#⟢ murphy k. ︴ ꒰ event. ꒱
petrovna-zamo · 1 year
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demifiendrsa · 1 year
Black Mirror: Season 6 | Official Trailer
Season 6 of Black Mirror will stream on Netflix on June 15, 2023.
Season 6 episodes:
Joan is Awful
"Joan is Awful" is the story of an average woman who is stunned to discover a global streaming platform has launched a prestige TV drama adaptation of her life, in which she is portrayed by Hollywood A-lister Salma Hayek. In addition to Hayek, the episode stars Annie Murphy, Michael Cera, Rob Delaney, Ben Barnes, and Himesh Patel. The episode's directed by Ally Pankiw.
Loch Henry
Directed by Sam Miller, "Loch Henry" is about a young couple who travel to a sleepy Scottish town to work on a genteel nature documentary but find themselves drawn to a juicy local story involving shocking events from the past. It stars Samuel Blenkin, Myha'la Herrold, Daniel Portman, John Hannah, and Monica Dolan.
Beyond the Sea
"Beyond the Sea" takes place in an alternate 1969, where two men on a perilous high-tech mission wrestle with the consequences of an unimaginable tragedy. Directed by John Crowley, it stars Aaron Paul, Josh Hartnett, Kate Mara, Auden Thornton, and Rory Culkin. Given the spacesuit visible in the photo below, it's worth remembering that 1969 was the year that America sent a man to the moon.
Mazey Day
In the episode "Mazey Day," directed by Uta Briesewitz, a troubled starlet is dogged by invasive paparazzi while dealing with the consequences of a hit-and-run incident. It stars Zazie Beetz, Clara Rugaard, and Danny Ramirez.
Demon 79
"Demon 79" takes place in northern England in 1979, where a meek sales assistant is told she must commit terrible acts to prevent disaster. It stars Anjana Vasan, Paapa Essiedu, Katherine Rose Morley, and David Shields. Notably, this is the only episode not solely written by Black Mirror creator Charlie Brooker, but is instead co-written by former Ms. Marvel head writer Bisha K. Ali. It's directed by Toby Haynes.
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drleevezan · 5 months
My very brief thoughts on each story in "The Book of the Snowstorm"
My very brief thoughts on each story in "The Book of the Snowstorm" (other than the ones which I wrote, of course):
Framing Sequence by Aristide Twain
This is a brilliant way to present the various stories within the overarching narrative, and is fantastically successful at being a compelling story in its own right and at tying the whole book together into a proper Coloth novel. The characters, both pre-existing and new, are all very enjoyable, and the dynamics between those stuck in the Library and between Coloth, Rich, and the Scotland division of the M.F.S. are extremely fun. The Deadline and Roarke are fantastic creations, as well.
"Magic Bird of Fire" by Micah K. Spurling
A very lovely story which does a fantastic job making its characters feel like thoroughly real people. The direct prose style is a perfect match for the personality of the lead character (which comes across very succesfully) and the nature of the events depicted, and there are some very evocative descriptive passages throughout. The emotional beats are well-handled and very effective.
"The Dinosaur in the Snow" by Thien Valdram
The relationship between Rosanna and Tirion is very enjoyable, and the story presents a lot of fascinating and well-constructed worldbuilding. The use of Los in a Third Universe context is fun to see, and the story handles it very well.
"Neither Warrior or Thinker" by Katherine MacEachern
A very sweet vignette which does a great job expanding on the close relationship between Coloth, Maritsa, and Callum and delving into some well-thought-out, backstory-influenced character exploration for each of the trio.
"Jenny Over-There's Wonderful Life" by Callum Phillpott
As is the nature of the 925-Universe stories, this is incredibly funny, deriving a lot of very clever comedy from reinterpreting various elements of pop-culture through the unique satirical humor-style of the series - in this particular case, the trappings of It's a Wonderful Life. The characters are, as ever, very compelling beyond their initial jokes - Gabe is a very fun presence throughout.
"The Claus-Rosen Bridge" by Ostara Gale and Elodie Christian
A delightfully fun romp through various aspects of the winter holidays. In addition to being great fun, it's brimming with ideas, and introduces a variety of new characters and concepts which make for great additions to the ever-expanding worlds of the Third Universe and the Library setting in particular. And it makes great use of Auteur as a presence lurking in the margins and altering things.
"Still Proceeding" by Charles E.P. Murphy
An enjoyable outing for the SIGNET team, with an appropriately-holiday-themed incident for them to investigate and a clever sci-fi recreation of the nativity story at its center. Perkins' joy at seeing real aliens manages to be both funny and touching, as does much of the rest of the story.
"Abstract Tales" by me
Not going to review this, obviously, but perhaps I could give some thoughts from a having-written-it perspective:
The framing sequence: I didn't originally intend to write a mini-anthology inside of an anthology, but I couldn't pick between the various ideas I'd had, and eventually decided to write all of them. My plan was to use every Abstract thus far established, and I believe I succeeded in doing so: The Illumination and the Misfortune (and Chaos) from Benj Christensen's The Chronicles of Jenny Everywhere, the Luminance from Benj Christensen's The Jenny Everywhere Roleplaying Game, the Life from my The Disappearance of Jenny Everywhere (mentioned there, but making her first appearance here), the Knowledge from Jeanne Morningstar's The Hermetic Garbage of Jenny Everywhere, the Terror from Aristide Twain's Jenny Everywhere in the House of Terror, the Remembrance (created by Aristide) and the Oblivion from my Remember, and the Luxuriance, who was created by Aristide but had never appeared in anything until now.
The first story: I thought it would be fun if there was a side-story to the Copper-Colored Cupids 2023 Christmas serial in Snowstorm, showing the effect of Tarsa's disappearance on a different section of her creations - but due to various delays, the 2023 Christmas serial doesn't actually exist yet, so I suppose it will only become a side-story retroactively. I am amused by the fact that, unless I'm forgetting something, the first pre-established Copper-Colored Cupids characters to appear in print, in the flesh rather than as mentions, are now the three wacky wild-west-outlaw toys who made a brief appearance in one of my earliest stories and were never seen again until now.
The second story: I wanted to give the Caradans a proper debut and establish some worldbuilding about their planet, since their previous appearances have mostly been brief mentions. My intent was to tie together the various elements seen in those previous appearances, as well as some details which will be mentioned in [REDACTED FUTURE STORY] by [REDACTED]. The Caradans were notably previously seen fighting the Cyberons, which I naturally can't use anymore, so it was fun to slot the Mecharons - my cookie-themed gag-cyborgs from "The Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids" - into their narrative role in one of the "nightmares", since the name originated as my briefly-serious proposal for a Cyberon replacement until I realised that it sounded like 'macaron'.
The third story: A tribute to Joe Macaré and Nelson Evergreen's Jenny Everywhere comics. The present-tense style was my attempt to translate the energetic pace of the comics into prose. The Mecharons are in this one, too, because cyborg conquerors suited the format and I figured I may as well use the same ones and have a connection between two of the stories.
"The Ties that Bind" by Lena Mactíre
A well-constructed portrayal of a less-than-pleasant holiday gathering, and the elements that serve to improve it. The various characters depicted ring very true to life, and the protagonists are very likeable.
"A Buggy Little Holiday" by James Wylder
I hadn't read any Starlight Ranger stories prior to this, but this has definitely interested me. Cleo Mentia is an extremely fun protagonist, and the structure of the series seems like a compelling and successfully-constructed vehicle for episodic stories. The story is very funny, and James Wylder's distinctive writing style is as enjoyable as ever.
"The Two Auteurs" by Aristide Twain
Absolutely brilliant prose, which is to be expected from Aristide, and a wonderful exploration of Auteur's character enabled by the meeting between his past and current selves, and expressed through the symbolic world of the mind-battle. And full of very well-constructed and -presented worldbuilding, as well.
"Trauma and Tinsel" by James Hornby
A sweet story returning to the ever-enjoyable setting of Dionus's clinic on Gulliver's Rest, with great character-work and a touching ending that's very fitting for a holiday special.
"Love and War" by Aristide Twain
(Potential bias disclaimer: I wrote the extract from Sideridis's diary, but that doesn't really factor into my review of the rest of the story) This has a delightful, intensely metafictional, academic style, filled with reams of brilliant worldbuilding. It does a wonderful job exploring the fundamental, unchanging mindsets of the Sun Builders through a variety of perspectives, and continuing to expand the Morning Star into an ever-more-fascinatingly-detailed setting. The central plotline is extremely compelling, and Dionus and Susit's story ends up being very touching.
"The Goblin, the Witch, and the Kitchen Sink" by Ismaeel Clarke
A delightful and very funny story with an extremely fun style which draws brilliantly from early-20th-century children's fantasy literature, featuring a variety of whimsical and very enjoyable characters, an energetic central plot, and a very sweet ending.
"The Revelry of the Redacted" by Ryan Fogarty
An effective story of hope during war, featuring some wonderfully inventive worldbuilding and a compelling cast of characters. The Yule Bearers are great here, and the Christmas carols with altered lyrics are a fun touch.
"The God Who Came for Christmas" by Aristide Twain
A lovely little tale which provides a very effective epilogue to the FASA roleplaying story to which it is a sequel, as well as a wonderful exploration of its two central characters, whose distinct voices and dynamic make for a great two-handed story.
"Presents" by Erika de Atayde
This is an extremely inventive story, playing on elements of the history of comic book superheroes and the tropes found in their stories to tell a very effective and touching tale with an intriguing setting.
"The Cathedral of Winter" by Ostara Gale
An adventure story taking place in a very fun setting (I love the snow-themed variant of the Morning Star) and introducing a variety of very compelling new characters and ideas. Abraytha and Xiantio are very likeable protagonists, and the Katioka is a fun central element.
"Just Dropping In" by Scott Sanford
A very fun tale - Scott Sanford demonstrates his usual skill at writing in-medias-res vignettes, deftly weaving in a variety of elements of an in-progress Jenny adventure. Jenny's first-person perspective is well-handled, and as usual the Parallax-Jenny is delightful.
"Conspiracy-1263 and the Christmas Conspiracy" by Peter Guy
(Potential bias disclaimer: for obvious reasons I am probably biased towards Cupids stories in general) A fantastic use of the Cupids and their world, with a lot of great character details, unique ideas, and very funny moments, and a wonderful grasp of the varied characters' personalities and how they might respond to the central crisis. The story explores a variety of different perspectives, all of which are extremely well-handled, and the central crisis in itself is a great idea for an inciting incident with a lot of well-realised potential.
"Our Bleak Midwinter" by Theta Mandel
An extremely compelling and very touching story with very well-handled and well-thought-out central themes and a wonderful talent for character- and world-building. Abby and her family are very believably-depicted, and the backstory related by Abby's grandmother and the influence of its ideas on her struggle against the harmful megacorporation is a particularly effective element.
"The Gift of the Renegades" by James Wylder
A very enjoyable semi-sequel to 'And Today, You', bringing back some of the fun character dynamics and humor of that novel and making for a delightful holiday special. Jhe Sang Mi remains an extremely likeable central character, and Lady Aesc and Blanche are as fun as ever.
"The First Noel" by Nate Bumber
A fantastic story which makes great use of the Borgesian-infinite-library-as-a-recurring-sci-fantasy-setting concept which is the basis of the Library - further exploring the idea of a culture built on finding valid books from among the Library's unending collection. The concepts of ancestrally-inherited journeys to distant shelves, veins of validity, and using the books themselves to find other areas to search are all brilliant.
"Our Finest Gifts We Bring" by various
It's always great fun to see Aristide's brilliant take on the Consistency Imperium, and this is a very good introductory segment for establishing the central idea of the collaborative story.
This has a very enjoyably poetic style, and Urizen being gifted an hourglass and beginning to ponder the idea of time is a great concept.
Interesting worldbuilding about Dionus and Gulliver's Rest, conveyed through well-crafted dialogue.
Abraytha and the Katioka continue to be very compelling central concepts, and the central gift idea is a fun one.
Very fun dialogue between the central characters, and their initial befuddlement and then fondness for the toy pony is quite good.
It's great to see the Medic in a solo role - her central concept lends itself very well to carrying stories on its own, and this is a very fun use of that concept and another great idea for a gift.
A very funny one, featuring a gift that the central characters can't actually use, which is another fun variation on the concept.
Another great use of the Library, and some interesting worldbuilding about Gabriel.
(I wrote this one, so fun fact instead of review:) Several months ago I showed Aristide a little green-clothed figurine holding a mushroom which I'd found at a thrift shop, and he jokingly suggested that it might be competition for the Toadstool Salesman, which is what the "little green gnome hawking mushrooms" seen arguing with the Salesman in this one is obscurely referencing.
A very lovely epilogue to "The God Who Came For Christmas", continuing the extremely effective characterisation and dynamic seen in the earlier story.
A touching wintertime scene - it's very nice to see the ever-likeable PROBE team again, and to know that they're still able to make appearances even though their home series has been snatched away by the Big Bad Villains.
(I wrote this one, so fun fact:) The descriptions of the Blue Feather's various failed attempts at investigating the parcel are written to mimic the style of the descriptions of Pessimist's attempts to participate in winter activities in my 2019 holiday vignette, "Ally Builds a Snowman".
A lovely Christmas vignette, with very good character interactions between Cwej and Vicky, and well-crafted dialogue.
A pitch-perfect impression of the style of the Winnie-the-Pooh books, and a very lovely story told in that style.
A very effective and touching scene of Horatio Topper finally reuniting, at least to some extent, with his Lady in White.
A fun scene of Lotto at home, giving an enticing look into further adventures of Lotto and Mae beyond "The Claus-Rosen Bridge"
The appearance of a younger Sang Mi and Sang Eun is very fun, and the bickering between the disguised Aesc and Blanche is quite funny
This has a very fun, whimsically-chaotic style, and has succesfully caused me to want to read about further adventures in this world, despite the characters' concerns.
A wonderful use of Sun Builder lore, as is to be expected from Aristide, and a very enjoyable dynamic between Monk and the Corsair Queen.
A very cleverly humorous vignette with a fun idea for a central gift (or not a gift, perhaps).
A touching vignette starring an intriguing central character with a fun concept.
Martin and Maurice are as endearing as ever, and Lucy is certainly fun.
A delightfully silly story, and very succesfully so.
(I wrote this one, so fun fact:) Here are the various parts of the Multiverse which I was intending to reference, though it's not set in stone, and one could theoretically interpret some of the references as referring to other things: A woman in a scarf and goggles (Jenny Everywhere), copper robots (The Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids), a firmament (10,000 Dawns), a timeship (the Evil Renegade), superheroes (The Cosmic Beholder), spaceships (Starcatcher), songs of war (WARSONG), skeletons (Auteur), nightclubs (Name's Not Down), men in grey (The 925 Universe), abstract families (The Abstracts), adventurous ducks (certain residents of the Prime Universe), ancient mammoths (the Original Mammoths), animated bunnies (Bunny Everyhare), paradox cults (Faction Paradox), emerald cities (Oz), haunted mansions (a place to which foolish mortals are welcomed), strange and wonderful houses (Our Strange and Wonderful House), talking cactuses (Coloth), teenage scientists (Scott Sanford's Jenny stories), blond-haired clones (Cwej)
A beautiful ending-scene which finishes the story on some very touching sentiments.
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Second Competition Round One Results
Poll 1: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Poll 2: Magnus Chase by Rick Riordan
Poll 3: Rainbow Magic by Daisy Meadows
Poll 4: Magic Treehouse by Mary Pope Osborne
Poll 5: Animorphs by K. A. Applegate
Poll 6: Captain Underpants by Dav Pilkey
Poll 7: The Boxcar Children by Gertrude Chandler
Poll 8: Inkworld by Cornelia Funke
Poll 9: Winnie-the-Pooh by A. A. Milne
Poll 10: Wayside School by Louis Sachar
Poll 11: Worst Witch by Jill Murphy
Poll 12: How to Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell
Poll 13: Geronimo Stilton by Geronimo Stilton
Poll 14: Skulduggery Pleasant by Derek Landy
Poll 15: The Tale of Despereaux by Kate DiCamillo
Poll 16: A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket
Stay tuned for round two, which will post tomorrow!
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compneuropapers · 1 year
Interesting Papers for Week 50, 2022
Contrastive machine learning reveals the structure of neuroanatomical variation within autism. Aglinskas, A., Hartshorne, J. K., & Anzellotti, S. (2022). Science, 376(6597), 1070–1074.
Why does the probe value effect emerge in working memory? Examining the biased attentional refreshing account. Atkinson, A. L., Oberauer, K., Allen, R. J., & Souza, A. S. (2022). Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 29(3), 891–900.
It happens because I’m watching it: Observing an uncertain event can affect subjective probability judgments. Attari, A., Chatterjee, P., & Cabano, F. G. (2022). Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 35(3), e2269.
Pruning recurrent neural networks replicates adolescent changes in working memory and reinforcement learning. Averbeck, B. B. (2022). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(22), e2121331119.
Simultaneous mnemonic and predictive representations in the auditory cortex. Cappotto, D., Kang, H., Li, K., Melloni, L., Schnupp, J., & Auksztulewicz, R. (2022). Current Biology, 32(11), 2548-2555.e5.
Basolateral amygdala activation enhances object recognition memory by inhibiting anterior insular cortex activity. Chen, Y.-F., Song, Q., Colucci, P., Maltese, F., Siller-Pérez, C., Prins, K., … Roozendaal, B. (2022). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(22), e2203680119.
Long-range cortical synchronization supports abrupt visual learning. Csorba, B. A., Krause, M. R., Zanos, T. P., & Pack, C. C. (2022). Current Biology, 32(11), 2467-2479.e4.
Alpha oscillations reflect suppression of distractors with increased perceptual load. Gutteling, T. P., Sillekens, L., Lavie, N., & Jensen, O. (2022). Progress in Neurobiology, 214, 102285.
Internally generated population activity in cortical networks hinders information transmission. Huang, C., Pouget, A., & Doiron, B. (2022). Science Advances, 8(22).
A neural mechanism for detecting object motion during self-motion. Kim, H. R., Angelaki, D. E., & DeAngelis, G. C. (2022). eLife, 11, e74971.
Bayesian decision theory and navigation. McNamara, T. P., & Chen, X. (2022). Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 29(3), 721–752.
The effect of perceptual processing fluency and value on metacognition and remembering. Murphy, D. H., Huckins, S. C., Rhodes, M. G., & Castel, A. D. (2022). Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 29(3), 910–921.
It’s not all the same to pigeons: Representations of difference may be shared across species. O’Donoghue, E. M., Diaz, F., Navarro, V. M., & Wasserman, E. A. (2022). Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 29(3), 882–890.
Conserved circuits for direction selectivity in the primate retina. Patterson, S. S., Bembry, B. N., Mazzaferri, M. A., Neitz, M., Rieke, F., Soetedjo, R., & Neitz, J. (2022). Current Biology, 32(11), 2529-2538.e4.
Sleep spindles track cortical learning patterns for memory consolidation. Petzka, M., Chatburn, A., Charest, I., Balanos, G. M., & Staresina, B. P. (2022). Current Biology, 32(11), 2349-2356.e4.
Representation learning in the artificial and biological neural networks underlying sensorimotor integration. Suhaimi, A., Lim, A. W. H., Chia, X. W., Li, C., & Makino, H. (2022). Science Advances, 8(22).
Neural mechanisms to exploit positional geometry for collision avoidance. Tanaka, R., & Clark, D. A. (2022). Current Biology, 32(11), 2357-2374.e6.
Shorter Contextual Timescale Rather Than Memory Deficit in Aging. Todd, J., Yeark, M. D., Paton, B., Jermyn, A., & Winkler, I. (2022). Cerebral Cortex, 32(11), 2412–2423.
Developmental Sex Differences in Negative Emotion Decision-Making Dynamics: Computational Evidence and Amygdala-Prefrontal Pathways. Xu, J., Hao, L., Chen, M., He, Y., Jiang, M., Tian, T., … Qin, S. (2022). Cerebral Cortex, 32(11), 2478–2491.
A robust receptive field code for optic flow detection and decomposition during self-motion. Zhang, Y., Huang, R., Nörenberg, W., & Arrenberg, A. B. (2022). Current Biology, 32(11), 2505-2516.e8.
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*emerges from the depths of the aib fandom*
Hello :>
So, I was scrolling the other day on tumblr, and i found a person that has fanarts of aib (mainly with those two psychos from the J♡. But hey, there's also stuff with chishiya and kuzuryuu. Unfortunately, there's no stuff with hatter or other characters up there), and i happened to stumble upon a sketchy fanart of chishiya chilling on a couch and holding an angry hedgehog, that turns out to be kuzuryuu. And now I'm thinking about a grumpy hedgehog kuzu chilling on chishiya's head while searching for hatter since he's the one that turned him into a smol spiky animal when he was sleeping in the first place, and with no other thing than the magical pills that he uses to turn into a duck/peacock whenever he wants.
And if you don't mind it, or if you'll have time, can you do that as well?
you had me until "kuzuryuu as a hedgehog" and hoo boy did it get wild from there
.......but I still did a little something for it.
Shit, Okay, I Guess We're Doing This To Kuzuryuu Too
Rating: PG
Warnings: None, unless you count "flashbacks to Sherlock days where everyone said Watson was a hedgehog for some reason"
It's Aguni's day off.
...Okay, he doesn't really get days off in the Borderlands, but this is as close to a day off as he can manage. No early meetings, no training or patrols scheduled. It's a rare day where he can sleep in and not have to scream at anyone before breakfast. (Not unless he wants to scream at anyone before breakfast, of course.)
So, naturally, after very excitedly going to bed at a reasonable hour with the intention to be unconscious until long after the sun comes up, he gets a knock on the door.
At three in the morning.
He's too angry to be angry; too annoyed to be annoyed. Murphy's Law applies to the Borderlands as well, and there's nothing he can do to escape it.
So he opens the door and accepts a note, three words scribbled messily onto the paper with blue ink.
And it's signed at the bottom with a "K."
Only one person in this whole damn place would make sure their distress note was appropriately punctuated and aligned in business letter format—Kuzuryuu. And the fact that Kuzuryuu is in enough trouble to send a note instead of walking the ten steps it takes to get to Aguni's room and explaining it himself means something has gone terribly, inconveniently wrong.
Also, the words 'pill' and 'hedgehog' inspire a disgusting swirl of discomfort in the pit of Aguni's stomach. The Wizard of the Borderlands has struck again, but why would Kuzuryuu take the pill in the first place? The first two events were nightmares, and last time...well, they don't even talk about last time.
So Aguni has no choice but to throw on a robe and go next door to check on the man. He lets himself in (one of the few times the 'no locks rule' at the Beach has come in handy) and waits until the door is completely call out.
"Kuzuryuu? You here?"
A high-pitched sigh comes from the left.
"Yes," Kuzuryuu's voice says, an octave higher than usual and a little quiet in the spacious room, "Over here, on the table."
Sure enough, beneath the golden glow of a table lamp sits a round little creature about the length of a bank note, it's beady eyes framed by an itty-bitty pair of reading glasses.
It's terribly adorable.
"You're...very little."
"I am."
Aguni's face softens a little.
"It must've been hard to write the note."
"You did a good job, though," He says, "Very legible."
"It took forty-five minutes," Kuzuryuu confirms. "I kept losing control of the pen."
The pen in question lies next to the creature—why it must almost be the size of Kuzuryuu's new rodent body. Aguni shudders at the thought of using a six-foot-tall pen.
"Thank you."
The little hedgehog shifts his miniscule glasses up his nose.
"I—why, yes. Yes, it did."
"Before you ask: yes, I met the wizard. I don't really want to get into all the details, but he gave me pills. Like the bird ones Hatter keeps getting, but mine are obviously different." the spines on Kuzuryuu's back flutter in annoyance, "Anyways, I had a hell of a migraine pop up and mistook the wizard pills for my pain medication and ended up like this."
"Did your headache go away?"
"Indeed. But I'd very much like to turn back into my normal self, so if you could—"
"At least it wasn't a complete loss, i guess?"
The hedgehog furrows his little brow.
"Oh. Right. Yeah, I can get you the pills."
"They're on the bathroom counter. I trust you remember what the bottle looks like?"
Aguni scoffs.
"Wish I didn't."
And he walks the short distance to the bathroom and sees the bottle of wizard pills on the counter. There is also another, very similar bottle next to it, which must have been the medication Kuzuryuu had been looking for.
"I hate to trouble you further," Kuzuryuu says as Aguni re-enters the room with the pills in hand, "but I need you to help me get back to the bed. I barely made it over here in the first place."
"Uh...yeah. Okay." Aguni looks nervous, "Those spikes aren't gonna stab me, are they?"
"No. That would only happen if I was trying to protect myself from a predator. You should be able to handle me without injury."
Aguni leaves the wizard pills on the end table. Technically, as the 2 to his 3, Kuzuryuu is his boss. Would carrying him to bed negatively affect their working relationship? That would be inconvenient.
"I'm, uh," Aguni says, slowly reaching for Kuzuryuu's tiny hedgehog body, "I'm just gonna, uh, scoop you up real quick and..."
"Not to be weird," Aguni says, "but you're cute like this."
His hands are cupped to cradle the little creature who would probably fit in one of Aguni's palms had he been a more competent animal hadler. Very gently, as if he was holding a sleeping kitten, Aguni lifts the hedgehog from the end table and over the mattress.
"Oh, yeah, the spikes aren't a problem at all," Aguni comments. He smiles a little. "It's kinda nice."
"Not to be rude," Kuzuryuu says nervously, "but I...do not enjoy heights."
Aguni quickly places him down gingerly against one of the pillows and, before he can stop himself, drags the sheet up to cover the lower half of the little mammal's body.
"That was very weird," Kuzuryuu replies, "but I appreciate the sentiment."
Aguni opens the pill bottle on the nightstand and taps out a pink pill—he hates that he knows the pink ones are human pills, and he dreads the next time Hatter calls him over to untwist the childproof cap off of his personal supply.
"Thank you for all of this," Kuzuryuu says as he's handed the pill. He holds it between his tiny hands, ready to pop it into his mouth and begin the transformation back to his normal self.
"No trouble," Aguni says. He means it, mostly. This has been his least dramatic run-in with the wizard's strange pharmaceuticals, and it's nice to have one of these events go smoothly.
"I'll leave you to it," Aguni says after a moment. He rises from where he had been seated on the edge of the bed, readjusting his robe so that it hugs his tired body more snugly.
"I appreciate it. We know how...disturbing these transformations can be," Kuzuryuu laments. "So, anyways, goodnight. And thank you again."
"Like I said, no problem. Hope you feel better soon."
With nothing more to say, Aguni leaves Kuzuryuu's room and trudges back to his own. It's only a quarter past three, which means he has plenty of time to get back to bed and enjoy and extended rest.
Maybe he'll pretend this was all a dream, he thinks as he lets the robe drop to the floor and he tucks his tired body back into the embrace of his bed. A weird dream that wasn't a nightmare, but definitely wasn't great, either.
And when Aguni dozes back off, he dreams of hedgehogs.
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molsons112000 · 5 days
So again, Oklahoma City bombing, how did he have a license to get the Van? Or was it a small truck to put the fertilizer in to blow up? And then all the car bombings. They got a license to get the car and then let's see the terrorist in London. They got a license to get the car to run over people. So how are these people allowed to have vehicles? .. If the people selling the cars can't do what we do in financial services, making sure that the people are not criminals and drilling down.Then we need to take away all the cars and just go to public transportation bicycles and walking... So I don't know how the ship bags that I see driving around even have a f****** car.I mean, it's ridiculous.All these people, killing people with cars and blowing things up like oh yeah, the world trade center, they rent it.What avan and blew up in the parking garage... So if people selling cars don't have high criteria for who's buying their fucking vehicles then we need to get rid of all car manufacturing... Either the auto industry is into solving the fucking problem of people using their vehicles as weapons of terror are we get rid of the industry but something has to get...
Like Saudi Arabia, originally they ban women from driving. So women should understand this. They were banned from driving and they were least likely to do the terrorist act. So Hey, getting the bad guys out of driving. Because now all the women are buying cars. Losing the scumbags, it's a good thing like scumbag. You make me use a horn burn in hell.
We need to start taking away the privilege and never give it back...
Do you know I can give you from prostitution to buying drugs?They put a lot of white people in jail that went into minority neighborhoods.They profiled them.They saw a white guy in the minority neighborhood.They pulled them over and they busted them for either buying drugs or lets see prostituition... No a black guy got profile as well.Eddie Murphy, how do you think they pulled him over?He was in a neighborhood known for known prostitutes, and he was driving around in a luxury car and they're like.Why is this luxury car in this neighborhood?That is known for prostitution... So the cops Hold over the car Because they were profiling....
So I can give you all these times like me at the airport.I paid cash for a ticket.They said I met a profile and they walk me to the game and stood with me... I don't get minorities White people to be profiled all the time.But when you do it's a bad thing fuck you....
According to a BMJ analysis, between 1970 and 2019, there were 25 vehicle-based terrorist attacks in the United States that resulted in 1,715 injuries and 808 fatalities. This figure does not include the September 11 attacks. 
Trauma Surgery & Acute Care Open
an analysis of vehicle-based terrorist events
Results There were 257 recorded terror attacks that involved some type of vehicle between 1970 and 2019. The attacks resulted in 808 fatalities and 1715 injuries when excluding the September 11 attacks. 76 events occurred at the West Bank and Gaza Strip, 25 in the USA, 16 in Israel, and 14 in the UK. Of the 257 terror incidents, 71% (183) occurred within the last 6-year span of inquiry.
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United States Department of Justice (.gov)
https://portal.cops.usdoj.gov › ...PDF
Drive-By Shootings
by K Dedel · Cited by 1 — Drive-by shootings are but one aspect of the larger set of problems related to gang and gun violence. This guide is limited to addressing the particular harms ...
Missing: total ‎| Show results with: total
Capital B News
Drive-By Shootings: The Mass Casualty Crime No One Is ...
Jul 5, 2022 — There have been more than 700 drive-by mass shootings since 2012, most of them involving an assault-style weapon
According to Statista, there were 44,086 robberies involving a handgun in the United States in 2022. The FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program defines robbery as taking or attempting to take something of value from someone by force, threat of force, or violence, or by putting the victim in fear. 
Number of robberies in the U.S. 2022, by weapon - Statista
Feb 13, 2024 — There were 44,086 robberies with a handgun in the United States in 2022. A further 11,797 robberies were perpetrated with a knife or other ...
Crime/Law Enforcement Stats (Uniform Crime Reporting ...
FBI — Robbery
In 2022, the District of Columbia had the highest robbery rate in the United States, with 357.5 robberies per 100,000 people, while Wyoming had the lowest, with 7.9 robberies per 100,000 people. Other states with high robbery rates include Maryland, California, New Mexico, Nevada, Alaska, Illinois, and Tennessee. 
https://gitnux.org › vehicle-homici...
Must-Know Vehicle Homicide Statistics [Latest Report]
An estimated 9,967 vehicular homicides occurred in the United States in 2014, accounting for 31% of total traffic fatalities. In 2019, men were
In 2022, there were 2,431 bank robberies in the United States, according to Statista. California had the most bank robberies in 2022, with 172, followed by Colorado with 155. 
Robbery: number by location U.S. 2022 - Statista
Feb 13, 2024 — Characteristic, Restaurant, Hotel/Motel/Etc., Park/Playground, Bank/Savings and Loan, Number of robberies, 3,818, 3,068, 2,646, 2,431,
Justin Wingerter on X: "States with the most bank robberies in 2022 ...
Feb 7, 2024 — States with the most bank robberies in 2022, according to FBI data released Monday: 1) California: 172 2) Colorado: 155 California's population is six times larger than Colorado's.
Bank robberies are often considered low-risk crimes because bank employees are trained to comply with a robber's demands. However, 80% of the stolen money is never recovered. Banks have increased their defenses against bank robberies, making it more difficult for robbers to get away. 
Generative AI is experimental.
Featured snippet from the web
Number of robberies in the United States in 2022, by location
CharacteristicNumber of robberiesRestaurant3,818Hotel/Motel/Etc.3,068Park/Playground2,646Bank/Savings and Loan2,4319 more rows
Feb 13, 2024
https://www.statista.com › statistics
Robbery: number by location U.S. 2022 - Statista
So what is the department of motor vehicles doing around the united states working with the auto industry to prevent these people from ever driving again.... Because to do these criminal offenses they have to have a vehicle... So somebody's gotta be the driver....
So how are they getting these vehicles and like uhauls...
U.S. Department of State (.gov)
https://www.state.gov › 1993-worl...
1993 World Trade Center Bombing
Feb 21, 2019 — On February 26, 1993, a bomb exploded in a parking garage of the World Trade Center (WTC) in New York City. This event was the first ...
So for the oklahoma city bombing and used a rented rider truck....
On the morning of April 19, 1995, an ex-Army soldier and security guard named Timothy McVeigh parked a rented Ryder truck in front of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City.
https://www.fbi.gov › famous-cases
Oklahoma City Bombing - FBI
So i'm wondering how these people are able to get these vehicles to perpetrate these crimes.... Isn't U-haul and writer truck in all these rental operations? Making sure they're doing their due diligence. And car dealers are making sure they're doing their diligence before. They sell a car or rent a car to individuals. And isn't the department of motor vehicles supposed to be doing their job and screening people highly related to being able to drive a car...
So why are all these excriminals able to purchase vehicles?????
The boys in the hood the drive by shootings they're getting vehicle....
How are all these bad people Vehicles to commit all these crimes.....
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cavenewstimes · 11 days
On To the Next One: Matches to make after UFC Vegas 92
Lerone Murphy shined in his first UFC main event as he battered and dominated Edson Barboza at UFC Vegas 92 this past Saturday at the APEX. Following the biggest win of his career, what is next for Murphy — whether he gets his wish to fight at UFC 304 in Manchester, or not? On an all-new edition of On To the Next One, MMA Fighting’s Mike Heck and Alexander K. Lee discuss Murphy’s career prospects…
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themovieblogonline · 3 months
All of the Winners From the 2024 Oscars
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After a year of phenomenal and innovative filmmaking, the 2024 Oscars winners are finally here to tell us what we already know: it was a great year for cinema. But it’s not all about personal opinions regarding what makes a great film. It’s about hardworking behind-the-scenes teams, talented cast members, and passion for the medium. The Academy Awards highlight some of the most talented folks, and we finally have our winners! So, let’s dig into the 2024 Oscar winners list and see who took home the gold from the 96th Academy Awards hosted by Jimmy Kimmel! The 2024 Oscars Nominees Who Won Big Most Awards Season followers had big predictions for Oppenheimer and for good reasons. The movie earned 13 nominations, including in the biggest categories. Close behind in nominations were Poor Things, Killers of the Flower Moon, and then Barbie trailing behind. Unsurprisingly, most of the films earned well-deserved awards, with Poor Things and Oppenheimer winning multiple awards each. The Zone of Interest was another big winner from the night, taking home two wins. There were no crazy surprises with any of the wins. Some races were too close to call before the night began, but Cillian Murphy for Best Actor and Emma Stone for Best Actress were exciting to see live. Still, Lily Gladstone's win would have been history-making, and it would have been lovely to see her on the stage. Highlights From The Academy Awards Ceremony The 2024 Oscar winners are the highlight of the night, but the ceremony is another big reason that fans gather to watch. This year's ceremony had no shortage of exciting moments, great speeches, and beautiful performances. The ceremony brought back an old trend of past winners presenting the awards in the acting categories. It helped put a spotlight on incredible roles while also bringing some of our favorite previous winners out, including Christoph Waltz, Nicholas Cage, Jessica Lange, Jennifer Lawrence, and more. One of the most anticipated events of the evening was Ryan Gosling’s performance of “I’m Just Ken” from Barbie. The star did not disappoint, bringing dozens of Kens on stage and getting everybody out of their seat. Another highlight of the ceremony was the inclusion of Messi, the newest canine star, on the red carpet. Messi was a key performer in Anatomy of a Fall and would have won the award for Best Boy if there had been one. He was brought back for the end of the ceremony, where host Jimmy Kimmel continued his trend of making fun of Matt Damon at every opportunity by having Messi pee on Damon's star on the Walk of Fame. The Full List of 2024 Oscars Winners Best Picture American Fiction Anatomy of a Fall Barbie The Holdovers Killers of the Flower Moon Maestro Oppenheimer - WINNER Past Lives Poor Things The Zone of Interest Best Directing Justine Triet (Anatomy of a Fall) Martin Scorsese (Killers of the Flower Moon) Christopher Nolan (Oppenheimer) - WINNER Yorgos Lanthimos (Poor Things) Jonathan Glazer (The Zone of Interest) Best Actor in a Leading Role Bradley Cooper (Maestro) Colman Domingo (Rustin) Paul Giamatti (The Holdovers) Cillian Murphy (Oppenheimer) - WINNER Jeffrey Wright (American Fiction) Best Actress in a Leading Role Annette Bening (Nyad) Lily Gladstone (Killers of the Flower Moon) Sandra Hüller (Anatomy of a Fall) Carey Mulligan (Maestro) Emma Stone (Poor Things) Best Actor in a Supporting Role Sterling K. Brown (American Fiction) Robert De Niro (Killers of the Flower Moon) Robert Downey Jr. (Oppenheimer) - WINNER Ryan Gosling (Barbie) Mark Ruffalo (Poor Things) Best Actress in a Supporting Role Emily Blunt (Oppenheimer) Danielle Brooks (The Color Purple) America Ferrera (Barbie) Jodie Foster (Nyad) Da’Vine Joy Randolph (The Holdovers) - WINNER  Best Writing (Adapted Screenplay) American Fiction - WINNER Barbie Oppenheimer Poor Things The Zone of Interest Best Writing (Original Screenplay) Anatomy of a Fall - WINNER The Holdovers Maestro May December Past Lives Best Animated Feature The Boy and the Heron - WINNER Elemental Nimona Robot Dreams Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse Best Documentary Feature Film Bobi Wine: The People’s President The Eternal Memory Four Daughters To Kill a Tiger 20 Days in Mariupol - WINNER Best International Feature Film Io Capitano (Italy) Perfect Days (Japan) Society of the Snow (Spain) The Teacher’s Lounge (Germany) The Zone of Interest (United Kingdom) - WINNER Best Animated Short Film Letters to a Pig Ninety-Five Senses Our Uniform Pachyderme War Is Over! Inspired by the Music of John & Yoko - WINNER Best Live-Action Short Film The After Invincible Knight of Fortune Red, White and Blue The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar - WINNER Best Documentary Short Film The ABCs of Book Banning The Barber of Little Rock Island in Between The Last Repair Shop - WINNER Nǎi Nai & Wài Pó Best Cinematography El Conde Killers of the Flower Moon Maestro Oppenheimer - WINNER Poor Things Best Costume Design Barbie Killers of the Flower Moon Napoleon Oppenheimer Poor Things - WINNER Best Makeup and Hairstyling Golda Maestro Oppenheimer Poor Things - WINNER Society of the Snow Best Original Song “The Fire Inside” from Flamin’ Hot (Music and Lyric by Diane Warren) “I’m Just Ken” from Barbie (Music and Lyric by Mark Ronson and Andrew Wyatt) “It Never Went Away” from American Symphony (Music and Lyric by Jon Batiste and Dan Wilson) “Wahzhazhe (A Song for My People)” from Killers of the Flower Moon (Music and Lyric by Scott George) “What Was I Made For?” from Barbie (Music and Lyric by Billie Eilish and Finneas O’Connell) - WINNER Best Original Score American Fiction Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny Killers of the Flower Moon Oppenheimer - WINNER Poor Things Best Production Design Barbie Killers of the Flower Moon Napoleon Oppenheimer Poor Things - WINNER Best Film Editing Anatomy of a Fall The Holdovers Killers of the Flower Moon Oppenheimer - WINNER Poor Things Best Sound The Creator Maestro Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One Oppenheimer The Zone of Interest - WINNER Best Visual Effects The Creator Godzilla: Minus One - WINNER Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One Napoleon The Big Winners of the 2024 Oscars Did your predictions come true? And did your favorite films take home the gold from the 2024 Oscars winners list? Let us know your thoughts on the winners, the ceremony as a whole, and if there were any films that you still wish had made it to the show!      
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denimbex1986 · 4 months
'...All hail Oppenheimer. Whether Christopher Nolan is your speed or not, the Academy loves him. Oppenheimer, his drama about the man who developed the atomic bomb, led all films with 13 nominations in both what are sometimes considered "major" categories (like best picture, best director, best actor and adapted screenplay) and "technical" categories (like sound, production design, and visual effects). It's not a record; a couple of other films, including Titanic, have received 14. Still, it's a very big total. In another year, Poor Things' 11 nominations or Killers of the Flower Moon's 10 might have led the nominations. But not up against this kind of — forgive the phrase — explosive acclaim.
A couple of contenders came up empty or nearly so. There were a lot of films that elbowed their way into big nominations; that's what you get when you start with 10 best picture nominees. But both Origin, the latest film from director Ava DuVernay, and All of Us Strangers, the love story starring Andrew Scott and Paul Mescal, were left out of the nominations...
A lot of the acting nominees are first-timers. There are 10 first-time acting nominees: Emily Blunt (Oppenheimer), Danielle Brooks (The Color Purple), Sterling K. Brown (American Fiction), Colman Domingo (Rustin), America Ferrera (Barbie), Lily Gladstone (Killers of the Flower Moon), Sandra Hüller (Anatomy of a Fall), Cillian Murphy (Oppenheimer), Da'Vine Joy Randolph (The Holdovers) and Jeffrey Wright (American Fiction). They're a fascinating mix of familiar good actors who you might be surprised are first-timers (Blunt, Domingo, Wright, Murphy), folks who did great work on television before they got much recognition in film (Ferrera, Brown, Brooks), and people who probably feel like relative newcomers to a lot of Oscar voters even though they are emphatically not (Gladstone, Randolph, Hüller)...
Barbenheimer turned out fine for everybody. It's funny to look back now and remember that the showdown between Barbie and Oppenheimer, because they opened the same weekend, was ever treated as any kind of either-or competition that would have a single victor. They both made a ton of money, though Barbie made more; they both received a bunch of Oscar nominations, though Oppenheimer received more. (Barbie had eight, including one for Ryan Gosling's extraordinarily silly supporting work as Ken. More true comedy nominations, please!) They were very different kinds of "event" pictures we could stand to have more of: well-made, surprising, vibrant and memorable, in completely different ways...'
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celtalks · 4 months
The 2024 Oscars: Nominations, Front-runners, and Surprises
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In the dazzling realm of cinema, where dreams are projected onto silver screens and narratives unfold with the magic of storytelling, the 2024 Oscars emerge as the grand stage to honor the most extraordinary achievements in film. This year's nominations promise a captivating blend of blockbusters and critically acclaimed gems, with the likes of Barbie and Oppenheimer dominating the box office and setting the stage for an Oscars ceremony unlike any other. As the anticipation reaches its peak, we delve into the potential nominees, frontrunners, and surprises that have shaped the cinematic landscape of the past year. Join us on a journey through the dazzling array of films, performances, and artistic endeavors that will define the 2024 Oscars. A Cinematic Year Dominated by Barbie and Oppenheimer In a cinematic landscape marked by the phenomenal success of films like Barbie and Oppenheimer, the anticipation for the 2024 Oscar nominations is palpable. After a record-breaking year at the box office, expectations are high for the announcement, with frontrunners including Poor Things, The Holdovers, and Killers of the Flower Moon. A star-studded list of potential acting nominees, including Cillian Murphy, Emma Stone, Robert Downey Jr, and Da'Vine Joy Randolph, adds to the excitement.  
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A Changing Best Picture Category
The best picture category, expanded to 10 slots in recent years, reflects the diversity and quality of this year's cinematic offerings. Alongside the expected nominations for Oppenheimer, Barbie, Poor Things, Killers of the Flower Moon, and The Holdovers, other strong contenders like Anatomy of a Fall, Maestro, The Zone of Interest, Past Lives, and American Fiction are vying for the prestigious prize. Additional dark horses include The Color Purple, Society of the Snow, All of Us Strangers, and May December.
Intense Competition in the Acting Race
With a competitive field, the best actor category is led by Paul Giamatti for The Holdovers, Cillian Murphy for Oppenheimer, Bradley Cooper for Maestro, Colman Domingo for Rustin, and Jeffrey Wright for American Fiction. The best actress category is equally competitive, featuring standout performances from Lily Gladstone, Emma Stone, Sandra Hüller, Carey Mulligan, Margot Robbie, and others.
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Supporting Categories and Potential Winners
Da'Vine Joy Randolph of The Holdovers stands out as a frontrunner for best supporting actress, while the supporting actor race is likely to be led by Robert Downey Jr. from Oppenheimer. Notable contenders include Ryan Gosling, Sterling K Brown, and Charles Melton. Films like Poor Things could see recognition for Mark Ruffalo and Willem Dafoe, with the ever-present Robert De Niro in contention.
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Directors Who Shaped the Year in Film
Esteemed directors such as Martin Scorsese (Killers of the Flower Moon) and Christopher Nolan (Oppenheimer) are expected to secure nominations. Greta Gerwig (Barbie), Jonathan Glazer (The Zone of Interest), Yorgos Lanthimos (Poor Things), and others add to the diverse lineup. The category may also see recognition for rising talents like Justine Triet (Anatomy of a Fall) and Celine Song (Past Lives).
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The Musical Landscape and Best Original Song
The musical landscape of 2024 is heavily influenced by the success of Barbie, with three potential songs contending for the best original song category. However, Oscar rules allow only two songs from the same film to be nominated, adding an element of suspense. Other contenders include songs from Rustin, American Symphony, The Color Purple, Flora and Son, Flamin' Hot, and The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes.
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How to Catch the Oscar Nominations
For cinephiles eagerly awaiting the nominations, the live announcement can be viewed on the Academy's official website and YouTube account, as well as on ITVX in the UK. Actors Zazie Beetz and Jack Quaid will reveal the nominees at 13:30 GMT. The main event is scheduled for March 10th, with Jimmy Kimmel hosting the ceremony in Los Angeles. As the 2024 Oscars approach, the industry is abuzz with speculation, excitement, and the promise of celebrating the best in cinema from a remarkable year. Read the full article
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mayookhpallikandi · 5 months
Sources and Significance | Blog post #5
We have discussed about the race and gender in our previous sessions. So, I would like to discuss about the progress of race in Disney movies.
We can see that “Disney is changing its views on culture and race”. (Race and culture in Disney) In the time period we can see some of the movies were released and it happened in those times affected certain characters in the film. We can also take some more examples to strengthen that argument, portrayal of the ‘Indians’ in Peter Pan, or Aladdin, and his white American-Sounding self in an Arabic community. “Then, consider how Disney is changing its views on culture and race, and including new characters of different races and culture such as Tiana in The Princess and the Frog.” (Race and culture in Disney)
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Available at : https://andscape.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/MCDPRAN_EC178.jpg?w=700
Elizabeth Dampier lived the legend. On November 15, 2009 it was little girl from Mississippi at the big movie event - world first showing of Walt Disney's cartoon musical called "The Princess and The Frog".
The kid in 5th grade beat lots of girls and had the opportunity to talk for Tiana. She is Disney's first African-American princess character. The actor will be like Anika Noni Rose, a winner of Tony who acted as an older version of Tiana. Except for Aladdin in 1992, Pocahontas in 1995 and Mulan in 1986, there were no people of color like Snow White or Cinderella when Disney's special place opened. This is very important because it shows that this was a big change back then. For the first time since 1940s movie Fantasia was made, you can now go to this city's studio.
Murphy, K. (2019) '‘The Princess and the Frog’ gave black girls their first taste of Disney royalty,' Andscape, 12 November. https://andscape.com/features/the-princess-and-the-frog-gave-black-girls-their-first-taste-of-disney-royalty/. [Accessed: 24 Dec 2023]
Race and culture in Disney | The Artifice (no date). https://the-artifice.com/race-and-culture-in-disney/. [Accessed: 24 Dec 2023]
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Second Competition Masterpost
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Links to all the polls in the second competition
Preliminary Round
Poll 1: 7,000,000-1,100,000 ratings (here)
Poll 2: 1,090,000-480,000 ratings (here)
Poll 3: 450,000-320,000 ratings (here)
Poll 4: 310,000-250,000 ratings (here)
Poll 5: 240,000-190,300 ratings (here)
Poll 6: 190,000-137,000 ratings (here)
Poll 7: 130,000-103,500 ratings (here)
Poll 8: 103,000-91,900 ratings (here)
Poll 9: 91,400-75,900 ratings (here)
Poll 10: 75,100-59,600 ratings (here)
Poll 11: 59,300-47,900 ratings (here)
Poll 12: 47,600-42,200 ratings (here)
Poll 13: 42,000-35,000 ratings (here)
Poll 14: 34,000-26,000 ratings (here)
Poll 15: 25,700-23,000 ratings (here)
Poll 16: 22,300-20,680 ratings (here)
Poll 17: 20,600-18,390 ratings (here)
Poll 18: 18,300-15,490 ratings (here)
Poll 19: 15,480-12,800 ratings (here)
Poll 20: 12,400-10,400 ratings (here)
Poll 21: 10,090-9,070 ratings (here)
Poll 22: 9,020-8,564 ratings (here)
Poll 23: 8,560-7,200 ratings (here)
Poll 24: 7,040-6,100 ratings (here)
Poll 25: 6,095-5,000 ratings (here)
Poll 26: 4,960-4,000 ratings (here)
Poll 27: 3,960-2,740 ratings (here)
Poll 28: 2,710-2,170 ratings (here)
Poll 29: 2,160-1,500 ratings (here)
Poll 30: 1,390-810 ratings (here)
Poll 31: 800-350 ratings (here)
Poll 32: 340-8 ratings (here)
Round One
Poll 1: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins vs Ferngully (Movie Tie-In) by Diana Young (here)
Poll 2: Magnus Chase by Rick Riordan vs The Ogre Downstairs by Diana Wynne Jones (here)
Poll 3: Nancy Drew by Carolyn Keene vs Rainbow Magic by Daisy Meadows (here)
Poll 4: Magic Treehouse by Carolyn Keene vs Which Witch? by Eva Ibbotson (here)
Poll 5: Emily Windsnap by Liz Kessler vs Animorphs by K. A. Applegate (here)
Poll 6: Captain Underpants by Dav Pilkey vs A to Z Mysteries by Ron Roy (here)
Poll 7: The Boxcar Children by Gertrude Chandler vs The Last Dragon by Silvana de Mari (here)
Poll 8: Inkworld by Cornelia Funke vs My Secret Unicorn by Linda Chapman (here)
Poll 9: Winnie-the-Pooh by A. A. Milne vs Pony Pals by Jeanne Betancourt (here)
Poll 10: Wayside School by Louis Sachar vs Gunnerkrigg Court by Thomas Siddell (here)
Poll 11: How to Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell vs The Royal Diaries by Various Authors (here)
Poll 12: Worst Witch by Jill Murphy vs Unicorn Chronicles by Bruce Coville (here)
Poll 13: Junie B. Jones by Barbara Park vs Geronimo Stilton by Geronimo Stilton (here)
Poll 14: Skulduggery Pleasant by Derek Landy vs Catwings by Ursula K. Le Guin (here)
Poll 15: The Tale of Despereaux by Kate DiCamillo vs The Ever Afters by Shelby Bach (here)
Poll 16: A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket vs The Giants and the Joneses by Julie Donaldson (here)
Round Two
Poll 1: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins vs Magnus Chase by Rick Riordan (here)
Poll 2: Rainbow Magic by Daisy Meadows vs Magic Treehouse by Mary Pope Osborne (here)
Poll 3: Animorphs by K. A. Applegate vs Captain Underpants by Dav Pilkey (here)
Poll 4: The Boxcar Children by Gertrude Chandeler vs Inkworld by Cornelia Funke (here)
Poll 5: Winnie-the-Pooh by A. A. Milne vs Wayside School by Louis Sachar (here)
Poll 6: Worst Witch by Jill Murphy vs How to Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell (here)
Poll 7: Geronimo Stilton by Geronimo Stilton vs Skulduggery Pleasant by Derek Landy (here)
Poll 8: The Tale of Despereaux by Kate DiCamillo vs A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket (here)
Round Three
Poll 1: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins vs Magic Treehouse by Mary Pope Osborne (here)
Poll 2: Animorphs by K. A. Applegate vs Inkworld by Cornelia Funke (here)
Poll 3: Winnie-the-Pooh by A. A. Milne vs How to Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell (here)
Poll 4: Geronimo Stilton by Geronimo Stilton vs A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket (here)
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my-weird-news · 9 months
🔥 VMAs 2023: Epic Performances, Hot Nominees & More!
MTV's Musical Extravaganza Returns to Jersey, Baby! Cue the glitter, cue the drama, cue the questionable fashion choices! It's that time of the year again, folks – the MTV Video Music Awards are swooping back to Newark, New Jersey's Prudential Center for the 2023 awards show. Get ready to witness music's biggest stars strut their stuff on the red carpet, where fashion statements range from "I'm fabulous" to "I'm trying my best, okay?" Traditionally, this shindig happens at the tail-end of August, but hold onto your sequined hats because this year, they decided to be fashionably late. Yep, the VMAs are rolling into town in mid-September, just to keep us all on the edge of our seats. Jake Reynolds, the Prudential Center's President (and unofficial air-kisser), assured us that even with this schedule shuffle, the "entertainment industry's peepers" will be glued to the event. Trust me, folks, if there's one thing Jake knows, it's peepers. He declared this spectacle to be a musical globe-trot, allowing us to cheer for our favorite tunes from all over the world. It's like the Olympics of music, minus the sweatpants. Jake had his speaking cap on, and he went on to gush, "We're giddy about partnering up with MTV – you know, the music channel that occasionally plays music – and getting ready for a night that'll make your socks dance right off!" Seriously, who needs socks when you've got these moves? Now, let's talk throwbacks. The VMAs have been around since '84, and let me tell you, it's been one heck of a rollercoaster. Remember when Taylor Swift and Kanye West went at it in '09? Classic. Or how about Nicki Minaj and Miley Cyrus's showdown in '15? They were flinging metaphors like confetti! And guess what? Nobody has a crystal ball big enough to predict what mess the 2023 show will conjure up. But hey, as long as there's drama, glitter, and maybe a llama, I'm game! Hold onto your hats, your cat's hat, and your grandma's hat, because this soirée is going to be lit. You'll spot more stars than at an alien invasion – think Video of the Year, Artist of the Year, Best New Artist, and a bunch of others. It's like the Oscars, but with fewer tuxedos and more neon. Get Ready to Rock, Jersey Style! Drumroll, please! The 2023 VMAs are dropping onto your screens on Tuesday, September 12, at 8 p.m. ET. Yep, time to get your snacks and sassy remarks ready. New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy is doing cartwheels in excitement because, as he put it, "the VMAs coming back is like a seal of approval for Jersey's ability to host mega-sized shindigs." Who needs the Big Apple when you've got the Big Tomato? It's a Swift Invasion! Taylor Swift is leading the nominee pack with eight nods. Eight! Somebody needs to check if her closet has enough shelf space. SZA's not lagging far behind, scooping up six nominations. Then there's a whole posse – Doja Cat, Kim Petras, Miley Cyrus, Nicki Minaj, Olivia Rodrigo, and Sam Smith – all decked out with five nominations each. It's like a musical version of a competitive potluck dinner. And, hold your breath, we have 35 first-time nominees! Fresh blood, new faces – think Kim Petras, Ice Spice (not to be confused with Pumpkin Spice), Reneé Rapp, FLETCHER, and more. It's like the cool kids' club just got bigger and more stylish. Let the Show Begin – Cue the Glitter Cannons! You want a performance? You got it! The first batch of party animals hitting the stage includes Demi Lovato (in a feather boa, I hope), Karol G (is she bringing tacos?), Italy's Måneskin (they've got the hair to make us stare), and the K-Pop sensation Stray Kids. It's like a musical buffet, and I'm here with my plate ready! And the Host Is...? Hold the phone, MTV forgot to pass on the memo! They're keeping the host's identity locked tighter than my diary in middle school. But hey, who needs a host when the music is the real star? Watch the Magic Unfold! Set your alarms, prepare the popcorn, and maybe dust off your dance moves that you've been practicing since last year's VMAs. The extravaganza goes live on MTV at 8 p.m. ET. It's like prom night for the music world – except you don't have to worry about getting a date. Let the VMAs sweep you off your feet, dazzle your eyeballs, and remind you that life's just a little better with a sprinkle of glitter and a whole lot of music. 🎶🎤🕺🏼# MTV's Musical Extravaganza Returns to Jersey, Baby! Cue the glitter, cue the drama, cue the questionable fashion choices! It's that time of the year again, folks – the MTV Video Music Awards are swooping back to Newark, New Jersey's Prudential Center for the 2023 awards show. Get ready to witness music's biggest stars strut their stuff on the red carpet, where fashion statements range from "I'm fabulous" to "I'm trying my best, okay?" Traditionally, this shindig happens at the tail-end of August, but hold onto your sequined hats because this year, they decided to be fashionably late. Yep, the VMAs are rolling into town in mid-September, just to keep us all on the edge of our seats. Jake Reynolds, the Prudential Center's President (and unofficial air-kisser), assured us that even with this schedule shuffle, the "entertainment industry's peepers" will be glued to the event. Trust me, folks, if there's one thing Jake knows, it's peepers. He declared this spectacle to be a musical globe-trot, allowing us to cheer for our favorite tunes from all over the world. It's like the Olympics of music, minus the sweatpants. Jake had his speaking cap on, and he went on to gush, "We're giddy about partnering up with MTV – you know, the music channel that occasionally plays music – and getting ready for a night that'll make your socks dance right off!" Seriously, who needs socks when you've got these moves? Now, let's talk throwbacks. The VMAs have been around since '84, and let me tell you, it's been one heck of a rollercoaster. Remember when Taylor Swift and Kanye West went at it in '09? Classic. Or how about Nicki Minaj and Miley Cyrus's showdown in '15? They were flinging metaphors like confetti! And guess what? Nobody has a crystal ball big enough to predict what mess the 2023 show will conjure up. But hey, as long as there's drama, glitter, and maybe a llama, I'm game! Hold onto your hats, your cat's hat, and your grandma's hat, because this soirée is going to be lit. You'll spot more stars than at an alien invasion – think Video of the Year, Artist of the Year, Best New Artist, and a bunch of others. It's like the Oscars, but with fewer tuxedos and more neon. Get Ready to Rock, Jersey Style! Drumroll, please! The 2023 VMAs are dropping onto your screens on Tuesday, September 12, at 8 p.m. ET. Yep, time to get your snacks and sassy remarks ready. New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy is doing cartwheels in excitement because, as he put it, "the VMAs coming back is like a seal of approval for Jersey's ability to host mega-sized shindigs." Who needs the Big Apple when you've got the Big Tomato? It's a Swift Invasion! Taylor Swift is leading the nominee pack with eight nods. Eight! Somebody needs to check if her closet has enough shelf space. SZA's not lagging far behind, scooping up six nominations. Then there's a whole posse – Doja Cat, Kim Petras, Miley Cyrus, Nicki Minaj, Olivia Rodrigo, and Sam Smith – all decked out with five nominations each. It's like a musical version of a competitive potluck dinner. And, hold your breath, we have 35 first-time nominees! Fresh blood, new faces – think Kim Petras, Ice Spice (not to be confused with Pumpkin Spice), Reneé Rapp, FLETCHER, and more. It's like the cool kids' club just got bigger and more stylish. Let the Show Begin – Cue the Glitter Cannons! You want a performance? You got it! The first batch of party animals hitting the stage includes Demi Lovato (in a feather boa, I hope), Karol G (is she bringing tacos?), Italy's Måneskin (they've got the hair to make us stare), and the K-Pop sensation Stray Kids. It's like a musical buffet, and I'm here with my plate ready! And the Host Is...? Hold the phone, MTV forgot to pass on the memo! They're keeping the host's identity locked tighter than my diary in middle school. But hey, who needs a host when the music is the real star? Watch the Magic Unfold! Set your alarms, prepare the popcorn, and maybe dust off your dance moves that you've been practicing since last year's VMAs. The extravaganza goes live on MTV at 8 p.m. ET. It's like prom night for the music world – except you don't have to worry about getting a date. Let the VMAs sweep you off your feet, dazzle your eyeballs, and remind you that life's just a little better with a sprinkle of glitter and a whole lot of music. 🎶🎤🕺🏼 Read the full article
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(CZ/SK) — Transformers: Probuzení monster Celý Film Online A Zdarma
Sleduj Transformers: Probuzení monster – Celý Film CZ Dabing HD Kvalite | Sleduj Filmy Online, Transformers: Probuzení monster – Online Titulky Filmu Dabing CZ, Transformers: Probuzení monster – Sleduj Filmy Online CZ Dabing HD Kvalite, [Bombuj-HD] Transformers: Probuzení monster Film CZ Dabing [Online], [Sledovat-HD] Transformers: Probuzení monster Film Online [CZ Dabing].
➥➥➥ Klikněte zde Sleduj Transformers: Probuzení monster – Celý Film CZ Dabing HD
➥➥➥ ▷ Transformers: Probuzení monster — CELÝ FILM ONLINE ZDARMA (2022) CZ/SK DABING
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Píše se rok 1994 a dvojice archeologů kopne do prastarého vosího hnízda. Dojde k tomu během jedné dobrodružné výpravy. Nastává boj mezi třemi frakcemi. Na jedné straně stojí dobráci po vzoru Autobotů – Maximálové, kterým vévodí Optimus Primal. Na druhé straně barikády stojí Predaconi, odvěcí nepřátelé Maximálů. Je tady však ještě větší hrozba, než souboj dvou odvěkých rivalů – zemřelí roboti Terraconi.
Žánr: Akční, Dobrodružný, Vědeckofantastický
Vydáno: 2023-06-06
Režisér: Steven Spielberg, Michael Bay, Don Murphy, Patrick Tatopoulos, Duncan Henderson
Hvězdy: Anthony Ramos, Dominique Fishback, Luna Lauren Velez, Dean Scott Vazquez, Tobe Nwigwe
Registrácia: Zostaňte na vrchole najnovších filmových a televíznych správ! Zaregistrujte sa do nášho e-mailového spravodajcu tu.
❍❍❍ TV FILM ❍❍❍
The first television shows were experimental, sporadic programs that from the 1930s could only be seen at a very short distance from the mast. TV events such as the 1936 Summer Olympics in Germany, the crowning of King George VI. In Britain in 19340 and the famous launch of David Sarnoff at the 1939 New York World’s Fair in the United States, the medium grew, but World War II brought development to a halt after the war. The 19440 World MOVIE inspired many Americans to buy their first television, and in 1948 the popular Texaco Star Theater radio moved to become the first weekly television variety show that hosted Milton Berle and earned the name “Mr Television” demonstrated The medium was a stable, modern form of entertainment that could attract advertisers. The first national live television broadcast in the United States took place on September 4, 1951, when President Harry Truman’s speech at the Japanese Peace Treaty Conference in San Francisco on AT & T’s transcontinental cable and microwave relay system was broadcasting to broadcasters in local markets has been.
The first national color show (the 1954 Rose Parade tournament) in the United States took place on January 1, 1954. For the next ten years, most network broadcasts and almost all local broadcasts continued to be broadcast in black and white. A color transition was announced for autumn 1965, in which more than half of all network prime time programs were broadcast in color. The first all-color peak season came just a year later. In 19402, the last holdout of daytime network shows was converted to the first full color network season.
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Transformers: Probuzení monster Program filmy,
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Transformers: Probuzení monster Online cz dabing,
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Transformers: Probuzení monster nový film,
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Transformers: Probuzení monster Blu-ray filmy,
Transformers: Probuzení monster 3D filmy,
Transformers: Probuzení monster Online bombuj,
Transformers: Probuzení monster Online cely film,
Transformers: Probuzení monster Online ke shlednuti,
Transformers: Probuzení monster cz dabing Online ke shlednuti,
Transformers: Probuzení monster Online,
Transformers: Probuzení monster Online film cz,
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Transformers: Probuzení monster bombuj cz,
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Transformers: Probuzení monster celý film Cesky,
Transformers: Probuzení monster celý film zdarma ke shlédnutí,
Transformers: Probuzení monster celý film cz dabing,
Transformers: Probuzení monster zkouknito,
Transformers: Probuzení monster sleduj filmy,
Transformers: Probuzení monster Online cz titulky,
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FILM ▷ Transformers: Probuzení monster Celý Film CZ Dabing Titulky
Sleduj Transformers: Probuzení monster – Celý Film CZ Dabing HD Kvalite | Sleduj Filmy Online, Transformers: Probuzení monster – Online Titulky Filmu Dabing CZ, Transformers: Probuzení monster – Sleduj Filmy Online CZ Dabing HD Kvalite, [Bombuj-HD] Transformers: Probuzení monster Film CZ Dabing [Online], [Sledovat-HD] Transformers: Probuzení monster Film Online [CZ Dabing].
➥➥➥ Klikněte zde Sleduj Transformers: Probuzení monster – Celý Film CZ Dabing HD
➥➥➥ ▷ Transformers: Probuzení monster — CELÝ FILM ONLINE ZDARMA (2022) CZ/SK DABING
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Píše se rok 1994 a dvojice archeologů kopne do prastarého vosího hnízda. Dojde k tomu během jedné dobrodružné výpravy. Nastává boj mezi třemi frakcemi. Na jedné straně stojí dobráci po vzoru Autobotů – Maximálové, kterým vévodí Optimus Primal. Na druhé straně barikády stojí Predaconi, odvěcí nepřátelé Maximálů. Je tady však ještě větší hrozba, než souboj dvou odvěkých rivalů – zemřelí roboti Terraconi.
Žánr: Akční, Dobrodružný, Vědeckofantastický
Vydáno: 2023-06-06
Režisér: Steven Spielberg, Michael Bay, Don Murphy, Patrick Tatopoulos, Duncan Henderson
Hvězdy: Anthony Ramos, Dominique Fishback, Luna Lauren Velez, Dean Scott Vazquez, Tobe Nwigwe
Registrácia: Zostaňte na vrchole najnovších filmových a televíznych správ! Zaregistrujte sa do nášho e-mailového spravodajcu tu.
❍❍❍ TV FILM ❍❍❍
The first television shows were experimental, sporadic programs that from the 1930s could only be seen at a very short distance from the mast. TV events such as the 1936 Summer Olympics in Germany, the crowning of King George VI. In Britain in 19340 and the famous launch of David Sarnoff at the 1939 New York World’s Fair in the United States, the medium grew, but World War II brought development to a halt after the war. The 19440 World MOVIE inspired many Americans to buy their first television, and in 1948 the popular Texaco Star Theater radio moved to become the first weekly television variety show that hosted Milton Berle and earned the name “Mr Television” demonstrated The medium was a stable, modern form of entertainment that could attract advertisers. The first national live television broadcast in the United States took place on September 4, 1951, when President Harry Truman’s speech at the Japanese Peace Treaty Conference in San Francisco on AT & T’s transcontinental cable and microwave relay system was broadcasting to broadcasters in local markets has been.
The first national color show (the 1954 Rose Parade tournament) in the United States took place on January 1, 1954. For the next ten years, most network broadcasts and almost all local broadcasts continued to be broadcast in black and white. A color transition was announced for autumn 1965, in which more than half of all network prime time programs were broadcast in color. The first all-color peak season came just a year later. In 19402, the last holdout of daytime network shows was converted to the first full color network season.
Ke stažení :
Transformers: Probuzení monster Filmové Novinky,
Transformers: Probuzení monster celý film Cesky,
Transformers: Probuzení monster Filmové premiéry,
Transformers: Probuzení monster celý film cz dabing,
Transformers: Probuzení monster zkouknito,
Transformers: Probuzení monster sleduj filmy,
Transformers: Probuzení monster Online cz titulky,
Transformers: Probuzení monster Program filmy,
Transformers: Probuzení monster CZ HD Film o filmu,
Transformers: Probuzení monster CZ dabing,
Transformers: Probuzení monster premiéra,
Transformers: Probuzení monster Online cz,
Transformers: Probuzení monster Online cz dabing,
Transformers: Probuzení monster Zadarmo,
Transformers: Probuzení monster Celý Film,
Transformers: Probuzení monster Titulky,
Transformers: Probuzení monster nový film,
Transformers: Probuzení monster DVD filmy,
Transformers: Probuzení monster Blu-ray filmy,
Transformers: Probuzení monster 3D filmy,
Transformers: Probuzení monster Online bombuj,
Transformers: Probuzení monster Online cely film,
Transformers: Probuzení monster Online ke shlednuti,
Transformers: Probuzení monster cz dabing Online ke shlednuti,
Transformers: Probuzení monster Online,
Transformers: Probuzení monster Online film cz,
Transformers: Probuzení monster Bombuj,
Transformers: Probuzení monster bombuj cz,
Transformers: Probuzení monster Online ke shlédnutí,
Transformers: Probuzení monster celý film Cesky,
Transformers: Probuzení monster celý film zdarma ke shlédnutí,
Transformers: Probuzení monster celý film cz dabing,
Transformers: Probuzení monster zkouknito,
Transformers: Probuzení monster sleduj filmy,
Transformers: Probuzení monster Online cz titulky,
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