fangjuexias · 1 year
The Earth Is Online Audio Drama || Theme Song, "Ravens in the Dark"
出品:猫耳FM 监制:瞬心文化 贰哲-Xu1 Studio 音乐制作:杭州乐馨文化艺术有限公司 演唱:白翎@正版白翎酱丶 大C@大C爱唱歌 作词:贰哲@贰哲 作曲:徐一/HJLL-Xu1 Studio 编曲:HJLL-Xu1 Studio 吉他:洪施锐-Xu1 Studio 制作人:徐一-Xu1 Studio @徐一_ 混音、母带:HJLL-Xu1 Studio 封面设计:时论@时论发电机
傅:秩序被世界流放 湮灭了日光 黑夜囚困在下一道高墙 它笼罩你的模样 唐:而伙同如你我 形容多得当 能默契到迎合我疯狂 不做声响
傅:今晚马戏已登场(多猖狂) 银铠骑士不妨 合:与同谋 挑战规章(太默契的猜想) 唐:诗人不曾吟唱 却又吊唁 合:着死亡(Turn on the intercom)
合:我愿 这枪口迸溅的火花 换你生存筹码 唐:而命运 像注定的回答 你闯入也算上融洽(是你吧)
合:代价 就像娱乐神的笑话 还义无反顾吗? 傅:而有人 如结伴的暗鸦 追随身后(We can kill the game) 唐:深渊共跳下
唐:荒诞也沦为日常 理智成妄想 熟悉名字在游戏中叫响 却让曾经被掩藏 傅:眼神同谎言较量 验证着猜想 也曾是陌生面孔一张 也最难忘
傅:昨夜马戏已散场(维克多) 银铠骑士却还 合:与同谋 挑战规章(太默契的猜想) 唐:诗人不曾吟唱 却又吊唁 合:着死亡(Turn on the intercom)
合:我愿 这枪口迸溅的火花 换你生存筹码 唐:而命运 像注定的回答 你闯入也算上融洽(是你啊)
合:代价 就像娱乐神的笑话 还义无反顾吗? 傅:而有人 如结伴的暗鸦 追随身后(We can kill the game) 唐:深渊共跳下
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best-underrated-anime · 3 months
Best Underrated Anime Group C Round 3: #C8 vs #C2
#C8: Government employee and his white cat boss
#C2: High social anxiety girl has to befriend her whole class
Details and poll under the cut!
*Text in green indicates that something has been changed.
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#C8: White Cat Legend 2020 (Dali si Rizhi)
Chen Shi, a young man from the countryside, journeys to the capital in search of his missing older brother, whose existence he only knew about upon his mother’s death. He knows neither the name nor face of his brother, and after finally arriving at the capital, he runs out of money as well. One thing led to another, and he finds himself employed at Dali Court, where he works for Vice Minister Li Bing, a large white cat.
On the other hand, Li Bing is of royal blood who was imprisoned because of his family’s treason. Now, he has to work in the government to atone for the crime.
At Dali Court, they review court cases from all over the country. But when an incident involving the esteemed ministers of the royal court breaks out, Dali Court is called to help, only to find themselves entangled in political threads and hit heads with an eccentric demon.
Li Bing is determined to get to the bottom of this, but how far can he go when he could regress into a real cat at any time when left unchecked?
I’m tired of writing new propaganda every round, so I’m begging you to just trust me that it’s GREAT.
Intriguing plot? Check. Complex and interesting characters? Check. Comedy? Check. Drama? Check. 
The blend of comedy and drama is just so good. I started the show because I love cats and supernatural stuff. Who would’ve thought it would pull me into an abyss of despair of political intrigue. The cat demons turned out to be just the icing on the cake. 
We have all these different characters brought up in different ways that their ideas of what is Right conflict with each other. None of them are exactly Wrong or inherently Evil (well, except for maybe one guy), and this makes it so much more difficult to choose who to root for. You’d think everyone against the protagonists are the Enemies, but turns out even the protagonists are limited by their biases and unintentionally harm others. Even the two protagonists themselves get into arguments because of their different standpoints.
And I just love this because it makes them realistic, you know? The characters don’t always agree with their friends, and their enemies are not completely hostile either. It really all boils down to what they believe in. Sometimes their beliefs align with existing comrades, and sometimes they find it on the other side.
Production-wise, this show also gets a check on everything. As an adaptation, it’s amazing. The original manhua has quite a simple style—kind of like comic book drawings, and panels are all rectangles in one straight line. Storytelling is also simple and straight to the point. 
But the 2020 donghua? God, it went far and beyond that.  The animation team does not cut corners at all, which is a feat considering the show has a low budget from what I’ve heard. 
A short, simple scene in the manhua becomes an emotionally-devastating experience in the donghua. The animation choices, angles, music, and just everything else blend so well to deliver a STORY. This adaptation does not just copy frames from the source (like Blue Lock) or cut/reorder some of the scenes (like Horimiya and Sasaki to Miyano). White Cat Legend 2020 understands the material so well that it can creatively use the advantages of the animation medium to deliver an experience that exceeds even that of the source. Think Mob Pyscho 100 or One Punch Man s1 level of creativity. It even has mini stories at the end of the ending song. For s1, the mini stories are in stop-motion, while for s2 it’s formatted like a video game. You gotta appreciate the effort.
Please just vote for this show. It deserves to be in the Finals.
Trigger Warnings:
Cannibalism - There’s a cat demon who appears in human form, and he eats humans (it’s not shown explicitly, though).
Animal Cruelty or Death - said cat demon also eats animals raw (again, not explicitly)
Graphic Depictions of Cruelty/Violence/Gore - There’s blood and fighting, and somebody also gets tortured in season 2. But again, nothing too graphic
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#C2: Hitori Bocchi’s ○○ Lifestyle (HitoriBocchi no MaruMaru Seikatsu)
Many of us know what it is like to transition to a new school with few to no friends in a new environment, going through the arduous process of getting to know people again. Bocchi Hitori knows this struggle all too well, having just graduated from elementary school and thrown into middle school. Unfortunately, she suffers from extreme social anxiety: she faints when overwhelmed, vomits when nervous, and draws up ridiculously convoluted plans to avoid social contact. It does not help that her only friend from elementary school, Kai Yawara, will not be attending the same middle school as Bocchi. However, wanting to help her, Kai severs ties with Bocchi and promises to reconcile with her when she befriends all of her classmates in her new middle school class.
Even though Bocchi has no faith in herself, she is determined to be friends with Kai again. Summoning all of her courage, Bocchi takes on the daunting challenge of making friends with her entire class, starting with the delinquent-looking girl sitting in front of her…
This is a fun and lighthearted show. Watch it if you need something cute to chill out! The art is cute and colorful, the music lively, and the animation fine enough.
As it's adapted from a four-panel gag manga, the story is simple and focuses on the various characters. They all have pun-based names related to their main personality trait, so they're easy to remember if you know some basic Japanese (Hitori Bocchi means all alone, for example). The girls are all adorable and fun in their own quirky ways, and I loved seeing the heroine doing her utmost best to overcome her fears -and other challenges- to befriend them in the hope of fulfilling her promise. That's the power of the Do-Your-Best Fairy! They all care for each other (despite some teasing) and help Bocchi with her monumental task, never pulling her down for her struggles but gently pushing her in the back when needed.
But most importantly, Hitori Bocchi is a very relatable character. As someone suffering the same trouble, I related a lot with Bocchi, from her silliest worries to her escalating panic and weird schemes in an attempt to prevent anything wrong. Anxiety is faithfully represented, mixed with the right amount of laughing to how far Bocchi can get to avoid fearful situations in her very cute ways. It feels good to see a character like me in a such positive light! The struggles are real and acknowledged, and it’s really moving to see our heroine overcome them little by little in a very humanizing way.
This series has become one of my comfort materials, and I come back to it when I need hope and inspiration in everyday social interactions! If you need one last thing to be convinced, listen to that most adorable and silly song that will give you the Power of Motivation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGoGwlNmZUQ 
Trigger Warnings: None.
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When reblogging and adding your own propaganda, please tag me @best-underrated-anime so that I’ll be sure to see it.
If you want to criticize one of the shows above to give the one you’re rooting for an advantage, then do so constructively. I do not tolerate groundless hate or slander on this blog. If I catch you doing such a thing in the notes, be it in the tags or reblogs, I will block you.
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Know one of the shows above and not satisfied with how it’s presented in this tournament? Just fill up this form, where you can submit revisions for taglines, propaganda, trigger warnings, and/or video.
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porcupine-girl · 4 months
Did you enjoy Yibo's NYE performances?
Sure, we were all psyched for him to perform Observer, but did you like the surprise duet he did earlier in the show?
If so, I am here to tell you about the guy he was singing with - because Yibo loves him, and so should you!
That! Is Da Zhangwei!
He wrote that song! He was one of Yibo's cohosts on Tiantian Xiang Shang (also known by the terrible translation Day Day Up), and you know Yibo's TTXS cohosts were his family. His big brothers. It's how he got his reputation as a ge collector.
This is DZW's other NYE performance, which is a bit more representative of his usual aesthetic:
If you like either of those songs/performances, read on to learn more about why you should definitely be paying attention to this guy.
(Sorry most of these videos don't have English subs. But most are music so at least you can find the lyrics online.)
First off, DZW didn't just write this song and then perform it with Yibo (and give Han-ge a shoutout afterward). He then posted this video, basically shouting "I wrote this song because I miss my TTXS bros!" (The lyric being repeated here is "I will miss you")
I mean, I don't know for a fact that he wrote it about them. But I do know that he literally DID write a song about Yibo once. This is a thing he has done before. It's called Cool Guy:
But the fact that he and Yibo are on each other's lists of favorite people is only the beginning, and definitely not why I became obsessed with him.
Da Zhangwei fun facts:
You'll find him on English-language sites like Spotify and iTunes under his English stage name, Wowkie Da. People also often refer to him as DLS or Da-Laoshi, showing how respected he is in the music industry.
He started a band (花兒樂隊, The Flowers), wrote all the music for said band, and had his first hit, 静止 (Static), in 1999 - when he was 16 years old. Like all his music, it's catchy as fuck. (To go back to Yibo for just a second, I'm guessing they bonded over having to deal with fame from a really young age.)
(Yes, the guy sticking his tongue out at the camera up there is 40 years old.)
Da Zhangwei is actually a stage name, too. His real name is Zhang Wei (so you'll occasionally find him as Wowkie Zhang), but that's such a common name that when he started his career he started going by "Big Zhangwei" - which is hilarious given that he was a scrawny teenager.
He continued to write pretty much all the band's music for the next decade. (Here's a whole concert from probably 2007ish). Then when they broke up in 2009 he started his solo career, also writing all his own music.
静止 was an angsty teenage anthem, but since then his aesthetic, both songwriting-wise and visually, has tended toward upbeat and cute.
I think it's safe to say he's leaned into this even more since going solo. Some of his recent hits: 撒花/Scatter Flowers, 一个Nice, 满怀可爱所向披靡 / Full of Cuteness and Invincible, and 万物盛开法则 / Law of All Things Blooming, from above.
However, don't be fooled! This just means that when he writes something sad, it's absolutely heartbreaking. Examples include 永远唱不完的歌/The Song That Doesn't End (above) and 我的深情就是个笑话/My Affection Is Just A Joke.
In addition to hosting TTXS, he has become a staple on all sorts of variety shows, both for music and comedy.
I found him via Season 3 of Our Song, where some of his accomplishments included creating a mashup of 12 different songs, from traditional Chinese folk music and opera to his own 撒花, and turning "your team will do 3 songs" into an entire 3-act musical (link is to the whole episode, since the 3 songs are alternating with the other team, but the other team is AMAZING with people you should get to know too). ETA I forgot about this compilation I did of clips from some of his Our Song performances!
He got to meet the Rolling Stones earlier this year! There's a translator but he's so excited he keeps breaking in while she's trying to ask his questions. His English is really good (if heavily accented), and he has a tendency to throw it in completely unnecessarily to both his performances and random conversation.
He's been on this show for a few seasons called Who's the Murderer? - basically, the same cast plays out a different murder mystery improv each episode. I haven't watched it yet but I've been meaning to - the latest season is on YT with English subs.
His birthday is the day after mine.
Want to see more? His tag is not very busy, but I try to reblog most things to @da-zhangwei. Feel free to contact me by any standard Tumblr method if you want more links!
Tagging people who said they'd be open to getting pulled into my Cpop fandoms, even though I don't have the edited Our Song episodes yet (consider this a preview): @json-derulo @poetry-protest-pornography @emmajanereading @percy-persephone @nuttysaladtree @thelima-aka-chickwriter @writergamermom @oneringtorulethem @trickybonmot @lovebird17 @erza155hasleftthebuilding
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my-b-side-life-aii · 1 year
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相模鉄道 相鉄12000系 新緑 ハナダイコン ふれあいの森 大和市
富士フィルム X-H1 XF70-300mmF4-5.6R LM OIS WR C-PLフィルター使用
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aintgonnatellyouwhy · 2 months
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Xiao Zhan (肖戰)
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gradol-cuties · 24 days
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Airi Otsuki 大槻アイリ 2001年10月10日 T164cm B75-W54-H80cm 推定 Cカップ
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deus-ex-mona · 2 months
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ok but. looking at yujiro’s nonexistent a(.)b(.)s(ecret), i think i could take him on 1v1 ezpz
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fangjuexias · 1 year
Little Mushroom Audio Drama || Theme Song, "Aurora at Nightfall"
原著:一十四洲@日更少女小十四 音乐制作人:奇然@奇然liya 音乐总监:奇然 监制:@落落木桐生新桐 、@六音书钟晚 、@大二吉 作曲/编曲:何仡@何一束 作词:骆栖淮@骆栖淮 、冥凰@-冥凰- 演唱:奇然、大C@大C爱唱歌 和音编写:何仡 和音:大C、奇然、沈谧仁@沈谧仁mile 混音:dB音频工作室@dB音频工作室 制作团队:平行世界工作室@平行世界工作室 海报设计:清梦环途@清梦环途 、图图
梦中那片极光消散坠入地平线 心跳开始苏醒似什么破了茧 谁绿色的瞳孔安静遥望悲哀的山巅 借风语诀别 爱是场无从停止的大雪
当命运藏匿所有伏线 再不准豁免 也愿去触碰那轮会破碎的月 可你却穿过荒芜世界 感知这想念 审判是我于你的吻别
恍如那枚银白色徽章冰冷特别 星芒可否就是末世纪的诗篇 黑暗降临人间 奔赴你爱上我的荒原 再相拥沉湎 相互为彼此许一个春天
当流浪的风吹拂旷野 重生又湮灭 未尽的悲伤喜悦就与你关联 待雪花凋谢温暖指尖 钟声也飘远 无边极光将照彻深渊
当流浪的风吹拂旷野 重生又湮灭 未尽的悲伤喜悦就与你关联 待雪花凋谢温暖指尖 钟声也飘远 无边极光将照彻深渊
当流浪的风吹拂旷野 重生又湮灭 世间的万物也悄然陷入沉眠 终于我循着那片极光 走出这冬夜 是你再次来到我身边
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hokkienmee · 9 months
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Kido Taisei in Bokutachi no Konai Hoso (2023)
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best-underrated-anime · 5 months
Best Underrated Anime Group C Round 2: #C5 vs #C8
#C5: A bunch of teenagers are forced to share pain
#C8: Government employee and his white cat boss
Details and poll under the cut!
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#C5: Kiznaiver
Katsuhira Agata is a quiet and reserved teenage boy whose sense of pain has all but vanished. His friend, Chidori Takashiro, can only faintly remember the days before Katsuhira had undergone this profound change. Now, his muffled and complacent demeanor make Katsuhira a constant target for bullies, who exploit him for egregious sums of money. But their fists only just manage to make him blink, as even emotions are far from his grasp.
However, one day Katsuhira, Chidori, and four other teenagers are abducted and forced to join the Kizuna System as official "Kiznaivers." Those taking part are connected through pain: if one member is injured, the others will feel an equal amount of agony. These individuals must become the lab rats and scapegoats of an incomplete system designed with world peace in mind. With their fates literally intertwined, the Kiznaivers must expose their true selves to each other, or risk failing much more than just the Kizuna System.
Kiznaiver is an extremely underrated work of Studio Trigger’s and is definitely one of their bests. Not just for the animation, but for the impactful story as well. The characters just feel so real, and this show just makes you think about human connection and how much we might care for each other if we shared our pain. Although it can get a little confusing at the end, the sheer raw emotion is what makes up for everything. Every single one of the characters gets developed in ways that made me smile like an idiot.
Very good but severely underrated anime! Would recommend! :)
Trigger Warnings: Emotional Abuse, Fatphobia, Disordered Eating, Implied Sexual Assault (maybe).
The fact that Yuuta is formerly fat is constantly mocked throughout the series, which leaves a bit of a sour taste in my mouth as a fat person watching the show personally. Yuuta, to maintain his thinness, engages in disordered eating by simply eating a small cube of food every day. Said character is also the subject of an attempted sexual assault by a female character, but I don’t remember correctly if that actually happened or if I just got triggered by the way the scene was portrayed.
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#C8: White Cat Legend 2020 (Dali si Rizhi)
Chen Shi, a young man from the countryside, journeys to the capital in search of his missing older brother, whose existence he only knew about upon his mother’s death. He knows neither the name nor face of his brother, and after finally arriving at the capital, he runs out of money as well. One thing led to another, and he finds himself employed at Dali Court, where he works for Vice Minister Li Bing, a large white cat.
On the other hand, Li Bing is of royal blood who was imprisoned because of his family’s treason. Now, he has to work in the government to atone for the crime. As for why he is in cat form? That’s for you to find out.
White Cat Legend is a captivating blend of political intrigue, supernatural elements, comedy, drama, and action, showcasing a diverse cast whose allegiances are ever-fluid. It’s difficult to discern who’s on which side and why, since at any moment enemies may become friends, and friends may become enemies.
We have Chen Shi, who looks a lot like Tintin that it’s hard to believe he’s a main character. I think he’s more like the designated POV character, who guides the audience through the intricate political landscape. He becomes more prominent in season 2, though, when he is angered by how when those on top clash, it’s those below who suffer the most.
Then we have Li Bing, the white cat detective. When he’s not attempting paperwork with his inconvenient cat paws, he’s busy exposing schemes and conspiracies, yearning for the crimes to be judged fairly. But when the world is controlled by those in power, this is no easy task, not to mention that he also has to watch out becoming a real cat. 
Their colleagues in Dali Court are just as memorable. We have the shrewd Wang Qi whose luck is so good that it’s impossible to kill him, the runaway Arab prince Alibaba who wants to finally pass the Level 8 Mandarin exam so he can keep his boring desk job, the former soldier Sun Bao who’s afraid of ghosts, and the extremely unlucky Cui Bei who brings disaster wherever he goes that he’s just as effective as a nuclear weapon.
Outside of Dali Court, we have the ominous-looking General Qiu Shenji who is too sexy to be a villain, the cool lady General Lang Bailing whom even women would crush on, the cannibal demon Yi Zhihua who is too iconic to hate, the old as fuck Empress who somehow looks and acts like a child, and many more.
I’m making it a point to highlight the characters because the beauty of this show really lies in them. Whether they’re on the side of the protagonists or not, they’re all so loveable. They’re just different people, you know? Different people with different upbringings fighting for what they think is right, and sometimes their ideas clash with others. This is simply what divides them, much like relationships in real-life. White Cat Legend forces us to reflect on this.
Season 1 starts off light and hilarious as we follow the adventures of the Dali Court officials but gets heavier in later episodes. In Season 2, the humor is still there, but the overall mood is more serious. Both seasons will make you bawl your eyes out in their final episodes, so be prepared for that :)
The show also has exceptional animation, particularly during action scenes. They’re very immersive, made even more amazing with an emotionally-gripping soundtrack. 
I really hope you vote for this show, and if not, at least try watching it. It’s worth your time <3
Trigger Warnings:
Cannibalism - There’s a cat demon who appears in human form, and he eats humans (it’s not shown explicitly, though).
Animal Cruelty or Death - said cat demon also eats animals raw (again, not explicitly)
Graphic Depictions of Cruelty/Violence/Gore - There’s blood and fighting, and somebody also gets tortured in season 2. But again, nothing too graphic
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When reblogging and adding your own propaganda, please tag me @best-underrated-anime so that I’ll be sure to see it.
If you want to criticize one of the shows above to give the one you’re rooting for an advantage, then do so constructively. I do not tolerate groundless hate or slander on this blog. If I catch you doing such a thing in the notes, be it in the tags or reblogs, I will block you.
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Know one of the shows above and not satisfied with how they’re presented in this tournament? Just fill up this form, where you can submit revisions for taglines, propaganda, trigger warnings, and/or video.
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anamon-book · 10 months
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大予言者ノストラダムスの謎 ミシェル・C・トゥシャール 千葉茂隆・訳、河合浩三・解説 大陸書房 装幀=黒田久志
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suikyounamegami · 7 months
Cool-B VOL.112 | Ooe, Hashihime × UrC - Pt.1
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como no hubo información nueva del juego en la edición de este mes y es un artículo corto, decidí agregar también las páginas de la colaboración entre Hashihime y Urc 😙
honestamente no pensaba escribir este post ya que estoy un poco desmotivada con esto de que el lanzamiento de Ooe se va retrasar 😞
pero bueno 😩
si están interesados, aquí lo tienen 🙂
Páginas 38-43
el artículo de Ooe trata sobre cómo pasan los personajes la temporada de otoño 🍂
comenzando con Oosaki
dice que, cuando se da cuenta es otoño
y cuando se da cuenta, ya es invierno ❄
que pasa los días de alguna forma…
Ariake / Otoño de 'apetito'
no tiene ojos para nada más que castañas, caquis y comidas de 'edición limitada' (comidas de temporada)
en resumen, en su cabecita no hay espacio para otra cosa que no sea TRAGAR
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Shinbashi / Otoño de 'apreciación'
se entretiene con música, películas y obras…
él solito... 😔
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seguramente en su ending terminará forzando a Oosaki a tragarse todas estas películas con él 😅
y Oosaki con cara de ¿qué es esto? ¿por qué estoy viendo esto? 🤣
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Aomi / Otoño de 'lectura'
parece que le gustan las novelas de temporada
Hinode / Otoño de 'sueñito' 😴
pareciera feliz de poder dormir más fácilmente...
(por qué Hinode duerme tanto...??? 😟)
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Shiodome / Otoño de 'vacaciones'
participa en algún festival raro
Takeshiba / igualmente, se va de vacaciones
disfruta de los puestos de comida y festivales en el pueblo
Toyosu / Otoño de 'relajación'
se queda viendo las nubecitas… ☁
Shijoumae / otoño de 'espectador'
observa el progreso de los pacientes que han regresado al sumo, el judo y otros deportes con una sonrisita
y Funeno es Otoño de 'poda'
tiene buena mano como jardinero, así que deja los árboles y los bonsáis bien bonitos 🌳
Páginas 46-49
la colaboración entre Hashihime y UrC trata sobre qué elegirían los personajes entre kaijuu / héroe, y pasado / futuro
comenzando con los personajes de Hashihime
Kaiju o Héroe, cual de los dos?
Tamamori, dice que la relación entre kaijuus y héroes es como el agua y el fuego 💧🔥
por lo que la única opción es el agua, ya que no quiere desaparecer
Kawase, no tiene necesidad de pensarlo y dice que un kaijuu
quiere desaparecer de un 'soplido'
Minakami, un kaijuu
no se convertirá en algo como un héroe, a quien le tengan que estar dando las gracias
Hikawa, por supuesto que un héroe
desarrollaría herramientas para mejorar a los héroes Tamamori-kun y Hanazawa-kun
Hanazawa, un héroe
dice que salvará a todos incluso si su cuerpo perece…
y Kaoru dice que un kaijuu
por que le parece interesante...
y pasamos ahora a los personajes de UrC
Pasado o futuro, cual de los dos?
Choutsugai, dice que es de mal gusto y que no le gusta ninguno de los dos, pero que si tuviera que elegir, elegiría el futuro (dice que volverá enseguida)
Shou-chan, pregunta que si se puede volver al presente, y de ser así, entonces elegiría el futuro
si hay un futuro infeliz esperándolos, le gustaría poder evitar ese camino
tan lindo mi Shou-chan 🥰
es un amor 😘
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Akira: también elige el futuro
iría y compraría materiales para hacer manga y los traería de vuelta al presente, pero...
no podría pagarlos porque los billetes son muy viejos
(los iba a comprar con billetes de los 70's 😅)
Juurou se queda pensando… pero al final no da una respuesta por pensar solo en las desventajas de elegir uno u otro
los posibles escenarios 'catastróficos'
que si Yomi esto... que si Yomi lo otro… ya sabemos  ̄皿 ̄
a Isshiki le parece divertido, y dice que el futuro
quiere ver cosméticos nuevos ya que está harto de los labiales del presente 💄
y Yomi dice que no puede elegir, ya que piensa que es mejor no saber nada más que el presente, y se disculpa por arruinar el tema
quedan pendientes las páginas 50-51 donde hay una conversación entre Tamamori y Shou-chan, pero las continuaré en una 2da parte 😫
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chentailai · 3 months
我又写了关于Jaime Reyes的同人文章并给所有可能有兴趣的人看了,所有看过的朋友都表露出一种不好评价的礼貌。我有点不自信,高中给了我很大的压力,我觉得我的精神上出了点问题。最新的一篇也许这是我写过最变态和最烂的一篇了。但更令人难过的是,lofter(某个我能用且熟悉的平台)上蓝甲虫的热度低的像在南极。没有人看我写的东西,喜欢Jaime的人也少之又少。
我不希望blue beetle看起来像个笑话,如果那些家伙继续的话,我不害怕去反击。但真的没必要搭理他们,他们太无聊且幼稚,他们就像是活的沙包喜欢被打骂,像故意犯贱的小弟弟。
我是说, 蓝色钢铁蜘蛛侠?小孩。确实很像。但不要搞得像发传单一样,你以为这是即将到来的版权大战吗?不。大家都心知肚明。
我仍喜欢khaji da和Jaime,只是,像在沙漠里找水一样搜刮情绪反馈真的是件痛苦的事
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taxi-davis · 10 months
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my-b-side-life-aii · 2 years
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メインブログ: My B Side Life *Hyper  同時公開‼
はこね71号(GSE) 田園風景 大山 伊���原11号踏切 青田 青空 C-PLフィルター
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fangjuexias · 1 year
Reckless Audio Drama || Theme Song, "Reckless"
音乐制作人:奇然@奇然liya 音乐总监:奇然@奇然liya 作曲:LunaSafari@LunaSafari月旅人 编曲:LunaSafari、庄乐韬@大乐淘R 作 词:舟舟@不系舟Sai_ 演 唱:奇然@奇然liya、大C @大C爱唱歌 吉他贝斯:庄乐韬@大乐淘R 和声编写:9h @9h_久晗 和 音:大C @大C爱唱歌、奇然@奇然liya 混 音:dB音频工作室 @dB音频工作室 音乐制作:平行世界工作室 @平行世界工作室
视觉设计:@山河长诀 监 制:阿仓、三生静水@三生静水 统 筹:浅栗@小西木_lue
初遇 年少轻狂 刻板印象 暗中较量 盛夏骄阳肆意滚烫 汗水与爱 一并流淌 多少次想象 他指尖轻触我手掌 抬眼是天边微光 像电影无限拉长—— 把愿望 虔诚写入 信纸一张 恋人与前程 都坦荡 青春总 有笑有泪 仓促收场 换爱人相识也不狂 随口唇 吻过鼻尖 流入心脏 交叠的手掌 不需讲 爱总能 驱散迷惘 把路照亮 是彼此奔赴的浪漫 无双 —— 课后 碰面在球场 传闻中的打架之王 盛夏骄阳伶俐外表 竟然包裹 温柔蜜糖 最真实理想 他指尖轻触我手掌 远胜天边微光 像电影无限拉长—— 把真心 虔诚写入 信纸一张 爱意与青春 都绵长 少年的 温柔臂膀 指向远方 有爱人并肩也不狂 随时光 吻过鼻尖 流入心脏 纠缠过发梢 不需讲 要历遍 人间山海 不算妄想 是彼此奔赴的年少 轻狂
远胜天边微光 像电影无限拉长—— 把真心 虔诚写入 信纸一张 爱意与青春 都绵长 少年的 温柔臂膀 指向远方 有爱人并肩也不狂 随时光 吻过鼻尖 流入心脏 纠缠过发梢 不需讲 要历遍 人间山海 不算妄想 是彼此奔赴的年少 轻狂
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