#— * ❛ once upon a time‚ in the hidden heart of france.  ╱  canon verse.
evermxre-a · 3 years
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@norringtxn​ said :  ❝ You look exhausted. ❞
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how is that the first thing james notices upon returning home? how is that one of the first things that his lover feels the need to point out? adam is almost tempted to scoff at him. to tell him to shut up and kiss him again before he gets cross— but somehow, he refrains. the prince instead merely grabs the commodore by his jacket, pulling him closer towards him and shaking his head softly. 
“ i’ve just been missing you, that’s all. ”  not a lie. not entirely, anyway. there have been sleepless nights whilst james was away, nights brought about by long stretches of time without a letter, but that’s not exactly what’s made the prince so tired nowadays. no, it’s the child upstairs in his childhood nursery ; it’s the thing that the servant girl did not want, the result of a foolish drunken mistake ; it’s the little baby girl that the prince had offered to take in as his own.
how does he bring the topic up to james, anyway? how will the commodore react? the prince honestly isn’t sure, to either question. so, instead of dwelling on it, he merely presses another kiss to his lips, briefly pulling away to murmur,  “ i have a surprise for you. ”  there. that’s a good start.
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evermxre-a · 3 years
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@norringtxn​ said :  “ are you sure you want to do this? because, you know... “
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james’ words make the prince smile ever-so-slightly. it’s rather... endearing, the slight apprehension that the other man shows. adam is wary too, but it’s not to the same extent— perhaps it’s from growing up in the royal courts, where secret affairs such as this aren’t QUITE as frowned upon. james, however, is a SOLDIER ; things like this are regarded far more harshly  for those who aren’t part of the nobility.          his expression is understanding, fingers reaching out to gently brush against the other man’s jawline. there’s no one around to see ; they’re safe right now, far away from prying eyes as they are. it’s just the two of them— but that’s what’s so frightening, isn’t it? it’s just THEM, and they’re THIS CLOSE to doing something that there would be no turning back from. and, god, all adam can think about is how much he bloody wants james norrington. that, he is sure of.                                  “ i’m positive, ”  the prince murmurs. he’s absolutely sure that he wants it ; he’s never quite been so sure of anything.   “ i want YOU, james norrington. every little bit of you that you will give to me. ”  adam’s hand remains against the other male’s face, blue eyes soft as he adds,  “ but, if you do not wish to... DO THIS, then we do not have to. there is no rush, there is no obligation. it is whatever YOU desire, my darling. ”
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evermxre-a · 2 years
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@emcads​ said :  “Don’t you dare! These are my best clothes!” (no sexy ripping clothes off thank u. we can’t all be aristocrats with unlimited wardrobes.)
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the prince blinks, hands still clutching at the material of her ensemble. esme’s words seem to have stunned him, as if they’ve made it where he doesn’t know how to react ; as if they’ve snapped him out of the haze of arousal and need he had been so wrapped up in. he only pulls away ever-so-slightly though, just enough so that he can see the pirate queen properly.
there’s too many fucking layers, though. a gown and a petticoat and a corset and whatever the hell it is women wear. he can’t be bothered to keep up with it all. not right now. all adam knows is that there are far too many layers seperating him and esmeralda, and he simply must do something about it before the urge to touch her, to feel her skin against his, kills him. MELODRAMATIC, sure, but that is exactly what it feels like to a spoiled noble, used to getting everything and everyone that he wants when he wants it.
“ oh, esme, ”  he murmurs, leaning in and scraping his teeth against her neck in a torturously slow manner,  “ come on, darling. i shall buy you more. where’s the harm in it? ”  teeth are replaced by lips, hungry little kisses being placed onto exposed skin as the prince presses himself closer against his lover’s body. one hand moves between them to tease her through her skirts ; an attempt to gain her favor, it seems.  “ ma chérie, i could buy you all the contents of some of paris’ finest dress shops— you know that. are you sure that you wish to wait and take the time to undo all of those terribly DREADFUL stays and laces? ”
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evermxre-a · 3 years
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@lghtpulled​​ said :  “ when  you  laugh  or  flirt  with  me ,  is  that  a  duty ?  are  you  conforming  to  the  fitness  of  things ? ” / haha remember that au we had with them
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ben speaks, and adam’s chest tightens almost imperceptibly. he isn’t sure why, either. perhaps it’s because there’s a tiny part of him that KNOWS the way he treats the other prince is wrong— but he doesn’t CARE. it’s a game ; ben is a pawn, a plaything. just like all the other pretty men and women, adam shall toss him aside the moment that he no longer interests him. he’s known that from the moment he met the other prince ; he’s known it from the moment that ben decided to spend his summer in his palace instead of his own. but, ben doesn’t need to know that.                legs cross at the knee, the prince leaning against the chaise with an arm carelessly flung across the back of it. blue eyes remain locked onto the other, expression impassive aside from just a flicker of mischief in oceanic hues. there’s a shrug, cool and nonchalant, followed by adam answering,  “ what do you think? ”  calculated questions and careless glances ; adam knows how to play the game, and it’s why he always WINS.  “ i enjoy your company, your highness ; i enjoy seeing you laugh when i make a joke, and i enjoy seeing that endearing blush that stretches across your cheeks when i say something that i probably shouldn’t have. does that sound like a duty to you, ben? ”  a smile arises to lips, though it does not quite meet his eyes.  “ i assure you, there is no conformity here— just genuine interest. ”                                       not entirely a lie, though. adam is genuinely interested in him— for now. but when he longer is, that is when ben shall be tossed aside like a forgotten toy. that is when adam shall move on to the next greatest thing, leaving the other prince CAST AWAY.
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evermxre-a · 3 years
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                            “ sometimes, i really wish that i could HATE you. ”
a LYRIC STARTER for @ofmywcrld​
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evermxre-a · 3 years
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@shardfated​ said :  ❛ i warn you. i’ll break your heart. ❜
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evie’s words are uttered softly, uttered as a gentle sort of warning for the prince not to get too close. they may be required to wed, required to merge their lands together in some sort of political alliance, but this is her way of saying that they aren’t required to be TOGETHER. adam respects that, honestly. perhaps putting up that barrier is smart ; it avoids drama further down the road, technically speaking.
“ will you now, your highness? ”   brow arches skywards, expression remaining impassive. he admires the fire that evie possesses ; perhaps if he has to marry, at least it’s a princess than can MATCH him.  “ tell me : exactly how would you break my heart when everyone knows that i don’t have one? ”
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evermxre-a · 3 years
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@norringtxn​ said : ❝ Why are you hiding them from me? ❞
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it’s not like james hasn’t seen them before— in the throes of passion, adam knows that he’s caught a glimpse, knows that his hand has brushed against them— but he doesn’t want him properly seeing them. doesn’t want him seeing the remnants of cruel blows, doesn’t want to see the pity that he knows will be on james’ face.
body tenses on the edge of the bed. he had hoped that the commodore wouldn’t catch on, wouldn’t think too closely about the way that he’d hastily reached for the dressing gown and draped it around him. he can’t avoid it now, not really, but he can try. he can try his damnedest to avoid the inevitable. 
“ i’m not hiding anything from you, james, ”  the prince replies. his voice is strained, as if it takes all he can manage to keep steady. nails dig into palms, leaving pale crescent marks in their wake ; a habit, a nervous tic.  the commodore shifts on the bed behind him, the mattress dipping slightly as james norrington moves closer. 
please don’t, adam wants to say. please don’t look, james, please don’t look. eyes are squeezed shut tightly as the dressing gown is carefully and expertly removed from his shoulders. each touch is gentle and cautious, as if he were a wounded animal ; that much adam can appreciate. still, despite the gentleness, it doesn’t stop him from shuddering as fingertips brush against the scarred skin ; it doesn’t stop his vision from blurring with tears, doesn’t stop him from wanting to HIDE. 
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evermxre-a · 3 years
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@moonwoken​ said :  ❛   i want you. and the thought of anyone else having you is like a knife twist in my dark soul.   ❜ (Also from Francis if you're interested, being dramatic with words like 'dark soul')
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the words that fall from francis’ lips have the prince’s chest TIGHTENING with a NEED that he has tried his damnedest to ignore. fate is a cruel mistress, toying with him— with THEM— in such a way. francis is so rarely corporeal, so rarely in this flesh and blood form that adam can TOUCH— and, god, how he wants to touch him. how he wants to feel the former prince ; how he wants to feel him, hands on his skin and in his hair. it’s like an ACHE that has settled over him, a cruel one that insists on sinking into every fibre of his being, but at least it distracts.                  “ is it? ”  he manages to ask, and his voice is ROUGH and GRAVELLY, a sign of just how much those POSSESSIVE words affect him. there is color on francis’ face, just as there is color on adam’s. how dare he be so HUMAN, yet so out of reach? it is a CRUEL TRICK. the prince steps forward, glancing over his shoulder only briefly to make sure that no one else is inside the library right now ; they would think he a madman, whispering things to someone that no one else but him can see. hand reaches for francis’ shirt, a silent prayer of relief being sent up when he can TOUCH him without his hand going straight through him ; he is corporeal for now, something that has adam thanking whatever gods are up there.                                        against the bookshelf does he push the former prince, hand still clutching that fabric. he will not let go until he has to ; he will hang onto this for as long as he can. at what point did everything that he wanted, everything that he HUNGERS for, turn into francis? he does not know, and he does not care. not right now. he does not have TIME to care. each moment must be cherished ; each moment must be used to its fullest.  “ tell me, your highness, ”  adam leans in and whispers into his ear,  “ how often do you wish it were you that i hold in my arms at these insufferable parties i have to attend? because, you see... ”  words trail off, lips moving to brush against francis’s skin : against the curve of his jawline, against his neck. please don’t fade away on him now.  “ ... i find myself wishing it were you almost every single time— rather silly ,is it not? i find myself wishing YOU were the young woman that i spend the night with, in more ways than one. i find myself CRAVING you. that poisoned knife is embedded within both of us, darling, and i have no bloody clue how to get it out. ”
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evermxre-a · 3 years
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@emcads​ said :  ❝ I’m pregnant…and it’s yours. ❞ ​
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whenever esmeralda makes her reappearance, adam knows what to expect. he expects something valuable to go MISSING in the palace ; he expects to find her in the corner at the next ball he hosts, just INVITING him to come touch her ; he expects to find her lounging about his chambers, acting as if she owns the place. what he does not expect though is lumiere coming to fetch him from the library, informing him that the PIRATE QUEEN is in the gardens ; that she has kindly asked if he could go get his highness for a moment. now, THAT is utterly unexpected.             all ideas of what this could be about are gone ; adam has no idea what is going on as he hastily heads in the direction of the gardens. is this just some game that esme is trying to play? to throw him off his guard? add a bit of spice to their already twisted dynamic? deep down though, there’s a nagging little voice that tells him that this is something DIFFERENT. something much DIFFERENT, more akin to the time he found her in his room, bleeding from an injury she had sustained ; something much more CONCERNING.                                    those suspicions are confirmed when he finds her sitting under the gazebo ; when he sits down, presses a kiss to the back of her hand, and asks what is wrong. the answer he receives— the confession that tumbles from esme’s lips— has the prince FREEZING ; her hand is dropped, blue eyes widening. she’s PREGNANT... god above... with HIS child. the irony of the prince of aveyon and the pirate queen’s improper dynamic producing a child isn’t lost upon him. not at all. if this were any other circumstance, he would have some quick and coy comeback, but not to this. not to this, not at all. no, it seems all adam is capable of is staring at her with wide eyes, complete and utter disbelief on handsome features.   “ WHAT? ”  the word comes out breathless. nails dig into his palm, an attempt to gain FOCUS, to reground himself. adam shakes his head, eventually adding,  “ are you SURE? ”  in other words, is she SURE that she is expecting? is she SURE that it’s HIS? please overlook him, esmerelda, he is a bit in shock at the moment.
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evermxre-a · 3 years
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@manenimittliv​  sent : 💬                                        - send 💬 for a random line of dialogue starter from this generator.  
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“ you must be mad, coming here like this. ”
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evermxre-a · 3 years
adam can’t help it, the way that blue eyes widen slightly. so, this is the girl that mama says is to be his new playmate? this princess from... what was it called? arendelle? head tilts, the prince looking up from where he is sat on the floor in one of the drawing rooms, his toy pirate ship in front of him and a book on the other side of him. he’d been busy attempting to recreate one of his favorite scenes, don’t mind him.                 “ bonjour, ”  the little prince says in way of greeting, though he never once gets up from his perch upon the rug.  “ are you... are you HER? ”  in other words, is she ELSA? is she the one that father says adam MUST get along with, no matter what? a soft frown, those icy blues flickering up and down the blonde girl standing before him, adam finally adding,  “ i like your dress. it’s pretty. ”
( @dalvve​​ )
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evermxre-a · 3 years
“Oh god not this fucking guy.”
it never ceases to amaze him when such profanity escapes odette’s mouth, a fact that is proven by the way that the prince practically chokes on his drink. he’s coughing and sputtering, attempting to regain his composure ; princesses aren’t meant to use such language, but when has odette ever been one for propriety?
once adam has sufficiently calmed down, the prince glances over at the person in question that had drew such a sentence from his wife’s lips. ah. it’s one of the insufferable dukes that seems to insist upon trying to discredit the young couple’s rule. now, he understands exactly what had gotten odette fired up.
“ bloody prick, ” he mutters, rolling his eyes and taking another sip of the champagne in his hand. “ i swear, he lives just to make us miserable, doesn’t he? ” a pause, followed by his highness turning his attention onto his bride and inquiring, “ what would you say if the two is us snuck out onto the dance floor before he could corner us, hmm? ”
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evermxre-a · 3 years
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@coyotesteeth​ said :  “It’s very official. Came in an envelope.”
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the prince snorts with laughter at the blunt words. hand extends to take said envelope, shaking his head lightly.  “ are you just used to having your letters already opened and hand-delivered? spoiled brat. ”  adam is merely TEASING ; he’s more spoiled than johann and they both know it. still chuckling to himself at the other prince’s intial words, he goes about opening the letter, tossing the fancy envelope down onto the desk afterwards.              blue eyes scan it, lips twitching upwards into a smile before he says,  “ it seems we’ve been invited to a ball. a very formal one, as a matter of fact. what do you say? think we should go? ”   adam will go either way, but he wants to make sure johann shall be accompanying him.
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evermxre-a · 3 years
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@emcads​ sent :  “Be on your best behavior and I’ll let you pick what you get tonight.”
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be on your best behavior, esme says. amusing words that have adam snorting into his wine glass. since when has he ever obeyed a command like that? he’s prince adam florian, for crying out loud ; he doesn’t take orders from other people. but, esmerelda isn’t other people ; she’s the woman who breaks into his castle for no reason than that she just finds it FUN ; she’s the woman who climbs into his bed and gives him a proper DUEL ; she’s the PIRATE QUEEN, and a queen DOES outrank a prince, does she not?                    “ by best behavior, ”  he begins, an expression of feigned innocence adorning a handsome countenance,  “ do you mean i’m not allowed to drag you off to the corner, climb underneath your skirts, and devour you? or were you thinking more innocently, with me not being allowed to go around and flirt with the other lovely men and women here tonight. ”   hand extends, soft fingertips lightly tracing esme’s cheek. what a dangerous game he’s playing here. after all, if adam DOES do what she wishes, she will make tonight pure heaven— but if he DISOBEYS, he knows she’ll drag it out, bringing him to the edge, only to yank him back before he can properly fall off. “ tell me, darling ; i can’t obey if you don’t tell me exactly what i’m forbidden to do, now can i, milady? ”
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evermxre-a · 3 years
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@darthwclker​ said :  " oh, i'm definitely gonna make you beg for it... " // from knight Anakin ?? 😌😌 ​
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perhaps it’s wrong to have his knight in his bedchambers. perhaps it’s scandalous, the way that his highness gets on his KNEES for him. quite frankly, adam couldn’t care less. especially not when anakin is looking at him like THAT, with that predatory intent in those eyes of his. that right there is enough to make the prince WEAK.           from where adam sits on the bed, leaning against the array of pillows behind him and wearing nothing but a dark blue silken robe, he finds himself smirking. oh, he knows that anakin is right : he’ll be writhing and begging him before the night is out, but right now, adam wants to TEASE. he wants to play, wants to act like he has a semblance of the upper hand for just a little while. it’s so much more FUN that way—!                             “ empty promises, anakin, ”  the prince says with a dramatic sigh, legs parting ever-so-slightly as INCENTIVE for the knight to TAKE what is his.  “ you’re just STANDING there. it’s dreadfully boring, darling. perhaps i shall have to find someone else to make me SCREAM. ”
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evermxre-a · 3 years
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@coyotesteeth​ said :  ​❝ have we seen one another before? ❞
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 the words are cautious, seeming as if they had been carefully chosen. it brings a smile to the prince’s lips, bright blues twinkling with amusement as he reaches for the other’s hand, lightly shaking his head. they have never met before, that adam is well-aware of, but he’s certainly glad to finally be meeting the one he’s now BETROTHED to. he’s heard much about him, and it’s nice to finally see him in PERSON.            “ no, ”  he a​nswers, bringing the extremity up to his lips and pressing a soft kiss to it.  “ it’s a shame, really, that we hadn’t until now— i would have been courting you properly, instead of us just having to... rush into an engagement like this. as least your parents threw a lovely ball to mark the occasion. ”  he can sense it, the trepidation that the other prince is exhibiting ; quite frankly, adam can’t blame him. he feels it too, yes, but he has just gotten much better at hiding it over the years. the act is a NECESSITY. 
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