#((be just a little bit sus))
moongothic · 5 months
The more I think about it, the more fucking sus the exclusion of Crocodile in the "Luffy is Dragon's son" scene becomes in my mind
Because like. No look at it, look a the double-page spread again
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(Chapter 558)
Now keep in mind, this is the entire scene, these are all the reactions we get to the revelation. Next page we're moving on to the next scene, and we don't come back to this subject aside from Akainu being like "grrrr Dragon's son >(" (but he already knew appearently)
And like, really, look at whose reactions to the news we get to see
There's Koby, Helmeppo and Garp reacting to the news being revealed to the whole world (makes sense; these are familiar characters to us and their reaction to this huge revelation going public is fair to show)
Smoker (makes sense; he must've been confused about what happened at Loguetown, so his reaction is interesting)
Random ass marines and Sabaody's news reporters (makes sense for plot reasons)
Random ass Whitebeard pirates ?????????
Buggy The Fucking Clown (arguably makes sense; Buggy has """hanged out""" with Luffy, so it is an interesting, shocking revelation to him too)
All of the original Shichibukai except Crocodile
And even with the Shichibukai, there's like. Levels of interest here. Like Kuma is interesting because we already knew that he knew Luffy was Dragon's son, and after what he did at Thriller Bark and Sabaody, and for the incoming "Kuma is Dead"-revelation, showing his non-reaction is interesting. Doflamingo has the most thoughtful reaction as he's putting things together out loud, Jinbei may not be adding much but he's taking the news in anyways, and Hancock's reaction is a wonderful reflection of her character. Moria and Mihawk have nothing to really add here, but they sure are there, reacting anyways.
But indeed. Considdering Oda went out of his fucking way to include all the other six of the OG Shichibukai, so the fact that he left Crocodile out and instead gave those Marines, Coby and Helmeppo such massive panels, AND preferred to include Buggy and Random Whitebeard Pirates over Sir Fucking Crocodile feels incredibly suspicious man
And just to re-iterate, although we have nothing to confirm Crocodile would personally have known/met Dragon at any point in his life, again, between: 1) Dragon being The Most Famous Criminal In The Whole World That Every Fucking One Knows About, and 2) Crocodile having Beef with one of the Revolutionary Army's Founding Members (in other words; if he knew one high ranking Rev Army Member, it is entirely plausible he could know more). Yeah, Crocodile should at least fucking KNOW who Dragon is, like that name should ring a fucking bell. And surely, finding out the little brat who beat his ass turned out to be that Dragon's son would be an interesting revelation, even to Sir "I don't give a fuck" Crocodile
And yet we don't get to see his reaction
And yeah, to be fair, we don't get to see the reactions from any of Whitebeard's other crew members either. But also, those crew members don't really know or care about Luffy, and neither do we the readers particularly care about them at this point in the story. Like sure seeing Marco's reaction over the smaller pirates would've been more interesting, but again, the relationship between us readers and Marco, as well as Marco and Luffy would not be much different if switched out for the random pirates. If anything, the random pirates are more probably there to counter balance the random marines
But then there's also the fact that we don't get to see Whitebeard's reaction either. Which also feels a tiny bit sus considdering how he just had a big ol' conversation with Luffy just moments before. And considdering how important of a character he would become in this arc, not including Whitebeard's reaction does feel a little odd.
But then I have to remind us all; Crocodile came to Marineford because he wanted to fight Whitebeard. With Luffy out of the way, he could be at this point trying to resume his attack on Whitebeard if he wanted to. And he does seem to do that at some point (after getting pushed off Moby Dick off-screen). But what is he doing, at this moment, when the revelation is happening? 'Cause, as you might notice, the Big Reveal Panel is cut off perfectly so even Whitebeard's partially cut off, and last we saw Croc he was behind Whitebeard Like for all we know Crocodile could've been in the middle of flinging himself at Whitebeard again, or in the middle of a spar with some of Whitebeard's commanders, or in a yelling match with Whitebeard
We're not allowed to see either of the two men, not what they were in the middle of doing, and not what they thought about the news. Despite how important the characters would become, despite how arguably either's opinion on the news could have been more insightful than like. What Moria had to say with his "!!!"
IDK man this shit is so sus
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jiiniix · 3 months
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this is a small color practice that is going well, so I wanna share a preview
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fangirlingdweeb · 9 months
Idk about you all but this clip still keeps me up at night. The way Zhang Lurang confidently said, "You'll meet him again". Maaan. There wasn't even a hint of doubt from him.
Makes me think that Rangrang really was sure that Su Zaizai was destined to be a significant part of his life- that she is there to stay and she will have lots of opportunities to get to know his brother 🥹
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aroacesigma · 4 months
love when characters are so transgender that you can straight up justify your headcanon all the time . thank you asagiri for accidentally making so many of your characters transgender
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fereldanwench · 10 months
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So the husbando and I will be moving this fall, and I'm hoping to reduce the amount of stuff we'll need to pack as well as get a little extra cash to help cover moving costs (especially the pet deposit for our two cats, which is going to be a stupid amount of money 🥲).
To that end, I've been listing a bunch of things--Clothes, games, books, comics, jewelry, nerdy knick-knacks, etc--over at my Poshmark closet. Most prices are negotiable, and there's an automatic 15% discount for a bundle of 3 or more items. Shipping is US only.
More items will be added over the coming weeks, so even if you don't see anything right now that strikes your fancy, I'll have some more goodies soon!
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screwpinecaprice · 2 months
Steven and Connie would be Diamond sized and are protectors of Beach City.
They would be cuties who are half human and half crystal gems who are giants.
They would be also lovable and sweet duo.
They would be able to fuse and also be gentle to their friends and citizens.
They would also be huge misfits. lol
Connie would be taller than Steven tho hehe.
That Kaiju AU is great too. Thanks.
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Oh, okay!
I can't help but wondering a bit why they are giants, however. What are the origins? Were they giants originalky or were they made into giants later? If it's the later, were their atoms and such also went giant? Are they going to be the gateway into learning more about quarks if it did?
Sorry admittedly my head is a little hazy at the moment, holy cow the weather's been really hot while also windy lately, and that combination makes be so eepy. Is REALLY hard to focus. RIP but I realized these asks and I should be answering them now in case I procrastinate it into the abyss of forget land again.
Okay, let's see..
OH I didn't read carefully! 🤦🏽‍♀️😅 They're giants because they're half Crystal Gems! Is like Nephilims*! ( Half human, half angels and are like... *Wendigoon voice* GIANTS ) And Gems are angels.
*I mean, in loose interpretation of course.
I'm imagining they use the skin of their enemies for material to turn into cute clothes. And, like, the enemies come in different colors so they didn't even have to dye them. Maybe for sustenance too because for such a small city it couldn't provide them with enough food, right?
Of course, if Pearl, Amethyst, and Garnet are also GIANTS they don't need the clothing materials and food supply.
Man. It would be cool if my city has giant friends who are willing to help us tiny peeps.
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musubiki · 10 months
M34th’s quest assignment poster at the office: Lots of "luck related" and "granted wishes” reports online in downtown area. Most reports seeming to stem around a cat bookstore in area. Member needed to check up on area and scout for any possible magical anomalies/witch related activities
Lime, completely straight faced and professional: I've got this one, I live near the area and know of the bookstore, I’ll give it a look see.
OH YEAH THIS IS ACTUALLY A GREAT IDEA!!!!!!!!!! and so mochi suspicion gets swept under the rug because as far as anyone knows, this subject has already been investigated by one of the most promising members who deemed it irrelevant, so why should we look into it more??? this also again speaks to the arrogance and slight incompetence of the m34th as a whole that theres huge loopholes like this for someone to join and then totally clear a witch of suspicion based on one persons judgement
everyone thinking "Huh...kinda weird that lime is taking a witch investigation mission huh? Usually he avoids those..." but then he hits them with "It's a 2 minute walk from where I live so I can go home right after." and everyone else with their 10-30 minute commute to report in goes "Damn, makes sense. Lucky asshole." (obviously a slight lie since he LIVES THERE but they dont have to know that)
AND HE IS ABSOLUTELY GOING "YEAAAAAAAH" ON THE INSIDE CUZ HE CAN DRAG THIS SHIT OUT 3 DAYS IF HE WANTS AND CLEAR MOCHI OF SUSPICION AT THE SAME TIME!!!!!!!!!! (this might also be a good opportunity for marshal to get involved with mochi for the first time........ ignoring his superiors and going to check in on limes "investigation" since he thinks its odd someone who hates witch-related missions suddenly takes one, only to find out hes in cahoots with THE cat witch...yes good....)
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purgeturbia · 2 months
HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO TAKE AN EXAM UNDER THESE CONDITIONS (not knowing if shayne and courtney are actually married or just the funniest people alive)
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maegalkarven · 8 months
The worst thing about Cassius looking like Cazador is what Cassius doesn't know that. He haven't seen the man for more than 200 years, he legitimately FORGOT what his father looks like.
Cassius subconsciously chose the same hairstyle Cazador fucking Szarr uses and DOESN'T KNOW about it.
And then he sees Cazador through the glimpse of Astarion's memories and is like "FUCK".
Also of course Astarion notices the resemblance, he is just too wary and mistrusting at first to bring it up.
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curi0uscreature · 4 months
* Fighting every bone in my body not to make Teen Helmut basically somewhat equivalent Steven from SU how’s everyone doing today
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grimmjowjaegerjaquez · 3 months
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when youre trying to live alone out in your field lab but then these two yahoos follow you out there and now they wont leave????
#my art#su is a very tired scientist butterfly woman#in my mind she was the one that initially designed the Infinite Prison Cubes that apparently all the espada have on them lololol#she was initially working with szayel bc they were both sciencey/researchy types. before he became espada lmfao.#buuuuuut unfortunately szayel is a bastardous man and. i havent decided if he steals her research and claims it as his own#or just frames her for something and smears her name#regardless she was demoted and was more or less forced to be a guard for one of the outer guardhouse things (think aisslinger and demoura)#it might just be that once he was promoted to espada she was. more or less considered part of his fraccion and she was uh#more than a little bit horrified/terrified of him. and was like ''please let me go anywhere else i cannot work with this man anymore''#vinetta WAS a gardener but after her greenhouse was destroyed she had a bit of a mental break and fled las noches#vinetta is a venus fly trap woman who also has some rafflesia shit going on because i think its cool.#she has a one-sided crush/fascination with rudbornn and yes. it is just bc theyre both plants.#theres no deeper reason for it.#also think its funny for him to see her and immediately be like ''oh no not you again'' and her just being like ''RUDY IS THAT YOU~~~~~<3''#marisol is nirgge parduoc's younger sister#shes a crocodile. and as huge and strong and epic as she is#she simply does NOT want to fight. she'd much rather just chill. and thats why she was kind of kicked out of baraggan's lil gang#her weapon normally looks like a pair of brass knuckles.#vinetta's zanpakuto is her umbrella jhfgjh#su's is just a very boring looking dagger. i was thinking it'd be funny for her weapon to look really cutesy or something so she would#DREAD taking it out hskjdfhdkj
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adultish-momma · 2 years
Shiny New Toy
An alternate, smarter, and most importantly, a funner way to deal with the Leech twins in Book 3.
Warnings: Beyond potential Book 3 spoilers, I really didn't think I'd have to put any warnings down for this fic. But nope, now I need to make it clear that there is a bit, a very small bit, of blood and violence. It's fairly vague, but I still want to make sure people are aware.
A/N: I was brainstorming ideas for the fics I have planned, I named this one, and then it just... unfolded in front of me. Man, I don't even feel like I wrote it. Floyd and Yuu took control of my body and now we all get to bear witness to the results. I'm not even mad, it barely follows my original plan, but the vibes I wanted to convey came across so all in all, success.
Psst. I'm tagging @dandelionwhisp because I know you're coming back soon and I want you to have a present waiting for you, as a reward for surviving such a long flight. Hope you enjoy it!
Something barrelled into the twins, spinning the two eels away from each other. Neither Leech brother had been prepared for the attack, as this came from behind them. Floyd was first to reorientate himself, snapping his attention back to the first years with a furious growl. Whatever was stupid enough to hit him circled his opponents once, twice, and then came to a stop next to the little seal.
It seems as if everyone present paused to assess the newcomer. Well, not exactly new per se, because they were pretty sure that was Yuu. Like, at least 90 percent sure the Ramshackle Prefect had joined the fray.
Grim seems to have thought it would be best to confirm it, just in case.
"Oi! Henchhuman! Is that you? Since when do you have a tail!?"
"You like it?" they asked, giggling despite the tense situation. "I think the colors turned out so pretty." They did a quick twirl in place, letting the sunlight filtering through the coral sea catch on their new bronze scales. They noticed the Leech twins watching them, specifically a certain eelmer's eyes fixated on the reflecting light of their tail. They didn't even try to hide the smug grin that slipped on their face.
Looks like this plan might work after all.
"Oya, what a surprise this is". Jade as always, has a tight lid on his emotions and reactions. The only telling part about him is that sleazy smile he has, the one where his mouth is open just enough to see his razor-sharp teeth.
"Shriiiimmmpppyyy", Floyd whines, an undercurrent of something dangerous in his voice. "Who knew you could be so cute and shiny! Makes me want to give you a big ole squeeze!" His signature sing-song lilt betrays how eerily still he has become. For someone always in motion, fidgeting and shuffling when bored and animated when excited, the merman has become tense in his stillness. Like a coil before it snaps.
Like a predator ready to pounce. He just needs a small push.
"Well I figured if there was a potion that can turn you boys human and give you legs," Yuu begins, nearly simpering, a spark in their eyes that Jade recognizes. "Then there must be a potion that could turn me into a mer and give me fins." The Prefect gives another flick of their new tail, and Jade can see his brother inch a little closer.
Yuu notices the movement as well. They might not have serrated teeth like the eels, or the same malice in their smile as Azul, but even the little group of freshmen agree that the grin they flash Floyd is downright shark-like.
"So if you want to squeeze me, you're gonna have to catch me first".
Before anybody else can react, Yuu swims off, away from the museum, speeding like a bullet shot from a gun. Jade reaches out to stop his brother, but he's only able to graze the end of his tail, Floyd chasing after the Prefect. The calmer twin sighs heavily, moving to follow, but is shocked for the second time today when a magic attack actually manages to hit him.
"Ha! Take that you overgrown sushi! The Great Grim has more of that where it came from!"
There had been a few close calls already if the superficial scratches near their flukes were anything to go by. For his part, Floyd couldn't decide if this was the most fun he had in a while, or if this was the most frustrating thing he'd done in ages. The Prefect was newer to their fins, a strong swimmer for sure but nowhere near as fast as Floyd. But they were smaller than the natural merman, darting into coral tunnels that he just couldn't fit through. What was supposed to be a straightforward chase has turned into a convoluted game of hide-n-seek.
At least Floyd wasn't the only one laughing in delight.
This was incredibly fun for Yuu. They'd always been comfortable in the water, a strong swimmer naturally. And while they could let loose athletically on land back at NRC, nothing is ever as comfortable and exhilarating as racing through the water. So distracting Floyd had turned into a near cathartic experience, the first time since waking up in this world where they truly felt like they could just be.
Plus, they're pretty sure being a merperson is ticking off some childhood dream checklist.
"Gotcha Shrimpy!" Eventually, Floyd had been able to grab them, causing a startled scream to escape their lips and a manic cackle to escape his. "That was so much fun! But now I can squeeze you as hard and as long as I want since I wo-on"
"Alright" they agree, a little breathless as he begins to wind his tail around them, just tight enough to border discomfort. "That's fair. You did win our game of chase."
"Hahaha!" The eel lets out another series of excited laughs, accompanied by a sharp squeeze. "You're so cute if you thought you could beat me".
Despite wanting this, despite planning every part of this undersea excursion, including letting Floyd capture them, Yuu can't help but stiffen at the feeling of his very sharp, very dangerous, teeth dragging across their neck.
"Jade's always been the patient hunter" Floyd chuckles, reveling in the Prefect's discomfort. "But I've always been more active when catching prey."
One of his clawed hands ghosts down their body to where scales just begin to crop up, the delicate things glinting bronze and copper under his inspection. Suddenly, the human-turned-mer feels a sharp tearing sensation, watching as a small trickle of blood floats into the water surrounding them. Floyd holds up the scale he stole, a lazy smile on his lips and wide, dilated eyes.
"And admittedly Shrimpy, I've always been a sucker for shiny things."
"I thought so. Hey, speaking of Jade, I wonder how many hits the guys have landed on your brother now that he can't rely on your Unique Magic." Floyd stiffens, tightening around Yuu enough to force the air out of their lungs. But then he loosens, more than likely aiming to untangle himself to go help his brother. But the Prefect suddenly latches onto him, winding their arms tight around his body and locking their arms behind his back. Where his tail had uncoiled around them, now that wrap their tail around him, trapping him for just a few minutes longer.
"Poor Jade, abandoned by his brother because you just couldn't resist a new shiny toy." Floyd snarls, gnashing his teeth at the Prefect, but they just laugh, squeezing his tail a little tighter.
"Little Shrimpy tricked you!~ You fell for it hook, line, and sinker."
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churchydragon · 4 months
I already knew I had no interest in Palworld when they showed the guns and slavery of the Pals in the first trailer but hearing that not only has the company dabbled in NFTs and AI but there's also HUMAN slavery AND the farms are called plantations has just totally turned me off. why did the devs think that was even slightly appropriate in this fucking day and age?
like I DO think we need an open world survival Pokemon-esq game, we really do. but not Palworld. hopefully Kindred Fates will fill that void properly, in a responsible, not overly and poorly thought out edgy way.
#granted if they make it clear in the game that the slavery is Bad and there are better ways to do the things you need to do#then that's slightly better. Morrowind has slavery in it too but it makes it very clear that it's Bad#and in quests involving them they give you options to help the slaves out and allow you to free them (two Telvanni quests come to mind)#it's not great but it's slightly better. but like. if it's like the guns then I suspect it's in there just to be edgy and “cool”#which isn't okay and shouldn't be defended. that's not okay. that's not ever okay.#and it sucks cuz again we do need a game like Palworld but without all the terrible things! Nintendo has been slacking hard and also#they been playing it way too safe and I feel like anything they make will kinda fall short#I enjoyed Scarlet and Violet but I feel like they could have done a little more if they were braver#and also. you know. payed their workers and didn't push out a new Pokemon every year.#give it time to sit so new ideas can develop properly. come on now.#anyways I have no idea if any of this is really coherent or just a rapid flow of thoughts. whatever#I'm excited for Kindred Fates. it comes out this year supposedly so I'm gonna grab that when I can#also there's nothing wrong with edgy concepts in video games. Palworld just does it badly to me#and as always people are allowed to like the game but. use some critical thinking#I've seen little bits of the game that look really fun. I've just been totally disillusioned to it lmao#I am gonna be sus of anyone accusing people of being moral crusaders for calling the game out for the slavery tho. that's sus as fuck#churchy talks#churchy tag rambles
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thedragonsfate · 4 months
maybe I'm wrong but isn't it possible Ruben could have disguise self? like i feel like with everything so chaotic bc High School Rager we forgot our 6th rat grinder. like it's just as possible to me that Ruben could've been disguised at that party as it is that kipperlily was invisible
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dooplissss · 5 months
nothing worse than when a character finally goes thru the character development they deserve, faces their trauma and regrets and everything that broke them down and finally rebuild themselves and arrives on the other side as a new person. and that person is annoying and unlikable.
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Uh, yeah....
Like, Viv...?
My precious Baby Girl?
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I love you, and while I can look past a little bit of jokey tackiness in the announcement trailer (even though it's still a major eye roll ...🙄)
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If that little, um ...typo? Was in anyway meant to be an intentional pun, or if the entire last part of that paragraph and wording about "visuals" with *that* spelling was meant to invoke some sort of unneeded innuendo and complete tonal whiplash in the minds of your audience after just releasing such an emotional song for this kind of character with your brand new voice actor that you supposedly handpicked debuting for him, I'll be the first to admit that this wasn't it and this is not how you promote the new material, especially after Roman just proved himself more than capable of providing Angel Dust as a character with more respect, dignity, and pathos than I honestly believe Kovach had ever intended to or could. And this tweet shows a lack of respect for both Roman and Angel Dust as a character, which was already there, at in the fanon and fandom, mind you, but should've been dealt with and forgotten once... certain people involved in the original pilot moved on.
Like, everyone's talking about how Blake's voice braking immediately gave them chills and how beautifully serious he seems to be taking this character when it counts, in the way I still believe Kovach never could and wasn't prepared for. And then you go back to social media and where are we? Right back to making jokes about cum.
Which I'm certainly no prude and don't mind when the mood calls for it, but right now it very obviously didn't and I love this series but I'm sick of how it's constantly killing it's own vibe and and mood through it's own marketing by caving to it's "cringe" reputation every. single time. something actually good happens for it. 💀
I'm aware that they were never gonna hire a sensitivity consultant for writing Angel Dust specifically because it's a cartoon, but maybe the people involved could let their only Sex Working character have the same amount dignity from his shows (outside of all the cringe ass marketing) that he's allowed to have within the actual canon? For five seconds?! 💀
I don't like using the term "brainrot" at the best of times, but the leftover hunicast brainrot feels so real right now and I can't believe that little mouth covering emoji ether. Like she's aware of exactly how she's making things sound, she has to be, and in this case it's the sheer tonal dissonance of it all that's really quite tactless of her and actually unfunny. It's in poor taste, even. This shows marketing is constantly eating itself and ruined everything for everyone trying to promote this show to any actual adults outside of fandom spaces and I'm starting to agree about our little emo girlypop needing a social media manager. This is legit the most cringe, most unprofessional thing I've ever seen her do now regarding her own staff remembers outside of expecting her own fans and supporters to act as her personal therapists on her patreon and tumblr, which is something she should've especially kept nuked and never reopened, considering she (rightfully so) doesn't seem to particularly care for it, since she hasn't actually updated it, as far as aesthetically speaking, in years.
And again, if any Antis or ~"criticals"~ attempt interaction with this post, I will shoot you in the foot, just like this shows shitty marketing keeps doing to poor Angel outside of his actual canon. So no wonder why he doesn't like his feet then, l o l! 🤭
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