gotnorighttodoless · 1 year
@starrcrxssed (wanda)
Not thinking much of leaving his sketchbook at the table he'd been occupying for the last hour, Steve went inside to purchase another cup of tea. By the time he returned, his sketchbook was gone. Turning a full circle as he carefully studied the crowds, trying to spot anyone moving faster than normal, he saw nothing out of the ordinary. His weeks of work, nearly finished, had been taken. Looking down at the cup of tea he could now no longer afford until he would hopefully be able to catch up before the deadline, he kept his disappointment to himself. Cleaning up what was left of his things from the table, Steve picked a direction and set off, hoping he might find his sketchbook along the way.
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daydrcamings · 2 months
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"i'm not interested in your company." bucky stated outright before downing a shot. "not interested in any company so i suggest you find somewhere else to sit. someone else to bug." at least he was honest, right? at least he didn't lead people on. he made it clear that he didn't want to speak to people right now. bucky was an introvert through and through and that was unlikely to change any time soon. he only had a handful of people he allowed in.
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demongemz · 1 year
i just need you. ( Pietro Featuring Wanda || @starrcrxssed​ )
Pietro smiled softly moving to pull his sister into a tight hug, he’d missed her so much, it was never his intention to leave her but fate had other plans for him that day. “You have me, I’m not going anywhere this time around, I promise” he mused placing a kiss on her forehead. “This place is strange, I’m not the only one who’s been brought back to life, I know how strong you are Wanda do you have any idea what is happening here?”  
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springbandit · 6 months
❝ you’ve got about as much charm as a dead slug .❞
(Sam & William)
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"What use is charm?" He asked, only entertaining the other because there was nothing more interesting going on. It was a slow day and if this was the only intellectual stimulation he was going to get, he may as well try to make the most out of it. "Has charm ever bettered society? Has charm brought cures to the sick? Has charm sent people to the moon?" he sneered, shaking his head. "I think not." He wasn't truly bothered by the other's comments, but, he at least hoped his response might make them think. "Sure, charm can catch the attention of a beautiful woman, but, so can strength, intelligence and stability. I think I'd be much more compatible with someone who's looking for those other things anyway."
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hhalfdoomed · 1 year
closed for layla el-faouly // @starrcrxssed​ !
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at first, it looks like it might as well be a part of the show; this whole thing is put together by the royal family, after all, and marc doesn’t know a lot about them, but he assumes that one can expect pretty much anything. except soon enough it’s clear that this is no fun, that it’s real, that something bad is happening. chaos ensues almost immediately, which to be expected, and for once, marc is thankful that he isn’t someone that easily gets carried away by what others do. so when they panic, he doesn’t, and his reflexes are trained enough for him to avoid most of the damage so aside from injuries that are not worth mentioning, he is fine. others aren’t, though, and somehow, his first thought is with his supposed wife that’s tried to convince him that they know each other earlier. it’s not easy to navigate among the mass of bodies and rubble, but he eventually spots her. “ hey, ” he says, reaching to offer her his hand so he can help her get up. “ let’s skip the part where i don’t remembers us being married, are you alright? ”
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oftimeslostlongago · 1 year
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Trying to get used to this place was proving to be difficult. He wanted to, sure there was politics but they weren't affecting multiple planets, or on such a tightrope either. The issue was that it meant he had more time to be lost in his thoughts, all of which were racing. He'd been with Breha when the ray hit, and yet he hadn't seen her anywhere, and they had died not knowing where Leia was. None of which he could do much about stuck on this planet, with no contact to anywhere else. But that was when he saw her, for a moment wondering if he was imagining it, but the reality was he'd know his daughter anywhere. "Leia?"
@starrcrxssed for Leia
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wearelondonhq · 1 year
I’d like to reserve Layla El-Faouly please! (May Calamawy)
we shall throw on reserve for you, my love!
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crimsnclver · 27 days
@starrcrxssed: cont.
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Rory frowned a little in understanding. He knew that he wasn’t supposed to show too much emotion, but he couldn’t help it. It had never been something he could just turn off easily. “I’m sorry that you haven’t been able to find any answers. The sooner we can help you the better. I may be only a nurse, but I’ll make note that you’ve gone around a lot looking for help. Is that alright? I’m just asking some questions so we can get an idea of what’s going on.” He wrote a few things down on the computer, typing fast while still listening to her.
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ohbambix · 6 months
❝ 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕘𝕠𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕥𝕠 𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕤𝕝𝕖𝕕𝕕𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕦𝕤? 𝕚𝕥’𝕝𝕝 𝕓𝕖 𝕗𝕦𝕟! ❞ | @starrcrxssed
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Sledding was on the lower end of snow activities that Harry even considered fun. Had he ever done it before? Not that he could remember, no. And sure, chaotic and impulsivity decisions that could lead to flying down a snowy hill would seem up his alley. Imagine all the people he could run over in the process? However, having seen it done briefly, something seemed too sweet about it.
"Why? Would it ruin ye'r enjoyment of this sledding experience if I wasn't there?" He says instead, flashing a grin towards the other only to exaggerate a wink.
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hcpefuldreams · 1 year
closed starter for @starrcrxssed​ // open to selina kyle
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a drink. that’s what harley needed. she needed on after the long day she’d had and was ready to relax. she stepped foot into the pub and walked straight to the bar. she sat down at the counter and smiled as she saw a familiar face. she raised her brow, “selina? is that you?” she asked with a wide grin across her face. she was happy to know that someone from gotham was here and that she wasn’t alone.
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starrcrxssed · 7 months
@lcvenderhcze continued from here
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TARA KNEW that she should have .. that she should have attempted to be normal. was that ever going to happen? perhaps not. perhaps she was fooling herself by letting herself believe that she could ever persue a normal life like she had tried to in the past, because .. too much had happened. too many bad things. right? perhaps being normal was something that was in the past for her and that .. always would be, one way or another. perhaps this was what she had to settle for now, slowly attempting to reach out to people. slowly attempting to make new ... friends? "hey! yeah, you.. i .." attempting to get someone's attention by pulling at their sleeve. was this truly how pathetic things had gotten recently? pulling one of her earbuds out, she nodded a little bit. "seat's free, if you want it? i'm just finishing up a paper and i'll get going."
Tara clearly didn't recognize her sister, skulking around in a hoodie to keep her face hidden. Yeah she liked to fly under the radar, feeling just a little bit safer. "It's about time i tracked you down." Sam whirled around, knowing her baby sister's voice, anywhere. She smiled warmly, a rare feature for such an uptight woman. A jumpy woman, a woman constantly on edge. But that was how she stayed alive, and was able to protect Tara from the horrors that seemed to follow them anywhere.
"I'm so sorry we got separated, kid." She reached out to embrace the young woman, having missed her desperately. "How are you, you ok?" She tried not to be overly sentimental, Tara hated when Same hovered over her, but the tears welled in her eyes anyway.
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heroestales · 2 months
She was so beautiful but he was terrified. Terrified he’d somehow break her. That he’d take her fragile heart and mine and give it more lines of stress. This felt like when Magnus had taken her memories. Taken everything. His golden eyes were so careful. So worried but he loved her. Hell, he loved her with everything. He didn’t flinch at her touch but his body started. It was familiar. Warm. “Clary. Clary,” he related reverently. “You do?.. can I hold you?” He only said it for her. Only soft for her.
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daydrcamings · 3 months
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clary was by no means his best friend, that was for sure. the two had never really been super close but... right now? her's was one of the few familiar faces he'd seen around this place. "clary. hey." he greeted, nodding towards her. "how long you been here? you seen jace? izzy?" alec questioned, the hope obvious in his tone as he looked at the other. "please tell me that it's not just you around here."
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demongemz · 11 months
@starrcrxssed​ || Leia Organa 
Finn had always been able to feel this secondary type of force, it was strange and weird but he learned very quickly to trust the feelings they produced around certain people. Something about the woman seemed welcoming and warm, he’d arrived here with nothing but a couple of names and a mess of confusion. “Um…Excuse Miss?” He asked if it felt wrong to do this but he was very confused and had little to no idea where he was. “I’m sorry to bug you but I’m completely lost…Where are we? This place isn’t like anything I’ve ever seen before…” He asked rather shy-like.
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springbandit · 6 months
"Hey! Hey lady!" Rocket ran after the stranger through the streets. Despite the ground being wet, he dropped onto all fours to give himself some much needed speed. Once he was in front of her, he stopped suddenly, trying to force her to have to do the same. "Geez, lady! I been callin' you from all the way back there! How could you not hear?" he waved his hands, still desperately trying to get her attention even though he was sure by now that he had it. "I think you dropped this," he held up a little keyring of a plush rabbit wearing a tutu. Its ears were posable with internal wiring. "If you didn't, you can have it anyway, as a gift of sorts." he held it out, wiggling his hand to encourage her to take it. "Basically, what I'm sayin' is, it's givin' me the creeps and I'm gonna be very upset if you don't take it away, capeesh?"
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@starrcrxssed (For Yelena)
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hhalfdoomed · 1 year
@starrcrxssed said ... ❝ if you’re always looking for the darkness, you’ll never find the light. ❞ ( rey skywalker & marc spector ! )
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“ really? ” marc turns to look at the other, eyes narrowing just slightly, a beat of silence like he is giving her a moment to re-think that has just been said. since when does he look like someone that would willingly listen to this kind of advice? or maybe they’re just one of those people that feel the need to spread positivity, which seems almost laughable for someone like him that’s currently (or constantly) going through some sort of a crisis. “ where is that from, it’s a wonderful life? actually, don’t answer that, i don’t wanna know. ”
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