#πŸ’Ÿ arisu
maochira Β· 9 months
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maochira Β· 1 year
I’ve drawn Ego and my OC Arisu a lot lately,, time to post them!! I base my father figure!Ego series on them btw :]
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As you can guess, the β€œLet me help you” drabble is based on the following drawings (also ignore the inconsistencies in Arisu’s hair colour. I picked the wrong markers shhdhfjsnjdjd)
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I already posted the last one a while ago but I still like it so wanted to add it here!!
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maochira Β· 9 months
[Bllk OC]
From: Arisu's Egoist Bible profile:
What makes her happy: Being praised "I was told I smile like a child who shows their art to their mother whenever I get praised."
Ego originally said this to Anri, but he doesn't know Arisu heard that. He could never say something like this directly to her. Anri was the one who said it to Arisu later (without telling her it was originally from Ego) but Arisu knows it was him. She overheard it by coincidence when she was about to enter the office in the moment when Ego saying that, but then she had to stay outside for another minute because she started crying. She's not really used to people talking about her in a nice way, because usually she's either overseen or people just don't care for her in a deeper way. So hearing a comment like this from her boss - who she sees as a father figure - made her really happy.
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maochira Β· 9 months
I want to know more abt your oc and what I want to know is how they think about the ppl they know it can be any oc or you can do all of them πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜β€ΌοΈβ€ΌοΈ
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Me reading abt your oc's info (I thinking of making one)
First Arisu! Ego is her father figure (even though he would NEVER in his life admit that) so she's fairly attached to him and she gets emotionally when he praises her just a little bit. And Anri... well. She's her girlfriend. Soooo :P not much to add. They love each other very very much.
I can't go into detail for Takumi and Satoshi for everyone because then I'd have to do like everyone in NEL😭😭 But just in general!
Takumi goes along with pretty much everyone very well. Everyone loves him and there are only a few exceptions for people who dislike him (Raichi and Barou for example) and some are neutral on him (Rin for example.) Besides those few he's everyone's softspot even in a place like Blue Lock. Takumi also likes everyone and he doesn't dislike Raichi and Barou as much as they dislike him. He hates Sae, though. He doesn't really care about Rin.
Satoshi has no other choice than to get along with everyone because he's an assistant and it's his job to help and create personal training schedules and workout plans for everyone. He doesn't mind most players but he absolutely can't stand Kaiser. Kunigami also gets on his nerves most of the time because he's so cold and tends to be uncooperative regarding the training schedules he creates. Satoshi also doesn't really like Shidou because he's so overprotective over Takumi and he's really not a fan of Shidou and Takumi dating.
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maochira Β· 9 months
What are your Ocs aesthetic/style for clothes? For example, dark academia, vintage, or cottage core.
Arisu: softgirl aesthetic! (But she usually wears a suit at work)
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Satoshi: dark academia
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Takumi (idk a word/description for his aesthetic but something like this)
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maochira Β· 10 months
Arisu Mochida (OC) Egoist Bible profile
Arisu is a graphic designer and also Ego's assistant at Blue Lock! .
Character colour: Pastel violet
Nicknames: Ari-chan "I told Ego-san not to call me that because it sounds so similar to Anri-chan and we got confused a lot." Mochi-chan "Ego-san switched to this nickname."
Birthday: June 5th
Current age: 20
Zodiac sign: Gemini
Birthplace: Tokyo
Family: Father. Mother. Myself.
Current Height: 155cm
Foot size: 23cm
Dominant foot: Right foot
Blood type: B
Favourite food: Cold soba noodles
Disliked food: Seafood "I hate the fishy taste."
Favourite animal: Cats "I always wanted to have one! But my parents said no."
Favourite season: Winter "I love snow!"
Favourite player: Yoichi Isagi "I don't know much about soccer, but I think he's interesting."
Favourite song: My Time by bo en
Favourite manga: The Animal Crossing manga "I discovered it by coincidence and immediately fell in love!"
Favourite anime: Sailor Moon
Mushroom shoots vs Bamboo shoots: Mushroom shoots
What goes best with rice: Soft boiled eggs and soy sauce
Fetish: Women's chests
Hobby: Drawing
What makes her happy: Being praised "I was told I smile like a child who shows their art to their mother whenever I get praised."
What makes her upset: Being ignored
What she thinks her strength is: Being a hard worker
What she thinks her weakness is: Overworking herself and pulling all-nighters too often "Even Ego-san told me to rest more often."
Best subject: Art
Disliked/weak subject: P.E.
What made her cry recently: "At 3 am when my computer crashed and my save file got corrupted. I had to start all over."
Usual sleeping time: 5 hours "Anri-chan said it's too little, but I'm used to it."
What she usually ends up buying from a convenience store: Instant ramen "I always get one extra for Ego-san."
Place she washes first when taking a bath: Legs
Ideal type: Someone who is willing to put as much effort into the relationship as she is
At what age she experienced her first love: 5 "I had a crush on Usagi from Sailor Moon."
What she would do if she received 100 million yen: "I'd buy all the art supplies I've been dreaming of!"
Number of chocolates she received on previous Valentines day: 0
At what age did she stop receiving gifts from Santa: 12
What was her last wish from Santa: "I wanted a big set of Copic markers."
How she spends her holiday: "I never really stop working..."
What she would do on her last day on earth: Worrying about her unfinished work.
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maochira Β· 1 year
Arisu is just a helpless lesbian in Anri's presence and honestly I would be as well
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maochira Β· 9 months
πŸ‘―πŸŒ¦οΈβ€οΈπŸ’žπŸ›Œ go crazy bby <3
I already answered ❀️ in the last ask but I'm doing the others hereπŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ
πŸ‘―: What canon character are you most similar to?
I'm LITERALLY Bachira irl also I'm Ness irl and I'm very similar to Reo as well
I think Takumi is like a mix of Bachira, Hiori and Nanase?
For Satoshi and Arisu I have no idea
🌦️: Would you be accompanied by mostly fluff or angst fanfics? Both? Explain why.
I'd be in mostly fluff fanfics with a few angsty ones, Takumi in mostly hurt/comfort, Satoshi mainly angst and Arisu 99% fluff
πŸ’ž: Aside from with your f/o, who else would you commonly be shipped with? Why?
My friend once said I'd go well with Hiori and yes I see it. Also maybe Kuon?? Both queerplatonicalny of course (don't tell Claire about the Kuon part they will kill me for saying this.)
For Takumi, it'd be Barou. They have the potential and I think about them a lotπŸ˜” also if Takumi was canon there'd be Sae x Takumi shippers which I think is funny
For Satoshi, it'd be Kaiser. Enemies to lovers.
And for Arisu idk she's a lesbian so not much to choose from. But I think a platonic ship between her and Isagi would be popular!
πŸ›Œ: What tropes show up in fics involving your ship?
Maochi: hurt/comfort, slight enemies to besties
Maotetsu: getting paired up for a partner project in school
Tokimao: fluff, also the "sharing one bed" trope
Maonichi: mutual pining (queerplatonically) and Keisuke is the one who figures it out first
Shidou x Takumi: hurt/comfort
Lorenzo x Satoshi: unrequited love, angst, friends to lovers
Arisu x Anri: fluff, sharing one bed,
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maochira Β· 9 months
I edited Arisu's Egoist profile a little because I finally found a last name for her! Her full name is Arisu Mochida and one of her nicknames is Mochi-chan.
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maochira Β· 9 months
Can you tell us more about Arisu? How does she interact with the other coaches?
She rarely talks to them, mostly because she gets very nervous around them. The only one she can have an actual conversation with, without her heartbeat going to an insane speed, is Loki. She already talked to him at the end of second selection!
The other coaches are nice to her as well (Snuffy treats her like a daughter (nobody is suprised)) but they always notice how nervous Arisu is when talking to them. And their attempts to calm her down only make her feel embarrassed so she's a little hopeless case with that
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maochira Β· 9 months
Omg omg I wanna know everything abt ur OCs but I was kinda shy abt it >////<
But like I wanna know their fav ice cream flavours if possible??? Idk Im craving ice cream rn hehehehe
ANYWAY HAVE A NICE DAY βŠ‚β (⁠´⁠ο½₯⁠◑⁠ο½₯β βŠ‚β Β β )⁠∘⁠˚⁠˳⁠°
Chaos ily <33 ask as many questions about my OCs as you wanna I love them very much I could talk about them foreverπŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ
Arisu's favourite is strawberry, Satoshi's favourite is dark chocolate and Takumi's favourite is mango! (He only likes fruity ice cream and actually prefers sorbet)
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maochira Β· 9 months
Do ur ocs have a favorite coach/master from the nel?
Takumi's favourite is Snuffy! I mean, he's in Ubers so it makes sense. Snuffy also became his favourite soccer player in general (Takumi most likely has a father complex so guess why)
Satoshi's favourite is probably Noa because he's calm and rational and just gets told what work to do without anything on the side. I assume especially Lavinho and Chris would try to start random convos with him but Satoshi prefers to have his work done in peace first before he gets into any off-work conversations
Arisu's favourite is Loki! I know we don't know much about PxG yet but she got to talk to the World Five at the end of second selection and felt intimated by everyone except for Loki.
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maochira Β· 10 months
Really love all the info you are giving us about your ocs? Can you tell us more about how they feel abt the current bm vs ubers match? (def not asking for a kaiser mention)
Okay this is kinda all over the place but my thoughts on this are rather unorganized LMAO
Takumi first! He's on the Ubers team as a midfielder. He encounters Raichi there again and let's say..... Raichi hates Takumi due to losing against him and his teammates during second selection. Also Takumi was on the Blue Lock Eleven starters (my OC my rulesπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ) and because he is very short (160cm) Raichi keeps saying stuff like "That shorty is supposed to be better than me???" so that rivalry continues during the BM vs Ubers match and probably gets stronger. The funny part is, Takumi doesn't consider Raichi as a rival but Raichi sees Takumi as one.
Takumi and Barou don't get along well, but he tries his best to at least get along well on the field. After Barou breaks Snuffy's strategy and scores a goal, while everyone is happy, Takumi starts scolding Barou but because he's so small, to Barou he just looks like an angry cat LMAO but then the others tell Takumi to calm down. (He is usually very sweet and caring but as soon as he plays soccer, his personality changes completely and he can be VERY aggressive.) Depending on how the match continues in future chapters, I guess Takumi would try to continue following Snuffy's plan but then he just goes "Eh fuck it" and does whatever works best (I hope Ubers wins btw)
Satoshi is an assistant in all of Blue Lock which means he's had the unfortune pleasure of meeting Kaiser a lot. He's watching from the side but he's overheard Kaiser saying something mean about Takumi's height. Overprotective Satoshi mode is on immediately, but he holds himself back from yelling at Kaiser. OH ALSO he's having a blast seeing Kaiser and Lorenzo (Satoshi's boyfriend πŸ’ͺ) against each other and cheering for Lorenzo as loud as he can.
Also, as mentioned, Kaiser said something about Takumi's height but none of the Blue Lock players cares because they've seen Takumi play and they know how good he is, so they don't bother telling Kaiser and just let him see for himself.
Even after months of working in Blue Lock, Arisu still doesn't understand much besides "there are different positions and ball goes into goal" so she's just watching and needs Ego and Anri to explain everything to her. Arisu is just an assistant and graphic designer, after all, so she doesn't need to know any details on soccer. But she really enjoys watching matches especially because Isagi is her favourite player.
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maochira Β· 10 months
i want to know your ocs relationship with theo sachs, grim and drago
Takumi has met neither Theo nor Grim besides playing against them in the Ubers vs Bastard MΓΌnchen match (yes I'm putting him on the starters, my OC my rules πŸ’ͺ) but Takumi gets along very well with both Dragos (you didn't specify which one so I'm doing both)
They probably bond over the fact that Takumi and Satoshi are also twins so they can talk about stuff that's relatable to them, that they can't talk about with people who don't have a twin. Actually, I think Drago 5 wouldn't have believed Takumi and Satoshi to be twins at first because they have a 25cm height difference (Takumi is 160cm, Satoshi is 185cm) so it took some convincing to make him believe it and that's how their bonding-over-being-twins started.
Also a lil related to your headcanons: Drago 3 made Takumi try an energy drink and let's say the caffeine made him super hyper and he couldn't fall asleep that night. He was found all alone on the practice field at 6 am. Never let him drink one ever again. Oh also, Satoshi gets teased for dating Lorenzo by the entire Ubers team half of the time in general, so both Dragos definitely participate in that.
Because Satoshi works as an assistant in all of Blue Lock, so he knows Theo and Grim! He hasn't interacted with them much, but from their short conversations, he thinks they're okay. But he thinks Grim is a little annoying because he's so overdramatic.
Satoshi has been to the Super Mario Theme Park in Japan once, which Theo, as a huge Nintendo fan, is VERY jealous about.
Arisu hasn't met any of them because she never enters the player areas, but she enjoys watching the recordings of all matches! I just don't think any of them would stick out to her.
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maochira Β· 10 months
I could explain Shidou's and Takumi's relationship in detail but when it comes to Anri x Arisu it's just "lesbeans hehe" and when it comes to Lorenzo and Satoshi honestly I have no idea what their relationship is like except for them being very silly
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maochira Β· 11 months
Hi so do you allow Fanart of your OC and if yes do you have a good ref of them to use πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ
I have tags for my OC!! I'll tag them on this post so you can look there :]
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