegreenfairy13 · 5 years
Salacious Start - Part 2
A Gobblepot Fanfic. AU. Edward Nygma leaves Oswald Cobblepot for Mrs. Kringle. Heartbroken, Oswald tries returning the goods he bought for a very special night with his boyfriend. At the sex shop, he runs into sales assistant Jim Gordon and develops a massive crush. Read it on Ao3 here. 
Oswald knows he messed up. But instead of doing the reasonable thing, walking back into the store and apologizing, he waits in the secluded alley where the sex shop’s exit is situated. It’s a hot summer’s day, the smell emanating from the waste containers is nearly unbearable, and the flies start torturing him soon but there are two qualities the raven-haired man possesses: patience and a fair amount of stubbornness. Besides, he might be a tad bit crazy.
He’s lucky though. Not even two hours have passed when the newfound object of his desires walks out of the store. He’s dressed in a plain white shirt and tight-fitting jeans that make Oswald’s mouth water. His mobile is firmly pressed to the side of his face as he starts fiddling with the keys.
“I’m telling you, Harv, this creep gave me the chills,” Jim groans into his phone. “I swear, he practically undressed me with his eyes.” He pauses to listen to whatever the person on the other end of the line might be saying. “Yeah, yeah, you might get a good laugh outta that but it wasn’t you who….”
Jim abruptly stops talking and freezes when his eyes meet Oswald’s. For a second, there’s a flash of panic crossing his features before his nostrils flare. Gripping the phone tightly, he struts toward the smaller man. He looks positively thunderous as if he was ready to grab Oswald’s lapels, pin him against the nearest wall, and shake him around like a rag doll.
“Fuck!” he exclaims. “Harv, you won’t believe it! Count Dracula has been waiting for me behind the store,” he hisses into his phone. “If I don’t call you back in five minutes call the police.” He quickly checks Oswald up and down who meanwhile tries concealing himself in the wall behind him. “I don’t know if he’s armed,” Jim cries into the phone, “how would I?!” With those words, he hangs up and steps deep into Oswald’s personal space.
“You’ve got five seconds to get away from me or…” Jim leaves the threat hanging as he cages the smaller with his body.
Oswald swallows heavily when becoming aware of his mistake. Waiting in the shadows like a crazed stalker might not be the proper way to apologize - or to get his goods taken back.
“Huh, hi,” he stutters out with a hysterical chuckle that sets Jim’s teeth on edge. In response, the other man simply raises his hand slowly to his throat.
“Is this a joke?” he spats out, his fingers already twitching menacingly beside his neck.
Too shocked to respond, Oswald simply stares into those blue orbs, torn between panic and a weird sense of excitement. Jim looks even better from up close - and pretty enraged. Oddly enough, he is sure the other man won’t hurt him, not if he doesn’t give him a good reason to do so. Jim has a certain aura, a charisma that simply emanates a feeling of safety. It’s absolutely absurd to think that, mainly because he doesn’t know Jim, but the businessman can’t help it.
“I wanted to apologize,” he chokes out at last, holding both his hands up placatingly and simultaneously releasing the grip on his can. It drops to the ground with a heavy thud. Jim’s eyes follow the shiny walking-device as it rolls over the ground, making a wide circle in the process, finally disappearing behind the dumpster.
Oswald’s mouth forms a perfect ‘O’, a disheartened, silent cry when taking it all in. This container is way too big and heavy for him to move it and too narrow to crawl beneath it - especially with his bad leg. Licking his lips nervously, he tries figuring out how to get home now that his cane is gone.
His mind is still occupied when the sales-assistant releases his grip on him and without the extra support, he stumbles forward. Oswald would have hit the ground if the other man hadn’t caught him the last moment. Heavy hands steady his thin frame, holding him safely upright while he regains his balance. He can smell Jim’s cologne, a surprisingly well-balanced scent, equally fresh and heady with hints of pink pepper and sandalwood and for one glorious moment, that’s everything his nostrils are filled with. Forgotten are the dumpster and the waste covering the ground; suddenly this alley turns into the most beautiful, brightest place he’s ever been. Their eyes meet again and something changes in Jim’s expression. His shoulders slump and all of a sudden, the anger drains. Whatever he saw in Oswald’s face, it took the rage from his person.
With a heavy sigh, Jim leans Oswald carefully against the wall before he has another chance to trip over. “Accepted,” he mutters. Shaking his head in annoyance, he starts scanning the ground. He finds a stick and starts fishing for the cane. “There,” he growls once he retrieved it. Whipping out his phone, he then sends a message, probably to tell his friend Oswald didn’t murder him in a dark alley after all.
The smaller man can’t blame him. In retrospect, his behavior had been anything but perfect. “Are we done then?” Jim grumbles, already turning to leave and Oswald panics. This is probably his last opportunity to mend this mess.
“I’m usually not like that,” he squeaks out.
“Like what?” the blonde snaps back. “Like a stalker?”
Oswald considers. Actually, he has absolutely zero experience to draw on so he isn’t really sure how he’s being perceived but he knows he wants to do better. He falls silent, clutches his cane tightly and stares at the other man like a kicked puppy.
“I sometimes cross boundaries,” he shares, crestfallen. “I’m just...I’m not really good at this.” Shrugging awkwardly, he begs Jim to forgive him.
“And what is this ?” the sales assistant asks, throwing his hands into the air in exasperation.
“Flirting?” Oswald offers insecurely and Jim freezes, shell-shocked.
“ Flirting ?” he echoes incredulously. Jim gapes at him for a moment before he practically starts howling. “I’ve been sure you wanted to murder me,” he wheezes out, clutching his belly and steadying his weight against the wall. “Seriously, you need coaching,” he laughs as he wipes his eyes and unsuccessfully tries leaving again.
Yet Oswald is persistent - and irritating. Making up his mind, he hobbles behind the blonde as fast as he can. Jim has made it almost to the corner when the entrepreneur bumps into him in his haste.
“One drink!” he offers frantically, a wide grin splitting his face. “In the name of our newfound friendship,” he suggests politely once he caught his breath again.
Looking the limping man up and down, Jim takes in a deep breath. “There’s really no way to get rid of you, eh?” he snorts while the other man is still beaming at him, eyes shining almost as brightly as his perfectly polished shoes.
“Absolutely not,” Oswald reassures and with a sigh, Jim surrenders.
“One drink!” he growls menacingly.
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harry-writings · 6 years
The Break Down
- The one where Y/n is left at the altar and has a hard time dealing with her emotions
Part 1
Hope you enjoy. xx
Harry hasn’t seen Y/n in two weeks.
Two weeks and not once did he see her in passing, hear her moving furniture around her apartment at three in the morning, or even hear her door open to reassure him that she’s still home. Through his walls there’s been nothing but silence and he wasn’t so sure whether he was more upset or guilty knowing that something wasn’t right.
He’s considered multiple options as to why she’s suddenly disappeared since that night. Perhaps she left—ran away and decided to stay with friends, or even traveled to visit Rick. Or maybe she decided to work again—take the distractions a step further and just bury herself in the work she’s been avoiding.
Or worst yet, maybe she’s avoiding him. She knows his work schedules after being neighbors for so long and even knows the times he likes to run errands considering they were practically living with each other for a month. But none of the options made any sense because every morning when he leaves for work and every night he comes back home, her car is always parked in the same damn spot every single time.
He’s thought about knocking on her door several times to apologize for all that he said to her. He was feeling too many emotions at once to really think about his choice of words. Although it was her that did the wrong, he should have never accused her of such awful, terrible things because she would never do what she did unless something else was going on.
But he never did. He never did anything about it because he wasn’t so sure how to go about the situation considering she’s had a hard time opening up to him. That, and not knowing what he would be getting in between in regards to Rick and Y/n—if there still even was a Rick and Y/n at this point.
Instead, he stayed in his apartment like a coward, choosing not to face his problems and refusing to be a good friend and check up on her during a time she needed him most.
He felt like the shittiest person in the world for doing so.
And it wasn’t until today that he finally got something from her.
Well, not exactly from her, but finally got something that reassured him that she hasn’t run away to some unknown territory. And even though he should have felt somewhat relieved to know that she’s still in her apartment, he knows that it isn’t good news.
He just got back from his closing shift at the hardware store, eyes puffed and watering at the late hours of the night. His walking becomes more of a shuffle with a drag in his heal and the bag on his shoulder is nearly falling from his slumped figure, body ready to crawl under the blankets with a cuppa as he watches late night television.
Once the elevator stops on his floor, he sighs while fiddling with the keys in his hands. His head hangs low as he walks toward his door, but it isn’t until he hears a collection of murmured voices and a couple of knocks on a door does he finally lift his head in curiosity.
There are four women huddled around Y/n's front door, faces all contorted with worry and nails being bitten frantically. And it wouldn’t have concerned him much if he saw this happening to anybody else, but it was happening right in front of her door and the sight alone makes him start to panic.
He scurries down the rest of the hallway, his lungs seeming as though they’re starting to malfunction and every nerve in his body running at a million miles an hour. After everything that’s happened and after not seeing her or even hearing from her for two weeks, he can’t help but think about all the worse case scenarios.
“Hello! Excuse me?” He calls from a couple doors down, not caring the slightest bit if he looks like a complete idiot considering they probably have not a damn clue who he is. But he doesn’t care. Y/n is all he cares about at this very given moment and nothing is getting in his way of her.
He takes in a harsh, shaking breath when he approaches them, eyes wide and fingers shaking in his hair. “What’s going on here? Is everything alright?”
The girls all eye each other, unsure as to whether or not they should say anything. But upon looking at his worried state and knowing very well that he’s the neighbor Y/n’s been spending almost too much time with, they figured he might know something they don’t.
“You’re Harry, aren’t you?” One of them asks, eyes full of pity staring up at him.
His brows tighten as he wonders how the hell any of them know who he is. He hasn’t met any of them—not once—and he knows for certain that Y/n hasn’t talked about him because she’s never talked about anybody to him, so why would she?
He nods without any other response, fingers tugging at his bottom lip with nearly thousands of questions left unanswered.
The woman sighs, hand rubbing at her face in frustration and surrender at the situation. “Have you seen Y/n at all? Like, at all within the past couple of weeks? She hasn’t been answering any of us and we’ve done everything we could to try and get her to talk to us but we’ve gotten nothing. Coming here was our last resort and we still—we still haven’t gotten anything.”
They all look down at the ground, two of them starting to get emotional while the other ones pick at their nails, bite at their lip, and silently curse themselves for not taking action sooner.
And Harry doesn’t know whether he should feel better knowing that Y/n’s not avoiding just him or feel even more concerned about her wellbeing. She’s been practically nonexistent and each time he thinks about her whereabouts and her being alone makes his skin crawl and palms sweat.
He should have been there. He should have assured her that they’d work out their mess and never let her leave his goddamn sight. Nobody else was taking care of her besides him and he knew that—he knew she had nobody else there for her and he still let her leave, even at her lowest.
His mouth feels so dry that he has to force himself to speak, his mouth moving but nothing coming out of him.
“I haven’t—I haven’t seen her I don’t—“ he stutters and sighs, his hand reaching to cup the middle of his face, “What happened to her? I know she’s been down lately but she never spoke to me about any of this and I don’t know how to—”
“She didn’t tell you?"
Harry pauses, his thoughts scrambled and heart dropping with fear at her words. They only confirm that there’s something serious that’s been happening and he had not a clue as to what it could be.
What makes it worse is that he was there—he was always there and not once did she tell him anything that’s been going on. Clearly, other people are aware of the situation, but not him. Which only makes him wholeheartedly believe that he did something wrong in the friendship.
“Harry,” She started tentatively, “Her fiancé left her at the alter two months ago.”
And just like that, everything hits him all at once.
Out of everything he would have thought was going on with her, Rick leaving her was most definitely the last thing he would have expected.
But it makes so much sense. The redecorating, the restlessness that seemed to have controlled her, the constant need for him around, the way she always looked like she was about to crack, the kissing—it all makes so much sense.
She kissed him because she didn’t have Rick anymore. She kissed him the way she would have kissed anybody that was treating her the way he has after getting their heart broken. He was the first man that showed her care, love, and respect after she lost the man she planned to spend the rest of her life with.
She kissed him because she meant it. The feelings were there and she could have been hiding them for weeks for all he knows. After everything she’s been going through, kissing him was the only thing that made sense to her—it was the only way she could express how much he’s done for her without his knowledge of it.
She kissed him because she likes him.
"Left her to be with his best friend, that stupid prick. None of us have seen him since and Y/n’s been so heartbroken. She does this thing where she closes herself off from everybody because she doesn’t want the emotions to catch up with her, which is exactly why she spends so much of her damn time redecorating this apartment. It’s as if she’s distracting herself from it all—it’s like she believes that if she can avoid it, it can’t get to her.”
In the midst of all the shock, all that he can really muster up is a pathetic nod of his head. And he wants to curse at himself because he has so much to say about all of this but he can’t find the proper words.
He feels too many things all at once and he’s more overwhelmed than ever before. Between trying to connect all the dots and wondering how the hell he’s missed all of this, he’s left with nothing but increasing guilt and a tied tongue.
The same woman pats his shoulder softly, almost as if giving him a farewell with a saddened smile on her lips.
“It’s okay, Harry. She wouldn’t have told anybody who didn’t attend the wedding, that’s just how she is.”
The rest of the women nodded in agreement, their lips pursed and hands folded in front of their thighs. But it doesn’t make him feel any better.
They all look at him with pity before they slowly make their way around him, making sure to not put anything more onto him considering he’s taken in enough information to last him a goddamn lifetime.
“Just make sure she’s okay, alright? Please have her call us as soon as you can.”
He mumbles a small of course as he gives them a small wave, now in a rut not knowing what the hell to do with himself. 
He has two options—he can either leave her alone the way she clearly wants to be, or he can stop being a coward and finally do something about the mess he’s made.
And after giving up on her for the past two weeks—even if it was unintentional—he knows what he has to do.
He knocks softly on her door, praying to whatever higher power there is that she’s inside and will let him in. This is something he should have done long ago but never found the strength in him to it, so he’s taking all the time he has to his advantage to apologize to her for being such a fucking jerk.
“Y/n, I know you’re in there. Your car’s out front.”
And even though he really isn’t sure that she is in there, it’s worth a shot pretending he is. Besides, he has nothing to lose at this point so he’d do nearly anything he can to get ahold of her.
He sighs when he still receives nothing—not even a shuffle of her feet against the floor or her making some stupid excuse for not being able to let him in. It just gives him another reason for him to believe that she’s not home, but he’s refusing to give up.
“Please, let me in.”
He sounds so desperate he might as well be on his knees, but he really, really needs to reach out to her now more than ever. He’d be willing to break down the goddamn door until his knuckles bleed if it means getting to her.
Nothing is getting in his way.
But before he can knock on her door even harder than before, the barely audible sound of the door unlocking beats him to it. It takes him a second to process it, but when he does, he twists the knob and opens the door as slowly as he can.
He steps in as quietly as possible only to be more confused when he doesn’t see Y/n. Instead, he’s met with almost complete darkness and deafening silence.
It’s not until he turns his head toward her living room that he sees her silhouette beside the door, back leaning against the wall with her legs sprawled out in front of her. And in the soft glow of the moonlight from the kitchen window, he can make out the tears in her eyes and her soaked, red cheeks.
His heart breaks at the sight.
He’s never seen her like this—vulnerable and helpless. She looks the worst he’s ever seen her and the sight of her alone makes him want to rip his own heart out just so that he can lend it to her. And knowing that it was him that pushed her to her edge makes him feel even worse—if that was even possible at this point.
He slides down so that he’s sitting next to her, not daring to say anything in risk of breaking her any further. And it’s silent for a while, all to be heard is her soft sniffles and the ticking clock on the wall, but it’s much needed.
Just to be with each other—even with all the silence—is enough for the both of them. It’s a comforting reminder that they’ll always be by each other’s side even when their friendship encounters trouble. And it feels even better for Y/n because this is the first time in two weeks she’s had someone to be there for her since her emotional breakdown.
She has to refrain herself from reaching her hand over to his. She figures that after kissing him, he wouldn’t want her to step over that boundary again, but she needs it. It’s him that made her get through the most difficult time in her life, it was him that reminded her that she was never alone even when she thought she was, and it was him that she confined in because he always had his arms out for her.
So to touch him is all she wants to do. She’s still completely devastated over what happened with Rick, but she’s had time to realize that her heart was truly ripped from the seams the second Harry said those god-awful things about her.
But she still never let it all out. Even after secluding herself in her apartment for two weeks, she was so numb from everything that’s happened that she felt more lifeless than she did upset. She only started crying when she heard her friends tell Harry everything that happened with Rick—something about hearing it all over again and knowing he’s heard it was enough to break her.
“This was such a stupid idea.”
She broke the silence with a cracked voice, eyes still trained to the wall in front of her instead of finding its way to Harry. It’ll be easier for her to open up that way.
Harry turns his head slowly to her, watching as her face scrunches as she sniffles back a cry that’s ready to rip out of her. And just the sight of her looking so hopeless makes tears spring in his own eyes, wanting nothing more than to hold her against his chest and cradle her to happiness.
“What was?”
She reaches the back of her hand to her eyes, rubbing them in hopes that it’ll somehow keep her together until Harry goes back to his apartment.
“Thinking that redecorating my apartment could somehow make me forget about what happened. Like—like choosing to ignore it will make it all go away.”
She feels the tug on the remains of her heart and the clenching of her throat, all the hidden emotions ready to burst with each word she speaks. And she would cry—she would if she didn’t want Harry to see her in that way.
Each passing second is making it harder for her and she doesn’t know how to pull herself together. She wishes Harry would stop looking at her with those pity eyes and wishes she could just say what she needs to say without all the extra feelings that come with it.
But now that she’s finally talking about it—finally coming to terms with it—she physically and mentally can’t stop. This is the aftermath of the past two and a half months and it’s spilling out of her without warning.
“It happened, Harry. He left me and it happened and there’s nothing I could do to change that—not even distracting myself from all the pain that’s been eating me alive.”
She’s gasping for air at this point and she’s in the fetal position, fingers in her hair and palms resting on her hairline. She’s at her brink and she feels it all over. She feels the throbbing in her throat, the tightness in her chest, and the churn of her stomach with every breath she takes.
“Please, Harry, come over later. I’ll knock on your door when I’m better, alright? Need you to leave before I regret letting you in.”
The look on his face after she speaks absolutely destroys her and she wishes she could take them back and reassure him that she’d never regret having him as company, but she just can’t crumble in front of him. She’s never showed anybody her weakest side and she certainly doesn’t want Harry, of all people, to be the first to see it.
He clicks his tongue as his hand tentatively settles on her shoulder, fingertips squeezing softly against the skin.
He wants nothing more than for her to trust him. He wants nothing more than for her to show him all sides of her without a fear in her body because he’s never going to walk away from her. Not again—not ever.
“Y/n..” He pleads desperately, voice cracking and shaking at the seams.
“Please, Harry.” She dry sobs in her hands. "I can’t let you or anybody else see me like this. My emotions don’t involve you or my friends or my family—this is my problem and I have to be the one to deal with all of this. You shouldn’t be here to look after me, this is not your responsibility. So please, go.”
He shakes his head wildly, now not holding back in the slightest as he scoots himself in front of her, now gripping both of her shoulders. He shakes her a little as if to put some sense into her, head tilting down in an attempt to meet his eyes with hers.
And when they do, one of his hands reaches to hold her cheek. His fingers travel behind her ear and down to the roots of her hair above her neck, keeping her head up to make sure she doesn’t look away from him again.
“I’m not leaving you, Y/n.”
She leans her head back against his hand as if to lean in closer to his touch. A whine escapes her and the first wave of tears fall down her cheeks as her bottom lip forms into a slight pout.
Her fingers grasp around his wrist and she’s not so sure whether she’s pushing his hand away or pulling his hand closer. 
But Harry’s not having it. He slides his hand out of her grip and brings it back to hers, fingers squeezing even tighter but not enough to hurt her.
“Don’t push me away. Just let it out. Feel it, just let it out. I’m right here, I’m not going anywhere.”
She shakes her head, constant mumbles of no, no, no leaving her tongue no matter how much she wants him to stay. God, does she want him to hold her close and kiss her and tell her everything is going to be okay but she doesn’t know why every fiber in her body is letting him do anything but it.
And he hates to do this to her, but he knows that the only way to get her to finally touch base with everything she’s been suppressing is if he makes her relive every moment that tore her apart. If this is what will get her to get over the past in a healthy way, he won’t even question it.
And if she decides to hate him for it, he’d be okay with that, because he’d rather her hate him for the rest of both of their lives if it meant she finally got closure with her feelings.
“Y/n..Rick left you. He left you after two years for another girl on your wedding day. Left you at the goddamn altar in front of every single person you’ve ever known to start a new life without you.”
She doesn’t know what he’s trying to accomplish but everything about his words makes her want to claw at her own skin until there’s nothing left of her.
She doesn’t want to be reminded of everything that’s happened and certainly doesn’t want to start thinking about Rick and the life he started to live after the wedding—especially since she knows he’s been living his best life with someone good enough for his love.
She doesn’t want any of it.
“Stop it.”
But he’s nowhere near done.
“He left you alone to sulk, cry, and break in your apartment that you guys shared—might I add—while he spent that night loving on a woman that wasn’t you. Probably didn’t even think about you once while you spent the past two and a half months trying to get over him."
“Stop it, Harry! Just stop it!”
And despite how livid she was just moments ago, she can’t help but to collapse into his chest and finally succumb herself to her sadness and into his warmth.
She sobs and whines and screams into his shoulder, her arms frantic as she attempts to pull him closer to her. Because she has been so distant from everything and this is the first time she’s feeling some sort of comfort since her broken heart.
And Harry doesn’t mind the sounds from her throat, or the tears soaking his favorite t-shirt, or her constant thrashing from the crash of her emotions because all he can think about is that this is the first time she’s letting someone in, and he’s so glad it’s him.
He rocks her back and forth gently against the hardwood floor, lips against the top of her head as he whispers words of encouragement to her. His hands are rubbing her back and holding her so tightly to him so that she can’t forget where he is—always with her.
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tomimagines · 7 years
Unspoken Words
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Characters: tom holland x reader 
Theme: Where the reader was left heartbroken by Tom and now gets to tell him how they feel
Notes: Ngl, I feel like this was not my best work BUT I WILL MAKE IT UP TO YOU GUYS. A special s/o and thank you to my dear friend Tis (@tshollandlover) for helping me. Some of her ideas and words are in this imagine but most of the credit goes to her.
Songs: Surrender - Natalie Taylor / Walking The Wire - Imagine Dragons / Too Good At Goodbyes - Sam Smith / Dusk Till Dawn - Zayn ft. Sia
It’s a weird feeling.
That feeling of dreading to see someone you’ve been wanting to see for a long time.
You fidget with your fingers and then grip the steering wheel. You either get out or you can drive back home and avoid all of this.
You watch as old and young couples exit out of their vehicles and make their way to the event.
“Get a grip, already! You have to face him one day or another,” you tell yourself and with that, you grab your bag and get out of your car.
You walk slowly up a small hill that leads to the entrance of a large building, which belonged to the community and where they hosted many parties from your childhood.
You enter and signs immediately point you the way out to the courtyard. You look around rapidly for any familiar faces.
Stepping outside, the view opens up to the hill overlooking a large lake. The sun is slowly entering its sunset phase, painting the clouds pink and purple. Large round tables covered in white satin are surrounding a wooden dance floor. There’s a slight wind, causing your hair to hug your face.
“You made it!”
You turn to your right and your good friend, Harrison, is walking towards you with his arms open. You smile widely and walk towards him and embrace him in a tight hug. He pulls back and looks you over before he speaks again, “You look unbelievable!”
“So do you!” And it’s true, the last time you saw Harrison, he was a bit shorter and more lanky. Now you can notice toned muscle in his arms through his shirt. “It’s been forever.”
“It honestly has,” he replies and then his eyes grow sad.
You look away because you know what he’s thinking.
“He hasn’t arrived yet,” he informs you.
You nod and then change the subject. “Where are your parents? I want to wish them a happy anniversary.”
He takes you to his parents and all four of you catch up and you compliment them on a beautiful reception. Harrison’s dad starts to tell a story about when all three of you used to be kids and you find yourself genuinely smiling and laughing with them.
You don’t know what it is but you have the urge to look in a specific direction.
Your heart immediately drops when your eyes meet his brown ones. Everyone still keeps conversing, not noticing your reaction.
He’s staring so intensely at you, your first thought is that he’s upset you’re there. But then the corner of his lips lifts up and his eyes turn soft.
You look away and excuse yourself from the Osterfields.
You thought you could do this. That after all this time, you could tell him the way you feel. The way you felt when he left you broken.
You find the bathroom inside and close the door behind you. You walk up to one of the sinks and stare at your reflection. You begin to remember how heartbroken you felt the morning after that night so many months ago.
You grip the edges of the sink tightly and shut your eyes, willing your tears to not fall. You’ve cried enough for him. You promised yourself you wouldn’t do it again.
You hear footsteps from outside and the turn of the doorknob and you sniffle and blink several times at the mirror. You try to keep yourself composed when you see his reflection standing behind you.
You don’t look away this time. You hold his stare as he closes the door behind him and locks it.
There’s no escape.
This is it.
“Let me explain,” he starts and takes a step forward.
Now, you’re pissed.
“Let you explain?” You spit out and turn to face him. “Tom, it’s been, what, three years and now you want to explain?”
“Just listen-”
“NO! You listen!” You point your finger at him and step forward as well. “I’ve known you forever and I confessed to you how I felt that night. You told me you felt the same. I believed you! I let myself fall for you that night. That’s all it took, Tom. And then… and then the next morning?” You pause as you try to catch your breath and to steady your voice which had started to shake. “You were gone. Why didn’t you explain then? Do you know how shitty that made me feel?”
“I was an ass! I know! I think about it every day and I honestly don’t know why I did it and then I got casted for the movie and everything was moving so fast.”
“So you just forgot me?”
He starts to say something but then closes his mouth. He slowly shakes his head. “Never. There wasn’t a single day that I didn’t think about you.”
“Oh, come on, Tom!” You say exasperatedly, rolling your eyes to look up at the ceiling. “You didn’t even try to stay in contact with me. I’m so happy for everything that has happened to you, I honestly am but I’m also disappointed that one of my best friends just disappears?”
“I’m sorry!” He looks absolutely distraught.
“You should be,” and you say nothing else because you can feel your throat constrict. You know he’s sorry, you can see it in his eyes. You know that despite the distance and time, he’s still the same boy you fell in love with.
You feel it. You can feel the love you have for him and that no matter how hard you tried to suppress that feeling, it will always be there. You know that you will always be in love with one person. The one person who shattered your heart and left a trail of pain and suffering. The one person who you thought you will never see again. The one who stands in front of you right now.
You take in a deep breath, swallow the lump in your throat, and speak softly, “Why now?”
He doesn’t speak at first. He just looks at you but it’s a stare you know so well. He’s studying you, taking you in. His brown eyes glisten, completely vulnerable to you. He takes another step, slowly, making sure you don’t stop him.
He inhales deeply and then starts. “Because I’m in love with you. I’ve been in love with you since that night but I was so confused and stupid that I didn’t figure it out until it was too late. I was scared, y/n… I was scared that you hated me for what I did. There were so many nights where I wanted to call you but… I was a coward. If I could go back to that one night, and wake up the next morning with you in my arms I would but I can’t and so here I am… I’m here and I am head over heels in love with you. There will never be anyone else.”
His words and his soft voice hit you like a bus, leaving you completely breathless. Then the tears come and you can’t stop the sobs that follow. You bow your head and cover your face with your hands.
You hear him get closer. “I’m sorry. Tell me what to do so I can fix this. I never meant to hurt you and I no longer want to keep hurting you,” he whispers. You can feel his breath blow against your hair. “Please,” and you hear his voice crack with emotion.
You didn’t know what to do. This is what you wanted, right?
So why is this so hard?
“What if you leave again?” You say, your words muffled from your hands. You finally lift your face and he’s closer than you expected. His eyes are on the verge of tears and puffy, the tip of his nose slightly pink.
“Then come with me,” he mutters.
You laugh softly, “You can’t expect me to just drop everything and go with you.”
“Then we can figure this out!” He says and he sounds hopeful. “All I know is that I don’t want to leave you again. We can do this…”
He’s looking down at you with a small smile. His hands reach up to caress your cheeks, his thumbs wiping away your almost dry tears.
Your mind begins to race about the future; the endless scenarios that can happen if you choose him or not. You look deeply into his eyes, hoping to find the answer in them.
He’s leaning down slowly and you don’t stop him. You close your eyes and wait until his lips meet yours and it takes you back to that night. The feeling of getting to kiss him for the first time and how your whole body yearned for him the instant your mouths made contact.
You kiss him back softly, not sure if this is right.
But it feels right. It’s always felt right with him.
You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him closer and you’re in control now. You’ve missed him, you’ve missed him so much and that fear comes again; the fear that if you let go, he’ll leave again. But then his own arms wrap around the small of your back and holds you tighter to him and you feel comforted.
Your fingers go up into his hair while his tongue pushes into your mouth. Your heart is beating rapidly against your chest and you’re sure he can feel it.
You’re falling all over again and your heart is ready for it but your mind is still holding back. What reassurance do you have that the past won’t repeat itself? But then again, he’s here. He’s apologized and he wants to work things out.
So what do you do?
You place your hand on his chest and push him away softly.
“Tom. I…-”
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