rvbelhearts · 10 months
@ofsquaredcircle continued from here!
Okay, those words did sting a little but, because despite how busy he was, how could he ever forget Gianna? She was right though, because this whole thing going on with the Bloodline, Roman and now Summerslam, had been consuming a lot of his time, but Jey wanted to change that, because he’d been missing her as well. 
“Come on now, G, cut me a little bit of slack here. How could I ever forget you? You’re one of the most important people in my life. I know I’ve been busy lately, but I always want to try and make time for you.”
Just to finally see that smile on her face, Jey gave Gianna a small, playful pout. “Come onnnnn! Forgive me, please, baby girl?”
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detruines · 17 days
status: closed for freddie @gcldenhecrts location: anywhere tbh
it's not like gia never thought about it, the ways she would meet her demise. there were so many possibilities, and yet strangely enough, getting murdered during a short getaway with all these people in the middle of nowhere had never really crossed her mind. well, now it sure fucking did. "maybe i should've seen it coming," she blurted out, more to herself than to freddie. "i mean, this is so cliché, you know. a group of friends getting murdered by a serial killer while they're on a vacation in the middle of the woods? that's like every fucking horror movie ever." except they were not in a movie, that much she knew. "also, have you watched the menu?" she asked, looking over at freddie.
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fadinglights · 8 months
continued from here, @lcvescsweet
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a  soft  lofi  melody  permeates  the  bar,  creating  a  soothing  ambiance  that  complements  the  almost  empty  space.  only  a  handful  of  scattered  customers  remain,  their  presence  adding  to  the  intimate  atmosphere.  a  pretty  girl  like  you  could  easily  meet  someone  in  real  life.  he  muses  silently,  opting  to  keep  the  thought  to  himself.  kyungsoo,  aware  of  the  charm  that  surrounds  him,  restrains  his  natural  inclination  to  flirtatious  remarks.  he  understands  that  not  everyone  has  the  same  opportunities  to  meet  new  people  as  he  does,  even  on  days  when  his  extroverted  self  feels  drained  of  energy.  instead,  he  chooses  to  reframe  the  situation,  attempting  to  lighten  the  mood.  "who  knows?  maybe  you  unknowingly  dodged  a  bullet,"  he  suggests  with  a  shrug,  hoping  to  bring  a  hint  of  optimism  to  the  encounter.  "is  this  your  first  time?  dating  apps  can  be  hell  on  earth  for  some  people."  he  adds  with  a  touch  of  humour.  while  he  personally  isn't  fond  of  relying  on  dating  apps,  he  knows  people  who  found  their  true  love  through  them,  so  it  seems  entirely  dependent  on  one’s  luck.  
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fragmcntedsouls · 23 days
You could have just told me the truth. (Billie & Gia)
billie mikaelson ✦ memes
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Gianna couldn't be spun a story, the ruthless politician in her sniffing out that bullshit from a mile away and Billie should have known it. Just as she should have known that it was only a matter of time before every fabrication of the truth she had spun, would catch up with her. Except, there was a delusion part of her that had hoped to have more time, before it inevitably had. Her jaw tightened as Gianna placed the file down onto the coffee table between them, her stomach twisting violently as she spared a thought to how many fucking files existed between Gianna’s investigator and the OEA. Who didn’t have her open and bleeding on file nowadays. 
“You could have just told me the truth.”
“Where did you get that?” as the realisation of everything that was inside of that file; every twisted detail was forced to light, Billie’s tone was panicked and as much as she didn’t want for it to be entwined with emotion, her voice had already betrayed her. “Why do you have it?”
Forcing herself up from her seat, her entire body ached and a restless breath convulsed through her frame as she struggled to take a steady one. Her vision became distorted and she couldn’t find a single focal point aside from that fucking file, as her heart thumped mercilessly against her ribcage. Despite her urgency to escape, she just couldn’t rid herself of the unmistakable image and the words written beneath. Oh, those fucking words: Subject 87 – status: deceased.
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ghostspot · 2 years
STARTER FOR GIANNA ( @rclics​​ ) & DEACON 1am, gianna is chasing a criminal when they get away and runs into deacon.
“ALRIGHT, MAN. HAVE A GOOD ONE.” the subdued echoes of a discreet handshake bounces off the walls of the dingy alleyway and soon, deacon finds himself alone. he shakes his wrist, the sleeve of his jacket pulled back to reveal an old sports watch whose batteries badly need replacing as it glows a faint green, revealing the time. there’s probably someone still up to open the gate for him, otherwise he can just find somewhere to crash. maybe michelangelo will offer his couch. androids don’t sleep, do they? then how do they dream of electric sheep? he huffs at the thought. this is how he spends his free time, simply amusing himself.
he pulls out his pack of cigarettes and lights a stick, deciding to stall for a few minutes when a figure zooms past him, nearly putting out his smoke. curious - and a little annoyed - he peers out into the street where they’ve completely disappeared. he blinks into the now empty space. ghosts aren’t real.
and speaking of ghosts, it’s a few moments later when the sound of heavy boots pounding into the concrete draws his attention behind him. and when he sees the person they belong to, his first instinct is immediately to run. she’s too close to make a proper break for it, though, and so his second instinct is to speak.
“i didn’t do anything, what the fuck!” throwing his hands up before gianna could even speak. how quickly this one crumbles.
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ofshadws · 2 years
status: closed starter. location: outside a random store tagging: @gxcnnc​
izzy walked down the street, notebook tightly gripped in her hand and headphones covering her ears. she was mumbling along to the song currently playing, fingertips tapping against the paperback. she was soo focused on her own little world to actually see the person crossing her path until too late. her body collided with the other, eyes wide as she spewed apologies. “I’m so sorry! are you okay?”
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moonaive-archive · 2 years
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a puppet show directed by aurora dyer ft. gianna’s new hairstyle.
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artemiseamoon · 11 months
Preview: Secrets in the night
Divorced! Horacio Carrillo x Gianna (Ofc) | ft. Javier & Steve
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Words: 3,499
Summary: "It's just sex" - Words uttered between heated kisses and late nights. What Gianna and Carrillo didn't know was how far from the truth that would be a year later. Even if neither one has the words or courage to admit this aloud.
Warnings: more angst than smut. The smut is alluded to but super light. Secret relationship, pregnancy, voluntary termination.
Part of @narcosfandomdiscord | smut alphabet
Below is a preview, read on A03 *Site is back up 💕 use gently
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It was easy to forget how it started. Countless secret rendezvous late at night when everyone's gone home.
Work never stopped, especially for Carrillo, but between the hours of 2-5 am the rest of the world disappeared. Paperwork, missions, and planning were replaced by a soft mattress beneath their bodies. The two of them submitting to forbidden pleasure and fucking away every single stress and worry from the day before.
In those hours, they found peace; peace in the ecstasy of carnal pleasure, peace in the way their bodies worked in sync. Those moments of heightened breathes, soft moans, and the sweet music they made as they pushed each other over the edge time and time again. Those moments became something deeply special and meaningful to the both of them, though neither would voice such a truth aloud.
It wasn’t rare to dissolve into bliss the night before then face each other at a morning meeting. Gianna always wondered what Carrillo was thinking in those moments. She wondered what he thought as he laid down plans for her, Steve, and Javier when just hours earlier she was able to drive him to great highs of pleasure and watch him melt in her arms during the comedown.
Gianna got to see him in a light no one else could. She got to see him fall into a restful sleep, lighter than she's ever seen him before; every muscle in his body relaxed as he lay beside her. Gianna saw little bits of his softness on those nights. And sometimes he’d kiss her shoulder before going back to sleep.
Read on a03
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No tags | @artemiseamoon-updates | a03: artemiseamoon
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yorkshirereaper · 3 months
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Gianna sketchdump (ft cicero of course)
I am the queen of not finishing anything ever so I’ve accepted that I just need to post my sketches more often
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lucy-ghoul · 8 months
rules: pick a song for each letter of your URL and tag that many people.
i was tagged by @septembersghost - thanks a lot 💜
m: make me wanna die by the pretty reckless
a: amandoti by gianna nannini
d: dream girl evil by florence + the machine
d: dark paradise by lana del rey
e: easier than lying by halsey
n: not strong enough by apocalyptica ft. brent smith
e: enemy by imagine dragons
d: dreams by fleetwood mac
b: become the beast by karliene
y: you should see me in a crown by billie eilish
t: thank u by alanis morissette
h: hurricane by 30 seconds to mars
e: e ti vengo a cercare by franco battiato
s: she by charles azvanour
s: smells like teen spirits by nirvana
t: time is running out by muse
a: afraid of the dark by phildel
r: rainbow by elisa
s: sorry seems to be the hardest word by elton john
no way i'm tagging like, 20 people lmao, so @theresebelivet @haljathefangirlcat @moi-ennepe @bookwyrrn @mircallaruthven @cafeleningrad @caffeinosis @girlcaligula @giulia-liddell @littlelattewanders (no pressure, of course!)
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sayitaliano · 1 year
Not a singer/band but can you rec some Italian rock songs? :D
Let's see what my mind can remember on the subject (I'm an oldie so I might suggest something old as well)- check the artists too ofc
Marlene Kuntz ft. Skin - La canzone che scrivo per te
Litfiba - Regina di cuori; Il mio corpo che cambia; El diablo
Afterhours (band di Manuel Agnelli) - Non è per sempre
Bluvertigo - Iodio
Subsonica - Preso blu
Gianna Nannini - Amandoti; Meravigliosa creatura
Negrita - Magnolia, Gioia infinita
Adriano Celentano - Pregherò (I suggest you to check all the people who were part of the "Clan Celentano" basically his family members and a few other artists like)
Don Backy - Poesia (sang by Johnny Dorelli as well, for example)
Adriano Pappalardo - Ricominciamo ("Clan Celentano" as well; they were all called the "urlatori"=screamers, typical kind of rock style in thos eyears)
Timoria - Sole spento
Verdena - Valvonauta; Nevischio
I Corvi - Un ragazzo di strada
Enrico Ruggeri - Mistero
And then there are bands like: Marta sui tubi, CCCP, PFM (Premiata Forneria Marconi), I Nomadi, Le Orme, Area, New Trolls, Equipe 84, Formula 3... check them all if you want!
Hope there's something you like
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detruines · 18 days
status: closed for elias @ofpoets location: hot tub at back deck
it was a rare sight to see the hot tub unoccupied at time like this, so she took the chance to enjoy it on her own while she's at it. being in water usually came with a calming effect right away, but these days gia found it hard to soothe the ever growing uneasiness in her stomach. eventually she ended up falling asleep in the hot tub; she thought she was only closing her eyes for a moment, but suddenly a voice managed to jolt her awake. "what the fuck was that?" she asked, moving to sit up straight as she looked at elias. "you almost gave me a heart attack, dude."
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sophiamcdougall · 4 months
saw your recent tags about italian pop music hyperfixation and remembered it was thanks to you i started listening to fabrizio moro. any other recommendations? i particularly like it when he does eighty syllables in a row with perfect metre without stopping for breath. loved your wylmere woods story btw
What a day-making ask! Thank you. And I sure have! Hmm, first of all, there are a few songs that I made translation videos for here -- you could do worse and they'll introduce you to the GOAT Franco Battiato. They're not fast but they sure are lyrically rich. You've probably already found 'Pensa' and 'Non Mi Avete Fatto Niente' but I have translations of them both here. If you like the latter you might like other Ermal Meta songs like Vietato Morire. If you particularly like that maximalist "words are for winners breathing is for losers" lyrical style (I do too,) you might also like Zen Circus, perhaps try Viva and L'amore è una dittatura.
'Viva' references Francesco Guccini, now a classic of leftist Italian folk-rock. So why not check out L'avvelenata, Cirano or Don Chisciotte (Yes, the last two are from the POV of Cyrano de Bergerac and a duet between Don Quixote and Sancho Panza respectively. Also more political than you'd think).
I'm sorry, I've tried, but I don't like J-ax young and hungry, I like him middle-aged and mournful and fucking around with pianos. (Intro ft. Bianca) Still all the words! in none of the space!
To bring it back to the present, Lamette by Rose Villain ft. Salmo is catchy as fuck and the lyrics (while rather ... Linkin Parky??) just come at you breakneck and relentless.
I love La Rappresentante di Lista, particularly the album 'My Mamma' particularly, Amare, Alieno and Religiosamente Eden and Sangue di Drago by Rancore
"Loving you is easy ... like hating the police": La tua canzone by Coez has not only a killer first line but a wonderfully epic video. I love how common duets and team-ups are in Italian music. If you like Diamanti you now have three new artists with extensive back catalogues to check out (Negramaro, Jovanotti and Elisa).
It's not particularly Fabrizio Moro-esque but everyone interested in Italian pop music has to see America by Gianna Nannini if only to see a girl doing "sexy bad boy" better than any man has ever done it. Also because 'America' is a metaphor for masturbation because ... because it just is.
I'm going to finish with Ora by Aiello, bisexual disaster anthem, famous for giving us the mystifying howled refrain "Ibuprofen sex!" which is how a lot of us found out that certain rare people experience longer lasting erections when they take ibuprofen, which one can only assume Aiello did not know was not an everyone thing. It's more poetic than I'm making it sound.
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fragmcntedsouls · 1 month
billie dawson ✦ gianna madden // closed starter ( @giannaxmadden )
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Billie had returned to New Orleans a married woman and whilst eloping hadn't initially been on the cards when she and Briggs had left for their overnight camping trip, the pair were far too impulsive and far too in love to have returned as anything other than husband and wife. The past few days had been the happiest and the easiest of her entire life, but so far it was only Briggs’ family and Zeraphine who were aware of the couples news. It had been Billie who wanted to be the one to tell Gianna, at least before Klaus could put his foot in it, or before Gianna could overhear it in idle conversation at the compound.
After their last encounter, the door into Gianna's life had been left wide open for Billie to come and go as much as she pleased, but until now – she hadn’t yet taken the other up on that opportunity. Despite wishing to be the one to share the news with her mother, Billie was fearful of the reaction she would undoubtedly receive and Gianna had made it clear that she wasn’t particularly fond of Briggs – despite not knowing him and despite not knowing Billie. The banshee was also fearful that marriage might be a sore subject for Gianna; the tabloids having been all over her own separation and although Billie tried not to indulge in rumours, she had wondered what that relationship had been like. Wondering whether at the beginning they had truly loved each other, whether they still loved each other, or if the entire thing was some kind of publicity stunt. Billie wanted to know if Gianna's husband had loved her like Briggs loved Billie – although, she was certain that nobody loved, nor could love somebody as well as she and Briggs loved each another. There were so many unanswered questions that she still held onto – fearful to ask, unwilling to push. 
Billie had been in the parking lot to Gianna's building for an hour already, pacing back and forth, indecisive as to whether she really wanted to do this, or whether she should wait it out a few more days, or wait to see if Gianna came to her. As the minutes ticked on, she thought what would be the harm in Klaus slipping up and telling Gianna? The temptation becoming more and more promising, before snapping herself out of it again.  
Inhaling a sharp breath, she was seconds away from calling it quits and admitting defeat, before the main doors opened and a member of Gianna's staff gestured for her to come inside. Passing them in the doorway, she mumbled quietly “guess she knows i’m here then” before heading down the hall and stepping into the elevator, using the short trip to psych herself up. 
Once on the correct floor, Billie found herself stood outside of the apartment door and staring blanky at it, noting that even the hallway of the building was beautiful. Finally though her hand lifted; hovering momentarily against the wood, ‘come on – you can fucking do this. Just like you practised, rip the band aid off’ she breathed, eventually knocking and waiting anxiously for Gianna to respond.
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maximuswolf · 1 month
Fabri Fibra - In Italia [Hip-hop] ft. Gianna Nannini.
Fabri Fibra - In Italia [Hip-hop] ft. Gianna Nannini. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRMNR7LwXGU Submitted April 19, 2024 at 01:31PM by Sorov11 https://ift.tt/37KPAON via /r/Music
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sporting18 · 3 months
Gianna Nannini ft Laura Pausini - Sei nell'anima [Live at San Siro] (Tra...
Buonanotte a domani.
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