#” why are you referring to Oswald and Lee as similar” you don’t get me.
cowchickenbeefpork · 1 month
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Takes everything in me to not believe and spread the internalized homophobia Ed nygma hc but the fact his only three relationships with women had the first one be a attempt of being normal and being traditionally masculine, the second one be a repeating of that, and the third having having so many fucking similarities to his past close friendship with Oswald, a gay man in love with him is….. certainly a choice to say the least
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Gotham s5ep6 “13 Stitches” Personal Review
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“I do hope whatever you came here for was worth your life.”    Warning spoilers below
“Born of Blood” Ah I take back the “boring”, Eduardo got on the program, like not a good or exciting one but the ruthless awful bunch of booted army criminals kinda starts to work for me. * Alfred Pennyworth know the unit by reputation. “They're a horrible bunch of bastards. They specialize in military coups, assassinations. They're certainly not the vanguard for humanitarian relief.”  * I loved that they had BRUCE WAYNE watch that one army guy needlessly mess with the FILES of some cops. Rude! And such a great little detail to establish where we are headed. Bruce testing the waters with asking them about the relief shipment was great to * “I insist” Bruce and Alfred just taking out the army guys nice scene * “What the people desperately need is food and medicine. Not just more guns.” Yes * “Are you insane? You can't just execute people.” “Do not question me.” RESPONSIBILITY Who is responsible for the murder, who is just a tool? Is following orders a good excuse? We continue that topic from 5x5 when Eduardo tells Jim that “It´s not your call, Jim” referring to the “cleaning the house” mission.  “All criminals in Gotham are now under a death sentence” Some Civilians were too, collateral damage is fine and Eduardo claims “ They were an acceptable loss for the mission.” “What mission, damn it?” And most prominent it´s in this line: “She made you her killer.” No, no, Jim. She's the killer. And you have no idea.”   And I´m sure in this tidbit there is also some orders vs responsibility meta: “Your recklessness got people killed.” “I don't know what the hell you're talking about.” “Ramirez? Johnson. Bolton.” “Their deaths were not on me.”  * “This hellhole is infested with criminals and terrorists. Sometimes you just have to clean house, you know?” I feel like there is some meta comparison in there to how Jim Gordon reacted to when NATHANIEL BARNES  arrived at the GCPD. * “Is that a RISK you're willing to take?” The line is about evidence about Walker´s involvement in the Haven destruction and Eduardo want´s to take it.  But it´s also about Selina kicking in the door in an explosive room, it´s her and Oswald somewhat trusting each other, Oswald getting over the weariness of having seen Selina just take a few fingers “Depends. What did they want?”  It´s about Bruce, Fox, Nygma, Kean working together:  TRUST one big thing is working together and once more knowing each other THE CREW and THE CRIMINALS Bruce Wayne worries “Are you sure about including Barbara Kean and Ed Nygma?” and Jim Gordon points out “War makes for strange bedfellows.”
JIM GORDON & EDWARD NYGMA “The thing that I want is revenge” It is Jim believing an Edward that just wanted to kill him a second ago, knowing that them messing with his brain puts value in his words, if not for his claim that he detests the destruction of Haven as much. JIM GORDON & BARBARA KEAN “Can't I just want to help?” “Not you, not usually.” Where does that come from? “What's it gonna take for you to trust me?” “After everything you've done, I honestly don't know.” I do think I need some reminder what Barbara did do? Going after Lee with a knife, I kinda excuse due to the Ogre trauma. Her Theo Galavan involvement  is a low point but after that she actively tried to made amends and caused good. And yeah she´s a criminal but so is Oswald Cobblepot and others and Jim is not as strict with them it seems?  JIM GORDON & LESLIE THOMPKINS I´ll complain about it below but it´s odd that they put Barbara unprompted telling Jim she knows how heavy this is on him vs. Jim telling Lee in her face how heavy this is on him and the next second claiming she knows this because she knows him despite she just got a tiny speed run through the whole situation, and while she also probably has a more pressing issue on mind than Jim´s feelings: her supposed complete memory loss and vulnerability but nooo she´s got to be the caring, understanding, supportive girlfriend? While Barbara gets to be painted the tactless bitch?
OSWALD COBBLEPOT & SELINA KYLE Have a partnership of convenience without it being convenient for any of them. Selina brings up Tabitha and Oswald tells her why he thinks she´d accept this on some level: “Because you believe in an eye for an eye. Hard as it may be to swallow” Does she?  So on the other direction of the line of mutual understanding we have Selina saying she wants the diamond as payment and as ridiculous as this may sound she points out reputation is more important to Oswald than a shiny thing. He agrees! This week they underline all the understanding of each other. Selina figures out there might be more to the diamond than Oswald claims: “You and your stupid revenge. The diamond isn't even worth anything in Gotham anyway. Unless …”  And then Oswald makes a wonderful show of looking the other way, being interested in everything else, trying to distract from the point but Selina says: The diamond is worth something on the mainland. Oswald WANTS TO LEAVE GOTHAM?!? Oswald claim he wants to because it got nothing to offer for him anymore. “Alexander the Great then looked upon his land and wept. For there was nothing left to conquer. I've done all I can in Gotham. Some things twice. There's nothing left for me here anymore.”  Selina wants to leave too:  “I don't want to be the person who killed Jeremiah Valeska. I just want to be myself. And I can't do that in Gotham anymore.” >> I wonder does Oswald really want to leave? The done twice line is a good one because they had him going up and down and all the ways round indeed but leaving Gotham? I totally expected some other grand scheme? Does he really want to leave? >> “All of the thieves I used are dead.” What did Oswald Cobblepot do exactly? What are his plans? It would be pretty anticlimactic if it was just getting money to leave Gotham behind? I mean it’s a good call, a reasonable one, go on do that .. but buuuuuut ...  >> How much is such a diamond worth? If it´s really about leaving Gotham this means he wasn´t after Magpie to protect his reputation (like what would he care if he´s gone) but because of the value of the diamond, and his vault didn´t really look like he would depend on that? Seems there was plenty of wealth, why would he bother? Also if, did he think he could just get out of his deal of giving Selina the diamond as payment for her help? >> If he really wants to it´s good timing. He wanted to leave after Gertrud, now that his revenge is done and over with having killed Tabitha there´s a similar point, soooo there´s that but ehh >> There is also a great PARALLEL with Selina, she too is at a point where she completed revenge. However killing Jeremiah didn´t give her some peace and making it possible for her to move on, it put stress on her life she wants to leave behind >> I wonder why Selina didn´t stay at the Sirens?? They celebrated her, did that just last for a couple of drinks? They even threw in the line about Barbara needing her people to protect her borders, and all those lines about her protecting her people, why couldn´t this include Selina? I mean I get it golden cage and everything, but even if she´s on the street it would help if people would know she was under Barbara´s protection. Also yes, I get it it´s likely not about the people hunting her at all but about how she feels.  Done and over with all that. * Selina kicking in the door of the room because Magpie said anything in the room not the room itself : Honestly if everyone would put that much thought in their words I´m sure things would be tremendously easier for me at times, but experience shows this distinction really probably was just coincidence. Or did I miss any lines before that established that Magpie was more careful with her words than her booooms? /Gotham language/ * Was there yarn in the bowl of Selina Kyle next to her breakfast?   * “resembles a goth chicken” One would think Oswald The Penguin Cobblepot could bond with Magpie just over shared bird aesthetics.  “Tell me, how many ex-fiancés do you have, anyway?” EDUARDO DORRANCE says while talking about Leslie Thompkins. Thing is, he´s also on the list, fandom established that well enough. But with this episode he´s also made it on the “PSEUDOCOBBLEPOT” LIST right next to new Barbara Kean: “It could have been like old times, buddy. You, me, together, making the world a better place.” Like wasn´t this all that Oswald Cobblepot wanted from Jim Gordon in Season 1?! EDUARDO Vs. LEE Sadly, Eduardo is not on top of the Exes list, like Jim looked so lost in the moment of seeing Eduardo with that piece of metal through his chest but the gunshots related to Lee make him snap out of it in an instant. If he had just gotten back to Eduardo, find out about the prison thing, and being caught behind enemy lines Walker wouldn´t have picked him up and got to establish the surely bigger mess that will happen. And I didn´t buy the helpless attitude Lee showed for a second, I wasn´t surprised she shot the guy, but like it´s  probably juuuust because I don´t want her to be that, she went places, she did good, she was a doctor, please don´t reduce her to a scared government tool, not even for half an episode.  * Another Thing about the Exes. Can we retire this Ogre plotline bullshit? We´ve had plenty of that already. How about the next time someone pulls out an Ex of their sleeve the person they try to  manipulate, threaten or hurt is like lmfoa just off them and make it slow they never did the fucking dishes they deserve it. Like it´s not like I´d like that because having a proper mature relationship to Exes es good and great but if this is continually being exploited for this kind of rubbish plotline something´s got to change.    * “Look around. This is all on you.” Another thing to retire for good please is criminals telling Jim it´s his fault. No you did that, take responsibility. Jim didn´t put that couple on the roof Jervis, you did, it´s not his fault hat you set that up no matter how slow or fast he runs. This time it´s about Haven. Jim caring for people is what killed them claims Eduardo. The almost sent in relive, believing having set up Haven means the criminal thing wasn´t that bad. Which means Walker had to get rid of Haven to justify the CriminalsBeExtinct unit. * “I expected more from you, Jim.” Eh I kind of did too. Eduardo called out the theatrics of the chip crumbling right away. But when Eduardo said “Always so emotional, that´s not how wars are won, Jim” I thought, first of all, Eduardo you are wrong, that´s exactly how Jim will win this, but also, you are double wrong because Jim surely has a plan. It can´t just be about seeing the carnage at Haven there´s got to be some strategy in it. But there wasn´t? Did I miss anything? His whole plan was tangle his Ex Eduardo into some banter and get them in a fight, while Lee gets shot in the background, what? * “Put a bullet in my mouth and shut me up” Okay that was hot. “No. Not a bullet. But I am gonna shut your mouth. Once and for all.” “Come try.” Okay, whose fanfiction did they copy there? You can put that dialog right into some smut scene.  * Alvarez is awesome: “We tie our shoelaces together, then we lasso the keys off the desk.” “And then what, Roy Rogers, huh? They surrender in awe? No harebrained scheme is gonna get us out of this.” * “Boom boom, we get it” * “Didn't think you'd miss a couple things. Couple things go missing all the time.” Well, she´s got a point, and it looks like Oswald´s collection would put Tutenchamun´s grave chamber to shame. * “Who the hell was that?”  Ah great Oswald line but also kind of what´s wrong with this season, they need more time to introduce and establish characters. Give them the time! I mean I complained about rushed things the past seasons too but this time we at least know they would have paced it out more and went more into depth than they got the chance to. * “You killed Jeremiah, you´re famous. Not so scary. I could be famous” I wonder what her line of thinking was there. Please tell me more about MAGPIE. * “Is that really the craziest thing you've ever heard, Barbara?” * “The human brain is not a plaything, Mr. Kean”   * “Bruce, status?” “One second.” * “Can we speed things along, please, Mr. Fox?” Ah Alfred is so polite. * Whoa there Chip!Edward calling Jim  “James” sounded so out of place. * Edward saying “Is that all?” after he asked Jim what he did during the blackout was hilarious. Like trying to kill Jim indeed is a “just” compared to blowing up civilians but I giggled. * “Is it not obvious, it´s a BOMB” Oh EDWARD NYGMA didn´t sound at all like he had fun with his grande entrance to the GCPD.  The “Not now, Bullock” had so much emotion. And damn how cute are pallid beach mice. I kind of expected that it wouldn´t be an actual math problem, but damn I didn´t expect Bullock calling it that it´s zero and they are extinct. “The next time I get a short straw, I'm just gonna walk into traffic.” Yep he had no fun, but does that mean they pulled straws to determine who goes into the GCPD? What where they gonna do, send Fox in with a riddle?  * “Where has LEE been this whole time?”  Barbara Kean looks suspicious and she is right to do so, they don´t know about the Strange parallel but she could be chipped (if they didn´t need a fragmented brain, psyche like Edward´s), also just for the sake of not wanting this, I don´t believe she was all lost and helpless the whole time. But I am worried they´ll make this about feelings, and emotions and girlfriends ugh. And in general, I share Nygma´s sentiment “I'm not gonna wait around to watch their touching reunion.” UGH she was chipped but it´s not like an issue at all just barely a nuisance. At least make her a proper threat like Edward. UGH A pregnancy. How about no. Also what even is this: Jim Gordon just pouring his heart out when he tells Lee about what happened. “It's been hard. Actually, that's not true. It's been hell.” People needs his help and he put on a brave face pretending that he knew what to do. “But you know me, Lee. I'm just a cop. And now I'm really lost.”  Okay Barbara just (arguably not quite nicely but still) called him out on that issue before their office sex, he didn´t confide in here she just called that issue unprompted, now Lee gets credit for knowing that exact titbit about Jim while Jim just told her that not having to know that at all. But I already ranted about that I´m out.  * “Sorry to disappoint” JEREMIAH VALESKA is alive. Alfred Pennyworth says “You hurt my boy and I will bite your face off.” Which is an odd line? Is it meant to be a reference to Jerome Valeska´s detachable face? If so it´s a weak insult, that didn´t really stop Jerome for a second. Anyway I have an Alice Cooper earworm now, and can´t get the picture of Alfred listening to him out of my head, like he sure tried to do the makeup too some time.
* MOREOVER Alexander the Great was gay
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sunlitroom · 7 years
Gotham 3.21 - The Primal Riddle
As I watched it, and some random observations here and there.
Previously on Gotham:
Ed tormented Lucius and Bruce at the behest of Dr Strange, although he wasn’t exactly reluctant about it.   But this is really just shown to remind us of the question: while Wayne Enterprises runs Indian Hill, who actually runs Wayne Enterprises?  The Court of Owls, apparently. Os can’t take on everyone alone. What about a freak army?  Who ordered the hit on my father? Uncle Frank. Barbara wants to know what’s coming into 9c.  Ed is Riddler.  The clone is having such fun.  Jim tells Kathryn he killed his uncle, and that it’s high time they meet. She agrees.
As always, long post will be long - reaaally long.  There are likely to be rambling digressions. Gobblepot may appear (although I welcome all shippers and non-shippers alike :)).  There will be naked favouritism and naked not-favouritism.  Broader comments at the end on plotlines and parallels and general direction.
We open on an arctic landscape – through which Ivy and Oswald are trekking.
(A very early aside.  Now – I know that this is a universe which gives us clones and people returned from the dead, but you need to have some internal logic.  How the fuck did Os and Ivy get here?
It’s not just a quibble - does Oswald have resources hidden in the case that he’d have to flee the city? A passport?  Wouldn’t this have set alarm bells ringing – the lost mayor turning up?  He’s pretty distinctive looking.  I know it sounds like nitpicking, but it’s kind of important for understanding Oswald’s thinking: whether – given previous setbacks – he’s actually started making serious contingency plans in case of emergencies)
Or has Ivy amassed resources?  Doesn’t seem likely – given how thrilled she was to find an abandoned property. Although she must feed and clothe herself somehow.
Anyway – we move in closer and see that Oswald’s jaw is set, determined, despite the physical difficulty of this - reminding me of why I love him best.  They reach some sort of building.  Oswald opens the door, and lets Ivy in first.
Oswald calls out to see if anyone’s home.  Ivy chats away about how cold it is in this place.  Oswald is entranced – looking at a butterfly in an ice-cube.  Ivy is starting to say something about how she knows Oswald is hellbent on revenge, and she knows the freak army is a great idea – her idea – but
Oswald hears a noise and shushes her.  They turn to the door and trade worried looks – the first time we’ll see them share similar behaviour this episode, and interact in a manner that flags up that a bond has been established.
It’s Victor Fries.  Victor is built.
Oswald goes into subservient flattery mode, familiar to us from back in season one.
Mr Fries.  Welcome home.
Victor grabs Oswald and throws him up against the wall.  Being treated roughly by a blue-eyed man must make Oswald miss Jim.  Anyway – Oswald is at his best in this kind of situation (wheedling a more powerful enemy, not being manhandled – although probably that too) and talks fast.  He recognises that Fries must hold him responsible for all that monster talk – but that was just to win votes.  Victor snarls that he was run out of Gotham.  Oswald says that he can help him reverse his condition.  His enemies tried to murder him, and take everything he had – but if Fries helps him get revenge, then he’ll give him all the resources he needs when he regains power.
Fries is despondent. Even if he wanted to say yes – he can only survive for a few hours without his suit.  Oswald cuts in,
Your suit - locked away in Wayne Enterprises.  Ivy?
Ivy opens the cast.  Ta-da
How did they get that?
Fries smiles, but this is really terrible, terrible news.   Now he'll get dressed.
Mr Fries - will you join us?
(An aside - Oswald manipulating and wheedling, keeping a cool head – taking big risks to win an ally to pursue a personal agenda  - it does my heart fucking good.)
The Court of Owls.  A hood is removed from Jim’s face.  He asks where they are – but is told this is unimportant.  They go over the Uncle Frank situation – and Kathryn establishes to her satisfaction that Jim only holds his uncle accountable…. which, to be honest, doesn’t say much for their research into Jim and his motivations.
Kathryn tells Jim that the city needs him – there’s turmoil ahead and good men needed to hold it together, but only the Court can save Gotham.  She wants him to prove loyalty.  He asks if killing his uncle wasn’t enough.  
That…. doesn’t follow? That was to avenge a personal wrong – not to demonstrate loyalty to the Court.  Did I miss something there?
Kathryn tells him that Frank's body has already been taken care of.
GCPD, where Lee presents Harvey with autopsy papers and informs him 'the stiff' is Frank Gordon, Jim's uncle.
Harvey carefully brushes off her concerns, as Jim walks in.  Harvey clears his throat.
Hey Jim - we have some bad news for you
Jim asks what’s going on. Lee tells him.  She also says he saw his uncle at the cemetery and asks if he said anything.  Jim thanks her brusquely – but denies anything strange.
That's your reaction?   I know you. You're hiding something.  
Jim flatly denies it. Her face twists and sours – tired of this situation, and she walks out – a parting shot as she leaves – telling Harvey to go ahead and keep covering for him
Jim tells Harvey about the Court situation.  Harvey wants to act now – but Jim says they’ll scare if if he pushes too hard, and then Frank died for nothing. They need to keep up appearances.
Harvey holds up a newspaper with Ed’s picture on the front.  That’ll be easy.
We are in an eclectic mish-mash of a room worthy of 60s Batman where Barbara is looking for Ed – describing herself as his old friend that he keeps blowing off.
(An aside.  One of Ed’s characteristics – which sometimes seems contrary to his behaviour – is a love of order, something he and Isabella shared.  You can see it in the neat methodical way he does about things, and in how pristine and pressed his appearance is.  Ed’s old apartment was certainly inventive in terms of design – but there was also an orderliness to it.  If Ed’s environment is at all indicative of his state of mind – then this is rather alarming.  There’s the inventiveness of his old apartment, but it’s chaotic.)
Ed appears.
I'll allow you to call me Ed because we have a history, but my name is the Riddler.
He pronounces Riddler with a flourish.  Barbara seems amused, but gets to business, asking if Oswald mentioned a shadowy group controlling the city with impunity.  The mere thought they could exist infuriates her – she didn't climb up all this way not to be top dog.
(An aside – it’s not exactly been years of hard work, Barbara.  She’s pretty reliant on Tabitha for muscle, and then on Oswald’s good graces to keep their club in the first place.  Stumbling on Isabella’s murder was a lucky break.  She’s been shrewd in taking opportunities – but the idea of a climb doesn’t fit.)
Barbara mentions that Jim told her about this – which immediately sparks Ed’s curiosity. Barbara tells Ed about 9c.  All Ed’s focus is now on this problems she’s brought him.  He tells her about Strange hinting at a powerful group in charge of everything – the riddle that got away. He tells her he’ll find the answer, but do it his way. Barbara smiles knowingly.
You're going to make a big production out of this?
Ed says that only someone with power would have links.  He needs to speak to the elite, and what brings bourgeoisie out like the opening night at the theatre?
We are at the theatre, where a production of Hamlet is underway.
I say - ghost – speak your business or I shall go no further
We see, in the wings, that Ed has murdered Hamlet's father.  His voice booms out, mocking.
My business is not with you - but with your audience
Ed walks on dragging a sword behind him.
He wants to address the ruling class.  They’ve kept a secret for far too long,  but tonight he will kidnap and capture one of them to expose the truth.  
Spread the word.  The Riddler is coming
He turns to the actor. Telling him he found his performance wooden and unrealistic, he murders him – running him through with the sword – before pronouncing,
Annnnd scene.
Wayne Manor, where Alfred is playing chess with Bruce 2
(An aside - is it me - or is that musical motif almost identical to The Changeling?  If so – then it’s a very neat nod.)
Alfred looks at Bruce 2 as he deliberates – eyes sharp.  I think Alfred knows.
He calls checkmate. Bruce2 smiles and shakes hands. Alfred says Bruce let him one. Bruce2 frowns, thrown for a moment, but insists otherwise.  Alfred says he’s not been himself.  Bruce2 feigns confusion – but then tells him about Selina sending him away, and being to embarrassed to Alfred, and then afraid he’d ask, which would make him lie.
There’s enough truth there to make it believable – but I still don’t think Alfred believes him.  He thanks Bruce2 for his candour, addressing him as ‘sir’.  Bruce 2 tells him he’s a good friend, and Alfred leaves to check on dinner.  As Bruce2 puts the chess pieces back, we see blood drip onto one of the white pieces.  Alarmed – Bruce2 immediately phones the Court and says
It's happening again – (which never fails to freak me out, because https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWa0dZMHYeE)
The theatre, where Jim covers the dead actor’s face.
Harvey says everyone in the audience accounted for and tries to make a theatre pun.  Jim asks what secret Ed’s referring to – but Harvey dismisses this, saying Ed’sprobably just making it up.
There’s a green box with question mark on it on the stage.  Opening it, Harvey takes out a scroll and hands it to Jim
It's a riddle - written in iambic pentameter like a Shakespearean sonnet
(An aside - Jim's general cleverness and level of education is interesting to ponder.  He’s portrayed as smarter in s1, I think – but that was pushed aside in favour of constant anger in s2)
The riddle is pretty obvious – about a two-faced person reigning over a constituency of fools. It’s the mayor.
Harvey thinks this is Oswald – but says this makes no sense, because Ed told Lucius that he killed Oswald.
(An aside – my shipping preferences aside, not getting any sense of how Jim reacted to the news of Oswald’s apparent death seems lazy.  He’s known this person a long time.  They have a history.  He trusted him enough to entrust Lee to his care.  He felt sympathy for him when his mother was murdered.  I’m not buying a complete lack of reaction.  Even if you want to make Jim a complete bastard – have him sneer and say it was inevitable.  But a blank just feels like they’ve forgotten it.  The only satisfactory way I can work round it just now is that Jim has faith in Oswald’s ability to emerge from the direst of situations, and isn’t putting total stock in Ed’s claim.)
Jim says the riddle refers to Aubrey James.  Harvey asks why Ed would tell them.  Jim replies that its to make them look bad and put on a show.
Tabitha tells Barbara they don't need Nygma for anything - he should be dead by now.  Barbara tries to placate her - he likes solving puzzles - it's an easy solution for us.  Tabitha asks how Ed causing a scene at the theatre helps them.  Ed looms behind her, and  - amused – tells her it doesn’t, but it does help him more fully announce himself.
Tabitha has a rather weak comeback about dying would help him achieve fame, and she could help him with that.  Barbara intervenes before it gets too messy.
Ed wants to kidnap the mayor – he’ll know something useful.  Barbara is irritated: if that was the plan, she could have had him brought to Sirens and tortured by now, but Ed – of course – has specific needs to fulfil when carrying out a crime, and needs to see GCPD humiliated, and receive an appropriate amount of attention.
Barbara ask what happens if the Mayor doesn't know anything.  Ed has a plan B – which requires an explosion at a biker bar, which he wants Tabitha to arrange.  Barbara and Tabitha ask him how he plans to get the Mayor when he’s announced to GCPD that he’s going to take him.  Ed grins.
They'll bring him to me
Mayor James’ office - where James is eating pastries and seems unconcerned about the threat against him. Jim wants to move him to a safehouse. He’s dismissive, but then looks ill - blood sugar, apparently - too many danishes – and starts to fish out some pills.
Jim frowns – light dawning – and asks where he got those.  James says an appreciative citizen sent them. It’s rather a miracle that he’s survived this long, actually.  James gives an uh-oh, and we see the pills all have question marks on them
We are at a refinery – in a really rather lovely establishing shot.  Brigit works here now, and she’s passing up Ivy and Oswald’s offer.  Oswald is incredulous – he thinks this place is terrible.  Brigit doesn’t deny it but replies that Strange messed her up pretty bad. There a brief flash of recognition and empathy in Oswald’s eyes.  She continues.  This place is bad, but Gotham is worse.
The boss yells at her.
Freak - you're on company time.
Ivy doesn’t understand. Brigit could totally kick his ass. She tells her,
There’s nothing wrong with being a freak.  I’m a freak. So’s Penguin.
Oswald gives an acknowledging nod – no flinching or indication of disagreement.
Brigit comments that she met Ivy before.  Ivy explains her accelerated aging.  Brigit turns to Oswald and asks if he’s part of this.  He nods, and Ivy answers for him
Yes - it's almost like we're a family.  You don't have to be alone anymore
Firefly considers, and Oswald makes an offer.
I could kill your boss just to sweeten the deal?
Brigit smiles and walks towards her boss
Hey you -  I quit.  
She casually blinds him with some molten metal and strolls out
In the background, Ivy and Oswald exchange matching expressions of entertained amazement. Oswald steps aside to let Ivy past, and they follow Brigit out.
The Court – where Bruce 2 thanks them for letting him come in.  He’s being examined by a doctor.  Kathryn says he did the right thing by coming in.  Behind Bruce2’s back, the doctor shakes his head.  Kathryn smiles.  Bruce2 looks serious.
I’m dying, aren't I?
Kathryn confirms this and says the process that brought him into this world was flawed.  Bruce2 asks if he’ll die before Bruce returns, but Kathryn says no.  She goes on,
I know we've asked a lot of you…
Bruce2 cuts in
You gave me a purpose - more than most people get.
Kathryn smiles, and says she’s glad he sees it that way.  She says that when Bruce returns people are going to die.  Bruce2 looks troubled and asks how many.  She looks displeased, and tells him she hopes he hasn’t gotten attached – trying to guess who he might want to protect.  She reiterates that Gotham must fall – and will – because of Bruce2’s sacrifice.  Eyeing him – she wants to know if they can count on him.  He nods.
Mayor James is wheeled into an emergency room – Long story short – because my wrist is starting to hurt: the engineered explosion creates a diversion that allows Ed to kidnap James from right under GCPD’s nose.  What important here is that Jim knows all along that this is playing into Ed’s hands, and that Ed explicitly says his actions are motivated by a need to answer the riddle Jim put into motion when he went to Barbara: who runs Gotham?
Also of note is the scene where Ed pulls aside the curtain, reveals himself in disguise to the Mayor, and then closes the curtain behind him because – like Ed’s chase in the snow – it reminded me of a similar scene in Hannibal – same setting.
Sirens Club. Butch glances up and tells Tabitha they have company, just as Jim strides in – asking where Barbara is.  Tabitha is evasive.  Jim has no time for this.  He tells her straight that he knows she working with Ed, and that they kidnapped James: she was the only one Jim talked to.  Butch admits it’s true – and brushes off Tabitha’s glare – Jim clearly knows everything.
Jim looks more carefully and prods.  He says he heard a rumour about what Ed did to them both, and is surprised they’re defending him.  He makes an offer: he’ll take Ed down, and give Barbara a free pass.  Tabitha admits she hates Ed, but doesn't know where they are.
Jim’s phone rings – Ed has sent another riddle – he leaves, saying he should never have brought Barbara in, and tells them they better hope he finds her first.
Tabitha responds to Butch’s look – saying that she can't betray Barbara.  Butch looks at her knowingly.
Yeah – and she’s always got your best interests at heart.
Ed's lair.  Mayor James tells Ed he’s in over his head, but Ed points out that this only makes him more intrigued and determined
I will be the one who unmasks them!
Barbara asks if Aubrey remembers her.  He recognises her voice, and she goads him with memory of how he was tortured at Galavan’s - with his head in that box.  It was fun!  Barbara says. It’ll be like old times.
James sighs – they don’t get it.  The Court is all-knowing and omnipresent: God - they'll know
Barbara is not pleased at this, and gives a nasty smile: It's the box!  It’s testament to how bad his treatment at her hands was that he then gives up the info, even knowing it’s a death sentence.  All he knows is they’re called the Court.  He just did their bidding.
Barbara is furious at the meagreness of his information – but Ed thanks him.  This is tangible evidence of their existence, so they’ll know Ed isn’t bluffing.  He asks Barbara what a secret society fears most.  She answers correctly – being exposed.
Tabitha arrives – Ed asks if she  brought what he wanted.  They have a grabby glaring moment.  Tabitha tells Barbara Jim came to the Club and knows everything, Barbara should never have involved Ed.  Barbara looks troubled.
Selina’s apartment - where Selina is feeding her cats fancy stolen food.  Bruce2 enters – telling her he wants to see her, that he missed her.  Selina thinks he’s Bruce for a moment.  He continues talking, telling her was going to stay away, that it would have been safer – but that things have changed.  She asks what he’s talking about – but makes to leave anyway.  
Bruce2 tells her to wait – and admits he’s not Bruce.  Selina turns and stares.
GCPD – where Lee tells Jim someone deliberately switched the bullet in his uncle’s body.  Jim tries to brush her off – but then tells her to drop it – this is dangerous.  Lee gives him a disbelieving look
You think I care what happens to me anymore?
She tells him she’s sick of watching him destroy people's lives and get away with it.   Jim looks hurt.  It’s the worst thing he thinks of himself – and someone he cares about deeply is voicing it.  She continues, voice spiteful.
When I find out what you did, I'm going to make sure you pay for it, and I’ll enjoy it
Jim looks thrown off-balance by the nastiness of the comment.  Harvey calls him over.  Another riddle – which turns out to be the TV news – where Ed is parading James as a hostage and talking about the Court.  Jim’s phone rings – Kathryn wants this handled promptly as a proof of loyalty.
Meantime – Ed assures Aubrey that his hopes of a rescue are worthless.  GCPD are no match for him.  Aubrey responds tonelessly.
We’re both dead men. The court won't bargain.
Ed isn’t listening, saying that he’s underestimating him.  His phone rings.  He thinks it’s the Court, and is rattled when it’s Jim – Ed doesn’t deal well with plans not going precisely as he expected.  He snaps that he’s waiting on an important call.  Jim continues a now established habit of rattling criminals on the phone.
You want to know who runs Gotham?  Come by GCPD - I'll tell you.
Ed snorts disbelievingly and says he’ll pass.  Jim goes on
You think I told Barbara everything?
Ed smiles.  
You always were clever, Jim - I respect that.  OK - you and me alone.  And this idiot. 
Ed hangs up.
Jim turns to Harvey and tells him the thing that drives Nygma - (his need to solve a puzzle) – is also weakness.  Harvey reminds him that everyone is depending on him – but no pressure.
Jim waits with his feet up. James scurries in.  Jim frowns and asks where Ed is.  Jim tells him to sit down and shut up.   Jim calls out for Ed, who walks in now – saying he just wanted to be sure it wasn’t a trap.  James babbles on.  Jim nods over to him and comments that he talks too much.  Ed laughs.
Jim stands up – going on the offensive.  He tells Ed to go ahead and blow James up – who grumbles that he’ll have his badge. Ed looks discomfited.  Jim pushes further – asking what the blast radius is, and whether he should duck behind a desk.  Ed now gets seriously rattled at not being taken seriously, and yells that he wants the answer.  Turning to the Mayor, he states that he’ll kill him, and keep Jim as a hostage, and presses the button…..
But it doesn't work. Jim tells him there’s a radio signal blocking the frequency between the control and collar.  Tabitha helped him – she holds quite the grudge.  Ed smiles
I admit - didn't see it coming
He still wants to know, though.  Jim is impassive.  Ed aims his gun.  Jim reaches for his pocket.  Ed reverts for a moment to GoodEd in terms of flustered impotence – reduced to yelling
(An aside. And isn’t that interesting.  I think it’s unclear whether or not Ed doesn’t want Jim to go for his gun because it’s interfering with his image of how this would go; or because if he shoots Jim he risks losing the information he needs; or simply because – somewhere – there’s a part of Ed that doesn’t want to shoot Jim.)
Jim tells him he’ll give him his answer if he lets James go and takes a ride with him.  Pull the trigger – and he’ll never go.  Ed is angry now – Jim won’t get a second chance to trick him and aims the gun.  Jim tells him that this way
The riddle will go unanswered.
Ed looks desperate – almost pained.  Jim understands Ed's compulsion
Ed gives in.  Fine. Let's go
Back at Selina’s.  She can’t believe Bruce2 just went along with the Court.  Bruce2 tells her he had nowhere else to go.  He insists that she has to leave the city, because something bad is going to happen. It dawns on Selina that his appearance is identical to Bruce – and she asks angrily what he’s done with Bruce.
Bruce2 says he’s fine. Selina makes to leave, saying she’s going to tell Alfred.  Bruce2 panics and says she can’t tell anyone.  Selina asks why the hell he told her then?
Bruce blurts it out
Because I care about you.  And if I can save one person – I want it to be you.
Selina laughs - that's the difference: Bruce would try and save everyone.  Bruce2 can pretend - but he’ll never be him.
You're nothing.  You’re not even a real person.  You don't matter
(An aside – it’s surprisingly cruel for Selina.  She’s worried about Bruce, and she’s still angry about her mother – but this was cold. It’s maybe a reminder of how young she is – since children can be brutally cruel – but wow)
Bruce2 looks anguished. This is his deepest fear, flung in his face by someone he cares about – much like Lee telling Jim he wrecks lives and then walks away unscathed.
Bruce2 says he does matter (falling back on the Court’s validation of his worth, since the only other bond he wanted, that with Selina, has just been destroyed) – and he won’t let her tell.  He pushes her through the window – peering over curiously to see Selina in her back in the alley, eyes open and unseeing, leg at a horrid angle.
Jim and Ed in a car at the docks at night.  They look straight ahead.  The mood is subdued.  Jim speaks.
Remember the night you came to Lee's for dinner?  It feels like a lifetime ago.
Ed responds – voice flat, memory detailed.  
Leslie made fondue, the wine was a Bordeaux – smooth, with rich tannins.  Miss Kringle wore a black dress with pink trim.
Jim admits that he tried like hell to get out of it.  Ed snorts. Jim continues.  But the truth is I had a good time.  He looks at Ed.
I considered you a friend
Ed offers a riddle – but Jim doesn’t care to answer it.  Ed reveals it anyway:
Betrayal.  It’s how every friendship ends, so what good are friends anyway?
Ed looks bleak.  The Court’s black limo pulls up.
Ed speaks.
Who are they?
Jim looks at him,
The answer to your question
Ed looks pleased, but Jim can only manage a vaguely sick smile.  He wants Ed in locked up for his crimes – but he does not want to feed him to the Court.
Kathryn and the masked assassin are waiting outside the car.  Ed approaches.  Kathryn greets him
Hello Mr Nygma.  I hear you’ve been asking about us.
Ed is sceptical – what if this is some trick of Jim’s.
Kathryn smiles and tells him the point of a good mystery is not being sure of the answer.  She adds that Jim had to be convinced to bring him here. She refers back to the question that Ed posed to Bruce and Lucius at Indian Hill to prove her veracity– the question that’s tortured him, that he was never able to answer.  She tells him to get in - and all questions will be answered – asking for his gun first.  Ed meekly hands it over and gets in – calming now that he’ll get an answer to his riddle.
Kathryn smiles at Jim and tells him he made them proud.  Jim’s conscience is bothering him
What are you going to do with him?
Kathryn tells him a man of Ed’s intellect is useful
Jim looks over at Ed - who looks strangely small and vulnerable in the back of the car – and you can practically feel the twist in his gut.
Sirens.  Barbara storms in, smashing a waiter in the head with a bottle – infuriated at the plan’s failure.  Tabitha admits she told Jim how to defuse the bomb.  When an enraged Barbara asks why – she reminds her of her promise – sealed with a kiss:  Tabitha was to kill Ed.  She touches Barbara’s face, tries to appeal to their bond, but Barbara’s face is angry and hard.
Don't you get it?  As long as the Court exists I will never be in control.
Her face is twisted now – a combination of rage and desperation, tears in her eyes.
Tabitha responds immediately:
Don't you mean we?
Barbara barges her way out. Butch smiles, smug
I’ve seen it a thousand times.  People can't help themselves.  Ambition…. power - she's changed
Tabitha strides out – telling him to shut up
Butch smiles, resigned - This is trouble
No - this is trouble.  Oswald's back at his mansion with his new family.  He sighs that it’s good to be home, but Ivy tells him Wayne Manor is way cleaner.  Fries and Brigit are having a brief spat – but Ivy reminds them they are on the same team now.  It’s briefly defused.
Os has noticed his defaced portrait and is brimming with rage, hurt, humiliation.  Fries matter-of-factly remarks: There's a question mark over your face.  Oswald tightly tells him he can sleep in the freezer.
Ivy is lounging on the couch, watching TV, and calls to Oswald.
Hey Pengy - check it out.
Oswald wheels – in a foul mood and easily aggravated.
Do not call me Pengy!
Ivy doesn’t bat an eyelid, and Oswald turns to the news report.  It has a really bad picture of Ed, he must be pissed.  All that posing and they run with this.  Oswald’s face twists and twitches before settling on contempt and condescension
The Riddler.  How long did he have to think about that one?
He turns to his new family.
Rest up everyone.  Tomorrow will be a busy day
Back in the alley, the cats cluster round Selina’s horribly still body.
Jim enters the Court
I'd like to introduce our newest member
Jim puts on the silly mask.
Welcome to the Court of Owls.
Betrayal is the only truth that sticks
This week’s theme is betrayal although – oddly – it feels less embedded than last week, for all that it’s explicitly stated in the episode.
In failing to get rid of Ed, Barbara has betrayed Tabitha.  In turn, Tabitha betrays Barbara by telling Jim how to work around Ed’s device.  Jim’s feeling betrayed by Barbara too – and wishes he’d never told her about the Court.
Bruce2 feels – at least transiently – betrayed by the Court, who gave him a purpose, but will doubtless be content to let him die alone once the real person of importance – Bruce – returns to the city.  His trust is then betrayed by Selina – who rejects everything about him: his feelings, his concern for her, his identity, and wants to alert Alfred to the disappearance of the real Bruce.  
Oswald has to give a retrospective apology for his betrayal of the Indian Hill test subjects.  His moment of recognition with Brigit flags that the rhetoric he adopted was also a self-betrayal since he – like Fries, Brigit, Fish, and Ivy – is a victim of Strange’s brainwashing and tinkering. Oswald’s also still smarting over Ed’s betrayal – hence his need for revenge.
Ed doesn’t feel betrayed this week – although he’s the person who actually says the word out loud, in his sad little conversation with Jim, stating that all friendships end in betrayal.   It’s interesting that this seems as much an admission – as anything else – that he betrayed Jim when he framed him.
For his part, Jim feels his hand was forced into giving Ed up to the Court.  Ed will not, cannot, leave a riddle alone – and Jim must do the Court’s bidding or see the city destroyed.  We see throughout that Ed might be wreaking chaos – but Jim has the upper hand.  He understands Ed’s compulsion, and how to manipulate him.  In their last scene, Ed looks small and oddly vulnerable in the back of the Court’s limo – and there’s a sense from Jim that he’s delivered someone he feels responsible for into the hands of people who would harm him.  He looks almost ill with guilt.
Jim -  a good showing for Captain Vanilla, with more of a return to Jim of s1. We get nods to his cleverness and education, as opposed the angry violence that characterised s2.  Here – we can pity him. He’s weighed down by responsibility in every way, his knowledge of what might happen stifling him.  He can’t openly grieve for his uncle, or confide in Lee, or deal with Ed like he wants to.
Ed is enthusiastically building his new persona, but seems more unstable than ever.  The moment he has a puzzle to solve, he’s driven by compulsion, as opposed to his own will.  This is exhausting – and you can see the sheer amount of energy Ed expends on solving this problem become a manic degree of focus.  The extent to which his compulsion controls him is evident in how calmly he goes off with the Court at the end.  It’s terrifyingly risky – but Ed can’t help himself.
Barbara’s characterisation continues to confuse.  She’s all about control – apparently – but it feels like it’s come from nowhere.  Unless the message in her desperation is that control over everything = control over self, but – honestly – that feels like a reach.
Oswald is gathering his forces and building a family.  He seems to have accepted his new identity. There was  recognition and empathy in his eyes when Brigit was speaking, and he doesn’t flinch or flare up or restrain disagreement when Ivy calls him a freak. He and Ivy also now share and trade reactions – reinforcing the notion of a familial bond.
Echoes this week: Oswald seeing a news story on TV about someone he’s looking to kill: Hugo, now Ed. Barbara refers back to the last time Aubrey was held hostage.  Jim’s quest to save the whole city has echoes of his initial ambitions back in season one.
That was a hot Victor, show – but still not the hot Victor I was hoping for.
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