#“add to play list” :)
a2zillustration · 7 months
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Part 1 of 4
I thought Gale's romance scene in Act 2 was really wonderful and special and decided to make a whole multi-page comic about it.
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[[ All Croissant Adventures (chronological, desktop) ]]
[[ All Croissant Adventures (app) ]]
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kithj · 7 months
compiled a list of some of my favorite text-based games & VNs that are specifically wlw:
another round - You play as Maddie, a woman in love with a woman named Agnes. Actually, she hates her. Actually, it's complicated. You definitely broke things off with her. And you don't regret it. At least once. Yes. At least once per day, you don't regret ending it with Agnes. Except tonight. You definitely regret it tonight.
such, such were the joys - It is the year 19xx in England. You are returning to the town of Grayling after your first year at university to meet your old school friends: Cicily Thomas, Fatima Khan, and Susheela Rajaram. As the only Indian girls at Grayling Towers, the four of you quickly became close friends, but you haven't seen each other in a year. You're not sure what has changed since then, but this is your chance to find out.
florence - Florence lies in bed, cold and still. You watch over her and wait.
perseids, or, all this will go on forever - Four trans girlfriends go on a road trip to a dark sky park, to see the perseid meteor shower. 
winter - an interactive fiction about sex, trans insecurity, and a girl with a skull for a face.
butterfly soup 1 & 2 (VN) - A visual novel about gay Asian girls playing baseball and falling in love.
birdland - At night 14-year-old Bridget Leaside dreams of fantastic lands full of strange bird people. By day she's a miserable anxious summer camper, trying very hard not to think about her feelings for the mysterious girl detective in Cabin 22. And when her dream life starts bleeding into reality, things are going to get weird for her in a whole bunch of ways...
a summer's end: hong kong 1986 (VN) - Follow the story of Michelle and Sam, and how their chance meeting evolves into a deeper romantic relationship. Set in vibrant Hong Kong in the year 1986, it is an original story about love, family, and culture.
one day hike - You go on a hike in a familiar wood.
a year of springs (VN) - experience the stories of haru, erika, and manami in A YEAR OF SPRINGS, a visual novel trilogy about a trio of friends navigating their feelings of love, connection, and just wanting to belong.
pageant - Your name is Qiuyi (Karen?) Zhao, and you’ve just been signed up by your parents for a beauty pageant. You’re not ready, not even close, but you don’t have a choice. But perhaps you can make the best of it.
new year's eve, 2019 (sequel to pageant) - You are Karen Zhao, a senior in college who is home for winter break, and seeing your old high school friends for the first time in years. You are not ready, not even close, but perhaps you could make the best of it.
the revenant's lament - Way out west, in the most lonesome of reaches, strange things are afoot. Cowboys around campfires tell ghost stories and tall tales, speak of impossible, supernatural things. They say the devil walks amongst men. They say he'll grant you impossible wishes at the cost of your eternal soul. They say he can bring dead men back to life.
venus meets venus - Two women meet in a bar. This is not a love story.
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we need Ted Lasso to come back for a season four so Jamie can copy this hairstyle from Jack Grealish
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(personally, I think Jamie would rock it. also, Phoebe totally braided it for him)
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m0thisonfire · 2 months
Getting into AfK Journey:
Me: Oh boy! I can't wait to customize my avatar and upgrade Silvina and Thoran and Niru and the other lower tier heroes! I am so excited for Erionn and Vedan-
Me: wait. Vedan? Where's Vedan?
Sees Salazar: WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!?
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wanukilppari · 1 year
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hyewka · 10 months
top five favorite fics you've written/read!!
top 5 fics ive read is honestly so hard but i thought over it and i think i could narrow it down to a few lol
1. lover = loser (sub!gyu, linked my favorite chapter) is my upmost favorite series ive read, period. had me reading all night going to the next chapter and ive honestly not felt that for soooo long, it really grabbed my interest. was rooting for both soobin and horrifically, the insane character that was beomgyu. the ending was devastating but it didnt feel like a random puzzle piece, it fit with the narrative of the story and the overall flow, and for that, i’m thankful for mort, the author, for creating this masterpiece lol
2. only you, darling (yandere yeongyu) this is an insane piece. i usually can’t read long fics that are centered around a dark theme but this was so worth the read. the plot twist caught me off guard and actually felt like a well made plot twist. uhh without spoiling too much, i really liked the way the psychological torment of having a stalker was written, it added a lot of depth to the fic and it’s why the fic still holds a place in my heart even after all these months. extremely well written.
3. on edge (mark, doyoung smut) i know i say this all the time but i REALLY really love desperate men and this fic is exactly what was served. there was this twist of uncertainty and anxiousness i had of the main characters getting caught, which just proved to me that this was honestly written very well. besides the top tier writing, the smut was so hot lol
4. the right one (haechan smut) jealous best friend and anal? lol this is my favorite pwp smut ever
5. how to get the girl (beomgyu fluff) had me hooked by the first sentence! the characterization of the main characters felt like an old romcom movie and that warms my heart to degrees i didnt know was possible. very cute cliché stuff and i love cute cliché stuff
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trashpidgeon48 · 8 months
child characters in musicals who would be a terrifying friend group: Les, Gavroche, Jason, Toby.
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wordsinhaled · 8 days
edwin payne contains multitudes. he plays mendelssohn’s songs without words and debussy’s rêverie on the piano… AND he undoubtedly steals charles’ walkman so he can mainline the smiths’ eponymous album (1989) and cocteau twins’ heaven or las vegas (1990) on the rooftop at night (all the better to pine for his best friend properly)
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moderndayamymarch · 10 months
hawkeye pierce is such an odysseus. like his entire thing is that he WANTS TO GO HOME. my man just wants to go home to see his loved ones but can’t because the powers that be are making it impossible (hawkeye’s is the us military and odysseus’s is the gods) by throwing just off-the-wall obstacles at him. and along the way he just keeps losing everybody.
not to mention he is a clever trickster who totally would’ve played the “nobody” joke on frank if he could’ve found a way.
also odysseus was a reluctant draftee into the trojan war too (he tried to get out of it by feigning madness through salting the earth of his farmlands).
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toxintouch · 2 months
Mhin: Poorly Disguised || Mhin x Unspecified MC (Dom!MC is implied??) Rating: T || CW: Implied future misuse of a Senobium (clergy/government?) uniform. Brothel mention in narrative. Stolen clothes that don't fit. Premise: crack treated seriously.
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Mhin's arms are crossed tightly, eyes closed, breaths carefully even.  They can hear the shuffling of fabric behind them.  Uncertain steps.  The sound of your bandaged hands smoothing down starched fabric.
A long stretch of silence.
Their eyebrow twitches in impatience; they lose count of the exhalations they were taking a census of.
“Mhin, I…uh, I don't think this is going to work.”
Mhin turns to you impatiently, a sharp question poised on their lips, but once their eyes land on you they see exactly what you mean.  
The Senobium uniform hugs the contours of your body far too tightly for propriety.  The buttons on the blouse are splayed open a scandalous amount, unable to close due to the poor fit of the stolen garment, thus allowing Mhin a teasing glimpse of your chest.  The tempting image of you is burned in their mind before they can look away, the heart that they had been keeping so carefully in check while you changed now racing.
You don't look a single bit like you'd be mistaken for a legitimate member of the clergy, not even to the uncaring or untrained eye.  Not that much of anyone could possibly look away from you, once they’ve caught a glimpse…
Idiot, don't you know what you–
Mhin feels the heat staining their face as they press their palms against their eyes as if to ward off a headache.  They need to reign themselves in before they forget all self control.  They aren't going to allow themselves to look at you again while you're still wearing that.
Not that it helps.  Mhin won’t be forgetting what they saw any time soon.  You look like someone's very expensive, if very heretical, fantasy.  Mhin doesn't even want to guess what someone might pay at Elyon’s brothel just to look at you, let alone…
“This was a stupid idea,” Mhin spits through hands still shielding their face.  If they are lucky you'll mistake their body language for an expression of pure frustration and not the attempt to hide their blush that it is.
But Mhin has never been very lucky.
They're so flustered that they don’t even hear you approach–your lips brushing against their ear as you speak comes as a surprise, their cursed predator-sharp instincts gone silent.
“Maybe not that terrible of an idea…” you posit.  Mhin shivers despite themself; if you didn't know the effect you had on them before, you certainly do now.
They can feel the fever of you against their side, can feel you like an arrow to the heart, leaning into them with your body, your own hands held carefully out of the way.  You chuckle darkly, pressing a dizzying kiss against the sensitive skin covering their parotid before you rest your chin sweetly in the curve of their neck and shoulder.
“You put all that work into getting this uniform for us, Mhin... I know it turned out to be a dead end but... I should still reward you for your hard work, right?”
Against their better judgment, Mhin drops their hands. Turns to face you. Finds their fingers pressing urgently into your skin, curving along your jaw giving you the very touch they so often wish they could receive from you. The ease with which you welcome their kiss–the way you've anticipated their eager capitulation–is something they'll have to scold themself about at a later date. For now...
It is unwise to allow a debt to go unpaid in this city.
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yourqueenb · 3 months
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cookinary · 2 months
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Okay, I get it now
Thanks @mileikcin for making me curious about this game like god damn I've been missing out
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monstersinthecosmos · 7 months
VC Kinktober <3
So I didn't have time to create anything new for Kinktober this year, and I also meant to make this post at the end of October and didn't get a chance, so please humbly accept this late offering! Instead of creating anything new I wanted to make a lil directory of the fics I've written already that contain some of these prompts, for everyone's needs!
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Day 1: Biting Bartzabel (Marius/Santino) Dust of the Saturn (Armand/Daniel) Gallows Bird (Maruis/Armand) In the Trials of the Heart (Armand/Daniel, Marius/Daniel, Marius/Armand) The Lotus Eater (Armand/Daniel) Minus (Armand/Daniel) the misinterpretation of silence and its disastrous consequences (Lestat/Louis) Moon Above, Sun Below (Armand/Daniel) quinque plus unum (Marius/Daniel, Marius/Armand) Right Where it Belongs (Lestat/Louis) Ruby (Armand/Daniel) Sfaíra Ti̱s Fo̱tiás (Marius/Armand, Santino/Armand) So Falls the World (Marius/Pandora, Akasha/Marius/Pandora) Various Methods of Escape (Louis/Daniel)
Day 2: Masturbation Fall Apart (Armand/Daniel) Sfaíra Ti̱s Fo̱tiás (Marius/Armand, Santino/Armand) Vantablack (Marius/Armand) Where My Holiness Goes (Armand/Daniel)
Day 3: Praise Kink
French Mistake (Nicki/Lestat) Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand) Vantablack (Marius/Armand)
Day 4: Voyeurism/Exhibitionism
Fall Apart (Armand/Daniel) Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand) Minus (Armand/Daniel) Moon Above, Sun Below (Armand/Daniel) So Falls the World (Marius/Pandora, Akasha/Marius/Pandora) Vantablack (Marius/Armand)
Day 5: Bondage
Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand) The Lotus Eater (Armand/Daniel) Moon Above, Sun Below (Armand/Daniel) world coming down (Lestat/Louis)
Day 6: Nipple Play Serrated (Armand/Daniel) Where My Holiness Goes (Armand/Daniel)
Day 8: Blood Play
Bartzabel (Marius/Santino) Clockwise Operetta (Marius/Armand) Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand) In the Trials of the Heart (Armand/Daniel, Marius/Daniel, Marius/Armand) The Lotus Eater (Armand/Daniel) Minus (Armand/Daniel) the misinterpretation of silence and its disastrous consequences (Lestat/Louis) Moon Above, Sun Below (Armand/Daniel) quinque plus unum (Marius/Daniel, Marius/Armand) Right Where it Belongs (Lestat/Louis) Ruby (Armand/Daniel) Sfaíra Ti̱s Fo̱tiás (Marius/Armand, Santino/Armand) So Falls the World (Marius/Pandora, Akasha/Marius/Pandora) Various Methods of Escape (Louis/Daniel) world coming down (Lestat/Louis)
Day 11: Dom/Sub Cauda Pavonis (Marius/Bianca/Armand) Clockwise Operetta (Marius/Armand) Dust of the Saturn (Armand/Daniel) Fall Apart (Armand/Daniel) Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand) The Lotus Eater (Armand/Daniel) the misinterpretation of silence and its disastrous consequences (Lestat/Louis) Moon Above, Sun Below (Armand/Daniel) Pinion (Marius/Daniel) Right Where it Belongs (Lestat/Louis) Ruby (Armand/Daniel) Sfaíra Ti̱s Fo̱tiás (Marius/Armand, Santino/Armand) So Falls the World (Marius/Pandora, Akasha/Marius/Pandora) Vantablack (Marius/Armand) Various Methods of Escape (Louis/Daniel) Where My Holiness Goes (Armand/Daniel) world coming down (Lestat/Louis)
Day 12: Cockwarming
Cauda Pavonis (Marius/Bianca/Armand) Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand)
Day 13: Toys
Cauda Pavonis (Marius/Bianca/Armand) Down Below (Armand/Daniel) Dust of the Saturn (Armand/Daniel) The Lotus Eater (Armand/Daniel) Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand) So Falls the World (Marius/Pandora, Akasha/Marius/Pandora)
Day 14: Roleplay
Cauda Pavonis (Marius/Bianca/Armand) Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand)
Day 17: Body Worship Buried in the Blind Space (Armand/Daniel)
Day 18: Double Penetration
Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand)
Day 19: Threesome/Orgy
Cauda Pavonis (Marius/Bianca/Armand) Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand) Minus (Armand/Daniel) Moon Above, Sun Below (Armand/Daniel) So Falls the World (Marius/Pandora, Akasha/Marius/Pandora)
Day 20: Edging
Clockwise Operetta (Marius/Armand) Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand) The Lotus Eater (Armand/Daniel) Where My Holiness Goes (Armand/Daniel) world coming down (Lestat/Louis)
Day 22: Breathplay Various Methods of Escape (Louis/Daniel)
Day 25: Sensory Play Only Human (Armand/Daniel) world coming down (Lestat/Louis)
Day 26: Impact Play Clockwise Operetta (Marius/Armand) Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand) the misinterpretation of silence and its disastrous consequences (Lestat/Louis) Right Where it Belongs (Lestat/Louis)
Day 27: Religious Play Sfaíra Ti̱s Fo̱tiás (Marius/Armand, Santino/Armand)
Day 29: Clothed Sex
Cauda Pavonis (Marius/Bianca/Armand)
Day 30: Dirty Talk
Cauda Pavonis (Marius/Bianca/Armand) Clockwise Operetta (Marius/Armand) Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand) Sfaíra Ti̱s Fo̱tiás (Marius/Armand, Santino/Armand)
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foodsies4me · 2 months
The Fearsome Four
Alright so it seems that more than one person wants a list so here we go with the first four trainees. (I will be splitting this up because like some people aptly remarked there are Too Many Trainees and writing them all down in one post is going to make for an infinitely long post. (Cries in, these were supposed to be one of characters that were just supposed to make the institute feel more lived-in. Not menaces that take over half of the story)
Maxwell Joseph Lightwood (He/Him, 9 years and a half - Not an OC though I HC him looking differently than in the series in my head)
Nicknames: Max, Maxie, Little Clover, Cricket, Little Caramel, Menace, Little Terror
Physical description: looks like a mini Alec – black hair, hazels eyes and mischief in his blood. He’s smaller than the other trainees his age, standing somewhere between 3ft 11 and 4ft (120,2 cm) Has three long gashes on his torso that span most of his chest as well as two smaller but just as thick scars on his right upper thigh, a thick scar on his left ankle and one on the inside of his right arm. (This only applies for AWG Max. Golden Words Alec is 4ft 3 (130,5 centimeters) and has no such scars.)
Personality: He’s the Menace Supreme what more do you want me to say? Culprit number 1 of the Mumbai Incident.
Extra info: co- owner of Bubbles and has a batman backpack with cartoon characters and sharks on it
2. Arjun Jaskaran Bhasin (He/Him, 9 years old)
Nicknames: Arji, Jun-Jun, Marshmallow, Chotu (nickname only his older siblings call him)
Physical description: thick dark-brown hair that’s mostly straight, dark brown nearly black eyes. He’s about 4ft2 (128,5 centimeters) and the only one of the fearsome four that doesn’t look like a mess most of the time.
Personality and tidbits: He’s quieter than his three best friends, but no less of a menace for it. He’s the youngest in his family and is close with his parents/older siblings despite not living in the same institute. He loves everything dragons and, even though he misses his family a lot, he also loves being at the NYI. Now if only Alec could get the rest of his family to work there as well…Culprit Number 2 of the Mumbai Incident.
Extra info: has a dragon backpack, yes the dragon can breathe fire.
3. Barika Fahari (He/Him, almost 10)
Nickname: Barii, Riri, Gumdrop
Physical description: short, black curly hair. Light brown eyes. 4ft 5 (134 cm) which makes him the tallest of the foursome fear.
Personality and tidbits: Barika was originally supposed to be a female character because I didn’t want Max to only have male best friends, but then Barika decided he was trans without any care as to what I had planned (hence the female name which he decided he was keeping). Like Max, he’s a menace and adores comics. His absolute BFF is Leo and those two will probably end up as parabatai in the future. Culprit number 3 of the Mumbai Incident.
Extra info: Has a The Flash backpack with a little Green Lantern keychain and ever-changing cartoon/Manga-characters on the sides. Robin, Batman and Cyborg logos are embroidered on the straps.
4. Leonard Benjamin Knightvale (He/him, two days older than Max and will never let him live it down)
Nickname: Leo, Lenny, corn chip, little lion
Physical description: light brown hair that tends to get in his eyes, green-brown eyes and 4ft3 (130 centimeters – yes, Golden Words Max teases him back for being older but shorter)
Personality and tidbits: If someone enabled Max to do one of his stunts, Leo is the most likely culprit. If nobody enabled Max to do one of his stunts than Leo was likely in a coma because he WILL enable Max’s shenanigans just to see the chaos happen. BFF’s with Barika and thinks Alec is the coolest person ever. He lacks any kind of impulse control and is currently in the lead in the “Get Ragnor to turn them into a frog” competition much to Max’s displeasure. He hates being called Leonard about as much as Max hates being called Maxwell. Culprit number 4 of the Mumbai Incident.
Extra info: Green Lantern backpack with a The Flash keychain, a Batman keychain as well as a Cyborg and Robin sticker. The Green Lantern logo in the middle lights up and can turn into different colors if Leo wants to.
Part two
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morrigan-sims · 6 months
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🏹Lyseria Evenwood 🏹
wood elf | ranger (fey wanderer) | she/her | neutral good
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gardensystemtv · 11 months
Friendly Reminder: that if you are a fan of, and/or romance Merrill or Sera, I will kiss you gently on the forehead. They are just amazing elves and some of the best characters in Dragon Age, and not a lot of people know how to appreciate them!
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