#( ft. nova )
touchmypixels · 1 year
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did i build an entire house based on @softerhaze‘s arts n’ craftsman walls? perhaps >.>
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catgirlknighted · 10 months
So many hot trans (& a few cis) people following me, if only my head was right between all of your legs! 🥴💖💜
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thervnaways · 8 months
( ready, set, @allbettr! )
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"woah, okay-- why are you good at this already?" and just what did they get themselves into? "i thought we were all newbs?"
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bowletta · 11 months
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its Monkey Monday!!!!!!!! 🐒
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ollieinoue · 5 months
Nova's Dorm the first day arriving back to school [ @novadodson ]
"--Mostly, it's just that I don't really like tapioca," Ollie said, in the midst of the most fascinating explanation of why he didn't really like boba all that much. He volunteered to help Nova unpack his things, and explained why he decided just to get them some juices instead of something more fancy from the cafe. He could also go into the fact that he wasn't a super huge fan of coffee drinks either, but figured there were other things him and Nova could have conversations about. Probably more important things. He wasn't trying to avoid talking about everything that happened leading up to the summer, and subsequently during the summer. Just that… he didn't want to talk about it. "Did you do anything fun over the summer?" He asked after his own stretch of silence, then motioned to the bookshelf, "is there any specific order you want me to put these books in? I hear the dewie decimal system is coming back in vogue..."
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marwari · 1 year
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paleearth the first
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logiyande · 8 months
who: @novadodson
where: g's rave
logan didn't want to approach nova at the rave- he looked so natural here, and she felt so dreadfully unnatural. but she'd lost her keys ages ago, and she only had one roommate. "hey," she waved her arms above her head to try and get their attention unsuccessfully. "hey!" she screamed a little louder, too much louder, as evidenced by all the strange heads turning in her direction. her cheeks felt hot. "uh, can i borrow your keys? i lost mine and i want to go home."
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tamyrawilliams · 10 months
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kaz + kewt squad
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wrenaugustine · 10 months
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totally 100% confirmed Besties
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charfletchh · 4 months
who: @novadodson
where: rainbow road, the first week of school
[a month prior]
CF (3:21 AM): where tf are u from again? near school?
CF (3:31 AM): kk go fuck urself then! blocking ur number
charlie had been pointedly ignoring nova since she made eye contact with him at the bar. somehow, they had not taken the hint to come give her attention. did she have to do everything herself? "so what, you don't even respond to my texts now?" she plopped down into the seat next to them without making eye contact, far more interested in her phone.
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littlcfreaks-archive · 6 months
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in hindsight - breaking into a dressing room was not the way to get a date. well, maybe it was - it wasn't that she didn't agree, more that security had broken in before he could get an answer from her. not having good enough reasons for being around (he wondered then if they had ever seen a romantic comedy. what else was he supposed to do other than chase the woman who he couldn't stop thinking about through the hallways? well, anyways, it didn't - security caught up only a few minutes later and escorted him from the premises, receiving a lifetime ban that his father lectured him about, then donated a larger sum of money than he would have cared to admit to make it go away. as luck would have it (and his luck often did make things work out to his advantage) - now she was in the same restaurant as he was. this time he approached her more calmly, though no less obvious. he sat in the chair next to her, "hey there. remember me?" @moonvvrites
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catgirlknighted · 1 year
I just remember those words “you’re mine” and “mine mine mine” & I go feral every time. 🥴💖
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samjimcnez · 7 months
Commencement Gala sometime in the night [ @novadodson ]
"Hey Nova!" Sam said, waving to her friend as he passed the table she was sitting at, folding up all the napkins into little origami swans - because fancy parties just seemed like all the napkins should be folded up into little origami swans. "So," she said, tilting her head towards his direction, "your official first year at a college is done," for the most part, "was it everything you expected? It was not everything I expected." As if she had to say that. "Ollie definitely undersold the drama aspect when he was telling me what to expect." That was a joke making light of the very serious subject of … everything that had happened this year. But… She handed Nova one of the little origami swans. "But! I've had a good time. I still don't know if coming here or going to NYU would have been better, though…" There was always still time to change schools.
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courfeyrac · 2 years
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mother. help me.
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ollieinoue · 10 months
The Spring Carnival sometime in the evening. [ @novadodson ]
"Wait!" Ollie said, suddenly. The hand that was grasping onto Nova's arm suddenly yanking them towards one of the booths that was set up along the side creating a walkway from the ticket booth to the rides. "Bro look." He pointed up to the prizes that you were potentially able to win should you do well enough (and sink enough time) into the Water Gun Spray game, getting the little horse figurine from one end to the other before anybody else did. In particular what caught Ollie's eye was the colorful plastic expanding swords with little lights and blinked on and off to show that they also lit up. "Forget the bumper cars for a moment, I gotta win one of those things. Play with me, we'll each get a sword and we'll fight." He insisted, taking a seat on one of the uncomfortable stools and grabbing one of the water sprayers to get ready, as if he would be able to start early if he were the first one to take a seat at the booth.
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apcthetics · 1 year
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*˖ ⊹       THE  SUNSHINE  WAS  WARM,  filtering  through  a  small  number  of  white  clouds  to  dance  across  the  crowds  of  new  yorkers  scattered  throughout  the  park.  overhead,  birds  fluttered  through  the  trees,  rattling  the  fresh  spring  leaves  as  they  jumped  from  branch  to  branch.  on  the  ground,  minji  laid  on  her  back,  arms  extended  above  her  as  she  scrolled  aimlessly  through  instagram  with  one  well-manicured  finger.  scattered  on  the  blanket  around  her  were  remnants  of  the  afternoon’s  picnic  :  a  few  slices  of  cheese  scattered  across  a  wooden  board,  a  glass  bottle mostly  emptied  of  it’s  contents,  a  half  eaten  container  of  strawberries.  twigs  and  leaves  and  dead  cherry  blossoms  had  gotten  tangled  in  her  hair  as  she  rolled  back  on  the  grass,  but  minji  didn’t  think  twice  of  it,  too  engrossed  inside  her  screen  to  take  notice  of,  well,  anything.
       “  it’s  so  posed  !  “  she  was  complaining,  exhaling  a  frustrated  huff  as  she  rolled  over  onto  her  stomach.  pushing  up  to  her  knees,  she  thrusted  her  phone  in  the  direction  of  her  friends,  a  free,  slender  hand  landing  on  the  checkered  fabric  in  front  of  her  for  balance.  the  screen,  dim  compared  to  the  sun,  showed  a  recent  photo  :  a  certain  ex-boyfriend,  standing  next  to  his  new  girlfriend,  their  arms  partly  wrapped  around  each  other.  “  so  proud  of  tonight’s  reading  !  can’t  wait  to  see  what  you  do  next...  eughk  !  “  her  lower  lip  jutted  out  as  she  brought  the  phone  back  towards  her  chest.  she  frowned  at  it  for  a  long  moment  before  clicking  the  ‘  off  ‘  button  and  letting  it  clatter  to  the  ground  in  front  of  her.  “  i  bet  she’s  not  even  a  good  writer  !  “  deflating,  she  sat  back  on  her  heels,  hands  both  coming  up  to  press  against  either  side  of  her  forehead.  “  no.  she’s  probably  a  great  writer,  otherwise  they  wouldn’t  publish  her.  ugh. “  slowly,  her  fingers  crept  down  her  face,  pulling  her  skin  down  with  it,  before  they  dropped  into  her  lap.  “  i  am  this  close  to  completely  giving  up.  nova,  pretty  please  tell  me  your  gamer  boy  has  introduced  you  to  someone  that  isn’t  disgusting  and  you  can  help  a  girl  out. “  /  NOVA  (  @overwhlcmed​​  )  &  ANA  (  @cherryflcvoured​​  )
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