#✨.|| r. pollen
stellar-snz · 9 months
hi! do you play sta/r r/ail? if so, i would love to hear your snz headcanons for your favorite sta/r r/ail character(s)! 😊🩵
Hello! 👋 I do play Star Rail and am be open to sharing my UID in DMs if you'd like to play My favourite characters are Jing Yuan, Fu Xuan, Natasha, Yukong, and Welt, so here are some sick/snz headcanons of them! I have some snz HCs abt the rest of the Astral Express crew, but they're not too polished and I'm not so sure anyone would be interested in that, soo,, 😗
Welt ✦ Throaty-ish sneeze that sounds harsh. ✦ When he's talking to someone and he has to sneeze, it can obviously be seen on his face. ✦ He doesn't really hold back, but when he's talking to people and he has to sneeze, he usually holds a finger up before turning to the side. ✦ Sneezes into the crook of his arm. ✦ Very good at hiding sickness. Seriously, he's never sick until he's caught. ✦ Not very sneezy, but some feathers would get him going. ✦ Mid dust allergy ✦ Okay… so I said before that I'm not that into pet/fur allergies… but the thought of March 7th sneaking a stray cat on the express and Welt being confused on why he's suddenly sneezing so much, is… doing things???
Natasha ✦ Her story quest… where she was travelling through the snow plains with the trailblazer, made me think a lot. ✦ Yeah… she probably caught a cold after that. ✦ Sensitive to the cold ✦ Sneezes in threes, each sounding more desperate than the last ✦ Somewhat high pitched and breathy (I'm so not good at snz sounds) ✦ A serial blesser ✦ A little embarrassed about getting sick. (Her line, "…but I'm a doctor!" 😭) ✦ Would love to take a day off when sick, but too much people in the underworld need her help, so the best thing she can do is wear a mask and sneeze away from people.
Jing Yuan ✦ LMAO, the birds living in his hair… or his hair itself has made him sneeze a couple of times. ✦ His sneezes are about a 7/10 in volume. ✦ Sneezes bend him over the waist. ✦ Doesn't get sick a whole bunch, but after that fight with Phantylia… he was immuno-compromised for a little while. ✦ Hehe… since he has a hologram, it flickers when he sneezes. ✦ When he gets sick, he milks the heck out of it, stating that he can't do things because of his ailment… even though it isn't too bad.
Fu Xuan ✦ Seasonal allergies. ✦ 😭 Has probably divined her own future and tried to prevent getting sick/avoid having a sneezing fit… but it never works out for her. It always happens… no matter how much she tries to stop it. ✦ Gets sniffly after the 3rd sneeze in a row. ✦ Soft, high pitched sneezes. ✦ Stifles by pinching her nose shut. ✦ Covers by cupping two hands over her mouth and nose. ✦ So, so bad at hiding illness/allergies because her nose gets really red. ✦ Hologram also flickers when she sneezes. ✦ Trying to hold back never does her any justice because she just turns into an absolute mess with long drawn build-ups and fits that leave her breathless and regretting her choices.
Yukong ✦ Rough and harsh sounding sneezes. ✦ Not really embarrassed about her sneezes, but she doesn't like sneezing in front of people. ✦ Sensitive nose bc… foxian ✦ So stubborn when sick and tries to push through it… but if she really can't, she'll take a sick day ✦ Spice sensitivity. ✦ Long, torturous build-ups sometimes… like, she has confined herself to an isolated room multiple times because she had to sneeze but it wouldn't come out. ✦ Keeps her desk clean because she also has a dust allergy. ✦ Very polite about sneezing(tries to at least stifle) in front of others because of her current position… but when alone, she just lets it all out because of her fighter spirit.
✨ BONUS ✨ The aeons I like are Lan and Yaoshi… so they get to sneeze too
Lan ✦ Lol, destruction and abundance lotus allergy. ✦ Has a harsh and messy sounding sneeze that bends them over the waist. ✦ Has a pollen allergy, which exacerbates their dislike towards Yaoshi even more. ✦ Has probably sneezed while they had their mask on and hissed out "repulsive...." afterwards. ✦ Earth shaking sneezes. Yaoshi ✦ I thought it would be funny if Yaoshi, too had a pollen allergy... but it's milder than Lan's and only sets them off if its certain plants/if there's too much of it/if they were around it for too long. ✦ Whispery/Hushed sounding sneezes... but can still be heard. ✦ Has probably used their veil to wipe or blow their nose. ✦ Flowers sprout up when they sneeze. ✦ Despite being considered "annoying" they actually tend to withdraw and hide away when feeling ill.
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emmedoesntdomath · 5 months
Slasher and Splasher having a third identical sibling (bless their mama) named something completely different
Their nickname is like Magnet or smth
I dusted off my newsies phase. buckle up, kids. 
okay so that’s like
gimme a second
okay, we’ve got 5/9 out of the siblings. whew. cool. 
(ROLL CALL- elmer, slasher, splasher, magnet, graves)
so magnet looks like splasher and slasher. like. a LOT like splasher and slasher (I don’t know which one of them it was, but one of their parents had KILLER genes, dude), but his hair is a lil longer, and- this is going to shock you, so prepare yourself- he is the only sibling of 9 you can’t hear from across the block. he’s like,,, quiet???? the rest of the newsies thought he was splasher and just sick for a week straight???? when the newsies DID realize he wasn’t his brother, they obviously freak out because ohhhhhhhh that’s another name they need to think of. 
this process takes them f o r e v e r. the original thought it to name him something that matches with slasher and splasher, but then elmer was like but what about me???? so they didn’t do that. skittery half-jokingly called him mouse because he was quiet, but that one didn’t stick. 
then, blink, in his ever present genius (read: he’s drunk when this happens), calls him ‘a- wait, what do you call it, a- a- A MAGNET- ‘cause you’re like, always around elmer ‘cause you like him but never around splasher ‘cause you don’t like him’. mush, who isn’t drunk but is incredibly tired and slap-happy, fervently agrees with his best friend and that’s that. 
magnet’s short and scrawnier than his brothers, and right above elmer in age order, with roughly 11 months between them. 
he’s not shy, per se, but doesn’t really want to talk to most of the newsies as a general rule (he is the silent shadow of buttons, and occasionally elmer when the majority of his brother’s friends aren’t around). 
he always reads thoroughly through the paper before he sells, and then tells some of the younger kids what to say. 
(elmer says it’s because he’s nice. splasher says it’s because he wants an army. graves says it’s because he gets embarrassed for the kids when they say the most absurd thing and then immediately get called out. one of them is correct.)(it’s not elmer.)
he’s got a resting bitch face. it’s genetic. he’s not that pissed most of the time. 
he doesn’t have a favorite color, but gets uncomfortable when people ask so he says it’s orange. 
he doesn’t really like kids? like, he’ll help them out, sure. but they also scare the shit out of him and they should go away. 
flowers and pollen make his nose itch. he also doesn’t like those. 
horses are cool as shit to him. call him the original horse girl. boy will just. stare at them. for hours. 
somewhat related to one of the top ones, but the second hand embarrassment this man feels- sweet jesus. the force isn’t with him, but the second-hand embarrassment he feels daily sure is.
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doveotion · 6 months
haiiiiii thank u @swimmingblues for tagging me I love you SOOOOOOOOO much!!!🫂💕😘💗💝✨🫶
🎵 last song – bathroom bitch by holychild (BANGER!!)
🌈 favorite color – all colors!! I particularly like color combinations <3 think baby pink and jade (haha) green, bright red + black&white, but also a eggplant purple and turquoise!! etc etc etc
🎬 last movie – The Dark Crystal (it's so weird but I love it. it gives me Last Unicorn vibes kinda??)
📺 last tv show – Jujutsu Kaisen!! my love
😋 sweet/spicy/savory – savory/sweet!!😘
🫶 relationship status – single until I move in a few years then I'll start dating?? maybe!! feelings r confusing (⁠*⁠・⁠~⁠・⁠*⁠)
🖱️last thing i googled – "differences between Bacchus and Dionysus" (this sent me down a rabbit hole that lasted HOURS)
❤️‍🔥current obsessions – Gojo Satoru (always), matcha soymilk lattes, cherry blossoms, tiger imagery, Frou Frou, leather jackets, oversized fuzzy scarves, & strawberry lipgloss <3
tagging some of my <3 mutuals in this but please feel free to do this if you want!!
@actualnymph @mywineandwhine @covete @aphrodiitaes @oh-mother-i-cannot-weave @spirited-avvay @happilyy @kaedien @godsopenwound @chantilliy @chocochat @soulaans @98borabora @pollen @breadmp3 @truelovewaitsmp3 @aveil @loveyov @angeldev1ls @goldslick @strats-blood @circlingfrog @osakazuki
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ziipzeepzop-eez · 4 months
I never realize your blog changes until someone else comments on it but then I go to your blog and look around like a mom or an older sister looking at your all cleaned up room 🥰
I still have that little part of me that absolutely c r a v e s and ✨glows✨ under positive attention ESPECIALLY from motherly/sisterly figures so I would be soaking it all up like a honeybee to pretty flower pollen.
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Hiii :D
📅 - Favorite time of year?
📺 - Top 5 TV shows
✏ - Random fact about yourself
🚘 - Dream car(s)?
For the ask game please <3
Hello again :DDD
📅 - That transition period between spring and summer in May/June, when it's warm but not take-off-your-skin hot yet, and prime pollen season is mostly over already.
📺 -
Gravity Falls
The Owl House
✏ - like nerf guns, i have accumulated quite the stockpile of hot wheels over time. unlike nerf guns, collecting hot wheels is very much an ongoing hobby on my part.
🚘 - ohohohohohoohoho there are so many (in various stages of realism)...... but a ranked top 5(ish) shall be enough for this question.
Volvo 850 R (station wagon, manual transmission, ideally dark green, ideally black interior) - the car I usually mention when asked this. an "ultimate dream car" if you will.
2005/06 Ford GT (white with dark blue stripes, BBS wheels, painted brake calipers, no optional stereo) - the "dream supercar"
Volkswagen Golf Alltrack by Innovative Motorsports / Kia Stinger GT / Volvo V60 Polestar - the "dream daily driver." To elaborate on the first mentioned, there is a speed shop in the USA that specializes in yanking the engine and drivetrain from a 2017+ Audi RS3 and slamming them into a Mk7 VW Golf. And, reportedly, they do the unassuming Alltrack wagons too - which is insanely cool if you ask me. The other two are, let's say, more realistic alternatives.
Lamborghini Huracán Sterrato - it's just cool, man (gender neutral). Offroad Lambo. Factory offroad Lambo supercar. Sure, the Porsche 911 Dakar might be a better car but this one is cooler.
Koenigsegg Gemera - the "poster car." Actually owning it is reserved for the wildest of dreams, but it is what I'd call the greatest car ever. And that was even before Koenigsegg engineers looked at the Gemera, looked at the 5-liter engine of their other hypercar, and went "we could fit that."
✨ Thank you for the ask and the infodumping opprtunity ✨
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I got so excited when the notification came through but I was at uni hnnngggh.
I’ve read it now and it was SO good, frickin Janus, just wanting poor patton to relax ✨✨
And his magic was such a good idea!!! I’m all flustered now lol
Xhifgjskd noooo worries i hope ur classes r going well
And yeahh this is an idea thats been rattling around in my brain for AGES... 'i dont even need to touch you' o///o yknow?
Anyway yeah. Hsjfjkfg if this was a dc au you could have poison ivy sex pollen shenanigans.. i could do that if i wasnt a coward /j
Idkkkk <3 im just rambling anyway im glad you enjoyyyyed
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seung-scrittore · 2 years
pollen. || k.dy × reader (teaser)
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≠ genre; rivals / enemies to lovers, slight angst
≠ pairing; florist!doyoung × gn!reader
≠ warning; mockery? (if i missed anything, let me know!)
≠ wc; 0.4k
≠ ( a/n; i wasnt going to release a teaser originally but rival!doyoung has rotted in my brain<3 + who could miss an opportunity to post on friday the 13th?? -even if it isnt a horror fic-)
≠ requested by @sunoo-bby
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That was about the third sneeze your coworker had let out in the past half hour, and quite frankly you were getting tired of saying;
"Bless you!"
"Thank you, I swear allergy season never hits me this hard," he chuckled, bringing his hand to the back of his neck in slight embarrassment.
"Don't worry about it, it's fine." It was in fact, not fine. You were more than irritated by the constant distractor that was your coworker. Not to mention since your manager had hired Doyoung, income had gone way up. Which was great for business but terrible for you.
See, your manager was resigning soon and the quaint store would need a new manager. Both you and Doyoung had come to the conclusion that the new manager was bound to be one of the two of you.
This possible promotion had sparked a subtle rivalry between the two of you, though you kept friendly faces, each of you knew that when one of you failed to make a sale or the other tripped over their words when talking to a customer, the other had an overwhelming feeling of relief.
Your usual relief was doubled the second you discovered that your current rival, who worked in a flower shop, had severe allergies during spring.
Despite your competitive nature, you didn't exactly hate Doyoung, so when he let out yet another sneeze, "Bless you," you sympathized, "Hey if you'd like, I can take care of that shipment of azaleas coming in later."
His eyes seemed to narrow in response, "Really?"
"Well I can't have you sneezing all over the delivery guy, can I? What would that say about business?" You chuckled whilst you flipped the front door sign so that the Open side faced the street.
Doyoung mimicked your chuckle, "And here I thought you were trying to look good, how considerate."
He said it with a smile and a light voice, but you didn't miss the underlying mockery.
Propping the door open with the small metal doorstop attached at the foot of the frame, you rolled your eyes. Once you'd turned back to him, you smiled and walked up to him, letting your hand rest on his shoulder.
"It's easy to confuse the actual meaning of things," you smiled and patted his shoulder, walking past him towards the cashier.
"Is that supposed the mean something ___?"
"Only if you want it to, personally I thought of our manager; taking our cries for a raise as a joke."
You chuckled through your response, though there was definitely no joy in your words.
That conversation sparked a new kind of rivalry between the two of you, a not-so-friendly one.
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tagging; @shysakuno , @sunoo-bby , @tbzloonar , @yedammi , @kdiarynet , @kflixnet
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→ treasure masterlist
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