#ᯐ 🌮 dinner!
foreveralbon · 1 month
thank you so much for 500 followers!! every single one of you are so cool and so sweet for taking the time to read my little fantasies/thoughts-turned-stories and liking them. it will never not be crazy to me that people enjoy what i put out.
to @disneyprincemuke, @angsthology and @localwhoore, thank you for being my first friends here, @amaranthineghost and the logan sargeant defenders, my number one people, don’t know what i’d do without you all <3
i’m still the most swamped i’ve ever been but i’ll try my best to write anything and everything that get requested!
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feel free to order something for…
ᯐ 🥞 BREAKFAST! start your morning with a vision for the rest of your day and send me a driver + any scenario of your choosing and i’ll make you a mood board!
ᯐ 🥪 LUNCH! let’s play a game while you have the midday munchies, like fuck, marry, kill; top 5...; would you rather; cast your moots, etc!
ᯐ 🫖 TEA TIME! take a little break from the business of your day and just have a chat with me about absolutely anything!
ᯐ 🌮 DINNER! if you’re eating alone tonight, have no fear! tell me a little bit about yourself and i’ll tell you which driver will keep you company + a small blurb to go with it
ᯐ 🍡 DESSERT! end your day with something a little self-indulgent, like a short fic (~1k) inspired by any of these [ one two three four five ] prompts!
ᯐ 🍦 MIDNIGHT SNACK! can’t sleep? that’s alright, just ask for any kind of movie, book or fic rec and i'll give you something i think you’d like!
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foreveralbon · 10 days
(if you’re still taking celebration requests😊) dinner sounds lovely!!🌮 if not, totally ok!!
i always share too much or too little about myself lol i’m incredibly talkative and have never met a stranger. i love animals, the ocean, flowers, reading, music, and traveling. i love to learn and would go to school forever if i could, there are so many subjects i’d love to study formally. the most important thing to me is leaving the world better than i found it - whether that’s through kindness, acts of service, caring for the environment, whatever makes sense in the moment. i’m not sure if you’re an astrology person but i’m a water sun and rising with a fire moon - lots of emotions stored here hahaha i hope that was sufficient
huge congratulations again, what a fun celebration💛
hi marissa <3
i think i’m gonna go with oscar!
you’re the perfect balance to his reserved nature, and you carry enough enthusiasm to last the both of you through all the social events that oscar definitely does not want to be at.
oscar has an obvious love for the ocean as well (son of poseidon, i’m telling u) so his perfect idea of a day out with you would be going to the beach or scuba diving. he’d also take you around australia to go swimming at the different reefs and beaches because we have some of theeeee prettiest waters around
he’d be the most supportive ever when it comes to your education and studying. if you’re just spending the day at home revising, he’d just sit on your bed while you pour over your books and notes and be in absolute awe of how much you know. i think he’d also love quizzing you on random things (even if he doesn’t expect you to know it)
expect fresh flowers from him everytime he comes home!! he’d have a new different bouquet just for you, each one bigger, brighter and sweeter than the last.
also, your kindness is probably the main thing that draws him to you—i think that he cares a lot more about things than he lets on, so your acts of kindness and love reciprocates onto him and teaches him to be more embracing and openly empathetic. he loves how much you love.
together, you’d be the most sweetest couple in the paddock and an overall joy to be around!
and a short blurb for you <3
“oscar, look!”
you tug on the sleeve of his shirt to grab his attention, previously focused on the broad horizon in front of you. the summer breeze flutters around you, sending a brief chill down your spine. you can smell the briny ocean salt from where you sit, metres above the sea line.
it’s custom for you and oscar to go on hikes together when you find the time, no matter where you are—monaco’s familiar hillside trek is no exception to this rule. the path is one you’ve taken time and time again, and you’ve become so intimately aware of it that you’re sure you could walk it through it blindfoldedly.
but this time, you just so happened to veer off track, finding yourselves in an unfamiliar place, tucked away behind a curtain of wriggly vines and dangly tree branches. you’ve passed it almost every time you’ve gone on this walk, yet never thought to look beyond it, but god you really should’ve.
a rocky cliffside enclosure stretches out in front of you, big enough to fit a few people with a ledge to sit along, overlooking the crystal blue monegasque waters that lie just below it. bundles of grass and flowers brighten the patches of soil in the crevices of rock. it gives the perfect view of all the colourful homes and massive yachts docked at the harbour.
oscar was the first to sit at the edge, pulling you down alongside. when you protested its safety, he’d simply replied, “i’ve got you,” with a promising glint in his eyes.
now, calm waves crash against the very rocks you sit above. your boyfriend looks to where you’re pointing, a few speckles of dark blue in the sparkling ocean. a pod of dolphins splash through the water, white foam forming in their wake.
“dolphins!” he remarks cheerfully, then as if the dolphin’s playful behaviour in the water strikes an idea in his mind, muses, “we should go swimming later.”
“we can go straight after this,” you agree. as oscar shuffles forward, gripping your arm so that he can try and get a closer look, you begin to talk mindlessly, prattling off facts you’d read in passing. “dolphins can be found in monaco year-round and whales typically migrate in the summer, but it’s not impossible to spot them around otherwise. also, did you know that dolphins release bubbles as a way to lure their prey to the surface?”
oscar listens to you intently, commenting with small and awed really’s and i didn’t know that’s as he encourages you to keep talking. you can’t see it but you can feel his gaze focused on you, never looking away despite the beautiful view in front of you.
when your voice falters off slowly as you run out of things to say, oscar tucks his legs back onto the ledge to push himself up. he drags you up with him, strong hand encasing yours. you keep your eyes on the view the whole time, even as he tries to lead you out the enclosure back onto the main path. “c’mon, sweetheart, we should go before we can come back.”
“but it’s so pretty,” you gush breathlessly, and a small part of you wilts at the idea of leaving so soon. oscar’s arm hangs loose around your waist as he comes up behind you, resting his head against your shoulder as he takes in the horizon with you one last time.
“yeah, it is,” he responds a minute after, a fond smile crinkling the corners of his eyes.
but he’s only ever looking at you.
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foreveralbon · 19 days
And I feel like I don't need to tell you more abt me, the only thing you don't know is my tax ID at this point
my initial thought was max, because it just seems so fitting. but then i gave it a little more thought and realised that charles makes a lot more sense.
i know that you love the beach, so living in monaco with him - or even just visiting him when you have a break from school - means that you’d spend a lot of time at the beach and on his yacht. he’d also show you his favourite hidden places around monaco, and would take you around with him practically anywhere just so that you two can explore new places.
he’d also be so understanding and supportive when it comes to your studies. anything you want, need or even mention in passing, he’s doing it and getting it for you if it eases even just a little bit of the stress you have from uni or work. he’ll help you study, make sure you eat properly and that you have snacks by your side at allllll times.
i feel like he’s also the kind of person to just binge watch shows, whether it be to actually entertain himself or just as background noise. so he’d definitely watch stars wars, criminal minds or just any kind of franchise/series really, if it means sharing quality time with you or to just make time go a bit faster when he’s bored.
and a small blurb as promised <33
“mon amour?”
charles’ soft voice pulls you slowly out of your peaceful slumber. the tv hums deftly in the background, a sound close to the revving of cars playing from the speaker. the smell of takeout starts to drift in from the kitchen, and you can make out the distinct aroma of italian food.
with dreary eyes, you blink back sleep to see your boyfriend crouching in front of where you lie on the couch, an affectionate smile marking his face. his hoodie is drawn over his head, his hair peeking out sneakily from beneath it and for a moment, you bask in the warmth of it all.
“charlie, you’re home,” you whisper. it’s been a long time since he’s been able to come home to you straight after a tiring day on the track—it’s why you love monaco so much.
he draws your hand to his lips, pressing a kiss to your palm in greeting.
“good evening, sleeping beauty.”
you jolt up at the mention of the time. “gosh, it’s evening already?”
sure enough, when you glance at the clock, it reads 6:16pm. you could’ve sworn that you’d closed your eyes for only a few minutes just after midday, a quick nap to get you through the rest of the afternoon. groaning slightly, you swing your legs off the side. “i have so much to do, i slept all day.”
“uh uh,” charles tsks. he gently pushes you back until you’re slumping against the couch pillows. “clearly you’re tired and now that i’m home, all i want to do is spend some time with my girl. so what we’re gonna do instead is sit here, eat some dinner, and—” he glances quickly at the tv to see what’s been playing— “rewatch all the cars movies until we fall asleep. how’s that sound?”
“amazing,” you reply, grateful that you have such a caring boyfriend. he stands up, kissing your forehead as he rounds the couch to the kitchen. you busy yourself with finding the remote to restart the movie as charles empties the takeaway into bowls.
he comes back just as the opening credits start playing, handing you a bowl of your favourite pasta. charles sits beside you, nudging close enough to your body that you can rest your head on his shoulder and feel his warmth radiating through his hoodie.
and when lightning mcqueen flashes up on the screen, you can’t help but giggle to charles. “look! it’s you!”
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