#➳ sender; silas
angeltism · 10 months
wait what do you need your parents to approve for ... confused
the entities have access 2 all my accounts and do nawt want mwe online dating (which if things r reciprocated if I confess that'd.. be the next step, purrobably?) without talking 2 them first bc creepos n meanies n gross beings n all that.
the lady of sorrow accepts it as them caring for xer, which he feels grateful for!! aaand they're nawt unreasonable when she asks these things of them, at least ^__^
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showboundsonlyhost · 5 months
Do you what a Blåhaj is
A... What?
Hold on, I'm going to look this up.
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nightmarecountry-a · 2 years
[ TWENTY-TWO ]  receiver thought sender died so they set out to get revenge.  sender shows up in time to stand in front of them before they go too far.  - sila [ we take the hammer and we fix the canon. ]
Fuck the Dreaming. Fuck Echo, and fuck Dream, and fuck the first Corinthian, who had been shitty enough to be unmade but good enough at his job that some of his essence had been preserved instead of fucking destroyed like it should've been, and now it's his problem. Fuck staying here and being a good little monster for the rest of his shitty existence. Fuck the lesson he was meant to learn, and those that made him learn it.
And fuck the notion that he shouldn't kill humans, even if they really, really deserve it. He didn't kill Echo when he should have, and look where that got him. Look where it got Sila, who didn't do anything but love someone he shouldn't have, whose life got cut short because the Corinthian needed to be taught a lesson.
If you really think about it, says a smooth and sick voice in his head, this is Dream's fault. None of this would have happened if he'd just let you off your leash to begin with.
And for once the second Corinthian heeds the first.
Three hours later he's in Bangkok. He crawls from the deep, twisted dreams of a girl who wants to kill her father, and leaves her with the promise that she can do it: it will be easy. She just has to pick up the knife. Then he is gone, coasting through the flooded streets, not quite walking but teleporting here and there in a mad haze. The last time he was here nothing felt real: now everything does. The rain is too loud and the people too close. The streets stink of mud. He doesn't feel the cold, but he doesn't want anything in this place touching him, not even the wind.
Temptation, the club where he first met Sila, is exactly as he remembers it. Dark and seedy and forever crowded, even on quiet nights. It only takes two drinks and a few honeyed words for someone to want him: an older man, for once, who thinks the Corinthian looks like a model and tells him so, and seems pleased when the Corinthian grins with all of his teeth and asks if he says that to every boy that buys him a drink.
Then they are in the alleyway out back, where he first waited for Sila that night, and the Corinthian is kissing this stranger with a ferocity that borders on animal. Killing him will not be the same as killing the men that got Sila killed. They're all dead already. But the moment he takes a life, he will break the final rule: he will invite Dream's wrath, his judgment, and the Corinthian will look him in the eyes and tell him This is your fucking fault before Dream reduces him to sand.
He gets as far as pinning the man to the wall by the throat, knife out and glasses off, before he realises something is wrong.
Sila is here.
He knows it before he ever turns to look. He knows it the same way he would know if his heart stopped beating, if he had one to begin with. It doesn't make sense, because Sila is dead, but he's here. He's right behind him.
The man is dropped spluttering to the wet ground, and the Corinthian stares at Sila, who should be dead, and cannot think of a single fucking thing to say.
Slowly, as if it could undo anything Sila has seen, he puts his knife away. He puts his sunglasses back on, and waits for a judgment he wasn't expecting at all.
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basicsofislam · 4 days
Sila ar-Rahm (Observing Ties of Kinship): Part 3
e) Rights after Their Death
Making haste with regard to their burial.
Washing them in accordance with the requirements of the Sunnah. One must ensure that the individuals washing them are comprehensively knowledgeable about and skilled in this task.
Shrouding them in accordance with the Prophetic practice.
Obtaining their shroud through their lawful earnings.
Always entreating Allah for their forgiveness.
Personally placing them in the soil.
Performing a helpful service to those who dig the grave and workers at the cemetery.
Burying them among good and righteous people.
Giving in charity by their grave.
Supplicating at their graveside.
Paying their debts.
To recite the talking, or “prompting,” at the time of burial, instructing the deceased in the essentials of belief as to how to answer the interrogative angels. It is stated in a hadith:
“When one of you dies and you have settled the earth over him, let one of you stand at the head of his grave and then say: ‘O So-and-so, son of So-and-so [name of the mother]!’ For he will hear him even if he does not reply. Then let him say a second time: ‘O So-and-so, son of So-and-so [name of the mother]!’ Whereupon he will sit up (in his grave). Then let him say: ‘O So-and-so, son of So-and-so [name of the mother]!’ At this, the deceased will say: ‘Instruct me, and may Allah grant you mercy!’ Even if you cannot hear it. Then let him say: ‘Remember the state in which you left this world, which is your witnessing that there is no deity except Allah and that Muhammad is His servant and messenger; that you are pleased with Allah as your Lord, Islam as your religion, Muhammad as your Prophet, and the Qur’an as your book.’” (Daylami)
Carrying out their last will and testament. If their request contravenes the religion, it is not fulfilled.
Entreating Allah in their supplications after the Prayer and conveying the spiritual rewards to their spirits. A hadith states:
“If a person is undutiful to their parents but prays for their forgiveness and deliverance after their death, Allah will record them among those dutiful to their parents.” (Ibn Abi ad-Dunya)
Fasting on their behalf. It is again stated in hadith:
“No one should offer a Prayer or observe a Fast on behalf of another; however, they can feed (the needy) instead.” (Sunan an-Nasa’i) Someone came to the Prophet and asked, “O Messenger of Allah, my parents have died; is there any act left with which I may be dutiful to them?” Allah’s Messenger said, “There are four such things: supplication and asking for their forgiveness, fulfilling their promises, honoring their friends, and maintaining good relations with those of your relatives with whom your kinship is established only through them.” (Hakim)
Performing the Pilgrimage and sending them the rewards therein. According to the majority of scholars, undertaking the Pilgrimage on behalf of one’s parents is permissible. A hadith states:
“Whoever performs the Pilgrimage on behalf of his deceased parents, that Pilgrimage is accepted from both himself and his parents, and the souls of his parents are given the glad tidings of such.” (Dar al-Qutni)
Giving in charity on their behalf. As stated in a hadith:
“Why should one who gives in charity not convey its reward to the spirit of their deceased parents when both will be rewarded without the reward of the sender not being lessened in the slightest.” (Tabarani)
Visiting their graves and reciting the Qur’an:
“One who visits the grave of one or both of his parents sincerely with the hope of forgiveness will receive the reward equivalent to that of a Pilgrimage, and one who visits their graves often will have angels visiting his grave (after he passes away).” (Hakim)
Visiting their graves on Fridays:
“Whoever visits the grave of his parents, both or either of them, every Friday, Allah will forgive all of his sins and include him amongst those who are dutiful to their parents.” (Sunan at-Tirmidhi)
Honoring their friends. It is stated in a hadith,
“The finest act of goodness is that a person should treat kindly the loved ones of his father.” (Sahih Muslim)
Giving sadaqa al-fitr (the compulsory charity paid after the month of Ramadan) in their name, for the rewards to be bestowed upon them.
Offering a sacrifice on their behalf during the Festival of Sacrifice (Eid al-Adha).
Preparing their favorite foods and distributing them to the needy and, as such, pleasing their spirits.
Not speaking of their faults:
“Speak well of the dead; do not mention their shortcomings.” (Sunan at-Tirmidhi).
One must visit one’s parents and relatives, inquire after their welfare and make them happy.
One must assist those who are in difficulty or need.
Ties must never be severed with one’s relatives.
One who forsakes their relatives must not forget that they will be deprived of Divine Mercy and compassion.
The person most deserving of goodness and benevolence is the mother.
The person most worthy of honor, goodness, and obedience after the mother is the father.
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gummybugg · 1 year
Find the Word Tag
Thanks for the tags, @writernopal, @lena-rambles, and @digitalsatyr23! It took me a Hot second to get Around to this, unfortunately. Check out each of their posts here, here, and here, respectively!
<<Check Warnings in the tags!>>
I'm going to pick 5 words Between all 3 tags: scream, candle, faint, blood, and heart.
scream (The Mice Come Out at Night)
Honestly, Morgana had grown used to tuning out screaming by now, only deciding to tune back in just in case he missed something incriminating about himself like how he always records the highlights of his day each night before bed or that he was technically still on parole.
candle (IBT)
“Once you complete your task, are you then transported back?” Jemmah asked.
“Yeah, I suppose I could hitch a ride back using a few cheap candles and salt packets. I go back on my own terms,” Silas repeated. “Hell doesn’t offer you a free ride unless you’ve earned it, I suppose…”
faint (Crater City, Elijah’s POV)
“You ask too many questions. You should be resting right now.”
“I fainted, didn't I, Blair?” I caught his gaze.
He hesitated a moment before responding, “Yeah.”
blood & heart (Crater City, Blair’s POV)
I fumbled to unlock his ribcage. Once I was granted entry, I reached deep inside his chest. His heart beat, alive, and I stroked it, wiping away the excess blood.
Out of Comfort, I will Not reveal any more than this :')
✨Under the Break we have our (optional) Tagees & their prompt!✨
@sabels-small-sphere, @sender-paulson, @moonluringfrost, @acertainmoshke, @indigowriting, @sergeantnarwhalwrites, @zestymimblo, @rhikasa, @frostedlemonwriter, @aether-wasteland-s, @charlesjosephwrites, @new-royston-cursebreakers, @jasmineinthenight, @boundedsea, @wildswrites, @sam-glade, @detectiveashthemfer, @airic-fenn, @aberooski, @lalalovezfrenchfriez, @lyutenw, @faelanvance, and anyone else who wants to Hop on in because this is an Open tag!
Your words to find are mean, close, lead, minute, lie, and object
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razedhell · 2 months
( @hebled ) beck > ravenna : ﹟pillow talk  receiver  dirty  talks  to  sender .
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she's grateful it was made regulation to close the divider between her & the driver . . . privacy given to the princess as she & Beck sit in the back of the SUV for the hour long trip back home. they're quiet, the event a little rough on them with Ravenna having to work the room in place of Silas & she knows they're both drained. eyes sneak a peek at her bodyguard, sitting there on the other side of the backseat before sliding the short distance between them.
" hey there, handsome. " she takes her rightful place, straddling his lap to make sure his attention was solely on her as fingers delicately brush through the short hairs at the nape of his neck. " you seem stressed, long day ? " teasing lightly, Ravenna then leans forward to press a sweet kiss to his lips & rub the tip of her nose against his. " maybe i can help you . . . relax. "
another kiss, teeth nipping his lower lip before leaving a trail of soft kisses across his cheek to his ear. she sucks his lobe, dragging her teeth over it lightly as a palm curves around the side of his neck to feel his pulse. " don't have enough room to give you a massage but i think we both know there's a better way to alleviate all that tension. " words are spoken quietly, lips brushing the shell of his ear & Ravenna moves her hips just enough to feel the way she's already affecting him.
fingers deftly unbutton the first three of his dress shirt, ghosting over the now exposed flesh & nudges her nose against his jaw so she can begin to kiss a path down the column of his neck. as much as she wishes, Ravenna is careful not to leave any marks as tongue licks up to his jaw.
" did i tell you ? " eyes glitter darkly & she shifts, pressing herself even closer to grind against his growing erection. " i'm not wearing any underwear under this dress. " biting her bottom lip innocently, the princess rolls her hips & lets her head fall back with a sigh from the feel of him against her. " all day i've been picturing you bending me over one of those tables & taking me. " she moans low, mindful they're not exactly alone in this car but still can't hold it in anymore, already so sensitive. " god, i was only thinking about you & i swear a light breeze could've sent me over the edge. "
raising from where she's buried in the crook of his neck, Ravenna finds his gaze even while her hands travel towards his belt to slowly undo it. " think you can fuck me before we get home ? "
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klumsymaid · 11 months
@prettyboywarrior​ asked:   chest
                              let’s cuddle rp prompts  ||  accepting.              ( chest ) sender pulls the receiver into their chest for a hug / cuddle
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       the parties were divided in groups of two when they were walking down the long stretch of corridor. with the group that felicia had followed was none other than the group of lady/lord corrin, jakob and silas. felicia was looking over her shoulder and right to corrin as she smiled a bit as the small group walked over towards the library where the group ( besides felicia ) could talk about strategy pin points for the upcoming battle that corrin and the others would soon face off. 
in the other group though, the small little maid noticed a familiar face amongst the men and waved over towards xaos when the two gotten closer. she had a bright smile upon her face and a small tint of red upon her cheeks when she saw him - as her heart fluttered a tad faster at the sight of him; but when they passed each other - and she thought he was going to wave back, he had grabbed her arm and tugged him towards her - causing her to stumble a bit back and slam directly into his chest as she was pulled into a tight embrace.  
felicia was - stunned. she didn’t know what to say or rather do at first, as she looked at the mans chest for a moment more while her heart did flips. the two groups were now nearly gone - as they didn’t notice the disappearance over the maid as she was certain the knights xaos walked with didn’t notice he was missing either. 
    ❝ seems as though - you caught me!  ❞ she said in a whisper as she soon wrapped her arms right around his waist and have him a big squeeze. 
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wardogxicarus · 7 months
🗡️ + reverse
Meme [x] | Send 🗡️ or ‘weapon’ for the sender to point a weapon at the receiver! | @projectpredling
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"Fall back to my six." The order came with a level of calm and seriousness that was present in his more recent field outings. His operatives gave no protest as they did as commanded, weapons lifted and at the ready.
With his finger hovering beside the trigger, Silas edged forward, eyes flicking about to take in any available details. The shower of disturbed stone within the canyon had him on edge. Nothing smaller than a car could possibly make that much of a shift.
When a shadow shifted, he lifted his rifle. "Freeze!"
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sunlessea · 8 months
[ 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬 ] + [ 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐲 ] - wintas :)
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in which i try rly hard to participate with sunday memes / [ 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬 ] : sender and receiver are having sex to reduce stress. + [ 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐲 ] : sender and receiver are having a steamy makeout session. / @londonfallen
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"weren't you supposed to be my better? you look pretty pathetic now, for someone who used to spend ninety percent of the time we were together bragging about your dick size." a vulgar figure of speech, not literal, and far beyond fitting the image of what london thought the sainte artist himself was like, behind closed doors. they all mooned over their image of him, a kindhearted, gentle, blushing prince charming who would sweep them off their feet, treat them like the princesses they all were ... yeah. sure. no one in their right mind would've married him, knowing who he actually was. that's why they'd eloped, he supposes. silas is out of his fucking mind.
the expression he looks down at his once self-proclaimed rival turned husband with could be described as cold, emotionless even, to those who knew little about him. he's subtle, even when they're deep in the depths of the dark alone together, tangled in sheets crossing over and around their legs. there's a slight flush to his cheeks where his breath hasn't quicken yet, and beyond that, a subtle furrow to his brow where he never smiles, or at least, didn't always. he does more, now-a-days, sometimes, every once in a blue moon. maybe most of london would find him angry, in comparison to what they knew of him in public, and draw back from this intimacy before it even started...
oh, but not silas. smug little bastard, tangled even more in the blankets than he himself had ended up, eyes alight like fire. he's desperately trying to work at the zipper of winter's slacks, the last remaining of the clothing between the both of them. his own lust is a subdued sort, blink and it's missed, in comparison to his partner already flushing pink to his exposed shoulders at the very thought of swallowing him deep.
he does look pathetic. it's sexy, too. but mostly pathetic.
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"you used to have more patience when you hated me, didn't you? mm, look at you now..." he's making fun of him, where he grabs his hands and snatches them away right when silas finally starts to pull them down winter's waist. before he can complain, he shifts his knee 'tween the other's legs and presses up roughly to push him forward against his chest. he's polite, catching him by the jaw and pulling him hard, instead, into a kiss, fang pressed down into lip. where he holds his chin, his other arm wraps 'round his waist, and lets him slide forward until he's sitting over his lap, atop the hard bulge still hidden by his clothing. how vulgar, but the pressure makes him moan still where his lips part for him. his chest is warm against his own, heart thrumming where they're pressed bare against one-another. he steadies his hand 'gainst silas's hip, holding him there whilst he adjusts them more comfortably : the kiss is broken, saliva caught in string between them, but not for long. once he has him flush against him, more easily able to grind up into him ( well, he isn't the saintly sort ), he tilts his head and pulls him in to bite his lip, again.
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questionsonislam · 1 year
I ask from this point of view: I sometimes love my child very much (sincerely) but after that, I think whether I loved him extremely. Is it possible that Allah will not be pleased with it?
Love of Allah comes before everything. It is important in what sense and why you love something. It is a deed of worship to love something for Allah as a boon of Allah. From this point of view, it is necessary to regard our children, who are entrusted to us, as His grace and grant and to work legitimately in order to make them gain their worldly life and otherworldly life.
There are thousands of reasons why Allah gives love of children to all parents. It is a deed of worship to fulfill this love.
For instance, it is different to love a letter that one has received due to its paper and nice handwriting than to love it because it is something entrusted to him by the sender; similarly, it is different to love children based on one’s intention. It is nice to love them as boons of Allah. The criterion for loving them for Allah is to raise and educate them in the way that Allah wants.
Love of the Prophet comes after love of Allah. To love the Prophet means to love Allah. To love scholars, people of taqwa and benefactors is like that. For, one loves the beloved of the beloved too. The Messenger of the Beloved One is also loved. The one who loves the beloved is also loved. The real beloved one here is Allah. There is nobody except Him that deserves real love. We can explain it with an example:
The first thing one loves is his soul. To love one’s own soul means to want to continue living and not to like elimination. This characteristic is inborn in man. In fact, this feeling, which exists in man, necessitates loving Allah. For, one who knows himself and his Lord understands that the continuation and perfection of his life is based on Allah, not himself. It is Allah who created him out of nothing and who makes him live. For, among the beings, it is only Allah that exists as a necessity of His being and that does not need anything to exist. Everything except Him exists based on His power and creation. A person who knows it like that loves and has to love the one that created him and gave him everything he has. His love of his Lord originates from knowing Him.
Love is the fruit of knowledge. If there is no knowledge, there is no love. One loves his parents. Why does he love them? For, they are the reason for his creation. Besides, they raised and educated him. Therefore, one loves his parents. However, the one who creates man is Allah. It is He who makes parents a reason for his creation. It is also He who gives parents love of their children. He gives this love even to animals. The Prophet (pbuh) states the following:
"Allah divided mercy into one hundred parts. He retained with Him ninety-nine parts, and sent down to earth one part. Through this one part, creatures deal with one another with compassion so much so that an animal lifts its hoof over its young lest it should hurt it."
The Prophet (pbuh) loved children very much. He would take them on his lap, pat them and kiss them with compassion.
The Prophet kissed his grandsons, Hz. Hasan and Hz. Husayn too. When a man saw him kissing them, he said,
"I have ten children; I have not kissed any of them."The Prophet said,
«He who shows no mercy, will receive no mercy.» (Muslim, Fadail, 65; Tirmidhi, Birr wa Sila, 12)
When the Prophet (pbuh) performed a prayer, his beloved grandsons, Hasan and Husayn would climb up his shoulders. He would tolerate this act of children even when he performed a prayer; he would not prevent their games.
When he sat somewhere, he would get up when his daughter, Fatima, came, kiss her on the forehead and make her sit in his place. He loved not only his children and grandchildren but also other children; he would talk to them and loved them; he would give them things that they liked. He even loved the children of non-Muslims.
The Prophet were interested in children very much. Once, he organized a race among children. He stood at the place where the race would end. He loved the children who came to him by running and gave them gifts. (Ahmad b. Hanbal, Musnad, I/214)
The Prophet (pbuh) gave the following advice related to children:
«Fear Allah and treat your children fairly.» (Jamius-Saghir; Bukhari, Hiba, 8/26)
«Allah wants you to treat your children equally when you kiss them.» (ibid)
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angeltism · 10 months
❄️ !!
Yayy yippee glad we r friends!! >:3
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showboundsonlyhost · 10 months
You've got to get with the times if you want to appeal to a modern audience! The consumers of today's media love timeless "memes" like "keyboard cats." Maybe you could do something with that?
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I don't think I like this all too much. Doesn't your generation reflect on retro/nostalgic stuff though?
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honeykeats · 2 years
2) for receiver to show up at sender’s house to confront them about something only to find sender is recovering from serious injuries. (silas/thea) @blumhouses​
silas wasn't the type to go pick anyone up from their house, he would much rather meet them somewhere in public, or if he really trusted them, he would invite them over. but he had been making more and more changes in his life since thea had been around. she hadn't messaged him back on time, not that she owed him texts at a certain time, but she was usually good at letting him know when she was busy. he was annoyed, so he broke his rule and fired up he car, stopping to fill the fucking tank since it had been months since he had taken it out, and he tracked down her address, which she had sent him when they first started seeing each other. he parked and stormed up to the door, prepared to get mad, and then possibly take her out for a spontaneously planned date because he had missed her. he knocked on the door, taking a deep but unnecessary breath, patiently counting the seconds before she opened the door. everything in him broke when he saw her, however, and he was certain that the one thing he had been terrified of coming to fruition had finally come to pass. "thea," he said, a shakey breath leaving him as he said her name.
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@nightmarecountry sent: [ HUG ]:     sender, upon reuniting with the receiver after being apart for a lengthy duration of time, rushes over to them and pulls them into a tight, desperate, emotional embrace. [ PUT SILA IN THE DREAMING RIGHT NOW]
Sila dreams more often these days. It's usually of those few horrific days; of being bound so tight that his hands went numb, of being so certain that he was going to die. Then the pain, the bloodloss, the following weeks in hospital. The worry about what had happened to Alex, and the subsequent realisation, when he returned home, that his partner was gone. Not dead, but gone, and had come back while Sila had been in hospital in order to take his things. Sometimes, he thinks that hurts more than the wounds did. But he carries on, returns to his old routine, because what else can he do? The only change is that he uses more concealer to hide his eyebags, and less contour on his cheeks - they don't need to look any thinner. He sleeps less, smokes more, and tries not to think about how big his bed is when he sleeps in it alone. The rain patters heavily against the window tonight. It reminds him of all those nights he spent awake, watching Alex sleep. He curls up on his side, and drifts off with the phantom sensation of a hand in his. Tonight, he dreams of something else. A strange obsidian house in the middle of an ever-changing plain. The swirling colours remind him of the pictures he's seen of the northern lights; it's quite beautiful, and he drifts towards the house, unsurprised to find the front door unlocked. It swings open at his touch, as if welcoming him, and he steps inside. There's a figure inside but he doesn't think to be afraid. It's only when his eyes have adjusted to the strange light that he recognises them. Alex. Sila opens his mouth but then strong arms are around him, holding him close. For a moment, Sila allows it. He lets Alex cling to him and even clings back, as if he can pretend that everything is okay. Like Alex hadn't walked out on him while he'd been in hospital. Right, he thinks, reminding himself of that fact. He fights free of Alex's arms, using thin elbows to put some distance between them. This is a dream, but Sila cannot and will not forgive Alex for what he did, even when he has the chance to pretend, just for a short time, that he's loved and not alone. "What do you think you're doing?" he demands, a vicious little hiss. "You lost the right to touch me when you left."
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gummybugg · 1 year
Find the Word Tag
Thank you for the tag @charlesjosephwrites! Find his post here.
I am tagging @abalonetea, @sender-paulson, @kaiyo, @sabels-small-sphere, @star-light-and-moonbeams, @lovely-ashes09, @sunset-a-story, @macabremoons, @sharraus, (no pressure) and anyone who would like to Hop in!
Words for you to find: feather, empty, stone, bounce, and bright
Words for me to find: name, whole, fear, sand, and spirit
name (Indie's Bar and Thrills)
“Their name is Silas Nicolá. They’re the demon I summoned by mistake and who should get their act together soon before I revoke my kindness and leave them stranded in the mortal realm," Jemmah's eyes flicked at the demon.
whole (Crater City, Blair's POV)
I glanced at Elijah who looked ready to leave. He wasn't too fond of loud people, especially those who criticized the sultry taste of envelopes. He also didn't like it when irradiated people invaded his personal bubble. I think he's been a bit too wary of the whole radiation scare that's been going on for a while.
fear (Indie's Bar and Thrills)
“It hasn’t been one hour, and she already wants me gone!” Silas pouted. Metal slid across the wooden floor behind Jemmah. She didn't dare look back in fear the floor had been ruined.
I could not find this word!
spirit (Indie's Bar and Thrills)
"Think of Evocation Service like being forced to attend the New Year’s Sacrifice. You know, when a spirit from the ninth circle is released into the void to signal the coming of the new year. It’s a tradition older than I’ve sprung into existence.”
Jemmah stared at Silas in confusion.
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nightmarecountry-a · 2 years
[ 𝐂𝐎𝐎𝐊 ] ― sender is drawn to the kitchen by receiver’s cooking + [ 𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐒 ] ― sender steals an item of receiver’s clothes because it smells like them. Sila is very sleepy. He's stolen Alex's shirt on the way to the kitchen. Still half asleep, he plasters himself to Alex's back and mumbles sleepy noises into the nape of his neck.
He isn't half the cook that Sila is - but then, he's only existed in the Waking for about ten months, and wasn't alive for very long before that, so it's not like he's had much time to learn. A boy in New Orleans had taught him to make omelettes worth killing for and that's what he makes for Sila now, thinking of lazy nights by a slow river and music in the night air.
He doesn't know if he killed that boy before he left or only dreamt about it.
"Hey, baby." He's flipping the omelette when Sila comes in; warm body against his back, sleepy little complaints into the nape of his neck that make him shiver, thinking of teeth and blood and being held still, pushing the thought away with a deep lungful of spiced air. "If I fucked the seasoning up, I'm sorry in advance."
Alex leans back against Sila's chest, turning his head to kiss him where he can reach.
"Go sit. It's nearly ready."
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