#(sue me--i copied and past from the old blog
de4thprone · 2 months
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de4thprone :: prone to dying one way or another. except in this case, the four of them really truly did die (one way or another), right?
This is a highly selective, mutuals only, and private multimuse blog featuring four characters from Atlus’ Trauma Center/Team + Persona 3 and 4. Hence the “4” in the url name.
There are mature themes on this blog, such as death (go fig.), violence, and occasional talks of dying and what not. I might sneak in the occasional guest muse, but those are very rare for this blog.
Minors and personals: please DNI.
Miki Sanada comes from Persona 3 and is using the face claim of Illyasviel von Einzbern as a child, teen, and adult.
Besides that, activity is low, and I am cross over and multimuse friendly! OCs are welcomed.
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Featured muse: Akihiko Sanada
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about Akihiko || about Margaret || about Miki || about Naomi || rules
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isabel3710 · 17 days
(Copied-pasted from the same ask for the rocksiblings blog, I did write the original one dont worry, bcs I also really want your opinion on this scenario and dont think you saw the original :P. Sue me for liking your thoughts about things /j)
Do you know that headcanon where Jd knows Delta on some level (lovers, friends, acquaintances, etc)? That let me to thinking about how an earlier reunion between John and country Branch would go. Of course, a lot would change depending of when they meet and how Jd reacts afterwards (if he goes looking for the rest of the family or not)
But my favorite scenario so far is an older teen Branch that takes way longer to forgive John than canon. This Branch already accepted that his family leaving was not his fault and probably think that he doesn't need/want his brothers anymore (now that he has family he knows won't leave him and all that)
But John, who hasn't found any signs of their other brothers, decides to just take the long approach and show Branch that he has changed. It takes a while, but by his early adulthood, I can see Branch viewing Jd as a wacky uncle figure and fully forgiving him for what happened in the past. They bond over taking care of others, leadership, the wilderness and their guilt over their family situation (everybody leaving for Jd and grandma for Branch) and share some beers on Rhonda's rooftop, while watching the sunset, at least once a week.
John doesn't find/is afraid to reconnect with their other brothers, just because I like the "Branch has a special connection with a brother that the others take a while to understand" so sue me lol
(The second sue me was already there, I do like saying it a lot sue me /silly)
I saw the original post on @rocksibblingsau's account and I'm sorry it's taken me so long to respond, I've been thinking about how to answer.
If there was an earlier reunion I think it would depend on how old Branch is. At his current age (eight) he would be much open to forgiveness. But as a teen... I think it would go a lot like you said.
John Dory would try and brush things under the rug at first but once it's clear that's not going to work he does a slower approach. He would work hard to visit regularly and send frequent letters. Each of his visits tend to be a least a month.
Once they get closer maybe John would even take Branch camping or fishing every once in a while and brings back presents from his travels. He would take Branch along with him for longer trips but Delta Dawn said no. And he's too scared of her to argue.
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sturkillerbase · 2 years
Hello friends!! It's been a while. A very long while, I know...
I'm writing this to tell you all that's happened in my life that stopped me from coming back here. I'll be tagging my closest mutuals, but feel free to not read this if you don't want to. Sorry in advance because it's going to be a long one :/
First of all, if any of you are upset or disappointed or frustrated with me for vanishing, I completely understand, and it's okay.
Back in June, the first week of it, I got quite sick, and my mind wasn't in the best of places. I thought a week or two off would be enough. But then, inthe middle of that period, I got a terrible flu. I had never had a flu episode like that in my whole life, and even my mom was scared. It was so bad I also ended up with otitis and sinusitis. We spent so much in doctors and medicines, and I actually to this day need sinus medicine. It's only been a couple weeks since I've felt 100% well. Well, all of that took me an entire month.
Since I was so sick, I was on my bed for the entire two weeks. I only left the house to go to the doctor and a few times in my backyard to get some fresh air. I also had no energy to talk to people, weather in person or online. So, as you can imagine, I had A LOT of time to think on my own. Which led to overthinking the most trivial things and, unfortunately, the absolutely not trivial things as well. I've always been depressed, and this led me down into a well of despair, sadness, emptiness and all that comes with it. I was feeling like a used, dirty, old rag thrown into a dark corner.
Now we get to July. Despite my depressed state, I apply to the cinema postgraduation I've been waiting for since January, and I start making plans for my tumblr comeback. Then, I have MAJOR issues with the institution and its website. The website subscription page does not recognize the email I applied with. Without being able to log in to the page, I can’t complete my application, because I can't send the documents they require. I get in touch with them. The first people I talk to are completely useless, and send me copy-pasted instructions that don’t help at all. I then find another way of contacting them. They now know about it and say they'll fix the issue. Well, the entire month of July goes by, with me contacting them and them not solving the issue. They only halfway fix it when I tell them I'll be contacting the consumer's defense system (the institution is a private one so I can sue them for this ridiculous situation and stress they put me under), since I've been with this issue since July 1st, and it was now August 1st, AND classes began on the 9th. I don't know exactly what the woman on the other side did, but suddenly I can access the student area and finally send the required documents. I was so stressed through the entire month, there was no way I had enough peace of mind to come back to my blog. And I didn't want to come back just to complain and be angry.
But all is good now right? The degree of my dreams was about to start. I finally felt I had a purpose in life. I admitted to myself I was mentally worse than I thought I was, and that allowed me to start working on getting better. I get the urge to start illustrating again, something I love but hadn't done since January. Things are going just FINE.
Until they don't.
On August 3rd I'm informed the post grad classes won't be happening this trimester because there wasn't enough quorum. I'll have to wait until the next class, in October. After all that stress they made me go through for a whole month...
My mind crashes again. I'm back to the starting point, which, to me, feels like a loser's point.
But FINE! I'll wait. It'll happen, just not now.
Fast forwards to last Friday, August 12th. I was happy. I went to my friend's birthday party and I had fun. My friend and I have a trip scheduled for next week. I chose nice stuff at the supermarket for a nice Father's day dinner (this year it was on August 14th here in my country).
Then, last Friday, during dinner, my dad decides to be an ass. He says the most stupid shit he's ever said. I've always had issues with him but things had been doing well lately. But he just had to ruin it all.
So now here I am. My mind is fucked up again. I couldn't bring myself to wishing him a happy father's day or even giving him a hug. Well, how can I after his last episode of not wanting to be a proper father who fulfills the basic things he's supposed to as a parent? Plus accusing of things I had never done or said?? I'm angry. I'm upset. This makes me sick and gives me a headache. I feel like punching a punching bag for an entire week at least.
I'm truly hoping this 4 day vacation, away at a beautiful place, with people I like, will ease my mind. After that, I'll be back here with all that I'm in debt with you.
I'm sorry this is so long. I'm sorry I've been away, with no apparent signs of coming back. I haven't been a good friend to you here on tumblr. But I hope you'll understand I had no energy left to be here. English is not my first language, so even thinking in it was overwhelming to my already overworked and over exhausted brain.
I want to thank @scorpio-marionette and @boliv-jenta for not giving up on me; I've seen all of your notifications, and although my mind was too far away for interacting, my heart was warmed everytime I got a notification from you.
I also want to thank all of you who'll be understanding of this messy situations. I don't hope or wish for forgiveness or pity. I wrote this because I wanted to let you know of it all.
I do love you all, and never stopped for a moment. I've missed all of our interactions, and I'm looking forward to getting back here and making new lovely memories with you. As I've mentioned a while ago, the best thing that I've ever done and that ever happened to me was joining the Pedro Pascal fandom, because I had never met people that are so, SO lovely, kind, comprehensive and talented!!
Sending you all all my love and best wishes,
Ana 💖
@scorpio-marionette @boliv-jenta @darth-voder @supernaturalgirl20 @misspearly1 @mandoblowmybackout @becksxoxo @littlemisspascal @oonajaeadira
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twst-discourse-bot · 2 years
I'd also like to point out something. Specifically looking at Delilah's abilities.
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Compare that to a canon character's abilities in-game:
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They just took the same skills, changed the name + element and made their abilities a lot stronger minus the hp drain part.
Hello again! Good to see you :)
Yes, a couple of people were saying that (what name did she use this time, uh...) Madison/Ray basically copy and pasted an existing character's abilities. She seems to really obsess over Xiao, so I'm not surprised that's her victim.
Just looking at the descriptions of the Genshin OCs, and to an extent her TWST OCs as well, she clearly has developed some kind of persecution complex because of people calling her out and wants to live out her Mary Sue dreams through these fantasies that she creates. The evidence is in how her Mila OC was "discriminated against" in her home country of Liyue. Like, really? How embarrassing for you. your racism is showing.
I have a hard time believing someone in their late teens would come up with the same level of low effort storytelling as this and all other previous examples, so I fully believe now that she's some 13/14 year old who thinks they're going to make it big in fandom. Fat chance of that, when you're a repeat racist offender.
Also, I apologize, but the ask you had sent me a while back somehow got deleted. If you want to try and resend whatever you had included there again, I wouldn't mind. Unfortunately, the only thing I can remember is you asking what to call me.
To answer that, I'm not giving out my real name or my personal account here, since I want to keep my other business completely separate from this. However, feel free to just call me mod or admin, since I run this blog :) Someone is actually referring to me as Discourse (/pos), which makes me laugh.
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entangledmuses · 2 years
Mobile Rules
Mun: Hello. I’m Kay.  I’m 25+ Years old and I live in the UK.
I’m a huge Dork, and really friendly, I don’t bite. So feel free to message me if interested in rping.
Rules: So Like most Rpers, I do have a few Rules, Please be aware of them, and I shall love you forever.
Anon Hate- Now, I love Anons as much as the next person, and will happily answer these Anons, HOWEVER I will not tolerate Hate, either directed at me, My Muses, or my Partners. There is no need for it.
Selectivity- I am a SEMI selective blog. But that being said, some days I have muse for some threads and not for others. Also, I work Full time so this isn’t where I am most the time.
Faces- There are some FCs I hesitate to RP with, only because I may not like the actions this celebrity has done, or because they are very aggressive in nature in reality. I also much prefer to RP with actual faces then comic ones, or regular people you have just taken a picture from the internet of.
Queuing.- I DO queue MOST of my replies. This is more for management for myself.
Starters- I do post open and closed starters. Please feel free to reply to an open starter, but closed ones are for the person tagged. IF that closed starter is not replied within 3 months, I do then repost as an open.
Triggers- Now PLEASE respect this. Due to a past, I shall NEVER Rp Rape, Non Con or sexual assault, Please do not mention these in RPS either. Please also tag suicide. I do also have a few Trigging words that I ask you to not use in threads. These are Slut, and Whore. I hate writing these, I hate saying them, again due to a past. Thank you.
Godmodding- please do not godmod. Please also do not assume my characters actions. Most my muses are tough and can take of their own, do not molly sue or Damsel in distress them.
NSFW- I am of age, a majority of my muses are too. There may be smut, and I will try to tag it. HOWEVER if our muses relationship does reach that point, and you are not comfortable, feel free to poke me and fade to black. I will do likewise if not in the mood to write it.
Fandoms- I tend to prefer to Rp in fandoms I know. I do have a variety of muses in Fandoms too. Canon and OC. Please see the list below.
Muses- I have many. They are in pages separated by Canon and OC
Threads- Threads are tagged with the Partners URL, the Character I use and if its queued. There may be other tags added. I am happy to Rp with OCs and Canons. Thread Length is not an issue, but I do ask that you give me something to work with. I tend to use icons, but please do not feel you have to copy how I reply. Format is not an issue, pictures are not an issue.
Selective/closed muses- SOME muses are single ship. Some are selective. Please respect that.
ASKS- When sending an ask, unless obvious who its for, as in we have only the one pairing, and its obviously to them. PLEASE specify. Do not ask me to pick.
Shipping:- I love shipping, and I do have some Canon ships that I would love you forever if you threw them at me :D I prefer to base things on Chemistry when OCs are involved, because we have to know character chemistry. However, I am willing to discuss, so please come talk, do not assume ships will just happen.
EDIT: 18.08.22- A New rule that I feel I need to add due to the current toxicity in some Fandoms. I DO NOT care about your DNI. If you do not wish to rp with me, because of someone else I rp with. Your loss. 
I DO NOT partake in Callout posts or Drama. If you post such things, then shame on you. Why are you bringing unnecessary hate and drama into a world where there is enough already, when Tumblr is a place we come to forget the shit of the day and the world and relax and reach into our creativity. Why bad mouth people. Just because you may not like them, do not force others to as well. Its unnecessary attention seeking. ALSO... I do not believe them, because A. You only hear one side of the story. B. Things can be taken out of Context. C. You do not know where the emphasis is in the phrase, as do not hear a voice behind simple words. (For Example “Lets eat Grandma” Depending on how you say it, Grandma could be joining you for dinner, or could be running for her life.) and D. People can easily manipulate things to make it look like others are in the wrong, when that might not be the truth.
Please NO NOT involve me in any of it.
ALSO.... just because I refuse to be part of it, this does not make me Racist, Transphobic, Homophobic... etc... I DO NOT condone ANY OF THAT! And to accuse someone of that, without HARD evidence just makes you as Arse! (yes, I am British, thats how we spell it.)
Just be nice ok? Because the World is hateful enough. I don’t want to participate in your hate. Let me choose for myself who I do or Do not Rp with. 
          And so with that. Happy Rping. May the threads be ever in your favour    
Badboys, Bitten/WotoW, Bridgerton, Buffy/Angel, Chicago Fire/Med/PD, Crazy Rich Asians DCEU, Disney, Fantastic Beasts, Game Of Thrones,  Hansel and Gretel witch Hunters, Harry Potter, Hemlock Grove, Hunger Games,  James Bond, Kingsman, Last Kingdom, MCU, Mythology/Lore/Legend, Narnia, OuterBanks, Reign, Shadowhunters (TID and TMI, Stranger Things, Supernatural, Teen Wolf, This is Us, Titans, True Blood, The Umbrella Academy, Vampire Academy, Vampire Diaries, Vikings, The Witcher. 
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incarnateirony · 2 months
Here's the fun thing about psychology kiddos.
It is wild in there.
We all know Jung is heavily relied on for most modern psych, even if some of his methods were questioned. But here's the fun thing: there was once a debate on if Jung himself was schizophrenic or not, and the end resolution according to DSM was, no, he was able to control it, and live a full life, and activate these different states, and his science based on it was sound.
Most of his students, however, went absolutely insane, because they didn't understand the process, and a lot of it comes down to this fun alchemy stuff. Like the current AI creatives and princeton noosphere studies being hermetic students. They get it... kinda. They get it on paper. But there's some dangers in their method.
But like I said, I am getting Off the Bus. We are arriving at station right about now. I am admittedly disassociating from any patriarchal or higher brotherhood responsibility to those knocking on the door answering the calling of the light. They're still technically doing work for me whether or not they realize it, and I just don't have the energy to deal with anyone else's egos, so let their mistakes be my rewards.
When you dig deep enough in the human brain to explore what Root Access really means, you will sound definitionally insane. And you will find things you probably aren't ready to find.
But if your trickster channeling priest doesn't sound mad hat insane in the middle of it, they're faking, and not even faking well. But Trickster aside that's just one part of archetypical travel and memetic legacy. It's the ability to understand all them characters were you and come from deeper in humanity itself, and that's how you actually slide down the "man is god, divinity comes from within, we are the universe experiencing itself, hey what happens if I push this button" hole.
It's realizing I was always Ash, but understanding what shadows I broke down writing as Ash, and how that traces back to the beginning. It's realizing I was always Zento and Zenthus, even if that leads to Apep and company. It's realizing that this, all of this was me. And all of it is me. It's realizing and working through that root access and this child is NOT IN THIS GAME LOBBY, she has not done the work. Hence copy pasting my shit hollowly and running away.
Which is why I say, Shealyn truly needs tested for schizoaffective disorder, but the historic responsibility that puts on Mark means they would disadvise it. She externalizes all her processes until she hears MeHermanubis forgetting to fill my cat food bowl after fursuit friday or whatever, or enshrines the shadow leviathan for guidance, but that's why she's so easy to push around, it's all disassociation, and if she's thsi far out it may have basically cemented itself medically after being a permanent path she committed to.
When I say she was teaching opposite of hermes while in his name using her misunderstanding of my old jokes and roleplaying my face -- literally the "character" Aaron Eema I worked out my issues with that she put on her court documents but won't acknowledge the ramifications of in her "religion"-- this is what I mean. He never encourages idolizing shadows. It's always about finding the self, not mimicing someone else, finding where you come from and where your inner garden is, and all your parts even if they seem to conflict, and which You that You want to be. She has been doing it fundamentally backwards and refuses to stop or return to reality.
And really this whole mess is just the ancient art of fuck around and find out. I'd have just tried to stay tamped down and hidden but she couldn't control herself, now she's uncontrolled herself into facing her entire delusional reality shattering, a pile of therapy bills, and trying to sue me over the fact that she can't stop reading my own blog. Because. She can't control herself.
The two opposites of the pole, those who did and those who did not, those who did that work in psych and those still running from her own shadows pulling out her hair in therapy. A high magus that just stunt bombed side viewers in a global event most people don't even understand happening, but the receipts are here. All her wonderful stupid prizes for her stupid games.
No seriously, I'm lucky I get free therapy from work. She's caused me a lot of damage with her harassment and delusions. And in the end Mark and other people are all going to need therapy to unknot themselves mentally from her world of lies, and their parts played in it.
So this is what they have, suing me for paying for her medical bills for her long failure to control herself, and a long failure of her current spouse to help her or stop her unhealthy behaviors in everything from society, psychology to magical practice, and that spouse being unable to provide. Oops.
One of us became one of the most sought after psych crisis workers in the country and a fucking magus. The other became a bald octopus jibberish spewing crackbear with a cult to her ex she groomed others into her cope on. And y'all act like there can be an argument here.
You and I both know, Shealyn, even if I lost the monetary suit, which I won't because this is hilarious, she could stop reading my blog your honor, she's trying to drag you into a witchcraft fight full stop. She's terrified of the concept of spiritual death of the ego and wants a restraining order. I'd take it as a voluntary distance she'll stay away from ME if she wasn't trying to get money out of it--but even if I lost that, and you got a few whole hours of my time again. Your world will never be the same.
We know what broke in you when you deleted your blog, no matter what lies you spin to others to try to put back together your castle of glass.
It's time to face the truth.
I Am the one you were after, in every capacity. You just refused to understand what any of it meant, because it meant consequences for your behaviors and choices. You thought you could roleplay through half of it, mimic it back, and harass and chase me when the void and your obsession wasn't filled. But you're looking at it now, and will be forced to look at it for the rest of your life when you look outward.
So you might as well start looking inward.
I told you. I built you a trap you couldn't escape. No backing up this time, sweetheart. You're getting ALL the way off or simply become me, it is that simple, and we're actually at a point of the latter, you're more now like a schizophrenic thought I'm trying to smash with a newspaper.
Janus and the others will continue the work as it is assigned, you are yet again the only one trying to summon me into your life for money and attention.
You picked a fight you can't take back, Shealyn, and you've picked it for the last time.
I've already destroyed you. We both know that. The rest is you just trying to swipe in revenge for something resembling control of the situation that already has your words deleted and hidden, after claiming them as war. Oh, sorry. I did that. That's why I'm the one with them saved.
But you can't fix what has been broken in you without facing yourself and telling the truth and processing the grief that has kept you on your monstrous behavior. And we both know you can't and won't do that.
So I've already won.
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I'm the Magus. No, I'm better, I'm the Fool. I eat you whole. I told you at the start. The only way out of this is Yourself. Your real self. And the truth.
I won't have to be near you, you've ended yourself, that's the entire trick, girl. I don't want anywhere near you, this is my final notice to keep you the fuck away from me, and if you can't deal with what's psychologically happening to you internally that you keep externalizing, that's still on you, this whole mess is literally on you. So if you can't face it, the end result is pretty much always the same, sweetie. Hence saying, it doesn't have to be a hard casket death, but you're gonna insist on doubling down until you get there.
You are literally not strong enough to face yourself. That is in fact the plot here while you cry into my old playlist in your castle of glass. And I took a sledgehammer to it and now it's a Page Not Found message.
I spent all Halloween building a reverse bear trap!
You and your newest puppet of a husband -- who I gotta admit is still trash like you are, you're both pathetic vultures -- are gonna get all the way off my dick this time.
All the way. In every capacity. Every plane every precept every knockoff, every enshrined image and saved roleplay trying to mimic me badly, it's all going to go away, or eventually, you will, staring at it. You're going to rip up all the rot and try to find yourself, from the start, like an actual practicioner with an actual path, not parasitically attach to and emulate me. Because now, sis, idk how to break it to you, but the Big Emulation has Changed. But who am I kidding, you will neither understand nor accept what I am saying with that.
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
Blacksad: Arctic Nation Review: Digging Two Graves
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Welcome you beautiful technicolor rainbow. And today I continue my black History Month coverage, this time with one that was suggested by Kev, my patreon on patreon and the blog’s biggest supporter, who sent me a bunch of things I could review for Black History month and, loving this comic and feeling given the events of last year with George Floyd that have had rightful shockwaves ever since, it was perfect.  
For those needing a refresher Blacksad is a spanish produced french released comic series about John Blacksad, a grim private detective in a 1950′s set world full of anthromphized animals. It has gorgeous art, endless atmosphere and utterly captivating stories. Last month I covered the first story, Somewhere in the Shadows, since this one was only number two and I could track the series evolution better, and I loved the series and could make room on the schedule so there was no real reason NOT to do it. And since i covered most of the series background that time, I can dive in quicker to this one. So join me under the cut to see how the series evolves and to see a black cat take on white supremacists with the help of a smelly weasel. 
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First things first.. the cover, which is from the original version and was lovingly reprinted in my copy, is goregous and simple: John grimly and camly carrying a scared child through a bilzzard past the wreckage of a plane. It’s instantly eye catching, our black furred hero in a bilzzard of white.. and also serves as a great metaphor for a story dealing with white suprmacy as well as our hero trying to find the child he’s trying to keep safe on the cover. It’s just perfect. 
We open in the Line, a city in the arctic, with Blacksad morosely narrating how one day he’ll write his memoirs, as he figures they’ll sell well given the public’s grim fascination with murder. We soon find out why tha’ts on his mind as the comic “pans out”... to show a black bird with a long neck horrifcally and publicly hung in a hate crime. It’s an utterly ghastly sight I will not be sharing, but needless to say it sets the tone and the setting in one horrific image. 
John’s interuptted though by the introduction of Weekly. Weekly is a local journalist who true to his name, only takes a bath once a week and immidetly pisses off john by being nosey, assuming john is also a journalist and casually remaking about this horror show being a hate crime. Despite this terrible first impression.. Weekly goes on to be John’s best friend and sidekick, providing some levity in his grim world for the audience, while as we’ll soon see being FAR more useful and competent than his demeanor and lack of hygine lets on. 
For now though, John has to go meet his client: Miss Grey, a schoolteacher whose hired John to find a missing girl, Kaylie, one of her students. Those around the neighborhood are relcutant to look into it, including Kayle and the police, who as we’ll learn very soon are white suprmacists, simply blame it on the Local Black Claws gang. Miss Grey also fills us in on the line’s backstory: it was once a propserous suburban place.. until the local plane plant closed down, leading to a rise in crime and unemployment with the place slowly but surely falling into decay.  Despite this she’s determined to stay and fight.. and John is touched by her noblility and tells her he will do everything he can. And while that’s a natural thing to tell your client.. it feels genuine, that John senses this woman’s deep resolute will to keep going, and feels for her as the ONE PERSON who cares a small child went missing and isn’t either ignoring it or simply being a racist dickhead about it.  John may hide it under lairs of cynsim and grumpus... but he’s good man and as we see he’ll go to hell and back to do the right thing. 
We soon properly meet the titular Arctic Nation... who are as you would expect, a white suprmacist group, calling yesterday’s lynching a necssary thing and spouting your usual horrifying rhetoric about a white world and stuff. The Arctic Nation are also made up almost entirely of Arctic Animals.. and honeslty that’s a way to do a white supermacy metaphor I never thought of, simply having the fur be black and white, and using the fact most arctic animals are by nature predators to give us some naturally intimdating looking antagonists. One of them also is clealry not Happy John’s around, nor that John rather than be afraid or look nervous in the slightest... is simply pissed as he should be and simply dosen’t give a shit.. and given assholes like this love attention and pissing people off, it probably makes him even madder. Good. 
John runs into Weekly again, and while still not happy to see him, Weekly is nothing but friendly and offers peace and a warm drink in a cold land.. and John takes him up on it noting in narration that since they are clear outsiders here... why not? Any port in a storm and given the blizzard of white supramcey just outside, John can’t help but take refuge in a diner. There’s also a really nice touch in  their drinks with John having a simple .. alchohol ( I don’t drink sue me) and Weekly having something called a burobon mlikshake . Weekly outlines that the Line is about to explode with racial tension with two diffrent suprmacist groups: The arctic nation , who he freely and rightly mocks and the aformentioned black claws. 
Before they can continue though two of the goons from outside come in and harass an old black bird at the counter, saying can’t he read the sign.. before he’s revealed to be blind. They confront John next... who gloriously takes NONE of thier shit, wirly pointing to his patch of white fur, which indicates him as mixed race in this unverse and says does this count. 
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The racist asshole dosen’t take the hint that maybe this isn’t going to work and tries provoking john by threatning ot turn him into a coat.. and john insults his, and his whiteness and we cut over to the head of the white suprmacist rally asking the owner to call the police, the owner only relcutantly agreeing when we see the supremacist asshole fly into the bar. 
So naturally we next see our heroes in the office of Karup, the local police chief, polar bear and not even hiding it white suprmacist who talks proudly about his confederate saber on the wall and asks if John knows who it belonged to. His response is priceless. 
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Damn.. it takes balls of fucking platinum, on both of them, to be called into an unapolgetic white suprmacists office and roast him to his fucking face. It’s what we should all do granted but still, props to both of htem. it also shows Weekly, desipte being kinda sketchy.. is every bit as brave as his friend, and takes these fuckers every bit as seriously. That is to say they both KNOW their in danger.. they just don’t CARE, feeling rightly that simply cowtowing to Karup like he wants is not worth thieir damn time, and that he deserves no fear, no respect and nothing he wants. Just mockery for clinging to an outdated and horrific set of ideals like all white supremacists then and now. Karup is forced to let htem off with a warning as his wife shows up.. and Weekly wolf whistles at her because awesome he may be he is not a class act and this is still the 1950′s where that was okay for some reason. 
We next catch up to John that night where he’s taking in a driving movie involving giant ants. 
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He’s naturally here not to take in a good b movie, nor is he being forced to watch it by mad scientests, but here to find Kaylie’s mother Dinah, who agrees to talk to him after her shift.. and John grabs a peak at her ass while she walks away.
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Dinah has good reason for not calling the cops though... as she puts it, she has no faith in white justice, and given the police chief had a fucking confderate flag in his office, and many STILL do today, yeah fair point. We also find out she used to work for Karup, so she knows damn well he won’t be helpful at best or use looking for as an excuse to lynch more innocent black men at worse. Of course John, while symaptehtic brings up something about Oldsmill, and gets rightfully slapped for it. 
We next see John talking to weekly, who he’s just kind of accepted is his sidekick now. Their grocery trip is interupted by the claws, who show up, beat up the racist shopkeep.. and then harass our heroes, beating up weekly to get him to say their innocnet of the kidnapping. This however.. shows that while not AS bad as Karup, clearly.. their still not good people. Weekly GLADLY would’ve printed what they asked if they’d actually asked, and instead they beat him up to do so, and the person who did so dosen’t endear himself further by asking john “What happened to your snout brother?”. As with last time, his response is fucking perfect
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He wisely backs off though is still confrontational about it. Weekly wonders if john really was going to shoot him, and my response is...
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He absolutley would’ve. John asks if he’s really going to print that crap.. and of course Weekly is. That’s where the story is, and he points out he’ sa star reporter and his name apparently comes from coming in with a big story once a week. John isn’t amused.. but could use Weekly’s help and tell shim to keep an eye on Karup’s household for him since he can sneak in there and be far less notecable. And he agrees. I’ll go ahead and say it.. weekly was an invaluable addition to the story and a missing peace for Blacksad they needed: like robin to batman, he provides someone for him to talk to, a bit of badly needed levity, an dprovides blacksad an ally no matter the case or situation, and one who has every reason to help both because hteir friends.. and because it’ll get him a good story, and his background as a reporter gives good reason as to why he’s good at this.
Something else to note is John has also taken on more of a sarcastic streak as you can tell and I love it: instead of being grim all the time it gives a human touch to him.. while still making him utterly badass as he usually uses it to disarm an asshole flexing their power over him. It simply adds some shades to his already wonderful personality. 
We finally meet Oldsmill who denies having anything to do with it, as the rumor is his heavily inbred son is Kaylee’s father and Oldsmill belivies it was karup since he was apparnetly married to a black woman once. Oldsmill is also a racist ass blaming the downturn in things on black people instead of you know, the plant closing. John has what he needed.. and has a good shot at oldsmill pointing out if he actually mixed races his son might of turne dout okay instead of a braindead inbred moron. 
Weekly hides in the bushes at karups.. and soon finds his wife plowing the head of the arctic nation we met earlier,  huk, behind his back. “I love this job!”.... dude.. no just.. no. Don’t watch people have rough sex that’s just.. no. But he found out more as tailing them afterwords, he found them at a table with Kaylee’s mom, clearly wanting her to keep quite for some reason with Dinah not wanting her to suffer. Naturally she’s John’s next stop.. but instead he finds her brutally murdered, her body twisted and him lamenting that someone so full of life.. has lost hers and even if he achieves his goal now.. Kaylee lost her mother. And involved in whatevers’ going on or not.. she clearly loved her kid and whatever she got caught up in she died.. simply for proioritzing her daughte’rs own saftey and wellbeing over it. She was also stabbed with what John suspects to be.. a saber. Hmmmm.
John has no proof.. but decides fuck it, and goes to confront Karup anyway. His wife speaks up against him as does Huk... but given Weekly told john about her taking Huk in through the back door yeah... that dosen’t go great. And after Choir practice, Karup beats the every loving piss out of Huk for it, and tells him before that that, now weekly's’ actually printed the story he said he was going to, it’s open season on him and blacksad. 
So unsuprisingly, Blacksad suspects he’s been kidnapped when we catch up with John and interogrates the blind bird from earlier, whose trying to sell weekly’s camera, and successfully batman’s him into taking him to where Weekly is. Menawhile Karup confronts his wife.. who mocks him and has no sympathy and accuses him of being a pedophile like everyone else has. He takes it badly and tells her to get out and to no one’s suprise.. has an arctic nation flag in his drawer. I do not get what this was supposed to prove as we know he’s a white suprmacist piece of shit and that previous scene with Huk showed that he’s directing the nation from beihind the scenes. 
While the Bird brings john through and John laments his time as a vetran,  we find their headed for a nation meeting, complete with Klan style robes.. and Karup getting ambusehd. someone having put bloody children’s clothes in his trunk. Karup is hunt and while he clearly IS innocent, given Huk both presented the evidence and let’s face it it was either him or Karup’s wife jezebel, and I have no sympahty because not being a pedophile does not make him any less of a horrible abusive piece of  shit. 
Someone we DO actually care if they live or die next is weekly, whose terrified, the defiance from earlier gone.. which is fair as he knows he’s about ot die and dosen’t know John.. is right there, revealed via his paws as he prepares weekly to escape and has infilrated the nation in the robes. John’s next action is also utterly badass as he SWINGS FROM THE NOOSE, KICKS OVER THE BURNING CROSS THE NATION SET UP. 
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Huk escapes and unsuprisingly is behind the kidnapping.. and the Magpie from earlier knew it and tires to stop him and gets shot. John kills one of the white suprmiacists and makes his wya out, finding Weekly, who escaped as john instructed and the two find the bird man.. is not dead and he takes htem to Kaylee. He dies in a really tearjerking scene, clearly senile and clearly talked into this. 
Naturally the next day, John reveals via narration that the Line’s remaining police didn’t give a shit about what happened, a racist paper actively comended it as “how justice should go” and that Huk escaped... and naturally John isn’t going to let that shit slide down the glass. Huk however is dead when he finds him having gotten his but clealry this dosen’t quite satisfy john. 
John listens to the song “Strange Fruit” while dressing up all fancy and looking damn good I must say. He’s preparing for a funeral and Weekly tries to help his pain.. by offering him the shots of Huk and Jeezebel.. only John spots something and tells weekly to get all he can on Karups first wife. 
Turns out the funeral is Karups... and John confronts the widow who tries to brush him off.. before tearing her shirt open to reveal a black spot.. which while a neat reveal.. GOD that’s fucking creeptastic. Seriously while this story is moving, brilliant and all sorts of things i’ll gush about.. it has some REALLY creepy undertones at times with John’s treatment of Dinah, Weekly taking pornographic pictures of two people without their consent, and now this.. I mean it’s not exactly unsuual for the time but you may want to not make your heroes look like sex monsters is all i’m saying. 
We finally get the full story: Dinah and Jezebel are Karups children the product of his first marriage that was geninely loving.. until Karup turned bitter and racist and upon finding out she was pregnant drove his wife out to the middle of nowhere in the middle of winter and left her to die. ...... sorry I was just fondly remembering him getting his neck snapped by the noose. Anywyays their mom did surivive long enough to give birth but the sheer pain of well.. everything collapsed on her and she eventually passed when they were young. Both sisters wanted revenge and since Jeez could pass for white, she married her own dad, and got some satstifactoin over not letting him touch her, and got Kaylee into the house. So she seduced Huk, even if clearly by the panel sleeping with that piece of shit greatly hurt Jez to do, and used him to set up the fake kidnapping scheme to frame Karup as a pedophile. 
As for why Dinah died.. if it wasn’t obvious by now Huk did it not realizing Jez and Dinah were sisters and took Dinah’s udnerstandable worry about her daughter.. as concern she’d squeal. His death and who did it should be obvious and given he’s almost as big a piece of shit as karup, only barely avoiding that because his murder wasn’t his own PREGNANT wife. Jez assures John it’s all over and her mother and sister can rest in peace.. but John cuts through this with one simple fact: “What about Kaylee?” Sure Karup deserved it.. but going so far int heir revenge cost a girl her mom, and the weight of this finally hits Jez who merley collapses saying “i’m cold” knowing that in the end.. her revenge wasnt worth it. And really that’s the center of the story: Revenge.. and how it’s ultimately hollow. To quote Mr. Miyagi from the karate kid on revenge, as I feel it’s UTTERLY relevant to this story “You might as well dig two graves”. The sisters COULD’VE had a decent life on their own, living as who they were in spite of karup, leaving the line behind when they could and taking Kaylee with them. Instead? While Karup and Huk rightfully died and those deaths are a good thing.. the arctic nation shows no signs of slowing down and likely didn’t losoe EVERYONE in the factory fire, a child is orphaned, Jez wasted her life as someone she wasn’t to get revenge on a man who didn’t even know she existed. While two very bad men died.. it cost two other lives and a child’s innocence to do so. 
So we close at Miss Greys, having taken Kaylee in for obvious reasons. John encourages Grey to keep going, that maybe with someone like her.. this region might get better. While the adults are lost... maybe the children can be better. Though John sadly looks at Kaylee, after she pelts week with a snowball, and i’ts clear from both of their faces the events haunt them. While john saved her.. he still couldn’t save Dinah. We end though on a very lovely scene: as John and Week prepare to get the hell out of dodge their job done, Weekly, seeing John’s very haunted by the events reveals the real reason behind his name: the boys only think he changes his underwear once a week. And this gets a hell of a laugh out of john... and ends a very dark story with a very grim resolution on a hopeful note: Things may of ended terribly.. but with the nation weak.. there’s some hope at least things might get better... and sometimes a little hope is all you need. It’s also a nice show of how far the two have come: From John really destesting week.. to the two being the close friends they’ll be from here on out, there for each other no matter what. And it really shows in the endings: Last album ended iwth John morosely sinking back into the shadows. Here while not much happier.. it ends with him at least.. not alone.. and with some hope things will get better. They have to. 
Final Thoughts:
Arctic Nation is a masterpice. While the sexist comedy bits have not aged well the story is THROUGHLY relevant, a story of revenge, prejudice and standing up to prejudice, and after the last four years of having a president blantly favor white suprmacists and corrupt cops while things only got worse.. seeing John stand up to that flavor of monster with bravey, wit and most importantly no fear, was UTTERLY cathartic. It’s a captivating story that keeps you hooked the whole time. 
And while on it’s own the story is very good and stands firm, as the second adventure for john.. it improves on somewhere in the shadows in every way except the art, which was already perfect last time and is just as excellent this time and is easily some of the best comic book art period. But the narrative is far more intresting this time going from a pretty standard noir setup to a fairly unique one as while “hero is stuck in a town where he’s an unwelcome outsider” isn’t new, having that blended with white supremacy is brilliant and provides an unyileding wave of tension over the story, as our hero is ONLY not lynched right away because his enimies are being careful and trying to appear resonable when their just bigoted bullies with delusions of grandeur like all whit esuprmacists. Our hero is not safe, he is not welcome, but he WILL NOT give up on a child whose been lost and needs his help. It’s a far more gripping setup and the payoffs including the awesome warehouse climax and the huge reveal at the end, all feel oh so worth it but the journey is never boring. THe additoin of Weekly was also easily the best move, as while he probably wasn’t intended to be permenant, his goofball demanour, skill beneath that, and great dynamic with John add some levity to the grim nature of blacksad’s world, and give him someone to work off of so we don’t get all the exposition via the narration, allowing it to breathe and come about when needed rather than be a constant presence. While Somewhere in the Shadows was good.. Arctic Nation is a masterpiece, and teh series would keep that level of quality and nuance from here on out. 
I’ll be taking a break from blacksad for a while, so I’m genuinely not sure when i’ll be getting to red soul as I have other projects I deserpately need to get back to in april first, but i promise he’ll return some day. For now if you liked this review, follow me for more including weekly reviews of ducktales and amphibia, a lena sabrewing retrospective and if you really like this you can chip in a buck or two a month on patreon. The more contirbutions I get, the more likely i’ll hit my stretch goals and I have some pretty neat ones so check it out, there’s a link on my blog. And  see you at the next rainbow. 
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Am I overreacting/being paranoid?
So, I fell down a rabbit hole in my attempts to find a copy of “Why Does He Do That?” by Lundy Bancroft.
The Problem: He Might Be An Anti-Vaxxer
 It started with me googling his name, at which point I found an article entitled “Lundy Bancroft: An Anti-Vaxxer Who Thinks All Men Are Abusers” (1) which I thought had to be bullshit. (And was angry at, because they were contesting the legitimacy of his book/info on abusers based on him being an anti-vaxxer.) 
So, I subsequently decided to pursue this and prove them wrong, because I cannot let things go, and ended up with a...mess.
First this link (2) is his official website, on which I everything looked fine. So, I started googling Lundy Bancroft “vaccinations” and somehow ended up finding this website (3) which is just ... fucking weird. It’s by “Lundy Bancroft” and has multiple “anti technology” posts with...weird language/phrasing. 
Nevertheless, I was unconvinced it was really him and also, the language, if weird, appears innocuous. At which point I clicked on the “About Me” link at this webpage and found this site (4) with more weird topics of interest. 
I ultimately decided to abandon the weird blogs full of decades old posts and return to his website (1) where I clicked on the “Follow Lundy on Facebook!” link and ended up (5) at his facebook page. 
So, I searched his posts for “vaccine” and found this (6) bullshit. Looking at the comments a link to “Vaccine Information From Lundy Bancroft: Why parents need the right to choose (and to sue)” (7) on yet another platform.
Also because everything is increasingly ridiculous here’s the part of his(?) essay their:
I think you will find as you examine carefully the history of vaccine controversy in the U.S. (and abroad), regardless of what conclusions you ultimately come to about vaccine safety, that there is plenty of reason for parents to worry, and that it is profoundly unfair to characterize them as fanatical or superstitious.
And I just...do not know what to do with this or with the “sources” he listed including: Evidence of Harm by David Kirby (which tries to link the “autism epidemic” to vaccines), broken links, debunked and/or poorly done studies, “scientists” who’ve had to retract debunked anti-vax articles and have fabricated data, and disgraced researchers.***
Frustrated, I returned to his facebook page, and subsequently found multiple posts linking to this webpage (8), which links back to (4), which, if you will remember, links to another apparent blog of his (3) that, with this new context, hits very differently. 
My Thoughts
All in all, I do not know what to do with this. However, I’m not sure I can personally trust Bancroft as a reputable source anymore. My hope is that his views have changed in the past few years and that perhaps his initial statements were trying (poorly) to convey why parents may be confused. His lack of follow up and apparent views on technology, however, make me concerned.
A NOTE: I’m NOT saying we/you/I shouldn’t read his book “Why Does He Do That?”. People aren’t perfect and we shouldn’t have to agree on everything to support his opinions and activism on domestic violence. However, as one facebook commenter said, this information is making me doubt his scientific literacy. (I’m also personally offended by his fear mongering about autism, but that’s a somewhat separate issue.)
I don’t know if anyone read this to the end, but if you have I would really appreciate some thoughts/perspectives on this.
***A note that I’m assuming anyone reading this already knows the Vaccine-Autism link (and other anti-vax fear mongering) is all pseudoscience. If, for some reason, you do not understand this and/or want a break down of the “sources” on that webpage, let me know. 
Also, the one reasonable argument listed on that page – about corruption within the medical industry – does not purely concern vaccines. So, unless you’re willing to denounce medications, surgeries, therapy, etc. etc. based only on that argument, you shouldn’t denounce vaccines either. 
Last note about that page: I went through all the sources that were still available. They are, without a doubt, absolute nonsense. 
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gallantgautier · 4 years
That Gautier Family Meta That No One Asked For
I’ve been thinking about the Gautier Family on and off for the last few weeks. Dribs and drabs of little details that slowly but surely have been coming together into something cohesive. Today I wanted to spend some time collecting all of those headcanons together to give myself a nice little piece to refer back to, and maybe some fun reading for others. As always, I welcome any and all questions!
Margave Gullan Adán Gautier
Naming Inspirations
as a boys' name is of Old Norse derivation, and the meaning of the name Gullan is "battler, warrior". Gullan is an alternate form of Gunnar (Old Norse): from Old Norse gunnr "strife". Going with Rai’s Headcanon that the Fraldarius territory is loosely based upon Norway (albeit only geographically,) I looked to Scandinavian names for Sylvain’s father, as well as keeping similar “ahn” sounds at the end of the name. (It’s worth noting that “Sylvain’s” name in localisation fits better due to the inspirations for his name. However, in other languages his name is actually pronounced more like Sil-vahn. Just a fun tidbit)
 Another reason for my name choice comes from; “The surname Gullan was first found in East Lothian, where they held a family seat on the English/Scottish border. After the Norman Conquest of England many of Duke William's rebellious Barons moved north. The border became a convenient but turbulent no-man's land where the persecuted Many were given land by King Malcolm Canmore and later by King David of Scotland. Some were native Scots. In the 16th century they became known as the 'unruly clans'. The name was first recorded in Scotland in Gullen in the parish of Dirleton in East Lothian.”
Quite simply, the Spanish form of Adam. As I mentioned briefly in another post of Sylvain’s middle name being that of a biblical figure and translated into its Spanish form, Gullan’s follows that trend.
On the surface, Gullan is a seemingly cold man who never says more than is necessary. Each and every one of his words has purpose and motive, and he is not the type to lay praise on thick unless it’s either warranted, or strategic.
His purpose is to defend the border, a task he takes so seriously that his devotion to it can often come across as boastful. There are likely those who believe he ‘showcases’ the worth of his house, ever eager to ‘prove House Gautier’s usefulness.’ And indeed, Gullan is happy to allow that attitude to continue rather than spend time attempting to change minds that can instead be spent ensuring his troops are ever ready for another assault from Sreng.
Much like his youngest son, Gullan has a tendency to put up a front, to be as unshakable as the border defences. While this serves his purpose well at official business, war councils and formal functions, it does hurt his ability to be a father. This trait runs so deeply that he always put his duty before his family, which extends to ensuring his son can take up the mantle after him, and thus his reliance on his family Crest. (See “Crest of Gautier, Lance of Ruin and other details” further below.)
 Margravine Eloise Ambre Gautier
Naming Inspirations
I didn’t think too deeply about choosing this name. I just like it. Sue me.
Personality/details of note
Eloise is a person of striking contrast to her husband. She is softly spoken, warm and kind-hearted. That said, in regard to her family and the expectations placed upon them, she often finds her hands tied in what she can actually do for her children. She would have loved nothing more than to coddle them but knew that would only harm them in the long run.
Eloise’s health has never been the greatest, little energy and of low appetite. Pregnancy and childbirth were great ordeals for her, which is why they stopped having children after Sylvain. A family that places such importance on passing on their Crest wouldn’t reasonably – I believe – stop at only one.
 Miklan Anschutz Gautier
Naming Inspirations
Sadly, after much googling, I can’t find anything. This appears to just be a case of “let’s make a name similar to yet distinct from his brother” style of name choice.
Not to copy paste some previous things I talked about but “North German (Anschütz): occupational name for someone whose job was to keep a dam or pool filled with water (German anschützen ‘to fill up’), especially a dam above a water channel serving a mill or mine.” TL;DR: He’s a placeholder.
Personality/details of note
Long story short, Miklan was a monster before he got his hands upon the Lance of Ruin.
Short story lengthened; Miklan is a jealous, entitled person without much in the way of a moral compass. There is only one reason he hates his brother, the fact that Sylvain has a Crest and he does not. Children of noble families are tested upon birth to see if they bare one, at least, that’s what Sylvain tells us. It’s possible that only his family does this, and he believes all families are like that, or that some or many families do that, but not all. Still, it’s reasonable to believe that at least House Gautier tests their children for Crest Inheritance at birth.
What kind of person hates a baby? Enough to want them dead and even attempt to kill them himself? Someone who lacks a moral compass.
On that same train of thought, Miklan was disinherited (not disowned) only three years prior to the events of the game. This means that, while he would never be the head of House, he was still in line to inherit something. Perhaps not lands and prestige, but he would have been able to live comfortably. He would have this regardless of being Crestless, and yet, the fact that he wouldn’t have everything is enough to drive him to multiple attempts to murder his brother. It’s difficult to think that this man has any redeeming qualities, considering that fact.
 Sylvain Jose Gautier
Information regarding the origins of Sylvain’s name and its meanings are all over both the wiki and this blog, as is the case with aspects of his personality, so I’m not going to get too into detail about those. Instead, I’m just going to list some fun tibits about his early life.
As a very young child, Sylvain was actually very shy, he was often found hiding behind his mother’s skirts. He didn’t like the way people would look at him, though at the time he didn’t understand it was because of his Crest. It was largely Glenn’s encouragement that got him out of his shell.
 For a long time, he didn’t really know how food worked. That is, he thought all you had to do was place the ingredients in a bowl, put it in the oven, and five minutes later, out comes food. The kitchen staff once caught him trying to place a glass bowl full of flour, too much sugar, an entire stick of butter and three whole eggs (yes, whole, 100% intact) into the oven. He wanted to make a cake for his mother’s birthday.
As seen in Etude and Learning the Melody, Sylvain took piano lessons as a child and had no small amount of talent for it. He gave it up though, believing his family’s encouragement came only from a place of wanting him to have whatever he wants on account of his Crest and not from a place of love.
 Crest of Gautier and the Lance of Ruin
The Crest
Crests are often seen as a status symbol in Fódlan, and it would be reasonable to think that House Gautier is of the same opinion. This is an attitude that Gullan perpetrates in order to secure a successful marriage for his son to pass on his Crest. In truth, however, the importance of the Crest of Gautier is solely to ensure that the Lance of Ruin can continue to be wielded.
Lance of Ruin
Heroes Relics are weapons of incredible power, and the Lance has been used to defend the border with Sreng. The reliance on the weapon to do the task stems from how the Lance has likely become a symbol of ruin to the Srengi people. In fact, the question has been asked; “Why is it that all the Relics have actual names like Areadbhar and Failnaught, and yet only two are Sword of the Creator and Lance of Ruin?” While I cannot speak for the Sword, I believe that the Lance once had a name that was slowly lost to time, gaining its new moniker some years after the formation of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus when it was brought to bear against Sreng.
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makistar2018 · 5 years
What everyone can learn from the $300 million deal that Taylor Swift claims ‘stripped me of my life’s work’
By Jeanette Settembre July 4, 2019
Here’s what you need to know about owning and protecting your work
Taylor Swift is teaching the world a lesson about protecting their work.
The pop star got vocal with fans Sunday when she revealed that Scooter Braun — the manager of Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande who Swift alleges bullied her — bought the master recordings of six of her multi-platinum albums.
Braun acquired the master recordings, once controlled by Nashville-based record company Big Machine, for more than $300 million, The Wall Street Journal reported.
Swift said that Scott Borchetta, the founder of Swift’s former label the Big Machine Label Group, would not sell her control of her masters and she severed ties with the label in November.
She signed another contract with Universal Music Group and Republic Records, its subsidiary, to ensure she’d own her master recordings.
But she still doesn’t fully own her old work. “This is my worst case scenario,” Swift said in a lengthy Tumblr VZ, +0.00% post describing her past with Braun.
Swift’s sad saga is a high-profile reminder to anyone who works in a creative field to protect their work, whether they want to maintain total control, partner with others or sign a contract to do artistic work for someone else.
When you’re a musician and you write your own songs, like Swift, you have two copyrights, the written music and the recording of that music. In Swift’s case, she owns the written music, but not the recordings.
“If she owns her own songwriting, she still will also — regardless of who owns the label — still earn money off those recordings,” Joleen Hughes, a media lawyer, told MarketWatch.
‘If she owns her own songwriting, she still will also — regardless of who owns the label — still earn money off those recordings.’
Still, Swift said the sale “has stripped me of my life’s work,” in her statement on Tumblr.
Borchetta disputed that, saying he gave Swift a chance to gain ownership over her recordings if she signed a new contract with Big Machine Label Group, but she chose to leave, Borchetta wrote in a blog post.
Borchetta also denies Scooter Braun bullied her. “Scooter was never anything but positive about Taylor,” he said.
Swift, who signed with the independent Big Machine Label Group in 2005 when she was largely an unknown country music singer, said her trust was misplaced. “This is what happens when you sign a deal at fifteen to someone for whom the term ‘loyalty’ is clearly just a contractual concept,” she wrote.
Hughes says having a buy-back clause in a contract like Swift’s could have helped her maintain ownership over her music and may have helped her negotiate buying back her masters.
Other provisions, like a “non-assignment” clause in the contract could have helped by stating that in the event of a sale or a merger, the owner (in this case, record label Big Machine) is not allowed to assign the contract without the artist’s permission. (A non-assignment clause prevents another person from gaining control or specific rights over an existing contract).
“A lot of those specifics are subject to her contract, which if she signed at a really young age, before Taylor Swift was the Taylor Swift we know and love today, her leverage may not have been as strong as it is today,” says Hughes.
Here are some ways artists can protect ownership of their work, and prevent copyright infringement or having their work exploited:
Register your copyright
Once you create something — whether it’s a novel, a painting or a photograph — you automatically own the copyright. This means you have ownership over how the work gets published or distributed and whether or not someone else gets to use your work.
Once you create something — whether it’s a novel, or a painting or photograph — you automatically own the copyright. 
You can legitimize the copyright by registering for one. That’s good idea should someone decide to copy your work or exploit it (that is, if you have taken a photograph and someone else uses it on their website to advertise for something else). This can be done online starting at around $35 per registration.
“It’s not legally required, but it does give you government protection of your copyright, and special benefits that put you in the best possible position to enforce your copyright against someone who infringes,” Robert Cumbow, an attorney for Seattle-based law firm Miller Nash Graham & Dunn, told MarketWatch.
“It gives you the right to bring a lawsuit if your work has been infringed. You can’t do that if you don’t have a registration,” he added.
If you’re a novelist, for example, Cumbow suggests registering an abstract of what the book is about, in case someone tries to steal your idea or drafts of your copy. That could also help if, for example, a company used the idea for a television series or movie.
If you register a copyright before the infringement occurs, you have the option to sue for actual damages (financial), or statutory damages, showing that your work was devalued. Awards can range from $750 to $30,000 per act of infringement, Cumbow says.
Sign a contract when working with a partner 
If you’re creating something with a partner — whether it’s a book, a treatment for a movie or even a design for a website — get a contract in writing that details who owns the copyright. That way, you have the right to say how and where it’s distributed.
“Make sure the contract mentions copyright and, specifically, who will have ownership over it. The person who commissioned the copyright will have a lifetime license to use the work in XYZ ways, but the copyright still belongs to the artist,” says Cumbow.
Handling ownership when you’re working for an employer
If someone hires you to create something, they own the right to whatever it is you’re being paid to make or do. Cumbow, however, says it’s a good idea for the artist to say they want a license back to use the work they made for limited purposes.
What to do if someone tries to steal your work
If infringement occurs, Cumbow suggests reaching out to the person who is exploiting your work to ask them to take it down, or stop using it.
“Or you could say, ‘I normally charge a license fee of X and, if you’ll send me a check, I’m happy to have you keep it. Whatever you demand, it’s always a good idea to start with the artist getting in touch with the infringer,” says Cumbow.
If there’s pushback, the copyright holder should get a lawyer to write a firm and persuasive letter of infringement, emphasizing why and what they could be liable, Cumbow adds.
Market Watch
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bangtansmutcentral · 5 years
[Please Read]
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We would like to start off by apologising to our members and followers for making you have to witness this. It is in our opinion totally unnecessary, but since we’re getting these asks we need to address them.
We would like to say that whoever is sending these could have acted like an adult and contacted us privately and expressed their concerns. We were never hostile or unapproachable so we don’t understand why hide behind an anonymous ask. Either way, it is done.  
Since I (admin sue) started working on the network alone, before inviting my friends to join, I’ll be speaking for the 3 of us. 
After getting theses asks we didn’t know what to make of them, because we literally didn’t know what they were talking about, but after going to said network to see if something was going on, we saw a post, that didn’t mention any networks, talking about stealing content, not having their own ideas, taking advantage of what they’ve worked so hard to accomplish and we did NOT think it was about us, since we NEVER stole anything. But it is obvious, after getting these asks, that they are talking about us.
For what I understand, ---net, is a writers network that work and share smut content. Our network was made to gather and share ALL KINDS of posts. You can see that if you go on our application form and find the following: 
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We never intended to be a writers only net. We have writers of course and it is a big part of what we share but we are definitely not a writers network and as we grow, we hope to make the net even more diverse. 
I’m from the side of tumblr that is more visual, and I saw most pages I followed close due to the policy changes on tumblr and because of that, what is left in smut is mostly writing. That is why we have more writers than other creators, but we are not a writers club or writers network. We will hopefully encourage people to get out of their comfort zone and try new things and express themselves in different ways, other than writing, while of course keeping and giving the deserved space writing has.
I’ve been blogging for 2 years now and my personal blog has over 26k followers. I’m not saying this to brag, that is definitely the last thing I want to do, but I want to show you that I’m not after a following or attention at any cost. Of course we want to see whatever we create succeeding, but we’re not in this to steal anything from anyone, generate hate or compete.
The network was made because I wanted a new project that would bring all smut content to one place. I miss having this diversity of content on my feed and wanted to create something I would enjoy as well as help other people come together since nowadays it’s harder to do that here. Plus, having my friends join me on this made it a very special and fun idea. 
We never owned any networks, or were a part of them in any way. My page for example is more visual contente than written, so I didn’t even know of these writers networks. To see how this is true, I went on my blog and asked smut creators to get in touch with me for a new project, then searched for some smut blogs and messaged them one by one asking if they would be up for a net because I didn’t even know if anyone would be interested, let alone, think that there was already one! Even though we know all the networks for sharing pics and gifs, smut networks were something we never knew existed (and now, seeing that they do exist, I think that there is space for all of us, in our own way). Here is how I went about it:
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I even messaged one of the ----net admins, as a creator (without knowing that she had a net), asking if she wanted to join us, and that’s when we found out they existed! She even told us that they already used ‘---’ and I apologised and changed our visual identity completely so there wouldn’t be any misunderstandings. I changed our #, header, icon, everything. I just didn’t change the name because we would have to create a blog from scratch and we already had started promoting the page everywhere. The name was created randomly, if we knew there was a net with a similar name of course we would want something completely different because we don’t need to feed off of other blogs success or image. We are just not that kind of people. We want to start small and slowly learn about our members, our followers and what content is best and how to navigate the net. At the time I didn’t even give it much importance since it was just a name… for me personally it wasn’t something worthy of a fight. But apologised and changed everything else as soon as I could. Is that me being unfriendly and rude? Is that the behaviour of someone that wants to steal something from anyone? ‘
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When I started setting up the blog (after changing the items), I din’t know the first thing about a net, or anyone that I could ask about it, so I just went around all networks I could find (---net included) to see how a network works basically. I found out that the rules are basically the same, the application forms as well and the aim of all of them is to share creators content. We didn’t think we were stealing anything by making similar rules to everyone. I personally wouldn’t mind if someone took inspiration from my page or even copy-pasted word by word of my rules pages for ex. For me, it is not stealing content, it’s just rules... I wouldn’t mind at all, but of course that is personal. 
The 3 of us are finishing our masters degree, so we see tumblr as a hobby. We have the utmost respect for everyone and everyone’s work but it is just our hobby. One of us is in her exam period, the other finishing her thesis, I’m having my mom over for summer so we wouldn’t have time to keep the blog running if we didn’t queue posts, and since we’re 3 admins, 3 posts are ideal (one for each) and of course alphabetically through our members because that’s common sense.
This was mostly so in this busy month the blog wouldn’t die. We didn’t think that that would cause such a problem.  If this net is really talking about us, they could have reached us and talked to us in private without causing such a commotion. We were never hostile to anyone, never offended anyone in anyway so we don’t understand why they did things the way they did, but then again we are all different people. If what bothers you anon, (and assuming you’re associated with the net some way) is that our acceptance post has similar rules (because that’s the only thing we’ve put out so far, so you must be talking about that… we’re a few days old… we literally have done nothing yet), you could have reached us and said so and we would have gladly changed it. It would however remain very similar, since we share mostly the same kind of content and every network has pretty much the same acceptance rules. Also a members page, a navi page, a tag system.. how did we copy you on that? That’s how all the networks I saw work! And how did all nets start? Didn’t they start by looking at other nets to see how this ’network thing’ works and basically start the same as them, since the rules are all the same, and then find their own place and change things over time? Someone said that it is disheartening to see others gain from what they’ve worked hard to create. What have we gained? How have we used their creations to gain anything? Because we’re queuing posts? We can change the way we worded that, but we will keep queuing from our members because we don’t have time at the moment to keep the blog going otherwise.
The disclaimers are similar? But of course they are! We hope people have common sense but some things are triggering and must be advised against. I myself for example, have some triggers that I don’t want in my net!
We really don’t believe that this is aimed at us, it really can’t be, because we have an acceptance post out so far and nothing else. The rest is just the normal things every net has as I said before, so if this is all a misunderstanding and since no one from the net reached us, we would like to apologise if their post was directed at someone else.
Lastly I’d like to say a few things:
We wanted a page with a variety of content, a variety of individuals, have thought of ways to encourage visual creativity and fun stuff to do in the future. We wanted to create a feed that we missed having. We just wanted to have fun and meet new people. 
We find this absolutely unnecessary. People have better things to do than to be reading these long arguments. We are a small page that wanted to do something for us and for the people that choose to follow us. Most importantly, we didn’t mean any harm. We can see that ---net has a very beautiful page and I’m sure full of talented people and it was NEVER out intention to copy or disrespect anyone. As I said before we are not a writers club so we won’t be as similar as it might seem. We are as similar as all networks within the same genre are. 
We think that if this was aimed at us, it could have been dealt with privately. We are not animals that can’t be talked to, we were and always will be open to learn and grow with everyone and apologise if we hurt anyone even if not intentionally. But since it started publicly and without us even knowing, and now getting all this hate, it’s only fitting that it ends publicly as well. We will not be addressing this anymore. We are only a few days old but already cherish our members and followers very much. With that being said, if you are a member of ---net and feel like you shouldn’t follow us or be a member, for believing that we did something we didn’t do, you are free to leave us. Though it pains us, we understand that trust is earned and being with a net for so long and then seeing these accusations, you can only think the worst of us, so we won’t make it hard or awkward for you if you want to leave. I actually considered deleting the network because this is causing way too much anxiety that I personally don’t need in my life right now, but my dear friends and admins here talked me out of it because we didn’t do anything wrong. Through all theses years here, I NEVER disrespected anyone, my page was NEVER involved in anything bad and we only spread love, positivity and have fun, so thinking that someone can think such bad things of me is almost unbearable. 
ps. English is only my 3rd language so please excuse any mistakes such a long post might contain.
Admin sue
In name of Bangtan Smut Central Netwok.
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noxstrix · 6 years
hello. i am coyote. my pronouns are she / her and they / them. i am over 21 years old, and a full time college student. i’m a practicing pagan in the real world. i have adhd and anxiety, so i really prefer to reply to drafts selectively and with mutuals only. my classes are mon - thurs  and i tend not to reply very much on those days. because of this i’d call this blog medium activity. as of right now nisa is my only character. i believe everyone has the freedom to say whatever they want on their blogs, within reason, please do not follow me if you are someone who is easily offended.
i know my rules are long, but they are to keep everyone on the same page and to prevent any future discourse from happening on my blog or between us as writers. thank you so much for taking the time to read everything, i sincerely appreciate it !!
please exit the page and unfollow right now, if you are under the age of eighteen.
this blog is extremely triggering. i cannot stress this enough. blasphemy is a reoccurring theme. a lot of the content i write here explores  conspiracy theories about the biblical apocalypse, the vatican and its links to illuminati, free masonry, and the ninth circle. if you have ever been curious enough to research on these cults, then you would likely know they are linked to subject matter such as human sacrifices, sex trafficking, murder, pedophilia, etc etc. while i do not promote or condone any of this, there will be frequent mentions in my writing of these topics and i won’t be tagging them. blasphemy will also never be tagged on my blog.
images posted / reposted on this blog are sometimes graphic and contain blood, gore, or melancholy. i will not be trigger tagging anything that does not make me personally uncomfortable. this blog is mine and i can do or post whatever i want on it. however, sometimes i do feel like there’s a line that might be crossed in regards to my followers.
i will be tagging any triggering imagery as  /  horror.  if you wish to add that to your blacklist. additionally if you have any really specific, and legitimate phobias you require me to tag, don’t hesitate to message me privately. all phobias brought to my attention ( ie. spiders, eye gore ) will likely wind up under the blacklist tag   /  trigger.  i will not be tagging anything such as food, or body image.
my character takes basis from biblical, luciferian, satanic, gnostic and jewish mythology. she is lilith’s reincarnation. i however, do change up some of the lore and give it my own ideas and flavors. everything about nisa and lilith, i headcanoned myself. same goes for her partner blog lucian / lucifer ( @antichrstis ). i wrote both of biographies. please do not steal any aspects of either character, or any of my lore regarding their universe, as i worked very hard on their background stories. i will post a call out, if i catch you imitating, copying, or stealing anything. this is your one and only warning.
because this blog is full of mature, adult content, please do not follow me if you are under the age of eighteen or you cannot maturely handle in character content like profanity, sex, horror, violence, torture, mental or physical abuse. if  either of the words sex or smut bothers you and makes you feel even a little queezy or you have an aversion to it, i definitely  do not suggest following. while i don’t smut often on this blog, it does happen, and when it does, it’s with characters whose writers are over the age of 20. sorry, i personally do not feel comfortable writing smut with muns younger than 20 years of age, i don’t care of 18 is the legal age, this is my personal preference.
additionally, i do not ship my oc against characters whose face claims are under the age of 25. i will not ship her with characters under the age of 23 ( divided by 2 + 7 rule )  that’s creepy to me. not only is nisa thirty one years old, but lilith is older than the earth’s creation. don’t even try to come up with excuses or convince me otherwise because it’s gonna get you hard blocked, you feel me?
nisa’s personal beliefs and actions, are not my own ! please keep ooc and ic separate in this regard. these are works of fiction and this is roleplay. the mun’s personality is not the muses. she’s a bit of a binch sometimes and narcissistic, but just because she is rude and mean to some characters, does not mean i, the mun, feel that way towards you ooc, or towards your character!
please, please, please, read nisa/lilith’s about pages in full. like every detail, okay? because i am so, so very tired of people approaching her as the stereotypical lilith. or approaching her automatically like she’s a bitch. if you’re a bitch to her first or give her an attitude, you better believe you’re going to get a reply according to that ten fold.
nisa is in essence, a fallen angel / demon, and the creator of witches and supernatural monstrosities, reincarnated. lilith is sometimes interpreted in biblical prophecy as the anti-christ’s partner in crime, which means only god can kill her. you can throw holy water at her, you can torture her, decapitate her, but your character can’t get rid of her.
she is true immortal. if you are going to pick a fight with her, pick your battle wisely, because she will not hesitate to use her magic or destroy your character to make a point. i do not hold her characterization back for any reason, so when you find yours flying across the room or pinned on a ceiling, don’t be surprised.
also bear in mind she has the ability to see people’s pasts and future, to pick up on their emotions, insecurities, and decipher personal things about them. i always read character’s backgrounds first to get an idea, and sometimes dig through headcanons pages for some juice. unless your character is a witch or supernatural being who has taken precautions spiritually or magically to block anyone from doing so at any given time,  don’t be surprised if this happens. i analyze your subtext as well, so anything your character is feeling or any vibes they’re giving off may or may not additionally not be picked up on.
if you read this and you’re thinking “lol overpowered, mary sue,” don’t follow me. it’s that simple. all of the powerful / evil characters you hate to love on television are mary sues when you strip away the lime light media.  i suggest taking a look in the mirror and getting off your high horse when it comes to your attitude towards original characters, kay? awesome.
ah yes, god modding. please don’t do it to my character unless discussed first, or unless you are sending me a starter! starters are the only situation i let people gently god mod in, because i know it can be difficult writing threads out of thin air.
do not undermine evil or magically powerful characters. i think most of us have been around the rpc long enough to have seen the psa going around on tumblr about this. it’s truly frustrating, when you have someone’s human character or any being capable of dying, repetitively poking a villain with a sharp stick, and then getting all butt-hurt when the other person replies accordingly with negative consequences for their muse.
because my character is an immortal, with nearly all magical abilities, i am going to be honest with you. if your character does anything threatening towards nisa/lilith, or anything which might provoke her to harm yours, i will god mode in my reply. again, pick your battles wisely. this only happens if your character does something to deserve it. there will be no ’ attempts made ’ because  if they are human, she can literally begin choking them from across the room, melting their brain, breaking their bones, setting them on fire, or instantly kill them with a tap on their shoulder, if she chooses.
if your character is supernaturally based and has magical powers, etc, i will message you first and give you a heads up so we can discuss how we want their fight to end and which direction to go in. every attack on your supernatural character will be attempted. in counter, if your character wants to engage in a magical battle or some sort of violent fight with mine, i hope you will respect me the same way and message me before hand.
this blog is mutuals only! if i don’t follow you please do not send me random memes, or anything unprompted. also please do not like any of my starter calls or reply to my open starters. if i don’t follow you back, please don’t feel bad! it is most likely because i don’t see her interacting with your character, you post too much ooc, or i already follow too many of a certain muse. i am ocd about what is on my dash. i have adhd so a fast and clustered or disorganized dash does give me anxiety!
with that out of the way, any mutuals, whether we have or haven’t interacted, are always welcome to send nisa/lilith random starters, dialogue one liners, crack, memes, headcanon questions, etc. there is no limit as to how you can interact with me or how you want to. if you feel like interacting with nisa, feel confident that you can just do it and don’t hesitate !!!!! none of you will or could ever annoy me tbh.
this blog practices both soft blocking and hard blocking. if i soft block you and you try re-following, i hard block. i do this to protect myself, and to protect my creative freedom on my blog. i don’t owe anyone an explanation. if i see frequent call outs, callout reblogs, vague posts, or negativity on your blog, i will not hesitate to block you as i see fit. please keep your ooc political views off my dash. i really don’t give a shit, since i’m here to roleplay.  
if you think i might have unfollowed you on accident  ( bc lets be real the mobile app is really trash and my thumbs are clumsy ) please unfollow and then refollow me to alert me of my mistake. my tumblr msgs are currently for mutuals only, so that’s the easiest way to get my attention.
as far as shipping is concerned, this blog only engages in pre-plotted ships. all  pre-plotted ships will get their own verse.
nisa is a complicated character and she is demiromantic. she isn’t really a flings kind of person and i bet you’re thinking ’ lol but it’s lilith ’ and yeah, that’s true, but just because the bible  called her a whore, doesn’t mean she is one. i’d really like to point out that they gave her that image because she disobeyed adam and god, whom are both men. did i also mention that the bible and rabbinical story of lilith, was written by men?
okay, great. now, we’re on the same page. many pagan practices and religions believe that periods of celibacy are a good thing, and actually makes witches more powerful, because sexual energy is powerful. before nisa accepts her fate of being lilith’s reincarnation, she does this frequently, as well as fasts, so that her various uses of magic, or that her visions, have an amplified effect.
in contrast, sometimes celibacy gets to be too much and she needs to actually release that tension and craves companionship, so one night stands, and flings are more likely to happen over romantic ships. she is flirty by nature and sometimes touchy-feely, this does not mean, however, that she wants to engage in sexual relations with your character.
i will only write with / ship with one lucifer, and that is @antichrstis in her main verse.
if your character is feeling nisa, or you view her character as someone yours might want to romantically ship with, and you would like it to happen, please feel free to message me andwe can discuss verse arcs and details ! don’t let what was previously mentioned above deter you.
i briefly mentioned smut earlier in my rules, but this is a reminder that i will not smut with anyone under age 20 or any muses whose fcs are under age 25.
if we’re mutuals, message me at your leisure! if you would like my discord, it is available upon request. i am open to ooc chit - chatting and plotting. i like making friends and getting to know people, so don’t be shy!
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My Friend has been Falsely Accused of Tracing So I Will Defend Him
Okay I accidentally deleted the blog I posted this one because I’m a dumbass, so I’ll just repost it here even though I don’t use this blog anymore, but apparently I still have followers. Bless caches because I was able to get this back from google caches so I don’t have to retype everything. I added further evidence and refutes to claims that were not in my original post btw.
Anyways, I am making this post to help out my good friend @5ru9 aka Falco who has been recently accused of tracing/copy pasting other people’s / official art!
I’ve known Falco for over 3 years, and we’ve grown as artists together. Once in a while we give each other advice on art (thanks for the mech and armor advice and teaching me how you line and color!), but most of the time we just meme each other.
Anyways, a lot of people have pointed out that they’ve seen him livestream before, and he’s already posted some of his block outs and other wips as proof that he does not trace in his post here:
To further prove his claim with solid evidence, I shall present to you!
Times he’s asked for advice on his art, or I randomly decided to mention things I notice in his WIPs!
Exhibit A-1:
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A Tenkai Knight he made up! I pointed out a few things I thought were awkward about the perspective in his WIP.
Exhibit A-2:
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He started working on this way back in July and didn’t finish it until much later because he was working on several other pieces at the same time. I suggested lowering the eyebrows and drawing the eyes a bit narrower to get more of the playful expression he was aiming for. In his final piece here, you can see that Falco continued to refine the piece.
By the way! The reason he sometimes posts a lot of detailed artworks one shortly after the other is because he sometimes works on multiple pieces at once! And then finishes coloring them around the same time.
Exhibit A-3
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Falco and I spent good time trying to figure out why he felt like something was wrong with his sketch! I thought maybe it was the trapezius and I decided to red line (or blue line i guess) it so it’d be easier for him to see approximately where i thought the line should go to fix it.
Exhibit A-4:
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The gif-ing process turned white bg into blue… anyways! Falco showed me an early version of his Tenkai Knights OC that he eventually used in an April Fool’s joke to pass off as a new character in the series. He mastered the tenkai style enough that at first glance, people really did believe it was official! Like you had to get a good look to realize Shiyu was not really a real new character! Btw I had to go into my old twitter acc to find this…. (Edit: the gif wasn’t working bc it was too big so i had to make it smaller… and choppier and stuff to fit the mb max)
Well now that brings us into!!!
Exhibit B
Some of his old art!! (I’m so sorry falco i’ll be exposing your ancient art to ppl now)
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Here you can see his progress from 2014 Tenkai fan art to early 2015! It starts looking more and more like the official art, which is what he was going for.
For reference, here’s what the character Ceylan Jones/Washizaki looks like:
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I blocked out fan art by everyone except falco (which i marked) that shows up in this google search. Everything else is official art. The two fan arts by falco you see here are more recent, the angel one being from 2016 and the chicken one from 2017 (i think he also made a version with sonic instead of the chicken? lol). They’re both on his dA accounts btw! The 2017 one really looks like official art, doesn’t it? But it’s his artwork! He practiced a LOT to reach that point, and I hope the earlier arts I showed above this one are enough to convince you in his art progression! Side note: i only used images w/ceylan because 1. i’m biased because ceylan is my favorite character and 2. he drew ceylan a lot because ceylan is his favorite character Also you can see his handle change from s3iwashi to burningbraven. 5ru9 is is a pretty recent handle.
And now for the last one,
Exhibit C
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This is my favorite character from a Chinese series called AOTU World! His name is Grey, or 格瑞。I commissioned Falco to draw Grey for me, and let me tell you it would be IMPOSSIBLE for him to have copied any of this. Why? Because the donghua is 3D and the manhua’s art is very inconsistent!
Let me show you the reference pictures I gave him to work with!
They’re all in my gdrive folder here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1CqwH5KS-pHX0ZqLHQpoIZBi6W-gsU_Tz
This is all official art from the manhua, except the 3D model is from the donghua. Look at how inconsistent the references are! There’s no way he could have copy and pasted or traced this! Grey doesn’t even do this particular pose anywhere. lol. I told Falco “give him a cool sword pose”. (I’m sorry for being so vague, Falco! But it turned out great!!) The style he ended up drawing in was a mixture of all of them.
Btw!! here’s the blockout and the sketch he sent me before I sent my payment for the commission!! You can see his construction in the block out!! The arm construction and leg construction is light, but it’s there. You can also see the block out below the sketch. Notice he actually fixed the leg length from block out -> sketch?
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LOOK, thte actual drawing doesn’t even match the sprites that closely. Pay attention to the collar especially. The whole frankensteining the image and then painting over it thing is just way more effort than drawing it himself. They don’t even match that well in the overlays. Like wow it’s such a crime to try and stay on model.
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Doesn’t the fact that you have to edit the sprites to match his artwork prove that you’re just a tryhard in making up fake evidence and not a tryhard enough at art since you think it’s so impossible for people to draw characters on model?
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Yes he referenced the broom and possibly the heels from this image, but your overlays for the leg and arms are disingenuous and you know it. The leg positions are different, and the overlay doesn’t even match up. Face tracing also makes no sense. You literally stretched the mouth to try and make it fit but it still doesn’t fit. Do you really think it’s that hard to draw mouths and eyes in the DR style? DR faces are really simple to emulate. Also you fool, if you follow Falco’s artwork enough, you’d realize the way he draws bodies is actually rather consistent even as he does different styles. Especially when it comes to hands. His way of drawing hands is how I recognize his art and know right away it’s his art and not official art or a trace (also his coloring style). The heels he drew are also reminiscient of how he typically draws shoes/feet. he draws them bulkier. The other art has dainty heels. At most he referenced how backside works because he’s used to drawing sneakers.
Also come on, if all you referenced from an image was a broom because you liked the style (his is also clearly drawn by himself since you can’t overlay it on the other one. like i said he mostly used the style as a reference for how-to-broom) and you referenced pieces from many other images, are you going to list every single thing you referenced? While yeah it’d be nice to, it’s a little ridiculous to expect all 5-20 references whenever they post the image. It’s a thing where, if someone asks, you’d tell them, but it’s too much to list all of it. This isn’t a 20 page thesis.
If it’s such a crime, then holy shit sue all those people who parody other people’s comics and sue everyone who dares!!! to ever draw something remotely similar to someone else. Dang.
Art doesn’t live in a vacuum.
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Okay, this one is just plain stupid. You distorted the sprite to match it up with his, but what would be the point for him to distort it just to trace? Also if he traced, can you explain the rest of the fingers that are drawn nicely but clearly different from the sprite? Also the thumbs don’t even match up. His faces more downward while the sprite is facing more forward. Also explain the turned body in Falco’s sketch, then!! And the hair! OH WAIT YOU CAN’T EXPLAIN IT BY ANY OTHER WAY THAN HE DREW IT HIMSELF!!! BECAUSE NO SPRITES MATCH IT AND YOU CAN’T FIND ANY SPRITES TO DISTORT ENOUGH TO EVEN GET CLOSE TO MAKING FAKE EVIDENCE FOR IT.
By the way, the style he drew it in is closer to the drv3 than this sprite. while it’s pretty much the same style as the older games, drv3′s art is more refined than the older games. Falco’s art is also more refined as you can see. (wow not only did falco’s art improved from back when we first met; even professional artists improve. shocker. /s)
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Dude what the hell? The overlays don’t even match up even ifi you tried to frankenstein them. And these are really common poses at really common angles, and once again, must every single thing we reference from be listed in the description of every place we post an image? Let me just list all 30 videos and 50 images i used as reference for one of my prints. jfc.
As for the saihara animation based on the digimon opening animation? It was pretty clear to everyone that it’s some kind of parody. Many people when making parody animations don’t mention the original video either?? It’s a fun thing for fans of the franchise to recognize the reference themselves. Yes he could have said it was the digimon opening on the description, but at least he didn’t say he thought of the idea himself? And if you talk to him about the animation, he will openly tell you it’s from digimon. And the fact that you think it’s a trace despite how much the overlays do NOT work out is practically proof that you’re just doing this maliciously and hoping that saying he traces enough with shoddy evidence will make people believe you.
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I was gonna ignore this one because it was the same as a lot of the others, but you literally erased Falco’s face line so it would match the sprite, and you covered the bigger boobs Falco gave her, and totally ignored that the angle doesn’t even match properly. Like you covered parts of his sketch in your overlay just to make it look more like it matches, but if you actually fucking overlayed it correctly, even with squashing it, it won’t fit. (Also sorry to point this out Falco, but the circles on your goggle lenses are too small compared to the sprite; Maybe if you actually traced like this person claims you’re doing, they’d be perfectly like the sprite. OH BUT WAIT YOU DREW IT YOURSELF SO OF COURSE THERE’S SOME DIFFERENCES. JUST LIKE HOW EVEN THOUGH ALL YOUR OTHER WORKS ARE REALLY CLOSE TO THE STYLE AND PRETTY MUCH ON MODEL, THEY’RE NOT EXACTLY THE SAME WITH THE SPRITES! SHOCKER...!)
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HOLY FUCK. I already pointed out and gave evidence that Falco started on the Nier Automata drawing waaaaaaay before he posted the actual picture. The 2 sketches are sketches! They don’t take a super long time. I busted out 10 inktobers in 1 day. (thumbnails of my artwork below)
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Look I even even lined and colored 5 fairly detailed chibis in 1 day (i did the sketches earlier though. btw i hand drew the plaid on ray. it was annoying)
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At the moment I have 5 wips. They’ll likely all be done around the same time. I know Falco often has multiple wips as well, and sometimes he also finishes some of them close to each other. Some artists (like my friend Fish) can pump out extremely detailed paintings in less than a day. WOW some artists can draw at a fairly fast rate. WHO KNEW? (manga artists in weekly magazines pump out 15-20 pages of manga in a week)
He’s still developing a style; he’s mostly doing style mimics of series he likes in the mean time.
At the moment he’s mostly experimenting with the drv3 style, but he was practicing p5 earlier. By the way, he DESIGNED a phantom outfit for mishima. Who the heck would he copy that from? He made it up because he loved mishima and wanted to make him part of the gang in some AU fan art. Mishima doesn’t have artwork like this for him to trace, so it should be obvious it’s his own work.
And the pokemon and crash bandicoot ones are actually not that close. The pokemon one looks like a good attempt at imitating the pokemon style, but since he hasn’t practiced it enough, you can tell it’s a little off model because, well, he drew it himself and doesn’t practice the pokemon style a lot. Same with the crash one. Had it been a trace, with his level of control over his lines (which you can’t refute), it would have been much closer.
And you act like it’s a crime to imitate others’ art style. It’s really not. What is wrong with you? Do you want to slow down animation production by only letting the character designer draw everything? Or do you want animation where the art has 0 semblance of consistency because all the artists draw in vastly different styles? lol. What do you have against artists that try to stay on model?
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Oh, I KNOW. Why don’t I do that same pose with my own hands?
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Just because YOU don’t know basic anatomy and can’t tell a middle finger from a pinky, doesn’t mean everyone else is as incompetent as you. He wasn’t doing the rock-on hand pose (sry idk if that pose actually has a name lol), and he’s drawn the rock-on hand pose properly before.
Closing statement
I believe I covered a lot of things and provided a lot of evidence here that Falco and his other friends did not cover in his defense against the false accusations.
I even added more counter arguments in this repost because apparently my original post wasn’t enough to convince people.
Perhaps the person calling him out meant well (no, I doubt it because they made a new side blog just to diss him because they knew if they did it on their actual blog, they’d be called out for being a jerk), but they did not do enough digging to find out if their claims were true or not (and they probably know well enough that they MADE UP THEIR EVIDENCE).
If you’re going to make a call out post, please make triple sure sure of everything before you accuse people. Talk to them first. Talk to those who know them too.
Many jobs require you to be able to draw characters exactly in the style given. Animators for example! There are multiple animators working on one series, and they all need the skill to draw consistently! Some games also have teams that need to be able to draw in the same style so they don’t have to leave everything up to one person. Comic artists often have assistants that help them draw background characters, but those background characters can’t be too different from the main style either.
As for the people who believed the call out post before, it’s perfectly understandable. I am also guilty of falling for similar posts in the past. Due to that, I decided it was best to double check before retweeting (i say retweet because i use twitter far more than tumblr these days. heck i almost never post anything on this blog) things, and if i wasn’t sure, I would just leave it be.
I hope my post was able to convince you on Falco’s innocence and all his hard work. And if you already believed him but checked out this post anyways… Thanks! ObligatoryPleaseWatchAotuWorld.
And again:
Art does NOT exist in a vacuum. All artists are influenced by each other and MANY artists, especially professionals, use a lot of references, whether it be from photographers, their own pictures, others’ artwork, life, or whatever. We all use many different resources. If you’re going to say that’s wrong, you just dismissed millions of artists in the world.
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fuck-customers · 7 years
Frequently Asked Questions FAQ
I decided to get around to making a full FAQ to add to the sidebar. If I’ve missed anything, let us know.
Why can’t I tell you why you are wrong in the comments?
Because this is a blog that is designed to be a safe space for retail employees to come and vent about their frustrations and asshole customers. It doesn’t matter if you think it’s a petty reason or not. We do not need more customers coming into the comments and giving us more grief. If you come to this blog and act like a customer you will be permanently removed from the blog.
Do you accept fuck coworker and manager submissions?
Yes we do! A while back we tried running a couple of separate blogs on the subjects but they weren’t successful because we continued getting asks and submissions here about coworkers and managers. Instead of just rejecting these we decided to accept them because they are a part of why customer service sucks. Changing the name of the blog isn’t necessary and would hinder the ability of our old and even new followers to find us if we suddenly just changed. We’ve been Fuck Customers for years, and it’s going to stay that way no matter how the blog evolves.
Why is the inbox/submission box closed?
We need to catch up because we’re neck deep in back log.
Can I use fan mail to submit my stories since the inbox is closed?
For the love of God no! This clogs the inbox up so bad and makes the process of catching up so much harder! Please be patient! We can’t reopen in a timely manner if we have to sift through and delete fan mail submissions that had no place being submitted in the first place in that format. Even when the inbox is open we delete those. The faster we can reopen the better. That all depends on our inbox remaining closed and uncluttered by fan mail. I may seem rude saying this, but it has become a serious problem and is hindering progress a LOT.
Why hasn’t my submission posted yet?
See here.
Who are the mods?
Can you tag (insert thing)?
We used to, but with how big the blog has become it is unrealistic to be able to tag absolutely every single thing. We’re going to have to trust that our followers will be able to put trigger warnings before their own asks and submissions. We get up to 100 new asks and submissions a day on top of our personal and professional lives, so keeping up with posting/queuing is top priority.
Do you need anymore mods? Can I be one?
Ultimately this is up to Rodney, but at the moment the answer is no. There is more than enough for the blogs size. You know what they say about too many cooks in the kitchen.
What don’t you post?
Anything racist, transphobic, homophobic, xenophobic, etc. for starters. Anything not on topic to customer service is a big one too. We also don’t accept customers whining about employees. There is a line where it might be acceptable, though, like a case where a customer may see a manager or coworker abusing an employee. But if you’re bitching because someone smashed your bread then you are in the wrong place. Go to yelp. Fan mail is not the proper course of submitting your questions or stories. Use the ask or submission options and if the inbox is closed then check back later. Finally, hate mail. We get a lot of it and it’s a waste of space. Now, sometimes we do post one of any of these simply to drag your ass through the coals. Catch us on a bad day and expect to get roasted. Don’t be an asshole and you’re fine. We also try not to post anything that includes real store names, so try to use a fake one.
Why have I been blocked?
If you said anything offensive in a note towards us or another follower then you will be blocked. That could be death threats, telling someone to kill themselves, racism, homophobia, basically being an asshole. If you’re dumb enough to send hate mail without being anon, whether it’s to us or another follower, you’ll also get blocked. We do not tolerate that shit.
I requested my submission be posted anonymous! Why did it get posted or why wasn’t it posted?
It is your responsibility to submit anon. We post what is given to us in a format that tumblr allows(why we don’t post fan mail btw). If we were to post your submission anonymous we would have to cut and paste. Multiply that by 100 per day and we’d be swamped. If it accidentally gets posted that is on you, but most of the time we just delete it. (To post anon, if it’s short use the ask and check the box to make anon. If it’s too long for an ask you can submit a story anon by signing out of tumblr, using incognito, or a different browser that you are not logged into.)
I found something on here offensive! I’m sending hate mail right now!
You know that is the equivalent of asking to see the manager, right? Just skip the post and move on, you’re holding up the line.
*This does not include reporting posts that were accidentally posted that we would definitely remove. If you’re polite about it that is fine, but if you’re going to yell at us and tell us you’re unfollowing then that’s customer like territory. We get a lot of hate mail when all you need to do is point it out nicely. We also don’t condone sending hate mail to other followers. Maybe what they said was offensive, but sometimes good people don’t realize that their wording wasn’t that great. Sending hate mail isn’t the proper way to get your point across and help them learn from the situation.*
Why can’t I use a company name?
It is a decision that we have made at the blog that protects both you and us. Companies have people whose job it is to scour social media and look for people bad mouthing their store.  and they will either fire or harass the employee (if they can determine their identity.) or in the blogs case sue us for libel. As they have a team of lawyers and we do not we would have little chance to win in a court fight. So it is our choice to not publish company names. 
If I’ve missed any questions that need to be added let us know. These are the ones I can think of off the top of my head.
Why hasn’t my submission posted?
We get this question a lot so I thought I’d compile a list:
1.) You sent it through fan mail. We do not post anything sent that way since it does not include an option to queue or post it, just reply. We stopped copy pasting submissions a long time ago.
2.) You included a store name. Some of these slip through, but for the most part these get deleted for the safety of your job and this blog. There are actually people whose job it is is to hunt down stories like these and punish those who tell them.
3.) You requested to be anonymous without actually submitting on anon. Again, we do not copy paste submissions.
4.) You said something extremely offensive. Such as racist, ablest, homophobic, xenophobic, etc. Sometimes you might find we will call you out on it, but for the most part these posts are deleted.
5.) You sent hate mail. We will sometimes destroy you in response, but we delete 99% of these.
6.) The subject matter has been talked about to death. After a while we stop beating the dead horse with a stick.
7.) You posted a customer complaint. Yes, we will post good experiences praising an employee, but if you’re here to complain about an employee from a customer point of view then you’re in the wrong place.
8.) Rarely tumblr will eat the post. If your submission hasn’t posted in a month and it does not fit the rules above then resend it.
9.) Also extremely rare we might have accidentally deleted it. Again, if it hasn’t posted in a month and doesn’t fit the first 6 rules resend it. I think this has only happened twice to me personally though.
10.) It’s already queued or still in our inbox waiting to be queued or posted. We get a lot of submissions and asks, so you’ll need to be patient.
11.) Also, if you send a long submission through several asks instead of the submission link then we’ll delete them all. It is difficult to find all the parts.
12.) It isn’t on topic for the blog or any conversation happening on the blog.
13.) Asking to become a mod. We’re not accepting new mods.
14.) Complaints about what has been posted that does not fit the criteria on this list. This is rare, but it happens.
15.) Anything that seems like it’s an advertisement.
16.) Your post did not seem like it was related to customer service in any way. If you did experience at work then you need to make it clear.
17.) We will no longer post any submissions that talk about adding or switching items in people’s food. If you tamper with peoples food you could cause an allergic reaction up to and including death. You have no idea what people are or are not allergic to and if you put in regular milk when they ask for soy because they were rude you could put them in the hospital OR KILL THEM! Don’t do it. If you submit an ask or story that has food tampering in it, it will be deleted immediately.
18.) If we feel you need to be called out for being unreasonable or for just being a dick, don’t be surprised that we do. Sometimes we just want to impart knowledge to help people grow as a person. Sometimes we just want you to know you’re being an asshole. This may be a venting space, but if you’re acting like a customer we’re going to let you know.
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criticallycritiqued · 7 years
Rose Potter Ch 1 Pt 1
Rose Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone Book One of The Girl Who Lived Septology
And so it begins...
Chapter One – The Snake
As you may know, Rose Potter is basically a copy and paste of Harry Potter just with a gender-swapped in Mary Sue. Still, as a way to celebrate new beginnings for our blog, I'm shuttering up some of my reviews (not abandoning, putting some on hiatus and finishing up some) and concentrating on this and SIW. So, let's get started! 
Nearly ten years had passed since the Dursleys had woken up to find me on the front step, but Privet Drive had hardly changed at all. The sun rose on the same tidy front gardens and lit up the brass number four on the Dursley’s front door; it crept into the their living room, which was almost exactly the same as it had been on the night when Mr. Dursley had seen that fateful news report about owls being sighted all across the country. 
...That we don't see in the book because the author never included the prologue.
Only the photographs on the mantelpiece really showed how much time had passed. Ten years ago, there had been lots of pictures of what looked like a large pink beach ball wearing different-coloured bobble hats – but Dudley Dursley was no longer a baby, and now photographs showed a large blonde boy riding his first bicycle, on a roundabout at the fair, playing a computer game with his father, being hugged and kissed by his mother. The room held no sign that I lived in the house too.
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The copy and paste is real... 
Yet I was still there, asleep at the moment, but not for long. My Aunt Petunia was awake and it was her shrill voice which made the first noise of the day,
“Up! Get up! Now!”
I woke with a start. My aunt rapped on the door again.
“Up!” she screeched. I heard her walking towards the kitchen and then the sound of the frying pan being put on the cooker. I rolled onto my back and tried to remember the dream I had been having. It had been a good one. There had been a flying motorbike in it. I had a funny feeling I’d had the same dream before. My aunt was back outside the door.
“Are you up yet?” she demanded.
“Nearly,” I replied.
“Well, get a move on, I want you to look after the bacon. And don’t you dare let it burn, I want everything perfect on Duddy’s birthday.” I inwardly groaned and my lip curled into a disgusted scowl.
Since this is basically a copy and paste, I think I'm going to end up actually criticizing the HP books, if only to give you guys content, and don't get me wrong- I have problems with the HP books, but yeah, they'll be milder than the actual fic content, at least until we get to Books 4-5
Dudley's birthday – how could I have forgotten? I got slowly out of bed and started looking for socks. I found a pair under my bed and, after pulling a spider off one of them, put them on. I was used to spiders, because the cupboard under the stairs was full of them, and that was where I slept.
When I was dressed I went down the hall into the kitchen. The table was almost hidden beneath all of Dudley's birthday presents. It looked as though Dudley had got the new computer he wanted, not to mention the second television and the racing bike. Exactly why Dudley wanted a racing bike was a mystery to me, as Dudley was very fat and hated exercise – unless it involved punching somebody. 
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Lemme guess...you? 
Dudley's favourite punching bag had been me, until I was seven years old.
Really now? Really. I don't believe that.
As during the first year of Primary Schooling a teacher had witnessed Dudley’s attempt to catch me, and had taken me under his wing so to speak, and taught me martial arts classes every day after school.
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...And this is where I link to r/pussypass. Just saying. 
When I had a full year of classes under her belt, I got tired one day of being chased by Dudley and stood my ground; the result being that Dudley had to go to the Doctor for a cast on his arm, which I had neatly broken. It startled me to find that I had that much strength.
>A full year of martial arts
>Thinks she's still weak
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By the time I was nine, not a single boy in school dared approach me, as Dudley and his gang suffered more visits to the Doctor for their attempts to beat me up. 
Why though? it's not like the other boys think you're a fucking psycho for beating up a bully. The girls are waaaaayyyy more likely to think of you as that!
My Sensei was also befuddled at the almost unnatural strength that I showed; many punching bags had to be replaced over time. I didn’t look it, but I was also very fast.
Perhaps it had something to do with living in a dark cupboard, but I looked small and skinny for my age, as all I had to wear were old clothes of Dudley's and Dudley was about four times bigger than I was.
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My face is...just..Jesus Christ.
I had a thin face, knobbly knees, long black hair that reached to my shoulders, and bright green eyes. The only thing I liked about my own appearance was a very thin scar on my forehead which was shaped like a bolt of lightning. I had had it as long as I could remember and the first question I could ever remember asking my Aunt Petunia was how I had got it.
You like the scar that reminds you of your dead parents? You really are a psycho...
“In the car crash when your parents died,” she had said. “And don’t ask questions.”
Don’t ask questions – that was the first rule for a quiet life with the Dursleys. Uncle Vernon entered the kitchen as I was turning over the bacon.
“Comb your hair!” he barked, by way of a morning greeting. I inwardly scoffed at that, it would have helped if they provided me with a brush, but I only had my fingers and the elastics that I got from my Sensei.
Yeah no, GTFO of here with that shit.
So this is 5/6 and the start of a brand new us! See you for post 6!
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keywestlou · 5 years
Flooding is occurring in many places world wide. Some natural and common place. Others new and/or aggravated by global warming.
One such flooding is known as Acqua Alta, the other King Tides.
Acqua Alta is Italian for high water. Occurs in the Venice, Italy area between autumn and spring. They are exceptionally high tides.
King Tides are common in many places in the world. My concern is for those that are annual occurrences in the south Florida area which would include Key West. King Tides are “high tides” or “highest tides.”
King Tides can cause sunny day tidal flooding.
Key West experienced King Tidal flooding in the past month. My recollection is it happens twice a year. I am not certain when next it will occur.
The Venice and Key West floodings are higher in recent years because of global warming. The floodings in both communities will probably result in terrible happenings in both places.
Experts believe Venice will wash away. Venice is presently sinking at the rate of one fifth an inch each year. Another contributing factor to Venice’s problem is that its underwater barriers are incomplete.
As to Key West, it is believed ocean front homes will be gone. The waters will come inland and make other areas inhabitable. Solares Hill may be the only land point remaining.
Venice is experiencing its highest tides in 50 years. Each year Key West flooding is a bit more.
I write about the two differently named tides and increasing water levels because of what is occurring in Venice at the moment. Flooding 5-6 feet. Damage significant. Hotel lobbies swimming pools. Century old relics being destroyed.
Nature has a way of expressing itself, regardless of the cause.
“Baby, it’s cold outside!” No question about it. Most of the U.S. experiencing record lows and snow storms.
Key West fortunately not affected. Its sufficiently south location and warm Gulf waters and breezes preclude what northern U.S. is experiencing.
Maine is the northern extreme of the U.S. The southern extreme is Florida. Specifically, Key West. Maine today undergoing record lows. Today’s Key West high 83.
An arctic blowout!
When I practiced law in upstate New York, major automobile accidents were commonplace on days being discussed. Generally on a state highway.
Ohio yesterday experienced 2 major accidents in separate parts of the state. One involving 75 cars, the other 50. The cause typical. Reduced visibility and heavy snow.
Frequently heard is nothing is certain except for death and taxes. Whence its source? Ben Franklin. On this day in 1789, Franklin in a letter to a friend wrote, “In the world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.”
One blog reader is Sue from Cape Cod. She came upon the blog a couple of months ago and wrote me. Sue worked for me in my law firm in the early 1980’s.
It is nice to hear from old friends.
Sue is now retired. Lives on Cape Cod. She has been following my infrequent comments re great white sharks. In one written a few days ago, I said great whites are like humans. They summer in Cape Cod and winter off the Florida Keys.
Several have been observed off Key West since September. Off Smathers Beach and the Gulf side of the island.
As we have a Key West Citizen, the Cape has the Cape Cod Times.
In the Times 11/11/19 edition there appeared a front page article re great whites. Sue sent me a copy.
Great whites get tagged. Specific data is kept re their travels. Researchers have spent the past 5 years tagging the sharks. The tags provide the information.
This past summer a record tagging season. Fifty great whites tagged.
We know now how such precise information in recent years has been provided re great whites.
Jimmy Buffett was scheduled to do a major concert at Orlando Amway Center on 12/7. His performance has been cancelled. He will be having shoulder surgery. His concert rescheduled for next year on 12/5/20.
Harry Truman part of Key West history on this date in 1948. A few days after he won the 1948 Presidential election.
Bess and Margaret followed him to Key West a few days after the election. Truman came down for a much needed vacation the day after the election.
On this day in November 1948, the President, wife Bess and daughter Margaret took a trip on the yacht USS Williamsburg to Fort Jefferson in the Dry Tortugas.
Today is one of America’s most important days. The public portion of the Presidential Inquiry began at 10 this morning.
I am writing this blog in one room while listening to the TV in another on the other side of the house.
Trump must go! Either by impeachment or at the polls next year. Think of the damage he has done in less than 3 years in office. We can’t afford him another 1 1/2 years. Hopefully impeachment will succeed.
The U.S. car maker Tesla is opening in second plant outside U.S. borders. Tesla CEO Elon Musk announced yesterday that a trial factory in China began operation. He further announced a new factory was being opened in Berlin.
The Berlin plant will definitely make Germany the winner in the “great electric car race.”
I don’t understand. Trump told us in the 2016 election that he was going to bring industry/jobs back to the U.S. Doesn’t seem to be working as he told us. In addition to Tesla planning to manufacture in China and Germany, many U.S. auto plants have moved to Mexico since Trump’s election.
The President is a man of his word. He also delivers on what he promised. Does anyone believe him other than himself?
Syracuse/Colgate tonight.
Early season many big time teams play smaller schools. A stipend is paid the smaller college to take the beating. The bigger school gets its team some experience.
Generally, the smaller school gets killed. Sometimes however the smaller school beats the bigger one.
Kentucky early season is ranked #1. Evansville beat Kentucky last night 67-64.
I recall several years ago, Syracuse played Le Moyne early season. Le Moyne did a number on Syracuse.
So it goes.
Enjoy your day!
  ACQUA ALTA AND KING TIDES…..VENICE AND KEY WEST was originally published on Key West Lou
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