#(( BUT i do not care. these photos canonically are being taken at a sanctuary in paldea that estelles family owns ))
espers-n-espurrs · 5 months
hi, once again i havent posted in forever
anyways hi hello im not dead
now look at these deerling and sawsbuck photos i took while visiting the sanctuary
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okay thanks goodbye /silly
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fific7 · 2 years
Russo the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Billy Russo x Reader
Summary: Billy Russo - who hates the whole Festive Season thing - gets drawn into it by his new neighbour. Billy POV throughout.
A/N: A little belated Xmas present for any Billy Russo fans out there. Set in my S1 Punisher AU which does not follow canon. It’s mainly fluff with a tiny twist of lemon zest 🍋
Warnings: Some drinking & swearing.
(My photo edit)
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»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Billy heard another ‘thump’ outside his apartment door, and eye-rolled dramatically. Since he’d moved into his penthouse bachelor pad a year ago he’d been the only one occupying the top floor, but now the other apartment had obviously been rented out.
When all the banging and crashing around had started earlier in the day, he’d sneaked a quick look through his cracked-open door and seen some guys dressed in removal company overalls bringing furniture out of the lift and carrying it into the apartment opposite him. He’d sighed. How he hoped it wouldn’t be a complete asshole moving in there as it would be difficult to avoid him, being such close neighbours.
Now it was several hours later and they were still bringing stuff in. There was an extra loud bang but actually against his door this time and he leapt up, racing over and flinging the door open, yelling “Watch what the fuck you’re doin’!” as he did so. Three faces immediately swung round towards him, eyes wide and mouths agape in surprise. One of them - oh - was a woman, he noticed, and she was not dressed in overalls.
In fact - Billy’s eyes did a swift recon - she was dressed in a classy dark blue top, navy fitted trousers and ankle boots. He found himself thinking that if she had been dressed in overalls, she’d’ve looked a helluva lot better in them than the two schmucks who were also still staring at him, a bookcase suspended in the air between them.
Embarrassed, he decided he’d better rein in the language a bit. “I mean… can ya be a bit more careful?” he backtracked, then looked down at the scrape in his door which had lifted off the top layer of paint. “I’m gonna have to get that repainted,” he grumbled. The woman stepped forward, holding out her hand and saying her name, so he shook it and muttered his own name back to her. She was extremely easy on the eye he was thinking, but perversely was still annoyed at the damage caused to his door.
She replied, “Nice to meet you, Mr Russo. I’m your new neighbour and I’m really very sorry about your door! I’ll arrange for that to be repainted and pay for it to be done, of course.” Somewhat mollified, Billy said that he’d be able to do it himself but it was kind of her to offer. He nodded and backed into his apartment, closing the door.
A woman?! He’d been sure it would’ve been a guy moving in. Not sure why but… he supposed he’d always thought of these apartments as being kinda… well, masculine, with their clean lines, open space, exposed brick walls and picture windows. Didn’t women like more… soft and frilly types of places? With cosy small rooms? He mentally shrugged, maybe not all women then.
The noise continued for about another hour or so but thankfully there were no more attacks on his door. He’d taken refuge in his bedroom while it was still going on but after about ten minutes of silence, he sighed with relief and settled back down on his sofa, picked up his half-full beer bottle and went back to the movie he’d been watching earlier. It had been pretty crap anyway if he was honest, so he hadn’t really missed out.
His mind started zoning out after about half an hour. He’d never had a woman as a neighbour before. Oh god! Was she going to have lots of parties? He wasn’t averse to partying or anything, but he considered his apartment to be his sanctuary - he never held parties there. He’d either meet up with his friends in a bar or club or someone else in the group would host a house party.
Billy’s thoughts began to make him feel a little unsettled. While he didn’t want to turn into one of those ‘banging on the walls’ kind of neighbours, he definitely wasn’t going to stand for loud partying in his vicinity. He was determined that his peace would not be disturbed - here was the only place he got a chance to properly relax, after all.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
He managed to avoid his new neighbour for the next three days. He’d repaired his door one morning after he heard her leaving for work (he assumed). That had meant he’d got to Anvil later than he’d planned which put him in a bad mood for the rest of the day. Frank had insisted they work out before they left as he’d noticed Billy’s grumpy demeanour, and as they showered after a gruelling round of the gym equipment in Anvil’s basement, he questioned him as to why he was in such a bad mood.
“New neighbour,” muttered Billy, towelling himself dry, “it’s a woman.” He’d felt better after their workout but this conversation was now bringing back his irritated feelings. Frank laughed, “I’da thought you’d love that, Russo?! Or is she not up to your high standards?” Billy scowled, “She’s attractive, to be fair - but she might start having loud parties.” “What makes ya think that?” Billy shrugged, “Don’t women always have parties and girly sleepovers and things?” Frank laughed again, for even longer, “Some do, some don’t! When she move in?” “Two days ago.” “Aw give her a chance, Bill! ‘Fore you write her off as the noisy neighbour from hell.”
Billy had merely grunted and started getting dressed before grumbling, “Yeah, whatever.” Frank shook his head, “Bet ya won’t have any trouble with her!” Billy buttoned his shirt and tucked it into his trousers before zipping up, “She dented my door.” Frank’s head appeared as he pulled his sweatshirt on and he was laughing again, “What? Was she that desperate to get to ya, Bill?” “Ha ha Frankie, no - her removal men scraped my door with a piece of her furniture. Had to repaint it this morning so that’s why I was late in.” Frank nodded, “That explains your shitty mood today then,” and ducked as Billy threw his wet towel at him. The two of them laughed and made their way back up to the main floor, before they went their separate ways.
“Try and put a smile on ya face tomorrow, Russo!” yelled Frank, as he climbed into his SUV. Billy flipped him the finger, grinning at his friend as he got into his own vehicle. It was an SUV too, as he’d left the Wraith in the underground car park at his apartment that morning - the weather had been pretty awful and he didn’t want his precious baby getting splashed with dirty New York rainwater.
When he got home and pulled into his other car parking space next to the Wraith, he was horrified to see a large scrape on its rear bumper. He couldn’t get his seat belt off quickly enough and jumped out, walking swiftly to the back of the Wraith and squatting down to view the scrape up close. A stream of swears left his lips and he stood back up, brain working overtime. He’d get the CCTV footage from the condo management, he’d find out who fucking hit his fucking beautiful car, he’d make them pay for the panelbeating and the respray, no fuck that, he’d just fucking kill them instead. He beeped the remote key fob at the SUV and it beeped back at him and as he turned away to head to the lift, he spotted a note under the Wraith’s windscreen wiper.
He walked back and grabbed it. Neat writing stated….
“Dear Mr Russo, I’m really sorry but I dinged your car’s bumper! - someone nearly crashed into me and I had to swerve. I will pay for the repairs. Please call and let me know the cost. Apologies once again about this accident.”
….and there was his new neighbour’s name and phone number.
Her!!! Holy hell, thought Billy, what is it with this woman and her apparent need to damage my property?! Is she maybe trying to get my attention? He whipped out his phone then and there and dialled the number on the paper. It rang but went to voicemail.
He heard her message start to play. “Hi, if I haven’t picked up I’m probably flying. Call you when I land if you leave your name and number. Bye!”
Flying? thought Billy. She a fucking angel or something?!
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After making himself be as polite as possible on the message he left, he said that he certainly would let her know the cost of the repairs to his car.
Then he headed to the security desk, explained what had happened and asked the guy there if he could view the CCTV footage from earlier that day. He had a good relationship with the security people here, mainly because he was in the same business - well, more or less - so was shown the relevant footage without any argument. It wasn’t that he didn’t believe her… well okay, no, he didn’t believe her. He would bet anything that she was just shit at parking and had reversed carelessly into his car.
But much to his surprise, his slightly misogynistic take on things was completely wrong. The security guy searched through the digital video files until he found the images Billy wanted to see. She had made it partly out of her parking space (right behind his) when another resident had pulled out of his space next to hers seemingly without checking his mirrors, and had nearly smacked right into her car. She’d whipped her steering wheel round and avoided the idiot heading for her but had - yes, just as she’d said - dinged his bumper in the process.
Billy suddenly felt very guilty. He’d assumed she’d lied to cover up the fact that she was totally to blame.
Then his jaw dropped as he saw her get out of her car to check the damage on his.
She was dressed as a pilot. Even had the hat.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
He heard the muted ‘ting’ of the elevator later on that evening. Taking several long strides to his door, he opened it to see his neighbour across the hall, about to open her own door. She was still in her uniform.
“Er, hi,” he said, and even he could hear a sheepish tone in his voice, “I left you a voicemail.” She turned and looked at him, “Oh, hi. Yeah, I did get your message. Sorry again about that. As I said, just let me know how much and I’ll pay it.” Billy shook his head, “No. it wasn’t your fault.” She smiled, “Look, it was my car which hit yours, so let’s not argue.” “I’m gonna speak to the guy who nearly crashed into you - he can pay.” “Good luck with that,” she scoffed, “he just drove off this morning, not a word or anything.” “He knows me,” said Billy, somewhat menacingly, “he won’t argue with me. He’ll pay up.” She looked amused, and he felt compelled to add, “I usedta be a Marine sniper y’see, and he knows it.”
She nodded, smiling, “Ahh, did you now? Well, I guess he will probably pay up, then! Well, thanks for being so understanding, Mr Russo.” “Billy.” “Okay… Billy. Well if anything changes, just let me know.” Turning back to her door and putting her key in the lock, he said quickly, “So… a pilot, huh? I wasn’t expectin’ that, I can tell ya.” She looked over her shoulder at him, “Ah I see… did you think I was a bank clerk? Or a secretary or something?” He heard her chuckle. “No… no,” he replied, “I…err… just didn’t think of you bein’ a pilot, that’s all.” “Well I suppose there aren’t that many of us women flyers out there, so I’ll let you off.” “Who do you fly for?” he asked, “Commercial?”
She turned back to him, “Business. I fly private jets.” “Ooh, nice,” smirked Billy, “any chance of you taking me for a spin?” “If you’ve got the money,” she laughed, “they don’t come cheap.” Moving into flirtatious mode, he drawled, “Yeah, I got the money.” She reached into her blazer inside pocket and took out a business card, handing it to him, “Here you go. If you want to book a flight, call the office and they’ll sort it out for you.” “And I can book a flight with you as the pilot, can I?” Now she smirked, “Well, it depends on my schedule. You might have to make do with one of my male counterparts.”
“Nah, wouldn’t be the same,” said Billy, giving her a flirtatious look, “it’d need to be you.” She laughed, turning back to her door and opening it, “Well, we’d just need to see at the time. G’night, Billy.” She smiled at him as she closed the door in his face.
Well, thought Billy, I always did like a challenge.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
A couple of days later, Billy had called her again. He’d managed to speak to the jerk who’d nearly crashed into her and had intimidated him into paying for the car repair. The guy hadn’t argued at all when he’d been caught in the obsidian glare of Billy’s dark eyes.
He wanted to call and tell her that he’d sorted it out and had decided to use this as an excuse to ask her out for a drink. His new neighbour had been on his mind more and more, and had decided he really wanted to get to know her better. And if she had a boyfriend hanging around in the wings.
If there was no other guy on the scene and she accepted his invitation, he’d take her to his favourite local bar. It was now mid-December but they thankfully didn’t indulge in too much of all that Xmas crap - no tinsel, no same damn stupid songs playing all the time.
Billy was really not the least bit invested in the so-called Festive Season. Probably because of his childhood. Not quite the same, Xmas in a children’s home. So he dreaded this time of the year, if he had to be honest. Brought back too many melancholy memories for him, and he covered this with a veneer of complete boredom and disinterest.
Hearing her voicemail message again, he smiled. A pilot. He could hardly believe it. Found it exciting, in fact - and if he ever got that flight booked with her, he’d ask her to hand over to her co-pilot and see if she’d like to join the Mile High Club with him. Not that he knew if private jets actually flew that high but she’d know what he meant, he was sure. His smile got wider as he began thinking about the luxurious leather seats they had on board those jets and how good they’d feel against his naked butt. He almost forgot to start speaking when the beep sounded.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
She’d called him back later the same day, leaving a message on his voicemail and laughing as she answered the first question he’d asked in his message to her. No, she wasn’t seeing anyone at the moment but had too many flights scheduled to go out with him right then, but said that in three days’ time she was planning to take some vacation time and they could meet up then.
However he was surprised to get a call from her the following day, and she sounded super-excited. “Billy! You can get that flight tomorrow if you like - free of charge!” He’d sat up straight at his office desk, “Really? That’s fantastic! How d’you manage to swing that for me?” There was a small silence at the other end of the phone. “Ummm… there is just one tiny string attached.” “Uh oh,” said Billy, with a quiet laugh, “what is it they say? No such thing as a free lunch?” He realised that Frank, over in the corner of the office, was now staring at him and swivelled his chair to the side so that he couldn’t see the enquiring look being sent in his direction.
“We’re taking Xmas presents to under-privileged kids up and down the Eastern seaboard! I’m so excited - it’s been in the works for a while but it’s finally all set for tomorrow. We’ll be taking them to children’s homes and hospitals.” Billy felt his stomach lurch. Children’s homes? Oh lordy. But then he shook off the thought - he’d have loved it back then if he’d had a present delivered by private jet. And he was sure these kids would too. She’d still been speaking, but he’d zoned out for a few seconds and only heard the tail end of what she’d been saying. “So what size will I get for you?”
“Huh? Sorry?” he asked. “Your Santa suit! What size do you need?… not unless you want to dress up as an elf?” she said, laughing. Realisation dawned on him, “We’ve gotta dress up?!” “Yes! Weren’t you listening, Billy?” “I, uh, guess I missed that bit.” He heard himself saying “Okay, then,” and gave her his chest and waist measurements. She said she’d drop off the suit to him that night and rang off.
Billy swivelled back round and met Frank’s stare. “I’m… uhh, I’m gonna be playing Santa tomorrow, Frankie… can you handle that meeting on your own?”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Billy leaned back in that luxurious leather seat he’d been thinking about a couple of days ago; he wasn’t naked liked he’d imagined but he did take his Santa hat off and ruffled his fingers through his hair. He looked out of the window next to him; the plane was at cruising altitude, flying smoothly back to New York.
It had been such a long day, really early start and now it was well after midnight. He was shattered, but the look on those kids’ faces…. it was all worth it.
They’d been brought to whichever was the nearest airport to their location, and given special permission to go airside while the private jet landed and taxied to where they were lined up, waiting to see who was on board and wondering why they’d been brought to meet them. When they saw the crew and volunteers (including Billy) coming down the plane steps dressed as Santa and his elves, they’d been so excited - jumping up and down, yelling and screaming at the top of their voices. They would quickly distribute the presents amongst the kids and then it was back on board, off to the next destination.
If they were visiting a children’s hospital, the crew would remain with the plane and the volunteers were driven to the hospital, more excited kids, presents given out and big smiles all round. Then once again, they’d jump into the cars and head back to the airport for the next take off.
Now they were done, having visited several locations up and down the coast and Billy admitted to himself that he’d been feeling very emotional all day. He kept thinking he caught fleeting glimpses of his younger self in the sea of excited faces in front of him. Yeah, it had definitely been emotional. He put thoughts of the time he’d spent in children’s homes out of his mind. That was then, this is now… and he’d just spent a whole day bringing happiness to kids who were just like he’d once been. Those were the thoughts he had to hang onto to.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
He was aware of something soft hitting him in the face. He jumped, realising that he’d dozed off. Oh - it was his Santa hat. He removed it from his face and saw her leaning down towards him, “Sleepyhead!” she laughed. He stretched, “Hey, I’ve had a busy day, y’know!” “Yeah, yeah - I’ve just been flying the plane of course!” She sat down opposite him, smiling at him, “Well, some of the time anyway! Split the flying time between me snd my co-pilots of course, as we cant exceed our flying hours.” He smiled back, “So have we landed?” “Yes, and very smoothly too if I do say so myself!”
“So I’ve missed the opportunity to join the Mile High Club, then?” he asked, grinning devilishly at her. She burst out laughing, “It’s overrated, Billy, believe me!”
He was aware he was staring at her, but he couldn’t stop himself. She did look like some kind of angel to him at that moment. I think I really like her, he thought. Not just find her attractive… like, really like her. “What?” she asked, as he’d just kept on staring. “You’re beautiful,” he said before he could stop himself. “Why thank you,” she replied, and he could see that she was blushing slightly. She stood up, “Come on, sleepyhead, let’s get ourselves home.”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Standing outside their respective apartments, opening their doors, they both suddenly turned to each other at the same time, with Billy managing to say, ”D’you wanna…?” just as she started saying, “Do you want to…?” They both started laughing.
“I’d love to offer you a drink,” said Billy, “why don’t you come over to mine and you can change into something more comfortable?”
She looked puzzled. “Don’t you mean I should change and then come over to yours?”
Billy took a couple of steps towards her, sliding his hand onto her neck and moving even closer to her. He leant down and tentatively kissed her, running his long fingers up to the nape of her neck, gently stroking her skin. When she didn’t resist, his kisses became more urgent. His other hand began slowly undoing her uniform blazer, button by button.
His lips next to her ear, he whispered, “Ma’am… I love a woman in uniform.” Another, slower kiss.
He drew back and gazed into her eyes, a mischievous smile playing over his lips.
“But I love her even better out of it.”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
@blackbirddaredevil23 @omgrachwrites @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @ourloveisforthelovely @swthxrry @odetostep @supernaturalcat7 @obscurilicious @strawb3rrydr3ss @bruxa0007 @aleksanderwh0r3 @theshadowkingsqueen @bat-luna-cat @carlywhomever @paracosmenthusiast
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wiiltedflcwer · 7 years
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Savages: I've taken some of the plot from this movie and tweaked it greatly. This is a hc for Dresmond and Desuna and Lee where after running away from home she finds shelter in the woods. But almost being prey to Desuna he spares her for his own reasons. More than likely because he prefers his victims healthy and she has fresh bruises and a split lip which is how he found her. He offers her sanctuary within his home in a remote location alongside his brother. Dre being the more friendly type takes a liking to her right away and as time marches on the trio eventually become close. Sharing intimate details of their lives and more importantly adoring their new sister. They shower her with gifts, protect her, and enjoy her company. They form a very close bond between one another and as a new danger arises they become even more apprehensive having a human around but vowing that no matter what she'll stay alive. @doublledamned { as | discussed }
Beastly daughter: Not official canon but I'd love to do this verse in a thread should the three of us agree upon it ^^ In this hc the couple who are already old spirits find that they would love to share something between them such as a child. Hades offering the suggestion of one of his special treasures brings up Lili's name and describes her and her interests. Tobirama takes a liking to the earth child already and offers to agree just to get a feel of what it would be like to have something of their own to walk about, keep company, and share. Eventually the pair decorate her room with gifts from the earth and so each time she visits it the blend of both Tobirama and Hades melts her soul because she adores them both. Of course theirs also parental disagreements and strange happenings since Hades is...Hades and Tobirama is the more lenient parent. Silly situations, sweet fire place family talking and bonding, Lee helping Tobirama and his plants and taking care of the animals, and with Hades finding new things for him as well as walking with him in the woods. @caerula-parma & @immortalcoil { talked about with both and fell in love with this idea }
Modern M'lady: I have a bundle of threads where Lee is set within a modern setting. Just touching up on clarification what that entails. So obviously she wouldn't have chakra, or ninja powers. But her parents would still be murdered in this verse as well meaning she would be placed in a foster home and advances on parental figures caused her to turn away from the system and make a life of her own. Since the social workers never believed that the creeps made any type of advances on her she decides to disappear. Using money she's saved up she moves away until legally she is free at age 18. She is 19 in these verses officially. She moves out of state as far away as she can. She works odd jobs to pay for her and owns a few cats and a dog in her spacious apartment. She is a casual smoker meaning one ciggy every three months or so and enjoys dressing up in both tomboy and girly styles. She enjoys taking photos of nature, reading, and crafting recipes. She eventually lands a job as a cook in a quaint diner and makes her living based on this since she still wants to remain incognito for the time being. Despite mental scarring and emotional abuse she still finds ways to be polite and kind. She has a lot of welted scars on her back from abuse but keeps a somewhat positive attitude. She's also taken self defense classes as well.
Gender Bender: So this is based on a thread Katana and I are doing where it's set in the modern verse but due to unfortunate circumstances Sakura has asked Lili to become Lee and make a great impression on her strict parents. She begs Lee to pose as a charming, charismatic, silent but strong man to take home to her parents so they can get off her back. That's the synopsis of the story but I'm elaborating on it a bit more. If another thread like this should arise I'd be more than happy to do it. These types of tropes and scenario's are the best. She will never cut her hair, she'll wear wigs or bundle her hair to look like a mans, or even draw it back in a long ponytail. She will wear tall platform shoes but keep it concealed by boot cut dress pants. Depending on the situation she can dress fancy or dress punk--ish. @bloominx { Current thread idea but also more plots to come idea. }
{ I also added more hc’s as well. }
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velvetcovered-brick · 7 years
What I Read This Week: August 6 to August 12
Okay, so here’s what I read this past week, so tack it on to your reading lists from the mammoth two part list I posted this week under my tag #wirth. 
Desired by Viktuurio Yuuri started gaining some weight back after retirement, nothing that Viktor hadn't expected and gladly welcomed, but nothing could have prepared him from the weight gain following Yuuri's pregnancy.In which Viktor finds out he really loves his retired Yuuri on the large and chubby side.
We Close At Six by beAUtiful (future_fishy) Yuuri works at the rental desk of an ice rink. Viktor is a business man who happens to go to said ice rink every day after work. Throw in an adopted son, a gossipy best friend and a lot of mutual pining and you get this.
Dinner For Two by Yuripaws Viktor dreams of two delicious bowls of katsudon only to find that he isn't invited to dinner.But he is invited to the show.
above, below, by you, by you surrounded by seventhstar twenty two year old yuuri katsuki finds himself in st. petersburg, two years in the future, in the apartment where his future self and his fiance, viktor nikiforov, live.of course they have a threesome.
"sleep with" is a stupid idiom by seventhstar In one universe, Viktor asks Yuuri to sleep with him on his first night in Hasetsu and gets rejected.In another, he doesn't. This happens instead.
patellofemoral pain syndrome by seventhstar  It’s just…does Viktor not get bored with doing it the same way every night? Doesn’t he want to spice things up? Is Yuuri being unreasonable? He’s pretty sure that if Viktor told him his performance in bed was unsatisfying his soul would flee his body for a more merciful plane of existence, but…Viktor is thicker-skinned than he is.And so here they are. Viktor’s bed is wide and soft, and Yuuri is lying there with wet hair and ratty boxers while Viktor absently trails kisses over his shoulder. It’s nice. It’s soft. It’s good. Viktor’s headboard is enormous and Yuuri keeps thinking about Viktor’s wrists bound to it, black rope over white skin. Fuck. He should say something.
feel like a quote out of context by seventhstar In which Yuuri accidentally insults Viktor Nikiforov in front of a crowd of reporters, only to discover that apparently being called a 'talentless hack' is what turns Viktor on.This is not how Yuuri envisioned meeting Viktor going, but hey. He'll take it.
Then He Fondly Thinks of Me by dotheunthinkable Viktor decides to give himself some love. Yuuri isn't as asleep as Viktor thinks he is. [One-Shot]
Illuminate You by dotheunthinkable Yuuri doesn't think he's good enough . [One-Shot]
Personal Assistants Need Not Apply by kafrickinboom iktor couldn't have been more thankful for Yakov’s insistence that he'd needed a personal assistant, even if he was wrong.
Finally by kafrickinboom Finally. It was the first of March, aka Yuri Plisetsky’s 16th birthday, aka the day he could finally say he was legal, aka the day he could finally attempt to make his move on not one, but two men he'd had his eye on for months now.
The List of Big Rules by kafrickinboom He’s over 250 years old. Old enough to have better control. Old enough to know better. Old enough to stop himself from marring that fair skin in the absolute best way possible, even if he wants it. He’d pulled his fangs out almost as soon as they pierced Yuuri’s skin, unable to meet his husband’s eyes and began apologizing profusely until Yuuri turned away from him, going to sleep. That still stings too....Or it could be the fact that he left for his trip without doing any of the frankly alarming amount of dishes he let pile up. Big Rule #4 is ‘Contribute to the House Chores.’ He isn’t sure. He’s just going to assume the level of bullshit he’s been dealing with is due to the biting thing. It just makes logical sense considering it’s the worse offense.He had to make it right.
Beautiful and New by threerings After spending an amazing night with Victor Nikiforov after the banquet in Sochi, Yuuri has to deal with the fact that he seems to be suddenly dating his long-time idol and crush.
Summer Nights by TechnicolorWritings For the first days Yuuri thought that perhaps ten years had changed something in Viktor’s prima donna personality, but he obviously had been wrong. The omega wearing skimpy shorts and asking to have his cherry popped, was still very much alive inside Viktor. He only needed to snap his fingers to get what he wanted from Yuuri.-----This is the story of two ex-best friends that reconnect after ten years of having turned their backs on each other.
Money Shot by Ashida So Yuuri waited, felt his heart edge back down from his throat as Victor let him catch his bearings, as he just sat and watched Yuuri calm down, patient even though the time he was paying for was ticking.“Strip for me, Yuuri.” came his first instructions in the lull of silence, the same words he always got, and this is how it always began. 
My Sanctuary by Sophia96 Omegas are rare, almost extinct.Since they're so rare, the state have created a program to make sure that the few omegas will be properly taken care of.This means that the omegas who present, will be shipped away to an assigned alpha.Yuuri presented as an omega at seventeen. And by the help of his family and friends, he succeded in keeping his secondary gender a secret.But when he unexpectantly runs out of scent blockers, he is forced to tell Victor, who will do whatever it takes to protect him.But Yuuri doesn't want to spend the rest of his life in hiding. He hates the way omegas are being treated and he will do all he can, to prove to the world what an omega is actually capable of.
Setting Sun by LittleLostStar Canon-divergent AU. Just before he skates at the Hot Springs On Ice, Yuuri receives a photo of his drunken GPF banquet antics; consumed with humiliation over a night he can’t remember, he loses the competition. Victor goes back to Russia with Yurio, and Yakov comes to train Yuuri in Japan. One night, frustrated and miserable, Yuuri posts some personally relevant song lyrics on Instagram—and wakes up the next morning to find that Victor has posted lyrics that seem to be a reply.With the world watching their every move, Victor and Yuuri begin trading lyrics in a secret conversation; from playful rivalry to intense seduction, through Savage Garden and San Fermin, their virtual affair unfolds, hidden in plain sight. But the Grand Prix approaches, bringing with it newfound opportunities for Yuuri’s career, and his new life hinges on two things: winning the gold, and staying away from Victor.
The Big Blog Adventures of Phichit Chulanont by SkyaraSnow, topcatnikki The guy is tall, broad shouldered and pale. He's angular in a way that is all cheekbone and and jaw, with a sweep of white blonde hair that falls into his stunning eyes. Blue, green, pupils so dark he could fall into them.And now he's starting to sound like a bad YA romance novel. Great.§Yuuri Katsuki is a twenty-four year old sass bucket who bit off more than he could chew in his choice housemate. Luckily he can turn to his favorite tumblr agony uncle for help!Phichit Chulanont may just have a deep dark secret, one which no one can ever know...
you dance when you walk by persephoneggsy Victor takes his little brother to see his favorite band in concert; he’s not really one for rock music, but he catches sight of a gorgeous young man in the tightest red jeans he’s ever seen, and thinks that maybe he can start to see the genre’s appeal.
On ICE!!! by Watermelonsmellinfellon The first time Katsuki Yuuri saw Victor Nikiforov perform, he realized he had a great desire to see figure skating in a video game. In fifteen years, his dream is realized. Little does he know that Victor's attention has been caught by the very game he unknowingly inspired. So ensues the cutest meeting ever and the relationship that follows.
Sweet as Sugar by glowine When Alphas present on their 19th birthday, they often go to a Sugarhouse of Omegas to manage the extreme symptoms of their presentation rut. Victor takes Alpha-to-be Yuri to Japan and convinces him to spend his birthday at Yutopia, where High Tier Sweet Katsuki “Eros” Yuuri takes patrons for impressive fees.
Private Photos by phoenixwaller It started innocently enough - Yuri looked so amazing when flustered and aroused that Victor had to take a picture. Little did he know that it would eventually develop into a contest to see which of them could take the filthiest photo of the other.
After the Ice by Dark_Romances Viktor and Yuuri have long retired and have a family now.
"Be My Sex Coach, Victor!" by lucycamui Yuuri Katsuki has always been his own worst critic, and a series of unfortunate short-lived relationships has him convinced that he flubs things more in the bedroom than out on the ice. So, of course it would turn out that the ridiculously charming Russian he's matched with online is a pornstar.But perhaps, a 'professional opinion' is exactly what Yuuri needs...
Footprints by Kashoku Yuuri should have known the moment Viktor Nikiforov stepped into the banquet hall that he was not like the other sponsors. Catching the eye of the gorgeous alpha had been a curse, and Yuuri soon finds himself trapped in a cycle of bond, breed, and repeat. First it’s weeks, then months, and then years have passed in a world of blood and death. All he can do is protect his children so that they don’t ever suffer his fate.(Omerta as an A/B/O)
For the Camera by Noon30ish In which Yuuri becomes a pornstar and is 'training' under the one and only, the Living Legend, Vitya.Or the fic where, for Yuuri, sex comes first and love comes after.
Control by Phayte  Everything in Season One is a Lie - Victor is controlling Yuuri --- Yuuri runs to Yuri and all hell breaks out.
Unimaginable by Victor_Nikiforovs_Cowlick Married, bonded and retired - Yuuri and Victor's lives are no less than perfect. How could a weekend away in Berlin with Yuri and Otabek possibly change that? Quite dramatically actually.
Bloodied Ice by kuki for Emeraldstardragon Victor had spent the last hundred years keeping to himself, ignoring the war that was tearing his world apart. When he meets a young vampire hunter, a little more curious than he should be, he reconsiders his position of isolation and neutrality.Yuuri isn't the best vampire hunter in the ranks, but he is from a prominent family of hunters. Lately, he'd been questioning the morality of indiscriminately killing vampires for just being vampires.Yuri wants revenge after the death of his family by vampires, and to find the mysterious young man that saved him as a kid. His great-great uncle is also the bastard half-human son of the vampire king.Otabek's life is a train wreck.
The Tavern Wench by kuki for Emeraldstardragon Lord Victor Nikiforov is charged with overseeing the transfer jewels to the Queen on privateer Captain Christophe Giacometti's ship. Before leaving port, they indulge themselves in the pleasures of a their server at the tavern. They get ambushed by pirates as the ship makes it out to open water.
Learning You in Three Dimensions by threerings Victor Nikiforov thought he was used to the frustration that came from dealing with Yuuri Katsuki. Since his arrival in Hasetsu he’d adjusted his expectations. Yuuri was a much different person than Victor had expected from their previous interaction. Victor thought he’d accepted the fact that his time with Yuuri involved much less sex than he would prefer.And then. And then he’d caught a glimpse of Yuuri’s dick.
Easy Accessibility by threerings Yuuri has a present for Victor to try...“Yuuri,” he growled. “That sounds like a good way to break something.” He laughed. “Imagine the press conference. Mr. Nikiforov, how did you injure yourself? Well, see, Yuuri has this giant cock...”
Collapsing Into You by threerings Yuuri is exhausted after the Cup of China, but he also has Victor fucking Nikiforov in his bed.
Shared Gravity by phoenixwaller Yuri Katsuki doesn't advertise his alpha status, in fact he'd rather it be relatively unknown. He feels that he's never fit the stereotype, and is much happier blending into the background. However, much to his dismay, his alpha instincts are awakened one summer morning.At first he's angry, believing that his new coach, Victor Nikiforov, has brought back an omega in heat for a day of passion. But when he intrudes to order the couple to a safer location he learns the truth. Victor, the most decorated male figure skater ever, has his own secret.From there an inexplicable gravity grows between them, their shared secrets pulling them together in ways that both learn to cherish.
Lost Souls by 96percentdone (Nakanaide) There were two things that everyone knows about soulmates. The first is you switch with them at some point between 18 and 24, with rare exception. The second is that when your soulmate dies, so do you.Katsuki Yuuri honestly couldn't care about any of that right now. Not after humiliating himself in front of everyone. Should he retire? He doesn't know, but he does know he's has no interest in going to the banquet.Viktor Nikiforov doesn't particularly want to be there either.
Out of the darkness by RoyalChrod When alpha lawyer Viktor Nikiforov is given the case of omega Katsuki Yuuri, accused of second-degree murder, he wasn't expecting the emotional turmoil he was currently dragged into. However, the more involved he gets, new pieces of evidence and facts are revealed, and Viktor begins to realize that nothing is what it seems. The only thing he know for certain, is that his client got out of a hellhole just to fall into another.
he took me to my knees (and now he's got me prayin') by kinkyviktor (imaginedeath) Viktor and Yuuri try out something new: cockwarming.
What a Squid Demon Wants (A Squid Demon Gets) by AnimeFanime Victor had marveled at the drawings on the walls, clearly ancient and somewhat faded, but still beautiful. Words filled some sections of stone, in an old, lost language that Yuuri explained wasn’t spoken anymore in Japan.“Yeah, I used to come here all the time growing up,” Yuuri murmured thoughtfully as he ran his fingers along a detailed picture of a large squid-like creature that dominated the other drawings around it in size. “But I haven’t been back since I was a teenager…”
Falling For Your Charms by Reiya Professor Katsuki’s crush on Professor Nikiforov is supposed to be a great secret.So naturally, the whole school knows
How To Breed Your Neko by AnimeFanime “The pictures didn’t do him justice, Victor,” Chris mumbled as Yuuri stretched out on the sheets, bowing his back, and yawning again before sitting up and rubbing his eyes. The Neko looked to Victor and pouted.“Daddy, I’m hot…I need you,” Yuuri spoke softly as he held out his arms to Victor.
then have my lips the sin that they have took by flammablehat Five times Yuuri sucks Viktor off, and one time Viktor pays him back.
Okay, kids. Enjoy yourselves. There’s sin on this list, there’s fluff, there is domestics, and there’s angst. There’s one or two that call for trigger warnings. Read the tags and warnings when you click the links. I’m not responsible because you didn’t pay attention!
Anyway, happy reading!
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