#(picture taken by Eiji ofc)
pillsopa · 2 months
summer in Staten🗽
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details below (all the yummy textures and stuff)
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mirakeul · 4 years
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Hiya love! Thank you for requesting afshkjksa i am so happy sksksksks,, you’re also amazing, anon!!! ily uwu u do know who u are HAHAHAHA sksksks
HC: Bakugo, Kirishima, and Kaminari with an overly sweet s/o who gets taken advantage of
warnings: none, again just bakugo being bakugo
Bakugo Katsuki
okay, you see
people are actually asking how
like u’re very sweet
and bakugo is,,,,
u kno
but ig it works???
he does do things for u he never does for those stupid extras
like he cooks for u
and boy, was it YUMMY delicioso~
and he definitely holds ur hand
but he says it’s so the damn extras know u belong to him
(read: he likes ur hands, so soft)
and he loves ur sweet nature
i mean, duh
it’s kinda what made him fall in the first place
but ofc that’s a story for another time *wink wonk*
u guys are the weirdest couple
like u’d be 😊😊😊
but katsuki is 😠😠😠
like again, how?????
katsuki is actually v sweet (not around other people ofc)
but he’s a tsun-tsun
so when in closed doors, u always cling to him first
while in your room,, (not doing the diddly doo)
u were doing more work than ever
and u look all frustated and stuff
so obv, being the good boyfriend he is *cough* simp *cough*
“what are you doing?”
“it’s nothing, katsuki”
with a sweet tone, mind you, but an annoyed look on your face
ur phone kept buzzing the last few minutes
so obv he becomes annoyed as well
he snatches it from u and he can see texts from your classmates
“hey y/n, can you help me with this?”
“hey l/n, can i ask for a favor?”
“hey, is this right?”
“help me pls!!!”
and so on
he’s pissed
why do these damn extras ask you for so much?
and why do you keep saying yes????
“katsuki, it’s nothing”
“KATSUKI!” u shouted, wide-eyed when he turned off your phone and throwing it to your bed
“stop it, dumbass”
“just say no to those stupid extras, you’re obviously overwhelmed”
“but i can’t--”
say no to this (hamilton amirite)
“dumbass, i’ll say no for you”
“but, katsuki-!”
he pulled you to his lap
oh wow
“don’t overwork yourself, dumbass”
u pouted
and ofc he smooched u
“now, we sleep”
he pulls you in and i swear
he has the strongest hold on u
u really couldn’t stand if u try
the next day
in other words: she’s tired, my baby, the love of my life, is tired, so don’t bother my baby
u just stood there
like the pikachu meme u know
where pikachu’s just 😯
“katsuki i--” 😚😚😚
“tch, dumbass, let’s go” 🙄🙄 (he’s blushing btw)
Kirishima Eijiro
now this boi right here
he’s a simp for u and u only
bystanders aww at u
they be like,,
“so cute”
i mean duh,,,
you’re too sweet
and kiri is also v sweet
so ofc when u became a couple
u were the “it” couple
like overly sweet
bakugo is this 🤢🤢🤢 when he sees you both
but he can’t escape 
bcuz u’re in the bakusquad
n e ways, you were in the dorm’s common room
when kaminari approaches u
“y/n, are you busy? i need some help”
now, kiri notices u were hesitating
and u look really troubled
so being the good boyfriend that he is,,
“bro, can you just ask yao-momo? my s/o’s busy”
“oh, of course dude! sorry!”
when he left, kiri looked at u
and he notices u were looking more tired
“baby, are you okay?”
“it’s nothing, eiji. i’ve been caught up by favors lately”
“then say no, y/n”
“i can’t-- what if they think bad of me if i turn them down?”
“baby, they’re your friends, if they do not understand that you can’t keep saying yes then you should look for new friends”
he pulls you closer to his and lets u snuggle him
“baby, if you ever get tired like this, say no or lead them to me and i’ll say no for you”
there was just silence
he looks down and u were sleeping
he places a kiss on your forehead
and snuggles with u
he sleeps and reminds himself to do something later
mina finds u guys and ofc does not hesitate to take a picture
who ofc sends it to the class gc
later, when you woke up in your bed
huh, eiji must have brought you to bed
u were met with messages from your friends
“sorry for asking too much, y/n! hope you’ll rest well!”
“i’ll ask yao-momo next time!”
“thank you for your help but it’s fine if you’re busy!”
“rest well, y/n! kiri’s told us of the situation and we understand!”
u immediately went to find eiji 
and jumped on him
“i love you, eiji!”
“i love you too, y/n!” 🥰🥰🥰
Kaminari Denki
okay,, first off
idk how this happened
like he literally said
“my love for you is like diarrhea, i just can't hold it in.”
which made u laugh out loud
in a sweeter way ofc
and he swears
he saw angels come down bcuz of ur laugh
and he’s ecstatic bcuz u never rejected him outright
u just laughed and told him
“stop it, kaminari”
and boy, did he not stop
he’d throw pick up lines everyday
so u obv fell for him
and u were really sweet!!!
like, denki’s confused how but he’s happy
one day, you were walking with him when sero approached you
“hey, l/n! i need your help, are you busy?”
he genuinely looked confused since you never hesitated
but he did see why
there were bags under your eyes
and your voice doesn’t really sound happy anymore
are you okay?
“bro, she’s helping me study tonight, maybe ask kiri?”
he then turns to you, all serious
wow so serious
“y/n, love, are you okay?”
and when you tell him
he literally texted everyone to stop asking you for favors then and there
he’s like 
“hi guys, my queen 🥰🥰 is v tired with all the help you’re asking her so can you let her rest?”
so your classmates and friends understood
and they were surprised because kami seemed serious
so they did
they let you rest and stopped asking you even for the minor inconveniences
u were all 🥺🥺🥺 at kaminari
and he looked so proud you were his
so u thought it was the perfect opportunity
“hey, denki?”
“yes, my queen?”
“you must be tired because you've been running through my mind all day”
and boy, he combusted
like when he overuses his quirk
u were wide-eyed and called for help
bcuz he can’t help it
he really loves his queen
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