#((and instead she finds a banged-up siren bleeding out in her bathtub! all in all she takes it very well but...still!))
theheadlessgroom · 1 year
It wasn’t long after she awoke that Randall returned to the bathroom, carrying with him a small plate of fish-raw, he’d thought about it while he was downstairs in the kitchen, and figured she’d probably prefer that to something cooked (he didn’t want to make her ill by feeding her spices and seasonings she’d never had before), and so he rushed down to the market, buying a couple of nice cuts with his allowance just for her, so that he wouldn’t be taking food out of the mouths of himself and his parents.
So he laid them out on the plate and carried them back upstairs, surprised when he saw her sitting up already-he had sort of expected her to continue resting for a good while after his mother finished patching her up, but maybe sirens healed faster than humans? Maybe they had a higher pain tolerance than humans did?
At any rate, he was sure she was hungry, and so he slowly crossed the room, trying to make himself seem as unthreatening as possible, gingerly setting the plate on the corner of the tub before giving her a wide berth, before saying, in a low and gentle voice, “I...I brought you some f-food, i-if you’re hungry, um...i-it’s not much, I know, b-but if you want any more, I-I can get you more...”
Can she even understand me? he wondered, cheeks pink as he looked down, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly: Here he was, rambling on and on to a mythical creature recovering in his tub, who may not understand a word he said...
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