#쿠키런 킹덤
sioma709iie · 4 months
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쿠키런 킹덤 😮
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cohapon · 5 months
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I love the combination of royal margarine cookie, who seems a bit of a narcissist, and Buttercream Wyvern, who seems more like a gentle babysitter to him than his sidekick...! ✨✨💛🧈🧈💛✨✨
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cuddleslover1738 · 1 year
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web series version
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[속보] 금어초 쿠키가 물망초 쿠키로 곧 대체됩니다. 🚨
긴급 속보. 쿠키런: 킹덤 최악의 캐릭터인 금어초 쿠키가 물망초 쿠키로 대체되었으며 그 이유는 다음과 같습니다.
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2023년 레드드래곤 업데이트의 전설에서는 금어초 쿠키가 6월 8일에 출시되었습니다. 현재 금어초 쿠키는 물망초 공룡 쿠키로 대체됩니다. 소셜 미디어에서 펼쳐지는 거대한 드라마
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milkbreadtoast · 2 years
HEY GUYS I've been working on this for a while to study Korean, but I translated every Milk Cookie line in his Korean voice clip reel!!! (consulted native speakers for help w some)
anyway if u like milk cookie pls read... I feel like they hid so much lore/characterization in these voice clip reels that you don't get to see in game🥲 (and please listen to the voice lines too!!)
Video: https://youtu.be/RrxOkdNdZ7Y
(Pre-battle lines:)
제게 힘을 주시길...!
(Please) Grant me strength...! (praying)
아무도 다치게 두지 않겠어요!
I won't let anyone get hurt!
절 먼저 상대해야 할 걸요!
You'll have to face me first! /You'll have to get through me first! (taunting)
평화를 위해 힘을 모아볼까요?
For the sake of peace, shall we join forces/work together?
제가 있으니까 안심하세요!
I'm here, so please don't worry/rest assured!
가호를 빌게요.
I'll pray for blessings. (this is 1 of his field tap lines)
(Defeat lines)
자신을 의심했기 때문이에요...
It's because I doubted myself...
다친 곳을 치유해 드릴게요..!
I'll heal where you've been hurt..!
너무 상심하지 마세요..!
Don't be too/so heartbroken..!
(various milk sfx)
찾아와 드셔서 정말 기뻐요~ 자기 집처럼 편하게 지내세요!
I'm really glad you came over! Please make yourself comfortable, like it's your own home!
매일 아침에 우유 한 잔이 강하고 순수한 쿠키를 만든답니다~
A glass of milk every morning makes a strong and pure cookie~
당신도 다크초코 쿠키님을 존경하는 동지로군요~!
So you also admire Dark Choco Cookie-nim~!
어린 쿠키들에게는 영웅이 필요해요!
Young cookies need a hero!
약한 쿠키를 돕는 것 만큼 숭고한 일은 없죠!
There is no work as noble as helping weak cookies! /There is nothing nobler than helping weak cookies!
전 지금... 그분이 자랑스러워할 만큼 강해졌을까요?
Right now... have I become strong enough that he'll be proud of me...? (dark choco) (note: when not mentioning him by name, he often refers to dark choco with "그분" which is a v honorific/respectful 3rd person pronoun)
운동할 시간이니까 기다려주세요.
It's time for me to exercise, so please wait.
이건 빼먹을 수 없거든요~
I can't skip this, you see~ (seems to be connected to prev line, aka exercising)
누굴 좋아하는데 자격이 필요한 건 아니잖아요?
You don't need qualifications to like someone! /Liking someone is not something you need qualifications for, is it? ^^
어떤 쿠키든 마음속은 다 하얗고 부드러울 거라고 생각해요!
I believe that (no matter who they are,) every cookie has a soft and white heart! (white as in "pure")
고민될 땐 언제든 쿠키들을 위하는 방향으로 나아가면 돼요!
Whenever you're stuck at a crossroads (/feel troubled), just go towards the direction that helps other cookies!
오? 이상하네요? 어릴때 입던 옷이... 이렇게 작아지다니?
Oh..? That's strange? (To think,) The clothes I wore when I was young.. have become this small? ^^
치유의 우유 지팡이를 쓰는 법을 배워보지 않겠어요?
Would(n't) you like to learn how to use the Healing Milk Staff? ^^
당신이라면, 할 수 있어요!
If it's you, it's possible! ^^
다크초코 쿠키님은 지금쯤 어디 계실까요?
I wonder where Dark Choco Cookie-nim is right about now...?
어디선가.. 아프거나 힘들어하시는 건 아니겠죠?
Somewhere out there... he's not hurting or having a hard time, is he...? (dark choco; this line seems to be connected to the prev line)
우린 강해져야 해요.
We have to get stronger...
언젠가.. 좋아하는 쿠키에게 의지가 되기 위해서라도...
Someday.. to (at least) become reliable to the cookie I like...
순백의 힘으로 어둠을 물리치리!
With power of pure white, I shall defeat the darkness! (gacha pull line)
(Gifts (ob lines..?))
감사히 받을게요~
I'll gratefully accept this~
우와! 필요했던 거예요!
Wow! It's the thing(/what) I needed! (/I needed this!)
정화가 필요해 보여요...
This looks like it needs purification...
앗-! 아프다니까요!
Ah-! I said that hurts!!
모두에게.. 가호를...
to everyone... blessings... (death line)
쿠키런 킹덤
Cookie Run Kingdom
(Lvl up lines:)
제 영웅처럼 강해지겠어요!
I will become strong, like my hero! (dark choco)
모두에게 가호를!
Blessings to all! (same as death line)
굳은 신념이 절 여기까지 이끌어주었죠!
My firm resolve(/strong faith) has lead me this far!
하하! 응원 감사해요!
Haha! Thank you for cheering me on! ^^
더 강해질게요!
I'll get stronger!
영차! 방패가 하나도 무겁지 않아요!
(grunt of effort) My shield isn't heavy at all!
용기가 불끈 솟아요!
My courage is soaring/surging/bursting forth!
가슴이 벅차오르네요!
My heart is full/overflowing! (deeply moved and joyful)
(character tap lines:)
평화를 위해 어둠과 맞서 싸우리라!
For the sake of peace, I shall fight the darkness head on! (intro line)
그분만큼 강해지고 싶어요!
I want to become as strong as him! (dark choco)
지팡이의 빛으로 치유해드릴게요!
I will heal you with the light of my staff!
올바른 신념만 있다면 누구나 강해질 수 있어요!
As long as you have the right faith/convictions/resolve, anyone can become strong!
제 사명은 다른 쿠키들을 지키는 것이죠!
My mission is to protect the other cookies!
그분을 모욕하는 건 참지 않겠어요!
I won't stand for you insulting him! (dark choco again)
어디에나 희망은 있답니다~
Wherever you go, there is always hope~
좌절하지 말고 나아가자고요!
Don't lose hope, let's keep moving forward!
어떤 시련이든 방패로 다 막아낼 겁니다!
I will defend against any trial with my shield!
괜찮아요! 다 돕고 사는 거니까요~
It's ok! We all live our lives helping each other after all~ (/Life is about helping others after all~) (this is like a response to being thanked)
That's/It's bad-!!
(I said) Have a go at me! (taunting)
I said get back!
제가 막을게요!
I'll block it!
이 땅에 평화를...!
Peace to this land! (skill line)
(atk noises)
(field tap lines:)
날씨가 끝내주네요!
The weather is fantastic!
Shall/may I assist you? /Do you need help/assistance?
길을 잃으셨나요?
Did you lose your way?
전 괜찮습니다!
I'm fine, thank you! (lit: I'm ok/alright!)
올바른 신념이 중요하죠~
Having the right beliefs/faith is important~
좋은 하루 되세요!
Have a great day!
누구든 마음속엔 빛이 있답니다~
Everyone has light inside their hearts~
와~ 오늘 정말 멋지신데요!
Wow~ you look really nice today! ^^
I'll cheer you on!
올곧은 마음을 가져야 해요!
You must(need to) have an upright heart!
존경하는 쿠키가 있나요? ^^
Do you have a cookie you admire? ^^ (dark choco again)
신념은 마음의 보호막이죠! (1* promo)
Your beliefs protect your heart /Faith protects your heart! (lit: your heart's protective layer)
일찍 일어나야 강해질 수 있어요!
You can only become strong if you wake up early! (sounds like talking to children)
칼슘을 섭취해서 몸을 튼튼하게 만들자고요!
Let's make our bodies strong(and healthy) by consuming calcium! (2* promo) (also sounds like talking to children)
평화를 위해 싸우는 게 저의 의무니까요!
After all, it's my duty to fight for peace!
사명이 있는 한 이 방패는 부서지지 않아요!
As long as I have a/my mission, this shield won't break! (3*)
어떤 부상도 제가 치유해드릴게요!
I'll heal any injury/wound!
순백색 복장은 마음의 거울이죠!
This pure white clothing is a window to my heart! (lit: mirror of) (/Pure white clothing is a mirror of the heart)
집채만한 폭풍도 우리 해치진 못할걸요!
I doubt even a storm the size of a house will be able to harm us!
당신의 등 뒤는 저에게 맡겨주세요!
Entrust your back to me!
다크초코 쿠키님을 떠올리면 언제나 용기가 나요!
I gain courage whenever I think about Dark Choco Cookie-nim! ^^ (4*)
최고의 순간까지도 당신을 축복하겠어요
I will bless you(/encourage you/wish you happiness) until the very last moment/the very end! (5*)
두려워 말고 나아가세요!
Don't be afraid, keep going!
우리의 앞을 섬광이 비춰줄 겁니다!
A flash of light will illuminate the way for us! (/our path/the path ahead of us)
(Victory lines)
서로를 믿었기 때문이에요!
It's because we believed in/trusted each other!
도움이 되어서 기뻐요!
I'm glad I was of help! / I'm happy I could help!
우와~ 굉장했어요! ^^
Wow~ That was awesome! ^^
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aricastmblr · 1 year
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BTS Cookies from the gacha? #BTSinCRK #CookierunKingdom #CRK #BTS
쿠키런: 킹덤 Youtube
어느 날 뽑기에서 방탄소년단 멤버가 등장한다면?🕺
Cookie Run: Kingdom  fb.watch BTS Cookies from the gacha? 🕺 #BTSinCRK #CookierunKingdom #CRK #BTS
JImin I want you to be happy. That´s it!   I love you all and I always will!
Quiero que seas feliz. ¡Eso es todo! Los amo a todos y siempre lo haré!
Jungkook Oh! I´ve misses you!  Trust me, let´s run together!
¡Vaya! ¡Te he extrañado! Confía en mí, ¡corramos juntos!
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lucymystic · 1 year
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[#LUCY] 쿠키런 : 킹덤 2주년 콘서트 Dream in Kingdom👑 완료✔️
무대 위 퍼포먼스 만렙
예찬의 바이올린 연주가 함께한 무대는
오늘도 역시 레전드였습니다🎻
#루시 #신예찬 #쿠키런 #쿠키런킹덤
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fyjm · 2 years
역사적 만남의 순간! 🤩"용감한 쿠키, 방탄소년단을 만나다!" 💜 | © 쿠키런: 킹덤
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basilseedcookie · 2 years
Wasn’t visitor in one of the comics? Do you know if she had any kind of characterization? Was current Aloe around too?
she appears in kingdom vol 5 (쿠키런 킹덤)
i dont know anything specific outside of previews/reviews but as far as characterization goes, shes said to hate company and is a bit irritable, but i cant elaborate. default aloe doesnt appear
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for-yoongi0309 · 2 years
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쿠키런: 킹덤 x 방탄소년단 — schedule
* COOKIE RUN: KINGDOM is an action Kingdom Builder & Battle RPG mobile game
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shadowynerdfest · 1 year
@sknana0150 : 아 쿠키런 킹덤 다시 깔아야하나
아 쿠키런 킹덤 다시 깔아야하나
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gendy-endy · 2 years
I'm extremely surprised that no one here's talking about these Jellywalker animations.
I highly recommend them and it's not too long.
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cuddleslover1738 · 2 years
time traveler: *sneezes*
the timeline:
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hajims-fanzone · 2 years
Hello friends
If you are searching for energy drink cookie scraps like I am
I suggest looking at this ongoing series
It is a bit creepy though
As that's what happens with zombie apocalypse type stories
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sagwa0730 · 3 years
Licorice Cookie
I like his voice
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wastepainting · 3 years
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