impider · 11 months
literally laughing because ezra's earth is so crazy , but let him step into somewhere different and he's like that pic of lil wayne holding the stack of money . like ezra steps foot in gotham and he's like , " this looks like the kind of place where people drink gasoline and hunt you for sport . " WHEEZES.
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impider · 11 months
⇀ ⋯ if you were a deity , what would you be the god of ?
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creation and light . / you’re youthful and vivacious . your followers often have an aura of freedom and positivity surrounding them . you give them the fire to illuminate the dark and free themselves . even the thought of you is a great source of inspiration and courage .
tagged by : @spidersiren ( HUG KISS HUG KISS H ━━ ) tagging : anyone and everyone ! ♡
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impider · 11 months
⇀ ⋯  which tragic character from ancient greek literature are you ?
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you  are  patroclus  ,  from  the  iliad  by  homer  ,  doomed  by  fate  to  be  stuck  in  a  love  story  that  has  no  place  on  the  battlefield  .  although  you  always  have  the  best  intentions  ,  you  have  to  realize  you  cannot  save  everyone  .  your  unwavering  loyalty  means  you  often  lose  yourself  in  the  process  of  putting  others  first  .  take  a  deep  breath  ,  remember  who  you  are  ,  and  that  you  are  deserving  of  the  same  love  you  try  to  put  out  .  you  are  kind  ,  you  are  strong  ,  and  you  give  and  you  give  but  it  is  never  enough  to  protect  those  you  love  .  in  the  end  ,  it's  not  even  enough  to  protect  yourself  .
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impider · 1 year
holding up my end of the bargain and providing some spicy ezra headcanons
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he  is  a  full  service  partner  .  his  partner's  pleasure  will  always  come  before  his  .  partly  because  he's  a  people  pleaser  by  heart  ,  but  also  he  just  doesn't  always  have  the  attention  span  to  stay  aroused  when  the  focus  is  on  him  .  neurodivergent  problems  .  he's  selfless  to  a  fault  when  it  comes  to  sex  .
in  relation  to  the  above  ,  very  much  a  service  dom  .  wants  to  see  his  partner  pleased  to  the  point  of  exhaustion  .  he  enjoys  the  aftercare  almost  as  much  as  the  actual  sex  .  in  short  ,  let  him  take  care  of  you  .
when  he  does  have  the  attention  span  ,  however  ,  he  can  get  into  it  with  words  of  affirmation  .  extremely  vocally  stimulated  and  will  often  just  close  his  eyes  and  take  it  all  in  .  absolutely  loves  pushing  a  usually  quiet  partner  into  making  moans  that  he'll  think  about  for  days  after  .
he  ,  himself  ,  is  also  very  vocal  .  low  groans  ,  moans  ,  deep  breaths  and  sucking  teeth.  "  i  know  ,  you're  taking  it  so  well  .  "  and  "  tell  me  how you like it  "  .  lots  of  cursing  .  "  damn  .  "  ,  "  fuck  .  "  ,  eyes  rolling  to  the  back  of  his  head  ,  using  the  lord's  name  in  vain  ,  calling  out  to  an  unknown  god  .
has  two  tongue  piercings  :  a  midline  and  a  snake  eyes  .  if  he  could  just  give  head  for  the  rest  of  his  life  ,  he'd  one  day  die  knowing  he  lived  the  life  of  a  king  .  he  loves  when  his  partners  grab  a  handful  of  his  hair  or  close  their  thighs  around  his  head  .  try  to  wiggle  away  though  and  he  will  grab  his  partner's  thighs  and  pull  them  back  down the surface  .
makes  too  many  "  sit  on  my  face  "  jokes  to  not  be  about  that  life  .  once  gave  a  passionate  speech  to  someone  that  refused  to  put  their  full  weight  on  him  and  almost  got  sent  to  the  upper  room  when  they  finally  did  .  no  regrets  .
yeah  ,  pretty  and  pierced  dick  .
could  make  out  with  someone  forever  .  physical  touch  is  one  of  the  ways  he  shows  his  affection  .  even  if  you're  just  hooking  up  ,  expect  kissing  intermissions  when  switching  positions  .
loves  edging  and  eventually  overstimulating  his  partners  until  they're  trembling  .
will  leave  a  trail  of  hickies  in  places  that  only  he  knows  about . usually the inner thighs .
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impider · 11 months
thinking about ezra and his wedding day and getting emotional because marriage is such a big deal on his hyper - religious earth , even to non - catholics . ( like , it's so extreme that divorce is illegal . you will do jail time ) . and it's just , so important there to where he's always had this sense of caution about it . it's more than a tax write - off or another event , it's the creation of a lifelong commitment ; a bonding of souls . the thought has always scared him . but imagine him so in love , so head over heels in love . i just know he's the one to propose . that his mom pays for this very gothic style wedding . that the music is traditionally gothic bangers , but he manages to slip big pimpin by jay z on there for his reception dance . and he's happy in this new union , in this partnership where his infinite need for affection is fulfilled .
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impider · 11 months
you know what i find so funny ? the ezra / kulta / leisha iceberg . kulta got hella drunk after a show and got to summoning deities , making wandering spirits visible , antagonizing urban legends , you know , a typical thursday night doing supernatural tings with the boysssssss . but then he ends up summoning leisha / carnage from their pocket dimension and it's all fun and games for him . he's doing pick up lines , joking around , trying to rizz them up and leisha even laughs , but it's like that laugh . that ' this bitch is about to air this whole bitch out ' laugh . it's all fun . it's all sooooooooo fun , and then leisha slices clean through the neck of one of kulta's groupies and he instantly sobers up like " OH SHIT. " loads up the tour bus and hauls ass with leisha in the rear view . and leisha fucking hunts his ass for months . they can come through every mirror , every television , every piece of reflective glass . once they've been summoned , they just won't stop until you're on a t-shirt . this scooby doo ass chase happens for months because he literally cannot escape . one day they're fighting and he's running out of options . he snaps his fingers , opens a portal , and throws their ass into the first earth he can connect to . it just happens to be ezra's . yeah . gullible , friendly , " i've been spider - man for four months " ezra . kulta isn't called the trickster spider for no reason . he's not a bad guy , but it's his ass before anyone else's , on god . he tricks ezra into summoning leisha / carnage to break their fixation on him , plays a show and then fucking dips leaving ezra to run from the mirror witch looking like dpr ian in the no blueberries music video . and as rare as it is , like , IT'S SO RARE , but kulta feels bad so he will occasionally hop over to 4545 to save ezra from near death at leisha's hands . and ezra is so stupid . he has no idea kulta royally fucked him , he thinks they're friends , even .
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impider · 11 months
i swear " i'm a psychic but i'm also a dumbass " will get me every single time . catch ezra getting headaches like a psyduck from using his powers . also , i gave this fool infinity ? he's getting a migraine just from hearing shiloh try to explain his own powers to him . catch shiloh geeking out over the concept of an infinite amount to vectors creating an infinite amount of space that prevents you from being touched while ezra just stands there with literal question marks above his head .
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impider · 11 months
⇀ ⋯  ezra's body mods headcanons .
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has  seven  earlobe  piercings  on  his  left  ear  .
five  earlobe,  one  tragus  and  one  industrial  on  the  right  ear  .
two  tongue  piercings  ;  one  standard  midline  and  one  snake  eyes  at  the  tip  of  his  tongue  .
ring  on  the  right  side  of  his  lip  .
crimson  red  hearing  aids  that  sit  in  his  ears  a  majority  of  the  time  .
a  full  tattoo  sleeve  on  his  right  arm  .
another  full  sleeve  on  his  left  leg  from  hip  /  high  thigh  to  ankle  .
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impider · 1 year
⇀ ⋯  👅  —  taste the rainbow !     a headcanon about a favourite and / or least favourite meal . ( for ezra ! ) asked by @h0b1e !
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extra  cheesy  pizza  has  always  been  and  will  forever  be  his  safe  food  and  ,  yes  ,  he  does  do  the  new  york  pizza  fold  .  he  has  at  least  three  hole  in  the  wall  pizzerias  where  he  is  known  by  name  and  he  knows  exactly  what  time  to  show  up  to  get  the  first  fresh  slice  out  the  oven  .  no  ,  pineapple  doesn't  belong  on  pizza  ,  in  fact  ,  nothing  belongs  on  pizza  !  it ruins  the  purity  of  it ,  for  one  .  for  two  ,  he  hates  anything that's  crunchy  or  adds an  extra  toughness  to  his  pizza  .   he  has  sensory  issues  when  it  comes  to  eating  anything  that  makes  an  audible  crunch  .  this  includes  the  majority  of  fruits  and  vegetables  ,  to  his  mother's  frustration  .  he  also  has  a  sensitivity  to  cold  foods  so  ice  cream  and  milkshakes  are  a  no  go  . he just gets brain freeze extremely easily .
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impider · 1 year
⇀ ⋯  where should you be kissed ?
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cheek  .  you  are  made  of  light  .  your  cheeks  hurt  from  grinning  ,  sun  -  kissed  and  lifting  in  a  bubbling  laugh  .  you  should  be  kissed  there  .  and  often  .  a  reminder  that  you  are  a  joy  to  be  around  ,  and  that  your  smiling  face  is  a  gift  .
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impider · 11 months
laughing so much imagining that ezra came up with the name spider-man on his own , but then some old christian lady called him " spider devil " when he was out one night in his new costume and he went " oh fuck , that's sickkkkkkk . "
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impider · 1 year
⇀ ⋯  what  soft  romance  cliché  are  you?
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love  at  first  sight  .  " let's  be  real  ,  only  children  believe  in  "  love  at  first  sight  .  "  but  you're  a  hopeless  romantic  probably  sitting  around  in  coffee  shops  waiting  to  meet  "  the  one  .  "  and  there  is  absolutely  nothing  wrong  with  that  .  infatuation  at  first  sight  is  more  accurate  .  you  are  the  moment  when  two  people  lock  eyes  ,  and  the  whole  world  stills  .  nothing  is  there  but  you  and  them  .  and  there  is  suddenly  a  strong  sense  of  longing  .  you  love  love  ,  don't  deny  it  .  flowers  ,  chocolates  ,  the  whole  nine  yards  .  because  of  this  you  are  loved  by  many  .  hopefully  you  know  it  too  :  you  are  loved  . "
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impider · 11 months
lilac just asked me if ezra dances , like , if he would dance with his gf if she played music and yes . absolutely . i apologize if i at all had any of you under the impression that this man has any chill. he cannot stand still . he's always shifting from one leg to another , hopping around , bouncing . if he's sitting down , he's bouncing his legs . he's so wired all the time and talking really loud and fast and the only way to calm him down is to somehow convince him to cuddle and play in his hair until he falls asleep .
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impider · 11 months
ezra audibly stims so hard to this song
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impider · 11 months
speaking of hearing aids, ezra is almost completely deaf, hence the hearing aids! a lover of music, he'll sometimes listen with a very high quality pair of noise cancellation over-ear headphones or play the music directly through his aids. he likes his music loud and he's loud as hell too just out of habit. he can sign, but he can't read lips worth a damn ( which is fine because it's not a very reliable way of communicating anyway ). in most cases, if someone signs to him, he'll reply by speaking while signing back.
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impider · 1 year
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