#🖤[Ask meme]🖤
callmelittlesanshine · 8 months
Everythig reminds me of him…
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So I made this:
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14dayswithyou · 1 year
Whoa :O I can't believe Violet sees Amogus in Elanor 😳 /silly
(my beloveds 💕 also looking through the relationship chart is so much fun hehe)
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✦゜ANSWERED: AMOGUS????????!!!!!!!!!! If it's Violet saying that, then I 100% trust her hgjdjsh
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h-angst-er · 1 year
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toxicanonymity · 8 months
Just read new raider joel
I love it. Thank you for doing what you do ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Tysm 🫶🫶🫶 I 🖤 YOU BUG. ✨hunger
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(I'm married to it)
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homecomingvn · 2 years
What if Henry overheard Lyra/Elijah asked MC of they are dating and the MC is just like "No, we are friends. I think Henry is not interested and I respect that! Don't ask silly questions, he might get uncomfortable!" With the most oblivious smile ever made.
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probably something like this LOL
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rivetgoth · 9 days
IAMX for the ask meme?
Ah thank you!! One of my favorite bands!! 🥺🖤
There is a lot of good things I could say about ‘em, but one big thing is that I have had such absolutely transcendent experiences seeing them live. I’ve posted before about seeing them on LSD last year and how insane that was, but even before that—a less overtly exciting experience maybe but one that genuinely changed my entire perception of what a live show could be, look like, sound like, was when I saw Chris tour his Machinate album on a tiny rooftop downtown. He gave everyone in the audience a set of headphones that were hooked up to his mic. It was a TINY crowd, like 50-100 people…? Super exclusive/intimate. And did a combination of his experimental predominantly instrumental tracks from Machinate, some of the big classic crowd pleasers, but he also did some of his slower tracks like “Insomnia” and “Look Outside” (I was genuinely in tears for that one LOL I have a lyric from it tattooed). It was just such a magical night. Toned down theatrics compared to his “normal” shows with costume changes and props and stuff, but made up for in atmosphere (seeing Chris perform on a DTLA rooftop as the sun sets over the city!!) and genuinely and without exaggeration the BEST SOUNDING audio I have ever experienced at a show, bar none. Chris’ vocals sounded insane and the headphones worked perfectly. I was scared they would be distracting or dampen the sound expected of a live music experience but that wasn’t the case at all! They were optional anyway, so the sound was still plenty loud if you didn’t use them, but any time I took them off for a second to compare I immediately put the headphones back on because the sound was just so crisp and clear. It felt so high tech and cutting edge. Honestly only downside is that it nearly ruined the original recordings of some of the songs he did live because they cannot compare at all to how mindblowing they sounded at this show.
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valtiels-darkness · 2 months
😞 //But what if we’re both sleep deprived?
The snake Sannin stood before the slumped figure of one of his protogé. Barely able to keep themselves standing at all, let alone their eyes open, yet out of sheer stubbornness, they were. The Sannin was no better off. His nerves were frayed and the noise in his head only became louder. Nearly drowning everuthing else out.
It caused him to be... less pleasent to be around. However, his main objective at the moment? Get Kimimaro to bed. So, with that he cleared his throat to gain the other's attention. "I'll be retiring." Pale fingers went to card through soft white strands in a manner very much how his mother would, admiring how they nearly blended into his skin. "You should do the same, you'll be useless during your training."
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absentmoon · 1 year
Fallout: New Vegas themed self ship asks! these should mostly be usable for any kind of ship at all 🖤
Platinum Chip— what's one crucial moment in your ship?
Wild Card— talk about an au of your ship!
Sunset Sarsaparilla— how does your ship deal with stress? Do you prefer to confront the situation head on, or do you work on distracting yourselves for awhile?
Blue Moon— in what ways does your ship work together wordlessly? can they read eachothers needs easily, or do they prefer to be more direct when they want something?
Nothin' But a Hound Dog— is there anything major your ship has disagreed on? how did you resolve this?
Veni, Vidi, Vici— is there a "big bad" or any antagonistic figure(s) in your ship? are they people, or something more situational?
Old World Blues— talk about a notable situation your ship was in at one time.
Ain't That a Kick in the Head— what is one thing your ship has had to work to overcome?
Wild Wasteland— are there any "plot twists" in your ship? has anything particularly shocking ever happened to them?
No Gods, No Masters— does your ship affect the plot in any significant way, or does it stay more on the sidelines?
One for My Baby— how does your ship help eachother? what qualities do you bring out in eachother?
Meat of Champions— does food, or cooking in general, play a role in your ship? does your ship cook for one another?
The Whole Gang's Here— talk about your ships' relations to other characters!
Mr. New Vegas— do the people in your ship admire anyone? what traits do they look up to in a person?
Ring-A-Ding-Ding!— talk about anything! could also be used as a gush pass :)
pr/ship // y/andere or related, dni
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sihtricfedaraaahvicius · 11 months
Hey babe I wanted to see how you were doing 🥺💐♥️
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Oh you know-
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boltgunkiller-archive · 4 months
jesus, @ that person… it’s literally a meme drawing. and brittana and klaine had a joint wedding. it was a fun new take on a meme drawing. i have lots of couples i love that i drew in the divorce selfie meme bc its FUNNY. and i think they’re soulmates too. but it’s. it’s a meme. it’s funny.
in case this person was wondering:
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sorry abt that jokery, juno…. like. this literally could’ve been a vague post 😭 how fucking rude.
i know i am a little flabbergasted BDHSHDJDHD like i dunno. on my art…? That is a little mean 😞 but i appreciate the compliment on my art though i guess
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homecomingvn · 2 years
Its anti-backpack day:D can u tell us what would the cast bring instead? Ty ♡♡♡ ur art is so lovely
Aww thank you sm!! + this is such a great ask I love seeing tik toks of this trend :)
HENRY: a wheelbarrow or wagon (so he can push / pull you around if you get tired :>)
LYRA: probably a pillow case or a traffic cone if she's feeling rebellious
ELIJAH: A baby car seat (with permission from his parents ofc!)
SANDY: a laundry basket
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toxicanonymity · 10 months
on god i’m a whore for all the joelkemons. legit the main reason i got inspired to write was because of the joel’s, i love them so much.
catch me bowing for them men, catch me worshipping their every movement on god
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me every second of every day ^
may the body of Joel keep you horny 🙏
tysm 🥹 🫶🖤
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hekateinhell · 1 year
♡ + Armand/Lestat
I didn't realize you'd reblogged this meme and now you gotta feed me in return 😾 (and if someone else has asked for them in VC then I wanna know about them in your high school au)
babe you get my entire kitchen, apartment, whatever you want 🥹 LOL you already know the whole arc I have planned for them in the sequel but I'll stay in context of where we saw them last on ao3 -- their mutual boyfriend's name freshly tattooed on both their asses and Armand struggling to admit to Lestat that he loves him as well, before Lestat (for once), did the hard part for him.
• Who is the most affectionate?
Armand is incredibly insecure about just how much he's 'allowed' to touch him in public and in private so he doesn't readily initiate -- he doesn't want to rock the boat now that Louis's other boyfriend seems to have finally accepted him (he doesn't entirely trust Lestat's drunken and endorphin-fueled love confession).
Lestat's trying to navigate the awkward 'undefined' stage as well, but in the meantime, he'd like everyone else to know in no uncertain terms that this one also belongs to him. He's living his dream with one arm around Louis's waist and the other draped over Armand's neck. Everyone knows Lestat and Louis have been an on/off item, everyone knows Armand and Louis have also been an item for a while now, Lestat would like the world to know that he and Armand are also... something.
He just doesn't know what yet but if he could mark Armand like a dog in public, he would. It means the world to him that Armand never gave him back his leather jacket after that night and wears it to school every day even though it's much too baggy on him and reaches precisely down to his thighs. To Lestat's eighteen-year-old brain, they're practically engaged as long as Armand holds on to that jacket.
• Who initiates the handholding?
See above.
Poor Lestat has to instigate literally everything right now. Oh no, it's not going to cause any problems down the line, why would it? 😔
• Who worries more for the other?
Armand worries about Lestat living on his own since his mother bailed and left him alone with an empty house. Lestat doesn't... do well alone. He'll invite anyone over to hang out and party if Armand and Louis just can't be there; bad things happen.
• Who is more likely to ask for help?
Directly? Neither of them. But Lestat's much more prone to purposely and consciously acting out in the hope someone will notice and help him. Armand will just pretend Bad Things Aren't Happening.
• Who is the one always losing the keys?
Lestat loses everything that isn't physically attached to his person. Sometimes he forgets where he parked his car and that's his baby.
• Who leaves little love notes for the other?
They're in the same grade (even though Lestat's older, Armand skipped a year and Lestat got held back a year) so Armand and Louis typically share their notes with Lestat who has a terrible fucking time focusing during class (it's the ADHD and dyslexia). He'd much rather and much more easily fill a notebook with lyrics and random doodles for his dream album covers.
When Armand knows Lestat will actually be reading over his notes later (only under threat of a quiz or an exam -- he would like to graduate this year, thank you very much), he works in little quotes from his favorite love poems or songs.
He hopes Lestat knows it's intentional that Armand penned out the entire [love is more thicker than forget] in the margins, that Armand was thinking of him when he wrote it and not just scribbling because he's bored. Don't judge him; we all went through our E.E. Cummings phase.
• Who can't sleep unless the other is there?
Armand is an anxious sleeper and his home life in foster care isn't... great, so he spends at least half of his day at school catching up on sleep. He gets his best sleep in the library on someone's lap; out on the field using Lestat's stomach as a pillow while they lay out on the grass away from everyone else; in the backseat of Lestat's car with Louis's crumpled-up sweater as a pillow and Lestat's jacket as a blanket.
Armand would never sleep in front of other people, but on a mostly subconscious level, he feels safest just knowing Lestat's around -- a 6ft, 175-pound German Shepard that for some reason is personally interested in him right now.
(Though I have to say, Lestat loves when Armand can sleep over at his house, for many reasons aside from the obvious.)
• Who is more likely to propose to the other?
Considering how Armand drunkenly and brazenly asked Lestat to fuck him before they've ever done it, I'm going to say Armand. Whoops...
Let's hope when Armand proposes it goes better than the 'fuck me' conversation did.
• Who introduced the other to their family first?
Neither of their family is in the picture at the moment, so we're going to thrust this onto Louis.
Technically, Lestat and Armand knew of each other and had seen each other around the school before, but the day Louis formally introduced them to each other as his boyfriends was interesting -- in fact, it went something like...
Armand: [spit, hissss] 😾😾😾
Lestat: the fuck.
• Who is more likely to play with the other's hair?
Lestat loves playing with Armand's hair while Armand's napping. He has a shit ton of nervous energy that needs an outlet and he always has to have his hands busy with something, plus he'll make up literally any and every excuse to touch Armand.
• Who makes sure the other has meals/stays hydrated?
Lestat knows about Armand's home life and that he can't always afford to buy lunch at school, so he usually grabs him something from the deli when he goes for himself. He buys something for Louis too so Armand doesn't feel awkward and singled out; it makes Lestat feel good to be in any sort of big manly provider role and it doesn't hurt that Armand flutters his lashes at him and playfully licks his lips as he whispers 'thank you.'
• Who is more likely to stand up to anyone for the other?
Lestat has a much more reactive and implosive temper, so it would probably be him if someone even so much as looked at Armand the wrong way.
He's lost plenty of sleep trying to find out what exactly Armand meant by the virginity comment (they're not in the place yet where he can outright ask and he doesn't want to bring it up to Louis in case Armand hasn't and it'll become A Thing). But he fantasizes about getting to the bottom of it one day so he can figure out who to kill.
Most people leave Lestat alone because he's generally pretty popular and well-liked (and also an older senior who's had his share of fights), but if Armand ever overhears some snarky asshole insulting Lestat's intelligence because he's repeating a grade, he will cut them down to size with the most bitingly vicious words in the calmest possible tone. He might even smile as he does it, just to be extra creepy.
• Who is the most likely to prepare a surprise for the other?
Armand did spring the tattoos thing on Lestat, so I'd have to say Armand.
People expect Lestat to be capricious; Armand not so much, so it's extra surprising. But he loves to plan little 'not quite dates' and excursions that often rely on the premise of 'just trust me, Lestat! 🥺'
• Who makes the other pinky promise not to do certain things?
Armand makes Lestat pinky promise that he's not going do anything reckless like drink and drive if he's going to a house party Armand and Louis can't attend. It's not that Lestat means to be reckless, he just thinks he's invincible.
Lestat's pinky promise requests are much more innocuous, usually after they've made up following a petty adolescent squabble: 'Promise you're not still mad at me? Swear on it.'
• Who puts a blanket over the other when they fall asleep on the couch?
Lestat covers Armand up when he's fallen asleep at school, Armand covers Lestat when he falls asleep on his couch or in his bed. Usually Lestat's on top of him already, between his legs and resting his head on his chest, and so it takes a bit of gymnastics practice to maneuver a blanket over them both. It's worth it for some of the best sleep either of them will get anytime soon. 💖
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ldyinthewxll · 4 months
what does your soul look like?
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adam stoker; dog teeth
You're vicious, but you're afraid. You have to make the first punch, and make sure your opponent can't land one. But you need to stop seeing everyone as an enemy. The only one being violent is you, your anger and your defensiveness is killing you. Take a nap, rest your head and clear your mind. Come back in the morning.
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mavis abbot; an orange peel in the sun
You're drying out, friend. You had your fun, your party is over. Your citrus scent has faded and you've lost your appeal. You'll grow brittle soon, your color will fade to brown. Call someone you love soon.
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kayla booker; a pile of bubbles, an iridescent mess
Well aren't you just all over? You're appealing but you're fragile, one wrong move and you lose all that you are. You were meant to be stepped on, broken, but the joy you bring to onlookers is unmatched. Do with that as you will and take very good care of yourself, have a snack.
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matthew miller; a cardboard box of blank photographs
Where are you? Why are you hiding? What are you hiding? You're passive but there's something bubbling beneath that surface. Spit it out, be open with yourself, express your pain.
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poppy wood; blood in a lambs wool
You're the victim, right? It hurts, everyday it hurts. It's obvious you're tainted, pulled into hell as soon as you stepped upon earth. You'll never know peace, you'll never know a life without violence. Im sorry. Wash your face and your hands, don't let your wounds carve deeper.
tagged by: @whileurmine
tagging: @cruelsummerx , @hurtrite , @scarletsxnss , @lungsandlips , anyone that wants to do this!
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cakesandfail · 1 year
I have been following you for so long I no longer remember why I started (probably at least a decade), but I think that's a good enough reason to never stop. My dashboard wouldn't be the same without you.
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morvantmortuary · 1 year
my darling @rosemaremembrance was kind enough to tag me on my personal, so I’m carrying it over to this one (bc all I have cooking on fandom rn is just fswl and I’m not at liberty to discuss that at the moment lmao)
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs
okay, so here’s what I got:
then we go down together
light the sky and hold on tight
baby, you should stick around
an indecent proposal
and I liked it
return to me, my love
leave it to fright
I’ll be honest, a couple of these are almost done, and a couple of them are still in the outline stages, so I’m hoping maybe this will give me the spark I need to get them down. I know I’ve been kind of quiet in my inbox lately (I’m sorry! I promise I read everything!! :’D), so this is me trying to get back in the habit, let’s say.
eight titles, so eight people: @maximoffwxnda, @jmathesonandsiblings, @illegalcerebral, @scuttle-buttle, @lorna-d-m, @norabrice1701, @ebiemidnightlibrarian, and @shadowworldwanderers - plus anyone else who feels like it, obvi!
thanks again for tagging me, babe <3 I’ll be skulking around trying to catch up on things today in the meantime
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