#((ooc: foreshadowing is a literary device in which--))
freerangeranger · 8 months
...Uh. I'm fine with you not believing the explanation? I'm not even sure I do. I apologize that it didn't come off that way.
Like, it's your typical, rehearsed, surface-level level apology video. Those are always sketchy. I just figured you'd know more as to why than I do.
listen he is a liar. im pretty sure nothing that comes out of his mouth is the whole truth ever.
i'm getting really tired of this. i.
im looking into it alright?
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eartheats · 5 months
getting to spend a nice quiet day back at the house before i gotta get everything packed for blueberry is super nice, won't lie! thank arc for delibird day. kevin's already passed out from the edible he took earlier lmao.
but jacques managed to help me deep clean the house again as soon as i got back, and while i'm gone, he and mads promised that they're gonna try to get into and clean out my parent's old bedroom that's been locked up for years at this point. maybe...maybe in time, i'll be able to have people over, and it'll be fun, i think!! zapapico doesn't have much, but i can already think of so many places i'd wanna show off :)
hopefully everybody's delibird day is going great otherwise!!!
[picture: ren currently cozy on their couch, flashing a piece sign at the camera. bouton appears to be sitting on top of the couch and smiling, while kevin appears to be sleeping on ren's shoulder. lydia can be seen in the background, playing a game on her phone with a hawlucha in her lap playing along. the house is very clean looking, though barebones decoration-wise
another picture is shown from a different spot: what appears to be jacques setting up something that looks like a LAN party configuration for a couple of video game systems. lulu can be seen carrying a few things to help jacques, and soba the furret seems to be just going around the floor.
the last picture shows coriander the ferrothorn, asleep and snuggling what appears to be a giant orthworm plush in the big plant bed that ren's set up for her.]
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jiangwanyinscatmom · 1 year
What's the difference between someone having a different interpretation of a character and OOC characterization?
In a sense, they can be of a similar thing. I CAN say "I think this character is gay" which is my interpretation of observing the character through the work. This can be an actual subtextual reading meant on the creators part, or, it is me simply viewing that character through a personal lens of analysis that I am reading certain subtext into that was not intentional by the author. Authorial Subtext is purposeful, and usually used through methods of imagery (like in set design) and often metaphorical usage of language. Irony is one such literary device that plays with a subtext of work, and not all subtext is always meant for a character and is simply foreshadowing for the plot and actions.
Interpretation, can be OOC, if that interpretation does not add up to the canonical traits of a character we have viewed through the plot given by a creator. For example: we have character one and character two, One is shown to be very giving and will do anything for Two the text tells us and they say it is just platonic, we do not get further indication that it is meant to be a romantic inclination from their actions and there is no subtextual metaphor hinting that we are being lied to as an audience or they are lying to themself. Two, is shown not to care about One externally is angry and loud to the other, pushing them away, it is revealed textually and through character lines, they have secretly loved One the whole time. One still does not reciprocate despite their care of Two as well. It is a dead end love resolution.
In this regard, I can try to interpret that One was in denial of their romantic feelings and try to use the text for that effect, but, it is not enough solid evidence given the resolution of the plot between them, and their vocal admission of not thinking of it as anything more, and with Two professing that love vocally or metaphorically for One to realize said feelings, it is still unrequited. I can interpret that maybe, they get together despite this ending, but there is nothing authorial for that interpretation to be valid enough. And to further frame it as OOC, I change that character's past actions and own wants to say they actually did love Two all along as well. I reframe the shown text and actions we are given from One, into something else subtextually, that was not there originally from the author or intentionally made to be examined by the audience as such. I have changed the character actions canonically to fit my interpretation, and may also need to change other characters actions and words to fit this new narrative and relationship that I am saying was there from the start now.
I hope this has helped a bit!
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