#⊰ ° ‧: 。* ☆ 🔥 ━◞ From The Mun ⊱
hellflcmes · 1 year
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Throwing out another one of these because I'm not sure if people from the other want starters still and I have gotten new followers since the last one. These will definitely get done! Please just like this post and I'll write one up. If you're a multimuse blog then I just ask that you reply with a muse or two you want the starter for.
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kuppaking · 1 year
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Need  to  catch  a  nap  because  I  have  an  unreal  headache  and  its  been  a  morning  but  I  just  wanted  to  say  as  far  as  Bowser's  intentions  with  Peach  goes,  the  worst  thing  he  would  do  is  make  her  marry  him.  He  wouldn't  force  her  to  do  anything  else.  It  may  be  fair  to  call  him  a  stalker  and  a  bit  of  creep  for  everything,  but  I  think  thats  the  limit.  In  fact,  he'd  probably  end  up  letting  her  go  once  he  realized  she  wasn't  just  going  to  fall  in  love  with  him  because  he  really  wants  her  to  and  that  keeping  her  against  her  will  is  actually  going  to  make  her  hate  him.  He  could  lock  her  in  a  cage  and  sing  her  stupid  songs  all  day,  but  it  wouldn't  necessarily  make  her  love  him.
Like  Peach  wouldn't  necessarily  be  in  danger.  Bowser  isn't  dangerous  to  Peach,  he's  a  nuisance  and  perhaps an  inconvenience  but  not   a  'danger'.  If  Mario  didn't  save  her  or  she  didn't  break  out  herself  (  as  far  as  movie  verse  goes )  Bowser  wouldn't  actually  do  anything  to  hurt  her  and  like  I  said  once  he  gets  it  through  his  thick  turtle  head  she  isn't  gonna  suddenly  fall  in  love  with  him,  even  if  his  efforts  include  singing  her  songs  and  trying  to  show  her  he'd  give  her  the  best  he  has  to  offer,  he'd  probably  let  her  go  and  cry  about  it  tbh.
See  we  know  Bowser's  deeply  delusional  but  to  be  fair  to  him  his  feelings  for  Peach  were  neither  challenged  nor  fostered  in  a  healthy,  normal  way.  Kamek  was  the  one  who  knew  about  Bowser's  crush,  and  supported  it,  but  not  in  a  yes,  son,  its  sweet  that  you're  in  love  with  the  princess,  maybe  we  should  invite  her  to  dinner  one  day  and  you  can  get  to  know  each  other,  or  anything  like  that,  it  was  more,  yes,  now  once  we  get  the  power  star  and  take  over  the  world  Peach  will  defo  marry  you  whether  because  she's  so  impressed  you  have  the  power  star  or  because  we're  going  to  destroy  the  mushroom  kingdom  otherwise.
Bowser  is... Very  naive  in  the  sense  that  given  that  was  put  to  him  as  the  one/right  way,  that  is  the  way  it  can/  should  be  done.  Bowser's  also  always  got  what  he  wanted  by  force  with  pretty  much  no  negative  repercussions  and  only  rewards  so  its  not  fully  occurring  to  him  that  you  can't  just  approach  Peach,  as  another  living  breathing  thing,  with  thoughts  and  feelings  of  her  own,  and  be  like  hey  you  have  to  like  me  now  because  I  said  so,  and  that'll  work.  Everything  else  Bowser's  acquired  has  been  either  inanimate  or  he  hasn't  cared  enough  to  care  about  its  feelings.
With  Peach  he  DOES  care  about  her  feelings  so  he  would  probably  not  know  what  to  do  once  it  registers(d)  to  him  that  Peach  does  not  want  to  be  his  bride  even  if  he  forced  her  to  be  because  he  does  want  her  to  be  happy  and  he  does  want  her  to  love  him  back.  Thats  like,  the  end  goal,  to  find  some  way  to  make  Peach  love  him  back,  he's  just  not  understanding  the  whole  "make"  thing  isn't  guaranteed  and  he  actually  can't  force  it  to  happen. And  there  is  a  part  of  him  deep  inside  that  might  have  the  suspicion  of  this  kind  of  thing  being  true,  hence  his  rage,  insecurity  and  spite  but  instead  of  exploring  and  acknowledging  that  as  part  of  himself  and  the  reality  he's  living  in,  he  directs  all  of  that  at  Mario  and  blames  Mario  +  Mario's  friends  for  "ruining  things"  instead  of  himself  for  not  knowing  how  to  and  not  going  about  things  "right".
That  being  said  yeah,  he's  fully  capable  of  some  other  types  of  fucked  up  shit,  and  he  IS  a  danger  to  those  who  aren't  Peach,  like,  for  example,  reasoning  something  bleak  and  crazy  like  well  if  Peach  loves  someone  else  instead  of  me  I'll  just  kill  that  someone  else  and  keep  killing  the  someone  else's  until  eventually  she's  left  with  just  ME  and  surely  once  all  the  other  options  are  gone  she'll  HAVE  to  choose  me  and  if  she  doesn't  well  FINE  at  least  I  don't  have  to  deal  with  her  with  anyone  else.
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swordpact · 9 months
squinting at the sky. im awake.
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tommyfxcknend · 2 years
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~ Update:
Started in May on 210lbs.
14lbs in total.
Made a lot more lean mass than I’ve done in years.
Most likely the best I’ve looked in years, mentally this is something I did for myself, as my relationship with food has deteriorated over the last 3 years, but now it being so targeted and rewarding it’s a lot of fun.
I spend most days cooking for my travel and other than a replacement here and there sometimes it’s continued a 100% when traveling.
Doing more targeted work out programs and targeted pre/intra/post work out meals and supplements.
PS; coming back to twitch real soon.
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flamedcrown · 2 months
tag dump.
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//Bio Link is updated, my bad to anyone who couldn't open it xD
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...if it isn't too much to ask...I wish to spar with you (she's reffering to frisk) and Flowey. I think I figured out how to interact with physical objects now. *as she demonstrates this, she now apears as a teenager with shoulder length silver hair, pinkish red eyes, and pale skin. She has scars from when she was alive and she's wearing a mario kart shirt with black jeans*
[Note: she's in a state between incorporeal and corporeal right now. Physical attacks work, but half as effective. And if her hp gets low enough (5/40 HP) she becomes incorporeal again.]
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Flowey: "Alright! Way to get cooler, Lilac! And yeah, I'll definitely spar with you, and Frisk will too... however they won't attack but they will distract and dodge you,"
Frisk: "I like to call it 'smooth talking', and by the way~ you (Lilac) look very pretty today,"
Flowey: "...See? They're doing it now and they're not even sparring yet,"
Frisk: "I prefer 'sparing', baby!💖🔥"
Flowey gives Frisk a Look and Frisk laughs.
Flowey, to Lilac: "They can't be stopped."
Frisk laughs more, it's a nice funny moment.
Mun: Ahem, this is @lost-soul-lilac , right? I feel as though I should ask, I have a bad habit of assuming when it comes to anons.
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strebcr · 28 days
Send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion.
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RP blogs who look down on other rp blogs for “shipping too much” are so fucking annoying! Ships are fun to write. As long as no one forces a ship, and all parties and muses involved are around the same age and concenting it’s fine! At the end of the day we’re all just here writing our fictional make em up pals. Just beacuse “you don’t care about shipping” doesn’t make you any better then anyone else on this hellsite. Maybe you should focus on your own fucking blog, instead of looking down on a bunch of randos in the tumblr dot com rpc for having fucking fun Shannon!
People who use IC to vauge about people or just generally be assholes need to get bitches. 😔 I understand mun is not muse and sometimes the muns personality bleeds into the muse. However if you use IC as an excuse to water down real issues or herass another mun, then go fuck yourself! No Jim, you can’t use your fictional blorbo as a a mouthpiece to be shitty towards actual living human people!!
People who make fandom discourse their whole entire personalities are annoying as shit! If you see something genuinely harmful then by all means adress it! However starting beef with every rando you see who “doesn’t like your favorite blorbo”, “doesn’t like your favorite ship”, ect is just annoying! Even I’ve been gulity of this but people are either waaaaay too defensive over the media and characters they like, or way too hostel toward the media and characters they hate! At the end of the day life’s too short to start internet beef with randos over pointless shit, or be rude to people just for enjoying something you personally think is “kinda cringe lol”. The block button, tagging systems, blacklisting, and DNIs exists for a reason!!! Speaking from personal experience getting into online spats over fandom shit 24/7 is just not good for you. It also just kinda sucks the fun out of being in fandoms! By all means set boundaries but don’t be an asshole!!
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stellaron-girlies · 23 days
— An IDV x HSR blog!! ran by mun tae 🫶 :: she/they
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“ You won’t remember a thing except me. ” || Blog Information!!
- This is a roleplay and ask crossover blog between HSR and IDV!! Featuring three of the HSR cast as survivors within the manor
- Any responses will, for the most part, consist of written responses! Any type of characters (canon, OC, crossover, au, etc.) are free to interact
- This blog will contain spoilers for HSR!!
- this blog is heavily and I mean HEAVILY headcanon based, some of these headcanons coming from inside jokes with friends
- This blog rules are the usual basics (Racism, homophobes, and the like are not allowed. This is a safe space for everyone!) and this blog is a SFW blog. Flirting, suggestiveness and such is fine, just don’t go completely overboard!
- The mun is currently still in school, so, please be patient with her!!
- remember that muses does not equal mun!! and there is also a good chance that dark topics will appear in the future, do take caution
- at the end of the day, this blog is for fun! don’t expect anything too seriously from the mun, she’s kinda just here for shits and giggles
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“ Like fireflies to a flame… life begets death! ” || Muse Information!!
Muses :: aka the sillies!!
Stellaron Hunter :: Kafka ( Coordinator ) ( She/Her )
- mother of three kids and counting
- someone PLEASE take that “marriage certificate” away from her… and the gun too maybe.
- actually just. just get her out. get her OUT of here
Stellaron Hunter :: Firefly ( Mechanic ) ( All Pronouns - mainly she/her )
- Yes, SAM is the damn robot, letting you people know NOW.
- both happy to be here and wants to leave, depends on the day
- convinced that the other two need some form of help, she isn’t wrong.
Astral Express Member :: Stelle ( Antiquarian ) ( She/ They )
- is not to be trusted around trash cans.
- is not to be trusted alone in general, why did someone let her keep the bat.
- has taken the title of galactic baseballer and RAN with it. the baseball bat is her, and she is it. she is one with the baseball bat just as much as she is one with the Stellaron.
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“ Rules are made to be broken! ” || Extra Details!!
- However those rules above are very much not made to be broken, sorry gamers!!
- If there are any further questions feel free to DM me or send an ask!
Tags!! :
Kafka — 🕸️ || within the spider’s web ( kafka answers! )
Firefly — 🔥 || a dream to set the skies ablaze ( firefly answers! )
Stelle — ✨ || forging ahead the path of trailblaze ( stelle answers ! )
Mun Tae — 🫶 || heart hands!! ( messages from the mun )
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tea-cup-tyrant · 1 month
👑Rules of the kingdom🌹
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🧨this blog is for ALL AGES however no nsfw here my muse is a minor!
🃏don't be rude! Haters in my inbox are not welcome. If you are here to cause trouble. Leave now.
🦔I follow back from my main. You do not have to follow my main back but I would like it if you followed this blog at least back
🥮respect lgbtq here cuz mun is bi and ace and genderfluid any people against it leave now.
📚also.. I try to read rules cuz I get unsure if people are even ok w my subject matter at times it gets dark and gory. Just a warning
✨️just to make it clear I dont do rps in dms . I rp in threads, asks or posts. Ask around if you do not know what that means.
♥️also its sometimes hard to tell who's willing to reply back if I send something and who will just ignore me. Which. It happens a lot and. Upsets me. A lot . Makes me feel like shit. Don't make me feel that way maybe interact more w me and I'll be like oh this person likes my muse ill interact more..I'm just cautious..yknow?
👑if you have a issue with me simply block me I will not take any more drama in my bubble
🦩and no you may not follow me if you just reblog my rp memes and fanart I post. You need to interact if you follow me okay. No one likes people like that. Don't I know it.
🌹I don't like mpreg, pedo shit, or anything proship so like gross illegal crap. Those would be my no nos
🥀NO godmodding! Respect each other's characters!
🦚please read about my character on wiki if you wish to know them. I will not be going into detail about every one but I will post headcanons sometimes
🥇oh and I'm a multishipper so I'm not picky w ships. Just no illegal ones pls
🔥i rp from these blogs out of enjoyment and as a extra hobby, I do have times when I'm not online cuz I do got a life so. I'm sorry if it's takes long to reply sometimes! I do my best! All I ask is you be patient with me! I do this for fun . Not as a career. I do not get paid
🫖events will be tagged accordingly as well
🖌I will tag triggers but you must tell me which ones
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hellflcmes · 1 year
Okay, I'm finally going to try and sit down and do things. Of course, as usual, I'll be bouncing between my blogs but I do sort of want to focus on Enji a bit as I feel he hasn't gotten that much attention.
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kuppaking · 1 year
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I totally think Kamek raising Bowser looked like a mix between Mr. Ping raising Po the panda, Daenerys raising her dragons and a sprinkle of Audrey II and Seymour, and maybe I've been developing some advanced headcanon thoughts about this because I'm being insane again.
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headtripped · 2 months
MUN INTRO: hey! my name's peyton [th/th, cst, 21+] & i'll be writing for sverre olsen, lee hyeon, selena palacio & dylan hwang here. you can find me on discord @ #seamonkeydefender & please feel free to add me w/o asking as well! discord is my preferred plotting method. all of my characters are on sideblogs aside from sverre, so i will be dming from @portra400s when necessary... hehe
CHARA INTRO: next up, lee hyeon. he's a 25yr old city boy, currently "visiting" yuseong bay (re: staying here indefinitely) to ride out some bad press, as he was an idol up until his group noisily disbanded in late 2023. he's always been interested in cars/had some mechanic experience so he's now the shop hand at park's garage. you can view his stats here & his pinterest here if interested!
answer the following prompts, either ooc or ic!
when did your muse first arrive in yuseong bay?: has visited a few times before, but moved to yuseong bay indefinitely in february 2024.
what does an average day look like for your muse?: wake up around 6:30 or 7:00am, skincare/brush teeth, go for a jog around town, go back home to have breakfast, go to work, go home to shower and change clothes, go out for a while (probably for a joyride, but maybe somewhere to socialize), go home to spend the rest of the evening helping out around the house or working on music, go to sleep.
where can your muse usually be found?: during the day, he's usually at park's garage. aside from that, he's known to just cruise around in his car; though it is somewhat common to see him in the recreation center's gym or at 88& bar.
how does your muse feel about hanwha resort?: indifferent. it doesn't affect him in any way, but he's currently living with his best friend's grandparents, and he feels a bit sad for them that their quiet little town is becoming a little less quiet. still, he doesn't care a whole lot as it doesn't seem to have done any real harm to the area, and is more just of a nuisance than anything from what he can see.
is there an aspiration for your muse to stay in or leave yuseong bay?: he's waiting out bad press, so he'll probably be in yuseong bay until (a) his location leaks or (b) he can search his name without the disbandment news & articles about him being sued being the first things to come up. he was young when he started training to be an idol & only 18 when he debuted, soooo he's also just now getting a chance to (kind of) relax for the first time in his life—these are his motivations to stay, but he's a city boy at heart & does want to return to being a public figure when the drama dies down, so he'll have to leave sooner or later.
answer the following, ooc!
list your muse's three favorite songs: cleanin' out my closet by eminem, shark attack by limp bizkit, humble by kendrick lamar (honorable mentions: liberation by skyminhyuk & gottasade by bewhy); a fan of hip-hop & heavy rock.
describe your muse's style: simple, straight-forward. a closet full of basics in a dark color palette, but if pay him any mind, you’ll see that most of what he wears is designer—he’ll define his taste as “quiet elegance,” but it’s mostly just his pretentiousness speaking. occasionally wears accent pieces or graphic tees, but mostly stays minimalistic with layered jewelry as the “point”.
color, word, and emoji to describe your muse?: burnt sienna, "noise", 🔥
three strong likes and dislikes for your muse: really likes reptiles, racing, fashion / really doesn't like scifi, having to share anything, being disagreed with.
three positive and negative traits for your muse: positive decisive, hard-working, supportive / negative dishonest, unloyal, volatile.
three talents and shortcomings for your muse: very musically skilled, esp with producing, great at making decisions when no one else can/wants to (he'll never make you choose where to eat), very handy / poor control on his emotions, often acts without thinking, starts shit he can't finish.
what is a book/tv series/movie/video game character that you feel your character relates to?: mostly mac, some dennis (it's always sunny).
a relevant goal or arch for your character to overcome: hyeon's a very self-focused person. he's not quite as bad as he was when he was a little younger, but he's still quite aggressive & quick to use people for personal gain, then ditch them when they have nothing left to offer—doesn't necessarily want to be like this, and he's gained some self-awareness in recent times. so, it'd be nice if he can (start to) overcome this and view people as... people... instead of tools to get himself further in life!!! which will hopefully be easier for him in a place like yuseong bay anyway, where life is a little slower and the people are more genuine than what he's used to. aside from this, he has some inner child healing he needs to do and also needs to rediscover his own personality outside of the public image he's curated.
hyeon was the main rapper/subvocalist of a boy group called twi5t. debuted in 2017, disbanded in late 2023. they were pretty popular and believed by the public to be not just coworkers, but very good friends—which amplified this positive, ideal perception the public had of them. tl;dr is that they all hated each other. the only real friendship was between hyeon and one other member, who happens to be from yuseong bay and whose family hyeon's currently staying with.
in his stint as an idol, hyeon was originally the least popular member of twi5t. had an attitude scandal not long after debut, so he was under scrutiny already and it didn't help that he had a rough sense of humor and a tendency to use banmal with people he ought to be respecting. over the years, he gained (some) public favor thru the extensive producing he did for the group and other groups within the industry, solo variety show appearances, community service he was forced into, etc etc. but even as people cut him more slack and started to like him, he was perceived as being the most problematic one in the group which was... not true...
but i digress. he was one of the first members to start releasing solo music, which he "bribed" the company into. basically said "hey i'll let u guys have more of the profits than stated in my contract if u let me do this" because he was like... 21 and stupid as hell JBSDHJVSBDF like... he really thought that if he gave them a leg up, it would prevent them from trying to fuck him over. spoiler: it didn't. ultimately his contract was amended and resulted in the profits from everything with his name as an individual on it being split 60% to the company and 40% to him, but he didn't realize this was a permanent thing until a few years down the line when people who'd featured on his songs were making more money off said songs than he was. atp he was one foot out the door, not caring too much about the company or group 'cause fuck those guys for real...
still tried to be on his best behavior and was gonna wait out the contract, but shit started going extremely south with the group in 2023 and hyeon got sued into the ground for slander & breach of contract over a drunk instagram live he did where he was talking about it. aired out not only the group, but the company's business—basically talking about how the members didn't get along, citing a few instances, bitching about management never helping and just sweeping problems under the rug, mentioning how the company trapped him in an unfair contract, etc etc. so yea... his reputation's in the dirt!
anyway... he's 25 now. his brain's finally fully developed. he's learned from his mistakes. he's a better & smarter man than he used to be, but still has a long way to go. picked up a job at park's garage not longer after moving to yuseong bay, as he doesn't like to have too much time to sit around and sulk—helps that he's extremely interested in cars & had some prior mechanic experience from pre-debut and sidework for friends throughout his career.
speaking of cars........ he has two: a 2008 mitsubishi eclipse spyder, which usually sits @ the garage and his flashy daily driver, a 2022 mclaren 765lt. who's he pissing off when he goes joyriding with the top down?
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tsareviich · 2 months
i don't see the point in deleting out of character posts. like i LOVE seeing them. it gives a blog a certain... flavor that might be lost if you just read the rules page. and if i just see waves and waves of writing, it's more intimidating. like lets be silly goofy on the dash!!!
there are some very well written female muses (both ocs and canons) with terrible muns. and those muns do not help to improve people's feelings about other female muses.
don't apologize for not writing!!!! it's okay!!!! it's a hobby and sometimes the words are just not flowing. or sometimes another things sounds more fun!!! honestly people should take more breaks and get away from tumblr. i've never felt better then when i stepped away and did something else for a bit and then made my way back.
sometimes tumblr can make you feel shitty. and we should feel more open to talk about it. jealousy, insecurity or even just.. sad. it's a people based hobby and you're not always going to have positive emotions about it. and most of the time it's not anyone's fault. emotions just suck sometimes.
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theflyingfeeling · 10 months
random thoughts and highlights about the gig at Tapiola Festivaali today 🖤
first fucking row 😭
so idk if it was that that made the show feel exceptionally good, and I find it difficult to rank the BC shows I've been to in any order of excellence, but I'd say this one would go pretty high on that list; their energy was unmatchable and, as always at BC gigs, I truly had the best fun I've ever had 🥺
(which is why I'm still a little dumbfounded and emptyheaded and will probably spend the entire tomorrow crying because I miss them so much and have no idea when I'm gonna see them again jdkdkfjkfkfkf can't they just drop some tour dates for next year soon or at least the "big show" they keep teasing us about so I can experience the serotonin boost of buying another BC concert ticket and have something to look forward to in my sad little life ahaha)
but yeah anyway I am so fucking horny for Aleksi y'all. Wanting him carnally was NOT on my bingo card for this year but here we are 🪦
like. He' just so confident and booby. You know? Cocky bastard. I'd let him *** inside.
@ss4nni caught his stick and we all got to hold and gawk at it. I may have even licked it a little (siis for real sillon kun mukamas nuolasin sitä ni mun kieli oikeesti koski sitä vahingossa lol sori Sanni 🙈)
(too Finnish didn’t understand: I pretended to lick it for the lols but accidentally licked it a little for real. Please pray for me to regain my sanity one of these days)
I definitely am may be a little delusional about a bunch of stuff but I feel like I made eye-contact with Olli one time and then another time when I was doing a little thigh exercise for Left Outside Alone (just pumping up and down instead of just squatting lol ain't just some random dudes gonna tell me what to do)
I waved at Aleksi one time when he came over because yes that's how desperate I was for an interaction with him and he mercifully acknowlwdged my efforts by looking at me and giving me the tiniest nod. So yeah I think I'll name our first-born son Tapio & y'all are invited to the christening 🥰
(unrelated to BC but Abreu performed before them and she winked at me because I'm hot stuff 😌)
got to witness many many many cute Olli/Allu moments (mostly touches) with my bare eyeballs, I feel so blessed and nourished I think I'll live on this for the rest of the year 💗 (she says, knowing very well she will indeed be sobbing her eyes off tomorrow and the whole next week most likely)
I think they all were genuinely impressed by the audience's energy (or at least the first row was fucking fire 🔥🔥🔥🔥) and I know they praise the audience at every show but I'm still gonna go ahead and take their every sweet word as a personal compliment <3
I loved seeing Niko so much? He's a tiny guy and loves crouching so it's not always easy to see him from farther away lol and he was wearing sunglasses the entire show (it was cloudy) but behind the glasses I like to believe he looked at me/us many many times Niko Niko Niko I love Niko 🥰
And Joel was so happy too 😭 happy Joel = happy me, automatically and every time, I need to know when I get to make him happy again by going to see their show, he deserves it and I deserve it 😭😭😭
So yeah, once again BC did what was said on the can: made me forget all about my pathetic little problems and I kinda need that in order to survive so if you need me I shall be refreshing their social media like a junkie asking random passers-by if they happen to have any speed on them, eyes red and visibly shaking because that's how bad I need my next fix
Many many thanks to everyone who hung out and came to say hi!! You all are some of the best people I know, I don't know how you tolerate me or if you even do lol but I'm always laughing so much when I'm with you and I'll miss you guys as much as I'll miss BC 💕💖💕💗💓💞💖
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pit-of-maggots · 4 months
The great High Priest of a notorious Gluttony Cult in Italy, Concetto Faunus, is away from home. Gone off to celebrate his birthday in Venice during the time of the Carnival, followed by the other three Gluttony Priests, and Domenico.
The event begins today, the date of my OC's actual birthday, February 11th, and it ends on March 31st at 10 PM GMT/5 PM EST.
This event will contain NSFW content, so please I ask to refrain from having underage muses interacting! (The exact same golden rule going for underage muns/writers obviously. You ain't off the hook either buster😠)
You can have your muse join Faunus & the gang in the Carnival & his birthday celebration in general in Venice! Have fun! Drink! Eat to your heart's content! Cause shenanigans! Dance with the muses! Or you can try courting them too... just be careful if you choose to try your luck with Eve or Adam. (Context provided at the bottom here)
You can have your muse visit the Faunus residence (or stumble across it...); here, you will be greeted by one of Beata Maria's children: Lisa Maria-Antonietta, and her friendgroup: a selkie and witch guitarists, and a werewolf drummer; they are on babysitting duty, looking after Faunus' children: the faunettes, giant maggots with infant faces that will eat and destroy anything in their sight if they are not kept under proper watch, and will starve to death if not fed for more than a day and a half. Lisa is the lead singer of her band and a very passionate musician along with her friends, she might try to persuade your muse to stay and watch over the faunettes for them as they go to perform a quick live-show, would your muse be able to handle the thousands of worm toddlers? And If your muse stays long enough at the mansion... they might also be greeted by the deity of one of the Gluttony cults, Beelzebub! Coming to meet his worm grandchildren 💜
1. First and foremost I request you read through the beginning of the event! So you have an idea of what is going on and gain more context about the scenarios instead of going in blind.
2. Anyone can join! Our muses don't need to know eachother already to interact. Just be sure to tag anything involving the event as #event: il carnevale di venezia !!
3. You can write random starters with either one of the two scenarios! Just tag me and be sure you've read the beginning of the event first. (Mainly to have some context)
4. If you want me to write a random starter for you, regarding this event, send me one of the following emojis:
🎭 for a completely random starter (muse will be picked by the mun) set in THE VENICE CARNIVAL. ( or by commenting 'masquerade' )
🏠 for a completely random starter (muse will be picked by the mun) set in THE FAUNUS RESIDENCE. ( or by commenting 'home' )
🐝 for a specific starter with FAUNUS. ( or by commenting 'fly' )
👾 for a specific starter with BEATA MARIA. ( or by commenting 'blob' )
🧚‍♀️ for a specific starter with EVE. ( or by commenting 'fairy' )
💚 for a specific starter with ADAM. ( or by commenting 'green heart' )
💋 for a specific starter with DOMENICO. ( or by commenting 'kiss' )
🔥 for a specific starter with FREDDY. ( or by commenting 'fire' )
🎸 for a specific starter with LISA. ( or by commenting 'guitar' )
5. If you're multimuse and you send one or more of the previous emojis: please specify which muse for which emoji!
6. Freddy is going to be present at the Venice Carnival only! So if you want a starter with him, your muse will be at the Carnival since he is keeping an eye from a distance on the leaders of the cults to ensure no mayhem or public hysteria breaks out as a result of them doing something they shouldn't. (Your muse can also provoke Freddy and somehow try to force him out of hiding to expose him to the Gluttony Priests, but that's entirely up to you)
7. As you may have noticed, Lisa's friends and Beelzebub do not have an emoji you can choose from above! That's because these guys in particular are not meant to be picked; they will appear on their own only if you choose to go to the Faunus Residence. (picture it as being like finding a rare Pokemon in a specific area!)
8. Only in the Carnival scenario belly kinks, stuffing/foodplay and vore kinks might be present, just so you're aware of that! If you specifically want to go for a more frisky route involving those- you can hmu with your nsfw alt. if you have one. (And please let me know what you are and aren't comfortable with!)
9. Anons are also welcome to interact with the event! Talk with any to the Gluttony Priests! Go pester Domenico! Ask questions about Lisa's friends! Try to grab a faunette! Go hog wild.
10. Have fun and no drama!! This event was made on the spot for funsies to celebrate my OC's birthday, interact with friends and other mutuals alike, and flesh out my own universe.
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