#⋆✶― jas emari ―✶― threads
inebranlabl · 5 months
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lazybarbarians · 7 years
Star Wars: Aftermath by Chuck Wendig
Ragnell: A couple weeks ago I chose Star Wars: Aftermath by Chuck Wendig and predicted to Kal that this would be the first time I fail to read my own pick. Because as much as I’ve badly wanted to know what went on right after Return of the Jedi I have the hardest time being drawn into Star Wars material that doesn’t feature a Jedi or really any forceusers. I’m not a smuggler, or a politics of the Star Wars Galaxy type, I’m all in for the mystic order of space-monks and the various other factions of light and darksiders. But I do like the normal humans and the third book just came out with Lando in so I decided to give the first a try and see if I could get that far.
And wow, once I got a chance to sit down and read it I really got into this. I like most of the new characters, the new villains, the various things happening in the galaxy as a direct result of Return of the Jedi. I’m tearing up my apartment looking for the second book (I swear I picked it up somewhere) as a result.
So, to recap the first novel of this trilogy (reader beware there’s spoilers down there)...
We get to meet the characters thread by thread against interludes showing us what’s going on elsewhere in the galaxy. The main villain, Admiral Rae Sloane, is gathering the remaining Imperial leadership for a survival meeting on Akiva. Rae is alive because she was not at the Battle of Endor. The rest of the remaining Imperial leadership remained alive because they were also not at the Battle of Endor. Unfortunately for them someone--no, two someone.. No, three… Wait, Four. Four someones who were at the Battle of Endor converge on Akiva for various reasons.
Significantly, one of these someones is Wedge Antilles, who was scouting for Imperial supply lines and got captured by Rae. He manages to try and signal help, but only gets inside the system. Luckily, Norra Wexley who was in Gold Squadron, is there trying to pick up her son Temmin (and if you can identify Temmin from non-Aftermath Star Wars material give yourself a pat on the back), who is in trouble with the local mob boss and has managed to cross the sphere of the other two Endor vets, Jas Emari (bounty hunter who was there to assassinate Leia and changed her mind), and Sinjir Rath Velus (Imperial officer who saw the rag-tag band of rebels blow up the Death Star and the Ewoks decimate his unit and went “fuck this shit, I’m out”).
Kalinara: Confession, I didn’t actually recognize Temmin. :-) I’m usually pretty good at that kind of thing. But not this time. Ragnell defeated me.
R: This book is packed with action scenes, but ultimately the four of these guys team up to try and bust up the meeting. To do this, they incite rioting on Akiva and a little mini-rebellion. (well, planetwide but for Star Wars that’s mini.) Wedge manages to escape when they knock out the power and actually gets a message to the fleet, bringing Admiral Ackbar and some of the Alliance Navy to Akiva to help. They all end up captured and on a ship that crashes into the bay of Sloane’s flagship. Sloane escapes. The rest of the remaining Imperial leadership is captured or killed. Wedge has a really bad week. Jas gets a heart, Sinjir gets courage, Temmin gets a brain and Norra gets a sense of home. They form a team with some guy who was in the book for five pages to hunt Nazis who escaped the Hague Imperial war criminals and I want to read the next book now dammit!
*Ahem* I generally like the new characters. I was sad both times he faked out Norra’s death, which were both totally believable because honestly both Star Wars and Disney have this thing against mothers. I recognized Temmin so I knew he’d live but I was expecting this to be the story of how he was fully orphaned, instead it was a “How I learned to stop being a douche and love my mother” story for him.
Sinjar and Jas were great fun. I like the idea that simply being at Endor changed both their lives, for the same reason but in different ways. Both saw the way the wind was blowing and while Sinjir tried to hide away Jas tried to adjust her life to fit. Neither of them got it quite right then, but it looks like they’re on the right path now which was cool.
K: I have to admit, it took me a while to get into it. I’m very picky about original characters, especially ones who have no obvious connections to the characters I love. Norra drew me in first though. I liked her immediately. Temmin was a douchebag for most of the book, but I thought he had a really nice, not redemption arc precisely though certainly betraying the group was an issue, but just a general growth arc. As child characters go, he was pretty believable. Not always likeable, but believable.
I liked Jas and Sinjir a lot. And I particularly liked the reveal that Sinjur was gay. (I had suspected when he talked about having to interrogate a “beautiful” young man, but it’s always nice to have things addressed overtly.) As reveals go, I thought it struck the right balance. Jas was surprised, because she had misread some signals, but she wasn’t shocked or horrified. It felt like it was a fairly normal, accepted part of the setting. Additionally, Norra’s sister, who had been Temmin’s guardian, has a wife. This is presented in a very matter of fact way.
In a way, the Star Wars new canon reminds me a bit of Bioware games. I feel like they are genuinely trying to give us a more diverse and inclusive setting. They don’t always succeed and there are definitely missteps and missed opportunities (do we really need five white brunette protagonists??). But I do feel there is a general push to do more. And I’m reasonably hopeful that they’ll continue to make efforts to improve.
R: We saw a half-dozen interludes on different planets just establishing how much things have changed for people across the galaxy. I liked that. I don’t feel a particular need to revisit these people for full books but wouldn’t mind updates later, or just more situations that were changed by the actions of the main characters in the trilogy. I like that some of these established that the galaxy was still a complex mess, that some established a brighter future, and that some showed the seeds of darkness being sown.
Rae Sloane is now one of my favorite supplemental villains. I honestly prefer someone like her to Thrawn, someone who’s pretty badass but not without flaw or mistake. Her plans are sensible, not ridiculously far ahead, and she is good at working by the seat of her pants. Honestly, in the Star Wars universe you’re always better off as an improviser than a long-term planner. But she has the ability to scheme and layout plans.
K: I agree with you. There were one or two moments early on that felt a little Thrawn-ishly heavy handed. But for the most part, Sloane got to be a three dimensional villain. She made mistakes, she miscalculated, and she recovered. It made her far more effective to me. I’m looking forward to seeing how she regroups from this affair.
The other villains are a great cross-section of the type of non-force-user bad guys you see in the Star Wars universe. You have your mob boss, your rich asshole who is behaving criminally but keeps a legitimate front up, your Moff, your Admiral, and your weird religious dude. Of them I thought Tashu, the old Emperor’s Advisor who was WAAAAY into being a Sith Acolyte, was pretty interesting. He and one of the interludes established a cult worship of Sith that’s a good darkside counterpart for the reverence the Jedi get from the Church of the Force and the Guardians of the Whills. I’m glad he survived and someone can dig him up to a) vex Luke, and b) menace Wedge again.
And finally, I just wanted to say… poor Wedge. He really has bad luck when Luke isn’t around.
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inebranlabl · 5 months
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𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐒𝐄 𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐘 . . . an independent, mutuals only, low activity multi-muse 𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 muses from star wars, myth, the hunger games, dune, the boys, gotham along with original characters. legendized by 𝐀𝐌𝐄 , she / her, 30+ , cst. warning! due to the nature of several characters this blog will contain dark themes, including, but not limited to: war, death, torture, murder, gaslighting, gore & abuse.
affiliated with: @alootus , @debelltio & @wornkindness
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an exploration of . . . overruling fate, the belly of the beast, rising from the ashes, family is deeper than blood, the anatomy of a monster, cosmic awakening, all roads lead here.
information prompts find me : @acharnemcnt & @finaliseur
✱under construction - moving from @croyant
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& featured muses Grand Admiral Sloane , Karitza Ren ( oc ) ✱
& canon Norra Wexley, Sinjir Rath Velus, Jas Emari, Mas Amedda, Galen Erso, Finn, Duja, Admiral Ackbar, Perrin Fertha, Korr Sella
& ocs Narka Zaila ( First Order agent )
& by request Abeloth, Willhuff Tarkin, Maarva Andor, Clem Andor, Maratelle Hux
𝐃𝐔𝐍𝐄 Chani Kynes, Count Hasimir Fenring
𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒 Plutarch Heavensbee, Tigris
𝐆𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐌 & 𝐃𝐂 Oswald Cobblepot
𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐘𝐒 Kimiko Miyashiro, Black Noir
𝐌𝐘𝐓𝐇 Mara, demon king of desire & Ammit the devourer
𝐎𝐂𝐬 Anavi Celestara, lady in waiting ( lockridgeverse ) & Ophelia Genesis the drowned oracle
✱ featured muses are located on side blogs attached to this blog, due to high focus.
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i.   I’m mutuals only which means I only write & interact with blogs when we are both following each other. This blog is low activity so I will be fairly slow. But I am a plot oriented writer, so I will be focusing on establishing storylines with my mutuals. I have have a very busy personal life, so I tend to follow a very limited amount of blogs, for my own sanity and so that I can develop deeper, ongoing plots. 
Also, FYI, I am usually mobile bound and this is not my main blog, so I am not always logged in here. Therefore, it can take me up to a week or two to follow back at times.
ii.  For my own comfort, I will not follow blogs that don’t have rules, a name & age requirement, or writing posted. Primarily rules — posted on your pinned post or somewhere easily visible/accessible. I do not interact with writers under the age of 21. Please do not lie about your age. I will unfollow anyone who is racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, uses white washed fcs/characters or is unjustly discriminative. If you regularly vague or attack other writers for petty things like ships or fandom takes, I will unfollow. 
iii.   Please do not godmod or metagame. I will also softblock if I have made several attempts to interact with no reciprocation. I don’t mind turning memes into threads but please ask first, or I will not reply. ( Everyone gets 2 initial freebies without asking ).
iv.  This blog contains dark and potentially triggering themes. Please be safe! Some of which include: murder, manipulation, kidnapping, gore, torture, war, death genocide & abuse. All listed triggers will be tagged cw/tw “the trigger”. Sexual content will be tagged cw suggestive.
v. First of all, I respect everyone's ships. If I am not fond of a ship you enjoy, that doesn't mean you should not enjoy it freely! Ship hate is not tolerated here.
I enjoy dynamics of all types but I am little more hesitant with romantic ships. I just prefer to plot and develop our muses first to see if the chemistry is there before jumping into a ship. Please do not force or hint ships. Rather, if we are writing and plotting together and you think there is potential, just ask! The worst that will happen is I suggest an alternate dynamic.
I will be honest, I am much more open to shipping with my non-villain muses. Note that several of my villain muses are toxic & complicated people and therefore ships with them will not be healthy or conventionally romantic. I will warn you & ask for consent before engaging in this type of ship with said characters. That being said... while I am open to toxic dynamics, I will not write abusive romantic relationships. And I don't feel comfortable writing hero/villain ships where one muse has tortured, abused or traumatized another muse.
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i. Grand Admiral Sloane & Kartiza Ren ( @inarretable ) are located on side blogs attached to this blog. You can find more in depth information on these muses on their individual blogs. Threads and asks for Sloane and Karitza will be posted on their side blogs but you are free to send asks for these muses to this blog and/or the side blogs.
ii. Karitza Ren is an knight of ren oc for the star wars sequels that is currently affiliated with a group of knights. More information can be found here
iii. My portrayal of Oswald Cobblepot is based on the Gotham tv series with influences from various DC comics and my own headcanons.
iv. My portrayal of Black Noir is solely based on Am*zon's The Boys & my own headcanons, as Black Noir is a completely different character in the comic. My portrayal of Kimiko is tv, comic & headcanon based.
v. Ammit & Mara are myth inspired muses. Therefore there will be myth & minor religious references on my blog. I am drawing more from the myth aspect when writing these muse. That being said, these characters are simply based on myth and not meant to carry religious symbolism or accurately portray religious/mythological figures, as the narrative may take them down a different path.
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