#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ :β€‚β©‡β©‡β€‚βš οΈŽβ€‚[β€‚π™΄πš‡π™Έ(πš‚)πšƒβ€‚: 𝙢𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ REFLECTIONS . ›
solarisgod Β· 18 days
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solarisgod Β· 5 months
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solarisgod Β· 1 day
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solarisgod Β· 7 months
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β€” Philos
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solarisgod Β· 22 days
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Astereus ( or more so Micah as fronting ) explains to Pom Pom the Astral Express conductor how xe's trans and they both say tra(i)ns rights something something.
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solarisgod Β· 27 days
Micah had challenging relationships with xyr education and learninga experiences, especially during xyr childhood from ages five to thirteen. From two to five years old, Micah moved into multiple foster families who have failed to give xem the proper development care and opportunities, as well as xe didn't get the chance to be part of pre-school until xe was adopted into the Everlove family. From the lack of socialization and general development progress surrounding the people and environments that Micah wouldn't or couldn't connect with, these hindered general childhood developments while they delayed several prominent skills including language, cognition, social skills, and many more.
The only time Micah could attend to preschool or similar programs was after Maria and Caelum adopted xem at the age of five, they placed xem in the mixed junior and senior kindergarten class. They wanted Micah to have the opportunities to be in similar clasroom settings and develop xyr skills and functions before entering elementary school. However, Micah had many social and behavioral issues that troubled the staff teams and xyr peers along with their parents. This includes, but not limited to: Aggression ( physical, property destruction, temper tantrums ), suspicion, thievery, easily distracted, with lack of cooperation, communication, and connection with peers. Maria and Caelum had to take Micah to psychiatric and developmental assessments.
Micah, with the Starwake System, have the following list of diagnosis at ages five - six:
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Autism. *Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Derealization-Depersonaization Disorder. *Intellectual disability ( IQ of 65 when taking the test for first time at age five; 70 since taking the assessment for post-secondary support services at eighteen; and have now likely reached to 73 in mid thirties ). *Nightmare Disorder. **Oppositional Defiant Disorder. Schizophrenia. [ . . . ] Assessments have also noted amnesia, *Illeism ( referring to oneself in third person instead of first ), insomnia, *pyromania, **maladaptive daydreaming, *mutism, Synesthesia ( projective + associative ), but failed to find Dissociative Identity Disorder until mid thirties. Note : Symptoms have been *reduced or **treated by reaching to age twenty one.
The results followed Micah's parents with the school board and special education team taking immediate action to create the Individualized Education Plan ( IEP ) for xem. Although the process had been slow so Maria and Caelum had to fight extremely hard against the school boards for Micah to get every sort of support and accommodations that xe needed as soon as possible while xyr speech therapy was attempted to be given ( albeit couldn't make much progress due to Micah's mutism and aggression ). Few teachers at Micah's school had thought xe was a " lost cause " because of xyr vast conditions and many severe behavoral issues, however, the special education team with Micah's parents were determined to give xem the best learning experiences.
Before entering grade one at age six, Micah had xyr IEP made and was placed in the special education program. When the consultation letter were sent to Maria and Caelum beforehand that they had to write about Micah's behaviours, strengths and weaknesses, and used supports; as the IEP's Consultation log mentioned, they wrote:
" [Micah] is disconnected with [xyr] peers and family relatives, often exhibiting behaviours of aggression or absentmindedness that would prevent xem from creating and maintaining connections with others. Some of [xyr] strengths are high independence, eagerness to learn, and creativity. [Xyr] areas of need include anger management, self-regulation, increase in attention, empathetic skills, and social skills. At home, visual cues ( such as usage of cards and posters ) are used to teach or remind [Micah] about respect and self-regulation. Parents advised not to use verbal and physical prompts for [Micah] or excessively use [xyr] name, otherwiae [xe] will be provoked. "
in regards to Micah's profile of strengths and growth, xyr areas of strength were: Kinesthetic learner, visual learner, gross motor skills; high independence, high curiosity, creativity skills; while xyr areas for growth were: Attention skills, self regulatory skills, conflict resolution skills; social skills, fine motor skills, organizational skills; problem solving skills, communication skills, decoding / reading comprehension; and self-expression. Micah's English and mathematics skills were quite poor, so these matters were also considered during the progress of xyr special education program.
In terms of xyr needed accommodations, for the instructional accommodations, xe was provided buddy / peer tutoring, direct instruction, chucking, concrete / hands-on materials, ability grouping, visual prompts and cues, modelling, and reinforcement incentives; environmental accommodations, xe was given a quiet setting and strategic seating in proximity to instructor; and academic accommodations, xe was given frequent breaks, alternative settings, extended time limits and due dates. In addition, Micah was provided Picture Exchange Communication System to communicate via pointing pictures and fidget toys including chewing bracelet and squish balls.
Initially, in the special program, Micah received one-on-one support focusing on xyr anger management, empathetic skills, reading comprehension, and basic English with mathematic skills before the following semester, xe was placed in a small special classroom with xyr five classmates while developing on xyr social skills, self regulatory skills, and self-expression. Micah stayed in this classroom from the ages of six to eleven, xe could go to special class in the morning and to regular class of thirty students in the afternoon past lunch hours. At fourteen in high school to twenty one in university, Micah could attend to regular classes with the option to go to the resource centre to do class works and assignments or xyr tests + exams in quiet settings. In high school years, Micah had a resource teacher who would provide xem academic advices and manage xyr accommodations.
Over time, Micah’s prominent life skills and functions improved greatly. During high school and post secondary school years, xe earned academic awards while achieving highest marks in the former classes and a few scholarships in the latter state for having exceptional GPA. Xe faced a lot of self-hatred and internalized ableism for xyr intellectual disability and other conditions especially during xyr teenhood, although Micah was able to improve on many different aspects of xemself. Xe does feel exceptionally proud of xemself, and so are xyr family and starmates to the beyond.
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solarisgod Β· 1 day
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MICAH!!! πŸ₯ΊπŸŒΌβœ¨
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solarisgod Β· 2 months
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Is xe... you know...?
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solarisgod Β· 1 month
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Micah's smile ... πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯ΊπŸ₯ΊπŸ₯ΊπŸ₯ΊπŸ₯ΊπŸ₯ΊπŸ₯ΊπŸ₯Ί
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solarisgod Β· 2 months
I hope you guys know that despite everything, you're always still loved by many who you have now and will always be loved by more who you will meet. β™‘
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solarisgod Β· 1 month
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solarisgod Β· 2 months
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solarisgod Β· 3 months
I'm just going to say this with my whole chest out after processing a recent event, saying this to the roleplay community as a whole, to please consider what can be said and done for others who may not share the same connection or that can make the connection seem more significant than it is. It's incredibly easy for people to assume friendships or closeness, and I get how common it is for people in the rpc to seek that sort of connection, but while some are happy to take friendships right away like me, the rest aren't like that when it takes time and energy and effort. Don't call people by pet names you don't know well. Don't praise them so often, especially if you're just getting to know them. Just be mindful of their comfort and the connection you have with them.
Another thing I want to say, I also think it's highly easy for people to maintain mutuals / friendships without considering how much that time and effort and energy are being returned to them. If you feel like those aspects aren't being reciprocated to you, like you're often - always the one reaching out or maintaining interactions, don't hesitate to back down until they prove themself worthy of your time and energy again or cut ties especially if you feel like it can't be talked / done about. If you feel discouraged being dropped, especially out of sudden, by those who you thought you could deeply trust and had good connection with, I promise the world won't end from there when you'll always have the ones you know and find more people who can return that time and effort and energy to you.
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solarisgod Β· 6 months
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solarisgod Β· 4 days
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    ⁽ — - γ…€Ω¬Ω¬ ENDLESS EDITS OF MICAH XENOWAKE ✰ β‚ŠΛš.γ€€β‚Ž
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solarisgod Β· 6 months
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#ASK TO ASK CW#AQUAPHOBIA CW#///#//#/#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ :β€‚β©‡β©‡β€‚βš οΈŽβ€‚[β€‚π™΄πš‡π™Έ(πš‚)πšƒβ€‚: 𝙢𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ CREATIONS . ›#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ :β€‚β©‡β©‡β€‚βš οΈŽβ€‚[β€‚π™΄πš‡π™Έ(πš‚)πšƒβ€‚: 𝙢𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ REFLECTION . ›#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ :β€‚β©‡β©‡β€‚βš οΈŽβ€‚[β€‚π™΄πš‡π™Έ(πš‚)πšƒβ€‚: 𝙢𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ STUDY . ›#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ :β€‚β©‡β©‡β€‚βš οΈŽβ€‚[β€‚π™΄πš‡π™Έ(πš‚)πšƒβ€‚: 𝙢𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ MICAH . ›#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ :β€‚β©‡β©‡β€‚βš οΈŽβ€‚[β€‚π™΄πš‡π™Έ(πš‚)πšƒβ€‚: 𝙢𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ MIKE . ›#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ :β€‚β©‡β©‡β€‚βš οΈŽβ€‚[β€‚π™΄πš‡π™Έ(πš‚)πšƒβ€‚: 𝙢𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ MIMI . ›#[ oh gosh okay... ok... o....... ]#[ this is so heavy to make and think about it but ]#[ do know this is an extremely important thing about Micah that we'll eventually write a meta on ]#[ great stars above . ]
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