#(so that was cool)
mossy-box · 8 months
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labete-du-gevaudan · 6 months
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Sassy is the best nurse ever. She hasn’t left my side since I got back from the hospital 😭💜
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practically-an-x-man · 9 months
When the character voice is so good it makes my real accent seem fake
*at intermission, chatting with the audience in-character. My voice for Trevor is a Cockney accent + a lower masculine register*
Lady: *waves me over* "Excuse me.... where are you from?"
Me, still in the accent: "Illinois." (Where I grew up, though I don't live there now)
Lady, shocked: "You're NOT!"
Me: "Come to the meet and greet after the show, you'll hear my actual voice. You won't guess it."
*later, after the show*
Lady: *comes up to me* "So let's hear it!"
Me, in my regular voice: "Here's my regular speaking voice. Pretty different, right?"
Lady: "..."
Lady: "You still sound like you're from somewhere else..."
Me: "Well, I don't know what to tell you, I grew up in Illinois."
Lady: "Hm."
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turnandface · 1 month
I work tomorrow... But after that, I have a break till the 10th. I might take a day or two to rest and recoup but after that 😤😤😤 I'm here, I miss you all and hope y'all are doing well
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Snufkin(min) Infodump!!
Long post under the cut :D
Small spoilers for Moominvalley (2019)
okok so Snufkin is a character from the book series The Moomins.
The Moomins are from Finland, written and illustrated by Tove Jansson. The Moomins have been adapted into many forms, but the main three are the comics written by Tove, the 1990 show, and the 2019 show.
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There are many philosophical and queer elements to the stories. An example, is the story The Magicians Hat, two characters called Thingumy and Bob (in English) carry a suitcase containing the Kings Ruby. They talk in a different language to the moomins and are very cautious, scared that someone will try to take the ruby. They are running away from the Groke, which is trying to take the ruby. It is speculated that the King's Ruby represents lesbian love, as Thingamy and Bob are outsiders and come off as very strange to the Moomins, only being able to communicate with each other and keeping a strong hold on the ruby for fear someone will take it away. They are drawn androgynous and are a representation of a secret romantic relationship between Tove and another women Vivica.
There is also trans themes in the character of Toffle.
A large part of the Moomin franchise is Moomintroll's longing for Snufkin while he's gone, as Snufkin was based on Toves then boyfriend who had to leave for long periods of time on business trips.
A quote from the Moomin official website says:
In many ways the relationship of Moomintroll (Tove’s alter-ego) and Snufkin describes the relationship between Tove and Atos. Moomintroll admires Snufkin who still is quite distant and very often Moomintroll is also experiencing a deep sense of longing and yearning when Snufkin is leaving to his adventures or choosing to be at peace with his own thoughts. Moomintroll tries to understand Snufkin’s desire for freedom, even though the waiting is not easy.
Just like Tove admired Atos and just like Tove waited for Atos, his love confessions and commitment.
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With LGBT+ people being more accepted, the new 2019 series has been dipping its toes into exploring the romantic relationship between Snufkin and Moomin.
In the first episode, Moomin and Snufkin take a walk together in the forest while a song plays in the background.
Listen to this song and tell me it describes you and the homies. (No homo)
Moomin is also shown ignoring his girlfriend for Snufkin,
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giving Snufkin a bark boat (which he sees as romantic), and generally being very bi for the man.
(Theres a scene where Moomin literally lays in bed daydreaming about what's going to happen when he sees Snufkin next in this soft voice but I can't find it.)
There are also many scenes where the two slowly grow more physically intimate.
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(there's also one where they're standing on a hill looking out over the sunset and then Snufkin offers his arm as they get up to return to the group but I can't find it 😭)
And thats not even including the Gayest Scene on Earth, as the fandom has dubbed it. (Skip to 2:18 for quick gay)
So. Thats Snufkin, and by proxy, Snufmin. There's a whole lot more detail I could go into about Snufkin's need for freedom contrasting with Moomin's need for affection, Snufkin as a character, other queer themes in the books, but I'm going to leave it there.
I love Snufkin <3
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abirddogmoment · 1 year
What’s the weirdest thing Mav pointed at?
He would point at grasshoppers constantly. That man loved to stare at bugs.
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lesbianwillbond · 5 months
> be me
> extremely slow day at work
> basically endless supply of blank receipt paper
> to pass the time i decide to use some of the paper to just write the words to great comet
> halfway through pierre one of my supervisors comes to collect coupons from the day
> ‘writing a book?’
> ‘no they’re lyrics to a song i like’
> ‘oh cool what song’
> ‘uhhhh it’s from a musical’
> ‘what musical’
> ‘natasha pierre and the great comet of 1812’
> ‘damn’
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ssreeder · 1 year
SORRY I KNOW U SAID U DONT WANT TO KEEP TALKING ABOUT THIS AND YOU DONT EVEN HAVE TO ANSWER THIS ASK OR U CAN ANSWER IT PRIVATELY IF YOU'D RATHER i just really cant shut up ever and one thing i cant stand is fic writers getting shit in any capacity like omg what is up with unsolicited 'advice'? in some ways i find it WORSE than if people were just actively rude bc it's so backhanded and passive aggressive that you can't really respond how you want to bc they're not technically being nasty and they say it under the guise of being 'helpful' and it's just YUCK. like shut up!!!! who even asked you!!!!! writing fic is a free, beautiful hobby and for some reason people feel entitled to it in ways they really wouldn't with literally any other hobby and it does my head in, so pls pls dont feel like ur being sensitive. that's the main reason im sending an ask bc i get you've acknowledged that it's annoyed you and why so again sorry if im beating a dead horse here, it's just i hate to see you undermining your feelings about something that IS genuinely really frustrating and disheartening. like it will never not baffle me how oblivious some ao3 commenters are to how much their words can impact a writer. just like you, 99% of all my comments are positive, and yet i can probably list verbatim the handful of not-so-nice comments ive had in the years ive been on ao3 bc they just STICK with me. so yeah. you're very valid and i know you dont need me to tell you but you've got a whole army of people who love your work and have your back, so just remember that when someone decides to be obnoxious xxx
Haha hella I adore you & I don’t ever want you to stop talking.
Yeah I think the reason it irked me more this time was because after I got a few scattered comments I didn’t enjoy I kindly asked people not to do it anymore & then the very next chapter someone did it lol. & even asked if I was getting enough sleep … like…. damn it… really?
again I do think I’m being sensitive because fuck it I’m probably not getting enough sleep haha but damn you don’t gotta call me out like that! Lol. & I get so many wonderful comments and fanart and asks and all that jazz but I can’t help but hyper-fixate on the one not so nice comment haha
& then I over think everything & it ruins the fun hobby I’m supposed to be enjoying lol
I love that you get it, thanks for always being so awesome & now for the second or third time coming to have my back. You’re the best hella :)<3
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leslutdepointedulac · 6 months
So me and my family spent the morning at a rescue looking at dogs and there's two that we're looking at inparticular and I shit you not one is giving pure Louis vibes while the other reminds me so much of Lestat it's literally Louis and Lestat but if they were dogs. The only thing is, we're only getting one but we love them both so making a decision is going to be so hard
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cpunkwitch · 2 days
I have work for the next two days
Hopefully my migraine won't get in the way and I'll see her again <3
"it's been slow tonight"
"I'm thankful for that actually, I'm still recovering from a migraine since Friday"
"oh no!"
"it's alright, it's not as bad as it was on Saturday"
"oh that's good"
"yeah. My mom's got chronic migraines so it's one of the things I inherited from her."
"awe, oh! Do you drink coffee?"
"and does it help a little?"
"kinda yeah!"
*she returns a few minutes later*
"I should have asked what kind you like but here you go, I hope it helps"
And then I just shyly shuffle over to her store a few hours later
"hey do you like cookies?"
"yes :D"
"okay! Do you like chocolate chip?"
"yess !"
She called me an /ngel(a) when I gave her the cookie
I also gotta put more Tylenol in my bag cuz I ran out :/
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cringelordofchaos · 15 days
Tw xenophobia
Bro in roblox rate my avatar game someone made a fucking booth and wrote "bad ethnicities can't come here" and I said "wtf" and he asked me for my ethnicity and I said Slavic (though by blood I am a ton of different things) and he asked me "what kind of slavic" and I was like "??" And then he asked for country because in his own words there are some good slavs and some bad slavs and I said "Serbia" and he blacklisted me ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
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werewolfenthusiast · 8 months
when i was a kid the family computer i would play the sims 3 on was old and shitty and the monitor would randomly shut off constantly and take like 5 whole minutes to turn back on and basically i am that computer
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sosilliest · 2 months
i was out all day and i went downtown! I got some transformers comics at my local comic store 🙏!!!
I also went to a dinosaur exhibit and a war exhibit in the same museum so i was a bit busy today as you can tell HAHA
But yes tysm for ur asks and i’ll be working on them tonight if everything goes to plan!
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moonlarked · 10 months
the mental struggle of wanting to reconnect to your roots via family music vs sensory issues and anxiety
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aurosoul · 2 years
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continuing to have an absolutely insane time over here living at a tech influencer house
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potter-inthe-tardis · 11 months
you were at dashcon????
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