#(I hope this isn't too info-dumpy haha xD)
kukijar · 2 years
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For @buglaur‘s Bachelor Challenge!!
Name: Sara Lagunova Occupation: SimGram influencer (athletic-wellness sub category) Age: 23 Pronouns: she/her Sexuality: pansexual Ambition: Party Animal Traits: Goofball, Active, Bro
Some fun facts about our sunshine girl:
She was born and raised in Sulani with her slavic immigrant family, and basically knows everyone who lives there (and probably partied with all of them at least a couple of times).
Her family owns a very humble yet well known restaurant-bar located in the center of Sulani, where Sara spent most of her childhood helping out at the family business and by the age of sixteen was probably one of the best Kava drink makers anyone have met.
She and Claire are basically best friends since diapers - neither of them remembers a time where they weren’t constantly in each other’s business.
Sara’s career has started by just posting random SimGram pictures with her showing her life in Sulani and the initial following was to see how she was ‘living in paradise’, but when she started showing photos that Claire took of her surfing her account blew up - which is how Claire became her manager and photographer (and number 1 fan).
Because she cannot help at her family’s business anymore due to her influencer job turning into a full time gig, she always makes sure to spend as much time as she can with them on weekends and sends them money every time she gets a paycheck since in her family everyone must contribute (which she has no qualms about because she loves her parents and older siblings).
Also youngest daughter of three kids - her older brother Gleb (age 27) is the main cook in the family business, and her older sister Alexandra (age 26) is the accountant of several businesses in Sulani.
While her SimGram shows a very radiant and calm persona, in real life she’s a goof who always talking a mile an hour, basically cannot sit still for the life of her, and barely has any filter on her words (the online persona was Claire’s idea).
Speaking of no filter, she’s the type of person to tell you what’s wrong immediately - whatever it’s something big like expressing being hurt by something someone said, or minor like “hey there’s broccoli between your teeth”. It’s both a blessing and a curse.
She got into sports because she has such a hard time just sitting down and doing something relaxing when she’s full of energy - she will sometimes get up and jog out of nowhere, and after using up her energy she seems to be able to relax.
Sara and Claire live together, which for them was just a plus since it makes their job easier and they basically lived at Sara’s place when they were teenagers so it wasn’t much different. Having a small pier and living above water was a plus since she can go swimming and doing water sports as much as she liked.
Her love language can be best summed up with her giving you a new cocktail she learned.
If her SimGram career didn’t sail she would have probably continued as a barman at her family’s establishment, since mixology is one of her passions besides sports and healthy eating. (her party animal aspiration is loosely connected to it too)
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