#((by that logic maria would probably be off the screen but shhhh i'll deal witht hat if i get there))
azazelsconfessional · 3 years
Despite being a wolf, you would still let me in? That’s mighty kind of you, sir! I’ll take any meats if you have any!
*He hands you a… slightly torn and stained basket containing breads, cheeses, berries, and wine*
You can these instead! My role doesn’t- I can’t stomach these foods, so you can have them instead!
Also, by any chance, is there a little chubby baby pig in this place? Or a girl with a red hood? It’s nothing important. They were my friends, I just want to see how they’re doing nowadays.
The idea of denying him because he's. . .a wolf, frankly, befuddles him. Wolves are some of the most common therians in Tokyo. . .but new transients arrive in Tokyo all the time. Their new guest has no way of knowing this.
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"Of course not. We see wolves around this Tokyo every day. Several of my students are wolves--even bears, dragons, serpents. . .there are transients of all sorts here. Few people will discriminate against you here over your species in particular. . .though there are some who won't be so kind on the basis of you being a transient.
"Oh, thank you." He graciously accepts the basket, supporting it carefully lest it break. Considering it has berries and wine in it he doesn’t think too hard about the stains. "Nonetheless, we at the Missionaries are dedicated to helping others where we can. Hopefully you won't have to worry much about that. . .right this way."
Azazel leads the wolf back around the chapel. The angels he'd brought with him are alarmed at first before he vaguely gestures that all is well and they're all heading back in. The backyard of the church is a garden, a small playground within for the orphaned children to play in. A large bear is lovingly soothing a young child whose tears quickly stop at his kind words and gentleness as he bandages a minor wound, while a green-haired nun helps another child cross the monkey bars of the jungle gym. There are at least 15 children scattered about outside, with maybe a third as many caretakers overseeing, everyone present of a variety of species. A few of the children screech to Azazel in greeting(and to the angels and "Mister Wolf", to which Azazel smiles and waves back as he leads the group into the back door), some looking at the wolf curiously as if wondering who he might be. One or two seem frightened, hiding behind a peer or something outside. Most, however, are preoccupied with having fun outside for a while.
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"Don't mind them." Azazel reassures, opening the door. "They're not afraid of you--it's strangers that worry them. Ah, as for your friends. . .they sound familiar, but I don't believe I've seen them. The girl might be here, but I haven't seen any children who particularly insisted on red hoods. I assume they came with you to this Tokyo? I'll keep an eye out for them." Mostly for their sakes. He's read those fairytales before. Of course, whether or not the children consider the wolf their friend or want to see them or if he needs to keep him away is, of course, up to their feelings. He redirects his attention to the kitchen immediately inside the back of the church, where an angel is handling a great deal of food somewhat anxiously along with several children. "Zabaniyya, are you making lunch already?"
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"Father Azazel!" He looks somewhat relieved to see the goat. He gives a polite nod to the wolf, and personally dismisses the angels. Once they're gone, he tensely whispers to Azazel, ". . .am I being punished?"
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"Why do you ask?"
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"I. . .you know I don't do well with children. . . ."
Zabaniyya isn't talking about the children helping him cook, of course--he's used to them, although he still doesn't know how to deal with them either. He's talking about the scorched girl who'd been left in his care for the past few minutes with only the other children to help him. Azazel seems more amused by this than anything, patting Zabaniyya's head.
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"More importantly than your impending anxiety attack," Azazel teases, checking on the child he’d left with him, "please prepare this kind wolf some meat."
"Father Azazel, we don't. . . ." Azazel carefully placed the basket on the counter, waving at Zabaniyya to quiet him.
"Just give him my share of meat from lunch and dinner, then."
"Father, you have to eat! Sister Maria says no skipping meals!!" One of the eavesdropping children insists. He smiles for them.
"Goats don't need meat, silly. Wolves do. I’ll eat the rest of my food."
"Oh." The child contemplates this while another comes running toward the wolf and grabs his leg, triumphantly holding a frozen chicken nugget over their head to show him.
"We got chick'm nuggst!" They cheer. "We don't have chick'ms where'm from but they's funny birds that go BAWK BAWK BAWK and kiss the ground lots and they taste good! We saw'm atta farm and--and--uh. . .!"
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"Please put that back on the pan. We can't eat them frozen. . .ah, please remember. . . ." Zabaniyya instructs the child carefully. The child makes a face as if surprised the chicken nugget will not cook itself, then runs back to the others arranging nuggets on a large pan to put in the oven. "Thank you. It will take a little bit of time, but I'll ensure you have a meal, if you'll wait."
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"I apologize if things are a bit chaotic here. We're a little short-staffed." Azazel admits. He doesn’t seem as bothered by this as most people would. “Please make yourself comfortable while you wait.”
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