#‘they’re not actually gay/they’re tomboys!’ lol. lmao even. babe you’re talking to a trans masculine bigender lesbian. why are you here.
badolmen · 4 months
…there are twinks that can get pregnant. Some twinks want to get pregnant. Sometimes twinks are trans babe.
The problem is with cishet people appropriating queer language. A cishet person looking at a cishet guy and saying ‘he’s such a twink I want to get him pregnant’ is homophobic. They’re first and least of all applying a queer term to a non-queer person (who often doesn’t actually fit the physical description that term describes). More importantly it’s treating ‘twink’ the same way cishet (and to an extent, younger and less experienced queer) people have been treating sub/dom and top/bottom. They reinvent a strict dichotomy solely based on whatever they imagine those words mean because they aren’t actually kinksters or queer. In this case they’re conflating twinks with whatever they think subs are just because the cishet person wants to dominate a dude and in their mind ‘twink’ is just a quirky queer word for ‘subservient/bottom/etc.’
Just say you wanna fuck him stupid and stop using queer vocabulary without understanding what it means.
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