tiger-boa · 10 years
Come closer.
Writer’s Block
In one sentence is the spark of a story. Ignite. Mission: Write a story, a description, a poem, a metaphor, a commentary, or a memory about this sentence. Write something about this sentence. Be sure to tag writeworld in your block!
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tiger-boa · 10 years
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tiger-boa · 10 years
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tiger-boa · 10 years
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tiger-boa · 11 years
This is just a general announcement that I am making Boa an independent until I can have more time to be online as well as keeping a muse for her or any other character. This certainly isn't goodbye but it's more of a ta ta for now. I'll keep her account up as well as list my contact details should anyone want to talk. I apologize for not being able to stay, truly. 
Till next time! Rain
LINE - endlessfragility Skype - okamirain-san Personal Tumblr - rain-san
Please ask for any other forms of contact. <3
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tiger-boa · 11 years
Even with the growing population of weres in the academy, Boa had been ever isolated from her kind. When she'd lost her tribe her only family had been an excommunicated hunter and even then he had left her in a hail of bullets and bloodshed. It had felt like centuries had passed since then however, and the weight of her sins was not as heavy when she was around those who cared. It was why she was in a small cafe instead of mourning in her dorm, her companion a tall comforting force beside her. They had conversed sporadically before finally setting up this small venture outward and the tigress couldn't have been more happy about the arrangement.
The cafe was quiet and subdue, the early hour the only reason why it wasn't a busting mess which was a relief for her fried nerves. Much less people to track and easier ways for their conversation to remain private. They had been served efficiently, a small cup of tea before her and a plate of something that tasted like an eclair. It was a frivolous thing to get so early but she found she couldn't care too much about it. "It is delicious. Thank you Kris." She ended the sentence with a small smile, trying not to grin at the near moan of satsifaction he have at what could have only been his own dessert. "I take it you enjoy your treat as well?"
As she waited for his own answer -- he was likely savoring the taste of it in all it's minute detail -- the tigress took a sip of her peppermint tea and couldn't help but hum appreciatively. The weather was getting cooler and while she could withstand it's bite there was nothing better than hot tea on a cold day. Or hot tea on any day but still. It reminded her of home and that was a feeling she couldn't help but to treasure in all it's complexities. "How have you been doing?" The question is spoken in a starkly genuine tone, her honest concern coating her gentle voice as she let her inquiry loose. It was not hard to care for the were before her, he had a sincere air that just made him likable. 
|| I Can Open Your Eyes || ♚ Boa and Kris
In all of his 20 years of living, Kris had never met another were-animal outside of his family, and never conversed with one, especially about their powers or anything. That was why when he came to the academy, he found himself ever so fascinated with the existence of his kind, and especially since the other weres that he had become acquainted with were so friendly and welcoming. He wanted to know so much more, and the only way to do that was to spend some quality time with some of the other were-animal people he had met, starting with the ever so beautiful Boa.
The two weres had spoken upon the subject of hanging out and getting to know each other better, and finally settled on a small cafe just outside of the academy. It was quiet when they got there, barely anyone had taken their seats. In fact, it was rather perfect, for this way the two of them could speak without the constant looming threat of another overhearing their conversation and exposing them both as freaks. The last thing Kris wanted was to move to a new town, go to a new school, and be outcast for something he couldn’t even control.
"So, how’s the pastry?" Kris asked his were-friend, sipping his own decaf gently. He had ordered himself a small decaf coffee with a slice of Hershey’s Chocolate Cheesecake, something he hadn’t eaten now in over a year, although it was one of his favorite desserts of all time. Waiting for his friend’s response, he cut off the front point of his slice, plopping it into his mouth contently. The flavors danced elegantly on his tongue, causing a small “Mm" to form in his throat. Even though he loved this dessert so much, he was honestly curious about how Boa’s tasted, just to make sure he made the right choice in delicacies. 
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tiger-boa · 11 years
Recognition passed through her. "I think I know what you're talking about. There was chocolate in the middle, right?"
Smile present, she gently released him and took a tiny step back, her hand on his arm. “Good. So I hear you want me to make you something.”
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tiger-boa · 11 years
Smile present, she gently released him and took a tiny step back, her hand on his arm. "Good. So I hear you want me to make you something."
Laughter eminating form her, the tigress followed his voice and threw her arms around him when she found him. “How’s this?”
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tiger-boa · 11 years
Laughter eminating form her, the tigress followed his voice and threw her arms around him when she found him. "How's this?"
"I did and I would tackle you but I’m afraid you’ll break so I’ll contain myself. But I think someone should give me a hug."
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tiger-boa · 11 years
"You rang?"
Where’s Boa? I need her cooking. This woman needs to spoil me with a chocolate french toast sandwich.
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tiger-boa · 11 years
When he sat down, every single little phantom disappated and she was allowed to breathe deeply, without the weight of worry and pain threatening to crush her. People like Kai had that magical quality of bringing out the best and pushing away the worst inside of her, letting the motherly love she'd grown into shine. Even if she never had children of her own, the tigress knew that she would never be childless, those who had steadily come to her for a comfort only one's mother could bring close to her heart. Although the vampire next to her would forever remain her first "child" of sorts. She would never forget their first meeting all those months ago and how they had teased each other so immensely.
At his question and proximity, she relaxed some and let a more genuine smile form on her lips. "I have been better." It was a simple answer yet complex in meaning. "Nightmares never relinquish their hold as easily as they used to and it is draining." That it was the product of the steady stream of loss in her life was something either inadvertently said through subtext or meant to be understood later. "But, how are you?" And once the conversation wasn't directed toward her the tigress turned to face the vampire, her hand searching for his because his problems and worries in his life held a greater importance than the constant struggle in hers. Should she ever have to decided between her happiness and his own, Boa knew in her gut that his would always win.
Star Dappled \\ Boa & Jongin
Although the pain wasn’t going anywhere quickly, he knew it was a pain he would have to deal with. There was no changing what had happened, and there was no bringing it back, but he couldn’t help but hope that it would all just go away, he’d awake and the pain would be all but a fuzzy dream in the furthest reaches of his mind. Realistically, he knew it was the crisp clarity of reality, the pain much too deep to be the dullness of dreamed pain, but he clung to the notion without anything else to even hold onto. It seemed as though everything had changed, though very little actually had. The stars still came out every night, the sun still rose and threatened to destroy him, the leaves still changed color. And yet everything was stuck in the fog of not wanting to live inside the reality that clung to him.
At Boa’s recognition of him, he hummed softly, taking her suggestion and going to sit beside her on the bench. He didn’t know what it was about the were-tiger, but he was strangely at ease with her, there was something that always made him content simply to see her smile. She acted as a mother often did, and perhaps it was the part of him that still yearned desperately for his mother that made him want to be around her and feel so at ease with her. “It really has,” he answered with a light laugh. The sound wasn’t particularly amused, more a sense of simple musing and a bit of wonder. “How are you doing?” he asked, his tone sincere, not simply asking for the simple and noncommittal ‘fine’ that people often expected. The vampire let out a soft sigh at the familiarity of sitting near her, close enough to just brush against her.
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tiger-boa · 11 years
A polite smile stretched across her lips, eyes uncovered and staring blankly at the space just to his left. "You're most welcome. I'm called Boa. Enjoy your stay." Short and succinct was her style of greeting.
Passing another new student in the halls, fingertips using the walls as guidance, her soft voice rose in greeting. "Welcome to the academy."
Jongsuk held onto his sketchbook walking down the hallway listening to the sound of a soft voice’Wow the word gets by fast.’  being quite surprise of how many people have welcomed him. He smiled looking back towards her ”Thanks. The name Is Jongsuk nice to meet you.”
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tiger-boa · 11 years
Please like this if I owe you a starter
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tiger-boa · 11 years
His exuberance was interesting and prompted her to respond despite her overwhelming habit to conceal herself. "Thank you. I suppose it is." At the mention of her book, she hummed in the affirmative, absently stroking the spine of the book and feeling the braille located there. "Yes. It's a text on the recent breakthroughs in biology in the last couple years." A pause. "Which is probably quite boring but I've found it compelling. What about you?"
As soon as the book opened in his lap, he moved to criss-cross his legs and rest it comfortably on his thighs, simply resting his hands on it. “It’s a pleasure!” Despite the odd meeting, he shrugged off the wannabe awkward atmosphere, not having the energy to put up with something as such. He smiled toothily, “Boa? That’s a pretty name, hm? Don’t think I’ve heard it. You readin’ somethin’?” The male was pushing himself to make conversation, any little idea popping up in his mind, passing his lips.
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tiger-boa · 11 years
Even so absorbed with the story, Boa had felt as if someone were watching her and it was irksome. Without her sight she had only a vague sense of where this person was and possibly who they were but she could never be sure. As she drew closer to the source as inconspicuously as possible, recognition rose within her conscious mind and guarded look turned into a neutral smile. Male weres were always simpler to pick out scent wise as they had a tendency to claim whatever they passed, however unintentional.
She was unknowing of their meeting eyes but nonetheless, she nodded in his direction, cordial yet open for the time being. If he liked the story -- just as she secretly liked it -- then he would do no harm to her. If he had a background anything close to hers then the touch of a loved one and a story told to keep the nightmares away was a precious gift which was why she had agreed in the first place to do readings such as this. Children needed quality time with someone who was willing to extend affection where needed and while she wasn't a particularly open person children had always been a soft spot of hers.
Mysterious Surprises // Boa and Junhyun
He watched curiously from behind a poorly stalked bookshelf, the novel given to him by the elven teacher clasped gently between his fingers. He placed that book with care by many other worn pieces of literature just as the woman’s words came to a cease and in silence, he cursed himself for missing the ending of whatever story she was so enthusiastically reading. Story-telling wasn’t something Junhyung experience during his earlier years and even now he couldn’t remember the last time someone read to him or at least shared a fictional tale. It was because of this, that he became so childishly fascinated by watching her seemingly emanate these emotions of wonder; becoming sidetracked so easily from a task that should have taken only seconds to do but instead, he spent minutes, possibly an hour listening to the story she expertly told.
As the woman got up to dismiss those sparkly-eyed children, a sudden anxiety spread to the thought of his unveiling. If she were to catch him behind the bookshelves what would she say and should he feel embarrassed for being caught so interested within a child’s story? So, as inconspicuously as he could, he quietly slinked from behind those tall bookshelves, darting his eyes in her direction through a slot of space where no books resided and practically choking on his breath when his eyes seemed to have met her own and the sensing of similarity between their beings made him so fully aware of his scent and how it hovered by her all that time—practically giving him away without notice.
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tiger-boa · 11 years
With insomnia, you’re never really awake; but you’re never really asleep.
Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club (via quotes-shape-us)
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tiger-boa · 11 years
Mysterious Surprises // Boa and Junhyun
"Yikes!" A round of giggles followed her exclamation, a small ring of children around her as she continued on with the story of a young boy who kept getting tricked by a fox spirit. "And the little boy cried out, 'But Mister! I need my hat!' The little fox spirit didn't listen, however, and ran to hide the hat he had taken. Little did he know that the boy's grandfather had put a warding spell on the hat, making it so he could never steal something from someone else again. The End." Cheers and clapping followed the end of her story and she laughed, a smile on her face as she talked with the children a little longer before ushering them to their parents. It wasn't often Boa let herself be around kids but when the librarian had approached her, holding a newly published braille children's book she found that she hadn't been able to say no. 
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